/* lumps story history all into one big string for the playerDied() function's regex to search. */ function concatenateHistoryText(history) { let histText = ""; for (l of history) { if (l.type == "story" || l.type == "continue") { histText += " " + l.text } } console.log("History: " + histText); return histText; } /* the regex was copied from the OG ai dungeon colab repo and touched up to work in JS. not as effective as a classifier, but it should still work fine! */ function playerDied(hist) { const dead_regex = new RegExp(/you('re| are) (dead|killed|slain|no more|nonexistent)|you (die|pass away|perish|suffocate|drown|bleed out)|you('ve| have) (died|perished|suffocated|drowned|been (killed|slain))|you (\w* )?(yourself )?to death|you (\w* )*(collapse|bleed out|chok(e|ed|ing)|drown|dissolve) (\w* )*and (die(|d)|pass away|cease to exist|(\w* )+killed)/g, "i"); let isDead = false; //check history for "you died" regex phrases. let loweredHist = hist.toLowerCase(); isDead = dead_regex.test(hist); return isDead; }