
Unless you are a native English speaker, you may like to run Micropolis
in your own language. Micropolis is designed to be run in any language,
but we need translators to provide the translated text to display.

 1. Open a command prompt window and `cd' to the directory containing
    the micropolisj.jar file.

 2. Run the following command to launch the translation tool:

    java -cp micropolisj.jar micropolisj.util.TranslationTool

 3. Click Add Locale and enter the appropriate 2-character language
    code, and (optionally) a 2-character country code.

 4. Next to each string, double-click the blank field and type in
    a translation.

 5. Click Save. (This will cause the translated strings to be written
    in the proper format into a subdirectory named micropolisj.)

 6. Close the translation tool. Send the generated files (from the
    micropolisj subdirectory) to jason@long.name for inclusion in the
    next release of Micropolis.