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"rare_sense" : ["taste", "smell", "watch", "observe", "monitor", "look"],
"sense" : ["see", "hear", "sense", "feel", "notice", "#rare_sense#"],
"remember" : ["remember", "recall", "recollect"],
"think" : ["wonder", "#decide#", "#remember#", "realize", "imagine"],
"decide" : ["decide", "choose"],
"action" : ["#sense#", "#think#"],
"apocalypse_reason" : ["#mystic_reason#", "#real_reason#"],
"mystic_reason" : ["the gods punished the humanity for its sins", "the Hell came to the Earth", "the Prophecy of the Apocalypse turned out to be true"],
"real_reason" : ["the #bombader# bombed your country to the ground", "the environmental catastrophe of the #catastrophe_adj# #environmental_catastrophe#", "the #catastrophe_adj# #plague#"],
"bombader" : ["its own government", "American", "Chinese", "Russian", "French", "British", "Indian", "North-Korean", "#evil_adj# scientist", "#evil_adj# businessman"],
"evil_adj" : ["evil", "ruthless", "mad", "lunatic", "reckless", "cruel"],
"environmental_catastrophe" : ["floods", "hurricans", "earthquakes"],
"catastrophe_adj" : ["deadly", "unstopable", "great"],
"plague" : ["plague", "sickness", "epidemic", "pandemic"],
"old_metal_adj" : ["old", "rusty", "broken", "crappy"],
"old_metal_adj_opt" : ["#old_metal_adj# ", ""],
"old_cloth_adj" : ["old", "torn", "crappy", "dirty"],
"old_cloth_adj_opt" : ["#old_cloth_adj# ", ""],
"character_name" : ["Aarav", "Abra", "Adaiah", "Addison", "Adrian", "Adriel", "Aharon", "Aitan", "Akiva", "Alder", "Aleks", "Aleksa", "Aleksia", "Alijah", "Altair", "Alvaro", "Amity", "Amzi", "Andromeda", "Apollo", "Aram", "Arava", "Arbor", "Arcadia", "Archer", "Arden", "Argider", "Ariadne", "Arkadi", "Arkady", "Arke", "Arlo", "Armani", "Arza", "Ashe", "Asher", "Ashlen", "Ashtyn", "Ashyra", "Aster", "Avalon", "Avi", "Aviva", "Azariah", "Azra", "Bandit", "Beck", "Beckett", "Beckham", "Berke", "Beverly", "Blanche", "Blythe", "Boheme", "Brandt", "Bravo", "Briar", "Bridger", "Briggs", "Brinley", "Britt", "Bronwen", "Bryn", "Caden", "Cael", "Cairo", "Calder", "Callum", "Caradoc", "Carlye", "Caro", "Carter", "Carter", "Carver", "Cassidy", "Cathal", "Cathan", "Cato", "Cedar", "Ceil", "Chava", "Chosen", "Ciar", "Ciji", "Cillian", "Circe", "Cleo", "Cleve", "Clio", "Clovis", "Codi", "Colter", "Colton", "Cora", "Creed", "Crew", "Crow", "Cruz", "Cy", "Cyran", "Dahlia", "Dakota", "December", "Declan", "Delaney", "Delta", "Denver", "Destry", "Deva", "Deveraux", "Devrim", "Devyn", "Dhani", "Djuna", "Dmitri", "Dov", "Dune", "Easton", "Echo", "Eli", "Elizaveta", "Else", "Ember", "Ember", "Emre", "Emry", "Enoch", "Ensley", "Erskine", "Eryn", "Eshe", "Eszti", "Evadne", "Everett", "Everly", "Evron", "Evrose", "Explorer", "Ezri", "Falconer", "Fallon", "Faust", "Fawke", "Felix", "Fielder", "Finch", "Fischer", "Foster", "Fox", "Ginger", "Gunner", "Hadleigh", "Hadley", "Halcyon", "Haleigh", "Halloran", "Harlem", "Harlow", "Harte", "Henri", "Hero", "Holden", "Holland", "Horus", "Hunter", "Icarus", "Indie", "Irving", "Ivalo", "Ive", "Ivo", "Izaiah", "Jasper", "Jericho", "Jezebel", "Jinx", "Joji", "Jovan", "Jovie", "Jupiter", "Kaatje", "Kacey", "Kafka", "Kahlo", "Kai", "Kasper", "Katja", "Kavan", "Keaton", "Keenan", "Keeva", "Kenji", "Kensington", "Kenza", "Kerrigan", "Kessie", "Keverne", "Keyne", "Kezia", "Keziah", "Kieran", "Kingsley", "Kingston", "Kinsey", "Kipp", "Kitto", "Kiva", "Kjell", "Knox", "Kwame", "Kyah", "Kyler", "Kyra", "Laiken", "Laine", "Lake", "Lancaster", "Lander", "Landon", "Lash", "Lazarus", "Legend", "Lennox", "Lev", "Levi", "Leviathan", "Liam", "Locke", "Lourdes", "Lujza", "Lykke", "Lynx", "Maddox", "Maire", "Majken", "Malachi", "Mallory", "Malo", "March", "Marina", "Marine", "Marjo", "Marjorie", "Marley", "Marley", "Marlo", "Marlo", "Mateo", "Mathilde", "Maverick", "Mavon", "Mavra", "Maxfield", "Mazarine", "Meike", "Mekhi", "Merc", "Merce", "Mercedes", "Mercer", "Mercy", "Mesa", "Messiah", "Micah", "Milo", "Mitya", "Monroe", "Morrigan", "Moshe", "Nakotah", "Navy", "Nazareth", "Nevaeh", "Nevara", "Neve", "Neviah", "Niamh", "Nicola", "Nixi", "Nixie", "Oakes", "Okello", "Orion", "Ozias", "Pagan", "Pascale", "Pastor", "Paxton", "Penn", "Peyton", "Piper", "Porter", "Presley", "Proctor", "Quince", "Quinn", "Raiden", "Rainer", "Raiza", "Raleigh", "Ransom", "Raphael", "Raven", "Ravi", "Reagan", "Reeve", "Regan", "Reign", "Reign", "Reinhardt", "Ren", "Reno", "Revel", "Reverie", "Rhett", "Rhyatt", "Rhys", "Riet", "Ripley", "Rivage", "River", "Rivka", "Rivo", "Roan", "Rocco", "Roe", "Rogue", "Rory", "Roscoe", "Rowan", "Rue", "Rune", "Ryder", "Ryleigh", "Sade", "Saga", "Saint", "Sakae", "Saoirse", "Savita", "Sawyer", "Sayer", "Seiji", "Shaviv", "Shirley", "Shivani", "Sian", "Silas", "Silje", "Simone", "Sinclair", "Sinjon", "Svea", "Sy'Rai", "Sylvester", "Szymon", "Tai", "Taj", "Takeo", "Tarak", "Taye", "Teal", "Teasagh", "Thea", "Theodrekr", "Thorne", "Tiaamii", "Tierney", "Tikvah", "Tove", "True", "Tucker", "Tycho", "Vale", "Valen", "Valkyrie", "Vashti", "Veer", "Vihaan", "Viktorie", "Violante", "Vito", "Viva", "Viveka", "Volker", "Voltaire", "Vrai", "Walker", "Warner", "Warren", "Waverly", "Waylon", "West", "Westley", "Weston", "Wilder", "Xanthe", "Xaviera", "Xzavier", "Zachariah", "Zahava", "Zahavi", "Zahraa", "Zaki", "Zander", "Zariah", "Zen", "Zhivago", "Zimran", "Zinedine", "Zipporah", "Zocha", "Zofka", "Zvi", "Zyla"],
"adverb" : ["finally", "suddenly", "surprisingly", "a day later"],
"end_sentence" : ["You #action#", "#adverb.capitalize#, you #action#"],
"apocalypse_context" : "You are <NAME>, #character_type.a# trying to survive after #apocalypse_reason#. You have #item1# and #item2#.",
"day" : ["long day", "long #time#", "few hours", "routine #time#"],
"stay_time" : ["the evening", "#few# of hourse", "#few# days"],
"time" : ["morning", "afternoon", "evening"],
"abandoned_adj" : ["abandoned", "old", "forsaken", "ravaged"],
"few" : ["a couple of", "some", "a few"],
"colony" : ["colony", "city", "village", "town", "metropolis"],
"scaveged_item" : ["car", "truck", "cottage", "house", "bunker", "camper"],
"food_type" : ["meat", "bean", "corn"],
"worthy_metal" : ["gold", "silver", "platinum", "silicium"],
"found_item" : ["nothing", "#few# cans of #food_type#", "#few# pieces of #worthy_metal#", "#scavenger_item.a#"],
"scavenger_action" : ["You decide to stay there for #stay_time#." , "You head toward the nearby #colony#."],
"scavenger_item" : ["#old_metal_adj_opt#crowbar", "#old_metal_adj_opt#handspike", "#old_metal_adj_opt#knife", "#old_metal_adj_opt#rifle", "#old_metal_adj_opt#gun", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#backpack", "#old_metal_adj_opt#canteen", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#gas mask", "#old_metal_adj_opt#lockpick", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#cloak", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#hat"],
"scavenger_context" : "#[character_type:lonely scavenger][item1:#scavenger_item.a#][item2:#scavenger_item.a#]apocalypse_context#",
"scavenger_prompt" : "You spend a #day# trying to get out as much as you can from a #abandoned_adj# #scaveged_item#. At the end you find #found_item#. #scavenger_action# #end_sentence#",
"body_side" : ["left", "right"],
"finger_number" : ["two", "three", "four", "six", "seven", "eight"],
"young_age" : ["eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen"],
"since_young_age" : "since you were #young_age#",
"body_side_or_double" : ["#body_side# #part#", "#part.s#"],
"body_part" : ["#[part:hand]body_side_or_double#", "#[part:#arm_or_leg#]body_side_or_double#", "face", "back", "whole body", "chest"],
"fingers_or_toes" : ["#finger_number# fingers on your #[part:hand]body_side_or_double#", "#finger_number# toes on your #[part:leg]body_side_or_double#"],
"arm_or_leg" : ["arm", "leg"],
"mistakes" : ["misbehaving", "mistakes", "faults"],
"master" : ["guard", "master", "supervisor"],
"subject" : ["science", "history", "literature", "maths"],
