/* Copyright 2014-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Copyright 2016 University of Szeged. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Jerry libc platform-specific functions posix implementation */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (__linux__) #define SYSCALL_NO(NAME) __NR_ ## NAME #elif defined (__APPLE__) && defined (__MACH__) #define SYS_exit_group SYS_exit #define SYSCALL_NO(NAME) SYS_ ## NAME #else /* !__linux && !(__APPLE__ && __MACH__) */ #error "Unsupported OS" #endif /* __linux__ */ #include "jerry-libc-defs.h" extern long int syscall_0 (long int syscall_no); extern long int syscall_1 (long int syscall_no, long int arg1); extern long int syscall_2 (long int syscall_no, long int arg1, long int arg2); extern long int syscall_3 (long int syscall_no, long int arg1, long int arg2, long int arg3); /** * Exit - cause normal process termination with specified status code */ void __attr_noreturn___ __attr_used___ exit (int status) /**< status code */ { syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stdin); syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stdout); syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stderr); syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (exit_group), status); while (true) { /* unreachable */ } } /* exit */ /** * Abort current process, producing an abnormal program termination. * The function raises the SIGABRT signal. */ void __attr_noreturn___ __attr_used___ abort (void) { syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stdin); syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stdout); syscall_1 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) stderr); raise (SIGABRT); while (true) { /* unreachable */ } } /* abort */ /** * Send a signal to the current process. */ int __attr_used___ raise (int sig) { return (int) syscall_2 (SYSCALL_NO (kill), syscall_0 (SYSCALL_NO (getpid)), sig); } /* raise */ /** * fopen * * @return FILE pointer - upon successful completion, * NULL - otherwise */ FILE * fopen (const char *path, /**< file path */ const char *mode) /**< file open mode */ { bool may_read = false; bool may_write = false; bool truncate = false; bool create_if_not_exist = false; bool position_at_end = false; assert (path != NULL && mode != NULL); assert (mode[1] == '+' || mode[1] == '\0'); switch (mode[0]) { case 'r': { may_read = true; may_write = (mode[1] == '+'); break; } case 'w': { may_write = true; truncate = true; create_if_not_exist = true; may_read = (mode[1] == '+'); break; } case 'a': { may_write = true; position_at_end = true; create_if_not_exist = true; if (mode[1] == '+') { assert (!"unsupported mode a+"); } break; } default: { assert (!"unsupported mode"); } } int flags = 0; int access = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; if (may_read && !may_write) { flags = O_RDONLY; } else if (!may_read && may_write) { flags = O_WRONLY; } else { assert (may_read && may_write); flags = O_RDWR; } if (truncate) { flags |= O_TRUNC; } if (create_if_not_exist) { flags |= O_CREAT; } if (position_at_end) { flags |= O_APPEND; } long int ret = syscall_3 (SYSCALL_NO (open), (long int) path, flags, access); return (void *) (uintptr_t) (ret); } /* fopen */ /** * fclose * * @return 0 - upon successful completion, * non-zero value - otherwise. */ int fclose (FILE *fp) /**< stream pointer */ { syscall_2 (SYSCALL_NO (close), (long int) fp, 0); return 0; } /* fclose */ /** * fread * * @return number of elements read */ size_t fread (void *ptr, /**< address of buffer to read to */ size_t size, /**< size of elements to read */ size_t nmemb, /**< number of elements to read */ FILE *stream) /**< stream pointer */ { long int ret; size_t bytes_read = 0; if (size == 0) { return 0; } do { ret = syscall_3 (SYSCALL_NO (read), (long int) stream, (long int) ((uint8_t *) ptr + bytes_read), (long int) (size * nmemb - bytes_read)); bytes_read += (size_t) ret; } while (bytes_read != size * nmemb && ret != 0); return bytes_read / size; } /* fread */ /** * fwrite * * @return number of elements written */ size_t fwrite (const void *ptr, /**< data to write */ size_t size, /**< size of elements to write */ size_t nmemb, /**< number of elements */ FILE *stream) /**< stream pointer */ { size_t bytes_written = 0; if (size == 0) { return 0; } do { long int ret = syscall_3 (SYSCALL_NO (write), (long int) stream, (long int) ((uint8_t *) ptr + bytes_written), (long int) (size * nmemb - bytes_written)); bytes_written += (size_t) ret; } while (bytes_written != size * nmemb); return bytes_written / size; } /* fwrite */ /** * This function can get the time as well as a timezone. * * @return 0 if success, -1 otherwise */ int gettimeofday (void *tp, /**< struct timeval */ void *tzp) /**< struct timezone */ { return (int) syscall_2 (SYSCALL_NO (gettimeofday), (long int) tp, (long int) tzp); } /* gettimeofday */ // FIXME #if 0 /** * Setup new memory limits */ void jrt_set_mem_limits (size_t data_size, /**< limit for data + bss + brk heap */ size_t stack_size) /**< limit for stack */ { struct { unsigned long long rlim_cur; unsigned long long rlim_max; } data_limit = { data_size, data_size }; struct { unsigned long long rlim_cur; unsigned long long rlim_max; } stack_limit = { stack_size, stack_size }; long int ret; #if defined (__TARGET_HOST_x64) ret = syscall_2 (SYSCALL_NO (setrlimit), RLIMIT_DATA, (intptr_t) &data_limit); assert (ret == 0); ret = syscall_2 (SYSCALL_NO (setrlimit), RLIMIT_STACK, (intptr_t) &stack_limit); assert (ret == 0); #elif defined (__TARGET_HOST_ARMv7) ret = syscall_3 (SYSCALL_NO (prlimit64), 0, RLIMIT_DATA, (intptr_t) &data_limit); assert (ret == 0); ret = syscall_3 (SYSCALL_NO (prlimit64), 0, RLIMIT_STACK, (intptr_t) &stack_limit); assert (ret == 0); #elif defined (__TARGET_HOST_x86) # error "__TARGET_HOST_x86 case is not implemented" #else /* !__TARGET_HOST_x64 && !__TARGET_HOST_ARMv7 && !__TARGET_HOST_x86 */ # error "!__TARGET_HOST_x64 && !__TARGET_HOST_ARMv7 && !__TARGET_HOST_x86" #endif /* __TARGET_HOST_x64 */ } /* jrt_set_mem_limits */ #endif /* 0 */