/* Copyright 2015-2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * Copyright 2016 University of Szeged. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecma-helpers.h" #include "lit-strings.h" #include "ecma-init-finalize.h" #include "test-common.h" // Iterations count #define test_iters (1024) // Sub iterations count #define test_subiters (128) // Max bytes in string #define max_bytes_in_string (16 * 1024) #define max_code_units_in_string (max_bytes_in_string) typedef enum { CESU8_ANY_SIZE, CESU8_ONE_BYTE, CESU8_TWO_BYTES, CESU8_THREE_BYTES, } utf8_char_size; static lit_utf8_size_t generate_cesu8_char (utf8_char_size char_size, lit_utf8_byte_t *buf) { TEST_ASSERT (char_size >= 0 && char_size <= LIT_CESU8_MAX_BYTES_IN_CODE_UNIT); lit_code_point_t code_point = (lit_code_point_t) rand (); if (char_size == 1) { code_point %= LIT_UTF8_1_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MAX; } else if (char_size == 2) { code_point = LIT_UTF8_2_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MIN + code_point % (LIT_UTF8_2_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MAX - LIT_UTF8_2_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MIN); } else if (char_size == 3) { code_point = LIT_UTF8_3_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MIN + code_point % (LIT_UTF8_3_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MAX - LIT_UTF8_3_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MIN); } else { code_point %= LIT_UTF8_3_BYTE_CODE_POINT_MAX; } if (code_point >= LIT_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN && code_point <= LIT_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE_MAX) { code_point = LIT_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN - 1; } return lit_code_unit_to_utf8 ((ecma_char_t) code_point, buf); } /* generate_cesu8_char */ static ecma_length_t generate_cesu8_string (lit_utf8_byte_t *buf_p, lit_utf8_size_t buf_size) { ecma_length_t length = 0; lit_utf8_size_t size = 0; while (size < buf_size) { const utf8_char_size char_size = (((buf_size - size) > LIT_CESU8_MAX_BYTES_IN_CODE_UNIT) ? CESU8_ANY_SIZE : (utf8_char_size) (buf_size - size)); lit_utf8_size_t bytes_generated = generate_cesu8_char (char_size, buf_p); TEST_ASSERT (lit_is_cesu8_string_valid (buf_p, bytes_generated)); size += bytes_generated; buf_p += bytes_generated; length++; } TEST_ASSERT (size == buf_size); return length; } /* generate_cesu8_string */ int main () { TEST_INIT (); jmem_init (); ecma_init (); lit_utf8_byte_t cesu8_string[max_bytes_in_string]; ecma_char_t code_units[max_code_units_in_string]; const lit_utf8_byte_t *saved_positions[max_code_units_in_string]; for (int i = 0; i < test_iters; i++) { lit_utf8_size_t cesu8_string_size = (i == 0) ? 0 : (lit_utf8_size_t) (rand () % max_bytes_in_string); ecma_length_t length = generate_cesu8_string (cesu8_string, cesu8_string_size); ecma_string_t *char_collection_string_p = ecma_new_ecma_string_from_utf8 (cesu8_string, cesu8_string_size); ecma_length_t char_collection_len = ecma_string_get_length (char_collection_string_p); TEST_ASSERT (char_collection_len == length); ecma_deref_ecma_string (char_collection_string_p); TEST_ASSERT (lit_utf8_string_length (cesu8_string, cesu8_string_size) == length); const lit_utf8_byte_t *curr_p = cesu8_string; const lit_utf8_byte_t *end_p = cesu8_string + cesu8_string_size; ecma_length_t calculated_length = 0; ecma_length_t code_units_count = 0; while (curr_p < end_p) { code_units[code_units_count] = lit_utf8_peek_next (curr_p); saved_positions[code_units_count] = curr_p; code_units_count++; calculated_length++; lit_utf8_incr (&curr_p); } TEST_ASSERT (length == calculated_length); if (code_units_count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < test_subiters; j++) { ecma_length_t index = (ecma_length_t) rand () % code_units_count; curr_p = saved_positions[index]; TEST_ASSERT (lit_utf8_peek_next (curr_p) == code_units[index]); } } curr_p = (lit_utf8_byte_t *) end_p; while (curr_p > cesu8_string) { TEST_ASSERT (code_units_count > 0); calculated_length--; TEST_ASSERT (code_units[calculated_length] == lit_utf8_peek_prev (curr_p)); lit_utf8_decr (&curr_p); } TEST_ASSERT (calculated_length == 0); while (curr_p < end_p) { ecma_char_t code_unit = lit_utf8_read_next (&curr_p); TEST_ASSERT (code_unit == code_units[calculated_length]); calculated_length++; } TEST_ASSERT (length == calculated_length); while (curr_p > cesu8_string) { TEST_ASSERT (code_units_count > 0); calculated_length--; TEST_ASSERT (code_units[calculated_length] == lit_utf8_read_prev (&curr_p)); } TEST_ASSERT (calculated_length == 0); } /* Overlong-encoded code point */ lit_utf8_byte_t invalid_cesu8_string_1[] = {0xC0, 0x82}; TEST_ASSERT (!lit_is_cesu8_string_valid (invalid_cesu8_string_1, sizeof (invalid_cesu8_string_1))); /* Overlong-encoded code point */ lit_utf8_byte_t invalid_cesu8_string_2[] = {0xE0, 0x80, 0x81}; TEST_ASSERT (!lit_is_cesu8_string_valid (invalid_cesu8_string_2, sizeof (invalid_cesu8_string_2))); /* Pair of surrogates: 0xD901 0xDFF0 which encode Unicode character 0x507F0 */ lit_utf8_byte_t invalid_cesu8_string_3[] = {0xED, 0xA4, 0x81, 0xED, 0xBF, 0xB0}; TEST_ASSERT (lit_is_cesu8_string_valid (invalid_cesu8_string_3, sizeof (invalid_cesu8_string_3))); /* Isolated high surrogate 0xD901 */ lit_utf8_byte_t valid_utf8_string_1[] = {0xED, 0xA4, 0x81}; TEST_ASSERT (lit_is_cesu8_string_valid (valid_utf8_string_1, sizeof (valid_utf8_string_1))); lit_utf8_byte_t res_buf[3]; lit_utf8_size_t res_size; res_size = lit_code_unit_to_utf8 (0x73, res_buf); TEST_ASSERT (res_size == 1); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[0] == 0x73); res_size = lit_code_unit_to_utf8 (0x41A, res_buf); TEST_ASSERT (res_size == 2); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[0] == 0xD0); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[1] == 0x9A); res_size = lit_code_unit_to_utf8 (0xD7FF, res_buf); TEST_ASSERT (res_size == 3); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[0] == 0xED); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[1] == 0x9F); TEST_ASSERT (res_buf[2] == 0xBF); ecma_finalize (); jmem_finalize (); return 0; } /* main */