package micropolisj; import*; import*; public class XML_Helper { private XML_Helper() {} public static void skipToEndElement(XMLStreamReader in) throws XMLStreamException { if (!in.isStartElement()) { return; } int tagDepth = 1; while (tagDepth > 0 && in.hasNext()) {; if (in.isStartElement()) { tagDepth++; } else if (in.isEndElement()) { tagDepth--; } } } public static Reader readElementText(XMLStreamReader in) { return new ElementTextReader(in); } static class ElementTextReader extends Reader { XMLStreamReader xsr; int tagDepth; char [] buf; int buf_start; int buf_end; ElementTextReader(XMLStreamReader xsr) { this.xsr = xsr; this.tagDepth = 1; } private void readMore() throws XMLStreamException { while (tagDepth > 0 && buf_start == buf_end) { int nodeType =; if (nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { tagDepth++; } else if (nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { tagDepth--; } else if (nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.CDATA || nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS || nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.ENTITY_REFERENCE || nodeType == XMLStreamConstants.SPACE) { buf = xsr.getTextCharacters(); buf_start = xsr.getTextStart(); buf_end = buf_start + xsr.getTextLength(); } } } @Override public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (buf_start == buf_end) { try { readMore(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException("XML stream error: "+ e, e); } if (tagDepth == 0) { // reached closing tag return -1; } } if (buf_start + len <= buf_end) { // already have the text loaded System.arraycopy(buf, buf_start, cbuf, off, len); buf_start += len; return len; } else { // not enough text available for entire request, // so just return what we have until the next // request len = buf_end - buf_start; assert len > 0; System.arraycopy(buf, buf_start, cbuf, off, len); buf_start += len; assert buf_start == buf_end; return len; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { buf_start = 0; buf_end = 0; try { while (tagDepth > 0 && xsr.hasNext()) {; if (xsr.isStartElement()) { tagDepth++; } else if (xsr.isEndElement()) { tagDepth--; } } } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException("XML stream error: "+e, e); } } } }