# Copyright 2024 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib.Errors import ConfigurationError from waflib import Logs import sdk_paths from generate_appinfo import generate_appinfo_c from process_sdk_resources import generate_resources import report_memory_usage from sdk_helpers import (configure_libraries, configure_platform, find_sdk_component, get_target_platforms, truncate_to_32_bytes, validate_message_keys_object) def _extract_project_info(conf, info_json, json_filename): """ Extract project info from "pebble" object, or copy configuration directly if read from appinfo.json :param conf: the ConfigurationContext :param info_json: the JSON blob contained in appinfo.json or package.json :return: JSON blob containing project information for build """ if 'pebble' in info_json: project_info = info_json['pebble'] validate_message_keys_object(conf, project_info, 'package.json') project_info['name'] = info_json['name'] project_info['shortName'] = project_info['longName'] = project_info['displayName'] # Validate version specified in package.json to avoid issues later if not info_json['version']: conf.fatal("Project is missing a version") version = _validate_version(conf, info_json['version']) project_info['versionLabel'] = version if isinstance(info_json['author'], basestring): project_info['companyName'] = ( info_json['author'].split('(', 1)[0].split('<', 1)[0].strip()) elif isinstance(info_json['author'], dict) and 'name' in info_json['author']: project_info['companyName'] = info_json['author']['name'] else: conf.fatal("Missing author name in project info") elif 'package.json' == json_filename: try: with open(conf.path.get_src().find_node('appinfo.json').abspath(), 'r') as f: info_json = json.load(f) except AttributeError: conf.fatal("Could not find Pebble project info in package.json and no appinfo.json file" " exists") project_info = info_json validate_message_keys_object(conf, project_info, 'appinfo.json') else: project_info = info_json validate_message_keys_object(conf, project_info, 'appinfo.json') return project_info def _generate_appinfo_c_file(task): """ This Task generates the appinfo.auto.c file that is included in binary metadata :param task: the instance of this task :return: N/A """ info_json = dict(getattr(task.generator.env, task.vars[0])) info_json['shortName'] = truncate_to_32_bytes(info_json['shortName']) info_json['companyName'] = truncate_to_32_bytes(info_json['companyName']) current_platform = task.generator.env.PLATFORM_NAME generate_appinfo_c(info_json, task.outputs[0].abspath(), current_platform) def _write_appinfo_json_file(task): """ This task writes the content of the PROJECT_INFO environment variable to appinfo.json in the build directory. PROJECT_INFO is generated from reading in either a package.json file or an old-style appinfo.json file. :param task: the task instance :return: None """ appinfo = dict(getattr(task.generator.env, task.vars[0])) capabilities = appinfo.get('capabilities', []) for lib in dict(task.generator.env).get('LIB_JSON', []): if 'pebble' in lib: capabilities.extend(lib['pebble'].get('capabilities', [])) appinfo['capabilities'] = list(set(capabilities)) for key in task.env.BLOCK_MESSAGE_KEYS: del appinfo['appKeys'][key] if appinfo: with open(task.outputs[0].abspath(), 'w') as f: json.dump(appinfo, f, indent=4) else: task.generator.bld.fatal("Unable to find project info to populate appinfo.json file with") def _validate_version(ctx, original_version): """ Validates the format of the version field in an app's project info, and strips off a zero-valued patch version number, if it exists, to be compatible with the Pebble FW :param ctx: the ConfigureContext object :param version: the version provided in project info (package.json/appinfo.json) :return: a MAJOR.MINOR version that is acceptable for Pebble FW """ version = original_version.split('.') if len(version) > 3: ctx.fatal("App versions must be of the format MAJOR or MAJOR.MINOR or MAJOR.MINOR.0. An " "invalid version of {} was specified for the app. Try {}.