2025-02-05 10:21:50 -05:00
from nabit . lib . archive import package
from nabit . lib . sign import KNOWN_TSAS , is_encrypted_key
from nabit . lib . backends . url import UrlCollectionTask
from pathlib import Path
import json
import uuid
import tempfile
import click
import os
from urllib . parse import urlparse
import re
from scripts . helpers . parallel import run_parallel
import logging
from scripts . data_gov . models import db , Dataset
from playhouse . shortcuts import model_to_dict
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
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from scripts . helpers . bag import zip_archive , upload_archive , cleanup_files , fetch_and_upload
2025-02-05 10:21:50 -05:00
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
## download data.gov datasets, create nabit archives, and upload to S3
stats_counter = { }
def is_valid_url ( url ) :
parsed = urlparse ( url )
return parsed . scheme in [ ' http ' , ' https ' ] and re . search ( r ' [^ \ .] \ .[^ \ .] ' , parsed . netloc )
def extract_urls ( data , urls = None ) :
urls = set ( ) if urls is None else urls
if isinstance ( data , dict ) :
for key , value in data . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( value , str ) :
if is_valid_url ( value ) :
urls . add ( value )
elif isinstance ( value , ( dict , list ) ) :
extract_urls ( value , urls )
elif isinstance ( data , list ) :
for item in data :
extract_urls ( item , urls )
return urls
def run_pipeline (
dataset : Dataset ,
output_path : Path ,
metadata_path : Path ,
collection_path : Path ,
signatures : list = None ,
session_args : dict = None ,
s3_path : str = None ,
no_delete : bool = False ,
) :
logger . info ( f " Processing dataset: { dataset . name } " )
# we have a db forked from the main process, so we need to close it and reopen if needed
db . close ( )
# set this here so it makes it into the metadata
dataset . crawler_downloaded_date = datetime . now ( )
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def create_archive ( temp_dir ) :
data_dict = model_to_dict ( dataset )
for key , value in data_dict . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( value , datetime ) :
data_dict [ key ] = value . isoformat ( )
data_gov_url = f ' https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/ { dataset . name } '
collect = [
* [ UrlCollectionTask ( url = url ) for url in extract_urls ( data_dict ) ] ,
logger . info ( f " - Downloading { len ( collect ) } files " )
# sort fields from dataset
data_gov_metadata = { k : v for k , v in data_dict . items ( ) if not k . startswith ( ' crawler_ ' ) }
crawler_metadata = { k : v for k , v in data_dict . items ( ) if k . startswith ( ' crawler_ ' ) }
return {
' collect ' : collect ,
' signed_metadata ' : {
' id ' : str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ,
' url ' : data_gov_url ,
' description ' : f ' Archive of data.gov dataset " { dataset . title } " created by { dataset . organization [ " title " ] } . Full metadata stored in data_gov_metadata key. ' ,
' data_gov_metadata ' : data_gov_metadata ,
' crawler_metadata ' : crawler_metadata ,
} ,
# Use common pipeline
fetch_and_upload (
output_path = output_path ,
collection_path = collection_path ,
metadata_path = metadata_path ,
create_archive_callback = create_archive ,
signatures = signatures ,
session_args = session_args ,
s3_path = s3_path ,
no_delete = no_delete
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logger . info ( " - Setting crawler_downloaded_date... " )
db . connect ( )
dataset . save ( )
logger . info ( " Processing complete " )
def get_unprocessed_datasets ( output_path : Path , collection : str , min_size : int = 0 , dataset_name : str = None ) :
""" Get datasets from SQLite that don ' t have metadata files yet. """
query = Dataset . select ( )
if dataset_name :
query = query . where ( Dataset . name == dataset_name )
if min_size :
query = query . where ( Dataset . size > = min_size )
# Initialize progress bars
stats_counter [ ' total ' ] = tqdm ( desc = " Total records " , unit = " pkg " )
stats_counter [ ' skipped ' ] = tqdm ( desc = " Already processed " , unit = " pkg " )
