import boto3 import click import json from pathlib import Path import logging import csv import zipfile from tqdm import tqdm logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.option('--collections-file', '-c', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path), default='collections/collections.json', help='Path to collections configuration file.') def write_readme(collections_file: Path): # Load collections config collections = json.loads(collections_file.read_text()) collections_dir = collections_file.parent for collection in collections: s3 = boto3.Session(profile_name=collection['aws_profile']).client('s3') collection_path = collections_dir / collection['directory'] bucket_name, s3_prefix = collection['s3_path'].split('/', 1) for file_path in collection_path.rglob('*'): if file_path.is_file(): relative_path = file_path.relative_to(collection_path) s3_key = f"{s3_prefix}/{relative_path}" print(f"Uploading {file_path} to s3://{bucket_name}/{s3_key}") s3.upload_file(str(file_path), bucket_name, s3_key) @cli.command() @click.argument('metadata_file', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path)) @click.argument('output_file', type=click.Path(path_type=Path)) def write_csv(metadata_file: Path, output_file: Path): """ Read a zipped JSONL file of metadata and write dataset info to CSV. metadata_file: Path to the zip file containing metadata JSONL output_file: Path where the CSV should be written """ with zipfile.ZipFile(metadata_file, 'r') as zf, \ open(output_file, 'w', newline='') as csvfile: jsonl_name ='.zip', '') writer = csv.writer(csvfile) writer.writerow(['name', 'title']) # Write header with as f: for line in tqdm(f, desc="Writing CSV"): try: metadata = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(line) breakpoint() print(line) continue dataset_info = metadata.get('signed_metadata', {}).get('data_gov_metadata', {}) if dataset_info: writer.writerow([ dataset_info.get('name', ''), dataset_info.get('title', '') ]) @cli.command() @click.argument('metadata_dir', type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=Path)) @click.argument('output_file', type=click.Path(path_type=Path)) def write_jsonl(metadata_dir: Path, output_file: Path): """ Read each .json file, recursively, in metadata directory and write to a single zipped JSONL file. All records are written to a single JSONL file within the zip, named same as output_file without .zip """ # Get the base filename without .zip extension for the internal file internal_filename ='.zip', '') output_dir = output_file.parent # Use force_zip64=True to handle files larger than 2GB with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, 'w') as zf: # Create a single file in the zip archive with, 'w', force_zip64=True) as f: # Iterate through all JSON files for file_path in tqdm(metadata_dir.rglob('*.json'), desc="Writing JSONL"): with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file: try: metadata = json.load(json_file) except json.JSONDecodeError: print(file_path) raise metadata['metadata_path'] = str(file_path.relative_to(output_dir)) metadata['collection_path'] = metadata['metadata_path'].replace('metadata', 'collections', 1) # Write each record to the same file, with newline f.write((json.dumps(metadata) + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()