#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Carlos Rafael Giani, 2006 (dv) # Tamas Pal, 2007 (folti) # Nicolas Mercier, 2009 # Matt Clarkson, 2012 """ Microsoft Visual C++/Intel C++ compiler support Usage:: $ waf configure --msvc_version="msvc 10.0,msvc 9.0" --msvc_target="x64" or:: def configure(conf): conf.env['MSVC_VERSIONS'] = ['msvc 10.0', 'msvc 9.0', 'msvc 8.0', 'msvc 7.1', 'msvc 7.0', 'msvc 6.0', 'wsdk 7.0', 'intel 11', 'PocketPC 9.0', 'Smartphone 8.0'] conf.env['MSVC_TARGETS'] = ['x64'] conf.load('msvc') or:: def configure(conf): conf.load('msvc', funs='no_autodetect') conf.check_lib_msvc('gdi32') conf.check_libs_msvc('kernel32 user32') def build(bld): tg = bld.program(source='main.c', target='app', use='KERNEL32 USER32 GDI32') Platforms and targets will be tested in the order they appear; the first good configuration will be used. Supported platforms: ia64, x64, x86, x86_amd64, x86_ia64 Compilers supported: * msvc => Visual Studio, versions 6.0 (VC 98, VC .NET 2002) to 11.0 (Visual Studio 2012) * wsdk => Windows SDK, versions 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0 * icl => Intel compiler, versions 9, 10, 11, 13 * winphone => Visual Studio to target Windows Phone 8 native (version 8.0 for now) * Smartphone => Compiler/SDK for Smartphone devices (armv4/v4i) * PocketPC => Compiler/SDK for PocketPC devices (armv4/v4i) To use WAF in a VS2008 Make file project (see http://code.google.com/p/waf/issues/detail?id=894) You may consider to set the environment variable "VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT" to nothing before calling waf. So in your project settings use something like 'cmd.exe /C "set VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT=& set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true & waf build"'. cmd.exe /C "chcp 1252 & set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true && set && waf configure" Setting PYTHONUNBUFFERED gives the unbuffered output. """ import os, sys, re, tempfile from waflib import Utils, Task, Logs, Options, Errors from waflib.Logs import debug, warn from waflib.TaskGen import after_method, feature from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib.Tools import ccroot, c, cxx, ar, winres g_msvc_systemlibs = ''' aclui activeds ad1 adptif adsiid advapi32 asycfilt authz bhsupp bits bufferoverflowu cabinet cap certadm certidl ciuuid clusapi comctl32 comdlg32 comsupp comsuppd comsuppw comsuppwd comsvcs credui crypt32 cryptnet cryptui d3d8thk daouuid dbgeng dbghelp dciman32 ddao35 ddao35d ddao35u ddao35ud delayimp dhcpcsvc dhcpsapi dlcapi dnsapi dsprop dsuiext dtchelp faultrep fcachdll fci fdi framedyd framedyn gdi32 gdiplus glauxglu32 gpedit gpmuuid gtrts32w gtrtst32hlink htmlhelp httpapi icm32 icmui imagehlp imm32 iphlpapi iprop kernel32 ksguid ksproxy ksuser libcmt libcmtd libcpmt libcpmtd loadperf lz32 mapi mapi32 mgmtapi minidump mmc mobsync mpr mprapi mqoa mqrt msacm32 mscms mscoree msdasc msimg32 msrating mstask msvcmrt msvcurt msvcurtd mswsock msxml2 mtx mtxdm netapi32 nmapinmsupp npptools ntdsapi ntdsbcli ntmsapi ntquery odbc32 odbcbcp odbccp32 oldnames ole32 oleacc oleaut32 oledb oledlgolepro32 opends60 opengl32 osptk parser pdh penter pgobootrun pgort powrprof psapi ptrustm ptrustmd ptrustu ptrustud qosname rasapi32 rasdlg rassapi resutils riched20 rpcndr rpcns4 rpcrt4 rtm rtutils runtmchk scarddlg scrnsave scrnsavw secur32 sensapi setupapi sfc shell32 shfolder shlwapi sisbkup snmpapi sporder srclient sti strsafe svcguid tapi32 thunk32 traffic unicows url urlmon user32 userenv usp10 uuid uxtheme vcomp vcompd vdmdbg version vfw32 wbemuuid webpost wiaguid wininet winmm winscard winspool winstrm wintrust wldap32 wmiutils wow32 ws2_32 wsnmp32 wsock32 wst wtsapi32 xaswitch xolehlp '''.split() """importlibs provided by MSVC/Platform SDK. Do NOT search them""" all_msvc_platforms = [ ('x64', 'amd64'), ('x86', 'x86'), ('ia64', 'ia64'), ('x86_amd64', 'amd64'), ('x86_ia64', 'ia64'), ('x86_arm', 'arm') ] """List of msvc platforms""" all_wince_platforms = [ ('armv4', 'arm'), ('armv4i', 'arm'), ('mipsii', 'mips'), ('mipsii_fp', 'mips'), ('mipsiv', 'mips'), ('mipsiv_fp', 'mips'), ('sh4', 'sh'), ('x86', 'cex86') ] """List of wince platforms""" all_icl_platforms = [ ('intel64', 'amd64'), ('em64t', 'amd64'), ('ia32', 'x86'), ('Itanium', 'ia64')] """List of icl platforms""" def