#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2006-2010 (ita) """ C/C++ preprocessor for finding dependencies Reasons for using the Waf preprocessor by default #. Some c/c++ extensions (Qt) require a custom preprocessor for obtaining the dependencies (.moc files) #. Not all compilers provide .d files for obtaining the dependencies (portability) #. A naive file scanner will not catch the constructs such as "#include foo()" #. A naive file scanner will catch unnecessary dependencies (change an unused header -> recompile everything) Regarding the speed concerns: * the preprocessing is performed only when files must be compiled * the macros are evaluated only for #if/#elif/#include * system headers are not scanned by default Now if you do not want the Waf preprocessor, the tool +gccdeps* uses the .d files produced during the compilation to track the dependencies (useful when used with the boost libraries). It only works with gcc >= 4.4 though. A dumb preprocessor is also available in the tool *c_dumbpreproc* """ # TODO: more varargs, pragma once import re, string, traceback from waflib import Logs, Utils, Errors from waflib.Logs import debug, error class PreprocError(Errors.WafError): pass POPFILE = '-' "Constant representing a special token used in :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.start` iteration to switch to a header read previously" recursion_limit = 150 "Limit on the amount of files to read in the dependency scanner" go_absolute = False "Set to True to track headers on files in /usr/include, else absolute paths are ignored (but it becomes very slow)" standard_includes = ['/usr/include'] if Utils.is_win32: standard_includes = [] use_trigraphs = 0 """Apply trigraph rules (False by default)""" strict_quotes = 0 """Reserve the "#include <>" quotes for system includes (do not search for those includes). False by default.""" g_optrans = { 'not':'!', 'and':'&&', 'bitand':'&', 'and_eq':'&=', 'or':'||', 'bitor':'|', 'or_eq':'|=', 'xor':'^', 'xor_eq':'^=', 'compl':'~', } """Operators such as and/or/xor for c++. Set an empty dict to disable.""" # ignore #warning and #error re_lines = re.compile( '^[ \t]*(#|%:)[ \t]*(ifdef|ifndef|if|else|elif|endif|include|import|define|undef|pragma)[ \t]*(.*)\r*$', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) """Match #include lines""" re_mac = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z_]\w*") """Match macro definitions""" re_fun = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[(]') """Match macro functions""" re_pragma_once = re.compile('^\s*once\s*', re.IGNORECASE) """Match #pragma once statements""" re_nl = re.compile('\\\\\r*\n', re.MULTILINE) """Match newlines""" re_cpp = re.compile(r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) """Filter C/C++ comments""" trig_def = [('??'+a, b) for a, b in zip("=-/!'()<>", r'#~\|^[]{}')] """Trigraph definitions""" chr_esc = {'0':0, 'a':7, 'b':8, 't':9, 'n':10, 'f':11, 'v':12, 'r':13, '\\':92, "'":39} """Escape characters""" NUM = 'i' """Number token""" OP = 'O' """Operator token""" IDENT = 'T' """Identifier token""" STR = 's' """String token""" CHAR = 'c' """Character token""" tok_types = [NUM, STR, IDENT, OP] """Token types""" exp_types = [ r"""0[xX](?P[a-fA-F0-9]+)(?P[uUlL]*)|L*?'(?P(\\.|[^\\'])+)'|(?P\d+)[Ee](?P[+-]*?\d+)(?P[fFlL]*)|(?P\d*\.\d+)([Ee](?P[+-]*?\d+))?(?P[fFlL]*)|(?P\d+\.\d*)([Ee](?P[+-]*?\d+))?(?P[fFlL]*)|(?P0*)(?P\d+)(?P[uUlL]*)""", r'L?"([^"\\]|\\.)*"', r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*', r'%:%:|<<=|>>=|\.\.\.|<<|<%|<:|<=|>>|>=|\+\+|\+=|--|->|-=|\*=|/=|%:|%=|%>|==|&&|&=|\|\||\|=|\^=|:>|!=|##|[\(\)\{\}\[\]<>\?\|\^\*\+&=:!#;,%/\-\?