require 'newrelic_rpm' require 'rack/contrib/try_static' require 'rack/rewrite' require 'dotenv' require 'rack/ssl-enforcer' require 'rack/xframe-options' require 'rack-host-redirect' Dotenv.load require 'dotenv' def load_404 not_found_page = File.expand_path('../__public__/404.html', __FILE__) end if ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' def not_found_html load_404 end else use Rack::SslEnforcer, :hsts => { :expires => 500, :subdomains => false }, :strict => true not_found_html = load_404 end use Rack::XFrameOptions, 'DENY' # Determine if the C preview docs are enabled docs_config = YAML.load_file('source/_data/docs.yaml') preview_docs = docs_config.key?('c_preview') use Rack::Rewrite do # Redirect all old PebbleKit docs to their new location r301 %r{/docs/js/(.*)}, '/docs/pebblekit-js/$1' # Redirect C preview docs to main C docs if there are no preview docs r302 %r{/docs/c/preview/?(.*)}, '/docs/c/$1' unless preview_docs end use Rack::HostRedirect, { '' => '' } use Rack::TryStatic, root: '__public__', urls: %w(/), try: %w(.html index.html /index.html) run lambda{ |_env| [404, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, [not_found_html]] }