/* * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "clar.h" #include "services/normal/timezone_database.h" #include "services/common/clock.h" #include "../timezone_fixture.auto.h" #include "stubs_logging.h" #include "stubs_passert.h" #include //! Find a region ID for the given region name. //! @return a valid, matching region ID, or -1 if no region was found int timezone_database_find_region_by_name(const char *region_name, int region_name_length); #include "resource/resource.h" size_t resource_load_byte_range_system(ResAppNum app_num, uint32_t resource_id, uint32_t start_offset, uint8_t *data, size_t num_bytes) { memcpy(data, ((uint8_t*) s_timezone_database) + start_offset, num_bytes); return num_bytes; } #define FIND_REGION(name) timezone_database_find_region_by_name(name, strlen(name)); void test_timezone_database__get_region_count(void) { // Note this test will break every time we update the timezone database and that's ok. Just // make sure the new number is sane and update the expected number. cl_assert_equal_i(timezone_database_get_region_count(), 336); } void test_timezone_database__find_region_by_name_simple(void) { // Unforunately we don't really care what the resulting region ids are, we should // just make sure the ones that exist are there and they're unique from each other. const int america_new_york_region = FIND_REGION("America/New_York"); cl_assert(america_new_york_region != -1); const int europe_minsk_region = FIND_REGION("Europe/Minsk"); cl_assert(europe_minsk_region != -1); // Make sure they're unique cl_assert(america_new_york_region != europe_minsk_region); // Look up one that doesn't exist const int america_waterloo_region = FIND_REGION("America/Waterloo"); cl_assert(america_waterloo_region == -1); } void test_timezone_database__find_region_by_name_links(void) { // Look up America/Los_Angeles using the US/Pacific link const int us_pacific_region = FIND_REGION("US/Pacific"); cl_assert(us_pacific_region != -1); // Look up the real America/Los_Angeles const int america_los_angeles_region = FIND_REGION("America/Los_Angeles"); cl_assert(america_los_angeles_region != -1); // Verify that they're the same underlying region cl_assert_equal_i(us_pacific_region, america_los_angeles_region); const int america_new_york_region = FIND_REGION("America/New_York"); cl_assert(america_new_york_region != -1); cl_assert(america_new_york_region != america_los_angeles_region); } void test_timezone_database__load_region_name(void) { const char america_los_angeles_region_name[] = "America/Los_Angeles"; const int america_los_angeles_region = FIND_REGION(america_los_angeles_region_name); cl_assert(america_los_angeles_region != -1); char region_name[TIMEZONE_NAME_LENGTH]; const bool result = timezone_database_load_region_name(america_los_angeles_region, region_name); cl_assert(result); cl_assert_equal_s(region_name, america_los_angeles_region_name); } void test_timezone_database__load_dst_rule_los_angeles(void) { const int america_los_angeles_region = FIND_REGION("America/Los_Angeles"); cl_assert(america_los_angeles_region != -1); TimezoneInfo tz_info; bool result = timezone_database_load_region_info(america_los_angeles_region, &tz_info); cl_assert_equal_s("P*T", tz_info.tm_zone); cl_assert_equal_i(-8 * 60 * 60, tz_info.tm_gmtoff); TimezoneDSTRule start; TimezoneDSTRule end; result = timezone_database_load_dst_rule(tz_info.dst_id, &start, &end); cl_assert_equal_i(start.ds_label, 'D'); cl_assert_equal_i(start.month, 2); cl_assert_equal_i(start.mday, 8); cl_assert_equal_i(start.hour, 2); cl_assert_equal_i(end.ds_label, 'S'); cl_assert_equal_i(end.month, 10); cl_assert_equal_i(end.mday, 1); cl_assert_equal_i(end.hour, 2); } void test_timezone_database__kazakhstan(void) { { const int almaty_region = FIND_REGION("Asia/Almaty"); TimezoneInfo tz_info; bool result = timezone_database_load_region_info(almaty_region, &tz_info); cl_assert(result); cl_assert_equal_i(tz_info.dst_id, 0); // No DST cl_assert_equal_i(tz_info.tm_gmtoff, 6 * 60 * 60); // +6 hours } }