/* Copyright 2015-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Copyright 2016 University of Szeged * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecma-helpers.h" #include "ecma-literal-storage.h" #include "test-common.h" // Iterations count #define test_iters 64 // Subiterations count #define test_sub_iters 64 // Max characters in a string #define max_characters_in_string 256 static void generate_string (lit_utf8_byte_t *str, lit_utf8_size_t len) { static const lit_utf8_byte_t bytes[] = "!@#$%^&*()_+abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789"; static const lit_utf8_size_t length = (lit_utf8_size_t) (sizeof (bytes) - 1); for (lit_utf8_size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { str[i] = bytes[(unsigned long) rand () % length]; } } /* generate_string */ static ecma_number_t generate_number () { ecma_number_t num = ((ecma_number_t) rand () / 32767.0); if (rand () % 2) { num = -num; } int power = rand () % 30; while (power-- > 0) { num *= 10; } return num; } /* generate_number */ int main () { TEST_INIT (); const lit_utf8_byte_t *ptrs[test_sub_iters]; ecma_number_t numbers[test_sub_iters]; lit_utf8_byte_t strings[test_sub_iters][max_characters_in_string + 1]; lit_utf8_size_t lengths[test_sub_iters]; jmem_init (); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < test_iters; i++) { memset (numbers, 0, sizeof (ecma_number_t) * test_sub_iters); memset (lengths, 0, sizeof (lit_utf8_size_t) * test_sub_iters); memset (ptrs, 0, sizeof (lit_utf8_byte_t *) * test_sub_iters); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < test_sub_iters; j++) { int type = rand () % 3; if (type == 0) { lengths[j] = (lit_utf8_size_t) (rand () % max_characters_in_string + 1); generate_string (strings[j], lengths[j]); ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (strings[j], lengths[j]); strings[j][lengths[j]] = '\0'; ptrs[j] = strings[j]; TEST_ASSERT (ptrs[j]); } else if (type == 1) { lit_magic_string_id_t msi = (lit_magic_string_id_t) (rand () % LIT_MAGIC_STRING__COUNT); ptrs[j] = lit_get_magic_string_utf8 (msi); TEST_ASSERT (ptrs[j]); lengths[j] = (lit_utf8_size_t) lit_zt_utf8_string_size (ptrs[j]); ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (ptrs[j], lengths[j]); } else { ecma_number_t num = generate_number (); lengths[j] = ecma_number_to_utf8_string (num, strings[j], max_characters_in_string); ecma_find_or_create_literal_number (num); } } // Add empty string ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (NULL, 0); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < test_sub_iters; j++) { jmem_cpointer_t lit1; jmem_cpointer_t lit2; if (ptrs[j]) { lit1 = ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (ptrs[j], lengths[j]); lit2 = ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (ptrs[j], lengths[j]); TEST_ASSERT (lit1 == lit2); } else { lit1 = ecma_find_or_create_literal_number (numbers[j]); lit2 = ecma_find_or_create_literal_number (numbers[j]); TEST_ASSERT (lit1 == lit2); } TEST_ASSERT (lit1); TEST_ASSERT (lit2); TEST_ASSERT (lit1 == lit2); } // Check empty string exists TEST_ASSERT (ecma_find_or_create_literal_string (NULL, 0) != JMEM_CP_NULL); } ecma_finalize_lit_storage (); jmem_finalize (); return 0; } /* main */