\~\.]', ] """Expression types""" re_clexer = re.compile('|'.join(["(?P<%s>%s)" % (name, part) for name, part in zip(tok_types, exp_types)]), re.M) """Match expressions into tokens""" accepted = 'a' """Parser state is *accepted*""" ignored = 'i' """Parser state is *ignored*, for example preprocessor lines in an #if 0 block""" undefined = 'u' """Parser state is *undefined* at the moment""" skipped = 's' """Parser state is *skipped*, for example preprocessor lines in a #elif 0 block""" def repl(m): """Replace function used with :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.re_cpp`""" s = m.group(0) if s.startswith('/'): return ' ' return s def filter_comments(filename): """ Filter the comments from a c/h file, and return the preprocessor lines. The regexps :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.re_cpp`, :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.re_nl` and :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.re_lines` are used internally. :return: the preprocessor directives as a list of (keyword, line) :rtype: a list of string pairs """ # return a list of tuples : keyword, line code = Utils.readf(filename) if use_trigraphs: for (a, b) in trig_def: code = code.split(a).join(b) code = re_nl.sub('', code) code = re_cpp.sub(repl, code) return [(m.group(2), m.group(3)) for m in re.finditer(re_lines, code)] prec = {} """ Operator precendence rules required for parsing expressions of the form:: #if 1 && 2 != 0 """ ops = ['* / %', '+ -', '<< >>', '< <= >= >', '== !=', '& | ^', '&& ||', ','] for x in range(len(ops)): syms = ops[x] for u in syms.split(): prec[u] = x def trimquotes(s): """ Remove the single quotes around an expression:: trimquotes("'test'") == "test" :param s: expression to transform :type s: string :rtype: string """ if not s: return '' s = s.rstrip() if s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'": return s[1:-1] return s def reduce_nums(val_1, val_2, val_op): """ Apply arithmetic rules to compute a result :param val1: input parameter :type val1: int or string :param val2: input parameter :type val2: int or string :param val_op: C operator in *+*, */*, *-*, etc :type val_op: string :rtype: int """ #print val_1, val_2, val_op # now perform the operation, make certain a and b are numeric try: a = 0 + val_1 except TypeError: a = int(val_1) try: b = 0 + val_2 except TypeError: b = int(val_2) d = val_op if d == '%': c = a%b elif d=='+': c = a+b elif d=='-': c = a-b elif d=='*': c = a*b elif d=='/': c = a/b elif d=='^': c = a^b elif d=='|': c = a|b elif d=='||': c = int(a or b) elif d=='&': c = a&b elif d=='&&': c = int(a and b) elif d=='==': c = int(a == b) elif d=='!=': c = int(a != b) elif d=='<=': c = int(a <= b) elif d=='<': c = int(a < b) elif d=='>': c = int(a > b) elif d=='>=': c = int(a >= b) elif d=='^': c = int(a^b) elif d=='<<': c = a<>': c = a>>b else: c = 0 return c def get_num(lst): """ Try to obtain a number from a list of tokens. The token types are defined in :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.ccroot.tok_types`. :param lst: list of preprocessor tokens :type lst: list of tuple (tokentype, value) :return: a pair containing the number and the rest of the list :rtype: tuple(value, list) """ if not lst: raise PreprocError("empty list for get_num") (p, v) = lst[0] if p == OP: if v == '(': count_par = 1 i = 1 while i < len(lst): (p, v) = lst[i] if p == OP: if v == ')': count_par -= 1 if count_par == 0: break elif v == '(': count_par += 1 i += 1 else: raise PreprocError("rparen expected %r" % lst) (num, _) = get_term(lst[1:i]) return (num, lst[i+1:]) elif v == '+': return get_num(lst[1:]) elif v == '-': num, lst = get_num(lst[1:]) return (reduce_nums('-1', num, '*'), lst) elif v == '!': num, lst = get_num(lst[1:]) return (int(not int(num)), lst) elif v == '~': num, lst = get_num(lst[1:]) return (~ int(num), lst) else: raise PreprocError("Invalid op token %r for get_num" % lst) elif p == NUM: return v, lst[1:] elif p == IDENT: # all macros should have been replaced, remaining identifiers eval to 0 return 0, lst[1:] else: raise PreprocError("Invalid token %r for get_num" % lst) def get_term(lst): """ Evaluate an expression recursively, for example:: 1+1+1 -> 2+1 -> 3 :param lst: list of tokens :type lst: list of tuple(token, value) :return: the value and the remaining tokens :rtype: value, list """ if not lst: raise PreprocError("empty list for get_term") num, lst = get_num(lst) if not lst: return (num, []) (p, v) = lst[0] if p == OP: if v == ',': # skip return get_term(lst[1:]) elif v == '?': count_par = 0 i = 1 while i < len(lst): (p, v) = lst[i] if p == OP: if v == ')': count_par -= 1 elif v == '(': count_par += 1 elif v == ':': if count_par == 0: break i += 1 else: raise PreprocError("rparen