/* * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "clar.h" #include "fixtures/load_test_resources.h" #include "services/common/i18n/i18n.h" #include "services/common/i18n/mo.h" #include "services/normal/filesystem/pfs.h" #include "resource/resource_ids.auto.h" #include "flash_region/flash_region.h" #define I18N_FIXTURE_PATH "i18n" // Fakes //////////////////////////////////// #include "fake_spi_flash.h" // Stubs //////////////////////////////////// #include "stubs_analytics.h" #include "stubs_hexdump.h" #include "stubs_language_ui.h" #include "stubs_logging.h" #include "stubs_mutex.h" #include "stubs_pbl_malloc.h" #include "stubs_pebble_tasks.h" #include "stubs_prompt.h" #include "stubs_serial.h" #include "stubs_sleep.h" #include "stubs_system_reset.h" #include "stubs_task_watchdog.h" #include "stubs_memory_layout.h" // Fakes ///////////////////////// static bool s_is_english = false; bool shell_prefs_get_language_english(void) { return s_is_english; } void shell_prefs_set_language_english(bool english) { s_is_english = english; } void launcher_task_add_callback(void (*callback)(void *data), void *data) { callback(data); } // Setup ///////////////////////// void test_i18n__initialize(void) { fake_spi_flash_init(0, 0x1000000); pfs_init(false); pfs_format(true /* write erase headers */); load_resource_fixture_on_pfs(RESOURCES_FIXTURE_PATH, FRENCH_FIXTURE_NAME, "lang"); shell_prefs_set_language_english(false); i18n_set_resource(RESOURCE_ID_STRINGS); } void test_i18n__cleanup(void) { } extern I18nString *prv_list_find_string(const char *string, void * owner); void test_i18n__music(void) { const char *first = i18n_get("Music", (void *)0x12345); cl_assert(strcmp(first, "Musique") == 0); cl_assert(prv_list_find_string("Music", (void *)0x12345) != NULL); const char *second = i18n_get("Music", (void *)0x12345); cl_assert(first == second); const char *third = i18n_get("Music", (void *)0xdeadbeef); cl_assert(first != third); i18n_free_all((void *)0x12345); cl_assert(prv_list_find_string("Music", (void *)0xdeadbeef)->translated_string == third); i18n_free_all((void *)0xdeadbeef); cl_assert(prv_list_find_string("Music", __FILE__) == NULL); // this should be a no-op i18n_free("Music", __FILE__); } void test_i18n__locale(void) { cl_assert(strcmp(i18n_get_locale(), "fr_FR") == 0); cl_assert_equal_i(i18n_get_version(), 24); } void test_i18n__get_with_buffer(void) { const uint32_t LEN = 20; char buffer[LEN]; i18n_get_with_buffer("Music", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "Musique"); i18n_get_with_buffer("abcd abcd abcd abcd", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "abcd abcd abcd abcd"); cl_assert_equal_i(buffer[LEN - 1], '\0'); // copied LEN to buffer, i18n should forcibly NULL terminate the buffer i18n_get_with_buffer("abcd abcd abcd abcdX", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "abcd abcd abcd abcd"); cl_assert_equal_i(buffer[LEN - 1], '\0'); // Make sure we truncate correctly i18n_get_with_buffer("Music", buffer, 3); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "Mu"); } void test_i18n__get_length(void) { const char *first = i18n_get("Music", __FILE__); cl_assert_equal_i(strlen(first), i18n_get_length("Music")); i18n_free("Music", __FILE__); const char *str = "abcd abcd abcd abcd"; first = i18n_get(str, __FILE__); cl_assert_equal_i(strlen(first), i18n_get_length(str)); i18n_free(str, __FILE__); } void test_i18n__ctxt_get(void) { const char *ctxt_txt_1 = i18n_ctx_noop("Notifications", "Enabled"); const char *ctxt_txt_2 = i18n_ctx_noop("Quiet Time", "Enabled"); const char *first = i18n_ctx_get("Notifications", "Enabled", __FILE__); cl_assert(strcmp(first, "Activée") == 0); const char *second = i18n_ctx_get("Quiet Time", "Enabled", __FILE__); cl_assert(strcmp(second, "Activé") == 0); const char *third = i18n_get(ctxt_txt_1, __FILE__); cl_assert(third == first); const char *fourth = i18n_get(ctxt_txt_2, __FILE__); cl_assert(fourth == second); i18n_free(ctxt_txt_1, __FILE__); cl_assert(prv_list_find_string(ctxt_txt_1, __FILE__) == NULL); i18n_ctx_free("Quiet Time", "Enabled", __FILE__); cl_assert(prv_list_find_string(ctxt_txt_2, __FILE__) == NULL); } void test_i18n__ctxt_get_length(void) { const char *first = i18n_ctx_get("badctxt", "Disabled", __FILE__); const char *second = i18n_ctx_get("Quiet Time", "Disabled", __FILE__); cl_assert_equal_i(strlen(first), i18n_ctx_get_length("badctxt", "Disabled")); cl_assert_equal_i(strlen(second), i18n_ctx_get_length("Quiet Time", "Disabled")); i18n_free_all(__FILE__); } void test_i18n__ctxt_notfound(void) { const char *first = i18n_ctx_get("badctxt", "Disabled", __FILE__); cl_assert(strcmp(first, "Disabled") == 0); const char *second = i18n_ctx_get("Quiet Time", "Disabled", __FILE__); cl_assert(strcmp(second, "Désactivé") == 0); i18n_ctx_free("badctxt", "Disabled", __FILE__); i18n_ctx_free("Quiet Time", "Disabled", __FILE__); } void test_i18n__ctxt_get_with_buffer(void) { const uint32_t LEN = 20; char buffer[LEN]; i18n_ctx_get_with_buffer("Notifications", "Enabled", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "Activée"); i18n_ctx_get_with_buffer("Quiet Time", "Enabled", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); cl_assert_equal_s(buffer, "Activé"); } void test_i18n__reset_language(void) { // allocate some crap, to test that freeing works const char *first = i18n_get("Music", (void *)0x12345); const char *second = i18n_get("abcd", (void *)0x12345); shell_prefs_set_language_english(true); i18n_set_resource(RESOURCE_ID_STRINGS); // reinitialize test_i18n__cleanup(); test_i18n__initialize(); }