stats_counter [ ' yielded ' ] = tqdm ( desc = " Processing " , unit = " pkg " )
for dataset in query :
stats_counter [ ' total ' ] . update ( 1 )
# Check if metadata file exists
name = dataset . name
metadata_path = output_path / ' metadata ' / collection / name / ' v1.json '
if metadata_path . exists ( ) :
stats_counter [ ' skipped ' ] . update ( 1 )
stats_counter [ ' yielded ' ] . update ( 1 )
yield dataset
@click.command ( )
@click.option ( ' --db-path ' , ' -d ' , type = click . Path ( exists = True , path_type = Path ) , default = ' data/data.db ' )
@click.option ( ' --output-path ' , ' -o ' , type = click . Path ( path_type = Path ) , default = ' data/processed ' ,
help = ' Output path. ' )
@click.option ( ' --collection ' , ' -c ' , type = str , default = ' data_gov ' ,
help = ' Collection name. ' )
@click.option ( ' --workers ' , ' -w ' , type = int , default = None ,
help = ' Number of worker processes. Defaults to CPU count. ' )
@click.option ( ' --min-size ' , ' -s ' , type = int , default = 0 ,
help = ' Minimum size of dataset to process. ' )
@click.option ( ' --dataset-name ' , help = ' Dataset name to process. ' )
@click.option ( ' --if-exists ' , ' -e ' , type = click . Choice ( [ ' skip ' , ' replace ' , ' version ' ] ) , default = ' skip ' ,
help = ' Whether to skip, replace, or add a version if dataset already exists. ' )
@click.option ( ' --signatures ' , help = ' JSON string of signature configuration. ' )
@click.option ( ' --profile ' , ' -p ' , help = ' AWS profile name ' )
@click.option ( ' --s3-path ' , ' -s ' , help = ' S3 path for uploads, e.g. " <bucket_name>/<path> " ' )
@click.option ( ' --stop-after ' , help = ' Stop after processing this many collections ' , type = int )
@click.option ( ' --no-delete ' , is_flag = True , help = ' Set to preserve zipped data on disk as well as metadata ' )
def main ( db_path : Path , output_path : Path , collection : str , workers = None , min_size = 0 , dataset_name = None ,
2025-02-26 14:49:24 -05:00
if_exists = ' skip ' , signatures = None , profile = None , s3_path = None , stop_after = None , no_delete = False ) :
2025-02-05 10:21:50 -05:00
if dataset_name :
workers = 1
stop_after = 1
if signatures :
signatures = json . loads ( signatures )
for signature in signatures :
if signature [ ' action ' ] == ' sign ' :
if is_encrypted_key ( signature [ ' params ' ] [ ' key ' ] ) :
signature [ ' params ' ] [ ' password ' ] = click . prompt (
f " Enter password for { signature [ ' params ' ] [ ' key ' ] } : " ,
hide_input = True
elif signature [ ' action ' ] == ' timestamp ' :
if known_tsa := signature . pop ( ' known_tsa ' , None ) :
signature [ ' params ' ] = KNOWN_TSAS [ known_tsa ]
session_args = { }
if profile :
session_args [ ' profile_name ' ] = profile
# Initialize database connection
db . init ( db_path )
db . connect ( )
def get_tasks ( ) :
processed = 0
for dataset in get_unprocessed_datasets ( output_path , collection , min_size , dataset_name ) :
# handle existing datasets
name = dataset . name
collection_path = output_path / ' collections ' / collection / name / ' v1.zip '
metadata_path = output_path / ' metadata ' / collection / name / ' v1.json '
if metadata_path . exists ( ) :
if if_exists == ' skip ' :
elif if_exists == ' replace ' :
metadata_path . unlink ( )
if collection_path . exists ( ) :
collection_path . unlink ( )
elif if_exists == ' version ' :
version = 2
while True :
collection_path = output_path / ' collections ' / collection / name / f ' v { version } .zip '
metadata_path = output_path / ' metadata ' / collection / name / f ' v { version } .json '
if not metadata_path . exists ( ) :
version + = 1
yield dataset , output_path , metadata_path , collection_path , signatures , session_args , s3_path , no_delete
processed + = 1
if stop_after and processed > = stop_after :
try :
run_parallel ( run_pipeline , get_tasks ( ) , workers , log_level = log_level , catch_errors = False )
finally :
# Close progress bars
for counter in stats_counter . values ( ) :
counter . close ( )
db . close ( )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
main ( )