 *Do not autodoze for roads,rails, or wire if not enough money to actually
  build it

Micropolis::map[] array-
 *Consider changing type from 'char' to 'short'

Simulator speeds-
 *Do not change behavior of sim based on speed, i.e. crime scans
  should be done every cycle, even at the high speeds.
 *Do not have sprite's movement speed be dependent on speed.

 *Fix bug where it is possible to get negative money :(...
   It happens when expenses exceed income and there is no funds.

Budget dialog-
 *Press escape to close

On Game Load-
 *All zones are unpowered for the first several ticks. I'd imagine there
  are similar problems with the landValueMap, pollutionMap, tfDensity,
  policeCoverage etc. I think what should happen is that the various methods
  that update these maps should be called at load time.
 *Evaluation data is not available.
 *cityTime may not match history.cityTime

Mouse pointer-
 *Would be nice if tool dragging would help keep lines straight

 *When running FAST or SUPER_FAST, automatically pause or slow down the
  simulation when a disaster occurs.

City size notifications-
 *Pause and pop up a message the first time the city reaches 2000, 10000,
  50000, etc. people.