expected %r" % lst) if int(num): return get_term(lst[1:i]) else: return get_term(lst[i+1:]) else: num2, lst = get_num(lst[1:]) if not lst: # no more tokens to process num2 = reduce_nums(num, num2, v) return get_term([(NUM, num2)] + lst) # operator precedence p2, v2 = lst[0] if p2 != OP: raise PreprocError("op expected %r" % lst) if prec[v2] >= prec[v]: num2 = reduce_nums(num, num2, v) return get_term([(NUM, num2)] + lst) else: num3, lst = get_num(lst[1:]) num3 = reduce_nums(num2, num3, v2) return get_term([(NUM, num), (p, v), (NUM, num3)] + lst) raise PreprocError("cannot reduce %r" % lst) def reduce_eval(lst): """ Take a list of tokens and output true or false for #if/#elif conditions. :param lst: a list of tokens :type lst: list of tuple(token, value) :return: a token :rtype: tuple(NUM, int) """ num, lst = get_term(lst) return (NUM, num) def stringize(lst): """ Merge a list of tokens into a string :param lst: a list of tokens :type lst: list of tuple(token, value) :rtype: string """ lst = [str(v2) for (p2, v2) in lst] return "".join(lst) def paste_tokens(t1, t2): """ Token pasting works between identifiers, particular operators, and identifiers and numbers:: a ## b -> ab > ## = -> >= a ## 2 -> a2 :param t1: token :type t1: tuple(type, value) :param t2: token :type t2: tuple(type, value) """ p1 = None if t1[0] == OP and t2[0] == OP: p1 = OP elif t1[0] == IDENT and (t2[0] == IDENT or t2[0] == NUM): p1 = IDENT elif t1[0] == NUM and t2[0] == NUM: p1 = NUM if not p1: raise PreprocError('tokens do not make a valid paste %r and %r' % (t1, t2)) return (p1, t1[1] + t2[1]) def reduce_tokens(lst, defs, ban=[]): """ Replace the tokens in lst, using the macros provided in defs, and a list of macros that cannot be re-applied :param lst: list of tokens :type lst: list of tuple(token, value) :param defs: macro definitions :type defs: dict :param ban: macros that cannot be substituted (recursion is not allowed) :type ban: list of string :return: the new list of tokens :rtype: value, list """ i = 0 while i < len(lst): (p, v) = lst[i] if p == IDENT and v == "defined": del lst[i] if i < len(lst): (p2, v2) = lst[i] if p2 == IDENT: if v2 in defs: lst[i] = (NUM, 1) else: lst[i] = (NUM, 0) elif p2 == OP and v2 == '(': del lst[i] (p2, v2) = lst[i] del lst[i] # remove the ident, and change the ) for the value if v2 in defs: lst[i] = (NUM, 1) else: lst[i] = (NUM, 0) else: raise PreprocError("Invalid define expression %r" % lst) elif p == IDENT and v in defs: if isinstance(defs[v], str): a, b = extract_macro(defs[v]) defs[v] = b macro_def = defs[v] to_add = macro_def[1] if isinstance(macro_def[0], list): # macro without arguments del lst[i] accu = to_add[:] reduce_tokens(accu, defs, ban+[v]) for x in range(len(accu)): lst.insert(i, accu[x]) i += 1 else: # collect the arguments for the funcall args = [] del lst[i] if i >= len(lst): raise PreprocError("expected '(' after %r (got nothing)" % v) (p2, v2) = lst[i] if p2 != OP or v2 != '(': raise PreprocError("expected '(' after %r" % v) del lst[i] one_param = [] count_paren = 0 while i < len(lst): p2, v2 = lst[i] del lst[i] if p2 == OP and count_paren == 0: if v2 == '(': one_param.append((p2, v2)) count_paren += 1 elif v2 == ')': if one_param: args.append(one_param) break elif v2 == ',': if not one_param: raise PreprocError("empty param in funcall %s" % p) args.append(one_param) one_param = [] else: one_param.append((p2, v2)) else: one_param.append((p2, v2)) if v2 == '(': count_paren += 1 elif v2 == ')': count_paren -= 1 else: raise PreprocError('malformed macro') # substitute the arguments within the define expression accu = [] arg_table = macro_def[0] j = 0 while j < len(to_add): (p2, v2) = to_add[j] if p2 == OP and v2 == '#': # stringize is for arguments only if j+1 < len(to_add) and to_add[j+1][0] == IDENT and to_add[j+1][1] in arg_table: toks = args[arg_table[to_add[j+1][1]]] accu.append((STR, stringize(toks))) j += 1 else: accu.append((p2, v2)) elif p2 == OP and v2 == '##': # token pasting, how can man invent such a complicated system? if accu and j+1 < len(to_add): # we have at least two tokens t1 = accu[-1] if to_add[j+1][0] == IDENT and to_add[j+1][1] in arg_table: toks = args[arg_table[to_add[j+1][1]]] if