Help(''' Type 'scons' to build and run all the available test cases. It will automatically detect your platform and C compiler and build appropriately. You can modify the behaviour using following options: BUILDDIR Directory to build into (default "build") CC Name of C compiler CXX Name of C++ compiler CCFLAGS Flags to pass to the C compiler CXXFLAGS Flags to pass to the C++ compiler LINK Name of linker (usually same as CC) LINKFLAGS Flags to pass to linker LINKLIBS Flags to pass to linker after object files PROTOC Path to protoc binary PROTOCFLAGS Arguments to pass protoc NODEFARGS Do not add the default CCFLAGS NOVALGRIND Do not use valgrind for memory checks For example, for a clang build, use: scons CC=clang CXX=clang++ ''') import os import platform env = Environment(ENV = os.environ) # Allow giving environment flags on command line. list_vars = ['CCFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS', 'LINKLIBS', 'PROTOCFLAGS'] for var,val in ARGUMENTS.items(): if var in list_vars: env.Append(**{var: val}) else: env.Replace(**{var: val}) env.SetDefault(BUILDDIR = "build") env.SConsignFile(env['BUILDDIR'] + "/sconsign") env.Replace(CONFIGUREDIR = env['BUILDDIR'] + "/config") # If a cross compilation platform is given, apply the environment settings # from site_scons/platforms/X/ if ARGUMENTS.get('PLATFORM'): platform_func = platforms.get(ARGUMENTS.get('PLATFORM')) if not platform_func: print("Supported platforms: " + str(platforms.keys())) raise Exception("Unsupported platform: " + ARGUMENTS.get('PLATFORM')) else: platform_func(env) # Load nanopb generator build rules from site_scons/site_tools/ env.Tool("nanopb") # Limit memory usage. This is to catch problems like issue #338 try: import resource soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resourse.RLIMIT_AS) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (100*1024*1024, hard)) except: pass # On Mac OS X, gcc is usually alias for clang. # To avoid problem with default options, use clang directly. if platform.system() == "Darwin" and 'CC' not in ARGUMENTS: env.Replace(CC = "clang", CXX = "clang++") # Add the builders defined in add_nanopb_builders(env) # Path to the files shared by tests, and to the nanopb core. env.Append(CPPPATH = ["#../", "$COMMON"]) # Path for finding nanopb.proto env.Append(PROTOCPATH = '#../generator') # Check the compilation environment, unless we are just cleaning up. if not env.GetOption('clean'): def check_ccflags(context, flags, linkflags = ''): '''Check if given CCFLAGS are supported''' context.Message('Checking support for CCFLAGS="%s"... ' % flags) oldflags = context.env['CCFLAGS'] oldlinkflags = context.env['LINKFLAGS'] context.env.Append(CCFLAGS = flags) context.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = linkflags) result = context.TryCompile("int main() {return 0;}", '.c') context.env.Replace(CCFLAGS = oldflags) context.env.Replace(LINKFLAGS = oldlinkflags) context.Result(result) return result def check_protocversion(context): context.Display("Checking protoc version... ") status, output = context.TryAction('$PROTOC --version > $TARGET') if status: context.Result(str(output.strip())) return str(output.strip()) else: context.Display("error: %s\n" % output.strip()) context.did_show_result = 1 context.Result("unknown, assuming 3.6.1") return "3.6.1" conf = Configure(env, custom_tests = {'CheckCCFLAGS': check_ccflags, 'CheckProtocVersion': check_protocversion}) # If the platform doesn't support C99, use our own header file instead. stdbool = conf.CheckCHeader('stdbool.h') stdint = conf.CheckCHeader('stdint.h') stddef = conf.CheckCHeader('stddef.h') string = conf.CheckCHeader('string.h') stdlib = conf.CheckCHeader('stdlib.h') limits = conf.CheckCHeader('limits.h') if not stdbool or not stdint or not stddef or not string or not limits: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'PB_SYSTEM_HEADER': '\\"pb_syshdr.h\\"'}) conf.env.Append(CPPPATH = "#../extra") conf.env.Append(SYSHDR = '\\"pb_syshdr.h\\"') if stdbool: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_STDBOOL_H': 1}) if stdint: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_STDINT_H': 1}) if stddef: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_STDDEF_H': 1}) if string: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_STRING_H': 1}) if stdlib: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_STDLIB_H': 1}) if limits: conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = {'HAVE_LIMITS_H': 1}) # Check protoc version conf.env['PROTOC_VERSION'] = conf.CheckProtocVersion() # Initialize compiler arguments with defaults, unless overridden on # command line. if not env.get('NODEFARGS'): # Check if libmudflap is available (only with GCC) if 'gcc' in env['CC']: if conf.CheckLib('mudflap'): conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS = '-fmudflap') conf.