# Environment Variables The following environment variables are used in the generation of the site. ## URL This overrides the `url` configuration parameter of Jeyll. Set this to the root of where the site will be hosted. ``` URL=http://developer.pebble.com ``` ## HTTPS_URL This overrides the `https_url` configuration parameter of Jeyll. Set this to the secure root of where the site will be hosted. ``` HTTPS_URL=https://developer.pebble.com ``` ## PORT The port on which the Jekyll server will listen. If you don't set this it will default to port `4000`. ``` PORT=8000 ``` ## ASSET_PATH This sets the `asset_path` configuration variable, which tells the site where the assets are to be found. During development and testing, this can be set to the relative URL of the assets folder inside the main site. For production, this should be set to the CDN where the assets will be uploaded. *Note:* As of 8th January 2014, the production version of the site still used local assets and not a CDN. ``` ASSET_PATH=assets/ ``` ## EXTERNAL_SERVER This sets the `external_server` configuration variable, which tells the site the location of the external server used for events, community blog and contact. ``` EXTERNAL_SERVER=https://developer-api.getpebble.com ``` ## DOCS_URL The URL of the server on which the documentation sources are being built. The production and staging values are private, so if you do not work for Pebble you will have to omit it from the environment (or `.env` file). Sorry ## ALGOLIA_* The site search is powered by [Algolia](https://algolia.com). There are four environment variables that are required to turn on indexing at build time and also correctly setup the client JS for searching. The production and staging values can be found on our Algolia account. If you do not work for Pebble, or don't care about testing the indexing, then omit these values from the environment (or `.env` file) to disable Algolia. The `ALGOLIA_PREFIX` value is extremely important. Make sure you set it if you are enabling Algolia support on the site, and check that it matches the scoped search key. ``` ALGOLIA_APP_ID= ALGOLIA_API_KEY= ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY= ALGOLIA_PREFIX= ```