import logging from pathlib import Path import click from cloudflare import Cloudflare import os from scripts.helpers.config import load_config logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def generate_temp_key(account_id: str, bucket: str, parent_access_key_id: str, token: str, permission: str = "object-read-write", ttl_seconds: int = 3600, prefixes: list[str] | None = None, objects: list[str] | None = None): """Generate a temporary R2 access key using the Cloudflare API. Args: account_id: Cloudflare account ID bucket: R2 bucket name parent_access_key_id: Parent access key ID token: Cloudflare API token permission: Permission level ('object-read-write' or 'object-read') ttl_seconds: Time-to-live in seconds prefixes: Optional list of key prefixes to restrict access to objects: Optional list of specific object keys to restrict access to """ params = { "account_id": account_id, "bucket": bucket, "parent_access_key_id": parent_access_key_id, "permission": permission, "ttl_seconds": ttl_seconds, } if prefixes: params["prefixes"] = prefixes if objects: params["objects"] = objects return Cloudflare(api_token=token).r2.temporary_credentials.create(**params) def cli(): """Cloudflare R2 utility commands.""" pass @cli.command() @click.option('--bucket', '-b', type=str, required=True, help='R2 bucket name.') @click.option('--permission', '-p', type=click.Choice(['object-read-write', 'object-read']), default='object-read-write', help='Permission level for the temporary key.') @click.option('--ttl', '-t', type=int, default=1, help='Time-to-live in hours for the temporary key.') @click.option('--prefixes', '-x', multiple=True, help='Key prefixes to restrict access to. Can be specified multiple times.') @click.option('--objects', '-o', multiple=True, help='Specific object keys to restrict access to. Can be specified multiple times.') @click.option('--log-level', '-l', type=click.Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']), default='INFO', help='Logging level.') def generate_key(bucket: str, permission: str, ttl: int, prefixes: tuple[str, ...], objects: tuple[str, ...], log_level: str): """Generate temporary Cloudflare R2 access credentials.""" # Setup logging logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) # Load config config = load_config().get("temp_tokens", {}) if not config or any(key not in config for key in ['parent_access_key_id', 'account_id', 'token']): raise click.ClickException("Config file must have 'temp_tokens' dict with 'parent_access_key_id', 'account_id', and 'token' keys") # Generate temporary key temp_cred = generate_temp_key( account_id=config['account_id'], bucket=bucket, parent_access_key_id=config['parent_access_key_id'], token=config['token'], permission=permission, ttl_seconds=ttl * 3600, prefixes=list(prefixes) if prefixes else None, objects=list(objects) if objects else None ) # Output AWS config format click.echo("\n# Add this to ~/.aws/config:") click.echo("[profile r2-temp]") click.echo(f"aws_access_key_id = {temp_cred.access_key_id}") click.echo(f"aws_secret_access_key = {temp_cred.secret_access_key}") click.echo(f"aws_session_token = {temp_cred.session_token}") click.echo("region = auto") click.echo(f"endpoint_url = https://{config['account_id']}") # Output sample command using first prefix if available click.echo("\n# Sample upload command:") sample_path = objects[0] if objects else f"{prefixes[0].strip('/')}/" if prefixes else "" click.echo(f"aws s3 cp local-file.txt s3://{bucket}/{sample_path} --profile r2-temp") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()