# # This file is the default set of rules to compile a Pebble application. # # Feel free to customize this to your needs. # top = '.' out = 'build' def options(ctx): ctx.load('pebble_sdk') def configure(ctx): """ This method is used to configure your build. ctx.load(`pebble_sdk`) automatically configures a build for each valid platform in `targetPlatforms`. Platform-specific configuration: add your change after calling ctx.load('pebble_sdk') and make sure to set the correct environment first. Universal configuration: add your change prior to calling ctx.load('pebble_sdk'). """ ctx.load('pebble_sdk') def build(ctx): ctx.load('pebble_sdk') ctx.pbl_bundle(js=ctx.path.ant_glob(['src/pkjs/**/*.js', 'src/pkjs/**/*.json', 'src/common/**/*.js']), js_entry_file='src/pkjs/index.js', bin_type='rocky')