Micropolis::map[] array- *Consider changing type from 'char' to 'short' Simulator speeds- *Do not change behavior of sim based on speed, i.e. crime scans should be done every cycle, even at the high speeds. *Do not have sprite's movement speed be dependent on speed. Finances- *Pay operating costs either every week or at the beginning of the year, instead of at the end of the year. This will fix an issue where it is possible to get negative money... just make your expenses exceed your income and run completely out of money. On Game Load- *All zones are unpowered for the first several ticks. I'd imagine there are similar problems with the landValueMap, pollutionMap, tfDensity, policeCoverage etc. I think what should happen is that the various methods that update these maps should be called at load time. *Evaluation data is not available. *cityTime may not match history.cityTime Mouse pointer- *Would be nice if tool dragging would help keep lines straight Disasters- *When running FAST or SUPER_FAST, automatically pause or slow down the simulation when a disaster occurs. City size notifications- *Pause and pop up a message the first time the city reaches 2000, 10000, 50000, etc. people. Graphics- *Let graphics be pluggable; use a mechanism similar to how the UI strings are pluggable according to locale.