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-fmudflap') # Check if we can use extra strict warning flags (only with GCC) extra = '-Wcast-qual -Wlogical-op -Wconversion' extra += ' -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing=1' extra += ' -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls' extra += ' -Wstack-protector ' if 'gcc' in env['CC']: if conf.CheckCCFLAGS(extra): conf.env.Append(CORECFLAGS = extra) # Check if we can use undefined behaviour sanitizer (only with clang) # TODO: Fuzz test triggers the bool sanitizer, figure out whether to # modify the fuzz test or to keep ignoring the check. extra = '-fsanitize=undefined,integer -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined,integer ' if 'clang' in env['CC']: if conf.CheckCCFLAGS(extra, linkflags = extra): conf.env.Append(CORECFLAGS = extra) conf.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = extra) # End the config stuff env = conf.Finish() if not env.get('NODEFARGS'): # Initialize the CCFLAGS according to the compiler if 'gcc' in env['CC']: # GNU Compiler Collection # Debug info, warnings as errors env.Append(CFLAGS = '-g -Wall -Werror ') env.Append(CORECFLAGS = '-Wextra ') # Pedantic ANSI C. On AVR this doesn't work because we use large # enums in some of the tests. if env.get("EMBEDDED") != "AVR": env.Append(CFLAGS = '-ansi ') env.Append(CORECFLAGS = '-pedantic ') # Profiling and coverage if not env.get("EMBEDDED"): env.Append(CFLAGS = '-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage ') env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-g --coverage') # We currently need uint64_t anyway, even though ANSI C90 otherwise.. env.Append(CFLAGS = '-Wno-long-long') elif 'clang' in env['CC']: # CLang env.Append(CFLAGS = '-ansi -g -Wall -Werror') env.Append(CORECFLAGS = ' -Wextra -Wcast-qual -Wconversion') elif 'cl' in env['CC']: # Microsoft Visual C++ # Debug info on, warning level 2 for tests, warnings as errors env.Append(CFLAGS = '/Zi /W2 /WX') env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/DEBUG') # More strict checks on the nanopb core env.Append(CORECFLAGS = '/W4') # Enable C11 standard env.Append(CFLAGS = ' /std:c11 ') # Disable warning about sizeof(union{}) construct that is used in # message size macros, in e.g. multiple_files testcase. The C construct # itself is valid, but quite rare, which causes Visual C++ to give a warning # about it. env.Append(CFLAGS = '/wd4116') elif 'tcc' in env['CC']: # Tiny C Compiler env.Append(CFLAGS = '-Wall -Werror -g') if 'clang' in env['CXX']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-g -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers') elif 'g++' in env['CXX'] or 'gcc' in env['CXX']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '-g -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=gnu++11') elif 'cl' in env['CXX']: env.Append(CXXFLAGS = '/Zi /W2 /WX /wd4116 /wd4127') env.SetDefault(CORECFLAGS = '') if not env.get("EMBEDDED") and not env.get("NOVALGRIND"): valgrind = env.WhereIs('valgrind') if valgrind: env.SetDefault(VALGRIND = valgrind) # Make it possible to add commands to the end of linker line env.SetDefault(LINKLIBS = '') env.Replace(LINKCOM = env['LINKCOM'] + " $LINKLIBS") # Place build files under separate folder import os.path env['VARIANT_DIR'] = env['BUILDDIR'] env['BUILD'] = '#' + env['VARIANT_DIR'] env['COMMON'] = '#' + env['VARIANT_DIR'] + '/common' # Include common/SConscript first to make sure its exports are available # to other SConscripts. SConscript("common/SConscript", exports = 'env', variant_dir = env['VARIANT_DIR'] + '/common') # Now include the SConscript files from all subdirectories for subdir in Glob('*/SConscript') + Glob('regression/*/SConscript'): if str(subdir).startswith("common/"): continue if str(subdir).startswith("common\\"): continue SConscript(subdir, exports = 'env', variant_dir = env['VARIANT_DIR'] + '/' + os.path.dirname(str(subdir)))