/** * Copyright 2025 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function() { var template = Handlebars.template, templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {}; templates['color-picker-sample-window'] = template({"compiler":[7,">= 4.0.0"],"main":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { var helper; return "
Window *window = window_create();\nwindow_set_background_color(window, "
    + container.escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.color_name || (depth0 != null ? depth0.color_name : depth0)) != null ? helper : helpers.helperMissing),(typeof helper === "function" ? helper.call(depth0 != null ? depth0 : {},{"name":"color_name","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper)))
    + ");\nwindow_stack_push(window, true);\n
\n"; },"useData":true}); templates['events-info-none'] = template({"compiler":[7,">= 4.0.0"],"main":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { var helper, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : {}, alias2=helpers.helperMissing, alias3="function", alias4=container.escapeExpression; return "

There are currenly no events scheduled for " + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.month || (depth0 != null ? depth0.month : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"month","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + ".


Try changing the month using the calendar controls on the map above.


If you know about an event happening in " + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.month || (depth0 != null ? depth0.month : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"month","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + ", use the submission form to let us know!

\n"; },"useData":true}); templates['events-info'] = template({"compiler":[7,">= 4.0.0"],"main":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { var stack1, helper, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : {}, alias2=helpers.helperMissing, alias3="function", alias4=container.escapeExpression; return "

" + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.dateString || (depth0 != null ? depth0.dateString : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"dateString","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + " - " + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.location || (depth0 != null ? depth0.location : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"location","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + "


" + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.title || (depth0 != null ? depth0.title : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"title","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + " | More

\n \n
\n"; },"useData":true}); templates['quicksearch-no-results'] = template({"compiler":[7,">= 4.0.0"],"main":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { return "

There were no search results.

\n"; },"useData":true}); templates['quicksearch-result-group'] = template({"1":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { var stack1, helper, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : {}, alias2=helpers.helperMissing, alias3="function", alias4=container.escapeExpression; return "
  • \n " + alias4(((helper = (helper = helpers.title || (depth0 != null ? depth0.title : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"title","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + "\n

    " + ((stack1 = ((helper = (helper = helpers.section || (depth0 != null ? depth0.section : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"section","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) != null ? stack1 : "") + "


    " + ((stack1 = ((helper = (helper = helpers.summary || (depth0 != null ? depth0.summary : depth0)) != null ? helper : alias2),(typeof helper === alias3 ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"summary","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) != null ? stack1 : "") + "

  • \n"; },"compiler":[7,">= 4.0.0"],"main":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) { var stack1, helper, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : {}; return "

    " + container.escapeExpression(((helper = (helper = helpers.title || (depth0 != null ? depth0.title : depth0)) != null ? helper : helpers.helperMissing),(typeof helper === "function" ? helper.call(alias1,{"name":"title","hash":{},"data":data}) : helper))) + "

    \n\n"; },"useData":true}); })();