{}.0 instead". format(original_version, version[0], version[1])) elif not (0 <= int(version[0]) <= 255): ctx.fatal("An invalid or out of range value of {} was specified for the major version of " "the app. The valid range is 0-255.".format(version[0])) elif not (0 <= int(version[1]) <= 255): ctx.fatal("An invalid or out of range value of {} was specified for the minor version of " "the app. The valid range is 0-255.".format(version[1])) elif len(version) > 2 and not (int(version[2]) == 0): ctx.fatal("The patch version of an app must be 0, but {} was specified ({}). Try {}.{}.0 " "instead.". format(version[2], original_version, version[0], version[1])) return version[0] + '.' + version[1] def options(opt): """ Specify the options available when invoking waf; uses OptParse :param opt: the OptionContext object :return: N/A """ opt.load('pebble_sdk_common') opt.add_option('-t', '--timestamp', dest='timestamp', help="Use a specific timestamp to label this package (ie, your repository's " "last commit time), defaults to time of build") def configure(conf): """ Configure the build using information obtained from a JSON file :param conf: the ConfigureContext object :return: N/A """ conf.load('pebble_sdk_common') # This overrides the default config in pebble_sdk_common.py if conf.options.timestamp: conf.env.TIMESTAMP = conf.options.timestamp conf.env.BUNDLE_NAME = "app_{}.pbw".format(conf.env.TIMESTAMP) else: conf.env.BUNDLE_NAME = "{}.pbw".format(conf.path.name) # Read in package.json for environment configuration, or fallback to appinfo.json for older # projects info_json_node = (conf.path.get_src().find_node('package.json') or conf.path.get_src().find_node('appinfo.json')) if info_json_node is None: conf.fatal('Could not find package.json') with open(info_json_node.abspath(), 'r') as f: info_json = json.load(f) project_info = _extract_project_info(conf, info_json, info_json_node.name) conf.env.PROJECT_INFO = project_info conf.env.BUILD_TYPE = 'rocky' if project_info.get('projectType', None) == 'rocky' else 'app' if getattr(conf.env.PROJECT_INFO, 'enableMultiJS', False): if not conf.env.WEBPACK: conf.fatal("'enableMultiJS' is set to true, but unable to locate webpack module at {} " "Please set enableMultiJS to false, or reinstall the SDK.". format(conf.env.NODE_PATH)) if conf.env.BUILD_TYPE == 'rocky': conf.find_program('node nodejs', var='NODE', errmsg="Unable to locate the Node command. " "Please check your Node installation and try again.") c_files = [c_file.path_from(conf.path.find_node('src')) for c_file in conf.path.ant_glob('src/**/*.c')] if c_files: Logs.pprint('YELLOW', "WARNING: C source files are not supported for Rocky.js " "projects. The following C files are being skipped: {}". format(c_files)) if 'resources' in project_info and 'media' in project_info['resources']: conf.env.RESOURCES_JSON = project_info['resources']['media'] if 'publishedMedia' in project_info['resources']: conf.env.PUBLISHED_MEDIA_JSON = project_info['resources']['publishedMedia'] conf.env.REQUESTED_PLATFORMS = project_info.get('targetPlatforms', []) conf.env.LIB_DIR = "node_modules" get_target_platforms(conf) # With new-style projects, check for libraries specified in package.json if 'dependencies' in info_json: configure_libraries(conf, info_json['dependencies']) conf.load('process_message_keys') # base_env is set to a shallow copy of the current ConfigSet for this ConfigureContext base_env = conf.env for platform in conf.env.TARGET_PLATFORMS: # Create a deep copy of the `base_env` ConfigSet and set conf.env to a shallow copy of # the resultant ConfigSet conf.setenv(platform, base_env) configure_platform(conf, platform) # conf.env is set back to a shallow copy of the default ConfigSet stored in conf.all_envs[''] conf.setenv('') def build(bld): """ This method is invoked from a project's wscript with the `ctx.load('pebble_sdk')` call and sets up all of the task generators for the SDK. After all of the build methods have run, the configured task generators will run, generating build tasks and managing dependencies. See https://waf.io/book/#_task_generators for