git-svn-id: d9718cc8-9f43-0410-858b-315f434eb58c
244 lines
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244 lines
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// This file is part of MicropolisJ.
// Copyright (C) 2013 Jason Long
// Portions Copyright (C) 1989-2007 Electronic Arts Inc.
// MicropolisJ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU GPLv3, with additional terms.
// See the README file, included in this distribution, for details.
package micropolisj.engine;
import java.util.*;
import static micropolisj.engine.TileConstants.*;
* Contains the code for generating city traffic.
class TrafficGen
final Micropolis city;
int mapX;
int mapY;
Micropolis.ZoneType sourceZone;
int lastdir;
Stack<CityLocation> positions = new Stack<CityLocation>();
static final int MAX_TRAFFIC_DISTANCE = 30;
public TrafficGen(Micropolis city)
| = city;
int makeTraffic()
if (findPerimeterRoad()) //look for road on this zone's perimeter
if (tryDrive()) //attempt to drive somewhere
// success; incr trafdensity
return 1;
return 0;
// no road found
return -1;
void setTrafficMem()
while (!positions.isEmpty())
CityLocation pos = positions.pop();
mapX = pos.x;
mapY = pos.y;
assert city.testBounds(mapX, mapY);
int tile = city.getTile(mapX, mapY) & LOMASK;
if (tile >= ROADBASE && tile < POWERBASE)
// check for rail
int z = city.trfDensity[mapY/2][mapX/2];
z += 50;
//FIXME- why is this only capped to 240
// by random chance. why is there no cap
// the rest of the time?
if (z > 240 && city.PRNG.nextInt(6) == 0)
z = 240;
city.trafficMaxLocationX = mapX;
city.trafficMaxLocationY = mapY;
HelicopterSprite copter = (HelicopterSprite) city.getSprite(SpriteKind.COP);
if (copter != null) {
copter.destX = mapX;
copter.destY = mapY;
city.trfDensity[mapY/2][mapX/2] = z;
static final int [] PerimX = { -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0,-1, -2,-2,-2 };
static final int [] PerimY = { -2,-2,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0,-1 };
boolean findPerimeterRoad()
for (int z = 0; z < 12; z++)
int tx = mapX + PerimX[z];
int ty = mapY + PerimY[z];
if (roadTest(tx, ty))
mapX = tx;
mapY = ty;
return true;
return false;
boolean roadTest(int tx, int ty)
if (!city.testBounds(tx, ty)) {
return false;
char c = city.getTile(tx, ty);
c &= LOMASK;
if (c < ROADBASE)
return false;
else if (c > LASTRAIL)
return false;
else if (c >= POWERBASE && c < LASTPOWER)
return false;
return true;
boolean tryDrive()
lastdir = 5;
for (int z = 0; z < MAX_TRAFFIC_DISTANCE; z++) //maximum distance to try
if (tryGo(z))
// got a road
if (driveDone())
// destination reached
return true;
// deadend, try backing up
if (!positions.isEmpty())
z += 3;
return false;
// gone maxdis
return false;
static final int [] DX = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
static final int [] DY = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
boolean tryGo(int z)
// random starting direction
int rdir = city.PRNG.nextInt(4);
for (int d = rdir; d < rdir + 4; d++)
int realdir = d % 4;
if (realdir == lastdir)
if (roadTest(mapX + DX[realdir], mapY + DY[realdir]))
mapX += DX[realdir];
mapY += DY[realdir];
lastdir = (realdir + 2) % 4;
if (z % 2 == 1)
// save pos every other move
positions.push(new CityLocation(mapX, mapY));
return true;
return false;
boolean driveDone()
int low, high;
switch (sourceZone)
low = COMBASE;
high = NUCLEAR;
low = LHTHR;
high = PORT;
low = LHTHR;
high = COMBASE;
throw new Error("unreachable");
if (mapY > 0)
int tile = city.getTile(mapX, mapY-1) & LOMASK;
if (tile >= low && tile <= high)
return true;
if (mapX + 1 < city.getWidth())
int tile = city.getTile(mapX + 1, mapY) & LOMASK;
if (tile >= low && tile <= high)
return true;
if (mapY + 1 < city.getHeight())
int tile = city.getTile(mapX, mapY + 1) & LOMASK;
if (tile >= low && tile <= high)
return true;
if (mapX > 0)
int tile = city.getTile(mapX - 1, mapY) & LOMASK;
if (tile >= low && tile <= high)
return true;
return false;