#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. TARGET="$1" #debug.linux release.linux TARGET_IP="$2" # ip address of target board TARGET_USER="$3" # login TARGET_PASS="$4" # password if [ $# -lt 4 ] then echo "This script runs ./jerry/* and ./jerry-test-suite/* tests on the remote board." echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " 1st parameter: target to be tested: {debug.linux, release.linux}" echo " 2nd parameter: ip address of target board: {}" echo " 3rd parameter: ssh login to target board: {login}" echo " 4th parameter: ssh password to target board: {password}" echo "" echo "Example:" echo " ./tools/runners/run-tests-remote.sh debug.linux login password" exit 1 fi BASE_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")" ) OUT_DIR="${BASE_DIR}"/../.././build/bin LOGS_PATH_FULL="${OUT_DIR}"/"${TARGET}"/check export SSHPASS="${TARGET_PASS}" rm -rf "${LOGS_PATH_FULL}" mkdir -p "${LOGS_PATH_FULL}" REMOTE_TMP_DIR=$(sshpass -e ssh "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}" 'mktemp -d') REMOTE_TMP_TAR=$(sshpass -e ssh "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}" 'mktemp') LOCAL_TMP_TAR=$(mktemp) tar -zcf "${LOCAL_TMP_TAR}" \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././build/bin/"${TARGET}" \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././tests/benchmarks \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././tests/jerry \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././tests/jerry-test-suite \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././tools/runners \ "${BASE_DIR}"/../.././tools/precommit-full-testing.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 sshpass -e scp "${LOCAL_TMP_TAR}" "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}":"${REMOTE_TMP_TAR}" sshpass -e ssh "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}" \ "tar -zxf \"${REMOTE_TMP_TAR}\" -C \"${REMOTE_TMP_DIR}\"; rm \"${REMOTE_TMP_TAR}\";\ cd \"${REMOTE_TMP_DIR}\"; \ ./tools/precommit-full-testing.sh ./build/bin \"$TARGET\" > ./build/bin/\"${TARGET}\"/check/run.log 2>&1; \ echo \$? > ./build/bin/\"${TARGET}\"/check/IS_TEST_OK" sshpass -e scp -r "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}":"${REMOTE_TMP_DIR}"/build/bin/"${TARGET}"/check/* "${LOGS_PATH_FULL}" sshpass -e ssh "${TARGET_USER}"@"${TARGET_IP}" "rm -rf \"${REMOTE_TMP_DIR}\"" STATUS=$(cat "${LOGS_PATH_FULL}"/IS_TEST_OK) if [ "${STATUS}" == 0 ] ; then echo "${TARGET} testing passed." exit 0 else echo "${TARGET} testing failed." echo "See logs in ${LOGS_PATH_FULL} directory for details." exit 1 fi