toks: accu[-1] = paste_tokens(t1, toks[0]) #(IDENT, accu[-1][1] + toks[0][1]) accu.extend(toks[1:]) else: # error, case "a##" accu.append((p2, v2)) accu.extend(toks) elif to_add[j+1][0] == IDENT and to_add[j+1][1] == '__VA_ARGS__': # TODO not sure # first collect the tokens va_toks = [] st = len(macro_def[0]) pt = len(args) for x in args[pt-st+1:]: va_toks.extend(x) va_toks.append((OP, ',')) if va_toks: va_toks.pop() # extra comma if len(accu)>1: (p3, v3) = accu[-1] (p4, v4) = accu[-2] if v3 == '##': # remove the token paste accu.pop() if v4 == ',' and pt < st: # remove the comma accu.pop() accu += va_toks else: accu[-1] = paste_tokens(t1, to_add[j+1]) j += 1 else: # Invalid paste, case "##a" or "b##" accu.append((p2, v2)) elif p2 == IDENT and v2 in arg_table: toks = args[arg_table[v2]] reduce_tokens(toks, defs, ban+[v]) accu.extend(toks) else: accu.append((p2, v2)) j += 1 reduce_tokens(accu, defs, ban+[v]) for x in range(len(accu)-1, -1, -1): lst.insert(i, accu[x]) i += 1 def eval_macro(lst, defs): """ Reduce the tokens by :py:func:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.reduce_tokens` and try to return a 0/1 result by :py:func:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.reduce_eval`. :param lst: list of tokens :type lst: list of tuple(token, value) :param defs: macro definitions :type defs: dict :rtype: int """ reduce_tokens(lst, defs, []) if not lst: raise PreprocError("missing tokens to evaluate") (p, v) = reduce_eval(lst) return int(v) != 0 def extract_macro(txt): """ Process a macro definition of the form:: #define f(x, y) x * y into a function or a simple macro without arguments :param txt: expression to exact a macro definition from :type txt: string :return: a tuple containing the name, the list of arguments and the replacement :rtype: tuple(string, [list, list]) """ t = tokenize(txt) if re_fun.search(txt): p, name = t[0] p, v = t[1] if p != OP: raise PreprocError("expected open parenthesis") i = 1 pindex = 0 params = {} prev = '(' while 1: i += 1 p, v = t[i] if prev == '(': if p == IDENT: params[v] = pindex pindex += 1 prev = p elif p == OP and v == ')': break else: raise PreprocError("unexpected token (3)") elif prev == IDENT: if p == OP and v == ',': prev = v elif p == OP and v == ')': break else: raise PreprocError("comma or ... expected") elif prev == ',': if p == IDENT: params[v] = pindex pindex += 1 prev = p elif p == OP and v == '...': raise PreprocError("not implemented (1)") else: raise PreprocError("comma or ... expected (2)") elif prev == '...': raise PreprocError("not implemented (2)") else: raise PreprocError("unexpected else") #~ print (name, [params, t[i+1:]]) return (name, [params, t[i+1:]]) else: (p, v) = t[0] return (v, [[], t[1:]]) re_include = re.compile('^\s*(<(?P.*)>|"(?P.*)")') def extract_include(txt, defs): """ Process a line in the form:: #include foo :param txt: include line to process :type txt: string :param defs: macro definitions :type defs: dict :return: the file name :rtype: string """ m = re_include.search(txt) if m: if m.group('a'): return '<', m.group('a') if m.group('b'): return '"', m.group('b') # perform preprocessing and look at the result, it must match an include toks = tokenize(txt) reduce_tokens(toks, defs, ['waf_include']) if not toks: raise PreprocError("could not parse include %s" % txt) if len(toks) == 1: if toks[0][0] == STR: return '"', toks[0][1] else: if toks[0][1] == '<' and toks[-1][1] == '>': return stringize(toks).lstrip('<').rstrip('>') raise PreprocError("could not parse include %s." % txt) def parse_char(txt): """ Parse a c character :param txt: character to parse :type txt: string :return: a character literal :rtype: string """ if not txt: raise PreprocError("attempted to parse a null char") if txt[0] != '\\': return ord(txt) c = txt[1] if c == 'x': if len(txt) == 4 and txt[3] in string.hexdigits: return int(txt[2:], 16) return int(txt[2:], 16) elif c.isdigit(): if c == '0' and len(txt)==2: return 0 for i in 3, 2, 1: if len(txt) > i and txt[1:1+i].isdigit(): return (1+i, int(txt[1:1+i], 8)) else: try: return chr_esc[c] except KeyError: raise PreprocError("could not parse char literal '%s'" % txt) def tokenize(s): """ Convert a