# Evaluation Bots Bots and their usage # Input - `DCStatDifficultyBot` - Evaluates the stat required and difficulty of an action (returns hard/medium/easy difficulty) - `InputDCattributeBot` - Evaluate the attribute and difficulty of an action (returns numeric difficulty) # Input Special Usage - `SimplePossibilityBot` - Evalutes two possible actions, PossibleAction1 and PossibleAction2. - Special Usage: When `state.inputBot='SimplePossibilityBot'` you need to provide a character description in `state.contextualString`. This can be up to 75 characters (additional length will be truncated). `SimplePossiblityBot` will use the character description with the actions to provide information on what the character can do in the situation. Useful for enforcing limitations such as missing limbs or weapons. # Output The following bots are best used on output. ## Multipurpose Evaluation Bots - `GoblinBot` - Evaluates whether it detected any Goblins killed, health was lost, and loot gained - `KittenBot` - Evaluates whether rapport was gained or a kitten got hungrier - `SpaceLootBot` - Evaluates whether loot would be found (on a spaceship) - `HungerBot` - Evaluates whether the player would get hungrier or not - `RestDetectBot` - Evaluates whether or not the user got rest ## Simple Evaluation Bots There are several evaluation score bots. These bots can be used on either input or output to score different text. They all return a `reason` and a `score` which is roughly along the below descriptions. - `KillBot` - Evaluates whether the player is killing things - `JudgeBot` - Evaluates whether an action was just - `EmpathyBot` - Evaluates whether an action showed empathy - `SuccessBot` - Evaluates whether an action succeeded - `SantaBot` - Evaluates whether an action showed christmas spirit (An overly judgemental SantaBot also exists but is not currently available)