/* * Copyright 2024 Google LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "fake_gatt_client_operations.h" #include "comm/ble/gatt_client_operations.h" #include "util/list.h" #include "clar_asserts.h" #include <string.h> typedef struct { ListNode node; BLECharacteristic characteristic; GAPLEClient client; } Read; static Read *s_read_head; static BTErrno s_read_return_value; BTErrno gatt_client_op_read(BLECharacteristic characteristic, GAPLEClient client) { if (s_read_return_value != BTErrnoOK) { return s_read_return_value; } Read *read = malloc(sizeof(Read)); *read = (const Read) { .characteristic = characteristic, .client = client, }; if (s_read_head) { list_append((ListNode *)s_read_head, &read->node); } else { s_read_head = read; } return BTErrnoOK; } void gatt_client_consume_read_response(uintptr_t object_ref, uint8_t value_out[], uint16_t value_length, GAPLEClient client) { } typedef struct { ListNode node; BLECharacteristic characteristic; GAPLEClient client; uint8_t *value; size_t value_length; bool is_response_required; } Write; static Write *s_write_head; static BTErrno s_write_return_value; static BTErrno fake_gatt_client_write(BLECharacteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_length, GAPLEClient client, bool is_response_required) { if (s_write_return_value != BTErrnoOK) { return s_write_return_value; } Write *write = malloc(sizeof(Write)); uint8_t *buffer; if (value_length) { cl_assert(value); buffer = malloc(value_length); memcpy(buffer, value, value_length); } else { cl_assert_equal_p(value, NULL); buffer = NULL; } *write = (const Write) { .characteristic = characteristic, .client = client, .is_response_required = is_response_required, .value = buffer, .value_length = value_length, }; if (s_write_head) { list_append((ListNode *)s_write_head, &write->node); } else { s_write_head = write; } return BTErrnoOK; } BTErrno gatt_client_op_write(BLECharacteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_length, GAPLEClient client) { return fake_gatt_client_write(characteristic, value, value_length, client, true /* is_response_required */); } BTErrno gatt_client_op_write_without_response(BLECharacteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_length, GAPLEClient client) { return fake_gatt_client_write(characteristic, value, value_length, client, false /* is_response_required */); } BTErrno gatt_client_op_write_descriptor(BLEDescriptor descriptor, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_length, GAPLEClient client) { return BTErrnoOK; } BTErrno gatt_client_op_read_descriptor(BLEDescriptor descriptor, GAPLEClient client) { return BTErrnoOK; } BTErrno gatt_client_op_write_descriptor_cccd(BLEDescriptor cccd, const uint16_t *value) { return BTErrnoOK; } void gatt_client_op_cleanup(GAPLEClient client) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fake Manipulation void fake_gatt_client_op_init(void) { s_read_return_value = BTErrnoOK; s_write_return_value = BTErrnoOK; } void fake_gatt_client_op_deinit(void) { Read *read = s_read_head; while (read) { Read *next = (Read *) read->node.next; free(read); read = next; } s_read_head = NULL; fake_gatt_client_op_clear_write_list(); } void fake_gatt_client_op_set_read_return_value(BTErrno e) { s_read_return_value = e; } void fake_gatt_client_op_assert_read(BLECharacteristic characteristic, GAPLEClient client) { if (s_read_head) { cl_assert_equal_i(characteristic, s_read_head->characteristic); cl_assert_equal_i(client, s_read_head->client); } else { cl_assert_(false, "No gatt_client_op_read() has happened at all"); } Read *old_head = s_read_head; s_read_head = (Read *) list_pop_head(&s_read_head->node); free(old_head); } void fake_gatt_client_op_set_write_return_value(BTErrno e) { s_write_return_value = e; } void fake_gatt_client_op_clear_write_list(void) { Write *write = s_write_head; while (write) { Write *next = (Write *) write->node.next; free(write->value); free(write); write = next; } s_write_head = NULL; } void fake_gatt_client_op_assert_no_write(void) { cl_assert_equal_p(s_write_head, NULL); } static void fake_gatt_client_op_assert_write_failed(void) { cl_assert_(false, "No gatt_client_op_write() or " "gatt_client_op_write_without_response() has happened at all"); } void fake_gatt_client_op_assert_write(BLECharacteristic characteristic, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_length, GAPLEClient client, bool is_response_required) { if (s_write_head) { cl_assert_equal_i(characteristic, s_write_head->characteristic); cl_assert_equal_i(s_write_head->value_length, value_length); cl_assert_equal_i(memcmp(value, s_write_head->value, value_length), 0); cl_assert_equal_i(client, s_write_head->client); cl_assert_equal_b(is_response_required, s_write_head->is_response_required); } else { fake_gatt_client_op_assert_write_failed(); } Write *old_write = s_write_head; s_write_head = (Write *) list_pop_head(&s_write_head->node); free(old_write->value); free(old_write); }