options(opt): opt.add_option('--msvc_version', type='string', help = 'msvc version, eg: "msvc 10.0,msvc 9.0"', default='') opt.add_option('--msvc_targets', type='string', help = 'msvc targets, eg: "x64,arm"', default='') def setup_msvc(conf, versions, arch = False): platforms = getattr(Options.options, 'msvc_targets', '').split(',') if platforms == ['']: platforms=Utils.to_list(conf.env['MSVC_TARGETS']) or [i for i,j in all_msvc_platforms+all_icl_platforms+all_wince_platforms] desired_versions = getattr(Options.options, 'msvc_version', '').split(',') if desired_versions == ['']: desired_versions = conf.env['MSVC_VERSIONS'] or [v for v,_ in versions][::-1] versiondict = dict(versions) for version in desired_versions: try: targets = dict(versiondict [version]) for target in platforms: try: arch,(p1,p2,p3) = targets[target] compiler,revision = version.rsplit(' ', 1) if arch: return compiler,revision,p1,p2,p3,arch else: return compiler,revision,p1,p2,p3 except KeyError: continue except KeyError: continue conf.fatal('msvc: Impossible to find a valid architecture for building (in setup_msvc)') @conf def get_msvc_version(conf, compiler, version, target, vcvars): """ Create a bat file to obtain the location of the libraries :param compiler: ? :param version: ? :target: ? :vcvars: ? :return: the location of msvc, the location of include dirs, and the library paths :rtype: tuple of strings """ debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r', compiler, version, target) batfile = conf.bldnode.make_node('waf-print-msvc.bat') batfile.write("""@echo off set INCLUDE= set LIB= call "%s" %s echo PATH=%%PATH%% echo INCLUDE=%%INCLUDE%% echo LIB=%%LIB%%;%%LIBPATH%% """ % (vcvars,target)) sout = conf.cmd_and_log(['cmd', '/E:on', '/V:on', '/C', batfile.abspath()]) lines = sout.splitlines() if not lines[0]: lines.pop(0) MSVC_PATH = MSVC_INCDIR = MSVC_LIBDIR = None for line in lines: if line.startswith('PATH='): path = line[5:] MSVC_PATH = path.split(';') elif line.startswith('INCLUDE='): MSVC_INCDIR = [i for i in line[8:].split(';') if i] elif line.startswith('LIB='): MSVC_LIBDIR = [i for i in line[4:].split(';') if i] if None in (MSVC_PATH, MSVC_INCDIR, MSVC_LIBDIR): conf.fatal('msvc: Could not find a valid architecture for building (get_msvc_version_3)') # Check if the compiler is usable at all. # The detection may return 64-bit versions even on 32-bit systems, and these would fail to run. env = dict(os.environ) env.update(PATH = path) compiler_name, linker_name, lib_name = _get_prog_names(conf, compiler) cxx = conf.find_program(compiler_name, path_list=MSVC_PATH) cxx = conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) # delete CL if exists. because it could contain parameters wich can change cl's behaviour rather catastrophically. if 'CL' in env: del(env['CL']) try: try: conf.cmd_and_log(cxx + ['/help'], env=env) except Exception as e: debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> failure' % (compiler, version, target)) debug(str(e)) conf.fatal('msvc: cannot run the compiler (in get_msvc_version)') else: debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> OK', compiler, version, target) finally: conf.env[compiler_name] = '' return (MSVC_PATH, MSVC_INCDIR, MSVC_LIBDIR) @conf def gather_wsdk_versions(conf, versions): """ Use winreg to add the msvc versions to the input list :param versions: list to modify :type versions: list """ version_pattern = re.compile('^v..?.?\...?.?') try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows') except WindowsError: try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows') except WindowsError: return index = 0 while 1: try: version = Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions, index) except WindowsError: break index = index + 1 if not version_pattern.match(version): continue try: msvc_version = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions, version) path,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version,'InstallationFolder') except WindowsError: continue if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'SetEnv.cmd')): targets = [] for target,arch in all_msvc_platforms: try: targets.append((target, (arch, conf.get_msvc_version('wsdk', version, '/'+target, os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'SetEnv.cmd'))))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass versions.append(('wsdk ' + version[1:], targets)) def gather_wince_supported_platforms(): """ Checks SmartPhones SDKs :param versions: list to modify :type versions: list """ supported_wince_platforms = [] try: ce_sdk = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs') except WindowsError: try: ce_sdk = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs') except WindowsError: ce_sdk = '' if not ce_sdk: return supported_wince_platforms ce_index = 0 while 1: try: sdk_device = Utils.winreg.EnumKey(ce_sdk, ce_index) except WindowsError: break ce_index = ce_index + 1 sdk = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(ce_sdk, sdk_device) try: path,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk, 'SDKRootDir') except WindowsError: try: path,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk,'SDKInformation') path,xml = os.path.split(path) except WindowsError: continue path=str(path) path,device = os.path.split(path) if not device: path,device = os.path.split(path) for arch,compiler in all_wince_platforms: platforms = [] if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, device, 'Lib', arch)): platforms.append((arch, compiler, os.path.join(path, device, 'Include', arch), os.path.join(path, device, 'Lib', arch))) if platforms: supported_wince_platforms.append((device, platforms)) return supported_wince_platforms def gather_msvc_detected_versions(): #Detected MSVC versions! version_pattern = re.compile('^(\d\d?\.\d\d?)(Exp)?$') detected_versions = [] for vcver,vcvar in [('VCExpress','Exp'), ('VisualStudio','')]: try: prefix = 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\'+vcver all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, prefix) except WindowsError: try: prefix = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\'+vcver all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, prefix) except WindowsError: continue index = 0 while 1: try: version = Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions, index) except WindowsError: break index = index + 1 match = version_pattern.match(version) if not match: continue else: versionnumber = float(match.group(1)) detected_versions.append((versionnumber, version+vcvar, prefix+"\\"+version)) def fun(tup): return tup[0] detected_versions.sort(key = fun) return detected_versions @conf def gather_msvc_targets(conf, versions, version, vc_path): #Looking for normal MSVC compilers! targets = [] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path, 'vcvarsall.bat')): for target,realtarget in all_msvc_platforms[::-1]: try: targets.append((target, (realtarget, conf.get_msvc_version('msvc', version, target, os.path.join(vc_path, 'vcvarsall.bat'))))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path, 'Common7', 'Tools', 'vsvars32.bat')): try: targets.append(('x86', ('x86', conf.get_msvc_version('msvc', version, 'x86', os.path.join(vc_path, 'Common7', 'Tools', 'vsvars32.bat'))))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path, 'Bin', 'vcvars32.bat')): try: targets.append(('x86', ('x86', conf.get_msvc_version('msvc', version, '', os.path.join(vc_path, 'Bin', 'vcvars32.bat'))))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass if targets: versions.append(('msvc '+ version, targets)) @conf def gather_wince_targets(conf, versions, version, vc_path, vsvars, supported_platforms): #Looking for Win CE compilers! for device,platforms in supported_platforms: cetargets = [] for platform,compiler,include,lib in platforms: winCEpath = os.path.join(vc_path, 'ce') if not os.path.isdir(winCEpath): continue try: common_bindirs,_1,_2 = conf.get_msvc_version('msvc', version, 'x86', vsvars) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: continue if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(winCEpath, 'lib', platform)): bindirs = [os.path.join(winCEpath, 'bin', compiler), os.path.join(winCEpath, 'bin', 'x86_'+compiler)] + common_bindirs incdirs = [os.path.join(winCEpath, 'include'), os.path.join(winCEpath, 'atlmfc', 'include'), include] libdirs = [os.path.join(winCEpath, 'lib', platform), os.path.join(winCEpath, 'atlmfc', 'lib', platform), lib] cetargets.append((platform, (platform, (bindirs,incdirs,libdirs)))) if cetargets: versions.append((device + ' ' + version, cetargets)) @conf def gather_winphone_targets(conf, versions, version, vc_path, vsvars): #Looking for WinPhone compilers targets = [] for