# Xentis DND Beyond Character Sheets JSON Puller **Obisidian Plugins Required**: [**Dataview**](https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview) **Website**: [**DND Beyond**](http://www.dndbeyond.com/) **Summary**: This script will pull the JSON of the specified Character Sheet from DND Beyond. **Thanks To**: [**Xentis**](https://github.com/scottTomaszewski) from TTRPG on Obsidian.md Discord It is highly recommended you download this file into your vault. Github will not display whether we are using dataview or dataviewjs calls. ## Instructioms Replace your character ID from your character sheet URL into: > const character_id = "Your Character ID Here" ## Example Codeblock >```dataviewjs >const character_id = "64093957" > >const headers = {} >const url = "https://character-service.dndbeyond.com/character/v5/character/" + character_id >const character_sheet_json = await requestUrl({url: url, headers}) >const data = character_sheet_json.json.data >dv.paragraph(data.username) >dv.paragraph(data.name) >``` ## Rendered Example (Obsidian Render) ```dataviewjs const character_id = "64093957" const headers = {} const url = "https://character-service.dndbeyond.com/character/v5/character/" + character_id const character_sheet_json = await requestUrl({url: url, headers}) const data = character_sheet_json.json.data dv.paragraph(data.username) dv.paragraph(data.name) ```