/* * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "clar.h" #include "drivers/system_flash.h" #define KiB *1024 // Set bits n..0 in a bit-vector (zero-indexed) #define BITS(n) ((((uint32_t)(1 << ((n) + 1)))) - 1) // Set bits y..x in a bit-vector (x <= y; x, y >= 0) #define BITS_BETWEEN(x, y) (BITS(y) & ~BITS(x-1)) // Yo dawg, I heard you like tests so I put tests in your tests so you can test // your tests while you test! void test_system_flash__bit_range_macros(void) { cl_assert_equal_i(0b1, BITS(0)); cl_assert_equal_i(0b00011111, BITS(4)); cl_assert_equal_i(0b00111111, BITS_BETWEEN(0, 5)); cl_assert_equal_i(0b00111000, BITS_BETWEEN(3, 5)); cl_assert_equal_i(0b00010000, BITS_BETWEEN(4, 4)); } // Flash memory is organized into twelve sectors of unequal sizes. // Sectors 0-3 are 16 KiB. Sector 4 is 64 KiB. // The remaining sectors are 128 KiB. // Bitset of sectors that have been "erased" static uint32_t erased_sector; static bool flash_locked, flash_flags_set; static FLASH_Status return_status; uint8_t *flash_written_data; bool *flash_written_flag; void *source_buffer; uint32_t flash_data_start, flash_data_length; bool callback_called; void test_system_flash__initialize(void) { erased_sector = 0; flash_locked = true; flash_flags_set = false; return_status = FLASH_COMPLETE; flash_written_data = NULL; flash_written_flag = NULL; flash_data_start = 0; flash_data_length = 0; callback_called = false; } void test_system_flash__cleanup(void) { free(flash_written_data); free(flash_written_flag); } void test_system_flash__erase_zero_bytes(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 0, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(0, erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_one_byte(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 1, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 0), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_one_byte_in_middle_of_sector(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE + 12345, 1, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 0), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_some_sectors_from_beginning(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 128 KiB, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 4), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_full_flash(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 1024 KiB, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 7), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_sector_0(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 16 KiB, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 0), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__erase_16KB_sectors(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 48 KiB, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert_equal_i(BITS_BETWEEN(0, 2), erased_sector); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void callback_is_called_cb(uint32_t num, uint32_t den, void *context) { callback_called = true; cl_assert_equal_i(8675309, (uintptr_t)context); } void test_system_flash__callback_is_called(void) { cl_assert(system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 16 KiB, callback_is_called_cb, (void *)8675309)); cl_assert(callback_called); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void test_system_flash__handle_erase_error(void) { return_status = FLASH_ERROR_OPERATION; cl_assert(!system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 16 KiB, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert(flash_locked); } void error_in_middle_cb(uint32_t num, uint32_t den, void *context) { int *countdown = context; if ((*countdown)-- == 0) { return_status = FLASH_ERROR_OPERATION; } } void test_system_flash__handle_erase_error_mid_operation(void) { int countdown = 3; cl_assert(!system_flash_erase(FLASH_BASE, 512 KiB, error_in_middle_cb, &countdown)); cl_assert(flash_locked); cl_assert_(countdown <= 0, "Callback not called enough times"); } void malloc_flash_data(uint32_t size) { flash_data_length = size; flash_written_data = malloc(size * sizeof(uint8_t)); cl_assert(flash_written_data); flash_written_flag = malloc(size * sizeof(bool)); cl_assert(flash_written_flag); } void assert_flash_unwritten(uint32_t start, uint32_t length) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { cl_assert(flash_written_flag[start + i] == false); } } void test_system_flash__write_simple(void) { const char testdata[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; malloc_flash_data(100); flash_data_start = FLASH_BASE; cl_assert(system_flash_write( FLASH_BASE + 10, testdata, sizeof(testdata), callback_is_called_cb, (void *)8675309)); cl_assert(flash_locked); cl_assert_equal_s(testdata, (const char *)&flash_written_data[10]); assert_flash_unwritten(0, 10); assert_flash_unwritten(10 + sizeof(testdata), 90 - sizeof(testdata)); cl_assert(callback_called); } void test_system_flash__write_error(void) { return_status = FLASH_ERROR_OPERATION; malloc_flash_data(10); flash_data_start = FLASH_BASE; cl_assert(!system_flash_write(FLASH_BASE, "abc", 3, NULL, NULL)); cl_assert(flash_locked); assert_flash_unwritten(0, 10); } extern void FLASH_Lock(void) { flash_locked = true; } extern void FLASH_Unlock(void) { flash_locked = false; } extern void FLASH_ClearFlag(uint32_t FLASH_FLAG) { flash_flags_set = false; } extern FLASH_Status FLASH_EraseSector(uint32_t sector, uint8_t voltage_range) { // Pretty sure FLASH_Sector_N defines are simply 8*N, at least for the first // twelve sectors. cl_assert_(!flash_locked, "Attempted to erase a locked flash"); cl_assert_(IS_FLASH_SECTOR(sector), "Sector number out of range"); cl_assert(IS_VOLTAGERANGE(voltage_range)); cl_check_(flash_flags_set == false, "Forgot to clear flags before erasing"); cl_check_((erased_sector & (1 << sector/8)) == 0, "Re-erasing an already erased sector"); flash_flags_set = true; if (return_status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { erased_sector |= (1 << sector/8); } return return_status; } extern FLASH_Status FLASH_ProgramByte(uint32_t address, uint8_t data) { cl_assert_(!flash_locked, "Attempted to write to a locked flash"); cl_assert_(address >= flash_data_start && address < flash_data_start + flash_data_length, "Address out of range"); cl_assert_(flash_written_flag[address - flash_data_start] == false, "Overwriting an already-written byte"); if (return_status == FLASH_COMPLETE) { flash_written_data[address - flash_data_start] = data; } return return_status; } extern void dbgserial_print(char *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", str); } extern void dbgserial_print_hex(uint32_t num) { fprintf(stderr, "0x%.08x", num); } extern void dbgserial_putstr(char *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str); }