target,realtarget in all_msvc_platforms[::-1]: try: targets.append((target, (realtarget, conf.get_msvc_version('winphone', version, target, vsvars)))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError as e: pass if targets: versions.append(('winphone '+ version, targets)) @conf def gather_msvc_versions(conf, versions): vc_paths = [] for (v,version,reg) in gather_msvc_detected_versions(): try: try: msvc_version = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg + "\\Setup\\VC") except WindowsError: msvc_version = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, reg + "\\Setup\\Microsoft Visual C++") path,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version, 'ProductDir') vc_paths.append((version, os.path.abspath(str(path)))) except WindowsError: continue wince_supported_platforms = gather_wince_supported_platforms() for version,vc_path in vc_paths: vs_path = os.path.dirname(vc_path) vsvars = os.path.join(vs_path, 'Common7', 'Tools', 'vsvars32.bat') if wince_supported_platforms and os.path.isfile(vsvars): conf.gather_wince_targets(versions, version, vc_path, vsvars, wince_supported_platforms) vsvars = os.path.join(vs_path, 'VC', 'WPSDK', 'WP80', 'vcvarsphoneall.bat') if os.path.isfile(vsvars): conf.gather_winphone_targets(versions, '8.0', vc_path, vsvars) for version,vc_path in vc_paths: vs_path = os.path.dirname(vc_path) conf.gather_msvc_targets(versions, version, vc_path) @conf def gather_icl_versions(conf, versions): """ Checks ICL compilers :param versions: list to modify :type versions: list """ version_pattern = re.compile('^...?.?\....?.?') try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++') except WindowsError: try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++') except WindowsError: return index = 0 while 1: try: version = Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions, index) except WindowsError: break index = index + 1 if not version_pattern.match(version): continue targets = [] for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: try: if target=='intel64': targetDir='EM64T_NATIVE' else: targetDir=target Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+targetDir) icl_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version) path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') if os.path.isfile(batch_file): try: targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,batch_file)))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass except WindowsError: pass for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: try: icl_version = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions, version+'\\'+target) path,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') if os.path.isfile(batch_file): try: targets.append((target, (arch, conf.get_msvc_version('intel', version, target, batch_file)))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: pass except WindowsError: continue major = version[0:2] versions.append(('intel ' + major, targets)) @conf def gather_intel_composer_versions(conf, versions): """ Checks ICL compilers that are part of Intel Composer Suites :param versions: list to modify :type versions: list """ version_pattern = re.compile('^...?.?\...?.?.?') try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Intel\\Suites') except WindowsError: try: all_versions = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Suites') except WindowsError: return index = 0 while 1: try: version = Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions, index) except WindowsError: break index = index + 1 if not version_pattern.match(version): continue targets = [] for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: try: if target=='intel64': targetDir='EM64T_NATIVE' else: targetDir=target try: defaults = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\Defaults\\C++\\'+targetDir) except WindowsError: if targetDir=='EM64T_NATIVE': defaults = Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\Defaults\\C++\\EM64T') else: raise WindowsError uid,type = Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(defaults, 'SubKey') Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+uid+'\\C++\\'+targetDir) icl_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+uid+'\\C++') path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') if os.path.isfile(batch_file): try: targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,batch_file)))) except conf.errors.ConfigurationError as e: pass # The intel compilervar_arch.bat is broken when used with Visual Studio Express 2012 # http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/328487 compilervars_warning_attr = '_compilervars_warning_key' if version[0:2] == '13' and getattr(conf, compilervars_warning_attr, True): setattr(conf, compilervars_warning_attr, False) patch_url = 'http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/328487' compilervars_arch = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'compilervars_arch.bat') for vscomntools in ['VS110COMNTOOLS', 'VS100COMNTOOLS']: if os.environ.has_key (vscomntools): vs_express_path = os.environ[vscomntools] + r'..\IDE\VSWinExpress.exe' dev_env_path = os.environ[vscomntools] + r'..\IDE\devenv.exe' if (r'if exist "%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\VSWinExpress.exe"' in Utils.readf(compilervars_arch) and not os.path.exists(vs_express_path) and not os.path.exists(dev_env_path)): Logs.warn(('The Intel compilervar_arch.bat only checks for one Visual Studio SKU ' '(VSWinExpress.exe) but it does not seem to be installed at %r. ' 'The intel command line set up will fail to configure unless the file %r' 'is patched. See: %s') % (vs_express_path, compilervars_arch, patch_url)) except WindowsError: pass major = version[0:2] versions.append(('intel ' + major, targets)) @conf def get_msvc_versions(conf): """ :return: list of compilers installed :rtype: list of string """ if not conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']: lst = [] conf.gather_icl_versions(lst) conf.gather_intel_composer_versions(lst) conf.gather_wsdk_versions(lst) conf.gather_msvc_versions(lst) conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS'] = lst return conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS'] @conf def print_all_msvc_detected(conf): """ Print the contents of *conf.env.MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS* """ for version,targets in conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']: Logs.info(version) for target,l in targets: Logs.info("\t"+target) @conf def detect_msvc(conf, arch = False): versions = get_msvc_versions(conf) return setup_msvc(conf, versions, arch) @conf def find_lt_names_msvc(self, libname, is_static=False): """ Win32/MSVC specific code to glean out information from libtool la files. this function is not attached to the task_gen class """ lt_names=[ 'lib%s.la' % libname, '%s.la' % libname, ] for path in self.env['LIBPATH']: for la in lt_names: laf=os.path.join(path,la) dll=None if os.path.exists(laf): ltdict = Utils.read_la_file(laf) lt_libdir=None if ltdict.get('libdir', ''): lt_libdir = ltdict['libdir'] if not is_static and ltdict.get('library_names', ''): dllnames=ltdict['library_names'].split() dll=dllnames[0].lower() dll=re.sub('\.dll$', '', dll) return (lt_libdir, dll, False) elif ltdict.get('old_library', ''): olib=ltdict['old_library'] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,olib)): return (path, olib, True) elif lt_libdir != '' and os.path.exists(os.path.join(lt_libdir,olib)): return (lt_libdir, olib, True) else: return (None, olib, True) else: raise self.errors.WafError('invalid libtool object file: %s' % laf) return (None, None, None) @conf def libname_msvc(self, libname, is_static=False): lib = libname.lower() lib = re.sub('\.lib$','',lib) if lib in g_msvc_systemlibs: return lib lib=re.sub('^lib','',lib) if lib == 'm': return None (lt_path, lt_libname, lt_static) = self.find_lt_names_msvc(lib, is_static) if lt_path != None and lt_libname != None: if lt_static == True: # file existance check has been made by find_lt_names return os.path.join(lt_path,lt_libname) if lt_path != None: _libpaths=[lt_path] + self.env['LIBPATH'] else: _libpaths=self.env['LIBPATH'] static_libs=[ 'lib%ss.lib' % lib, 'lib%s.lib' % lib, '%ss.lib' % lib, '%s.lib' %lib, ] dynamic_libs=[ 'lib%s.dll.lib' % lib, 'lib%s.dll.a' % lib, '%s.dll.lib' % lib, '%s.dll.a' % lib, 'lib%s_d.lib' % lib, '%s_d.lib' % lib, '%s.lib' %lib, ] libnames=static_libs if not is_static: libnames=dynamic_libs + static_libs for path in _libpaths: for libn in libnames: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, libn)): debug('msvc: lib found: %s' % os.path.join(path,libn)) return re.sub('\.lib$', '',libn) #if no lib can be found, just