"god" : ["god", "deity", "divine being"],
"bad_treatment" : ["But you manage to escape today from your #master#.", "You get flagged today for your #mistakes# by your #master#.", "You don't get any food for your #mistakes# today from your #master#."],
"mutant_condition" : ["#fingers_or_toes#", "fur on your #body_part#", "feather on your #body_part#", "scales on your #body_part#", "glandular skin on your #body_part#", "a third #arm_or_leg#", "different colored eyes", "snake like tongue", "spikes on your #body_part#"],
"mutant_bad_prompt_reason" : ["a sin", "a curse", "a punishment", "a crime", "an atrocity", "a scandal", "a sign of inferiority"],
"mutant_bad_prompt_effect" : ["enslaved #since_young_age#. #bad_treatment#", "in prison #since_young_age#. #bad_treatment#", "banished #since_young_age#. After a long journey, you find a #abandoned_adj# #scaveged_item#."],
"mutant_bad_prompt" : "#mutant_bad_prompt_reason#, and you have been #mutant_bad_prompt_effect#",
"mutant_good_prompt_reason" : ["a virtue", "a blessing", "a sign of supremacy", "a praise"],
"mutant_good_prompt_effect" : ["get the best education possible. You go to #subject# class today.", "are treated as a #god#. You prepare for a holy ceremony."],
"mutant_good_prompt" : "#mutant_good_prompt_reason#, and you #mutant_good_prompt_effect#",
"mutant_bad_or_good_prompt" : ["#mutant_bad_prompt#", "#mutant_good_prompt#"],
"mutant_prompt" : "In the #colony# you were born in, your strange condition was considered #mutant_bad_or_good_prompt# #end_sentence#",
"mutant_context" : "#[character_type:mutant][item1:#mutant_condition#][item2:#mutant_condition#]apocalypse_context#",
"pub" : ["pub", "bar", "louge", "saloon"],
"pub_with_adj" : "#old_building_adj_opt##pub#",
"leave" : ["walk out of", "leave", "go out of", "rush out of"],
"mission" : ["mission", "quest", "assignment", "operation"],
"device" : ["car", "truck", "motorbike", "motorcycle", "camper"],
"target_location" : ["somewhere here", "in a far away #colony#", "in a nearby #colony#", "in a currently unknown location"],
"elite_proffesion" : ["scientist", "captain", "mayor", "officer", "conspirator", "gang leader", "doctor", "journalist"],
"somebody" : ["merchant", "stranger", "girl", "mercenary", "scavenger", "technician", "old friend"],
"somebody_opt" : ["#somebody.a#", "#somebody.s#"],
"with_somebody" : "with #somebody_opt#",
"with_somebody_opt" : [" #with_somebody#", ""],
"pub_action" : ["are sitting#with_somebody_opt#", "are drinking#with_somebody_opt#", "are watching some dancers#with_somebody_opt#", "are gambling#with_somebody_opt#", "are trying to make a deal #with_somebody#"],
"old_building_adj" : ["old", "cheap", "infamous", "ravaged", "dirty"],
"old_building_adj_opt" : ["#old_building_adj# ", ""],
"leaving_reason" : ["feel bored", "realize that you have no money left", "need to get going", "get insulted by #somebody_opt#"],
"headhunter_item" : ["#old_metal_adj_opt#knife", "#old_metal_adj_opt#machete", "#old_metal_adj_opt#rifle", "#old_metal_adj_opt#gun", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#gas mask", "#old_cloth_adj_opt#cloak", "#old_metal_adj_opt#handgun", "#old_metal_adj_opt#shotgun", "#old_metal_adj_opt#grenade", "#old_metal_adj_opt#binoculars", "#old_metal_adj_opt#scope"],
"headhunter_action" : ["capture", "find", "kill", "round up", "murder", "assasinate"],
"headhunter_status" : ["You #pub_action# in #pub_with_adj.a#, but you #leaving_reason#. You #decide# to #leave# the building.", "You are driving your #old_metal_adj_opt##device#. You go past many #abandoned_adj# #scaveged_item.s#. You arrive at #colony.a# and stop the engine."],
"headhunter_mission" : "You are on #mission.a# to #headhunter_action# #elite_proffesion.a# named #character_name#. Your target lives #target_location#.",
"headhunter_prompt" : "#headhunter_status# #headhunter_mission#\n\n#end_sentence#",
"headhunter_context" : "#[character_type:headhunter][item1:#headhunter_item.a#][item2:#headhunter_item.a#]apocalypse_context#"