The Recipe File

The `tiles.dat' file is the recipe file for generating the tiles.
It is a plain-text file, where each line begins with a tile id,
followed by an image specification.

The image specification consists of one or more image layers separated
by the pipe character (|). The layers are drawn in the order specified.

A layer is a file name (excluding the .png extension), optionally followed
by @X,Y,W,H, where X,Y specify the upper-left corner of the rectangle to
draw, and W,H specify the width and height of the rectangle to draw.

Generating the composite image

To build a new tiles.png file, do the following:

1. Open a command-prompt, and cd to the graphics subdirectory.

2. Compile the helper program by typing the following command:

    javac MakeTiles.java

3. Build the new tiles.png file by typing this command:

    java MakeTiles tiles.dat tiles.png

   (This will create tiles.png in the current directory.
    Copying it into the ../resources/ directory and rebuilding
    Micropolis using Ant is left as an exercise for the reader.)