more details on task generator setup. :param bld: the BuildContext object :return: N/A """ bld.load('pebble_sdk_common') # cached_env is set to a shallow copy of the current ConfigSet for this BuildContext cached_env = bld.env for platform in bld.env.TARGET_PLATFORMS: # bld.env is set to a shallow copy of the ConfigSet labeled bld.env = bld.all_envs[platform] # Set the build group (set of TaskGens) to the group labeled if bld.env.USE_GROUPS: bld.set_group(bld.env.PLATFORM_NAME) # Generate an appinfo file specific to the current platform build_node = bld.path.get_bld().make_node(bld.env.BUILD_DIR) bld(rule=_generate_appinfo_c_file, target=build_node.make_node('appinfo.auto.c'), vars=['PROJECT_INFO']) # Generate an appinfo.json file for the current platform to bundle in a PBW bld(rule=_write_appinfo_json_file, target=bld.path.get_bld().make_node('appinfo.json'), vars=['PROJECT_INFO']) # Generate resources specific to the current platform resource_node = None if bld.env.RESOURCES_JSON: try: resource_node = bld.path.find_node('resources') except AttributeError: bld.fatal("Unable to locate resources at resources/") # Adding the Rocky.js source file needs to happen before the setup of the Resource # Generators if bld.env.BUILD_TYPE == 'rocky': rocky_js_file = bld.path.find_or_declare('resources/rocky-app.js') rocky_js_file.parent.mkdir() bld.pbl_js_build(source=bld.path.ant_glob(['src/rocky/**/*.js', 'src/common/**/*.js']), target=rocky_js_file) resource_node = bld.path.get_bld().make_node('resources') bld.env.RESOURCES_JSON = [{'type': 'js', 'name': 'JS_SNAPSHOT', 'file': rocky_js_file.path_from(resource_node)}] resource_path = resource_node.path_from(bld.path) if resource_node else None generate_resources(bld, resource_path) # Running `pbl_build` needs to happen after the setup of the Resource Generators so # `report_memory_usage` is aware of the existence of the JS bytecode file if bld.env.BUILD_TYPE == 'rocky': rocky_c_file = build_node.make_node('src/rocky.c') bld(rule='cp "${SRC}" "${TGT}"', source=find_sdk_component(bld, bld.env, 'include/rocky.c'), target=rocky_c_file) # Check for rocky script (This is done in `build` to preserve the script as a node # instead of as an absolute path as would be required in `configure`. This is to keep # the signatures the same for both FW builds and SDK builds. if not bld.env.JS_TOOLING_SCRIPT: bld.fatal("Unable to locate tooling for this Rocky.js app build. Please " "try re-installing this version of the SDK.") bld.pbl_build(source=[rocky_c_file], target=build_node.make_node("pebble-app.elf"), bin_type='rocky') # bld.env is set back to a shallow copy of the original ConfigSet that was set when this `build` # method was invoked bld.env = cached_env @conf def pbl_program(self, *k, **kw): """ This method is bound to the build context and is called by specifying `bld.pbl_program()`. We set the custom features `c`, `cprogram` and `pebble_cprogram` to run when this method is invoked. :param self: the BuildContext object :param k: none expected :param kw: source - the source C files to be built and linked target - the destination binary file for the compiled source :return: a task generator instance with keyword arguments specified """ kw['bin_type'] = 'app' kw['features'] = 'c cprogram pebble_cprogram memory_usage' kw['app'] = kw['target'] kw['resources'] = ( self.path.find_or_declare(self.env.BUILD_DIR).make_node('app_resources.pbpack')) return self(*k, **kw) @conf def pbl_worker(self, *k, **kw): """ This method is bound to the build context and is called by specifying `bld.pbl_worker()`. We set the custom features `c`, `cprogram` and `pebble_cprogram` to run when this method is invoked. :param self: the BuildContext object :param k: none expected :param kw: source - the source C files to be built and linked target - the destination binary file for the compiled source :return: a task generator instance with keyword arguments specified """ kw['bin_type'] = 'worker' kw['features'] = 'c cprogram pebble_cprogram memory_usage' kw['worker'] = kw['target'] return self(*k, **kw)