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synced 2025-03-22 10:32:19 +00:00
174 lines
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174 lines
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import boto3
import click
from tqdm import tqdm
import logging
from itertools import islice
import json
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import tempfile
import os
from scripts.helpers.misc import json_default
import zipfile
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_delete_markers(s3_client, bucket: str, prefix: str):
"""Get all delete markers for objects with the given prefix."""
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_object_versions')
for page in tqdm(paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix), desc="pages"):
if 'DeleteMarkers' in page:
yield [
'Key': marker['Key'],
'VersionId': marker['VersionId']
for marker in page['DeleteMarkers']
if marker['IsLatest']
def remove_delete_markers(s3_client, bucket: str, prefix: str, dry_run: bool = False):
"""Remove all delete markers for objects with the given prefix."""
for marker_batch in get_delete_markers(s3_client, bucket, prefix):
response = s3_client.delete_objects(
'Objects': marker_batch,
'Quiet': True
# Log any errors
if 'Errors' in response:
for error in response['Errors']:
logger.error(f"Failed to remove marker for {error['Key']}: {error['Message']}")
def get_empty_files(s3_client, bucket: str, prefix: str):
"""Get all objects with size zero under the given prefix."""
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
for page in tqdm(paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix), desc="pages"):
if 'Contents' in page:
yield [
{'Key': obj['Key']}
for obj in page['Contents']
if obj['Size'] == 0
def delete_empty_files(s3_client, bucket: str, prefix: str, dry_run: bool = False):
"""Delete all zero-size objects under the given prefix."""
pbar = tqdm(desc="deleted")
for empty_batch in get_empty_files(s3_client, bucket, prefix):
if not empty_batch:
if dry_run:
for obj in empty_batch:
logger.info(f"Would delete empty file: {obj['Key']}")
response = s3_client.delete_objects(
'Objects': empty_batch,
'Quiet': True
# Log any errors
if 'Errors' in response:
for error in response['Errors']:
logger.error(f"Failed to delete {error['Key']}: {error['Message']}")
def write_file_listing(s3_client, bucket: str, prefix: str, index_key: str):
"""Write a JSONL listing of all files under prefix to index_key."""
# Create a temporary file
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', suffix='.zip', delete=True) as tmp:
with zipfile.ZipFile(tmp, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
# Create a temporary file for the JSONL content
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', suffix='.jsonl', delete=True) as jsonl:
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
for page in tqdm(paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix), desc="indexing"):
if 'Contents' in page:
for obj in page['Contents']:
# Write each object as a JSON line using custom encoder
line = json.dumps(obj, default=json_default) + '\n'
# Flush the JSONL file and add it to the zip
zf.write(jsonl.name, arcname='file_listing.jsonl')
# Upload the zip file
ExtraArgs={'ContentType': 'application/zip'}
logger.info(f"Wrote index to s3://{bucket}/{index_key}")
def cli():
"""S3 object management commands."""
@click.option('--profile', help='AWS profile name', default='sc-direct')
@click.option('--dry-run', is_flag=True, help='Show what would be done without actually doing it')
@click.option('--log-level', type=click.Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']),
default='INFO', help='Set logging level')
def undelete(s3_path: str, profile: str = None, dry_run: bool = False, log_level: str = 'INFO'):
"""Remove delete markers from versioned S3 objects, effectively undeleting them."""
bucket, prefix = s3_path.split('/', 1)
session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile)
s3_client = session.client('s3')
remove_delete_markers(s3_client, bucket, prefix, dry_run)
@click.option('--profile', help='AWS profile name', default='sc-direct')
@click.option('--dry-run', is_flag=True, help='Show what would be done without actually doing it')
@click.option('--log-level', type=click.Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']),
default='INFO', help='Set logging level')
def delete_empty(s3_path: str, profile: str = None, dry_run: bool = False, log_level: str = 'INFO'):
"""Delete all zero-size objects under the given prefix."""
bucket, prefix = s3_path.split('/', 1)
session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile)
s3_client = session.client('s3')
delete_empty_files(s3_client, bucket, prefix, dry_run)
@click.option('--profile', help='AWS profile name', default='sc-direct')
@click.option('--output', '-o', help='Output path for index file', default=None)
@click.option('--log-level', type=click.Choice(['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL']),
default='INFO', help='Set logging level')
def write_index(s3_path: str, profile: str = None, output: str | None = None, log_level: str = 'INFO'):
"""Write a JSONL index of all files under the given prefix."""
bucket, prefix = s3_path.split('/', 1)
if output is None:
output = prefix.rstrip('/') + '/file_listing.jsonl.zip'
session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile)
s3_client = session.client('s3')
write_file_listing(s3_client, bucket, prefix, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':