# This is an include file for Makefiles. It provides rules for building # .pb.c and .pb.h files out of .proto, as well the path to nanopb core. # Path to the nanopb root directory NANOPB_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))) # Files for the nanopb core NANOPB_CORE = $(NANOPB_DIR)/pb_encode.c $(NANOPB_DIR)/pb_decode.c $(NANOPB_DIR)/pb_common.c # Check if we are running on Windows ifdef windir WINDOWS = 1 endif ifdef WINDIR WINDOWS = 1 endif # Check whether to use binary version of nanopb_generator or the # system-supplied python interpreter. ifneq "$(wildcard $(NANOPB_DIR)/generator-bin)" "" # Binary package PROTOC = $(NANOPB_DIR)/generator-bin/protoc PROTOC_OPTS = else # Source only or git checkout PROTOC_OPTS = ifdef WINDOWS PROTOC = python $(NANOPB_DIR)/generator/protoc else PROTOC = $(NANOPB_DIR)/generator/protoc endif endif # Rule for building .pb.c and .pb.h %.pb.c %.pb.h: %.proto %.options $(PROTOC) $(PROTOC_OPTS) --nanopb_out=. $< %.pb.c %.pb.h: %.proto $(PROTOC) $(PROTOC_OPTS) --nanopb_out=. $<