string into a list of tokens (shlex.split does not apply to c/c++/d) :param s: input to tokenize :type s: string :return: a list of tokens :rtype: list of tuple(token, value) """ return tokenize_private(s)[:] # force a copy of the results @Utils.run_once def tokenize_private(s): ret = [] for match in re_clexer.finditer(s): m = match.group for name in tok_types: v = m(name) if v: if name == IDENT: try: v = g_optrans[v]; name = OP except KeyError: # c++ specific if v.lower() == "true": v = 1 name = NUM elif v.lower() == "false": v = 0 name = NUM elif name == NUM: if m('oct'): v = int(v, 8) elif m('hex'): v = int(m('hex'), 16) elif m('n0'): v = m('n0') else: v = m('char') if v: v = parse_char(v) else: v = m('n2') or m('n4') elif name == OP: if v == '%:': v = '#' elif v == '%:%:': v = '##' elif name == STR: # remove the quotes around the string v = v[1:-1] ret.append((name, v)) break return ret @Utils.run_once def define_name(line): """ :param line: define line :type line: string :rtype: string :return: the define name """ return re_mac.match(line).group(0) class c_parser(object): """ Used by :py:func:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.scan` to parse c/h files. Note that by default, only project headers are parsed. """ def __init__(self, nodepaths=None, defines=None): self.lines = [] """list of lines read""" if defines is None: self.defs = {} else: self.defs = dict(defines) # make a copy self.state = [] self.count_files = 0 self.currentnode_stack = [] self.nodepaths = nodepaths or [] """Include paths""" self.nodes = [] """List of :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` found so far""" self.names = [] """List of file names that could not be matched by any file""" self.curfile = '' """Current file""" self.ban_includes = set([]) """Includes that must not be read (#pragma once)""" def cached_find_resource(self, node, filename): """ Find a file from the input directory :param node: directory :type node: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :param filename: header to find :type filename: string :return: the node if found, or None :rtype: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` """ try: nd = node.ctx.cache_nd except AttributeError: nd = node.ctx.cache_nd = {} tup = (node, filename) try: return nd[tup] except KeyError: ret = node.find_resource(filename) if ret: if getattr(ret, 'children', None): ret = None elif ret.is_child_of(node.ctx.bldnode): tmp = node.ctx.srcnode.search_node(ret.path_from(node.ctx.bldnode)) if tmp and getattr(tmp, 'children', None): ret = None nd[tup] = ret return ret def tryfind(self, filename): """ Try to obtain a node from the filename based from the include paths. Will add the node found to :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.nodes` or the file name to :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.names` if no corresponding file is found. Called by :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.start`. :param filename: header to find :type filename: string :return: the node if found :rtype: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` """ self.curfile = filename # for msvc it should be a for loop on the whole stack found = self.cached_find_resource(self.currentnode_stack[-1], filename) for n in self.nodepaths: if found: break found = self.cached_find_resource(n, filename) if found and not found in self.ban_includes: # TODO the duplicates do not increase the no-op build times too much, but they may be worth removing self.nodes.append(found) if filename[-4:] != '.moc': self.addlines(found) else: if not filename in self.names: self.names.append(filename) return found def addlines(self, node): """ Add the lines from a header in the list of preprocessor lines to parse :param node: header :type node: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` """ self.currentnode_stack.append(node.parent) filepath = node.abspath() self.count_files += 1 if self.count_files > recursion_limit: # issue #812 raise PreprocError("recursion limit exceeded") pc = self.parse_cache debug('preproc: reading file %r', filepath) try: lns = pc[filepath] except KeyError: pass else: self.lines.extend(lns) return try: lines = filter_comments(filepath) lines.append((POPFILE, '')) lines.reverse() pc[filepath] = lines # cache the lines filtered self.lines.extend(lines) except IOError: raise PreprocError("could not read the file %s" % filepath) except Exception: if Logs.verbose > 0: error("parsing %s failed" % filepath) traceback.print_exc() def start(self, node, env): """ Preprocess a source file to obtain the dependencies, which are accumulated to :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.nodes` and :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.names`. :param node: source file :type node: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :param env: config set containing additional defines to take into account :type env: :py:class:`waflib.ConfigSet.ConfigSet` """ debug('preproc: scanning %s (in %s)', node.name, node.parent.name) bld = node.ctx try: self.parse_cache = bld.parse_cache except AttributeError: bld.parse_cache = {} self.parse_cache = bld.parse_cache self.current_file = node self.addlines(node) # macros may be defined on the command-line, so they must be parsed as if they were part of the file if env['DEFINES']: try: lst = ['%s %s' % (x[0], trimquotes('='.join(x[1:]))) for x in [y.split('=') for y in env['DEFINES']]] lst.reverse() self.lines.extend([('define', x) for x in lst]) except AttributeError: # if the defines are invalid the compiler will tell the user pass while self.lines: (token, line) = self.lines.pop() if token == POPFILE: self.count_files -= 1 self.currentnode_stack.pop() continue try: ve = Logs.verbose if ve: debug('preproc: line is %s - %s state is %s', token, line, self.state) state = self.state # make certain we define the state if we are about to enter in an if block if token[:2] == 'if': state.append(undefined) elif token == 'endif': state.pop() # skip lines when in a dead 'if' branch, wait for the endif if token[0] != 'e': if skipped in self.state or ignored in self.state: continue if token == 'if': ret = eval_macro(tokenize(line), self.defs) if ret: state[-1] = accepted else: state[-1] = ignored elif token == 'ifdef': m = re_mac.match(line) if m and m.group(0) in self.defs: state[-1] = accepted else: state[-1] = ignored elif token == 'ifndef': m = re_mac.match(line) if m and m.group(0) in self.defs: state[-1] = ignored else: state[-1] = accepted elif token == 'include' or token == 'import': (kind, inc) = extract_include(line, self.defs) if ve: debug('preproc: include found %s (%s) ', inc, kind) if kind == '"' or not strict_quotes: self.current_file = self.tryfind(inc) if token == 'import': self.ban_includes.add(self.current_file) elif token == 'elif': if state[-1] == accepted: state[-1] = skipped elif state[-1] == ignored: if eval_macro(tokenize(line), self.defs): state[-1] = accepted elif token == 'else': if state[-1] == accepted: state[-1] = skipped elif state[-1] == ignored: state[-1] = accepted elif token == 'define': try: self.defs[define_name(line)] = line except Exception: raise PreprocError("Invalid define line %s" % line) elif token == 'undef': m = re_mac.match(line) if m and m.group(0) in self.defs: self.defs.__delitem__(m.group(0)) #print "undef %s" % name elif token == 'pragma': if re_pragma_once.match(line.lower()): self.ban_includes.add(self.current_file) except Exception as e: if Logs.verbose: debug('preproc: line parsing failed (%s): %s %s', e, line, Utils.ex_stack()) def scan(task): """ Get the dependencies using a c/c++ preprocessor, this is required for finding dependencies of the kind:: #include some_macro() This function is bound as a task method on :py:class:`waflib.Tools.c.c` and :py:class:`waflib.Tools.cxx.cxx` for example """ global go_absolute try: incn = task.generator.includes_nodes except AttributeError: raise Errors.WafError('%r is missing a feature such as "c", "cxx" or "includes": ' % task.generator) if go_absolute: nodepaths = incn + [task.generator.bld.root.find_dir(x) for x in standard_includes] else: nodepaths = [x for x in incn if x.is_child_of(x.ctx.srcnode) or x.is_child_of(x.ctx.bldnode)] tmp = c_parser(nodepaths) tmp.start(task.inputs[0], task.env) if Logs.verbose: debug('deps: deps for %r: %r; unresolved %r' % (task.inputs, tmp.nodes, tmp.names)) return (tmp.nodes, tmp.names)