#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy 2009-2010 (ita) """ Detect the Intel C++ compiler """ import os, sys from waflib.Tools import ccroot, ar, gxx from waflib.Configure import conf @conf def find_icpc(conf): """ Find the program icpc, and execute it to ensure it really is icpc """ if sys.platform == 'cygwin': conf.fatal('The Intel compiler does not work on Cygwin') v = conf.env cxx = None if v['CXX']: cxx = v['CXX'] elif 'CXX' in conf.environ: cxx = conf.environ['CXX'] if not cxx: cxx = conf.find_program('icpc', var='CXX') if not cxx: conf.fatal('Intel C++ Compiler (icpc) was not found') cxx = conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) conf.get_cc_version(cxx, icc=True) v['CXX'] = cxx v['CXX_NAME'] = 'icc' def configure(conf): conf.find_icpc() conf.find_ar() conf.gxx_common_flags() conf.gxx_modifier_platform() conf.cxx_load_tools() conf.cxx_add_flags() conf.link_add_flags()