return the libname as msvc expects it self.fatal("The library %r could not be found" % libname) return re.sub('\.lib$', '', libname) @conf def check_lib_msvc(self, libname, is_static=False, uselib_store=None): """ Ideally we should be able to place the lib in the right env var, either STLIB or LIB, but we don't distinguish static libs from shared libs. This is ok since msvc doesn't have any special linker flag to select static libs (no env['STLIB_MARKER']) """ libn = self.libname_msvc(libname, is_static) if not uselib_store: uselib_store = libname.upper() if False and is_static: # disabled self.env['STLIB_' + uselib_store] = [libn] else: self.env['LIB_' + uselib_store] = [libn] @conf def check_libs_msvc(self, libnames, is_static=False): for libname in Utils.to_list(libnames): self.check_lib_msvc(libname, is_static) def configure(conf): """ Configuration methods to call for detecting msvc """ conf.autodetect(True) conf.find_msvc() conf.msvc_common_flags() conf.cc_load_tools() conf.cxx_load_tools() conf.cc_add_flags() conf.cxx_add_flags() conf.link_add_flags() conf.visual_studio_add_flags() @conf def no_autodetect(conf): conf.env.NO_MSVC_DETECT = 1 configure(conf) @conf def autodetect(conf, arch = False): v = conf.env if v.NO_MSVC_DETECT: return if arch: compiler, version, path, includes, libdirs, arch = conf.detect_msvc(True) v['DEST_CPU'] = arch else: compiler, version, path, includes, libdirs = conf.detect_msvc() v['PATH'] = path v['INCLUDES'] = includes v['LIBPATH'] = libdirs v['MSVC_COMPILER'] = compiler try: v['MSVC_VERSION'] = float(version) except Exception: v['MSVC_VERSION'] = float(version[:-3]) def _get_prog_names(conf, compiler): if compiler=='intel': compiler_name = 'ICL' linker_name = 'XILINK' lib_name = 'XILIB' else: # assumes CL.exe compiler_name = 'CL' linker_name = 'LINK' lib_name = 'LIB' return compiler_name, linker_name, lib_name @conf def find_msvc(conf): """Due to path format limitations, limit operation only to native Win32. Yeah it sucks.""" if sys.platform == 'cygwin': conf.fatal('MSVC module does not work under cygwin Python!') # the autodetection is supposed to be performed before entering in this method v = conf.env path = v['PATH'] compiler = v['MSVC_COMPILER'] version = v['MSVC_VERSION'] compiler_name, linker_name, lib_name = _get_prog_names(conf, compiler) v.MSVC_MANIFEST = (compiler == 'msvc' and version >= 8) or (compiler == 'wsdk' and version >= 6) or (compiler == 'intel' and version >= 11) # compiler cxx = None if v['CXX']: cxx = v['CXX'] elif 'CXX' in conf.environ: cxx = conf.environ['CXX'] cxx = conf.find_program(compiler_name, var='CXX', path_list=path) cxx = conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) # before setting anything, check if the compiler is really msvc env = dict(conf.environ) if path: env.update(PATH = ';'.join(path)) if not conf.cmd_and_log(cxx + ['/nologo', '/help'], env=env): conf.fatal('the msvc compiler could not be identified') # c/c++ compiler v['CC'] = v['CXX'] = cxx v['CC_NAME'] = v['CXX_NAME'] = 'msvc' # linker if not v['LINK_CXX']: link = conf.find_program(linker_name, path_list=path) if link: v['LINK_CXX'] = link else: conf.fatal('%s was not found (linker)' % linker_name) v['LINK'] = link if not v['LINK_CC']: v['LINK_CC'] = v['LINK_CXX'] # staticlib linker if not v['AR']: stliblink = conf.find_program(lib_name, path_list=path, var='AR') if not stliblink: return v['ARFLAGS'] = ['/NOLOGO'] # manifest tool. Not required for VS 2003 and below. Must have for VS 2005 and later if v.MSVC_MANIFEST: conf.find_program('MT', path_list=path, var='MT') v['MTFLAGS'] = ['/NOLOGO'] try: conf.load('winres') except Errors.WafError: warn('Resource compiler not found. Compiling resource file is disabled') @conf def visual_studio_add_flags(self): """visual studio flags found in the system environment""" v = self.env try: v.prepend_value('INCLUDES', [x for x in self.environ['INCLUDE'].split(';') if x]) # notice the 'S' except Exception: pass try: v.prepend_value('LIBPATH', [x for x in self.environ['LIB'].split(';') if x]) except Exception: pass @conf def msvc_common_flags(conf): """ Setup the flags required for executing the msvc compiler """ v = conf.env v['DEST_BINFMT'] = 'pe' v.append_value('CFLAGS', ['/nologo']) v.