From d17084261dd03c1420afb8c74c97afc54afe45e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 22:02:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] simspeed: rescale; each step is now 5x the previous

The scaling used to be 10x each step,
now it is 5x, with the "normal" speed being unchanged.

git-svn-id: d9718cc8-9f43-0410-858b-315f434eb58c
 src/micropolisj/engine/ | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/micropolisj/engine/ b/src/micropolisj/engine/
index e33760e..935e038 100644
--- a/src/micropolisj/engine/
+++ b/src/micropolisj/engine/
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ package micropolisj.engine;
 public enum Speed
 	PAUSED    ( 999,999,  0),
-	SLOW      ( 500,  5,  1),   //one step every 2500 ms
+	SLOW      ( 250,  5,  1),   //one step every 1250 ms
 	NORMAL    ( 125,  2,  1),   //one step every 250 ms
-	FAST      (  50,  1,  2),   //one step every 25 ms
-	SUPER_FAST(  25,  1, 10);   //one step every 2.5 ms
+	FAST      (  50,  1,  1),   //one step every 50 ms
+	SUPER_FAST(  50,  1,  5);   //one step every 10 ms
 	/** The animation speed, expressed as an interval in milliseconds. */
 	public final int animationDelay;