# Copyright 2024 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import sdk_paths from process_sdk_resources import generate_resources from sdk_helpers import (configure_libraries, configure_platform, get_target_platforms, validate_message_keys_object) def options(opt): """ Specify the options available when invoking waf; uses OptParse :param opt: the OptionContext object :return: N/A """ opt.load('pebble_sdk_common') opt.add_option('-t', '--timestamp', dest='timestamp', help="Use a specific timestamp to label this package (ie, your repository's last commit time), " "defaults to time of build") def configure(conf): """ Configure the build using information obtained from the package.json file :param conf: the ConfigureContext object :return: N/A """ conf.load('pebble_sdk_common') # This overrides the default config in pebble_sdk_common.py if conf.options.timestamp: conf.env.TIMESTAMP = conf.options.timestamp conf.env.BUNDLE_NAME = "dist.zip" package_json_node = conf.path.get_src().find_node('package.json') if package_json_node is None: conf.fatal('Could not find package.json') with open(package_json_node.abspath(), 'r') as f: package_json = json.load(f) # Extract project info from "pebble" object in package.json project_info = package_json['pebble'] project_info['name'] = package_json['name'] validate_message_keys_object(conf, project_info, 'package.json') conf.env.PROJECT_INFO = project_info conf.env.BUILD_TYPE = 'lib' conf.env.REQUESTED_PLATFORMS = project_info.get('targetPlatforms', []) conf.env.LIB_DIR = "node_modules" get_target_platforms(conf) # With new-style projects, check for libraries specified in package.json if 'dependencies' in package_json: configure_libraries(conf, package_json['dependencies']) conf.load('process_message_keys') if 'resources' in project_info and 'media' in project_info['resources']: conf.env.RESOURCES_JSON = package_json['pebble']['resources']['media'] # base_env is set to a shallow copy of the current ConfigSet for this ConfigureContext base_env = conf.env for platform in conf.env.TARGET_PLATFORMS: # Create a deep copy of the `base_env` ConfigSet and set conf.env to a shallow copy of # the resultant ConfigSet conf.setenv(platform, base_env) configure_platform(conf, platform) # conf.env is set back to a shallow copy of the default ConfigSet stored in conf.all_envs[''] conf.setenv('') def build(bld): """ This method is invoked from a project's wscript with the `ctz.load('pebble_sdk_lib')` call and sets up all of the task generators for the SDK. After all of the build methods have run, the configured task generators will run, generating build tasks and managing dependencies. See https://waf.io/book/#_task_generators for more details on task generator setup. :param bld: the BuildContext object :return: N/A """ bld.load('pebble_sdk_common') # cached_env is set to a shallow copy of the current ConfigSet for this BuildContext cached_env = bld.env for platform in bld.env.TARGET_PLATFORMS: # bld.env is set to a shallow copy of the ConfigSet labeled bld.env = bld.all_envs[platform] # Set the build group (set of TaskGens) to the group labeled if bld.env.USE_GROUPS: bld.set_group(bld.env.PLATFORM_NAME) # Generate resources specific to the current platform resource_path = None if bld.env.RESOURCES_JSON: try: resource_path = bld.path.find_node('src').find_node('resources').path_from(bld.path) except AttributeError: bld.fatal("Unable to locate resources at src/resources/") generate_resources(bld, resource_path) # bld.env is set back to a shallow copy of the original ConfigSet that was set when this `build` # method was invoked bld.env = cached_env