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['/nologo']) v['DEFINES_ST'] = '/D%s' v['CC_SRC_F'] = '' v['CC_TGT_F'] = ['/c', '/Fo'] if v['MSVC_VERSION'] >= 8: v['CC_TGT_F']= ['/FC'] + v['CC_TGT_F'] v['CXX_SRC_F'] = '' v['CXX_TGT_F'] = ['/c', '/Fo'] if v['MSVC_VERSION'] >= 8: v['CXX_TGT_F']= ['/FC'] + v['CXX_TGT_F'] v['CPPPATH_ST'] = '/I%s' # template for adding include paths v['AR_TGT_F'] = v['CCLNK_TGT_F'] = v['CXXLNK_TGT_F'] = '/OUT:' # Subsystem specific flags v['CFLAGS_CONSOLE'] = v['CXXFLAGS_CONSOLE'] = ['/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE'] v['CFLAGS_NATIVE'] = v['CXXFLAGS_NATIVE'] = ['/SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE'] v['CFLAGS_POSIX'] = v['CXXFLAGS_POSIX'] = ['/SUBSYSTEM:POSIX'] v['CFLAGS_WINDOWS'] = v['CXXFLAGS_WINDOWS'] = ['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS'] v['CFLAGS_WINDOWSCE'] = v['CXXFLAGS_WINDOWSCE'] = ['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWSCE'] # CRT specific flags v['CFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED'] = v['CXXFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED'] = ['/MT'] v['CFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DLL'] = v['CXXFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DLL'] = ['/MD'] v['CFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DBG'] = v['CXXFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DBG'] = ['/MTd'] v['CFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DLL_DBG'] = v['CXXFLAGS_CRT_MULTITHREADED_DLL_DBG'] = ['/MDd'] # linker v['LIB_ST'] = '%s.lib' # template for adding shared libs v['LIBPATH_ST'] = '/LIBPATH:%s' # template for adding libpaths v['STLIB_ST'] = '%s.lib' v['STLIBPATH_ST'] = '/LIBPATH:%s' v.append_value('LINKFLAGS', ['/NOLOGO']) if v['MSVC_MANIFEST']: v.append_value('LINKFLAGS', ['/MANIFEST']) # shared library v['CFLAGS_cshlib'] = [] v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib'] = [] v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib'] = v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib'] = ['/DLL'] v['cshlib_PATTERN'] = v['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = '%s.dll' v['implib_PATTERN'] = '%s.lib' v['IMPLIB_ST'] = '/IMPLIB:%s' # static library v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib'] = [] v['cstlib_PATTERN'] = v['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] = '%s.lib' # program v['cprogram_PATTERN'] = v['cxxprogram_PATTERN'] = '%s.exe' ####################################################################################################### ##### conf above, build below @after_method('apply_link') @feature('c', 'cxx') def apply_flags_msvc(self): """ Add additional flags implied by msvc, such as subsystems and pdb files:: def build(bld): bld.stlib(source='main.c', target='bar', subsystem='gruik') """ if self.env.CC_NAME != 'msvc' or not getattr(self, 'link_task', None): return is_static = isinstance(self.link_task, ccroot.stlink_task) subsystem = getattr(self, 'subsystem', '') if subsystem: subsystem = '/subsystem:%s' % subsystem flags = is_static and 'ARFLAGS' or 'LINKFLAGS' self.env.append_value(flags, subsystem) if not is_static: for f in self.env.LINKFLAGS: d = f.lower() if d[1:] == 'debug': pdbnode = self.link_task.outputs[0].change_ext('.pdb') self.link_task.outputs.append(pdbnode) try: self.install_task.source.append(pdbnode) except AttributeError: pass break # split the manifest file processing from the link task, like for the rc processing @feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cxxprogram', 'cxxshlib') @after_method('apply_link') def apply_manifest(self): """ Special linker for MSVC with support for embedding manifests into DLL's and executables compiled by Visual Studio 2005 or probably later. Without the manifest file, the binaries are unusable. See: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235542(VS.80).aspx """ if self.env.CC_NAME == 'msvc' and self.env.MSVC_MANIFEST and getattr(self, 'link_task', None): out_node = self.link_task.outputs[0] man_node = out_node.parent.find_or_declare(out_node.name + '.manifest') self.link_task.outputs.append(man_node) self.link_task.do_manifest = True def exec_mf(self): """ Create the manifest file """ env = self.env mtool = env['MT'] if not mtool: return 0 self.do_manifest = False outfile = self.outputs[0].abspath() manifest = None for out_node in self.outputs: if out_node.name.endswith('.manifest'): manifest = out_node.abspath() break if manifest is None: # Should never get here. If we do, it means the manifest file was # never added to the outputs list, thus we don't have a manifest file # to embed, so we just return. return 0 # embedding mode. Different for EXE's and DLL's. # see: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235591(VS.80).aspx mode = '' if 'cprogram' in self.generator.features or 'cxxprogram' in self.generator.features: mode = '1' elif 'cshlib' in self.generator.features or 'cxxshlib' in self.generator.features: mode = '2' debug('msvc: embedding manifest in mode %r' % mode) lst = [] lst.append(env['MT']) lst.extend(Utils.to_list(env['MTFLAGS'])) lst.extend(['-manifest', manifest]) lst.append('-outputresource:%s;%s' % (outfile, mode)) lst = [lst] return self.exec_command(*lst) def quote_response_command(self, flag): if flag.find(' ') > -1: for x in ('/LIBPATH:', '/IMPLIB:', '/OUT:', '/I'): if flag.startswith(x): flag = '%s"%s"' % (x, flag[len(x):]) break else: flag = '"%s"' % flag return flag def exec_response_command(self, cmd, **kw): # not public yet try: tmp = None if sys.platform.startswith('win') and isinstance(cmd, list) and len(' '.join(cmd)) >= 8192: program = cmd[0] #unquoted program name, otherwise exec_command will fail cmd = [self.quote_response_command(x) for x in cmd] (fd, tmp) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fd, '\r\n'.join(i.replace('\\', '\\\\') for i in cmd[1:]).encode()) os.close(fd) cmd = [program, '@' + tmp] # no return here, that's on purpose ret = self.generator.bld.exec_command(cmd, **kw) finally: if tmp: try: os.remove(tmp) except OSError: pass # anti-virus and indexers can keep the files open -_- return ret ########## stupid evil command modification: concatenate the tokens /Fx, /doc, and /x: with the next token def exec_command_msvc(self, *k, **kw): """ Change the command-line execution for msvc programs. Instead of quoting all the paths and keep using the shell, we can just join the options msvc is interested in """ if isinstance(k[0], list): lst = [] carry = '' for a in k[0]: if a == '/Fo' or a == '/doc' or a[-1] == ':': carry = a else: lst.append(carry + a) carry = '' k = [lst] if self.env['PATH']: env = dict(self.env.env or os.environ) env.update(PATH = ';'.join(self.env['PATH'])) kw['env'] = env bld = self.generator.bld try: if not kw.get('cwd', None): kw['cwd'] = bld.cwd except AttributeError: bld.cwd = kw['cwd'] = bld.variant_dir ret = self.exec_response_command(k[0], **kw) if not ret and getattr(self, 'do_manifest', None): ret = self.exec_mf() return ret def wrap_class(class_name): """ Manifest file processing and @response file workaround for command-line length limits on Windows systems The indicated task class is replaced by a subclass to prevent conflicts in case the class is wrapped more than once """ cls = Task.classes.get(class_name, None) if not cls: return None derived_class = type(class_name, (cls,), {}) def exec_command(self, *k, **kw): if self.env['CC_NAME'] == 'msvc': return self.exec_command_msvc(*k, **kw) else: return super(derived_class, self).exec_command(*k, **kw) # Chain-up monkeypatch needed since exec_command() is in base class API derived_class.exec_command = exec_command # No chain-up behavior needed since the following methods aren't in # base class API derived_class.exec_response_command = exec_response_command derived_class.quote_response_command = quote_response_command derived_class.exec_command_msvc = exec_command_msvc derived_class.exec_mf = exec_mf return derived_class for k in 'c cxx cprogram cxxprogram cshlib cxxshlib cstlib cxxstlib'.split(): wrap_class(k) def make_winapp(self, family): append = self.env.append_unique append('DEFINES', 'WINAPI_FAMILY=%s' % family) append('CXXFLAGS', '/ZW') append('CXXFLAGS', '/TP') for lib_path in self.env.LIBPATH: append('CXXFLAGS','/AI%s'%lib_path) @feature('winphoneapp') @after_method('process_use') @after_method('propagate_uselib_vars') def make_winphone_app(self): make_winapp(self, 'WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP') conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '/NODEFAULTLIB:ole32.lib') conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', 'PhoneAppModelHost.lib') @feature('winapp') @after_method('process_use') @after_method('propagate_uselib_vars') def make_windows_app(self): make_winapp(self, 'WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP')