# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-31):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
# I found in the UCLA library.
# For data circa 1899, a common source is:
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# Previous editions of this database used WAT, CAT, SAT, and EAT
# for +0:00 through +3:00, respectively,
# but Mark R V Murray reports that
# 'SAST' is the official abbreviation for +2:00 in the country of South Africa,
# 'CAT' is commonly used for +2:00 in countries north of South Africa, and
# 'WAT' is probably the best name for +1:00, as the common phrase for
# the area that includes Nigeria is "West Africa".
# He has heard of "Western Sahara Time" for +0:00 but can find no reference.
# To make things confusing, 'WAT' seems to have been used for -1:00 long ago;
# I'd guess that this was because people needed _some_ name for -1:00,
# and at the time, far west Africa was the only major land area in -1:00.
# This usage is now obsolete, as the last use of -1:00 on the African
# mainland seems to have been 1976 in Western Sahara.
# To summarize, the following abbreviations seem to have some currency:
#	-1:00	WAT	West Africa Time (no longer used)
#	 0:00	GMT	Greenwich Mean Time
#	 2:00	CAT	Central Africa Time
#	 2:00	SAST	South Africa Standard Time
# and Murray suggests the following abbreviation:
#	 1:00	WAT	West Africa Time
# I realize that this leads to 'WAT' being used for both -1:00 and 1:00
# for times before 1976, but this is the best I can think of
# until we get more information.
# I invented the following abbreviations; corrections are welcome!
#	 2:00	WAST	West Africa Summer Time
#	 2:30	BEAT	British East Africa Time (no longer used)
#	 2:45	BEAUT	British East Africa Unified Time (no longer used)
#	 3:00	CAST	Central Africa Summer Time (no longer used)
#	 3:00	SAST	South Africa Summer Time (no longer used)
#	 3:00	EAT	East Africa Time

# Algeria
Rule	Algeria	1916	only	-	Jun	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1916	1919	-	Oct	Sun>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1917	only	-	Mar	24	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1918	only	-	Mar	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1919	only	-	Mar	 1	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1920	only	-	Feb	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1920	only	-	Oct	23	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1921	only	-	Mar	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1921	only	-	Jun	21	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1939	only	-	Sep	11	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1939	only	-	Nov	19	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1944	1945	-	Apr	Mon>=1	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1944	only	-	Oct	 8	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1945	only	-	Sep	16	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1971	only	-	Apr	25	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1971	only	-	Sep	26	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1977	only	-	May	 6	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1977	only	-	Oct	21	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1978	only	-	Mar	24	 1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1978	only	-	Sep	22	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Algeria	1980	only	-	Apr	25	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Algeria	1980	only	-	Oct	31	 2:00	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger give 0:09:20 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's
# more precise 0:09:21.
Zone	Africa/Algiers	0:12:12 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15  0:01
			0:09:21	-	PMT	1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
			0:00	Algeria	WE%sT	1940 Feb 25  2:00
			1:00	Algeria	CE%sT	1946 Oct  7
			0:00	-	WET	1956 Jan 29
			1:00	-	CET	1963 Apr 14
			0:00	Algeria	WE%sT	1977 Oct 21
			1:00	Algeria	CE%sT	1979 Oct 26
			0:00	Algeria	WE%sT	1981 May
			1:00	-	CET

# Angola
# Benin
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Botswana
# See Africa/Maputo.

# Burkina Faso
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Burundi
# See Africa/Maputo.

# Cameroon
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Cape Verde
# Shanks gives 1907 for the transition to CVT.
# Perhaps the 1911-05-26 Portuguese decree
# http://dre.pt/pdf1sdip/1911/05/12500/23132313.pdf
# merely made it official?
Zone Atlantic/Cape_Verde -1:34:04 -	LMT	1907        # Praia
			-2:00	-	CVT	1942 Sep
			-2:00	1:00	CVST	1945 Oct 15
			-2:00	-	CVT	1975 Nov 25  2:00
			-1:00	-	CVT

# Central African Republic
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Chad
Zone	Africa/Ndjamena	1:00:12 -	LMT	1912        # N'Djamena
			1:00	-	WAT	1979 Oct 14
			1:00	1:00	WAST	1980 Mar  8
			1:00	-	WAT

# Comoros
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Democratic Republic of the Congo
# See Africa/Lagos for the western part and Africa/Maputo for the eastern.

# Republic of the Congo
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Côte d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast
Zone	Africa/Abidjan	-0:16:08 -	LMT	1912
			 0:00	-	GMT
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Bamako	# Mali
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Banjul	# Gambia
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Conakry	# Guinea
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Dakar	# Senegal
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Freetown	# Sierra Leone
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Lome		# Togo
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Nouakchott	# Mauritania
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Ouagadougou	# Burkina Faso
Link Africa/Abidjan Africa/Sao_Tome	# São Tomé and Príncipe
Link Africa/Abidjan Atlantic/St_Helena	# St Helena

# Djibouti
# See Africa/Nairobi.


# Egypt

# Milne says Cairo used 2:05:08.9, the local mean time of the Abbasizeh
# observatory; round to nearest.  Milne also says that the official time for
# Egypt was mean noon at the Great Pyramid, 2:04:30.5, but apparently this
# did not apply to Cairo, Alexandria, or Port Said.

Rule	Egypt	1940	only	-	Jul	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1940	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1941	only	-	Apr	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1941	only	-	Sep	16	0:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1942	1944	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1942	only	-	Oct	27	0:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1943	1945	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1945	only	-	Apr	16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1957	only	-	May	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1957	1958	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1958	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1959	1981	-	May	 1	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1959	1965	-	Sep	30	3:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1966	1994	-	Oct	 1	3:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	1982	only	-	Jul	25	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1983	only	-	Jul	12	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1984	1988	-	May	 1	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1989	only	-	May	 6	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1990	1994	-	May	 1	1:00	1:00	S
# IATA (after 1990) says transitions are at 0:00.
# Go with IATA starting in 1995, except correct 1995 entry from 09-30 to 09-29.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-04-20):
# "...Egypt's interim cabinet decided on Wednesday to cancel daylight
# saving time after a poll posted on its website showed the majority of
# Egyptians would approve the cancellation."
# Egypt to cancel daylight saving time
# http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/407168
# or
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_egypt04.html
Rule	Egypt	1995	2010	-	Apr	lastFri	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	1995	2005	-	Sep	lastThu	24:00	0	-
# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-09-19):
# The Egyptian Gazette, issue 41,090 (2006-09-18), page 1, reports:
# Egypt will turn back clocks by one hour at the midnight of Thursday
# after observing the daylight saving time since May.
# http://news.gom.com.eg/gazette/pdf/2006/09/18/01.pdf
Rule	Egypt	2006	only	-	Sep	21	24:00	0	-
# From Dirk Losch (2007-08-14):
# I received a mail from an airline which says that the daylight
# saving time in Egypt will end in the night of 2007-09-06 to 2007-09-07.
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2007-08-15): [The following agree:]
# http://www.nentjes.info/Bill/bill5.htm
# http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=53
# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-09-04): The official information...:
# http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/EgyptOnline/Miscellaneous/000002/0207000000000000001580.htm
Rule	Egypt	2007	only	-	Sep	Thu>=1	24:00	0	-
# From Abdelrahman Hassan (2007-09-06):
# Due to the Hijri (lunar Islamic calendar) year being 11 days shorter
# than the year of the Gregorian calendar, Ramadan shifts earlier each
# year. This year it will be observed September 13 (September is quite
# hot in Egypt), and the idea is to make fasting easier for workers by
# shifting business hours one hour out of daytime heat. Consequently,
# unless discontinued, next DST may end Thursday 28 August 2008.
# From Paul Eggert (2007-08-17):
# For lack of better info, assume the new rule is last Thursday in August.

# From Petr Machata (2009-04-06):
# The following appeared in Red Hat bugzilla[1] (edited):
# > $ zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo | grep 2009
# > /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo  Thu Apr 23 21:59:59 2009 UTC = Thu =
# Apr 23
# > 23:59:59 2009 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200
# > /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo  Thu Apr 23 22:00:00 2009 UTC = Fri =
# Apr 24
# > 01:00:00 2009 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
# > /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo  Thu Aug 27 20:59:59 2009 UTC = Thu =
# Aug 27
# > 23:59:59 2009 EEST isdst=1 gmtoff=10800
# > /usr/share/zoneinfo/Africa/Cairo  Thu Aug 27 21:00:00 2009 UTC = Thu =
# Aug 27
# > 23:00:00 2009 EET isdst=0 gmtoff=7200
# > end date should be Thu Sep 24 2009 (Last Thursday in September at 23:59=
# :59)
# > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/958729/
# timeanddate[2] and another site I've found[3] also support that.
# [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=492263
# [2] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/clockchange.html?n=53
# [3] http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/africa/egypt/

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-04-20):
# In 2009 (and for the next several years), Ramadan ends before the fourth
# Thursday in September; Egypt is expected to revert to the last Thursday
# in September.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-08-11):
# We have been able to confirm the August change with the Egyptian Cabinet
# Information and Decision Support Center:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/egypt-dst-ends-2009.html
# The Middle East News Agency
# http://www.mena.org.eg/index.aspx
# also reports "Egypt starts winter time on August 21"
# today in article numbered "71, 11/08/2009 12:25 GMT."
# Only the title above is available without a subscription to their service,
# and can be found by searching for "winter" in their search engine
# (at least today).

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-07-20):
# According to News from Egypt - Al-Masry Al-Youm Egypt's cabinet has
# decided that Daylight Saving Time will not be used in Egypt during
# Ramadan.
# Arabic translation:
# "Clocks to go back during Ramadan - and then forward again"
# http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/news/clocks-go-back-during-ramadan-and-then-forward-again
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_egypt02.html

# From Ahmad El-Dardiry (2014-05-07):
# Egypt is to change back to Daylight system on May 15
# http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/100735/Egypt/Politics-/Egypts-government-to-reapply-daylight-saving-time-.aspx

# From Gunther Vermier (2014-05-13):
# our Egypt office confirms that the change will be at 15 May "midnight" (24:00)

# From Imed Chihi (2014-06-04):
# We have finally "located" a precise official reference about the DST changes
# in Egypt.  The Ministers Cabinet decision is explained at
# http://www.cabinet.gov.eg/Media/CabinetMeetingsDetails.aspx?id=347 ...
# [T]his (Arabic) site is not accessible outside Egypt, but the page ...
# translates into: "With regard to daylight saving time, it is scheduled to
# take effect at exactly twelve o'clock this evening, Thursday, 15 MAY 2014,
# to be suspended by twelve o'clock on the evening of Thursday, 26 JUN 2014,
# and re-established again at the end of the month of Ramadan, at twelve
# o'clock on the evening of Thursday, 31 JUL 2014."  This statement has been
# reproduced by other (more accessible) sites[, e.g.,]...
# http://elgornal.net/news/news.aspx?id=4699258

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-04):
# Sarah El Deeb and Lee Keath of AP report that the Egyptian government says
# the change is because of blackouts in Cairo, even though Ahram Online (cited
# above) says DST had no affect on electricity consumption.  There is
# no information about when DST will end this fall.  See:
# http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/el-sissi-pushes-egyptians-line-23614833

# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-04-08):
# Egypt will start DST on midnight after Thursday, April 30, 2015.
# This is based on a law (no 35) from May 15, 2014 saying it starts the last
# Thursday of April....  Clocks will still be turned back for Ramadan, but
# dates not yet announced....
# http://almogaz.com/news/weird-news/2015/04/05/1947105 ...
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/egypt-starts-dst-2015.html

# From Ahmed Nazmy (2015-04-20):
# Egypt's ministers cabinet just announced ... that it will cancel DST at
# least for 2015.
# From Tim Parenti (2015-04-20):
# http://english.ahram.org.eg/WriterArticles/NewsContentP/1/128195/Egypt/No-daylight-saving-this-summer-Egypts-prime-minist.aspx
# "Egypt's cabinet agreed on Monday not to switch clocks for daylight saving
# time this summer, and carry out studies on the possibility of canceling the
# practice altogether in future years."
# From Paul Eggert (2015-04-24):
# Yesterday the office of Egyptian President El-Sisi announced his
# decision to abandon DST permanently.  See Ahram Online 2015-04-24.
# http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/1/64/128509/Egypt/Politics-/Sisi-cancels-daylight-saving-time-in-Egypt.aspx

# From Steffen Thorsen (2016-04-29):
# Egypt will have DST from July 7 until the end of October....
# http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContentP/1/204655/Egypt/Daylight-savings-time-returning-to-Egypt-on--July.aspx
# From Mina Samuel (2016-07-04):
# Egyptian government took the decision to cancel the DST,

Rule	Egypt	2008	only	-	Aug	lastThu	24:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	2009	only	-	Aug	20	24:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	2010	only	-	Aug	10	24:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	2010	only	-	Sep	 9	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	2010	only	-	Sep	lastThu	24:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	2014	only	-	May	15	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	2014	only	-	Jun	26	24:00	0	-
Rule	Egypt	2014	only	-	Jul	31	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Egypt	2014	only	-	Sep	lastThu	24:00	0	-

Zone	Africa/Cairo	2:05:09 -	LMT	1900 Oct
			2:00	Egypt	EE%sT

# Equatorial Guinea
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Eritrea
# Ethiopia
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Gabon
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Gambia
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Ghana
# Whitman says DST was observed from 1931 to "the present";
# Shanks & Pottenger say 1936 to 1942;
# and September 1 to January 1 is given by:
# Scott Keltie J, Epstein M (eds), The Statesman's Year-Book,
# 57th ed. Macmillan, London (1920), OCLC 609408015, pp xxviii.
# For lack of better info, assume DST was observed from 1920 to 1942.
Rule	Ghana	1920	1942	-	Sep	 1	0:00	0:20	GHST
Rule	Ghana	1920	1942	-	Dec	31	0:00	0	GMT
Zone	Africa/Accra	-0:00:52 -	LMT	1918
			 0:00	Ghana	%s

# Guinea
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Guinea-Bissau
# Shanks gives 1911-05-26 for the transition to WAT,
# evidently confusing the date of the Portuguese decree
# http://dre.pt/pdf1sdip/1911/05/12500/23132313.pdf
# with the date that it took effect, namely 1912-01-01.
Zone	Africa/Bissau	-1:02:20 -	LMT	1912 Jan  1
			-1:00	-	WAT	1975
			 0:00	-	GMT

# Kenya
Zone	Africa/Nairobi	2:27:16	-	LMT	1928 Jul
			3:00	-	EAT	1930
			2:30	-	BEAT	1940
			2:45	-	BEAUT	1960
			3:00	-	EAT
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Addis_Ababa	 # Ethiopia
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Asmara	 # Eritrea
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Dar_es_Salaam # Tanzania
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Djibouti
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Kampala	 # Uganda
Link Africa/Nairobi Africa/Mogadishu	 # Somalia
Link Africa/Nairobi Indian/Antananarivo	 # Madagascar
Link Africa/Nairobi Indian/Comoro
Link Africa/Nairobi Indian/Mayotte

# Lesotho
# See Africa/Johannesburg.

# Liberia
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# In 1972 Liberia was the last country to switch
# from a UTC offset that was not a multiple of 15 or 20 minutes.
# Howse reports that it was in honor of their president's birthday.
# Shank & Pottenger report the date as May 1, whereas Howse reports Jan;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
# For Liberia before 1972, Shanks & Pottenger report -0:44, whereas Howse and
# Whitman each report -0:44:30; go with the more precise figure.
Zone	Africa/Monrovia	-0:43:08 -	LMT	1882
			-0:43:08 -	MMT	1919 Mar # Monrovia Mean Time
			-0:44:30 -	LRT	1972 May # Liberia Time
			 0:00	-	GMT


# Libya

# From Even Scharning (2012-11-10):
# Libya set their time one hour back at 02:00 on Saturday November 10.
# http://www.libyaherald.com/2012/11/04/clocks-to-go-back-an-hour-on-saturday/
# Here is an official source [in Arabic]: http://ls.ly/fb6Yc
# Steffen Thorsen forwarded a translation (2012-11-10) in
# http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2012-November/018451.html
# From Tim Parenti (2012-11-11):
# Treat the 2012-11-10 change as a zone change from UTC+2 to UTC+1.
# The DST rules planned for 2013 and onward roughly mirror those of Europe
# (either two days before them or five days after them, so as to fall on
# lastFri instead of lastSun).

# From Even Scharning (2013-10-25):
# The scheduled end of DST in Libya on Friday, October 25, 2013 was
# cancelled yesterday....
# http://www.libyaherald.com/2013/10/24/correction-no-time-change-tomorrow/
# From Paul Eggert (2013-10-25):
# For now, assume they're reverting to the pre-2012 rules of permanent UT +02.

Rule	Libya	1951	only	-	Oct	14	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1952	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1953	only	-	Oct	 9	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1954	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1955	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1956	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1982	1984	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1982	1985	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1985	only	-	Apr	 6	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1986	only	-	Apr	 4	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1986	only	-	Oct	 3	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1987	1989	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1987	1989	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	1997	only	-	Apr	 4	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	1997	only	-	Oct	 4	0:00	0	-
Rule	Libya	2013	only	-	Mar	lastFri	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Libya	2013	only	-	Oct	lastFri	2:00	0	-
Zone	Africa/Tripoli	0:52:44 -	LMT	1920
			1:00	Libya	CE%sT	1959
			2:00	-	EET	1982
			1:00	Libya	CE%sT	1990 May  4
# The 1996 and 1997 entries are from Shanks & Pottenger;
# the IATA SSIM data entries contain some obvious errors.
			2:00	-	EET	1996 Sep 30
			1:00	Libya	CE%sT	1997 Oct  4
			2:00	-	EET	2012 Nov 10  2:00
			1:00	Libya	CE%sT	2013 Oct 25  2:00
			2:00	-	EET

# Madagascar
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Malawi
# See Africa/Maputo.

# Mali
# Mauritania
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Mauritius

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-06-25):
# Mauritius plans to observe DST from 2008-11-01 to 2009-03-31 on a trial
# basis....
# It seems that Mauritius observed daylight saving time from 1982-10-10 to
# 1983-03-20 as well, but that was not successful....
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/mauritius-daylight-saving-time.html

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-06-25):
# http://economicdevelopment.gov.mu/portal/site/Mainhomepage/menuitem.a42b24128104d9845dabddd154508a0c/?content_id=0a7cee8b5d69a110VgnVCM1000000a04a8c0RCRD

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-06-30):
# The www.timeanddate.com article cited by Steffen Thorsen notes that "A
# final decision has yet to be made on the times that daylight saving
# would begin and end on these dates." As a place holder, use midnight.

# From Paul Eggert (2008-06-30):
# Follow Thorsen on DST in 1982/1983, instead of Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-07-10):
# According to
# http://www.lexpress.mu/display_article.php?news_id=111216
# (in French), Mauritius will start and end their DST a few days earlier
# than previously announced (2008-11-01 to 2009-03-31).  The new start
# date is 2008-10-26 at 02:00 and the new end date is 2009-03-27 (no time
# given, but it is probably at either 2 or 3 wall clock time).
# A little strange though, since the article says that they moved the date
# to align itself with Europe and USA which also change time on that date,
# but that means they have not paid attention to what happened in
# USA/Canada last year (DST ends first Sunday in November). I also wonder
# why that they end on a Friday, instead of aligning with Europe which
# changes two days later.

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-07-11):
# Seems that English language article "The revival of daylight saving
# time: Energy conservation?"- No. 16578 (07/11/2008) was originally
# published on Monday, June 30, 2008...
# I guess that article in French "Le gouvernement avance l'introduction
# de l'heure d'été" stating that DST in Mauritius starting on October 26
# and ending on March 27, 2009 is the most recent one....
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_mauritius02.html

# From Riad M. Hossen Ally (2008-08-03):
# The Government of Mauritius weblink
# http://www.gov.mu/portal/site/pmosite/menuitem.4ca0efdee47462e7440a600248a521ca/?content_id=4728ca68b2a5b110VgnVCM1000000a04a8c0RCRD
# Cabinet Decision of July 18th, 2008 states as follows:
# 4. ...Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly
# of the Time Bill which provides for the introduction of summer time in
# Mauritius. The summer time period which will be of one hour ahead of
# the standard time, will be aligned with that in Europe and the United
# States of America. It will start at two o'clock in the morning on the
# last Sunday of October and will end at two o'clock in the morning on
# the last Sunday of March the following year. The summer time for the
# year 2008-2009 will, therefore, be effective as from 26 October 2008
# and end on 29 March 2009.

# From Ed Maste (2008-10-07):
# THE TIME BILL (No. XXVII of 2008) Explanatory Memorandum states the
# beginning / ending of summer time is 2 o'clock standard time in the
# morning of the last Sunday of October / last Sunday of March.
# http://www.gov.mu/portal/goc/assemblysite/file/bill2708.pdf

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-06-05):
# According to several sources, Mauritius will not continue to observe
# DST the coming summer...
# Some sources, in French:
# http://www.defimedia.info/news/946/Rashid-Beebeejaun-:-%C2%AB-L%E2%80%99heure-d%E2%80%99%C3%A9t%C3%A9-ne-sera-pas-appliqu%C3%A9e-cette-ann%C3%A9e-%C2%BB
# http://lexpress.mu/Story/3398~Beebeejaun---Les-objectifs-d-%C3%A9conomie-d-%C3%A9nergie-de-l-heure-d-%C3%A9t%C3%A9-ont-%C3%A9t%C3%A9-atteints-
# Our wrap-up:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/mauritius-dst-will-not-repeat.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-07-11):
# The "mauritius-dst-will-not-repeat" wrapup includes this:
# "The trial ended on March 29, 2009, when the clocks moved back by one hour
# at 2am (or 02:00) local time..."

Rule Mauritius	1982	only	-	Oct	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Mauritius	1983	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	0	-
Rule Mauritius	2008	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	S
Rule Mauritius	2009	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	0	-
Zone Indian/Mauritius	3:50:00 -	LMT	1907 # Port Louis
			4:00 Mauritius	MU%sT	# Mauritius Time
# Agalega Is, Rodriguez
# no information; probably like Indian/Mauritius

# Mayotte
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Morocco
# See the 'europe' file for Spanish Morocco (Africa/Ceuta).

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-05-09):
# Here is an article that Morocco plan to introduce Daylight Saving Time between
# 1 June, 2008 and 27 September, 2008.
# "... Morocco is to save energy by adjusting its clock during summer so it will
# be one hour ahead of GMT between 1 June and 27 September, according to
# Communication Minister and Government Spokesman, Khalid Naciri...."
# http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_morocco01.html
# http://en.afrik.com/news11892.html

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-05-09):
# The Morocco time change can be confirmed on Morocco web site Maghreb Arabe
# Presse:
# http://www.map.ma/eng/sections/box3/morocco_shifts_to_da/view
# Morocco shifts to daylight time on June 1st through September 27, Govt.
# spokesman.

# From Patrice Scattolin (2008-05-09):
# According to this article:
# http://www.avmaroc.com/actualite/heure-dete-comment-a127896.html
# (and republished here: <http://www.actu.ma/heure-dete-comment_i127896_0.html>)
# the changes occur at midnight:
# Saturday night May 31st at midnight (which in French is to be
# interpreted as the night between Saturday and Sunday)
# Sunday night the 28th at midnight
# Seeing that the 28th is Monday, I am guessing that she intends to say
# the midnight of the 28th which is the midnight between Sunday and
# Monday, which jives with other sources that say that it's inclusive
# June 1st to Sept 27th.
# The decision was taken by decree *2-08-224 *but I can't find the decree
# published on the web.
# It's also confirmed here:
# http://www.maroc.ma/NR/exeres/FACF141F-D910-44B0-B7FA-6E03733425D1.htm
# on a government portal as being between June 1st and Sept 27th (not yet
# posted in English).
# The following Google query will generate many relevant hits:
# http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Conseil+de+gouvernement+maroc+heure+avance&btnG=Search

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-08-27):
# Morocco will change the clocks back on the midnight between August 31
# and September 1. They originally planned to observe DST to near the end
# of September:
# One article about it (in French):
# http://www.menara.ma/fr/Actualites/Maroc/Societe/ci.retour_a_l_heure_gmt_a_partir_du_dimanche_31_aout_a_minuit_officiel_.default
# We have some further details posted here:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/morocco-ends-dst-early-2008.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-03-17):
# Morocco will observe DST from 2009-06-01 00:00 to 2009-08-21 00:00 according
# to many sources, such as
# http://news.marweb.com/morocco/entertainment/morocco-daylight-saving.html
# http://www.medi1sat.ma/fr/depeche.aspx?idp=2312
# (French)
# Our summary:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/morocco-starts-dst-2009.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-03-17):
# Here is a link to official document from Royaume du Maroc Premier Ministre,
# Ministère de la Modernisation des Secteurs Publics
# Under Article 1 of Royal Decree No. 455-67 of Act 23 safar 1387 (2 June 1967)
# concerning the amendment of the legal time, the Ministry of Modernization of
# Public Sectors announced that the official time in the Kingdom will be
# advanced 60 minutes from Sunday 31 May 2009 at midnight.
# http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/francais/Actualites_fr/PDF_Actualites_Fr/HeureEte_FR.pdf
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco03.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-04-13):
# Several news media in Morocco report that the Ministry of Modernization
# of Public Sectors has announced that Morocco will have DST from
# 2010-05-02 to 2010-08-08.
# Example:
# http://www.lavieeco.com/actualites/4099-le-maroc-passera-a-l-heure-d-ete-gmt1-le-2-mai.html
# (French)
# Our page:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/morocco-starts-dst-2010.html

# From Dan Abitol (2011-03-30):
# ...Rules for Africa/Casablanca are the following (24h format)
# The 3rd April 2011 at 00:00:00, [it] will be 3rd April 01:00:00
# The 31st July 2011 at 00:59:59, [it] will be 31st July 00:00:00
# ...Official links of change in morocco
# The change was broadcast on the FM Radio
# I ve called ANRT (telecom regulations in Morocco) at
# +212.537.71.84.00
# http://www.anrt.net.ma/fr/
# They said that
# http://www.map.ma/fr/sections/accueil/l_heure_legale_au_ma/view
# is the official publication to look at.
# They said that the decision was already taken.
# More articles in the press
# http://www.yabiladi.com/articles/details/5058/secret-l-heure-d-ete-maroc-leve.html
# http://www.lematin.ma/Actualite/Express/Article.asp?id=148923
# http://www.lavieeco.com/actualite/Le-Maroc-passe-sur-GMT%2B1-a-partir-de-dim

# From Petr Machata (2011-03-30):
# They have it written in English here:
# http://www.map.ma/eng/sections/home/morocco_to_spring_fo/view
# It says there that "Morocco will resume its standard time on July 31,
# 2011 at midnight." Now they don't say whether they mean midnight of
# wall clock time (i.e. 11pm UTC), but that's what I would assume. It has
# also been like that in the past.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2012-03-09):
# According to Infomédiaire web site from Morocco (infomediaire.ma),
# on March 9, 2012, (in French) Heure légale:
# Le Maroc adopte officiellement l'heure d'été
# http://www.infomediaire.ma/news/maroc/heure-l%C3%A9gale-le-maroc-adopte-officiellement-lheure-d%C3%A9t%C3%A9
# Governing Council adopted draft decree, that Morocco DST starts on
# the last Sunday of March (March 25, 2012) and ends on
# last Sunday of September (September 30, 2012)
# except the month of Ramadan.
# or (brief)
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_morocco06.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-10):
# The infomediaire.ma source indicates that the system is to be in
# effect every year. It gives 03H00 as the "fall back" time of day;
# it lacks a "spring forward" time of day; assume 2:00 XXX.
# Wait on specifying the Ramadan exception for details about
# start date, start time of day, end date, and end time of day XXX.

# From Christophe Tropamer (2012-03-16):
# Seen Morocco change again:
# http://www.le2uminutes.com/actualite.php
# "...à partir du dernier dimanche d'avril et non fins mars,
# comme annoncé précédemment."

# From Milamber Space Network (2012-07-17):
# The official return to GMT is announced by the Moroccan government:
# http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=288 [in French]
# Google translation, lightly edited:
# Back to the standard time of the Kingdom (GMT)
# Pursuant to Decree No. 2-12-126 issued on 26 Jumada (I) 1433 (April 18,
# 2012) and in accordance with the order of Mr. President of the
# Government No. 3-47-12 issued on 24 Sha'ban (11 July 2012), the Ministry
# of Public Service and Administration Modernization announces the return
# of the legal time of the Kingdom (GMT) from Friday, July 20, 2012 until
# Monday, August 20, 2012.  So the time will be delayed by 60 minutes from
# 3:00 am Friday, July 20, 2012 and will again be advanced by 60 minutes
# August 20, 2012 from 2:00 am.

# From Paul Eggert (2013-03-06):
# Morocco's daylight-saving transitions due to Ramadan seem to be
# announced a bit in advance.  On 2012-07-11 the Moroccan government
# announced that year's Ramadan daylight-saving transitions would be
# 2012-07-20 and 2012-08-20; see
# http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=288

# From Andrew Paprocki (2013-07-02):
# Morocco announced that the year's Ramadan daylight-savings
# transitions would be 2013-07-07 and 2013-08-10; see:
# http://www.maroc.ma/en/news/morocco-suspends-daylight-saving-time-july-7-aug10

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-09-28):
# Morocco extends DST by one month, on very short notice, just 1 day
# before it was going to end.  There is a new decree (2.13.781) for
# this, where DST from now on goes from last Sunday of March at 02:00
# to last Sunday of October at 03:00, similar to EU rules.  Official
# source (French):
# http://www.maroc.gov.ma/fr/actualites/lhoraire-dete-gmt1-maintenu-jusquau-27-octobre-2013
# Another source (specifying the time for start and end in the decree):
# http://www.lemag.ma/Heure-d-ete-au-Maroc-jusqu-au-27-octobre_a75620.html

# From Sebastien Willemijns (2014-03-18):
# http://www.afriquinfos.com/articles/2014/3/18/maroc-heure-dete-avancez-tous-horloges-247891.asp

# From Milamber Space Network (2014-06-05):
# The Moroccan government has recently announced that the country will return
# to standard time at 03:00 on Saturday, June 28, 2014 local time....  DST
# will resume again at 02:00 on Saturday, August 2, 2014....
# http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=586

# From Milamber (2015-06-08):
# (Google Translation) The hour will thus be delayed 60 minutes
# Sunday, June 14 at 3:00, the ministry said in a statement, adding
# that the time will be advanced again 60 minutes Sunday, July 19,
# 2015 at 2:00.  The move comes under 2.12.126 Decree of 26 Jumada I
# 1433 (18 April 2012) and the decision of the Head of Government of
# 16 N. 3-29-15 Chaaban 1435 (4 June 2015).
# Source (french):
# http://lnt.ma/le-maroc-reculera-dune-heure-le-dimanche-14-juin/
# From Milamber (2015-06-09):
# http://www.mmsp.gov.ma/fr/actualites.aspx?id=863
# From Michael Deckers (2015-06-09):
# [The gov.ma announcement] would (probably) make the switch on 2015-07-19 go
# from 03:00 to 04:00 rather than from 02:00 to 03:00, as in the patch....
# I think the patch is correct and the quoted text is wrong; the text in
# <http://lnt.ma/le-maroc-reculera-dune-heure-le-dimanche-14-juin/> agrees
# with the patch.

# From Paul Eggert (2015-06-08):
# For now, guess that later spring and fall transitions will use 2015's rules,
# and guess that Morocco will switch to standard time at 03:00 the last
# Sunday before Ramadan, and back to DST at 02:00 the first Sunday after
# Ramadan.  To implement this, transition dates for 2016 through 2037 were
# determined by running the following program under GNU Emacs 24.3, with the
# results integrated by hand into the table below.
# (let ((islamic-year 1437))
#   (require 'cal-islam)
#   (while (< islamic-year 1460)
#     (let ((a (calendar-islamic-to-absolute (list 9 1 islamic-year)))
#           (b (calendar-islamic-to-absolute (list 10 1 islamic-year)))
#           (sunday 0))
#       (while (/= sunday (mod (setq a (1- a)) 7)))
#       (while (/= sunday (mod b 7))
#         (setq b (1+ b)))
#       (setq a (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute a))
#       (setq b (calendar-gregorian-from-absolute b))
#       (insert
#        (format
#         (concat "Rule\tMorocco\t%d\tonly\t-\t%s\t%2d\t 3:00\t0\t-\n"
#                 "Rule\tMorocco\t%d\tonly\t-\t%s\t%2d\t 2:00\t1:00\tS\n")
#         (car (cdr (cdr a))) (calendar-month-name (car a) t) (car (cdr a))
#         (car (cdr (cdr b))) (calendar-month-name (car b) t) (car (cdr b)))))
#     (setq islamic-year (+ 1 islamic-year))))


Rule	Morocco	1939	only	-	Sep	12	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1939	only	-	Nov	19	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1940	only	-	Feb	25	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1945	only	-	Nov	18	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1950	only	-	Jun	11	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1950	only	-	Oct	29	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1967	only	-	Jun	 3	12:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1967	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1974	only	-	Jun	24	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1974	only	-	Sep	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1976	1977	-	May	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1976	only	-	Aug	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1977	only	-	Sep	28	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	1978	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	1978	only	-	Aug	 4	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2008	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2008	only	-	Sep	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2009	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2009	only	-	Aug	21	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2010	only	-	May	 2	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2010	only	-	Aug	 8	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2011	only	-	Apr	 3	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2011	only	-	Jul	31	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2012	2013	-	Apr	lastSun	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2012	only	-	Jul	20	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2012	only	-	Aug	20	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2012	only	-	Sep	30	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2013	only	-	Jul	 7	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2013	only	-	Aug	10	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2013	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2014	2021	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2014	only	-	Jun	28	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2014	only	-	Aug	 2	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2015	only	-	Jun	14	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2015	only	-	Jul	19	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2016	only	-	Jun	 5	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2016	only	-	Jul	10	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2017	only	-	May	21	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2017	only	-	Jul	 2	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2018	only	-	May	13	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2018	only	-	Jun	17	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2019	only	-	May	 5	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2019	only	-	Jun	 9	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2020	only	-	Apr	19	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2020	only	-	May	24	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2021	only	-	Apr	11	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2021	only	-	May	16	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2022	only	-	May	 8	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2023	only	-	Apr	23	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2024	only	-	Apr	14	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2025	only	-	Apr	 6	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2026	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Morocco	2036	only	-	Oct	19	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Morocco	2037	only	-	Oct	 4	 3:00	0	-

Zone Africa/Casablanca	-0:30:20 -	LMT	1913 Oct 26
			 0:00	Morocco	WE%sT	1984 Mar 16
			 1:00	-	CET	1986
			 0:00	Morocco	WE%sT

# Western Sahara
# From Gwillim Law (2013-10-22):
# A correspondent who is usually well informed about time zone matters
# ... says that Western Sahara observes daylight saving time, just as
# Morocco does.
# From Paul Eggert (2013-10-23):
# Assume that this has been true since Western Sahara switched to GMT,
# since most of it was then controlled by Morocco.

Zone Africa/El_Aaiun	-0:52:48 -	LMT	1934 Jan # El Aaiún
			-1:00	-	WAT	1976 Apr 14
			 0:00	Morocco	WE%sT

# Mozambique
# Shanks gives 1903-03-01 for the transition to CAT.
# Perhaps the 1911-05-26 Portuguese decree
# http://dre.pt/pdf1sdip/1911/05/12500/23132313.pdf
# merely made it official?
Zone	Africa/Maputo	2:10:20 -	LMT	1903 Mar
			2:00	-	CAT
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Blantyre	# Malawi
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Bujumbura	# Burundi
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Gaborone	# Botswana
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Harare	# Zimbabwe
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Kigali	# Rwanda
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Lubumbashi	# E Dem. Rep. of Congo
Link Africa/Maputo Africa/Lusaka	# Zambia

# Namibia
# The 1994-04-03 transition is from Shanks & Pottenger.
# Shanks & Pottenger report no DST after 1998-04; go with IATA.

# From Petronella Sibeene (2007-03-30):
# http://allafrica.com/stories/200703300178.html
# While the entire country changes its time, Katima Mulilo and other
# settlements in Caprivi unofficially will not because the sun there
# rises and sets earlier compared to other regions.  Chief of
# Forecasting Riaan van Zyl explained that the far eastern parts of
# the country are close to 40 minutes earlier in sunrise than the rest
# of the country.
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-31):
# Apparently the Caprivi Strip informally observes Botswana time, but
# we have no details.  In the meantime people there can use Africa/Gaborone.

Rule	Namibia	1994	max	-	Sep	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Namibia	1995	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	0	-
Zone	Africa/Windhoek	1:08:24 -	LMT	1892 Feb 8
			1:30	-	SWAT	1903 Mar    # SW Africa Time
			2:00	-	SAST	1942 Sep 20  2:00
			2:00	1:00	SAST	1943 Mar 21  2:00
			2:00	-	SAST	1990 Mar 21 # independence
			2:00	-	CAT	1994 Apr  3
			1:00	Namibia	WA%sT

# Niger
# See Africa/Lagos.

# Nigeria
Zone	Africa/Lagos	0:13:36 -	LMT	1919 Sep
			1:00	-	WAT
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Bangui	     # Central African Republic
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Brazzaville # Rep. of the Congo
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Douala	     # Cameroon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Kinshasa    # Dem. Rep. of the Congo (west)
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Libreville  # Gabon
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Luanda	     # Angola
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Malabo	     # Equatorial Guinea
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Niamey	     # Niger
Link Africa/Lagos Africa/Porto-Novo  # Benin

# Réunion
Zone	Indian/Reunion	3:41:52 -	LMT	1911 Jun # Saint-Denis
			4:00	-	RET	# Réunion Time
# Crozet Islands also observes Réunion time; see the 'antarctica' file.
# Scattered Islands (Îles Éparses) administered from Réunion are as follows.
# The following information about them is taken from
# Îles Éparses (<http://www.outre-mer.gouv.fr/domtom/ile.htm>, 1997-07-22,
# in French; no longer available as of 1999-08-17).
# We have no info about their time zone histories.
# Bassas da India - uninhabited
# Europa Island - inhabited from 1905 to 1910 by two families
# Glorioso Is - inhabited until at least 1958
# Juan de Nova - uninhabited
# Tromelin - inhabited until at least 1958

# Rwanda
# See Africa/Maputo.

# St Helena
# See Africa/Abidjan.
# The other parts of the St Helena territory are similar:
#	Tristan da Cunha: on GMT, say Whitman and the CIA
#	Ascension: on GMT, say the USNO (1995-12-21) and the CIA
#	Gough (scientific station since 1955; sealers wintered previously):
#		on GMT, says the CIA
#	Inaccessible, Nightingale: uninhabited

# São Tomé and Príncipe
# Senegal
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Seychelles
Zone	Indian/Mahe	3:41:48 -	LMT	1906 Jun # Victoria
			4:00	-	SCT	# Seychelles Time
# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-30):
# Aldabra, Farquhar, and Desroches, originally dependencies of the
# Seychelles, were transferred to the British Indian Ocean Territory
# in 1965 and returned to Seychelles control in 1976.  We don't know
# whether this affected their time zone, so omit this for now.
# Possibly the islands were uninhabited.

# Sierra Leone
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Somalia
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# South Africa
Rule	SA	1942	1943	-	Sep	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	-
Rule	SA	1943	1944	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00	0	-
Zone Africa/Johannesburg 1:52:00 -	LMT	1892 Feb 8
			1:30	-	SAST	1903 Mar
			2:00	SA	SAST
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Maseru	   # Lesotho
Link Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Mbabane    # Swaziland
# Marion and Prince Edward Is
# scientific station since 1947
# no information

# Sudan
# From <http://www.sunanews.net/sn13jane.html>
# Sudan News Agency (2000-01-13),
# also reported by Michaël De Beukelaer-Dossche via Steffen Thorsen:
# Clocks will be moved ahead for 60 minutes all over the Sudan as of noon
# Saturday....  This was announced Thursday by Caretaker State Minister for
# Manpower Abdul-Rahman Nur-Eddin.
Rule	Sudan	1970	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Sudan	1970	1985	-	Oct	15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Sudan	1971	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Sudan	1972	1985	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Zone	Africa/Khartoum	2:10:08 -	LMT	1931
			2:00	Sudan	CA%sT	2000 Jan 15 12:00
			3:00	-	EAT

# South Sudan
Link Africa/Khartoum Africa/Juba

# Swaziland
# See Africa/Johannesburg.

# Tanzania
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Togo
# See Africa/Abidjan.

# Tunisia

# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-30):
# My correspondent, Risto Nykänen, has alerted me to another adoption of DST,
# this time in Tunisia.  According to Yahoo France News
# <http://fr.news.yahoo.com/050426/5/4dumk.html>, in a story attributed to AP
# and dated 2005-04-26, "Tunisia has decided to advance its official time by
# one hour, starting on Sunday, May 1.  Henceforth, Tunisian time will be
# UTC+2 instead of UTC+1.  The change will take place at 23:00 UTC next
# Saturday."  (My translation)
# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-05-02):
# La Presse, the first national daily newspaper ...
# http://www.lapresse.tn/archives/archives280405/actualites/lheure.html
# ... DST for 2005: on: Sun May 1 0h standard time, off: Fri Sept. 30,
# 1h standard time.
# From Atef Loukil (2006-03-28):
# The daylight saving time will be the same each year:
# Beginning      : the last Sunday of March at 02:00
# Ending         : the last Sunday of October at 03:00 ...
# http://www.tap.info.tn/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1188&Itemid=50

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-03-16):
# According to several news sources, Tunisia will not observe DST this year.
# (Arabic)
# http://www.elbashayer.com/?page=viewn&nid=42546
# http://www.babnet.net/kiwidetail-15295.asp
# We have also confirmed this with the US embassy in Tunisia.
# We have a wrap-up about this on the following page:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/tunisia-cancels-dst-2009.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-03-17):
# Here is a link to Tunis Afrique Presse News Agency
# Standard time to be kept the whole year long (tap.info.tn):
# (in English)
# http://www.tap.info.tn/en/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26813&Itemid=157
# (in Arabic)
# http://www.tap.info.tn/ar/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=61240&Itemid=1

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-03-18):
# The Tunis Afrique Presse News Agency notice contains this: "This measure is
# due to the fact that the fasting month of Ramadan coincides with the period
# concerned by summer time.  Therefore, the standard time will be kept
# unchanged the whole year long."  So foregoing DST seems to be an exception
# (albeit one that may be repeated in the future).

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-03-27):
# According to some news reports Tunis confirmed not to use DST in 2010
# (translation):
# "The Tunisian government has decided to abandon DST, which was scheduled on
# Sunday...
# Tunisian authorities had suspended the DST for the first time last year also
# coincided with the month of Ramadan..."
# (in Arabic)
# http://www.moheet.com/show_news.aspx?nid=358861&pg=1
# http://www.almadenahnews.com/newss/news.php?c=118&id=38036
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_tunis02.html

Rule	Tunisia	1939	only	-	Apr	15	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1939	only	-	Nov	18	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1940	only	-	Feb	25	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1941	only	-	Oct	 6	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1942	only	-	Mar	 9	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1943	only	-	Mar	29	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1943	only	-	Apr	17	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1943	only	-	Apr	25	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1943	only	-	Oct	 4	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1944	1945	-	Apr	Mon>=1	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1944	only	-	Oct	 8	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1945	only	-	Sep	16	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1977	only	-	Apr	30	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1977	only	-	Sep	24	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1978	only	-	May	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1988	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1988	1990	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	1989	only	-	Mar	26	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	1990	only	-	May	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	2005	only	-	May	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	2005	only	-	Sep	30	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	Tunisia	2006	2008	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tunisia	2006	2008	-	Oct	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-

# Shanks & Pottenger give 0:09:20 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's
# more precise 0:09:21.
# Shanks & Pottenger say the 1911 switch was on Mar 9; go with Howse's Mar 11.
Zone	Africa/Tunis	0:40:44 -	LMT	1881 May 12
			0:09:21	-	PMT	1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
			1:00	Tunisia	CE%sT

# Uganda
# See Africa/Nairobi.

# Zambia
# Zimbabwe
# See Africa/Maputo.
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-11-15):
# To keep things manageable, we list only locations occupied year-round; see
# COMNAP - Stations and Bases
# http://www.comnap.aq/comnap/comnap.nsf/P/Stations/
# and
# Summary of the Peri-Antarctic Islands (1998-07-23)
# http://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/bob/periant.htm
# for information.
# Unless otherwise specified, we have no time zone information.

# FORMAT is '-00' and GMTOFF is 0 for locations while uninhabited.

# Argentina - year-round bases
# Belgrano II, Confin Coast, -770227-0343737, since 1972-02-05
# Carlini, Potter Cove, King George Island, -6414-0602320, since 1982-01
# Esperanza, Hope Bay, -6323-05659, since 1952-12-17
# Marambio, -6414-05637, since 1969-10-29
# Orcadas, Laurie I, -6016-04444, since 1904-02-22
# San Martín, Barry I, -6808-06706, since 1951-03-21
#	(except 1960-03 / 1976-03-21)

# Australia - territories
# Heard Island, McDonald Islands (uninhabited)
#	previously sealers and scientific personnel wintered
#	Margaret Turner reports
#	http://web.archive.org/web/20021204222245/http://www.dstc.qut.edu.au/DST/marg/daylight.html
#	(1999-09-30) that they're UT +05, with no DST;
#	presumably this is when they have visitors.
# year-round bases
# Casey, Bailey Peninsula, -6617+11032, since 1969
# Davis, Vestfold Hills, -6835+07759, since 1957-01-13
#	(except 1964-11 - 1969-02)
# Mawson, Holme Bay, -6736+06253, since 1954-02-13

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-03-11):
# Three Australian stations in Antarctica have changed their time zone:
# Casey moved from UTC+8 to UTC+11
# Davis moved from UTC+7 to UTC+5
# Mawson moved from UTC+6 to UTC+5
# The changes occurred on 2009-10-18 at 02:00 (local times).
# Government source: (Australian Antarctic Division)
# http://www.aad.gov.au/default.asp?casid=37079
# We have more background information here:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/antarctica-new-times.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-10):
# We got these changes from the Australian Antarctic Division: ...
# - Casey station reverted to its normal time of UTC+8 on 5 March 2010.
# The change to UTC+11 is being considered as a regular summer thing but
# has not been decided yet.
# - Davis station will revert to its normal time of UTC+7 at 10 March 2010
# 20:00 UTC.
# - Mawson station stays on UTC+5.
# Background:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/antartica-time-changes-2010.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2016-10-28):
# Australian Antarctica Division informed us that Casey changed time
# zone to UTC+11 in "the morning of 22nd October 2016".

Zone Antarctica/Casey	0	-	-00	1969
			8:00	-	+08	2009 Oct 18  2:00
			11:00	-	+11	2010 Mar  5  2:00
			8:00	-	+08	2011 Oct 28  2:00
			11:00	-	+11	2012 Feb 21 17:00u
			8:00	-	+08	2016 Oct 22
			11:00	-	+11
Zone Antarctica/Davis	0	-	-00	1957 Jan 13
			7:00	-	+07	1964 Nov
			0	-	-00	1969 Feb
			7:00	-	+07	2009 Oct 18  2:00
			5:00	-	+05	2010 Mar 10 20:00u
			7:00	-	+07	2011 Oct 28  2:00
			5:00	-	+05	2012 Feb 21 20:00u
			7:00	-	+07
Zone Antarctica/Mawson	0	-	-00	1954 Feb 13
			6:00	-	+06	2009 Oct 18  2:00
			5:00	-	+05
# References:
# Casey Weather (1998-02-26)
# http://www.antdiv.gov.au/aad/exop/sfo/casey/casey_aws.html
# Davis Station, Antarctica (1998-02-26)
# http://www.antdiv.gov.au/aad/exop/sfo/davis/video.html
# Mawson Station, Antarctica (1998-02-25)
# http://www.antdiv.gov.au/aad/exop/sfo/mawson/video.html

# Belgium - year-round base
# Princess Elisabeth, Queen Maud Land, -713412+0231200, since 2007

# Brazil - year-round base
# Ferraz, King George Island, -6205+05824, since 1983/4

# Bulgaria - year-round base
# St. Kliment Ohridski, Livingston Island, -623829-0602153, since 1988

# Chile - year-round bases and towns
# Escudero, South Shetland Is, -621157-0585735, since 1994
# Frei Montalva, King George Island, -6214-05848, since 1969-03-07
# O'Higgins, Antarctic Peninsula, -6319-05704, since 1948-02
# Prat, -6230-05941
# Villa Las Estrellas (a town), around the Frei base, since 1984-04-09
# These locations have always used Santiago time; use TZ='America/Santiago'.

# China - year-round bases
# Great Wall, King George Island, -6213-05858, since 1985-02-20
# Zhongshan, Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, -6922+07623, since 1989-02-26

# France - year-round bases (also see "France & Italy")
# From Antoine Leca (1997-01-20):
# Time data entries are from Nicole Pailleau at the IFRTP
# (French Institute for Polar Research and Technology).
# She confirms that French Southern Territories and Terre Adélie bases
# don't observe daylight saving time, even if Terre Adélie supplies came
# from Tasmania.
# French Southern Territories with year-round inhabitants
# Alfred Faure, Possession Island, Crozet Islands, -462551+0515152, since 1964;
#	sealing & whaling stations operated variously 1802/1911+;
#	see Indian/Reunion.
# Martin-de-Viviès, Amsterdam Island, -374105+0773155, since 1950
# Port-aux-Français, Kerguelen Islands, -492110+0701303, since 1951;
#	whaling & sealing station operated 1908/1914, 1920/1929, and 1951/1956
# St Paul Island - near Amsterdam, uninhabited
#	fishing stations operated variously 1819/1931
Zone Indian/Kerguelen	0	-	-00	1950 # Port-aux-Français
			5:00	-	+05
# year-round base in the main continent
# Dumont d'Urville, Île des Pétrels, -6640+14001, since 1956-11
# <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dumont_d'Urville_Station> (2005-12-05)
# Another base at Port-Martin, 50km east, began operation in 1947.
# It was destroyed by fire on 1952-01-14.
Zone Antarctica/DumontDUrville 0 -	-00	1947
			10:00	-	+10	1952 Jan 14
			0	-	-00	1956 Nov
			10:00	-	+10

# France & Italy - year-round base
# Concordia, -750600+1232000, since 2005

# Germany - year-round base
# Neumayer III, -704080-0081602, since 2009

# India - year-round bases
# Bharati, -692428+0761114, since 2012
# Maitri, -704558+0114356, since 1989

# Italy - year-round base (also see "France & Italy")
# Zuchelli, Terra Nova Bay, -744140+1640647, since 1986

# Japan - year-round bases
# Syowa (also known as Showa), -690022+0393524, since 1957
# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1999-02-06):
# In all Japanese stations, +0300 is used as the standard time.
# Syowa station, which is the first antarctic station of Japan,
# was established on 1957-01-29.  Since Syowa station is still the main
# station of Japan, it's appropriate for the principal location.
Zone Antarctica/Syowa	0	-	-00	1957 Jan 29
			3:00	-	+03
# See:
# NIPR Antarctic Research Activities (1999-08-17)
# http://www.nipr.ac.jp/english/ara01.html

# S Korea - year-round base
# Jang Bogo, Terra Nova Bay, -743700+1641205 since 2014
# King Sejong, King George Island, -6213-05847, since 1988

# New Zealand - claims
# Balleny Islands (never inhabited)
# Scott Island (never inhabited)
# year-round base
# Scott Base, Ross Island, since 1957-01.
# See Pacific/Auckland.

# Norway - territories
# Bouvet (never inhabited)
# claims
# Peter I Island (never inhabited)
# year-round base
# Troll, Queen Maud Land, -720041+0023206, since 2005-02-12
# From Paul-Inge Flakstad (2014-03-10):
# I recently had a long dialog about this with the developer of timegenie.com.
# In the absence of specific dates, he decided to choose some likely ones:
#   GMT +1 - From March 1 to the last Sunday in March
#   GMT +2 - From the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October
#   GMT +1 - From the last Sunday in October until November 7
#   GMT +0 - From November 7 until March 1
# The dates for switching to and from UTC+0 will probably not be absolutely
# correct, but they should be quite close to the actual dates.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-03-21):
# The CET-switching Troll rules require zic from tz 2014b or later, so as
# suggested by Bengt-Inge Larsson comment them out for now, and approximate
# with only UTC and CEST.  Uncomment them when 2014b is more prevalent.
#Rule	Troll	2005	max	-	Mar	 1	1:00u	1:00	+01
Rule	Troll	2005	max	-	Mar	lastSun	1:00u	2:00	+02
#Rule	Troll	2005	max	-	Oct	lastSun	1:00u	1:00	+01
#Rule	Troll	2004	max	-	Nov	 7	1:00u	0:00	+00
# Remove the following line when uncommenting the above '#Rule' lines.
Rule	Troll	2004	max	-	Oct	lastSun	1:00u	0:00	+00
Zone Antarctica/Troll	0	-	-00	2005 Feb 12
			0:00	Troll	%s

# Poland - year-round base
# Arctowski, King George Island, -620945-0582745, since 1977

# Romania - year-bound base
# Law-Racoviță, Larsemann Hills, -692319+0762251, since 1986

# Russia - year-round bases
# Bellingshausen, King George Island, -621159-0585337, since 1968-02-22
# Mirny, Davis coast, -6633+09301, since 1956-02
# Molodezhnaya, Alasheyev Bay, -6740+04551,
#	year-round from 1962-02 to 1999-07-01
# Novolazarevskaya, Queen Maud Land, -7046+01150,
#	year-round from 1960/61 to 1992

# Vostok, since 1957-12-16, temporarily closed 1994-02/1994-11
# From Craig Mundell (1994-12-15):
# http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/antarctica/QA/computers/Directions,Time,ZIP
# Vostok, which is one of the Russian stations, is set on the same
# time as Moscow, Russia.
# From Lee Hotz (2001-03-08):
# I queried the folks at Columbia who spent the summer at Vostok and this is
# what they had to say about time there:
# "in the US Camp (East Camp) we have been on New Zealand (McMurdo)
# time, which is 12 hours ahead of GMT. The Russian Station Vostok was
# 6 hours behind that (although only 2 miles away, i.e. 6 hours ahead
# of GMT). This is a time zone I think two hours east of Moscow. The
# natural time zone is in between the two: 8 hours ahead of GMT."
# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-04):
# This seems to be hopelessly confusing, so I asked Lee Hotz about it
# in person.  He said that some Antarctic locations set their local
# time so that noon is the warmest part of the day, and that this
# changes during the year and does not necessarily correspond to mean
# solar noon.  So the Vostok time might have been whatever the clocks
# happened to be during their visit.  So we still don't really know what time
# it is at Vostok.  But we'll guess +06.
Zone Antarctica/Vostok	0	-	-00	1957 Dec 16
			6:00	-	+06

# S Africa - year-round bases
# Marion Island, -4653+03752
# SANAE IV, Vesleskarvet, Queen Maud Land, -714022-0025026, since 1997

# Ukraine - year-round base
# Vernadsky (formerly Faraday), Galindez Island, -651445-0641526, since 1954

# United Kingdom
# British Antarctic Territories (BAT) claims
# South Orkney Islands
#	scientific station from 1903
#	whaling station at Signy I 1920/1926
# South Shetland Islands
# year-round bases
# Bird Island, South Georgia, -5400-03803, since 1983
# Deception Island, -6259-06034, whaling station 1912/1931,
#	scientific station 1943/1967,
#	previously sealers and a scientific expedition wintered by accident,
#	and a garrison was deployed briefly
# Halley, Coates Land, -7535-02604, since 1956-01-06
#	Halley is on a moving ice shelf and is periodically relocated
#	so that it is never more than 10km from its nominal location.
# Rothera, Adelaide Island, -6734-6808, since 1976-12-01
# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-22)
# <http://webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/g.html> says Rothera is -03 all year.
Zone Antarctica/Rothera	0	-	-00	1976 Dec  1
			-3:00	-	-03

# Uruguay - year round base
# Artigas, King George Island, -621104-0585107

# USA - year-round bases
# Palmer, Anvers Island, since 1965 (moved 2 miles in 1968)
# See 'southamerica' for Antarctica/Palmer, since it uses South American DST.
# McMurdo Station, Ross Island, since 1955-12
# Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, continuously occupied since 1956-11-20
# From Chris Carrier (1996-06-27):
# Siple, the first commander of the South Pole station,
# stated that he would have liked to have kept GMT at the station,
# but that he found it more convenient to keep GMT+12
# as supplies for the station were coming from McMurdo Sound,
# which was on GMT+12 because New Zealand was on GMT+12 all year
# at that time (1957).  (Source: Siple's book 90 Degrees South.)
# From Susan Smith
# http://www.cybertours.com/whs/pole10.html
# (1995-11-13 16:24:56 +1300, no longer available):
# We use the same time as McMurdo does.
# And they use the same time as Christchurch, NZ does....
# One last quirk about South Pole time.
# All the electric clocks are usually wrong.
# Something about the generators running at 60.1hertz or something
# makes all of the clocks run fast.  So every couple of days,
# we have to go around and set them back 5 minutes or so.
# Maybe if we let them run fast all of the time, we'd get to leave here sooner!!
# See 'australasia' for Antarctica/McMurdo.
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (2015-08-08):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
# I found in the UCLA library.
# For data circa 1899, a common source is:
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# For Russian data circa 1919, a source is:
# Byalokoz EL. New Counting of Time in Russia since July 1, 1919.
# (See the 'europe' file for a fuller citation.)
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# I invented the abbreviations marked '*' in the following table;
# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
# Corrections are welcome!
#	     std  dst
#	     LMT	Local Mean Time
#	2:00 EET  EEST	Eastern European Time
#	2:00 IST  IDT	Israel
#	3:00 AST  ADT	Arabia*
#	3:30 IRST IRDT	Iran*
#	4:00 GST	Gulf*
#	5:30 IST	India
#	7:00 ICT	Indochina, most times and locations*
#	7:00 WIB	west Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Barat)
#	8:00 WITA	central Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Tengah)
#	8:00 CST	China
#	8:00 IDT	Indochina, 1943-45, 1947-55, 1960-75 (some locations)*
#	8:00 JWST	Western Standard Time (Japan, 1896/1937)*
#	8:30 KST  KDT	Korea when at +0830*
#	9:00 JCST	Central Standard Time (Japan, 1896/1937)
#	9:00 WIT	east Indonesia (Waktu Indonesia Timur)
#	9:00 JST  JDT	Japan
#	9:00 KST  KDT	Korea when at +09
#	9:30 ACST	Australian Central Standard Time
# See the 'europe' file for Russia and Turkey in Asia.

# From Guy Harris:
# Incorporates data for Singapore from Robert Elz' asia 1.1, as well as
# additional information from Tom Yap, Sun Microsystems Intercontinental
# Technical Support (including a page from the Official Airline Guide -
# Worldwide Edition).  The names for time zones are guesses.


# These rules are stolen from the 'europe' file.
Rule	EUAsia	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 1:00u	1:00	S
Rule	EUAsia	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00u	0	-
Rule	EUAsia	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 1:00u	0	-
Rule E-EurAsia	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule E-EurAsia	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule E-EurAsia	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule RussiaAsia	1981	1984	-	Apr	1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule RussiaAsia	1981	1983	-	Oct	1	 0:00	0	-
Rule RussiaAsia	1984	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-
Rule RussiaAsia	1985	2011	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule RussiaAsia	1996	2011	-	Oct	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-

# Afghanistan
Zone	Asia/Kabul	4:36:48 -	LMT	1890
			4:00	-	AFT	1945
			4:30	-	AFT

# Armenia
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger have Yerevan switching to 3:00 (with Russian DST)
# in spring 1991, then to 4:00 with no DST in fall 1995, then
# readopting Russian DST in 1997.  Go with Shanks & Pottenger, even
# when they disagree with others.  Edgar Der-Danieliantz
# reported (1996-05-04) that Yerevan probably wouldn't use DST
# in 1996, though it did use DST in 1995.  IATA SSIM (1991/1998) reports that
# Armenia switched from 3:00 to 4:00 in 1998 and observed DST after 1991,
# but started switching at 3:00s in 1998.

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15):
# While Russia abandoned DST in 2011, Armenia may choose to
# follow Russia's "old" rules.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2012-02-10):
# According to News Armenia, on Feb 9, 2012,
# http://newsarmenia.ru/society/20120209/42609695.html
# The Armenia National Assembly adopted final reading of Amendments to the
# Law "On procedure of calculation time on the territory of the Republic of
# Armenia" according to which Armenia [is] abolishing Daylight Saving Time.
# or
# (brief)
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_armenia03.html
Zone	Asia/Yerevan	2:58:00 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			3:00	-	+03	1957 Mar
			4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			3:00 RussiaAsia	+03/+04	1995 Sep 24  2:00s
			4:00	-	+04	1997
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05

# Azerbaijan

# From Rustam Aliyev of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum (2005-10-23):
# According to the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers, 1997
# From Paul Eggert (2015-09-17): It was Resolution No. 21 (1997-03-17).
# http://code.az/files/daylight_res.pdf

# From Steffen Thorsen (2016-03-17):
# ... the Azerbaijani Cabinet of Ministers has cancelled switching to
# daylight saving time....
# http://www.azernews.az/azerbaijan/94137.html
# http://vestnikkavkaza.net/news/Azerbaijani-Cabinet-of-Ministers-cancels-daylight-saving-time.html
# http://en.apa.az/xeber_azerbaijan_abolishes_daylight_savings_ti_240862.html

Rule	Azer	1997	2015	-	Mar	lastSun	 4:00	1:00	S
Rule	Azer	1997	2015	-	Oct	lastSun	 5:00	0	-
Zone	Asia/Baku	3:19:24 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			3:00	-	+03	1957 Mar
			4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			3:00 RussiaAsia	+03/+04	1992 Sep lastSun  2:00s
			4:00	-	+04	1996
			4:00	EUAsia	+04/+05	1997
			4:00	Azer	+04/+05

# Bahrain
# See Asia/Qatar.

# Bangladesh
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-05-13):
# According to newspaper Asian Tribune (May 6, 2009) Bangladesh may introduce
# Daylight Saving Time from June 16 to Sept 30
# Bangladesh to introduce daylight saving time likely from June 16
# http://www.asiantribune.com/?q=node/17288
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh02.html
# "... Bangladesh government has decided to switch daylight saving time from
# June
# 16 till September 30 in a bid to ensure maximum use of daylight to cope with
# crippling power crisis. "
# The switch will remain in effect from June 16 to Sept 30 (2009) but if
# implemented the next year, it will come in force from April 1, 2010

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-06-02):
# They have finally decided now, but changed the start date to midnight between
# the 19th and 20th, and they have not set the end date yet.
# Some sources:
# http://in.reuters.com/article/southAsiaNews/idINIndia-40017620090601
# http://bdnews24.com/details.php?id=85889&cid=2
# Our wrap-up:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/bangladesh-daylight-saving-2009.html

# From A. N. M. Kamrus Saadat (2009-06-15):
# Finally we've got the official mail regarding DST start time where DST start
# time is mentioned as Jun 19 2009, 23:00 from BTRC (Bangladesh
# Telecommunication Regulatory Commission).
# No DST end date has been announced yet.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-09-25):
# Bangladesh won't go back to Standard Time from October 1, 2009,
# instead it will continue DST measure till the cabinet makes a fresh decision.
# Following report by same newspaper-"The Daily Star Friday":
# "DST change awaits cabinet decision-Clock won't go back by 1-hr from Oct 1"
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=107021
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh04.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-10-13):
# IANS (Indo-Asian News Service) now reports:
# Bangladesh has decided that the clock advanced by an hour to make
# maximum use of daylight hours as an energy saving measure would
# "continue for an indefinite period."
# One of many places where it is published:
# http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/business/bangladesh-to-continue-indefinitely-with-advanced-time_100259987.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-12-24):
# According to Bangladesh newspaper "The Daily Star,"
# Bangladesh will change its clock back to Standard Time on Dec 31, 2009.
# Clock goes back 1-hr on Dec 31 night.
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=119228
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh05.html
# "...The government yesterday decided to put the clock back by one hour
# on December 31 midnight and the new time will continue until March 31,
# 2010 midnight. The decision came at a cabinet meeting at the Prime
# Minister's Office last night..."

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-03-22):
# According to Bangladesh newspaper "The Daily Star,"
# Cabinet cancels Daylight Saving Time
# http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/latest_news.php?nid=22817
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_bangladesh06.html

Rule	Dhaka	2009	only	-	Jun	19	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Dhaka	2009	only	-	Dec	31	24:00	0	-

Zone	Asia/Dhaka	6:01:40 -	LMT	1890
			5:53:20	-	HMT	1941 Oct    # Howrah Mean Time?
			6:30	-	BURT	1942 May 15 # Burma Time
			5:30	-	IST	1942 Sep
			6:30	-	BURT	1951 Sep 30
			6:00	-	DACT	1971 Mar 26 # Dacca Time
			6:00	-	BDT	2009
			6:00	Dhaka	BD%sT

# Bhutan
Zone	Asia/Thimphu	5:58:36 -	LMT	1947 Aug 15 # or Thimbu
			5:30	-	IST	1987 Oct
			6:00	-	BTT	# Bhutan Time

# British Indian Ocean Territory
# Whitman and the 1995 CIA time zone map say 5:00, but the
# 1997 and later maps say 6:00.  Assume the switch occurred in 1996.
# We have no information as to when standard time was introduced;
# assume it occurred in 1907, the same year as Mauritius (which
# then contained the Chagos Archipelago).
Zone	Indian/Chagos	4:49:40	-	LMT	1907
			5:00	-	IOT	1996 # BIOT Time
			6:00	-	IOT

# Brunei
Zone	Asia/Brunei	7:39:40 -	LMT	1926 Mar # Bandar Seri Begawan
			7:30	-	BNT	1933
			8:00	-	BNT

# Burma / Myanmar

# Milne says 6:24:40 was the meridian of the time ball observatory at Rangoon.

Zone	Asia/Yangon	6:24:40 -	LMT	1880        # or Rangoon
			6:24:40	-	RMT	1920        # Rangoon Mean Time?
			6:30	-	BURT	1942 May    # Burma Time
			9:00	-	JST	1945 May  3
			6:30	-	MMT	# Myanmar Time

# Cambodia
# See Asia/Bangkok.

# China

# From Guy Harris:
# People's Republic of China.  Yes, they really have only one time zone.

# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# No they don't.  See TIME mag, 1986-02-17 p.52.  Even though
# China is across 4 physical time zones, before Feb 1, 1986 only the
# Peking (Beijing) time zone was recognized.  Since that date, China
# has two of 'em - Peking's and Ürümqi (named after the capital of
# the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region).  I don't know about DST for it.
# . . .I just deleted the DST table and this editor makes it too
# painful to suck in another copy.  So, here is what I have for
# DST start/end dates for Peking's time zone (info from AP):
#     1986 May 4 - Sept 14
#     1987 mid-April - ??

# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
# CHINA               9 H  AHEAD OF UTC  APR 17 - SEP 10

# From Paul Eggert (2008-02-11):
# Jim Mann, "A clumsy embrace for another western custom: China on daylight
# time - sort of", Los Angeles Times, 1986-05-05 ... [says] that China began
# observing daylight saving time in 1986.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# Shanks & Pottenger have China switching to a single time zone in 1980, but
# this doesn't seem to be correct.  They also write that China observed summer
# DST from 1986 through 1991, which seems to match the above commentary, so
# go with them for DST rules as follows:
Rule	Shang	1940	only	-	Jun	 3	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Shang	1940	1941	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Shang	1941	only	-	Mar	16	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	PRC	1986	only	-	May	 4	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	PRC	1986	1991	-	Sep	Sun>=11	0:00	0	S
Rule	PRC	1987	1991	-	Apr	Sun>=10	0:00	1:00	D

# From Anthony Fok (2001-12-20):
# BTW, I did some research on-line and found some info regarding these five
# historic timezones from some Taiwan websites.  And yes, there are official
# Chinese names for these locales (before 1949).
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-07-14):
# I have investigated the timezones around 1970 on the
# http://www.astro.com/atlas site [with provinces and county
# boundaries summarized below]....  A few other exceptions were two
# counties on the Sichuan side of the Xizang-Sichuan border,
# counties Dege and Baiyu which lies on the Sichuan side and are
# therefore supposed to be GMT+7, Xizang region being GMT+6, but Dege
# county is GMT+8 according to astro.com while Baiyu county is GMT+6
# (could be true), for the moment I am assuming that those two
# counties are mistakes in the astro.com data.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# Alois Treindl kindly sent me translations of the following two sources:
# (1)
# Guo Qingsheng (National Time-Service Center, CAS, Xi'an 710600, China)
# Beijing Time at the Beginning of the PRC
# China Historical Materials of Science and Technology
# (Zhongguo ke ji shi liao, 中国科技史料), Vol. 24, No. 1 (2003)
# It gives evidence that at the beginning of the PRC, Beijing time was
# officially apparent solar time!  However, Guo also says that the
# evidence is dubious, as the relevant institute of astronomy had not
# been taken over by the PRC yet.  It's plausible that apparent solar
# time was announced but never implemented, and that people continued
# to use UT+8.  As the Shanghai radio station (and I presume the
# observatory) was still under control of French missionaries, it
# could well have ignored any such mandate.
# (2)
# Guo Qing-sheng (Shaanxi Astronomical Observatory, CAS, Xi'an 710600, China)
# A Study on the Standard Time Changes for the Past 100 Years in China
# [undated and unknown publication location]
# It says several things:
#   * The Qing dynasty used local apparent solar time throughout China.
#   * The Republic of China instituted Beijing mean solar time effective
#     the official calendar book of 1914.
#   * The French Concession in Shanghai set up signal stations in
#     French docks in the 1890s, controlled by Xujiahui (Zikawei)
#     Observatory and set to local mean time.
#   * "From the end of the 19th century" it changed to UT+8.
#   * Chinese Customs (by then reduced to a tool of foreign powers)
#     eventually standardized on this time for all ports, and it
#     became used by railways as well.
#   * In 1918 the Central Observatory proposed dividing China into
#     five time zones (see below for details).  This caught on
#     at first only in coastal areas observing UT+8.
#   * During WWII all of China was in theory was at UT+7.  In practice
#     this was ignored in the west, and I presume was ignored in
#     Japanese-occupied territory.
#   * Japanese-occupied Manchuria was at UT+9, i.e., Japan time.
#   * The five-zone plan was resurrected after WWII and officially put into
#     place (with some modifications) in March 1948.  It's not clear
#     how well it was observed in areas under Nationalist control.
#   * The People's Liberation Army used UT+8 during the civil war.
# An AP article "Shanghai Internat'l Area Little Changed" in the
# Lewiston (ME) Daily Sun (1939-05-29), p 17, said "Even the time is
# different - the occupied districts going by Tokyo time, an hour
# ahead of that prevailing in the rest of Shanghai."  Guess that the
# Xujiahui Observatory was under French control and stuck with UT +08.
# In earlier versions of this file, China had many separate Zone entries, but
# this was based on what were apparently incorrect data in Shanks & Pottenger.
# This has now been simplified to the two entries Asia/Shanghai and
# Asia/Urumqi, with the others being links for backward compatibility.
# Proposed in 1918 and theoretically in effect until 1949 (although in practice
# mainly observed in coastal areas), the five zones were:
# Changbai Time ("Long-white Time", Long-white = Heilongjiang area) UT +08:30
# Asia/Harbin (currently a link to Asia/Shanghai)
# Heilongjiang (except Mohe county), Jilin
# Zhongyuan Time ("Central plain Time") UT +08
# Asia/Shanghai
# most of China
# This currently represents most other zones as well,
# as apparently these regions have been the same since 1970.
# Milne gives 8:05:43.2 for Xujiahui Observatory time; round to nearest.
# Guo says Shanghai switched to UT +08 "from the end of the 19th century".
# Long-shu Time (probably due to Long and Shu being two names of the area) UT +07
# Asia/Chongqing (currently a link to Asia/Shanghai)
# Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Ningxia, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Yunnan;
# most of Gansu; west Inner Mongolia; west Qinghai; and the Guangdong
# counties Deqing, Enping, Kaiping, Luoding, Taishan, Xinxing,
# Yangchun, Yangjiang, Yu'nan, and Yunfu.
# Xin-zang Time ("Xinjiang-Tibet Time") UT +06
# Asia/Urumqi
# This currently represents Kunlun Time as well,
# as apparently the two regions have been the same since 1970.
# The Gansu counties Aksay, Anxi, Dunhuang, Subei; west Qinghai;
# the Guangdong counties  Xuwen, Haikang, Suixi, Lianjiang,
# Zhanjiang, Wuchuan, Huazhou, Gaozhou, Maoming, Dianbai, and Xinyi;
# east Tibet, including Lhasa, Chamdo, Shigaise, Jimsar, Shawan and Hutubi;
# east Xinjiang, including Ürümqi, Turpan, Karamay, Korla, Minfeng, Jinghe,
# Wusu, Qiemo, Xinyan, Wulanwusu, Jinghe, Yumin, Tacheng, Tuoli, Emin,
# Shihezi, Changji, Yanqi, Heshuo, Tuokexun, Tulufan, Shanshan, Hami,
# Fukang, Kuitun, Kumukuli, Miquan, Qitai, and Turfan.
# Kunlun Time UT +05:30
# Asia/Kashgar (currently a link to Asia/Urumqi)
# West Tibet, including Pulan, Aheqi, Shufu, Shule;
# West Xinjiang, including Aksu, Atushi, Yining, Hetian, Cele, Luopu, Nileke,
# Zhaosu, Tekesi, Gongliu, Chabuchaer, Huocheng, Bole, Pishan, Suiding,
# and Yarkand.

# From Luther Ma (2009-10-17):
# Almost all (>99.9%) ethnic Chinese (properly ethnic Han) living in
# Xinjiang use Chinese Standard Time. Some are aware of Xinjiang time,
# but have no need of it. All planes, trains, and schools function on
# what is called "Beijing time." When Han make an appointment in Chinese
# they implicitly use Beijing time.
# On the other hand, ethnic Uyghurs, who make up about half the
# population of Xinjiang, typically use "Xinjiang time" which is two
# hours behind Beijing time, or UT +06. The government of the Xinjiang
# Uyghur Autonomous Region, (XAUR, or just Xinjiang for short) as well as
# local governments such as the Ürümqi city government use both times in
# publications, referring to what is popularly called Xinjiang time as
# "Ürümqi time." When Uyghurs make an appointment in the Uyghur language
# they almost invariably use Xinjiang time.
# (Their ethnic Han compatriots would typically have no clue of its
# widespread use, however, because so extremely few of them are fluent in
# Uyghur, comparable to the number of Anglo-Americans fluent in Navajo.)
# (...As with the rest of China there was a brief interval ending in 1990
# or 1991 when summer time was in use.  The confusion was severe, with
# the province not having dual times but four times in use at the same
# time. Some areas remained on standard Xinjiang time or Beijing time and
# others moving their clocks ahead.)

# From Luther Ma (2009-11-19):
# With the risk of being redundant to previous answers these are the most common
# English "transliterations" (w/o using non-English symbols):
# 1. Wulumuqi...
# 2. Kashi...
# 3. Urumqi...
# 4. Kashgar...
# ...
# 5. It seems that Uyghurs in Ürümqi has been using Xinjiang since at least the
# 1960's. I know of one Han, now over 50, who grew up in the surrounding
# countryside and used Xinjiang time as a child.
# 6. Likewise for Kashgar and the rest of south Xinjiang I don't know of any
# start date for Xinjiang time.
# Without having access to local historical records, nor the ability to legally
# publish them, I would go with October 1, 1949, when Xinjiang became the Uyghur
# Autonomous Region under the PRC. (Before that Uyghurs, of course, would also
# not be using Beijing time, but some local time.)

# From David Cochrane (2014-03-26):
# Just a confirmation that Ürümqi time was implemented in Ürümqi on 1 Feb 1986:
# http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,960684,00.html

# From Luther Ma (2014-04-22):
# I have interviewed numerous people of various nationalities and from
# different localities in Xinjiang and can confirm the information in Guo's
# report regarding Xinjiang, as well as the Time article reference by David
# Cochrane.  Whether officially recognized or not (and both are officially
# recognized), two separate times have been in use in Xinjiang since at least
# the Cultural Revolution: Xinjiang Time (XJT), aka Ürümqi Time or local time;
# and Beijing Time.  There is no confusion in Xinjiang as to which name refers
# to which time. Both are widely used in the province, although in some
# population groups might be use one to the exclusion of the other.  The only
# problem is that computers and smart phones list Ürümqi (or Kashgar) as
# having the same time as Beijing.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# In the early days of the PRC, Tibet was given its own time zone (UT +06)
# but this was withdrawn in 1959 and never reinstated; see Tubten Khétsun,
# Memories of life in Lhasa under Chinese Rule, Columbia U Press, ISBN
# 978-0231142861 (2008), translator's introduction by Matthew Akester, p x.
# As this is before our 1970 cutoff, Tibet doesn't need a separate zone.
# Xinjiang Time is well-documented as being officially recognized.  E.g., see
# "The Working-Calendar for The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Government"
# <http://www.sinkiang.gov.cn/service/ourworking/> (2014-04-22).
# Unfortunately, we have no good records of time in Xinjiang before 1986.
# During the 20th century parts of Xinjiang were ruled by the Qing dynasty,
# the Republic of China, various warlords, the First and Second East Turkestan
# Republics, the Soviet Union, the Kuomintang, and the People's Republic of
# China, and tracking down all these organizations' timekeeping rules would be
# quite a trick.  Approximate this lost history by a transition from LMT to
# UT +06 at the start of 1928, the year of accession of the warlord Jin Shuren,
# which happens to be the date given by Shanks & Pottenger (no doubt as a
# guess) as the transition from LMT.  Ignore the usage of +08 before
# 1986-02-01 under the theory that the transition date to +08 is unknown and
# that the sort of users who prefer Asia/Urumqi now typically ignored the
# +08 mandate back then.

# Beijing time, used throughout China; represented by Shanghai.
Zone	Asia/Shanghai	8:05:43	-	LMT	1901
			8:00	Shang	C%sT	1949
			8:00	PRC	C%sT
# Xinjiang time, used by many in western China; represented by Ürümqi / Ürümchi
# / Wulumuqi.  (Please use Asia/Shanghai if you prefer Beijing time.)
Zone	Asia/Urumqi	5:50:20	-	LMT	1928
			6:00	-	XJT

# Hong Kong (Xianggang)

# Milne gives 7:36:41.7; round this.

# From Lee Yiu Chung (2009-10-24):
# I found there are some mistakes for the...DST rule for Hong
# Kong. [According] to the DST record from Hong Kong Observatory (actually,
# it is not [an] observatory, but the official meteorological agency of HK,
# and also serves as the official timing agency), there are some missing
# and incorrect rules. Although the exact switch over time is missing, I
# think 3:30 is correct. The official DST record for Hong Kong can be
# obtained from
# http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/time/Summertime.htm

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-10-28):
# Here are the dates given at
# http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/time/Summertime.htm
# as of 2009-10-28:
# Year        Period
# 1941        1 Apr to 30 Sep
# 1942        Whole year
# 1943        Whole year
# 1944        Whole year
# 1945        Whole year
# 1946        20 Apr to 1 Dec
# 1947        13 Apr to 30 Dec
# 1948        2 May to 31 Oct
# 1949        3 Apr to 30 Oct
# 1950        2 Apr to 29 Oct
# 1951        1 Apr to 28 Oct
# 1952        6 Apr to 25 Oct
# 1953        5 Apr to 1 Nov
# 1954        21 Mar to 31 Oct
# 1955        20 Mar to 6 Nov
# 1956        18 Mar to 4 Nov
# 1957        24 Mar to 3 Nov
# 1958        23 Mar to 2 Nov
# 1959        22 Mar to 1 Nov
# 1960        20 Mar to 6 Nov
# 1961        19 Mar to 5 Nov
# 1962        18 Mar to 4 Nov
# 1963        24 Mar to 3 Nov
# 1964        22 Mar to 1 Nov
# 1965        18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1966        17 Apr to 16 Oct
# 1967        16 Apr to 22 Oct
# 1968        21 Apr to 20 Oct
# 1969        20 Apr to 19 Oct
# 1970        19 Apr to 18 Oct
# 1971        18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1972        16 Apr to 22 Oct
# 1973        22 Apr to 21 Oct
# 1973/74     30 Dec 73 to 20 Oct 74
# 1975        20 Apr to 19 Oct
# 1976        18 Apr to 17 Oct
# 1977        Nil
# 1978        Nil
# 1979        13 May to 21 Oct
# 1980 to Now Nil
# The page does not give start or end times of day.
# The page does not give a start date for 1942.
# The page does not givw an end date for 1945.
# The Japanese occupation of Hong Kong began on 1941-12-25.
# The Japanese surrender of Hong Kong was signed 1945-09-15.
# For lack of anything better, use start of those days as the transition times.

Rule	HK	1941	only	-	Apr	1	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1941	only	-	Sep	30	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1946	only	-	Apr	20	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1946	only	-	Dec	1	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1947	only	-	Apr	13	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1947	only	-	Dec	30	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1948	only	-	May	2	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1948	1951	-	Oct	lastSun	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1952	only	-	Oct	25	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1949	1953	-	Apr	Sun>=1	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1953	only	-	Nov	1	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1954	1964	-	Mar	Sun>=18	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1954	only	-	Oct	31	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1955	1964	-	Nov	Sun>=1	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1965	1976	-	Apr	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1965	1976	-	Oct	Sun>=16	3:30	0	-
Rule	HK	1973	only	-	Dec	30	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1979	only	-	May	Sun>=8	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	HK	1979	only	-	Oct	Sun>=16	3:30	0	-
Zone	Asia/Hong_Kong	7:36:42 -	LMT	1904 Oct 30
			8:00	HK	HK%sT	1941 Dec 25
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 15
			8:00	HK	HK%sT


# Taiwan

# From smallufo (2010-04-03):
# According to Taiwan's CWB [Central Weather Bureau],
# http://www.cwb.gov.tw/V6/astronomy/cdata/summert.htm
# Taipei has DST in 1979 between July 1st and Sep 30.

# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2013-07-12):
# On Dec 28, 1895, the Meiji Emperor announced Ordinance No. 167 of
# Meiji Year 28 "The clause about standard time", mentioned that
# Taiwan and Penghu Islands, as well as Yaeyama and Miyako Islands
# (both in Okinawa) adopt the Western Standard Time which is based on
# 120E. The adoption began from Jan 1, 1896. The original text can be
# found on Wikisource:
# http://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/標準時ニ關スル件_(公布時)
# ... This could be the first adoption of time zone in Taiwan, because
# during the Qing Dynasty, it seems that there was no time zone
# declared officially.
# Later, in the beginning of World War II, on Sep 25, 1937, the Showa
# Emperor announced Ordinance No. 529 of Showa Year 12 "The clause of
# revision in the ordinance No. 167 of Meiji year 28 about standard
# time", in which abolished the adoption of Western Standard Time in
# western islands (listed above), which means the whole Japan
# territory, including later occupations, adopt Japan Central Time
# (UTC+9). The adoption began on Oct 1, 1937. The original text can
# be found on Wikisource:
# http://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/明治二十八年勅令第百六十七號標準時ニ關スル件中改正ノ件
# That is, the time zone of Taipei switched to UTC+9 on Oct 1, 1937.

# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-02):
# I've found more evidence about when the time zone was switched from UTC+9
# back to UTC+8 after WW2.  I believe it was on Sep 21, 1945.  In a document
# during Japanese era [1] in which the officer told the staff to change time
# zone back to Western Standard Time (UTC+8) on Sep 21.  And in another
# history page of National Cheng Kung University [2], on Sep 21 there is a
# note "from today, switch back to Western Standard Time".  From these two
# materials, I believe that the time zone change happened on Sep 21.  And
# today I have found another monthly journal called "The Astronomical Herald"
# from The Astronomical Society of Japan [3] in which it mentioned the fact
# that:
# 1. Standard Time of the Country (Japan) was adopted on Jan 1, 1888, using
# the time at 135E (GMT+9)
# 2. Standard Time of the Country was renamed to Central Standard Time, on Jan
# 1, 1898, and on the same day, the new territories Taiwan and Penghu islands,
# as well as Yaeyama and Miyako islands, adopted a new time zone called
# Western Standard Time, which is in GMT+8.
# 3. Western Standard Time was deprecated on Sep 30, 1937. From then all the
# territories of Japan adopted the same time zone, which is Central Standard
# Time.
# [1] Academica Historica, Taiwan:
# [2] Nat'l Cheng Kung University 70th Anniversary Special Site:
# http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~ncku70/menu/001/01_01.htm
# [3] Yukio Niimi, The Standard Time in Japan (1997), p.475:
# http://www.asj.or.jp/geppou/archive_open/1997/pdf/19971001c.pdf

# Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-03):
# I finally have found the real official gazette about changing back to
# Western Standard Time on Sep 21 in Taiwan.  It's Taiwan Governor-General
# Bulletin No. 386 in Showa 20 years (1945), published on Sep 19, 1945. [1] ...
# [It] abolishes Bulletin No. 207 in Showa 12 years (1937), which is a local
# bulletin in Taiwan for that Ordinance No. 529. It also mentioned that 1am on
# Sep 21, 1945 will be 12am on Sep 21.  I think this bulletin is much more
# official than the one I mentioned in my first mail, because it's from the
# top-level government in Taiwan. If you're going to quote any resource, this
# would be a good one.
# [1] Taiwan Governor-General Gazette, No. 1018, Sep 19, 1945:
# http://db2.th.gov.tw/db2/view/viewImg.php?imgcode=0072031018a&num=19&bgn=019&end=019&otherImg=&type=gener

# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2014-07-02):
# In 1946, DST in Taiwan was from May 15 and ended on Sep 30. The info from
# Central Weather Bureau website was not correct.
# Original Bulletin:
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=03502F0AKM1AF
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=0350300AKM1B0 (cont.)
# In 1947, DST in Taiwan was expanded to Oct 31. There is a backup of that
# telegram announcement from Taiwan Province Government:
# http://subtpg.tpg.gov.tw/og/image2.asp?f=0360310AKZ431
# Here is a brief translation:
#   The Summer Time this year is adopted from midnight Apr 15 until Sep 20
#   midnight. To save (energy?) consumption, we're expanding Summer Time
#   adoption till Oct 31 midnight.
# The Central Weather Bureau website didn't mention that, however it can
# be found from historical government announcement database.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-03):
# As per Yu-Cheng Chuang, say that Taiwan was at UT +09 from 1937-10-01
# until 1945-09-21 at 01:00, overriding Shanks & Pottenger.
# Likewise, use Yu-Cheng Chuang's data for DST in Taiwan.

Rule	Taiwan	1946	only	-	May	15	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1946	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1947	only	-	Apr	15	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1947	only	-	Nov	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1948	1951	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1948	1951	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1952	only	-	Mar	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1952	1954	-	Nov	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1953	1959	-	Apr	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1955	1961	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1960	1961	-	Jun	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1974	1975	-	Apr	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1974	1975	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Taiwan	1979	only	-	Jul	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Taiwan	1979	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S

# Taipei or Taibei or T'ai-pei
Zone	Asia/Taipei	8:06:00 -	LMT	1896 Jan  1
			8:00	-	JWST	1937 Oct  1
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 21  1:00
			8:00	Taiwan	C%sT

# Macau (Macao, Aomen)
Rule	Macau	1961	1962	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1961	1964	-	Nov	Sun>=1	3:30	0	-
Rule	Macau	1963	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1964	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1965	only	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1965	only	-	Oct	31	0:00	0	-
Rule	Macau	1966	1971	-	Apr	Sun>=16	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1966	1971	-	Oct	Sun>=16	3:30	0	-
Rule	Macau	1972	1974	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1972	1973	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Macau	1974	1977	-	Oct	Sun>=15	3:30	0	-
Rule	Macau	1975	1977	-	Apr	Sun>=15	3:30	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1978	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Macau	1978	1980	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Zone	Asia/Macau	7:34:20 -	LMT	1912 Jan  1
			8:00	Macau	MO%sT	1999 Dec 20 # return to China
			8:00	PRC	C%sT


# Cyprus

# Milne says the Eastern Telegraph Company used 2:14:00.  Stick with LMT.
# IATA SSIM (1998-09) has Cyprus using EU rules for the first time.

# From Paul Eggert (2016-09-09):
# Yesterday's Cyprus Mail reports that Northern Cyprus followed Turkey's
# lead and switched from +02/+03 to +03 year-round.
# http://cyprus-mail.com/2016/09/08/two-time-zones-cyprus-turkey-will-not-turn-clocks-back-next-month/
# From Even Scharning (2016-10-31):
# Looks like the time zone split in Cyprus went through last night.
# http://cyprus-mail.com/2016/10/30/cyprus-new-division-two-time-zones-now-reality/

Rule	Cyprus	1975	only	-	Apr	13	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Cyprus	1975	only	-	Oct	12	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cyprus	1976	only	-	May	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Cyprus	1976	only	-	Oct	11	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cyprus	1977	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Cyprus	1977	only	-	Sep	25	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cyprus	1978	only	-	Oct	2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cyprus	1979	1997	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cyprus	1981	1998	-	Mar	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Zone	Asia/Nicosia	2:13:28 -	LMT	1921 Nov 14
			2:00	Cyprus	EE%sT	1998 Sep
			2:00	EUAsia	EE%sT
Zone	Asia/Famagusta	2:15:48	-	LMT	1921 Nov 14
			2:00	Cyprus	EE%sT	1998 Sep
			2:00	EUAsia	EE%sT	2016 Sep  8
			3:00	-	+03

# Classically, Cyprus belongs to Asia; e.g. see Herodotus, Histories, I.72.
# However, for various reasons many users expect to find it under Europe.
Link	Asia/Nicosia	Europe/Nicosia

# Georgia
# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-19):
# Today's _Economist_ (p 60) reports that Georgia moved its clocks forward
# an hour recently, due to a law proposed by Zurab Murvanidze,
# an MP who went on a hunger strike for 11 days to force discussion about it!
# We have no details, but we'll guess they didn't move the clocks back in fall.
# From Mathew Englander, quoting AP (1996-10-23 13:05-04):
# Instead of putting back clocks at the end of October, Georgia
# will stay on daylight savings time this winter to save energy,
# President Eduard Shevardnadze decreed Wednesday.
# From the BBC via Joseph S. Myers (2004-06-27):
# Georgia moved closer to Western Europe on Sunday...  The former Soviet
# republic has changed its time zone back to that of Moscow.  As a result it
# is now just four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, rather than five hours
# ahead.  The switch was decreed by the pro-Western president of Georgia,
# Mikheil Saakashvili, who said the change was partly prompted by the process
# of integration into Europe.

# From Teimuraz Abashidze (2005-11-07):
# Government of Georgia ... decided to NOT CHANGE daylight savings time on
# [Oct.] 30, as it was done before during last more than 10 years.
# Currently, we are in fact GMT +4:00, as before 30 October it was GMT
# +3:00.... The problem is, there is NO FORMAL LAW or governmental document
# about it.  As far as I can find, I was told, that there is no document,
# because we just DIDN'T ISSUE document about switching to winter time....
# I don't know what can be done, especially knowing that some years ago our
# DST rules where changed THREE TIMES during one month.

# Milne 1899 says Tbilisi (Tiflis) time was 2:59:05.7.
# Byalokoz 1919 says Georgia was 2:59:11.
# Go with Byalokoz.

Zone	Asia/Tbilisi	2:59:11 -	LMT	1880
			2:59:11	-	TBMT	1924 May  2 # Tbilisi Mean Time
			3:00	-	+03	1957 Mar
			4:00 RussiaAsia +04/+05	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			3:00 RussiaAsia +03/+04	1992
			3:00 E-EurAsia	+03/+04	1994 Sep lastSun
			4:00 E-EurAsia	+04/+05	1996 Oct lastSun
			4:00	1:00	+05	1997 Mar lastSun
			4:00 E-EurAsia	+04/+05	2004 Jun 27
			3:00 RussiaAsia	+03/+04	2005 Mar lastSun  2:00
			4:00	-	+04

# East Timor

# See Indonesia for the 1945 transition.

# From João Carrascalão, brother of the former governor of East Timor, in
# East Timor may be late for its millennium
# <http://etan.org/et99c/december/26-31/30ETMAY.htm> (1999-12-26/31):
# Portugal tried to change the time forward in 1974 because the sun
# rises too early but the suggestion raised a lot of problems with the
# Timorese and I still don't think it would work today because it
# conflicts with their way of life.

# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
# We don't have any record of the above attempt.
# Most likely our records are incomplete, but we have no better data.

# From Manoel de Almeida e Silva, Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General
# http://www.hri.org/news/world/undh/2000/00-08-16.undh.html
# (2000-08-16):
# The Cabinet of the East Timor Transition Administration decided
# today to advance East Timor's time by one hour.  The time change,
# which will be permanent, with no seasonal adjustment, will happen at
# midnight on Saturday, September 16.

Zone	Asia/Dili	8:22:20 -	LMT	1912 Jan  1
			8:00	-	TLT	1942 Feb 21 23:00 # E Timor Time
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 23
			9:00	-	TLT	1976 May  3
			8:00	-	WITA	2000 Sep 17  0:00
			9:00	-	TLT

# India

# From Ian P. Beacock, in "A brief history of (modern) time", The Atlantic
# http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/12/the-creation-of-modern-time/421419/
# (2015-12-22):
# In January 1906, several thousand cotton-mill workers rioted on the
# outskirts of Bombay....  They were protesting the proposed abolition of
# local time in favor of Indian Standard Time....  Journalists called this
# dispute the "Battle of the Clocks."  It lasted nearly half a century.

Zone	Asia/Kolkata	5:53:28 -	LMT	1880        # Kolkata
			5:53:20	-	HMT	1941 Oct    # Howrah Mean Time?
			6:30	-	BURT	1942 May 15 # Burma Time
			5:30	-	IST	1942 Sep
			5:30	1:00	IST	1945 Oct 15
			5:30	-	IST
# The following are like Asia/Kolkata:
#	Andaman Is
#	Lakshadweep (Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Is)
#	Nicobar Is

# Indonesia
# From Paul Eggert (2014-09-06):
# The 1876 Report of the Secretary of the [US] Navy, p 306 says that Batavia
# civil time was 7:07:12.5; round to even for Jakarta.
# From Gwillim Law (2001-05-28), overriding Shanks & Pottenger:
# http://www.sumatera-inc.com/go_to_invest/about_indonesia.asp#standtime
# says that Indonesia's time zones changed on 1988-01-01.  Looking at some
# time zone maps, I think that must refer to Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat
# and Kalimantan Tengah) switching from UTC+8 to UTC+7.
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-10):
# Here is another correction to Shanks & Pottenger.
# JohnTWB writes that Japanese forces did not surrender control in
# Indonesia until 1945-09-01 00:00 at the earliest (in Jakarta) and
# other formal surrender ceremonies were September 9, 11, and 13, plus
# September 12 for the regional surrender to Mountbatten in Singapore.
# These would be the earliest possible times for a change.
# Régimes horaires pour le monde entier, by Henri Le Corre, (Éditions
# Traditionnelles, 1987, Paris) says that Java and Madura switched
# from UT +09 to +07:30 on 1945-09-23, and gives 1944-09-01 for Jayapura
# (Hollandia).  For now, assume all Indonesian locations other than Jayapura
# switched on 1945-09-23.
# From Paul Eggert (2013-08-11):
# Normally the tz database uses English-language abbreviations, but in
# Indonesia it's typical to use Indonesian-language abbreviations even
# when writing in English.  For example, see the English-language
# summary published by the Time and Frequency Laboratory of the
# Research Center for Calibration, Instrumentation and Metrology,
# Indonesia, <http://time.kim.lipi.go.id/time-eng.php> (2006-09-29).
# The time zone abbreviations and UT offsets are:
# WIB  - +07 - Waktu Indonesia Barat (Indonesia western time)
# WITA - +08 - Waktu Indonesia Tengah (Indonesia central time)
# WIT  - +09 - Waktu Indonesia Timur (Indonesia eastern time)
# Java, Sumatra
Zone Asia/Jakarta	7:07:12 -	LMT	1867 Aug 10
# Shanks & Pottenger say the next transition was at 1924 Jan 1 0:13,
# but this must be a typo.
			7:07:12	-	BMT	1923 Dec 31 23:47:12 # Batavia
			7:20	-	JAVT	1932 Nov    # Java Time
			7:30	-	WIB	1942 Mar 23
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 23
			7:30	-	WIB	1948 May
			8:00	-	WIB	1950 May
			7:30	-	WIB	1964
			7:00	-	WIB
# west and central Borneo
Zone Asia/Pontianak	7:17:20	-	LMT	1908 May
			7:17:20	-	PMT	1932 Nov    # Pontianak MT
			7:30	-	WIB	1942 Jan 29
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 23
			7:30	-	WIB	1948 May
			8:00	-	WIB	1950 May
			7:30	-	WIB	1964
			8:00	-	WITA	1988 Jan  1
			7:00	-	WIB
# Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas, east and south Borneo
Zone Asia/Makassar	7:57:36 -	LMT	1920
			7:57:36	-	MMT	1932 Nov    # Macassar MT
			8:00	-	WITA	1942 Feb  9
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 23
			8:00	-	WITA
# Maluku Islands, West Papua, Papua
Zone Asia/Jayapura	9:22:48 -	LMT	1932 Nov
			9:00	-	WIT	1944 Sep  1
			9:30	-	ACST	1964
			9:00	-	WIT

# Iran

# From Roozbeh Pournader (2003-03-15):
# This is an English translation of what I just found (originally in Persian).
# The Gregorian dates in brackets are mine:
#	Official Newspaper No. 13548-1370/6/25 [1991-09-16]
#	No. 16760/T233 H				1370/6/10 [1991-09-01]
#	The Rule About Change of the Official Time of the Country
#	The Board of Ministers, in the meeting dated 1370/5/23 [1991-08-14],
#	based on the suggestion number 2221/D dated 1370/4/22 [1991-07-13]
#	of the Country's Organization for Official and Employment Affairs,
#	and referring to the law for equating the working hours of workers
#	and officers in the whole country dated 1359/4/23 [1980-07-14], and
#	for synchronizing the official times of the country, agreed that:
#	The official time of the country will should move forward one hour
#	at the 24[:00] hours of the first day of Farvardin and should return
#	to its previous state at the 24[:00] hours of the 30th day of
#	Shahrivar.
#	First Deputy to the President - Hassan Habibi
# From personal experience, that agrees with what has been followed
# for at least the last 5 years.  Before that, for a few years, the
# date used was the first Thursday night of Farvardin and the last
# Thursday night of Shahrivar, but I can't give exact dates....
# I have also changed the abbreviations to what is considered correct
# here in Iran, IRST for regular time and IRDT for daylight saving time.
# From Roozbeh Pournader (2005-04-05):
# The text of the Iranian law, in effect since 1925, clearly mentions
# that the true solar year is the measure, and there is no arithmetic
# leap year calculation involved.  There has never been any serious
# plan to change that law....
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Go with Shanks & Pottenger before Sept. 1991, and with Pournader thereafter.
# I used Ed Reingold's cal-persia in GNU Emacs 21.2 to check Persian dates,
# stopping after 2037 when 32-bit time_t's overflow.
# That cal-persia used Birashk's approximation, which disagrees with the solar
# calendar predictions for the year 2025, so I corrected those dates by hand.
# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-03-30), writing about future
# discrepancies between cal-persia and the Iranian calendar:
# For 2091 solar-longitude-after yields 2091-03-20 08:40:07.7 UT for
# the vernal equinox and that gets so close to 12:00 some local
# Iranian time that the definition of the correct location needs to be
# known exactly, amongst other factors.  2157 is even closer:
# 2157-03-20 08:37:15.5 UT.  But the Gregorian year 2025 should give
# no interpretation problem whatsoever.  By the way, another instant
# in the near future where there will be a discrepancy between
# arithmetical and astronomical Iranian calendars will be in 2058:
# vernal equinox on 2058-03-20 09:03:05.9 UT.  The Java version of
# Reingold's/Dershowitz' calculator gives correctly the Gregorian date
# 2058-03-21 for 1 Farvardin 1437 (astronomical).
# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-03-22):
# Several of my users have reported that Iran will not observe DST anymore:
# http://www.irna.ir/en/news/view/line-17/0603193812164948.htm
# From Reuters (2007-09-16), with a heads-up from Jesper Nørgaard Welen:
# ... the Guardian Council ... approved a law on Sunday to re-introduce
# daylight saving time ...
# http://uk.reuters.com/article/oilRpt/idUKBLA65048420070916
# From Roozbeh Pournader (2007-11-05):
# This is quoted from Official Gazette of the Islamic Republic of
# Iran, Volume 63, No. 18242, dated Tuesday 1386/6/24
# [2007-10-16]. I am doing the best translation I can:...
# The official time of the country will be moved forward for one hour
# on the 24 hours of the first day of the month of Farvardin and will
# be changed back to its previous state on the 24 hours of the
# thirtieth day of Shahrivar.
Rule	Iran	1978	1980	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	1978	only	-	Oct	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	1979	only	-	Sep	19	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	1980	only	-	Sep	23	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	1991	only	-	May	 3	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	1992	1995	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	1991	1995	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	1996	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	1996	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	1997	1999	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	1997	1999	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2000	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2000	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2001	2003	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2001	2003	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2004	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2004	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2005	only	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2005	only	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2008	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2008	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2009	2011	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2009	2011	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2012	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2012	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2013	2015	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2013	2015	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2016	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2016	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2017	2019	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2017	2019	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2020	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2020	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2021	2023	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2021	2023	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2024	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2024	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2025	2027	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2025	2027	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2028	2029	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2028	2029	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2030	2031	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2030	2031	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2032	2033	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2032	2033	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iran	2034	2035	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2034	2035	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
# The following rules are approximations starting in the year 2038.
# These are the best post-2037 approximations available, given the
# restrictions of a single rule using a Gregorian-based data format.
# At some point this table will need to be extended, though quite
# possibly Iran will change the rules first.
Rule	Iran	2036	max	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iran	2036	max	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	S

Zone	Asia/Tehran	3:25:44	-	LMT	1916
			3:25:44	-	TMT	1946     # Tehran Mean Time
			3:30	-	IRST	1977 Nov
			4:00	Iran	IR%sT	1979
			3:30	Iran	IR%sT

# Iraq
# From Jonathan Lennox (2000-06-12):
# An article in this week's Economist ("Inside the Saddam-free zone", p. 50 in
# the U.S. edition) on the Iraqi Kurds contains a paragraph:
# "The three northern provinces ... switched their clocks this spring and
# are an hour ahead of Baghdad."
# But Rives McDow (2000-06-18) quotes a contact in Iraqi-Kurdistan as follows:
# In the past, some Kurdish nationalists, as a protest to the Iraqi
# Government, did not adhere to daylight saving time.  They referred
# to daylight saving as Saddam time.  But, as of today, the time zone
# in Iraqi-Kurdistan is on standard time with Baghdad, Iraq.
# So we'll ignore the Economist's claim.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-03-10):
# The cabinet in Iraq abolished DST last week, according to the following
# news sources (in Arabic):
# http://www.aljeeran.net/wesima_articles/news-20080305-98602.html
# http://www.aswataliraq.info/look/article.tpl?id=2047&IdLanguage=17&IdPublication=4&NrArticle=71743&NrIssue=1&NrSection=10
# We have published a short article in English about the change:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/iraq-dumps-daylight-saving.html

Rule	Iraq	1982	only	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iraq	1982	1984	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Iraq	1983	only	-	Mar	31	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iraq	1984	1985	-	Apr	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Iraq	1985	1990	-	Sep	lastSun	1:00s	0	S
Rule	Iraq	1986	1990	-	Mar	lastSun	1:00s	1:00	D
# IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says Apr 1 12:01am UTC; guess the ':01' is a typo.
# Shanks & Pottenger say Iraq did not observe DST 1992/1997; ignore this.
Rule	Iraq	1991	2007	-	Apr	 1	3:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Iraq	1991	2007	-	Oct	 1	3:00s	0	S
Zone	Asia/Baghdad	2:57:40	-	LMT	1890
			2:57:36	-	BMT	1918     # Baghdad Mean Time?
			3:00	-	AST	1982 May
			3:00	Iraq	A%sT


# Israel

# From Ephraim Silverberg (2001-01-11):
# I coined "IST/IDT" circa 1988.  Until then there were three
# different abbreviations in use:
# JST  Jerusalem Standard Time [Danny Braniss, Hebrew University]
# IZT  Israel Zonal (sic) Time [Prof. Haim Papo, Technion]
# EEST Eastern Europe Standard Time [used by almost everyone else]
# Since timezones should be called by country and not capital cities,
# I ruled out JST.  As Israel is in Asia Minor and not Eastern Europe,
# EEST was equally unacceptable.  Since "zonal" was not compatible with
# any other timezone abbreviation, I felt that 'IST' was the way to go
# and, indeed, it has received almost universal acceptance in timezone
# settings in Israeli computers.
# In any case, I am happy to share timezone abbreviations with India,
# high on my favorite-country list (and not only because my wife's
# family is from India).

# From Shanks & Pottenger:
Rule	Zion	1940	only	-	Jun	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1942	1944	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1943	only	-	Apr	 1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1944	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1945	only	-	Apr	16	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1945	only	-	Nov	 1	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1946	only	-	Apr	16	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1946	only	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1948	only	-	May	23	0:00	2:00	DD
Rule	Zion	1948	only	-	Sep	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1948	1949	-	Nov	 1	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1949	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1950	only	-	Apr	16	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1950	only	-	Sep	15	3:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1951	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1951	only	-	Nov	11	3:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1952	only	-	Apr	20	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1952	only	-	Oct	19	3:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1953	only	-	Apr	12	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1953	only	-	Sep	13	3:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1954	only	-	Jun	13	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1954	only	-	Sep	12	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1955	only	-	Jun	11	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1955	only	-	Sep	11	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1956	only	-	Jun	 3	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1956	only	-	Sep	30	3:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1957	only	-	Apr	29	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1957	only	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1974	only	-	Jul	 7	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1974	only	-	Oct	13	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1975	only	-	Apr	20	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1975	only	-	Aug	31	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1985	only	-	Apr	14	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1985	only	-	Sep	15	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1986	only	-	May	18	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1986	only	-	Sep	 7	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1987	only	-	Apr	15	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1987	only	-	Sep	13	0:00	0	S

# From Avigdor Finkelstein (2014-03-05):
# I check the Parliament (Knesset) records and there it's stated that the
# [1988] transition should take place on Saturday night, when the Sabbath
# ends and changes to Sunday.
Rule	Zion	1988	only	-	Apr	10	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1988	only	-	Sep	 4	0:00	0	S

# From Ephraim Silverberg
# (1997-03-04, 1998-03-16, 1998-12-28, 2000-01-17, 2000-07-25, 2004-12-22,
# and 2005-02-17):

# According to the Office of the Secretary General of the Ministry of
# Interior, there is NO set rule for Daylight-Savings/Standard time changes.
# One thing is entrenched in law, however: that there must be at least 150
# days of daylight savings time annually.  From 1993-1998, the change to
# daylight savings time was on a Friday morning from midnight IST to
# 1 a.m IDT; up until 1998, the change back to standard time was on a
# Saturday night from midnight daylight savings time to 11 p.m. standard
# time.  1996 is an exception to this rule where the change back to standard
# time took place on Sunday night instead of Saturday night to avoid
# conflicts with the Jewish New Year.  In 1999, the change to
# daylight savings time was still on a Friday morning but from
# 2 a.m. IST to 3 a.m. IDT; furthermore, the change back to standard time
# was also on a Friday morning from 2 a.m. IDT to 1 a.m. IST for
# 1999 only.  In the year 2000, the change to daylight savings time was
# similar to 1999, but although the change back will be on a Friday, it
# will take place from 1 a.m. IDT to midnight IST.  Starting in 2001, all
# changes to/from will take place at 1 a.m. old time, but now there is no
# rule as to what day of the week it will take place in as the start date
# (except in 2003) is the night after the Passover Seder (i.e. the eve
# of the 16th of Nisan in the lunar Hebrew calendar) and the end date
# (except in 2002) is three nights before Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement]
# (the eve of the 7th of Tishrei in the lunar Hebrew calendar).

Rule	Zion	1989	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1989	only	-	Sep	 3	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1990	only	-	Mar	25	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1990	only	-	Aug	26	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1991	only	-	Mar	24	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1991	only	-	Sep	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1992	only	-	Mar	29	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1992	only	-	Sep	 6	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1993	only	-	Apr	 2	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1993	only	-	Sep	 5	0:00	0	S

# The dates for 1994-1995 were obtained from Office of the Spokeswoman for the
# Ministry of Interior, Jerusalem, Israel.  The spokeswoman can be reached by
# calling the office directly at 972-2-6701447 or 972-2-6701448.

# Rule	NAME    FROM    TO      TYPE    IN      ON      AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
Rule	Zion	1994	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1994	only	-	Aug	28	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1995	only	-	Mar	31	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1995	only	-	Sep	 3	0:00	0	S

# The dates for 1996 were determined by the Minister of Interior of the
# time, Haim Ramon.  The official announcement regarding 1996-1998
# (with the dates for 1997-1998 no longer being relevant) can be viewed at:
#   ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/1996-1998.ramon.ps.gz
# The dates for 1997-1998 were altered by his successor, Rabbi Eli Suissa.
# The official announcements for the years 1997-1999 can be viewed at:
#   ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/YYYY.ps.gz
#       where YYYY is the relevant year.

Rule	Zion	1996	only	-	Mar	15	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1996	only	-	Sep	16	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1997	only	-	Mar	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1997	only	-	Sep	14	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1998	only	-	Mar	20	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1998	only	-	Sep	 6	0:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	1999	only	-	Apr	 2	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	1999	only	-	Sep	 3	2:00	0	S

# The Knesset Interior Committee has changed the dates for 2000 for
# the third time in just over a year and have set new dates for the
# years 2001-2004 as well.
# The official announcement for the start date of 2000 can be viewed at:
#	ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2000-start.ps.gz
# The official announcement for the end date of 2000 and the dates
# for the years 2001-2004 can be viewed at:
#	ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2000-2004.ps.gz

Rule	Zion	2000	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2000	only	-	Oct	 6	1:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2001	only	-	Apr	 9	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2001	only	-	Sep	24	1:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2002	only	-	Mar	29	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2002	only	-	Oct	 7	1:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2003	only	-	Mar	28	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2003	only	-	Oct	 3	1:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2004	only	-	Apr	 7	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2004	only	-	Sep	22	1:00	0	S

# The proposed law agreed upon by the Knesset Interior Committee on
# 2005-02-14 is that, for 2005 and beyond, DST starts at 02:00 the
# last Friday before April 2nd (i.e. the last Friday in March or April
# 1st itself if it falls on a Friday) and ends at 02:00 on the Saturday
# night _before_ the fast of Yom Kippur.
# Those who can read Hebrew can view the announcement at:
#	ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2005+beyond.ps

# From Paul Eggert (2012-10-26):
# I used Ephraim Silverberg's dst-israel.el program
# <ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/software/dst-israel.el> (2005-02-20)
# along with Ed Reingold's cal-hebrew in GNU Emacs 21.4,
# to generate the transitions from 2005 through 2012.
# (I replaced "lastFri" with "Fri>=26" by hand.)
# The spring transitions all correspond to the following Rule:
# Rule	Zion	2005	2012	-	Mar	Fri>=26	2:00	1:00	D
# but older zic implementations (e.g., Solaris 8) do not support
# "Fri>=26" to mean April 1 in years like 2005, so for now we list the
# springtime transitions explicitly.

Rule	Zion	2005	only	-	Apr	 1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2005	only	-	Oct	 9	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2006	2010	-	Mar	Fri>=26	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2006	only	-	Oct	 1	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2007	only	-	Sep	16	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2008	only	-	Oct	 5	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2009	only	-	Sep	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2010	only	-	Sep	12	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2011	only	-	Apr	 1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2011	only	-	Oct	 2	2:00	0	S
Rule	Zion	2012	only	-	Mar	Fri>=26	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2012	only	-	Sep	23	2:00	0	S

# From Ephraim Silverberg (2013-06-27):
# On June 23, 2013, the Israeli government approved changes to the
# Time Decree Law.  The next day, the changes passed the First Reading
# in the Knesset.  The law is expected to pass the Second and Third
# (final) Readings by the beginning of September 2013.
# As of 2013, DST starts at 02:00 on the Friday before the last Sunday
# in March.  DST ends at 02:00 on the last Sunday of October.

Rule	Zion	2013	max	-	Mar	Fri>=23	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Zion	2013	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S

Zone	Asia/Jerusalem	2:20:54 -	LMT	1880
			2:20:40	-	JMT	1918 # Jerusalem Mean Time?
			2:00	Zion	I%sT


# Japan

# '9:00' and 'JST' is from Guy Harris.

# From Paul Eggert (1995-03-06):
# Today's _Asahi Evening News_ (page 4) reports that Japan had
# daylight saving between 1948 and 1951, but "the system was discontinued
# because the public believed it would lead to longer working hours."

# From Mayumi Negishi in the 2005-08-10 Japan Times:
# http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20050810f2.htm
# Occupation authorities imposed daylight-saving time on Japan on
# [1948-05-01]....  But lack of prior debate and the execution of
# daylight-saving time just three days after the bill was passed generated
# deep hatred of the concept....  The Diet unceremoniously passed a bill to
# dump the unpopular system in October 1951, less than a month after the San
# Francisco Peace Treaty was signed.  (A government poll in 1951 showed 53%
# of the Japanese wanted to scrap daylight-saving time, as opposed to 30% who
# wanted to keep it.)

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger write that DST in Japan during those years was as follows:
Rule	Japan	1948	only	-	May	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Japan	1948	1951	-	Sep	Sat>=8	2:00	0	S
Rule	Japan	1949	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Japan	1950	1951	-	May	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# but the only locations using it (for birth certificates, presumably, since
# their audience is astrologers) were US military bases.  For now, assume
# that for most purposes daylight-saving time was observed; otherwise, what
# would have been the point of the 1951 poll?

# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1998-11-09):
# 'Tokyo' usually stands for the former location of Tokyo Astronomical
# Observatory: 139 degrees 44' 40.90" E (9h 18m 58.727s),
# 35 degrees 39' 16.0" N.
# This data is from 'Rika Nenpyou (Chronological Scientific Tables) 1996'
# edited by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan....
# JST (Japan Standard Time) has been used since 1888-01-01 00:00 (JST).
# The law is enacted on 1886-07-07.

# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1998-11-16):
# The ordinance No. 51 (1886) established "standard time" in Japan,
# which stands for the time on 135 degrees E.
# In the ordinance No. 167 (1895), "standard time" was renamed to "central
# standard time".  And the same ordinance also established "western standard
# time", which stands for the time on 120 degrees E....  But "western standard
# time" was abolished in the ordinance No. 529 (1937).  In the ordinance No.
# 167, there is no mention regarding for what place western standard time is
# standard....
# I wrote "ordinance" above, but I don't know how to translate.
# In Japanese it's "chokurei", which means ordinance from emperor.

# From Yu-Cheng Chuang (2013-07-12):
# ...the Meiji Emperor announced Ordinance No. 167 of Meiji Year 28 "The clause
# about standard time" ... The adoption began from Jan 1, 1896.
# http://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/標準時ニ關スル件_(公布時)
# ...the Showa Emperor announced Ordinance No. 529 of Showa Year 12 ... which
# means the whole Japan territory, including later occupations, adopt Japan
# Central Time (UTC+9). The adoption began on Oct 1, 1937.
# http://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/明治二十八年勅令第百六十七號標準時ニ關スル件中改正ノ件

Zone	Asia/Tokyo	9:18:59	-	LMT	1887 Dec 31 15:00u
			9:00	-	JST	1896 Jan  1
			9:00	-	JCST	1937 Oct  1
			9:00	Japan	J%sT
# Since 1938, all Japanese possessions have been like Asia/Tokyo.

# Jordan
# From <http://star.arabia.com/990701/JO9.html>
# Jordan Week (1999-07-01) via Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
# Clocks in Jordan were forwarded one hour on Wednesday at midnight,
# in accordance with the government's decision to implement summer time
# all year round.
# From <http://star.arabia.com/990930/JO9.html>
# Jordan Week (1999-09-30) via Steffen Thorsen (1999-11-09):
# Winter time starts today Thursday, 30 September. Clocks will be turned back
# by one hour.  This is the latest government decision and it's final!
# The decision was taken because of the increase in working hours in
# government's departments from six to seven hours.
# From Paul Eggert (2005-11-22):
# Starting 2003 transitions are from Steffen Thorsen's web site timeanddate.com.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-11-23):
# For Jordan I have received multiple independent user reports every year
# about DST end dates, as the end-rule is different every year.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-10-01), after a heads-up from Hilal Malawi:
# http://www.petranews.gov.jo/nepras/2006/Sep/05/4000.htm
# "Jordan will switch to winter time on Friday, October 27".

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-04-02):
# This single one might be good enough, (2009-03-24, Arabic):
# http://petra.gov.jo/Artical.aspx?Lng=2&Section=8&Artical=95279
# Google's translation:
# > The Council of Ministers decided in 2002 to adopt the principle of timely
# > submission of the summer at 60 minutes as of midnight on the last Thursday
# > of the month of March of each year.
# So - this means the midnight between Thursday and Friday since 2002.

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-04-06):
# We still have Jordan switching to DST on Thursdays in 2000 and 2001.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-10-25):
# Yesterday the government in Jordan announced that they will not
# switch back to standard time this winter, so the will stay on DST
# until about the same time next year (at least).
# http://www.petra.gov.jo/Public_News/Nws_NewsDetails.aspx?NewsID=88950

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-12-11):
# Jordan Times and other sources say that Jordan is going back to
# UTC+2 on 2013-12-19 at midnight:
# http://jordantimes.com/govt-decides-to-switch-back-to-wintertime
# Official, in Arabic:
# http://www.petra.gov.jo/public_news/Nws_NewsDetails.aspx?Menu_ID=&Site_Id=2&lang=1&NewsID=133230&CatID=14
# ... Our background/permalink about it
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/jordan-reverses-dst-decision.html
# ...
# http://www.petra.gov.jo/Public_News/Nws_NewsDetails.aspx?lang=2&site_id=1&NewsID=133313&Type=P
# ... says midnight for the coming one and 1:00 for the ones in the future
# (and they will use DST again next year, using the normal schedule).

# From Paul Eggert (2013-12-11):
# As Steffen suggested, consider the past 21-month experiment to be DST.

Rule	Jordan	1973	only	-	Jun	6	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1973	1975	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1974	1977	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1976	only	-	Nov	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1977	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1978	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1978	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1985	only	-	Apr	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1985	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1986	1988	-	Apr	Fri>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1986	1990	-	Oct	Fri>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1989	only	-	May	8	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1990	only	-	Apr	27	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1991	only	-	Apr	17	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1991	only	-	Sep	27	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1992	only	-	Apr	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1992	1993	-	Oct	Fri>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1993	1998	-	Apr	Fri>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1994	only	-	Sep	Fri>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1995	1998	-	Sep	Fri>=15	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	1999	only	-	Jul	 1	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	1999	2002	-	Sep	lastFri	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2000	2001	-	Mar	lastThu	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	2002	2012	-	Mar	lastThu	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	2003	only	-	Oct	24	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2004	only	-	Oct	15	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2005	only	-	Sep	lastFri	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2006	2011	-	Oct	lastFri	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2013	only	-	Dec	20	0:00	0	-
Rule	Jordan	2014	max	-	Mar	lastThu	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Jordan	2014	max	-	Oct	lastFri	0:00s	0	-
Zone	Asia/Amman	2:23:44 -	LMT	1931
			2:00	Jordan	EE%sT

# Kazakhstan

# From Kazakhstan Embassy's News Bulletin No. 11
# <http://www.kazsociety.org.uk/news/2005/03/30.htm> (2005-03-21):
# The Government of Kazakhstan passed a resolution March 15 abolishing
# daylight saving time citing lack of economic benefits and health
# complications coupled with a decrease in productivity.
# From Branislav Kojic (in Astana) via Gwillim Law (2005-06-28):
# ... what happened was that the former Kazakhstan Eastern time zone
# was "blended" with the Central zone.  Therefore, Kazakhstan now has
# two time zones, and difference between them is one hour.  The zone
# closer to UTC is the former Western zone (probably still called the
# same), encompassing four provinces in the west: Aqtobe, Atyrau,
# Mangghystau, and West Kazakhstan.  The other zone encompasses
# everything else....  I guess that would make Kazakhstan time zones
# de jure UTC+5 and UTC+6 respectively.

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-27) ([*] means see later comments below):
# Review of the linked documents from http://adilet.zan.kz/
# produced the following data for post-1991 Kazakhstan:
# 0. Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR
# from 1991-02-04 No. 20
# http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102010545
# removed the extra hour ("decree time") on the territory of the USSR
# starting with the last Sunday of March 1991.
# It also allowed (but not mandated) Kazakh SSR, Kirghiz SSR, Tajik SSR,
# Turkmen SSR and Uzbek SSR to not have "summer" time.
# The 1992-01-13 act also refers to the act of the Cabinet of Ministers
# of the Kazakh SSR from 1991-03-20 No. 170 "About the act of the Cabinet
# of Ministers of the USSR from 1991-02-04 No. 20" but I didn't found its
# text.
# According to Izvestia newspaper No. 68 (23334) from 1991-03-20
# (page 6; available at http://libinfo.org/newsr/newsr2574.djvu via
# http://libinfo.org/index.php?id=58564) on 1991-03-31 at 2:00 during
# transition to "summer" time:
# Republic of Georgia, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, SSR Moldova,
# Estonian SSR; Komi ASSR; Kaliningrad oblast; Nenets autonomous okrug
# were to move clocks 1 hour forward.
# Kazakh SSR (excluding Uralsk oblast); Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Tajik
# SSR; Andijan, Jizzakh, Namangan, Sirdarya, Tashkent, Fergana oblasts
# of the Uzbek SSR were to move clocks 1 hour backwards.
# Other territories were to not move clocks.
# When the "summer" time would end on 1991-09-29, clocks were to be
# moved 1 hour backwards on the territory of the USSR excluding
# Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia, Tajikistan.
# Apparently there were last minute changes. Apparently Kazakh act No. 170
# was one of such changes.
# https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Декретное время
# claims that Sovetskaya Rossiya newspaper on 1991-03-29 published that
# Nenets autonomous okrug, Komi and Kazakhstan (excluding Uralsk oblast)
# were to not move clocks and Uralsk oblast was to move clocks
# forward; on 1991-09-29 Kazakhstan was to move clocks backwards.
# (Probably there were changes even after that publication. There is an
# article claiming that Kaliningrad oblast decided on 1991-03-29 to not
# move clocks.)
# This implies that on 1991-03-31 Asia/Oral remained on +04/+05 while
# the rest of Kazakhstan switched from +06/+07 to +05/06 or from +05/06
# to +04/+05. It's unclear how Kzyl-Orda oblast moved into the fifth
# time belt. (By switching from +04/+05 to +05/+06 on 1991-09-29?) ...
# 1. Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 1992-01-13 No. 28
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P920000028_
# (text includes modification from the 1996 act)
# introduced new rules for calculation of time, mirroring Russian
# 1992-01-08 act.  It specified that time would be calculated
# according to time belts plus extra hour ("decree time"), moved clocks
# on the whole territory of Kazakhstan 1 hour forward on 1992-01-19 at
# 2:00, specified DST rules.  It acknowledged that Kazakhstan was
# located in the fourth and the fifth time belts and specified the
# border between them to be located east of Kustanay and Aktyubinsk
# oblasts (notably including Turgai and Kzyl-Orda oblasts into the fifth
# time belt).
# This means switch on 1992-01-19 at 2:00 from +04/+05 to +05/+06 for
# Asia/Aqtau, Asia/Aqtobe, Asia/Oral, Atyrau and Kustanay oblasts; from
# +05/+06 to +06/+07 for Asia/Almaty and Asia/Qyzylorda (and Arkalyk) [*]....
# 2. Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 1992-03-27 No. 284
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P920000284_
# cancels extra hour ("decree time") for Uralsk and Kzyl-Orda oblasts
# since the last Sunday of March 1992, while keeping them in the fourth
# and the fifth time belts respectively.
# 3. Order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 1994-09-23 No. 384
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/R940000384_
# cancels the extra hour ("decree time") on the territory of Mangystau
# oblast since the last Sunday of September 1994 (saying that time on
# the territory would correspond to the third time belt as a
# result)....
# 4. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 1996-05-08 No. 575
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P960000575_
# amends the 1992-01-13 act to end summer time in October instead
# of September, mirroring identical Russian change from 1996-04-23 act.
# 5. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 1999-03-26 No. 305
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P990000305_
# cancels the extra hour ("decree time") for Atyrau oblast since the
# last Sunday of March 1999 while retaining the oblast in the fourth
# time belt.
# This means change from +05/+06 to +04/+05.
# There is no zone for Atyrau currently (listed under Asia/Aqtau in
# zone1970.tab).[*]
# 6. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 2000-11-23 No. 1749
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/archive/docs/P000001749_/23.11.2000
# replaces the previous five documents.
# The only changes I noticed are in definition of the border between the
# fourth and the fifth time belts.  They account for changes in spelling
# and administrative division (splitting of Turgai oblast in 1997
# probably changed time in territories incorporated into Kostanay oblast
# (including Arkalyk) from +06/+07 to +05/+06) and move Kyzylorda oblast
# from being in the fifth time belt and not using decree time into the
# fourth time belt (no change in practice).[*]
# 7. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 2003-12-29 No. 1342
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P030001342_
# modified the 2000-11-23 act.  No relevant changes, apparently.
# 8. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 2004-07-20 No. 775
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/archive/docs/P040000775_/20.07.2004
# modified the 2000-11-23 act to move Kostanay and Kyzylorda oblasts into
# the fifth time belt and add Aktobe oblast to the list of regions not
# using extra hour ("decree time"), leaving Kazakhstan with only 2 time
# zones (+04/+05 and +06/+07).  The changes were to be implemented
# during DST transitions in 2004 and 2005 but the acts got radically
# amended before implementation happened.
# 9. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 2004-09-15 No. 1059
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P040001059_
# modified the 2000-11-23 act to remove exceptions from the "decree time"
# (leaving Kazakhstan in +05/+06 and +06/+07 zones), amended the
# 2004-07-20 act to implement changes for Atyrau, West Kazakhstan,
# Kostanay, Kyzylorda and Mangystau oblasts by not moving clocks
# during the 2014 transition to "winter" time.
# This means transition from +04/+05 to +05/+06 for Atyrau oblast (no
# zone currently), Asia/Oral, Asia/Aqtau and transition from +05/+06 to
# +06/+07 for Kostanay oblast (Kostanay and Arkalyk, no zones currently)
# and Asia/Qyzylorda on 2004-10-31 at 3:00....[*]
# 10. Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
# from 2005-03-15 No. 231
# http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/P050000231_
# removes DST provisions from the 2000-11-23 act, removes most of the
# (already implemented) provisions from the 2004-07-20 and 2004-09-15
# acts, comes into effect 10 days after official publication.
# The only practical effect seems to be the abolition of the summer
# time.
# Unamended version of the act of the Government of the Russian Federation
# No. 23 from 1992-01-08 [See 'europe' file for details].
# Kazakh 1992-01-13 act appears to provide the same rules and 1992-03-27
# act was to be enacted on the last Sunday of March 1992.

# From Paul Eggert (2016-04-15):
# The tables below should reflect Stepan Golosunov's remarks above,
# except for the items marked "[*]" which I haven't gotten to yet.
# It looks like we will need new zones Asia/Atyrau and Asia/Qostanay
# to handle changes from 1992 through 2004 that we did not previously
# know about.

# Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), representing most locations in Kazakhstan
Zone	Asia/Almaty	5:07:48 -	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Alma-Ata
			5:00	-	+05	1930 Jun 21
			6:00 RussiaAsia +06/+07	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			6:00 RussiaAsia	+06/+07	2004 Oct 31  2:00s
			6:00	-	+06
# Qyzylorda (aka Kyzylorda, Kizilorda, Kzyl-Orda, etc.) (KZ-KZY)
Zone	Asia/Qyzylorda	4:21:52 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00	-	+05	1981 Apr  1
			5:00	1:00	+06	1981 Oct  1
			6:00	-	+06	1982 Apr  1
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	1991 Sep 29  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			6:00 RussiaAsia	+06/+07	1992 Mar 29  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	2004 Oct 31  2:00s
			6:00	-	+06
# Aqtobe (aka Aktobe, formerly Aktyubinsk) (KZ-AKT)
Zone	Asia/Aqtobe	3:48:40	-	LMT	1924 May  2
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00	-	+05	1981 Apr  1
			5:00	1:00	+06	1981 Oct  1
			6:00	-	+06	1982 Apr  1
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	2004 Oct 31  2:00s
			5:00	-	+05
# Qostanay (KZ-KUS)

# Mangghystau (KZ-MAN)
# Aqtau was not founded until 1963, but it represents an inhabited region,
# so include time stamps before 1963.
Zone	Asia/Aqtau	3:21:04	-	LMT	1924 May  2
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00	-	+05	1963
			5:00	-	+05	1981 Oct  1
			6:00	-	+06	1982 Apr  1
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1994 Sep 25  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	2004 Oct 31  2:00s
			5:00	-	+05

# West Kazakhstan (KZ-ZAP)
# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).
Zone	Asia/Oral	3:25:24	-	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Ural'sk
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00	-	+05	1981 Apr  1
			5:00	1:00	+06	1981 Oct  1
			6:00	-	+06	1982 Apr  1
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1992 Mar 29  2:00s
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	2004 Oct 31  2:00s
			5:00	-	+05

# Kyrgyzstan (Kirgizstan)
# Transitions through 1991 are from Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-15):
# According to an article dated today in the Kyrgyzstan Development Gateway
# http://eng.gateway.kg/cgi-bin/page.pl?id=1&story_name=doc9979.shtml
# Kyrgyzstan is canceling the daylight saving time system.  I take the article
# to mean that they will leave their clocks at 6 hours ahead of UTC.
# From Malik Abdugaliev (2005-09-21):
# Our government cancels daylight saving time 6th of August 2005.
# From 2005-08-12 our GMT-offset is +6, w/o any daylight saving.

Rule	Kyrgyz	1992	1996	-	Apr	Sun>=7	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Kyrgyz	1992	1996	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Kyrgyz	1997	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:30	1:00	S
Rule	Kyrgyz	1997	2004	-	Oct	lastSun	2:30	0	-
Zone	Asia/Bishkek	4:58:24 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			5:00	-	+05	1930 Jun 21
			6:00 RussiaAsia +06/+07	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1991 Aug 31  2:00
			5:00	Kyrgyz	+05/+06	2005 Aug 12
			6:00	-	+06


# Korea (North and South)

# From Annie I. Bang (2006-07-10):
# http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=200607100012
# Korea ran a daylight saving program from 1949-61 but stopped it
# during the 1950-53 Korean War.  The system was temporarily enforced
# between 1987 and 1988 ...

# From Sanghyuk Jung (2014-10-29):
# http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2014-October/021830.html
# According to the Korean Wikipedia
# http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/한국_표준시
# [oldid=12896437 2014-09-04 08:03 UTC]
# DST in Republic of Korea was as follows....  And I checked old
# newspapers in Korean, all articles correspond with data in Wikipedia.
# For example, the article in 1948 (Korean Language) proved that DST
# started at June 1 in that year.  For another example, the article in
# 1988 said that DST started at 2:00 AM in that year.

Rule	ROK	1948	only	-	Jun	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1948	only	-	Sep	13	0:00	0	S
Rule	ROK	1949	only	-	Apr	 3	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1949	1951	-	Sep	Sun>=8	0:00	0	S
Rule	ROK	1950	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1951	only	-	May	 6	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1955	only	-	May	 5	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1955	only	-	Sep	 9	0:00	0	S
Rule	ROK	1956	only	-	May	20	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1956	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	S
Rule	ROK	1957	1960	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1957	1960	-	Sep	Sun>=18	0:00	0	S
Rule	ROK	1987	1988	-	May	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	ROK	1987	1988	-	Oct	Sun>=8	3:00	0	S

# From Paul Eggert (2016-08-23):
# The Korean Wikipedia entry gives the following sources for UT offsets:
# 1908: Official Journal Article No. 3994 (decree No. 5)
# 1912: Governor-General of Korea Official Gazette Issue No. 367
#       (Announcement No. 338)
# 1954: Presidential Decree No. 876 (1954-03-17)
# 1961: Law No. 676 (1961-08-07)
# (Another source "1987: Law No. 3919 (1986-12-31)" was in the 2014-10-30
# edition of the Korean Wikipedia entry.)
# I guessed that time zone abbreviations through 1945 followed the same
# rules as discussed under Taiwan, with nominal switches from JST to KST
# when the respective cities were taken over by the Allies after WWII.
# For Pyongyang, guess no changes from World War II until 2015, as we
# have no information otherwise.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-08-07):
# According to many news sources, North Korea is going to change to
# the 8:30 time zone on August 15, one example:
# http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33815049
# From Paul Eggert (2015-08-15):
# Bells rang out midnight (00:00) Friday as part of the celebrations.  See:
# Talmadge E. North Korea celebrates new time zone, 'Pyongyang Time'
# http://news.yahoo.com/north-korea-celebrates-time-zone-pyongyang-time-164038128.html
# There is no common English-language abbreviation for this time zone.
# Use KST, as that's what we already use for 1954-1961 in ROK.

Zone	Asia/Seoul	8:27:52	-	LMT	1908 Apr  1
			8:30	-	KST	1912 Jan  1
			9:00	-	JCST	1937 Oct  1
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep  8
			9:00	-	KST	1954 Mar 21
			8:30	ROK	K%sT	1961 Aug 10
			9:00	ROK	K%sT
Zone	Asia/Pyongyang	8:23:00 -	LMT	1908 Apr  1
			8:30	-	KST	1912 Jan  1
			9:00	-	JCST	1937 Oct  1
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Aug 24
			9:00	-	KST	2015 Aug 15 00:00
			8:30	-	KST


# Kuwait
# See Asia/Riyadh.

# Laos
# See Asia/Bangkok.

# Lebanon
Rule	Lebanon	1920	only	-	Mar	28	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1920	only	-	Oct	25	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1921	only	-	Apr	3	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1921	only	-	Oct	3	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1922	only	-	Mar	26	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1922	only	-	Oct	8	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1923	only	-	Apr	22	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1923	only	-	Sep	16	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1957	1961	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1957	1961	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1972	only	-	Jun	22	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1972	1977	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1973	1977	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1978	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1978	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1984	1987	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1984	1991	-	Oct	16	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1988	only	-	Jun	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1989	only	-	May	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1990	1992	-	May	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1992	only	-	Oct	4	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1993	max	-	Mar	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lebanon	1993	1998	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Lebanon	1999	max	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Zone	Asia/Beirut	2:22:00 -	LMT	1880
			2:00	Lebanon	EE%sT

# Malaysia
Rule	NBorneo	1935	1941	-	Sep	14	0:00	0:20	TS # one-Third Summer
Rule	NBorneo	1935	1941	-	Dec	14	0:00	0	-
# peninsular Malaysia
# taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
# http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html
Zone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur	6:46:46 -	LMT	1901 Jan  1
			6:55:25	-	SMT	1905 Jun  1 # Singapore M.T.
			7:00	-	MALT	1933 Jan  1 # Malaya Time
			7:00	0:20	MALST	1936 Jan  1
			7:20	-	MALT	1941 Sep  1
			7:30	-	MALT	1942 Feb 16
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 12
			7:30	-	MALT	1982 Jan  1
			8:00	-	MYT	# Malaysia Time
# Sabah & Sarawak
# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-12):
# The data entries here are mostly from Shanks & Pottenger, but the 1942, 1945
# and 1982 transition dates are from Mok Ly Yng.
Zone Asia/Kuching	7:21:20	-	LMT	1926 Mar
			7:30	-	BORT	1933        # Borneo Time
			8:00	NBorneo	BOR%sT	1942 Feb 16
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 12
			8:00	-	BORT	1982 Jan  1
			8:00	-	MYT

# Maldives
Zone	Indian/Maldives	4:54:00 -	LMT	1880 # Male
			4:54:00	-	MMT	1960 # Male Mean Time
			5:00	-	MVT	# Maldives Time

# Mongolia

# Shanks & Pottenger say that Mongolia has three time zones, but
# The USNO (1995-12-21) and the CIA map Standard Time Zones of the World
# (2005-03) both say that it has just one.

# From Oscar van Vlijmen (1999-12-11):
# General Information Mongolia
# <http://www.mongoliatourism.gov.mn/general.htm> (1999-09)
# "Time: Mongolia has two time zones. Three westernmost provinces of
# Bayan-Ölgii, Uvs, and Hovd are one hour earlier than the capital city, and
# the rest of the country follows the Ulaanbaatar time, which is UTC/GMT plus
# eight hours."

# From Rives McDow (1999-12-13):
# Mongolia discontinued the use of daylight savings time in 1999; 1998
# being the last year it was implemented.  The dates of implementation I am
# unsure of, but most probably it was similar to Russia, except for the time
# of implementation may have been different....
# Some maps in the past have indicated that there was an additional time
# zone in the eastern part of Mongolia, including the provinces of Dornod,
# Sükhbaatar, and possibly Khentii.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-12-15):
# Naming and spelling is tricky in Mongolia.
# We'll use Hovd (also spelled Chovd and Khovd) to represent the west zone;
# the capital of the Hovd province is sometimes called Hovd, sometimes Dund-Us,
# and sometimes Jirgalanta (with variant spellings), but the name Hovd
# is good enough for our purposes.

# From Rives McDow (2001-05-13):
# In addition to Mongolia starting daylight savings as reported earlier
# (adopted DST on 2001-04-27 02:00 local time, ending 2001-09-28),
# there are three time zones.
# Provinces [at 7:00]: Bayan-Ölgii, Uvs, Khovd, Zavkhan, Govi-Altai
# Provinces [at 8:00]: Khövsgöl, Bulgan, Arkhangai, Khentii, Töv,
#	Bayankhongor, Övörkhangai, Dundgovi, Dornogovi, Ömnögovi
# Provinces [at 9:00]: Dornod, Sükhbaatar
# [The province of Selenge is omitted from the above lists.]

# From Ganbold Ts., Ulaanbaatar (2004-04-17):
# Daylight saving occurs at 02:00 local time last Saturday of March.
# It will change back to normal at 02:00 local time last Saturday of
# September.... As I remember this rule was changed in 2001.
# From Paul Eggert (2004-04-17):
# For now, assume Rives McDow's informant got confused about Friday vs
# Saturday, and that his 2001 dates should have 1 added to them.

# From Paul Eggert (2005-07-26):
# We have wildly conflicting information about Mongolia's time zones.
# Bill Bonnet (2005-05-19) reports that the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar says
# there is only one time zone and that DST is observed, citing Microsoft
# Windows XP as the source.  Risto Nykänen (2005-05-16) reports that
# travelmongolia.org says there are two time zones (UT +07, +08) with no DST.
# Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-05-20) reports that the Mongolian Embassy in
# Washington, DC says there are two time zones, with DST observed.
# He also found
# http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/index.php?subaction=showcomments&id=1111634894&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1&
# which also says that there is DST, and which has a comment by "Toddius"
# (2005-03-31 06:05 +0700) saying "Mongolia actually has 3.5 time zones.
# The West (OLGII) is +7 GMT, most of the country is ULAT is +8 GMT
# and some Eastern provinces are +9 GMT but Sükhbaatar Aimag is SUHK +8.5 GMT.
# The SUKH timezone is new this year, it is one of the few things the
# parliament passed during the tumultuous winter session."
# For now, let's ignore this information, until we have more confirmation.

# From Ganbold Ts. (2007-02-26):
# Parliament of Mongolia has just changed the daylight-saving rule in February.
# They decided not to adopt daylight-saving time....
# http://www.mongolnews.mn/index.php?module=unuudur&sec=view&id=15742

# From Deborah Goldsmith (2008-03-30):
# We received a bug report claiming that the tz database UTC offset for
# Asia/Choibalsan (GMT+09:00) is incorrect, and that it should be GMT
# +08:00 instead. Different sources appear to disagree with the tz
# database on this, e.g.:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=1026
# http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_MN.aspx
# both say GMT+08:00.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-03-31):
# eznis airways, which operates several domestic flights, has a flight
# schedule here:
# http://www.eznis.com/Container.jsp?id=112
# (click the English flag for English)
# There it appears that flights between Choibalsan and Ulaanbaatar arrive
# about 1:35 - 1:50 hours later in local clock time, no matter the
# direction, while Ulaanbaatar-Khovd takes 2 hours in the Eastern
# direction and 3:35 back, which indicates that Ulaanbaatar and Khovd are
# in different time zones (like we know about), while Choibalsan and
# Ulaanbaatar are in the same time zone (correction needed).

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-05-19):
# Assume that Choibalsan is indeed offset by 8:00.
# XXX--in the absence of better information, assume that transition
# was at the start of 2008-03-31 (the day of Steffen Thorsen's report);
# this is almost surely wrong.

# From Ganbold Tsagaankhuu (2015-03-10):
# It seems like yesterday Mongolian Government meeting has concluded to use
# daylight saving time in Mongolia....  Starting at 2:00AM of last Saturday of
# March 2015, daylight saving time starts.  And 00:00AM of last Saturday of
# September daylight saving time ends.  Source:
# http://zasag.mn/news/view/8969

Rule	Mongol	1983	1984	-	Apr	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Mongol	1983	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger and IATA SSIM say 1990s switches occurred at 00:00,
# but McDow says the 2001 switches occurred at 02:00.  Also, IATA SSIM
# (1996-09) says 1996-10-25.  Go with Shanks & Pottenger through 1998.
# Shanks & Pottenger say that the Sept. 1984 through Sept. 1990 switches
# in Choibalsan (more precisely, in Dornod and Sükhbaatar) took place
# at 02:00 standard time, not at 00:00 local time as in the rest of
# the country.  That would be odd, and possibly is a result of their
# correction of 02:00 (in the previous edition) not being done correctly
# in the latest edition; so ignore it for now.

Rule	Mongol	1985	1998	-	Mar	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Mongol	1984	1998	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	-
# IATA SSIM (1999-09) says Mongolia no longer observes DST.
Rule	Mongol	2001	only	-	Apr	lastSat	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Mongol	2001	2006	-	Sep	lastSat	2:00	0	-
Rule	Mongol	2002	2006	-	Mar	lastSat	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Mongol	2015	max	-	Mar	lastSat	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Mongol	2015	max	-	Sep	lastSat	0:00	0	-

# Hovd, a.k.a. Chovd, Dund-Us, Dzhargalant, Khovd, Jirgalanta
Zone	Asia/Hovd	6:06:36 -	LMT	1905 Aug
			6:00	-	HOVT	1978     # Hovd Time
			7:00	Mongol	HOV%sT
# Ulaanbaatar, a.k.a. Ulan Bataar, Ulan Bator, Urga
Zone	Asia/Ulaanbaatar 7:07:32 -	LMT	1905 Aug
			7:00	-	ULAT	1978     # Ulaanbaatar Time
			8:00	Mongol	ULA%sT
# Choibalsan, a.k.a. Bajan Tümen, Bajan Tumen, Chojbalsan,
# Choybalsan, Sanbejse, Tchoibalsan
Zone	Asia/Choibalsan	7:38:00 -	LMT	1905 Aug
			7:00	-	ULAT	1978
			8:00	-	ULAT	1983 Apr
			9:00	Mongol	CHO%sT	2008 Mar 31 # Choibalsan Time
			8:00	Mongol	CHO%sT

# Nepal
Zone	Asia/Kathmandu	5:41:16 -	LMT	1920
			5:30	-	IST	1986
			5:45	-	NPT	# Nepal Time

# Oman
# See Asia/Dubai.

# Pakistan

# From Rives McDow (2002-03-13):
# I have been advised that Pakistan has decided to adopt dst on a
# TRIAL basis for one year, starting 00:01 local time on April 7, 2002
# and ending at 00:01 local time October 6, 2002.  This is what I was
# told, but I believe that the actual time of change may be 00:00; the
# 00:01 was to make it clear which day it was on.

# From Paul Eggert (2002-03-15):
# Jesper Nørgaard found this URL:
# http://www.pak.gov.pk/public/news/app/app06_dec.htm
# (dated 2001-12-06) which says that the Cabinet adopted a scheme "to
# advance the clocks by one hour on the night between the first
# Saturday and Sunday of April and revert to the original position on
# 15th October each year".  This agrees with McDow's 04-07 at 00:00,
# but disagrees about the October transition, and makes it sound like
# it's not on a trial basis.  Also, the "between the first Saturday
# and Sunday of April" phrase, if taken literally, means that the
# transition takes place at 00:00 on the first Sunday on or after 04-02.

# From Paul Eggert (2003-02-09):
# DAWN <http://www.dawn.com/2002/10/06/top13.htm> reported on 2002-10-05
# that 2002 DST ended that day at midnight.  Go with McDow for now.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2003-03-14):
# According to http://www.dawn.com/2003/03/07/top15.htm
# there will be no DST in Pakistan this year:
# ISLAMABAD, March 6: Information and Media Development Minister Sheikh
# Rashid Ahmed on Thursday said the cabinet had reversed a previous
# decision to advance clocks by one hour in summer and put them back by
# one hour in winter with the aim of saving light hours and energy.
# The minister told a news conference that the experiment had rather
# shown 8 per cent higher consumption of electricity.

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-05-15):
# Here is an article that Pakistan plan to introduce Daylight Saving Time
# on June 1, 2008 for 3 months.
# "... The federal cabinet on Wednesday announced a new conservation plan to
# help reduce load shedding by approving the closure of commercial centres at
# 9pm and moving clocks forward by one hour for the next three months. ...."
# http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_pakistan01.html
# http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008%5C05%5C15%5Cstory_15-5-2008_pg1_4

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-05-19):
# XXX--midnight transitions is a guess; 2008 only is a guess.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2008-08-28):
# Pakistan government has decided to keep the watches one-hour advanced
# for another 2 months - plan to return to Standard Time on October 31
# instead of August 31.
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_pakistan02.html
# http://dailymailnews.com/200808/28/news/dmbrn03.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-04-08):
# Based on previous media reports that "... proposed plan to
# advance clocks by one hour from May 1 will cause disturbance
# to the working schedules rather than bringing discipline in
# official working."
# http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=171280
# recent news that instead of May 2009 - Pakistan plan to
# introduce DST from April 15, 2009
# FYI: Associated Press Of Pakistan
# April 08, 2009
# Cabinet okays proposal to advance clocks by one hour from April 15
# http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=73043&Itemid=1
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_pakistan05.html
# ....
# The Federal Cabinet on Wednesday approved the proposal to
# advance clocks in the country by one hour from April 15 to
# conserve energy"

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-09-17):
# "The News International," Pakistan reports that: "The Federal
# Government has decided to restore the previous time by moving the
# clocks backward by one hour from October 1. A formal announcement to
# this effect will be made after the Prime Minister grants approval in
# this regard."
# http://www.thenews.com.pk/updates.asp?id=87168

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-09-28):
# According to Associated Press Of Pakistan, it is confirmed that
# Pakistan clocks across the country would be turned back by an hour from
# October 1, 2009.
# "Clocks to go back one hour from 1 Oct"
# http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=86715&Itemid=2
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_pakistan07.htm
# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-09-29):
# Now they seem to have changed their mind, November 1 is the new date:
# http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=24742
# "The country's clocks will be reversed by one hour on November 1.
# Officials of Federal Ministry for Interior told this to Geo News on
# Monday."
# And more importantly, it seems that these dates will be kept every year:
# "It has now been decided that clocks will be wound forward by one hour
# on April 15 and reversed by an hour on November 1 every year without
# obtaining prior approval, the officials added."
# We have confirmed this year's end date with both with the Ministry of
# Water and Power and the Pakistan Electric Power Company:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/pakistan-ends-dst09.html

# From Christoph Göhre (2009-10-01):
# [T]he German Consulate General in Karachi reported me today that Pakistan
# will go back to standard time on 1st of November.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-26):
# Steffen Thorsen wrote:
# > On Thursday (2010-03-25) it was announced that DST would start in
# > Pakistan on 2010-04-01.
# >
# > Then today, the president said that they might have to revert the
# > decision if it is not supported by the parliament. So at the time
# > being, it seems unclear if DST will be actually observed or not - but
# > April 1 could be a more likely date than April 15.
# Now, it seems that the decision to not observe DST in final:
# "Govt Withdraws Plan To Advance Clocks"
# http://www.apakistannews.com/govt-withdraws-plan-to-advance-clocks-172041
# "People laud PM's announcement to end DST"
# http://www.app.com.pk/en_/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99374&Itemid=2

Rule Pakistan	2002	only	-	Apr	Sun>=2	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Pakistan	2002	only	-	Oct	Sun>=2	0:00	0	-
Rule Pakistan	2008	only	-	Jun	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Pakistan	2008	2009	-	Nov	1	0:00	0	-
Rule Pakistan	2009	only	-	Apr	15	0:00	1:00	S

Zone	Asia/Karachi	4:28:12 -	LMT	1907
			5:30	-	IST	1942 Sep
			5:30	1:00	IST	1945 Oct 15
			5:30	-	IST	1951 Sep 30
			5:00	-	KART	1971 Mar 26 # Karachi Time
			5:00 Pakistan	PK%sT	# Pakistan Time

# Palestine

# From Amos Shapir (1998-02-15):
# From 1917 until 1948-05-15, all of Palestine, including the parts now
# known as the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, was under British rule.
# Therefore the rules given for Israel for that period, apply there too...
# The Gaza Strip was under Egyptian rule between 1948-05-15 until 1967-06-05
# (except a short occupation by Israel from 1956-11 till 1957-03, but no
# time zone was affected then).  It was never formally annexed to Egypt,
# though.
# The rest of Palestine was under Jordanian rule at that time, formally
# annexed in 1950 as the West Bank (and the word "Trans" was dropped from
# the country's previous name of "the Hashemite Kingdom of the
# Trans-Jordan").  So the rules for Jordan for that time apply.  Major
# towns in that area are Nablus (Shchem), El-Halil (Hebron), Ramallah, and
# East Jerusalem.
# Both areas were occupied by Israel in June 1967, but not annexed (except
# for East Jerusalem).  They were on Israel time since then; there might
# have been a Military Governor's order about time zones, but I'm not aware
# of any (such orders may have been issued semi-annually whenever summer
# time was in effect, but maybe the legal aspect of time was just neglected).
# The Palestinian Authority was established in 1993, and got hold of most
# towns in the West Bank and Gaza by 1995.  I know that in order to
# demonstrate...independence, they have been switching to
# summer time and back on a different schedule than Israel's, but I don't
# know when this was started, or what algorithm is used (most likely the
# Jordanian one).
# To summarize, the table should probably look something like that:
# Area \ when | 1918-1947 | 1948-1967 | 1967-1995 | 1996-
# ------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------
# Israel      | Zion      | Zion      | Zion      | Zion
# West bank   | Zion      | Jordan    | Zion      | Jordan
# Gaza        | Zion      | Egypt     | Zion      | Jordan
# I guess more info may be available from the PA's web page (if/when they
# have one).

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger write that Gaza did not observe DST until 1957, but go
# with Shapir and assume that it observed DST from 1940 through 1947,
# and that it used Jordanian rules starting in 1996.
# We don't yet need a separate entry for the West Bank, since
# the only differences between it and Gaza that we know about
# occurred before our cutoff date of 1970.
# However, as we get more information, we may need to add entries
# for parts of the West Bank as they transitioned from Israel's rules
# to Palestine's rules.

# From IINS News Service - Israel - 1998-03-23 10:38:07 Israel time,
# forwarded by Ephraim Silverberg:
# Despite the fact that Israel changed over to daylight savings time
# last week, the PLO Authority (PA) has decided not to turn its clocks
# one-hour forward at this time.  As a sign of independence from Israeli rule,
# the PA has decided to implement DST in April.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-20):
# Daoud Kuttab writes in Holiday havoc
# http://www.jpost.com/com/Archive/22.Apr.1999/Opinion/Article-2.html
# (Jerusalem Post, 1999-04-22) that
# the Palestinian National Authority changed to DST on 1999-04-15.
# I vaguely recall that they switch back in October (sorry, forgot the source).
# For now, let's assume that the spring switch was at 24:00,
# and that they switch at 0:00 on the 3rd Fridays of April and October.

# From Paul Eggert (2005-11-22):
# Starting 2004 transitions are from Steffen Thorsen's web site timeanddate.com.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-11-23):
# A user from Gaza reported that Gaza made the change early because of
# the Ramadan.  Next year Ramadan will be even earlier, so I think
# there is a good chance next year's end date will be around two weeks
# earlier - the same goes for Jordan.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-08-17):
# I was informed by a user in Bethlehem that in Bethlehem it started the
# same day as Israel, and after checking with other users in the area, I
# was informed that they started DST one day after Israel.  I was not
# able to find any authoritative sources at the time, nor details if
# Gaza changed as well, but presumed Gaza to follow the same rules as
# the West Bank.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-09-26):
# according to the Palestine News Network (2006-09-19):
# http://english.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=596&Itemid=5
# > The Council of Ministers announced that this year its winter schedule
# > will begin early, as of midnight Thursday.  It is also time to turn
# > back the clocks for winter.  Friday will begin an hour late this week.
# I guess it is likely that next year's date will be moved as well,
# because of the Ramadan.

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2007-09-18):
# According to Steffen Thorsen's web site the Gaza Strip and the rest of the
# Palestinian territories left DST early on 13.th. of September at 2:00.

# From Paul Eggert (2007-09-20):
# My understanding is that Gaza and the West Bank disagree even over when
# the weekend is (Thursday+Friday versus Friday+Saturday), so I'd be a bit
# surprised if they agreed about DST.  But for now, assume they agree.
# For lack of better information, predict that future changes will be
# the 2nd Thursday of September at 02:00.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2008-08-28):
# Here is an article, that Mideast running on different clocks at Ramadan.
# Gaza Strip (as Egypt) ended DST at midnight Thursday (Aug 28, 2008), while
# the West Bank will end Daylight Saving Time at midnight Sunday (Aug 31, 2008).
# http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/7759001
# http://www.abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=5676087
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_gazastrip01.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-03-26):
# According to the Palestine News Network (arabic.pnn.ps), Palestinian
# government decided to start Daylight Time on Thursday night March
# 26 and continue until the night of 27 September 2009.
# (in Arabic)
# http://arabic.pnn.ps/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=50850
# (English translation)
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_westbank01.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-08-31):
# Palestine's Council of Ministers announced that they will revert back to
# winter time on Friday, 2009-09-04.
# One news source:
# http://www.safa.ps/ara/?action=showdetail&seid=4158
# (Palestinian press agency, Arabic),
# Google translate: "Decided that the Palestinian government in Ramallah
# headed by Salam Fayyad, the start of work in time for the winter of
# 2009, starting on Friday approved the fourth delay Sept. clock sixty
# minutes per hour as of Friday morning."
# We are not sure if Gaza will do the same, last year they had a different
# end date, we will keep this page updated:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/westbank-gaza-dst-2009.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-09-02):
# Seems that Gaza Strip will go back to Winter Time same date as West Bank.
# According to Palestinian Ministry Of Interior, West Bank and Gaza Strip plan
# to change time back to Standard time on September 4, 2009.
# "Winter time unite the West Bank and Gaza"
# (from Palestinian National Authority):
# http://www.moi.gov.ps/en/?page=633167343250594025&nid=11505
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_gazastrip02.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-03-19):
# According to Voice of Palestine DST will last for 191 days, from March
# 26, 2010 till "the last Sunday before the tenth day of Tishri
# (October), each year" (October 03, 2010?)
# http://palvoice.org/forums/showthread.php?t=245697
# (in Arabic)
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_westbank03.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-24):
# ...Ma'an News Agency reports that Hamas cabinet has decided it will
# start one day later, at 12:01am. Not sure if they really mean 12:01am or
# noon though:
# http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=271178
# (Ma'an News Agency)
# "At 12:01am Friday, clocks in Israel and the West Bank will change to
# 1:01am, while Gaza clocks will change at 12:01am Saturday morning."

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-08-11):
# According to several sources, including
# http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=306795
# the clocks were set back one hour at 2010-08-11 00:00:00 local time in
# Gaza and the West Bank.
# Some more background info:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/westbank-gaza-end-dst-2010.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-08-26):
# Gaza and the West Bank did go back to standard time in the beginning of
# August, and will now enter daylight saving time again on 2011-08-30
# 00:00 (so two periods of DST in 2011). The pause was because of
# Ramadan.
# http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=416217
# Additional info:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/palestine-dst-2011.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-08-27):
# According to the article in The Jerusalem Post:
# "...Earlier this month, the Palestinian government in the West Bank decided to
# move to standard time for 30 days, during Ramadan. The Palestinians in the
# Gaza Strip accepted the change and also moved their clocks one hour back.
# The Hamas government said on Saturday that it won't observe summertime after
# the Muslim feast of Id al-Fitr, which begins on Tuesday..."
# ...
# http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=235650
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_gazastrip05.html
# The rules for Egypt are stolen from the 'africa' file.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-09-30):
# West Bank did end Daylight Saving Time this morning/midnight (2011-09-30
# 00:00).
# So West Bank and Gaza now have the same time again.
# Many sources, including:
# http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=424808

# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-03-26):
# Palestinian news sources tell that both Gaza and West Bank will start DST
# on Friday (Thursday midnight, 2012-03-29 24:00).
# Some of many sources in Arabic:
# http://www.samanews.com/index.php?act=Show&id=122638
# http://safa.ps/details/news/74352/%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%82%D9%8A%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%8A%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B6%D9%81%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%BA%D8%B2%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A9.html
# Our brief summary:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/gaza-west-bank-dst-2012.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-03-26):
# The following news sources tells that Palestine will "start daylight saving
# time from midnight on Friday, March 29, 2013" (translated).
# [These are in Arabic and are for Gaza and for Ramallah, respectively.]
# http://www.samanews.com/index.php?act=Show&id=154120
# http://safa.ps/details/news/99844/%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%82%D9%8A%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%8A%D9%81%D9%8A-29-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%8A.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-09-24):
# The Gaza and West Bank are ending DST Thursday at midnight
# (2013-09-27 00:00:00) (one hour earlier than last year...).
# This source in English, says "that winter time will go into effect
# at midnight on Thursday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip":
# http://english.wafa.ps/index.php?action=detail&id=23246
# official source...:
# http://www.palestinecabinet.gov.ps/ar/Views/ViewDetails.aspx?pid=1252

# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-03-03):
# Sources such as http://www.alquds.com/news/article/view/id/548257
# and http://www.raya.ps/ar/news/890705.html say Palestine areas will
# start DST on 2015-03-28 00:00 which is one day later than expected.
# From Paul Eggert (2015-03-03):
# http://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/west-bank/ramallah?year=2014
# says that the fall 2014 transition was Oct 23 at 24:00.

# From Hannah Kreitem (2016-03-09):
# http://www.palestinecabinet.gov.ps/WebSite/ar/ViewDetails?ID=31728
# [Google translation]: "The Council also decided to start daylight
# saving in Palestine as of one o'clock on Saturday morning,
# 2016-03-26, to provide the clock 60 minutes ahead."
# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-12):
# Predict spring transitions on March's last Saturday at 01:00 from now on.

# From Sharef Mustafa (2016-10-19):
# [T]he Palestinian cabinet decision (Mar 8th 2016) published on
# http://www.palestinecabinet.gov.ps/WebSite/Upload/Decree/GOV_17/16032016134830.pdf
# states that summer time will end on Oct 29th at 01:00.
# From Tim Parenti (2016-10-19):
# Predict fall transitions on October's last Saturday at 01:00 from now on.
# This is consistent with the 2016 transition as well as our spring
# predictions.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-10-19):
# It's also consistent with predictions in the following URLs today:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/gaza-strip/gaza
# http://www.timeanddate.com/time/change/west-bank/hebron

Rule EgyptAsia	1957	only	-	May	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule EgyptAsia	1957	1958	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule EgyptAsia	1958	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule EgyptAsia	1959	1967	-	May	 1	1:00	1:00	S
Rule EgyptAsia	1959	1965	-	Sep	30	3:00	0	-
Rule EgyptAsia	1966	only	-	Oct	 1	3:00	0	-

Rule Palestine	1999	2005	-	Apr	Fri>=15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	1999	2003	-	Oct	Fri>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2004	only	-	Oct	 1	1:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2005	only	-	Oct	 4	2:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2006	2007	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2006	only	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2007	only	-	Sep	Thu>=8	2:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2008	2009	-	Mar	lastFri	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2008	only	-	Sep	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2009	only	-	Sep	Fri>=1	1:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2010	only	-	Mar	26	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2010	only	-	Aug	11	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2011	only	-	Apr	 1	0:01	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2011	only	-	Aug	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2011	only	-	Aug	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2011	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2012	2014	-	Mar	lastThu	24:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2012	only	-	Sep	21	1:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2013	only	-	Sep	Fri>=21	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2014	2015	-	Oct	Fri>=21	0:00	0	-
Rule Palestine	2015	only	-	Mar	lastFri	24:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2016	max	-	Mar	lastSat	1:00	1:00	S
Rule Palestine	2016	max	-	Oct	lastSat	1:00	0	-

Zone	Asia/Gaza	2:17:52	-	LMT	1900 Oct
			2:00	Zion	EET	1948 May 15
			2:00 EgyptAsia	EE%sT	1967 Jun  5
			2:00	Zion	I%sT	1996
			2:00	Jordan	EE%sT	1999
			2:00 Palestine	EE%sT	2008 Aug 29  0:00
			2:00	-	EET	2008 Sep
			2:00 Palestine	EE%sT	2010
			2:00	-	EET	2010 Mar 27  0:01
			2:00 Palestine	EE%sT	2011 Aug  1
			2:00	-	EET	2012
			2:00 Palestine	EE%sT

Zone	Asia/Hebron	2:20:23	-	LMT	1900 Oct
			2:00	Zion	EET	1948 May 15
			2:00 EgyptAsia	EE%sT	1967 Jun  5
			2:00	Zion	I%sT	1996
			2:00	Jordan	EE%sT	1999
			2:00 Palestine	EE%sT

# Paracel Is
# no information

# Philippines
# On 1844-08-16, Narciso Clavería, governor-general of the
# Philippines, issued a proclamation announcing that 1844-12-30 was to
# be immediately followed by 1845-01-01; see R.H. van Gent's
# History of the International Date Line
# http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~gent0113/idl/idl_philippines.htm
# The rest of the data entries are from Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-04-26):
# ... claims that Philippines had DST last time in 1990:
# http://story.philippinetimes.com/p.x/ct/9/id/145be20cc6b121c0/cid/3e5bbccc730d258c/
# [a story dated 2006-04-25 by Cris Larano of Dow Jones Newswires,
# but no details]

# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-14):
# The following source says DST may be instituted November-January and again
# March-June, but this is not definite.  It also says DST was last proclaimed
# during the Ramos administration (1992-1998); but again, no details.
# Carcamo D. PNoy urged to declare use of daylight saving time.
# Philippine Star 2014-08-05
# http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2014/08/05/1354152/pnoy-urged-declare-use-daylight-saving-time

Rule	Phil	1936	only	-	Nov	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Phil	1937	only	-	Feb	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Phil	1954	only	-	Apr	12	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Phil	1954	only	-	Jul	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Phil	1978	only	-	Mar	22	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Phil	1978	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	-
Zone	Asia/Manila	-15:56:00 -	LMT	1844 Dec 31
			8:04:00 -	LMT	1899 May 11
			8:00	Phil	PH%sT	1942 May
			9:00	-	JST	1944 Nov
			8:00	Phil	PH%sT

# Qatar
Zone	Asia/Qatar	3:26:08 -	LMT	1920     # Al Dawhah / Doha
			4:00	-	GST	1972 Jun
			3:00	-	AST
Link Asia/Qatar Asia/Bahrain

# Saudi Arabia
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-15):
# Time in Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Arabian peninsula was not
# standardized until relatively recently; we don't know when, and possibly it
# has never been made official.  Richard P Hunt, in "Islam city yielding to
# modern times", New York Times (1961-04-09), p 20, wrote that only airlines
# observed standard time, and that people in Jeddah mostly observed quasi-solar
# time, doing so by setting their watches at sunrise to 6 o'clock (or to 12
# o'clock for "Arab" time).
# The TZ database cannot represent quasi-solar time; airline time is the best
# we can do.  The 1946 foreign air news digest of the U.S. Civil Aeronautics
# Board (OCLC 42299995) reported that the "... Arabian Government, inaugurated
# a weekly Dhahran-Cairo service, via the Saudi Arabian cities of Riyadh and
# Jidda, on March 14, 1947".  Shanks & Pottenger guessed 1950; go with the
# earlier date.
# Shanks & Pottenger also state that until 1968-05-01 Saudi Arabia had two
# time zones; the other zone, at UT +04, was in the far eastern part of
# the country.  Ignore this, as it's before our 1970 cutoff.
Zone	Asia/Riyadh	3:06:52 -	LMT	1947 Mar 14
			3:00	-	AST
Link Asia/Riyadh Asia/Aden	# Yemen
Link Asia/Riyadh Asia/Kuwait

# Singapore
# taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
# http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/timezone.html
Zone	Asia/Singapore	6:55:25 -	LMT	1901 Jan  1
			6:55:25	-	SMT	1905 Jun  1 # Singapore M.T.
			7:00	-	MALT	1933 Jan  1 # Malaya Time
			7:00	0:20	MALST	1936 Jan  1
			7:20	-	MALT	1941 Sep  1
			7:30	-	MALT	1942 Feb 16
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep 12
			7:30	-	MALT	1965 Aug  9 # independence
			7:30	-	SGT	1982 Jan  1 # Singapore Time
			8:00	-	SGT

# Spratly Is
# no information

# Sri Lanka

# From Paul Eggert (2013-02-21):
# Milne says "Madras mean time use from May 1, 1898.  Prior to this Colombo
# mean time, 5h. 4m. 21.9s. F., was used."  But 5:04:21.9 differs considerably
# from Colombo's meridian 5:19:24, so for now ignore Milne and stick with
# Shanks and Pottenger.

# From Paul Eggert (1996-09-03):
# "Sri Lanka advances clock by an hour to avoid blackout"
# (<http://www.virtual-pc.com/lankaweb/news/items/240596-2.html>, 1996-05-24,
# no longer available as of 1999-08-17)
# reported "the country's standard time will be put forward by one hour at
# midnight Friday (1830 GMT) 'in the light of the present power crisis'."
# From Dharmasiri Senanayake, Sri Lanka Media Minister (1996-10-24), as quoted
# by Shamindra in Daily News - Hot News Section
# <news:54rka5$m5h@mtinsc01-mgt.ops.worldnet.att.net> (1996-10-26):
# With effect from 12.30 a.m. on 26th October 1996
# Sri Lanka will be six (06) hours ahead of GMT.

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-04-14), quoting Sri Lanka News Online
# <http://news.sinhalaya.com/wmview.php?ArtID=11002> (2006-04-13):
# 0030 hrs on April 15, 2006 (midnight of April 14, 2006 +30 minutes)
# at present, become 2400 hours of April 14, 2006 (midnight of April 14, 2006).

# From Peter Apps and Ranga Sirila of Reuters (2006-04-12) in:
# http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=scienceNews&storyID=2006-04-12T172228Z_01_COL295762_RTRIDST_0_SCIENCE-SRILANKA-TIME-DC.XML
# [The Tamil Tigers] never accepted the original 1996 time change and simply
# kept their clocks set five and a half hours ahead of Greenwich Mean
# Time (GMT), in line with neighbor India.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-04-18):
# People who live in regions under Tamil control can use [TZ='Asia/Kolkata'],
# as that zone has agreed with the Tamil areas since our cutoff date of 1970.

# From Sadika Sumanapala (2016-10-19):
# According to http://www.sltime.org (maintained by Measurement Units,
# Standards & Services Department, Sri Lanka) abbreviation for Sri Lanka
# standard time is SLST.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-10-18):
# "SLST" seems to be reasonably recent and rarely-used outside time
# zone nerd sources.  I searched Google News and found three uses of
# it in the International Business Times of India in February and
# March of this year when discussing cricket match times, but nothing
# since then (though there has been a lot of cricket) and nothing in
# other English-language news sources.  Our old abbreviation "LKT" is
# even worse.  For now, let's use a numeric abbreviation; we can
# switch to "SLST" if it catches on.

Zone	Asia/Colombo	5:19:24 -	LMT	1880
			5:19:32	-	MMT	1906        # Moratuwa Mean Time
			5:30	-	+0530	1942 Jan  5
			5:30	0:30	+0530/+06 1942 Sep
			5:30	1:00	+0530/+0630 1945 Oct 16  2:00
			5:30	-	+0530	1996 May 25  0:00
			6:30	-	+0630	1996 Oct 26  0:30
			6:00	-	+06	2006 Apr 15  0:30
			5:30	-	+0530

# Syria
Rule	Syria	1920	1923	-	Apr	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1920	1923	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1962	only	-	Apr	29	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1962	only	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1963	1965	-	May	1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1963	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1964	only	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1965	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1966	only	-	Apr	24	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1966	1976	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1967	1978	-	May	1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1977	1978	-	Sep	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1983	1984	-	Apr	9	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1983	1984	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1986	only	-	Feb	16	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1986	only	-	Oct	9	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1987	only	-	Mar	1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1987	1988	-	Oct	31	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1988	only	-	Mar	15	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1989	only	-	Mar	31	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1989	only	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1990	only	-	Apr	1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1990	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1991	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1991	1992	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1992	only	-	Apr	 8	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1993	only	-	Mar	26	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1993	only	-	Sep	25	0:00	0	-
# IATA SSIM (1998-02) says 1998-04-02;
# (1998-09) says 1999-03-29 and 1999-09-29; (1999-02) says 1999-04-02,
# 2000-04-02, and 2001-04-02; (1999-09) says 2000-03-31 and 2001-03-31;
# (2006) says 2006-03-31 and 2006-09-22;
# for now ignore all these claims and go with Shanks & Pottenger,
# except for the 2006-09-22 claim (which seems right for Ramadan).
Rule	Syria	1994	1996	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1994	2005	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	1997	1998	-	Mar	lastMon	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	1999	2006	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
# From Stephen Colebourne (2006-09-18):
# According to IATA data, Syria will change DST on 21st September [21:00 UTC]
# this year [only]....  This is probably related to Ramadan, like Egypt.
Rule	Syria	2006	only	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	-
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-29):
# Today the AP reported "Syria will switch to summertime at midnight Thursday."
# http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/03/29/africa/ME-GEN-Syria-Time-Change.php
Rule	Syria	2007	only	-	Mar	lastFri	0:00	1:00	S
# From Jesper Nørgaard (2007-10-27):
# The sister center ICARDA of my work CIMMYT is confirming that Syria DST will
# not take place 1st November at 0:00 o'clock but 1st November at 24:00 or
# rather Midnight between Thursday and Friday. This does make more sense than
# having it between Wednesday and Thursday (two workdays in Syria) since the
# weekend in Syria is not Saturday and Sunday, but Friday and Saturday. So now
# it is implemented at midnight of the last workday before weekend...
# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-10-27):
# Jesper Nørgaard Welen wrote:
# > "Winter local time in Syria will be observed at midnight of Thursday 1
# > November 2007, and the clock will be put back 1 hour."
# I found confirmation on this in this gov.sy-article (Arabic):
# http://wehda.alwehda.gov.sy/_print_veiw.asp?FileName=12521710520070926111247
# which using Google's translate tools says:
# Council of Ministers also approved the commencement of work on
# identifying the winter time as of Friday, 2/11/2007 where the 60th
# minute delay at midnight Thursday 1/11/2007.
Rule	Syria	2007	only	-	Nov	 Fri>=1	0:00	0	-

# From Stephen Colebourne (2008-03-17):
# For everyone's info, I saw an IATA time zone change for [Syria] for
# this month (March 2008) in the last day or so....
# Country     Time Standard   --- DST Start ---   --- DST End ---  DST
# Name        Zone Variation   Time    Date        Time    Date
# Variation
# Syrian Arab
# Republic    SY    +0200      2200  03APR08       2100  30SEP08   +0300
#                              2200  02APR09       2100  30SEP09   +0300
#                              2200  01APR10       2100  30SEP10   +0300

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-17):
# Here's a link to English-language coverage by the Syrian Arab News
# Agency (SANA)...
# http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2008/03/11/165173.htm
# ...which reads (in part) "The Cabinet approved the suggestion of the
# Ministry of Electricity to begin daylight savings time on Friday April
# 4th, advancing clocks one hour ahead on midnight of Thursday April 3rd."
# Since Syria is two hours east of UTC, the 2200 and 2100 transition times
# shown above match up with midnight in Syria.

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-18):
# My best guess at a Syrian rule is "the Friday nearest April 1";
# coding that involves either using a "Mar Fri>=29" construct that old time zone
# compilers can't handle  or having multiple Rules (a la Israel).
# For now, use "Apr Fri>=1", and go with IATA on a uniform Sep 30 end.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-10-07):
# Syria has now officially decided to end DST on 2008-11-01 this year,
# according to the following article in the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).
# The article is in Arabic, and seems to tell that they will go back to
# winter time on 2008-11-01 at 00:00 local daylight time (delaying/setting
# clocks back 60 minutes).
# http://sana.sy/ara/2/2008/10/07/195459.htm

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-03-19):
# Syria will start DST on 2009-03-27 00:00 this year according to many sources,
# two examples:
# http://www.sana.sy/eng/21/2009/03/17/217563.htm
# (English, Syrian Arab News # Agency)
# http://thawra.alwehda.gov.sy/_View_news2.asp?FileName=94459258720090318012209
# (Arabic, gov-site)
# We have not found any sources saying anything about when DST ends this year.
# Our summary
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/syria-dst-starts-march-27-2009.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-10-27):
# The Syrian Arab News Network on 2009-09-29 reported that Syria will
# revert back to winter (standard) time on midnight between Thursday
# 2009-10-29 and Friday 2009-10-30:
# http://www.sana.sy/ara/2/2009/09/29/247012.htm (Arabic)

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-10-28):
# We'll see if future DST switching times turn out to be end of the last
# Thursday of the month or the start of the last Friday of the month or
# something else. For now, use the start of the last Friday.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-17):
# The "Syrian News Station" reported on 2010-03-16 that the Council of
# Ministers has decided that Syria will start DST on midnight Thursday
# 2010-04-01: (midnight between Thursday and Friday):
# http://sns.sy/sns/?path=news/read/11421 (Arabic)

# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-03-26):
# Today, Syria's government announced that they will start DST early on Friday
# (00:00). This is a bit earlier than the past two years.
# From Syrian Arab News Agency, in Arabic:
# http://www.sana.sy/ara/2/2012/03/26/408215.htm
# Our brief summary:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/syria-dst-2012.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-27):
# Assume last Friday in March going forward XXX.

Rule	Syria	2008	only	-	Apr	Fri>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	2008	only	-	Nov	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Syria	2009	only	-	Mar	lastFri	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	2010	2011	-	Apr	Fri>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	2012	max	-	Mar	lastFri	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Syria	2009	max	-	Oct	lastFri	0:00	0	-

Zone	Asia/Damascus	2:25:12 -	LMT	1920 # Dimashq
			2:00	Syria	EE%sT

# Tajikistan
# From Shanks & Pottenger.
Zone	Asia/Dushanbe	4:35:12 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			5:00	-	+05	1930 Jun 21
			6:00 RussiaAsia +06/+07	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			5:00	1:00	+05/+06	1991 Sep  9  2:00s
			5:00	-	+05

# Thailand
Zone	Asia/Bangkok	6:42:04	-	LMT	1880
			6:42:04	-	BMT	1920 Apr # Bangkok Mean Time
			7:00	-	ICT
Link Asia/Bangkok Asia/Phnom_Penh	# Cambodia
Link Asia/Bangkok Asia/Vientiane	# Laos

# Turkmenistan
# From Shanks & Pottenger.
Zone	Asia/Ashgabat	3:53:32 -	LMT	1924 May  2 # or Ashkhabad
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1991 Mar 31  2:00
			4:00 RussiaAsia	+04/+05	1992 Jan 19  2:00
			5:00	-	+05

# United Arab Emirates
Zone	Asia/Dubai	3:41:12 -	LMT	1920
			4:00	-	GST
Link Asia/Dubai Asia/Muscat	# Oman

# Uzbekistan
# Byalokoz 1919 says Uzbekistan was 4:27:53.
Zone	Asia/Samarkand	4:27:53 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			5:00	-	+05	1981 Apr  1
			5:00	1:00	+06	1981 Oct  1
			6:00	-	+06	1982 Apr  1
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1992
			5:00	-	+05
# Milne says Tashkent was 4:37:10.8; round to nearest.
Zone	Asia/Tashkent	4:37:11 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			5:00	-	+05	1930 Jun 21
			6:00 RussiaAsia	+06/+07	1991 Mar 31  2:00
			5:00 RussiaAsia	+05/+06	1992
			5:00	-	+05

# Vietnam

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-04):
# Milne gives 7:16:56 for the meridian of Saigon in 1899, as being
# used in Lower Laos, Cambodia, and Annam.  But this is quite a ways
# from Saigon's location.  For now, ignore this and stick with Shanks
# and Pottenger for LMT before 1906.

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-18):
# The English-language name of Vietnam's most populous city is "Ho Chi Minh
# City"; use Ho_Chi_Minh below to avoid a name of more than 14 characters.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-21) after a heads-up from Trần Ngọc Quân:
# Trần Tiến Bình's authoritative book "Lịch Việt Nam: thế kỷ XX-XXI (1901-2100)"
# (Nhà xuất bản Văn Hoá - Thông Tin, Hanoi, 2005), pp 49-50,
# is quoted verbatim in:
# http://www.thoigian.com.vn/?mPage=P80D01
# is translated by Brian Inglis in:
# http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2014-October/021654.html
# and is the basis for the information below.
# The 1906 transition was effective July 1 and standardized Indochina to
# Phù Liễn Observatory, legally 104 deg. 17'17" east of Paris.
# It's unclear whether this meant legal Paris Mean Time (00:09:21) or
# the Paris Meridian (2 deg. 20'14.03" E); the former yields 07:06:30.1333...
# and the latter 07:06:29.333... so either way it rounds to 07:06:30,
# which is used below even though the modern-day Phù Liễn Observatory
# is closer to 07:06:31.  Abbreviate Phù Liễn Mean Time as PLMT.
# The following transitions occurred in Indochina in general (before 1954)
# and in South Vietnam in particular (after 1954):
# To 07:00 on 1911-05-01.
# To 08:00 on 1942-12-31 at 23:00.
# To 09:00 in 1945-03-14 at 23:00.
# To 07:00 on 1945-09-02 in Vietnam.
# To 08:00 on 1947-04-01 in French-controlled Indochina.
# To 07:00 on 1955-07-01 in South Vietnam.
# To 08:00 on 1959-12-31 at 23:00 in South Vietnam.
# To 07:00 on 1975-06-13 in South Vietnam.
# Trần cites the following sources; it's unclear which supplied the info above.
# Hoàng Xuân Hãn: "Lịch và lịch Việt Nam". Tập san Khoa học Xã hội,
# No. 9, Paris, February 1982.
# Lê Thành Lân: "Lịch và niên biểu lịch sử hai mươi thế kỷ (0001-2010)",
# NXB Thống kê, Hanoi, 2000.
# Lê Thành Lân: "Lịch hai thế kỷ (1802-2010) và các lịch vĩnh cửu",
# NXB Thuận Hoá, Huế, 1995.

Zone Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh	7:06:40 -	LMT	1906 Jul  1
			7:06:30	-	PLMT	1911 May  1
			7:00	-	ICT	1942 Dec 31 23:00
			8:00	-	IDT	1945 Mar 14 23:00
			9:00	-	JST	1945 Sep  2
			7:00	-	ICT	1947 Apr  1
			8:00	-	IDT	1955 Jul  1
			7:00	-	ICT	1959 Dec 31 23:00
			8:00	-	IDT	1975 Jun 13
			7:00	-	ICT

# Yemen
# See Asia/Riyadh.
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file also includes Pacific islands.

# Notes are at the end of this file


# Australia

# Please see the notes below for the controversy about "EST" versus "AEST" etc.

Rule	Aus	1917	only	-	Jan	 1	0:01	1:00	D
Rule	Aus	1917	only	-	Mar	25	2:00	0	S
Rule	Aus	1942	only	-	Jan	 1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Aus	1942	only	-	Mar	29	2:00	0	S
Rule	Aus	1942	only	-	Sep	27	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Aus	1943	1944	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Aus	1943	only	-	Oct	 3	2:00	1:00	D
# Go with Whitman and the Australian National Standards Commission, which
# says W Australia didn't use DST in 1943/1944.  Ignore Whitman's claim that
# 1944/1945 was just like 1943/1944.

# Northern Territory
Zone Australia/Darwin	 8:43:20 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			 9:00	-	ACST	1899 May
			 9:30	Aus	AC%sT
# Western Australia
Rule	AW	1974	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AW	1975	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AW	1983	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AW	1984	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AW	1991	only	-	Nov	17	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AW	1992	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AW	2006	only	-	Dec	 3	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AW	2007	2009	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AW	2007	2008	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Zone Australia/Perth	 7:43:24 -	LMT	1895 Dec
			 8:00	Aus	AW%sT	1943 Jul
			 8:00	AW	AW%sT
Zone Australia/Eucla	 8:35:28 -	LMT	1895 Dec
			 8:45	Aus	ACW%sT	1943 Jul
			 8:45	AW	ACW%sT

# Queensland
# From Alex Livingston (1996-11-01):
# I have heard or read more than once that some resort islands off the coast
# of Queensland chose to keep observing daylight-saving time even after
# Queensland ceased to.
# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
# IATA SSIM (1993-02/1994-09) say that the Holiday Islands (Hayman, Lindeman,
# Hamilton) observed DST for two years after the rest of Queensland stopped.
# Hamilton is the largest, but there is also a Hamilton in Victoria,
# so use Lindeman.
# From J William Piggott (2016-02-20):
# There is no location named Holiday Islands in Queensland Australia; holiday
# islands is a colloquial term used globally.  Hayman and Lindeman are at the
# north and south extremes of the Whitsunday Islands archipelago, and
# Hamilton is in between; it is reasonable to believe that this time zone
# applies to all of the Whitsundays.
# http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/austn-islands
Rule	AQ	1971	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AQ	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AQ	1989	1991	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AQ	1990	1992	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Holiday	1992	1993	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Holiday	1993	1994	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Zone Australia/Brisbane	10:12:08 -	LMT	1895
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1971
			10:00	AQ	AE%sT
Zone Australia/Lindeman  9:55:56 -	LMT	1895
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1971
			10:00	AQ	AE%sT	1992 Jul
			10:00	Holiday	AE%sT

# South Australia
Rule	AS	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AS	1986	only	-	Oct	19	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AS	1987	2007	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AS	1972	only	-	Feb	27	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1973	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1991	only	-	Mar	3	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1992	only	-	Mar	22	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1993	only	-	Mar	7	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1994	only	-	Mar	20	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	1995	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	2006	only	-	Apr	2	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	2007	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AS	2008	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Zone Australia/Adelaide	9:14:20 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			9:00	-	ACST	1899 May
			9:30	Aus	AC%sT	1971
			9:30	AS	AC%sT

# Tasmania
# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-16):
# http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/dst_times.shtml
# says King Island didn't observe DST from WWII until late 1971.
Rule	AT	1967	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1968	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1968	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1969	1971	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1973	1981	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1982	1983	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1984	1986	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1986	only	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1987	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	1987	only	-	Oct	Sun>=22	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1988	1990	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1991	1999	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	1991	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	2000	only	-	Aug	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	2001	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AT	2006	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	2007	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AT	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Zone Australia/Hobart	9:49:16	-	LMT	1895 Sep
			10:00	-	AEST	1916 Oct  1  2:00
			10:00	1:00	AEDT	1917 Feb
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1967
			10:00	AT	AE%sT
Zone Australia/Currie	9:35:28	-	LMT	1895 Sep
			10:00	-	AEST	1916 Oct  1  2:00
			10:00	1:00	AEDT	1917 Feb
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1971 Jul
			10:00	AT	AE%sT

# Victoria
Rule	AV	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AV	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	1973	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	1986	1987	-	Oct	Sun>=15	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AV	1988	1999	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AV	1991	1994	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	1995	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	2000	only	-	Aug	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AV	2001	2007	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AV	2006	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	2007	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AV	2008	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Zone Australia/Melbourne 9:39:52 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1971
			10:00	AV	AE%sT

# New South Wales
Rule	AN	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AN	1972	only	-	Feb	27	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1973	1981	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1982	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1983	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1986	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1986	only	-	Oct	19	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AN	1987	1999	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AN	1990	1995	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	1996	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	2000	only	-	Aug	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AN	2001	2007	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	AN	2006	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	2007	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	AN	2008	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Zone Australia/Sydney	10:04:52 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1971
			10:00	AN	AE%sT
Zone Australia/Broken_Hill 9:25:48 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			10:00	-	AEST	1896 Aug 23
			9:00	-	ACST	1899 May
			9:30	Aus	AC%sT	1971
			9:30	AN	AC%sT	2000
			9:30	AS	AC%sT

# Lord Howe Island
Rule	LH	1981	1984	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	LH	1982	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	1985	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0:30	D
Rule	LH	1986	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	1986	only	-	Oct	19	2:00	0:30	D
Rule	LH	1987	1999	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0:30	D
Rule	LH	1990	1995	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	1996	2005	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	2000	only	-	Aug	lastSun	2:00	0:30	D
Rule	LH	2001	2007	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0:30	D
Rule	LH	2006	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	2007	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Rule	LH	2008	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	0:30	D
Zone Australia/Lord_Howe 10:36:20 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			10:00	-	AEST	1981 Mar
			10:30	LH	LH%sT

# Australian miscellany
# Ashmore Is, Cartier
# no indigenous inhabitants; only seasonal caretakers
# no times are set
# Coral Sea Is
# no indigenous inhabitants; only meteorologists
# no times are set
# Macquarie
# Permanent occupation (scientific station) 1911-1915 and since 25 March 1948;
# sealing and penguin oil station operated Nov 1899 to Apr 1919.  See the
# Tasmania Parks & Wildlife Service history of sealing at Macquarie Island
# http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=1828
# http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=1831
# Guess that it was like Australia/Hobart while inhabited before 2010.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-10):
# We got these changes from the Australian Antarctic Division:
# - Macquarie Island will stay on UTC+11 for winter and therefore not
# switch back from daylight savings time when other parts of Australia do
# on 4 April.
# From Arthur David Olson (2013-05-23):
# The 1919 transition is overspecified below so pre-2013 zics
# will produce a binary file with an [A]EST-type as the first 32-bit type;
# this is required for correct handling of times before 1916 by
# pre-2013 versions of localtime.
Zone Antarctica/Macquarie 0	-	-00	1899 Nov
			10:00	-	AEST	1916 Oct  1  2:00
			10:00	1:00	AEDT	1917 Feb
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1919 Apr  1  0:00s
			0	-	-00	1948 Mar 25
			10:00	Aus	AE%sT	1967
			10:00	AT	AE%sT	2010 Apr  4  3:00
			11:00	-	MIST	# Macquarie I Standard Time

# Christmas
Zone Indian/Christmas	7:02:52 -	LMT	1895 Feb
			7:00	-	CXT	# Christmas Island Time

# Cocos (Keeling) Is
# These islands were ruled by the Ross family from about 1830 to 1978.
# We don't know when standard time was introduced; for now, we guess 1900.
Zone	Indian/Cocos	6:27:40	-	LMT	1900
			6:30	-	CCT	# Cocos Islands Time

# Fiji

# Milne gives 11:55:44 for Suva.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-11-10):
# According to Fiji Broadcasting Corporation,  Fiji plans to re-introduce DST
# from November 29th 2009  to April 25th 2010.
# "Daylight savings to commence this month"
# http://www.radiofiji.com.fj/fullstory.php?id=23719
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_fiji01.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-11-10):
# The Fiji Government has posted some more details about the approved
# amendments:
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/publish/page_16198.shtml

# From Steffen Thorsen (2010-03-03):
# The Cabinet in Fiji has decided to end DST about a month early, on
# 2010-03-28 at 03:00.
# The plan is to observe DST again, from 2010-10-24 to sometime in March
# 2011 (last Sunday a good guess?).
# Official source:
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1096:3310-cabinet-approves-change-in-daylight-savings-dates&catid=49:cabinet-releases&Itemid=166
# A bit more background info here:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/fiji-dst-ends-march-2010.html

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-10-24):
# According to Radio Fiji and Fiji Times online, Fiji will end DST 3
# weeks earlier than expected - on March 6, 2011, not March 27, 2011...
# Here is confirmation from Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands,
# Ministry of Information (fiji.gov.fj) web site:
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2608:daylight-savings&catid=71:press-releases&Itemid=155
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_fiji04.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-10-03):
# Now the dates have been confirmed, and at least our start date
# assumption was correct (end date was one week wrong).
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4966:daylight-saving-starts-in-fiji&catid=71:press-releases&Itemid=155
# which says
# Members of the public are reminded to change their time to one hour in
# advance at 2am to 3am on October 23, 2011 and one hour back at 3am to
# 2am on February 26 next year.

# From Ken Rylander (2011-10-24)
# Another change to the Fiji DST end date. In the TZ database the end date for
# Fiji DST 2012, is currently Feb 26. This has been changed to Jan 22.
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5017:amendments-to-daylight-savings&catid=71:press-releases&Itemid=155
# states:
# The end of daylight saving scheduled initially for the 26th of February 2012
# has been brought forward to the 22nd of January 2012.
# The commencement of daylight saving will remain unchanged and start
# on the  23rd of October, 2011.

# From the Fiji Government Online Portal (2012-08-21) via Steffen Thorsen:
# The Minister for Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Mr Jone Usamate
# today confirmed that Fiji will start daylight savings at 2 am on Sunday 21st
# October 2012 and end at 3 am on Sunday 20th January 2013.
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6702&catid=71&Itemid=155

# From the Fijian Government Media Center (2013-08-30) via David Wheeler:
# Fiji will start daylight savings on Sunday 27th October, 2013 ...
# move clocks forward by one hour from 2am
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/Press-Releases/DAYLIGHT-SAVING-STARTS-ON-SUNDAY,-27th-OCTOBER-201.aspx

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-01-10):
# Fiji will end DST on 2014-01-19 02:00:
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/Press-Releases/DAYLIGHT-SAVINGS-TO-END-THIS-MONTH-%281%29.aspx

# From Ken Rylander (2014-10-20):
# DST will start Nov. 2 this year.
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/Press-Releases/DAYLIGHT-SAVING-STARTS-ON-SUNDAY,-NOVEMBER-2ND.aspx

# From a government order dated 2015-08-26 and published as Legal Notice No. 77
# in the Government of Fiji Gazette Supplement No. 24 (2015-08-28),
# via Ken Rylander (2015-09-02):
# the daylight saving period is 1 hour in advance of the standard time
# commencing at 2.00 am on Sunday 1st November, 2015 and ending at
# 3.00 am on Sunday 17th January, 2016.

# From Raymond Kumar (2016-10-04):
# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/Media-Center/Press-Releases/DAYLIGHT-SAVING-STARTS-ON-6th-NOVEMBER,-2016.aspx
# "Fiji's daylight savings will begin on Sunday, 6 November 2016, when
# clocks go forward an hour at 2am to 3am....  Daylight Saving will
# end at 3.00am on Sunday 15th January 2017."

# From Paul Eggert (2016-10-03):
# For now, guess DST from 02:00 the first Sunday in November to
# 03:00 the third Sunday in January.  Although ad hoc, it matches
# transitions since late 2014 and seems more likely to match future
# practice than guessing no DST.

Rule	Fiji	1998	1999	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Fiji	1999	2000	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	Fiji	2009	only	-	Nov	29	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Fiji	2010	only	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	-
Rule	Fiji	2010	2013	-	Oct	Sun>=21	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Fiji	2011	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	-
Rule	Fiji	2012	2013	-	Jan	Sun>=18	3:00	0	-
Rule	Fiji	2014	only	-	Jan	Sun>=18	2:00	0	-
Rule	Fiji	2014	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Fiji	2015	max	-	Jan	Sun>=15	3:00	0	-
Zone	Pacific/Fiji	11:55:44 -	LMT	1915 Oct 26 # Suva
			12:00	Fiji	FJ%sT	# Fiji Time

# French Polynesia
Zone	Pacific/Gambier	 -8:59:48 -	LMT	1912 Oct # Rikitea
			 -9:00	-	GAMT	# Gambier Time
Zone	Pacific/Marquesas -9:18:00 -	LMT	1912 Oct
			 -9:30	-	MART	# Marquesas Time
Zone	Pacific/Tahiti	 -9:58:16 -	LMT	1912 Oct # Papeete
			-10:00	-	TAHT	# Tahiti Time
# Clipperton (near North America) is administered from French Polynesia;
# it is uninhabited.

# Guam
Zone	Pacific/Guam	-14:21:00 -	LMT	1844 Dec 31
			 9:39:00 -	LMT	1901        # Agana
			10:00	-	GST	2000 Dec 23 # Guam
			10:00	-	ChST	# Chamorro Standard Time
Link Pacific/Guam Pacific/Saipan # N Mariana Is

# Kiribati
Zone Pacific/Tarawa	 11:32:04 -	LMT	1901 # Bairiki
			 12:00	-	GILT	# Gilbert Is Time
Zone Pacific/Enderbury	-11:24:20 -	LMT	1901
			-12:00	-	PHOT	1979 Oct # Phoenix Is Time
			-11:00	-	PHOT	1995
			 13:00	-	PHOT
Zone Pacific/Kiritimati	-10:29:20 -	LMT	1901
			-10:40	-	LINT	1979 Oct # Line Is Time
			-10:00	-	LINT	1995
			 14:00	-	LINT

# N Mariana Is
# See Pacific/Guam.

# Marshall Is
Zone Pacific/Majuro	11:24:48 -	LMT	1901
			11:00	-	MHT	1969 Oct # Marshall Islands Time
			12:00	-	MHT
Zone Pacific/Kwajalein	11:09:20 -	LMT	1901
			11:00	-	MHT	1969 Oct
			-12:00	-	KWAT	1993 Aug 20 # Kwajalein Time
			12:00	-	MHT

# Micronesia
Zone Pacific/Chuuk	10:07:08 -	LMT	1901
			10:00	-	CHUT	# Chuuk Time
Zone Pacific/Pohnpei	10:32:52 -	LMT	1901 # Kolonia
			11:00	-	PONT	# Pohnpei Time
Zone Pacific/Kosrae	10:51:56 -	LMT	1901
			11:00	-	KOST	1969 Oct # Kosrae Time
			12:00	-	KOST	1999
			11:00	-	KOST

# Nauru
Zone	Pacific/Nauru	11:07:40 -	LMT	1921 Jan 15 # Uaobe
			11:30	-	NRT	1942 Mar 15 # Nauru Time
			9:00	-	JST	1944 Aug 15
			11:30	-	NRT	1979 May
			12:00	-	NRT

# New Caledonia
Rule	NC	1977	1978	-	Dec	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	NC	1978	1979	-	Feb	27	0:00	0	-
Rule	NC	1996	only	-	Dec	 1	2:00s	1:00	S
# Shanks & Pottenger say the following was at 2:00; go with IATA.
Rule	NC	1997	only	-	Mar	 2	2:00s	0	-
Zone	Pacific/Noumea	11:05:48 -	LMT	1912 Jan 13 # Nouméa
			11:00	NC	NC%sT


# New Zealand

Rule	NZ	1927	only	-	Nov	 6	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	NZ	1928	only	-	Mar	 4	2:00	0	M
Rule	NZ	1928	1933	-	Oct	Sun>=8	2:00	0:30	S
Rule	NZ	1929	1933	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00	0	M
Rule	NZ	1934	1940	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	0	M
Rule	NZ	1934	1940	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0:30	S
Rule	NZ	1946	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	0	S
# Since 1957 Chatham has been 45 minutes ahead of NZ, but there's no
# convenient single notation for the date and time of this transition
# so we must duplicate the Rule lines.
Rule	NZ	1974	only	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Chatham	1974	only	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:45s	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	1975	only	-	Feb	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Chatham	1975	only	-	Feb	lastSun	2:45s	0	S
Rule	NZ	1975	1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Chatham	1975	1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:45s	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	1976	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Chatham	1976	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=1	2:45s	0	S
Rule	NZ	1989	only	-	Oct	Sun>=8	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Chatham	1989	only	-	Oct	Sun>=8	2:45s	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	1990	2006	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Chatham	1990	2006	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:45s	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	1990	2007	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Chatham	1990	2007	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:45s	0	S
Rule	NZ	2007	max	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Chatham	2007	max	-	Sep	lastSun	2:45s	1:00	D
Rule	NZ	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Chatham	2008	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:45s	0	S
Zone Pacific/Auckland	11:39:04 -	LMT	1868 Nov  2
			11:30	NZ	NZ%sT	1946 Jan  1
			12:00	NZ	NZ%sT
Zone Pacific/Chatham	12:13:48 -	LMT	1868 Nov  2
			12:15	-	CHAST	1946 Jan  1
			12:45	Chatham	CHA%sT

Link Pacific/Auckland Antarctica/McMurdo

# Auckland Is
# uninhabited; Māori and Moriori, colonial settlers, pastoralists, sealers,
# and scientific personnel have wintered

# Campbell I
# minor whaling stations operated 1909/1914
# scientific station operated 1941/1995;
# previously whalers, sealers, pastoralists, and scientific personnel wintered
# was probably like Pacific/Auckland

# Cook Is
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
Rule	Cook	1978	only	-	Nov	12	0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Cook	1979	1991	-	Mar	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Cook	1979	1990	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0:30	HS
Zone Pacific/Rarotonga	-10:39:04 -	LMT	1901        # Avarua
			-10:30	-	CKT	1978 Nov 12 # Cook Is Time
			-10:00	Cook	CK%sT


# Niue
Zone	Pacific/Niue	-11:19:40 -	LMT	1901        # Alofi
			-11:20	-	NUT	1951        # Niue Time
			-11:30	-	NUT	1978 Oct  1
			-11:00	-	NUT

# Norfolk
Zone	Pacific/Norfolk	11:11:52 -	LMT	1901 # Kingston
			11:12	-	NMT	1951 # Norfolk Mean Time
			11:30	-	NFT	1974 Oct 27 02:00 # Norfolk T.
			11:30	1:00	NFST	1975 Mar  2 02:00
			11:30	-	NFT	2015 Oct  4 02:00
			11:00	-	NFT

# Palau (Belau)
Zone Pacific/Palau	8:57:56 -	LMT	1901 # Koror
			9:00	-	PWT	# Palau Time

# Papua New Guinea
Zone Pacific/Port_Moresby 9:48:40 -	LMT	1880
			9:48:32	-	PMMT	1895 # Port Moresby Mean Time
			10:00	-	PGT	# Papua New Guinea Time
# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-13):
# Base the Bougainville entry on the Arawa-Kieta region, which appears to have
# the most people even though it was devastated in the Bougainville Civil War.
# Although Shanks gives 1942-03-15 / 1943-11-01 for UT +09, these dates
# are apparently rough guesswork from the starts of military campaigns.
# The World War II entries below are instead based on Arawa-Kieta.
# The Japanese occupied Kieta in July 1942,
# according to the Pacific War Online Encyclopedia
# http://pwencycl.kgbudge.com/B/o/Bougainville.htm
# and seem to have controlled it until their 1945-08-21 surrender.
# The Autonomous Region of Bougainville switched from UT +10 to +11
# on 2014-12-28 at 02:00.  They call +11 "Bougainville Standard Time";
# abbreviate this as BST.  See:
# http://www.bougainville24.com/bougainville-issues/bougainville-gets-own-timezone/
Zone Pacific/Bougainville 10:22:16 -	LMT	1880
			 9:48:32 -	PMMT	1895
			10:00	-	PGT	1942 Jul
			 9:00	-	JST	1945 Aug 21
			10:00	-	PGT	2014 Dec 28  2:00
			11:00	-	BST

# Pitcairn
Zone Pacific/Pitcairn	-8:40:20 -	LMT	1901        # Adamstown
			-8:30	-	PNT	1998 Apr 27  0:00
			-8:00	-	PST	# Pitcairn Standard Time

# American Samoa
Zone Pacific/Pago_Pago	 12:37:12 -	LMT	1879 Jul  5
			-11:22:48 -	LMT	1911
			-11:00	-	NST	1967 Apr    # N=Nome
			-11:00	-	BST	1983 Nov 30 # B=Bering
			-11:00	-	SST	            # S=Samoa
Link Pacific/Pago_Pago Pacific/Midway # in US minor outlying islands

# Samoa (formerly and also known as Western Samoa)

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-10-16):
# We have been in contact with the government of Samoa again, and received
# the following info:
# "Cabinet has now approved Daylight Saving to be effected next year
# commencing from the last Sunday of September 2010 and conclude first
# Sunday of April 2011."
# Background info:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/samoa-dst-plan-2009.html
# Samoa's Daylight Saving Time Act 2009 is available here, but does not
# contain any dates:
# http://www.parliament.gov.ws/documents/acts/Daylight%20Saving%20Act%20%202009%20%28English%29%20-%20Final%207-7-091.pdf

# From Laupue Raymond Hughes (2010-10-07):
# Please see
# http://www.mcil.gov.ws
# the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour (sideframe) "Last Sunday
# September 2010 (26/09/10) - adjust clocks forward from 12:00 midnight
# to 01:00am and First Sunday April 2011 (03/04/11) - adjust clocks
# backwards from 1:00am to 12:00am"

# From Laupue Raymond Hughes (2011-03-07):
# [http://www.mcil.gov.ws/ftcd/daylight_saving_2011.pdf]
# ... when the standard time strikes the hour of four o'clock (4.00am
# or 0400 Hours) on the 2nd April 2011, then all instruments used to
# measure standard time are to be adjusted/changed to three o'clock
# (3:00am or 0300Hrs).

# From David Zülke (2011-05-09):
# Subject: Samoa to move timezone from east to west of international date line
# http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/markets/newsfeeditem.aspx?id=138501958347963

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-27):
# The International Date Line Act 2011
# http://www.parliament.gov.ws/images/ACTS/International_Date_Line_Act__2011_-_Eng.pdf
# changed Samoa from UT -11 to +13, effective "12 o'clock midnight, on
# Thursday 29th December 2011".  The International Date Line was adjusted
# accordingly.

# From Laupue Raymond Hughes (2011-09-02):
# http://www.mcil.gov.ws/mcil_publications.html
# here is the official website publication for Samoa DST and dateline change
# Year  End      Time              Start        Time
# 2011  - - -    - - -             24 September 3:00am to 4:00am
# 2012  01 April 4:00am to 3:00am  - - -        - - -
# Dateline Change skip Friday 30th Dec 2011
# Thursday 29th December 2011	23:59:59 Hours
# Saturday 31st December 2011	00:00:00 Hours
# From Nicholas Pereira (2012-09-10):
# Daylight Saving Time commences on Sunday 30th September 2012 and
# ends on Sunday 7th of April 2013....
# http://www.mcil.gov.ws/mcil_publications.html
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-08):
# That web page currently lists transitions for 2012/3 and 2013/4.
# Assume the pattern instituted in 2012 will continue indefinitely.

Rule	WS	2010	only	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	1	D
Rule	WS	2011	only	-	Apr	Sat>=1	4:00	0	S
Rule	WS	2011	only	-	Sep	lastSat	3:00	1	D
Rule	WS	2012	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	4:00	0	S
Rule	WS	2012	max	-	Sep	lastSun	3:00	1	D
Zone Pacific/Apia	 12:33:04 -	LMT	1879 Jul  5
			-11:26:56 -	LMT	1911
			-11:30	-	WSST	1950
			-11:00	WS	S%sT	2011 Dec 29 24:00 # S=Samoa
			 13:00	WS	WS%sT

# Solomon Is
# excludes Bougainville, for which see Papua New Guinea
Zone Pacific/Guadalcanal 10:39:48 -	LMT	1912 Oct # Honiara
			11:00	-	SBT	# Solomon Is Time

# Tokelau Is
# From Gwillim Law (2011-12-29)
# A correspondent informed me that Tokelau, like Samoa, will be skipping
# December 31 this year ...
# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-07-25)
# ... we double checked by calling hotels and offices based in Tokelau asking
# about the time there, and they all told a time that agrees with UTC+13....
# Shanks says UTC-10 from 1901 [but] ... there is a good chance the change
# actually was to UTC-11 back then.
# From Paul Eggert (2012-07-25)
# A Google Books snippet of Appendix to the Journals of the House of
# Representatives of New Zealand, Session 1948,
# <http://books.google.com/books?id=ZaVCAQAAIAAJ>, page 65, says Tokelau
# was "11 hours slow on G.M.T."  Go with Thorsen and assume Shanks & Pottenger
# are off by an hour starting in 1901.

Zone	Pacific/Fakaofo	-11:24:56 -	LMT	1901
			-11:00	-	TKT	2011 Dec 30 # Tokelau Time
			13:00	-	TKT

# Tonga
Rule	Tonga	1999	only	-	Oct	 7	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Tonga	2000	only	-	Mar	19	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Tonga	2000	2001	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tonga	2001	2002	-	Jan	lastSun	2:00	0	-
Rule	Tonga	2016	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Tonga	2017	max	-	Jan	Sun>=15	3:00	0	-
Zone Pacific/Tongatapu	12:19:20 -	LMT	1901
			12:20	-	+1220	1941
			13:00	-	+13	1999
			13:00	Tonga	+13/+14

# Tuvalu
Zone Pacific/Funafuti	11:56:52 -	LMT	1901
			12:00	-	TVT	# Tuvalu Time

# US minor outlying islands

# Howland, Baker
# Howland was mined for guano by American companies 1857-1878 and British
# 1886-1891; Baker was similar but exact dates are not known.
# Inhabited by civilians 1935-1942; U.S. military bases 1943-1944;
# uninhabited thereafter.
# Howland observed Hawaii Standard Time (UT -10:30) in 1937;
# see page 206 of Elgen M. Long and Marie K. Long,
# Amelia Earhart: the Mystery Solved, Simon & Schuster (2000).
# So most likely Howland and Baker observed Hawaii Time from 1935
# until they were abandoned after the war.

# Jarvis
# Mined for guano by American companies 1857-1879 and British 1883?-1891?.
# Inhabited by civilians 1935-1942; IGY scientific base 1957-1958;
# uninhabited thereafter.
# no information; was probably like Pacific/Kiritimati

# Johnston
# From Paul Eggert (2014-03-11):
# Sometimes Johnston kept Hawaii time, and sometimes it was an hour behind.
# Details are uncertain.  We have no data for Johnston after 1970, so
# treat it like Hawaii for now.
# In his memoirs of June 6th to October 4, 1945
# <http://www.315bw.org/Herb_Bach.htm> (2005), Herbert C. Bach writes,
# "We started our letdown to Kwajalein Atoll and landed there at 5:00 AM
# Johnston time, 1:30 AM Kwajalein time."  This was in June 1945, and
# confirms that Johnston kept the same time as Honolulu in summer 1945.
# From Lyle McElhaney (2014-03-11):
# [W]hen JI was being used for that [atomic bomb] testing, the time being used
# was not Hawaiian time but rather the same time being used on the ships,
# which had a GMT offset of -11 hours.  This apparently applied to at least the
# time from Operation Newsreel (Hardtack I/Teak shot, 1958-08-01) to the last
# Operation Fishbowl shot (Tightrope, 1962-11-04).... [See] Herman Hoerlin,
# "The United States High-Altitude Test Experience: A Review Emphasizing the
# Impact on the Environment", Los Alamos LA-6405, Oct 1976.
# http://www.fas.org/sgp/othergov/doe/lanl/docs1/00322994.pdf
# See the table on page 4 where he lists GMT and local times for the tests; a
# footnote for the JI tests reads that local time is "JI time = Hawaii Time
# Minus One Hour".
# See 'northamerica' for Pacific/Johnston.

# Kingman
# uninhabited

# Midway
# See Pacific/Pago_Pago.

# Palmyra
# uninhabited since World War II; was probably like Pacific/Kiritimati

# Wake
Zone	Pacific/Wake	11:06:28 -	LMT	1901
			12:00	-	WAKT	# Wake Time

# Vanuatu
Rule	Vanuatu	1983	only	-	Sep	25	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Vanuatu	1984	1991	-	Mar	Sun>=23	0:00	0	-
Rule	Vanuatu	1984	only	-	Oct	23	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Vanuatu	1985	1991	-	Sep	Sun>=23	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Vanuatu	1992	1993	-	Jan	Sun>=23	0:00	0	-
Rule	Vanuatu	1992	only	-	Oct	Sun>=23	0:00	1:00	S
Zone	Pacific/Efate	11:13:16 -	LMT	1912 Jan 13 # Vila
			11:00	Vanuatu	VU%sT	# Vanuatu Time

# Wallis and Futuna
Zone	Pacific/Wallis	12:15:20 -	LMT	1901
			12:00	-	WFT	# Wallis & Futuna Time



# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-31):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
# I found in the UCLA library.
# For data circa 1899, a common source is:
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# I invented the abbreviations marked '*' in the following table;
# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
# Corrections are welcome!
#		std	dst
#		LMT		Local Mean Time
#	  8:00	AWST	AWDT	Western Australia
#	  8:45	ACWST	ACWDT	Central Western Australia*
#	  9:00	JST		Japan
#	  9:30	ACST	ACDT	Central Australia
#	 10:00	AEST	AEDT	Eastern Australia
#	 10:00	ChST		Chamorro
#	 10:30	LHST	LHDT	Lord Howe*
#	 11:00	BST		Bougainville*
#	 11:30	NZMT	NZST	New Zealand through 1945
#	 12:00	NZST	NZDT	New Zealand 1946-present
#	 12:15	CHAST		Chatham through 1945*
#	 12:45	CHAST	CHADT	Chatham 1946-present*
#	 13:00	WSST	WSDT	(western) Samoa 2011-present*
#	-11:30	WSST		Western Samoa through 1950*
#	-11:00	SST		Samoa
#	-10:00	HST		Hawaii
#	- 8:00	PST		Pitcairn*
# See the 'northamerica' file for Hawaii.
# See the 'southamerica' file for Easter I and the Galápagos Is.


# Australia

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# Daylight saving time has long been controversial in Australia, pitting
# region against region, rural against urban, and local against global.
# For example, in her review of Graeme Davison's _The Unforgiving
# Minute: how Australians learned to tell the time_ (1993), Perth native
# Phillipa J Martyr wrote, "The section entitled 'Saving Daylight' was
# very informative, but was (as can, sadly, only be expected from a
# Melbourne-based study) replete with the usual chuckleheaded
# Queenslanders and straw-chewing yokels from the West prattling fables
# about fading curtains and crazed farm animals."
# Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History (1997-03-03)
# http://www.jcu.edu.au/aff/history/reviews/davison.htm

# From Paul Eggert (2005-12-08):
# Implementation Dates of Daylight Saving Time within Australia
# http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/dst_times.shtml
# summarizes daylight saving issues in Australia.

# From Arthur David Olson (2005-12-12):
# Lawlink NSW:Daylight Saving in New South Wales
# http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/Corporate/ll_agdinfo.nsf/pages/community_relations_daylight_saving
# covers New South Wales in particular.

# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
# We in Australia have _never_ referred to DST as 'daylight' time.
# It is called 'summer' time.  Now by a happy coincidence, 'summer'
# and 'standard' happen to start with the same letter; hence, the
# abbreviation does _not_ change...
# The legislation does not actually define abbreviations, at least
# in this State, but the abbreviation is just commonly taken to be the
# initials of the phrase, and the legislation here uniformly uses
# the phrase 'summer time' and does not use the phrase 'daylight
# time'.
# Announcers on the Commonwealth radio network, the ABC (for Australian
# Broadcasting Commission), use the phrases 'Eastern Standard Time'
# or 'Eastern Summer Time'.  (Note, though, that as I say in the
# current australasia file, there is really no such thing.)  Announcers
# on its overseas service, Radio Australia, use the same phrases
# prefixed by the word 'Australian' when referring to local times;
# time announcements on that service, naturally enough, are made in UTC.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-30):
# Inspired by Mackin's remarks quoted above, earlier versions of this
# file used "EST" for both Eastern Standard Time and Eastern Summer
# Time in Australia, and similarly for "CST", "CWST", and "WST".
# However, these abbreviations were confusing and were not common
# practice among Australians, and there were justifiable complaints
# about them, so I attempted to survey current Australian usage.
# For the tz database, the full English phrase is not that important;
# what matters is the abbreviation.  It's difficult to survey the web
# directly for abbreviation usage, as there are so many false hits for
# strings like "EST" and "EDT", so I looked for pages that defined an
# abbreviation for eastern or central DST in Australia, and got the
# following numbers of unique hits for the listed Google queries:
#   10 "Eastern Daylight Time AEST" site:au [some are false hits]
#   10 "Eastern Summer Time AEST" site:au
#   10 "Summer Time AEDT" site:au
#   13 "EDST Eastern Daylight Saving Time" site:au
#   18 "Summer Time ESST" site:au
#   28 "Eastern Daylight Saving Time EDST" site:au
#   39 "EDT Eastern Daylight Time" site:au [some are false hits]
#   53 "Eastern Daylight Time EDT" site:au [some are false hits]
#   54 "AEDT Australian Eastern Daylight Time" site:au
#  182 "Eastern Daylight Time AEDT" site:au
#   17 "Central Daylight Time CDT" site:au [some are false hits]
#   46 "Central Daylight Time ACDT" site:au
# I tried several other variants (e.g., "Eastern Summer Time EST") but
# they all returned fewer than 10 unique hits.  I also looked for pages
# mentioning both "western standard time" and an abbreviation, since
# there is no WST in the US to generate false hits, and found:
#  156 "western standard time" AWST site:au
#  226 "western standard time" WST site:au
# I then surveyed the top ten newspapers in Australia by circulation as
# listed in Wikipedia, using Google queries like "AEDT site:heraldsun.com.au"
# and obtaining estimated counts from the initial page of search results.
# All ten papers greatly preferred "AEDT" to "EDT".  The papers
# surveyed were the Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph, The Courier-Mail,
# The Sydney Morning Herald, The West Australian, The Age, The Advertiser,
# The Australian, The Financial Review, and The Herald (Newcastle).
# I also searched for historical usage, to see whether abbreviations
# like "AEDT" are new.  A Trove search <http://trove.nla.gov.au/>
# found only one newspaper (The Canberra Times) with a house style
# dating back to the 1970s, I expect because other newspapers weren't
# fully indexed.  The Canberra Times strongly preferred abbreviations
# like "AEDT".  The first occurrence of "AEDT" was a World Weather
# column (1971-11-17, page 24), and of "ACDT" was a Scoreboard column
# (1993-01-24, p 16).  The style was the typical usage but was not
# strictly enforced; for example, "Welcome to the twilight zones ..."
# (1994-10-29, p 1) uses the abbreviations AEST/AEDT, CST/CDT, and
# WST, and goes on to say, "The confusion and frustration some feel
# about the lack of uniformity among Australia's six states and two
# territories has prompted one group to form its very own political
# party -- the Sydney-based Daylight Saving Extension Party."
# I also surveyed federal government sources.  They did not agree:
#   The Australian Government (2014-03-26)
#   http://australia.gov.au/about-australia/our-country/time
#   (This document was produced by the Department of Finance.)
#   Bureau of Meteorology (2012-11-08)
#   http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/daysavtm.shtml
#   Civil Aviation Safety Authority (undated)
#   http://services.casa.gov.au/outnback/inc/pages/episode3/episode-3_time_zones.shtml
#   EST CST WST (no abbreviations given for DST)
#   Geoscience Australia (2011-11-24)
#   http://www.ga.gov.au/geodesy/astro/sunrise.jsp
#   Parliamentary Library (2008-11-10)
#   http://www.aph.gov.au/binaries/library/pubs/rp/2008-09/09rp14.pdf
#   EST CST WST preferred for standard time; AEST AEDT ACST ACDT also used
#   The Transport Safety Bureau has an extensive series of accident reports,
#   and investigators seem to use whatever abbreviation they like.
#   Googling site:atsb.gov.au found the following number of unique hits:
#   311 "ESuT", 195 "EDT", 26 "AEDT", 83 "CSuT", 46 "CDT".
#   "_SuT" tended to appear in older reports, and "A_DT" tended to
#   appear in reports of events with international implications.
# From the above it appears that there is a working consensus in
# Australia to use trailing "DT" for daylight saving time; although
# some sources use trailing "SST" or "ST" or "SuT" they are by far in
# the minority.  The case for leading "A" is weaker, but since it
# seems to be preferred in the overall web and is preferred in all
# the leading newspaper websites and in many government departments,
# it has a stronger case than omitting the leading "A".  The current
# version of the database therefore uses abbreviations like "AEST" and
# "AEDT" for Australian time zones.

# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
# Shanks & Pottenger report 2:00 for all autumn changes in Australia and NZ.
# Mark Prior writes that his newspaper
# reports that NSW's fall 1995 change will occur at 2:00,
# but Robert Elz says it's been 3:00 in Victoria since 1970
# and perhaps the newspaper's '2:00' is referring to standard time.
# For now we'll continue to assume 2:00s for changes since 1960.

# From Eric Ulevik (1998-01-05):
# Here are some URLs to Australian time legislation. These URLs are stable,
# and should probably be included in the data file. There are probably more
# relevant entries in this database.
# NSW (including LHI and Broken Hill):
# Standard Time Act 1987 (updated 1995-04-04)
# http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/sta1987137/index.html
# Standard Time and Summer Time Act 1972
# http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/act/consol_act/stasta1972279/index.html
# SA
# Standard Time Act, 1898
# http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/sa/consol_act/sta1898137/index.html

# From David Grosz (2005-06-13):
# It was announced last week that Daylight Saving would be extended by
# one week next year to allow for the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
# Daylight Saving is now to end for next year only on the first Sunday
# in April instead of the last Sunday in March.
# From Gwillim Law (2005-06-14):
# I did some Googling and found that all of those states (and territory) plan
# to extend DST together in 2006.
# ACT: http://www.cmd.act.gov.au/mediareleases/fileread.cfm?file=86.txt
# New South Wales: http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,15538869%255E1702,00.html
# South Australia: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15555031-1246,00.html
# Tasmania: http://www.media.tas.gov.au/release.php?id=14772
# Victoria: I wasn't able to find anything separate, but the other articles
# allude to it.
# But not Queensland
# http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15564030-1248,00.html

# Northern Territory

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# # The NORTHERN TERRITORY..  [ Courtesy N.T. Dept of the Chief Minister ]
# #					[ Nov 1990 ]
# #	N.T. have never utilised any DST due to sub-tropical/tropical location.
# ...
# Zone        Australia/North         9:30    -       CST

# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# the Northern Territory do[es] not have daylight saving.

# Western Australia

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# #  The state of WESTERN AUSTRALIA..  [ Courtesy W.A. dept Premier+Cabinet ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]
# #	W.A. suffers from a great deal of public and political opposition to
# #	DST in principle. A bill is brought before parliament in most years, but
# #	usually defeated either in the upper house, or in party caucus
# #	before reaching parliament.
# ...
# Zone	Australia/West		8:00	AW	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AW	1974	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AW	1975	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	W
# Rule	AW	1983	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AW	1984	only	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	W

# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# Western Australia...do[es] not have daylight saving.

# From John D. Newman via Bradley White (1991-11-02):
# Western Australia is still on "winter time". Some DH in Sydney
# rang me at home a few days ago at 6.00am. (He had just arrived at
# work at 9.00am.)
# W.A. is switching to Summer Time on Nov 17th just to confuse
# everybody again.

# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
# The 1992 ending date used in the rules is a best guess;
# it matches what was used in the past.

# The Australian Bureau of Meteorology FAQ
# http://www.bom.gov.au/faq/faqgen.htm
# (1999-09-27) writes that Giles Meteorological Station uses
# South Australian time even though it's located in Western Australia.

# Queensland
# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# #   The state of QUEENSLAND.. [ Courtesy Qld. Dept Premier Econ&Trade Devel ]
# #						[ Dec 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/Queensland	10:00	AQ	%sST
# ...
# Rule	AQ	1971	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AQ	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	E
# Rule	AQ	1989	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	AQ	1990	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	E

# From Bradley White (1989-12-24):
# "Australia/Queensland" now observes daylight time (i.e. from
# October 1989).

# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...Queensland...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
# I can certainly confirm for my part that Daylight Saving in NSW did in fact
# end on Sunday, 3 March.  I don't know at what hour, though.  (It surprised
# me.)

# From Bradley White (1992-03-08):
# ...there was recently a referendum in Queensland which resulted
# in the experimental daylight saving system being abandoned. So, ...
# ...
# Rule	QLD	1989	1991	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	QLD	1990	1992	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	S
# ...

# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
# The chosen rules the union of the 1971/1972 change and the 1989-1992 changes.

# From Christopher Hunt (2006-11-21), after an advance warning
# from Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-11-01):
# WA are trialing DST for three years.
# http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/parliament/bills.nsf/9A1B183144403DA54825721200088DF1/$File/Bill175-1B.pdf

# From Rives McDow (2002-04-09):
# The most interesting region I have found consists of three towns on the
# southern coast....  South Australia observes daylight saving time; Western
# Australia does not.  The two states are one and a half hours apart.  The
# residents decided to forget about this nonsense of changing the clock so
# much and set the local time 20 hours and 45 minutes from the
# international date line, or right in the middle of the time of South
# Australia and Western Australia....
# From Paul Eggert (2002-04-09):
# This is confirmed by the section entitled
# "What's the deal with time zones???" in
# http://www.earthsci.unimelb.edu.au/~awatkins/null.html
# From Alex Livingston (2006-12-07):
# ... it was just on four years ago that I drove along the Eyre Highway,
# which passes through eastern Western Australia close to the southern
# coast of the continent.
# I paid particular attention to the time kept there. There can be no
# dispute that UTC+08:45 was considered "the time" from the border
# village just inside the border with South Australia to as far west
# as just east of Caiguna. There can also be no dispute that Eucla is
# the largest population centre in this zone....
# Now that Western Australia is observing daylight saving, the
# question arose whether this part of the state would follow suit. I
# just called the border village and confirmed that indeed they have,
# meaning that they are now observing UTC+09:45.
# (2006-12-09):
# I personally doubt that either experimentation with daylight saving
# in WA or its introduction in SA had anything to do with the genesis
# of this time zone.  My hunch is that it's been around since well
# before 1975.  I remember seeing it noted on road maps decades ago.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-12-15):
# For lack of better info, assume the tradition dates back to the
# introduction of standard time in 1895.

# southeast Australia
# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# Starting autumn 2008 Victoria, NSW, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT
# end DST the first Sunday in April and start DST the first Sunday in October.
# http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/daylight-savings-to-span-six-months/2007/06/27/1182623966703.html

# South Australia

# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
# ...South Australia...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# #   The state of SOUTH AUSTRALIA....[ Courtesy of S.A. Dept of Labour ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Zone	Australia/South		9:30	AS	%sST
# ...
# Rule	 AS	1971	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	 AS	1972	1985	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	C
# Rule	 AS	1986	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=15	3:00	0	C
# Rule	 AS	1991	max	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	C

# From Bradley White (1992-03-11):
# Recent correspondence with a friend in Adelaide
# contained the following exchange:  "Due to the Adelaide Festival,
# South Australia delays setting back our clocks for a few weeks."

# From Robert Elz (1992-03-13):
# I heard that apparently (or at least, it appears that)
# South Aus will have an extra 3 weeks daylight saving every even
# numbered year (from 1990).  That's when the Adelaide Festival
# is on...

# From Robert Elz (1992-03-16, 00:57:07 +1000):
# DST didn't end in Adelaide today (yesterday)....
# But whether it's "4th Sunday" or "2nd last Sunday" I have no idea whatever...
# (it's just as likely to be "the Sunday we pick for this year"...).

# From Bradley White (1994-04-11):
# If Sun, 15 March, 1992 was at +1030 as kre asserts, but yet Sun, 20 March,
# 1994 was at +0930 as John Connolly's customer seems to assert, then I can
# only conclude that the actual rule is more complicated....

# From John Warburton (1994-10-07):
# The new Daylight Savings dates for South Australia ...
# was gazetted in the Government Hansard on Sep 26 1994....
# start on last Sunday in October and end in last sunday in March.

# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# See "southeast Australia" above for 2008 and later.

# Tasmania

# The rules for 1967 through 1991 were reported by George Shepherd
# via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# #  The state of TASMANIA.. [Courtesy Tasmanian Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
# #					[ Nov 1990 ]

# From Bill Hart via Guy Harris (1991-10-10):
# Oh yes, the new daylight savings rules are uniquely tasmanian, we have
# 6 weeks a year now when we are out of sync with the rest of Australia
# (but nothing new about that).

# From Alex Livingston (1999-10-04):
# I heard on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) radio news on the
# (long) weekend that Tasmania, which usually goes its own way in this regard,
# has decided to join with most of NSW, the ACT, and most of Victoria
# (Australia) and start daylight saving on the last Sunday in August in 2000
# instead of the first Sunday in October.

# Sim Alam (2000-07-03) reported a legal citation for the 2000/2001 rules:
# http://www.thelaw.tas.gov.au/fragview/42++1968+GS3A@EN+2000070300

# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# See "southeast Australia" above for 2008 and later.

# Victoria

# The rules for 1971 through 1991 were reported by George Shepherd
# via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# #   The state of VICTORIA.. [ Courtesy of Vic. Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
# #						[ Nov 1990 ]

# From Scott Harrington (2001-08-29):
# On KQED's "City Arts and Lectures" program last night I heard an
# interesting story about daylight savings time.  Dr. John Heilbron was
# discussing his book "The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar
# Observatories"[1], and in particular the Shrine of Remembrance[2] located
# in Melbourne, Australia.
# Apparently the shrine's main purpose is a beam of sunlight which
# illuminates a special spot on the floor at the 11th hour of the 11th day
# of the 11th month (Remembrance Day) every year in memory of Australia's
# fallen WWI soldiers.  And if you go there on Nov. 11, at 11am local time,
# you will indeed see the sunbeam illuminate the special spot at the
# expected time.
# However, that is only because of some special mirror contraption that had
# to be employed, since due to daylight savings time, the true solar time of
# the remembrance moment occurs one hour later (or earlier?).  Perhaps
# someone with more information on this jury-rig can tell us more.
# [1] http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/HEISUN.html
# [2] http://www.shrine.org.au

# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# See "southeast Australia" above for 2008 and later.

# New South Wales

# From Arthur David Olson:
# New South Wales and subjurisdictions have their own ideas of a fun time.
# Based on law library research by John Mackin,
# who notes:
#	In Australia, time is not legislated federally, but rather by the
#	individual states.  Thus, while such terms as "Eastern Standard Time"
#	[I mean, of course, Australian EST, not any other kind] are in common
#	use, _they have NO REAL MEANING_, as they are not defined in the
#	legislation.  This is very important to understand.
#	I have researched New South Wales time only...

# From Eric Ulevik (1999-05-26):
# DST will start in NSW on the last Sunday of August, rather than the usual
# October in 2000.  See: Matthew Moore,
# Two months more daylight saving, Sydney Morning Herald (1999-05-26).
# http://www.smh.com.au/news/9905/26/pageone/pageone4.html

# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-27):
# See the following official NSW source:
# Daylight Saving in New South Wales.
# http://dir.gis.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/genobject/document/other/daylightsaving/tigGmZ
# Narrabri Shire (NSW) council has announced it will ignore the extension of
# daylight saving next year.  See:
# Narrabri Council to ignore daylight saving
# http://abc.net.au/news/regionals/neweng/monthly/regeng-22jul1999-1.htm
# (1999-07-22).  For now, we'll wait to see if this really happens.
# Victoria will following NSW.  See:
# Vic to extend daylight saving (1999-07-28)
# http://abc.net.au/local/news/olympics/1999/07/item19990728112314_1.htm
# However, South Australia rejected the DST request.  See:
# South Australia rejects Olympics daylight savings request (1999-07-19)
# http://abc.net.au/news/olympics/1999/07/item19990719151754_1.htm
# Queensland also will not observe DST for the Olympics.  See:
# Qld says no to daylight savings for Olympics
# http://abc.net.au/news/olympics/1999/06/item19990601114608_1.htm
# (1999-06-01), which quotes Queensland Premier Peter Beattie as saying
# "Look you've got to remember in my family when this came up last time
# I voted for it, my wife voted against it and she said to me it's all very
# well for you, you don't have to worry about getting the children out of
# bed, getting them to school, getting them to sleep at night.
# I've been through all this argument domestically...my wife rules."
# Broken Hill will stick with South Australian time in 2000.  See:
# Broken Hill to be behind the times (1999-07-21)
# http://abc.net.au/news/regionals/brokenh/monthly/regbrok-21jul1999-6.htm

# IATA SSIM (1998-09) says that the spring 2000 change for Australian
# Capital Territory, New South Wales except Lord Howe Island and Broken
# Hill, and Victoria will be August 27, presumably due to the Sydney Olympics.

# From Eric Ulevik, referring to Sydney's Sun Herald (2000-08-13), page 29:
# The Queensland Premier Peter Beattie is encouraging northern NSW
# towns to use Queensland time.

# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# See "southeast Australia" above for 2008 and later.

# Yancowinna

# From John Mackin (1989-01-04):
# 'Broken Hill' means the County of Yancowinna.

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# # YANCOWINNA..  [ Confirmation courtesy of Broken Hill Postmaster ]
# #					[ Dec 1990 ]
# ...
# # Yancowinna uses Central Standard Time, despite [its] location on the
# # New South Wales side of the S.A. border. Most business and social dealings
# # are with CST zones, therefore CST is legislated by local government
# # although the switch to Summer Time occurs in line with N.S.W. There have
# # been years when this did not apply, but the historical data is not
# # presently available.
# Zone	Australia/Yancowinna	9:30	 AY	%sST
# ...
# Rule	 AY	1971	1985	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	 AY	1972	only	-	Feb	lastSun	3:00	0	C
# [followed by other Rules]

# Lord Howe Island

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# LHI...		[ Courtesy of Pauline Van Winsen ]
#					[ Dec 1990 ]
# Lord Howe Island is located off the New South Wales coast, and is half an
# hour ahead of NSW time.

# From James Lonergan, Secretary, Lord Howe Island Board (2000-01-27):
# Lord Howe Island summer time in 2000/2001 will commence on the same
# date as the rest of NSW (i.e. 2000-08-27).  For your information the
# Lord Howe Island Board (controlling authority for the Island) is
# seeking the community's views on various options for summer time
# arrangements on the Island, e.g. advance clocks by 1 full hour
# instead of only 30 minutes.  [Dependent] on the wishes of residents
# the Board may approach the NSW government to change the existing
# arrangements.  The starting date for summer time on the Island will
# however always coincide with the rest of NSW.

# From James Lonergan, Secretary, Lord Howe Island Board (2000-10-25):
# Lord Howe Island advances clocks by 30 minutes during DST in NSW and retards
# clocks by 30 minutes when DST finishes. Since DST was most recently
# introduced in NSW, the "changeover" time on the Island has been 02:00 as
# shown on clocks on LHI. I guess this means that for 30 minutes at the start
# of DST, LHI is actually 1 hour ahead of the rest of NSW.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# For Lord Howe dates we use Shanks & Pottenger through 1989, and
# Lonergan thereafter.  For times we use Lonergan.

# From Paul Eggert (2007-07-23):
# See "southeast Australia" above for 2008 and later.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-04-28):
# According to the official press release, South Australia's extended daylight
# saving period will continue with the same rules as used during the 2008-2009
# summer (southern hemisphere).
# From
# http://www.safework.sa.gov.au/uploaded_files/DaylightDatesSet.pdf
# The extended daylight saving period that South Australia has been trialling
# for over the last year is now set to be ongoing.
# Daylight saving will continue to start on the first Sunday in October each
# year and finish on the first Sunday in April the following year.
# Industrial Relations Minister, Paul Caica, says this provides South Australia
# with a consistent half hour time difference with NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and
# the ACT for all 52 weeks of the year...
# We have a wrap-up here:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/south-australia-extends-dst.html

# New Zealand

# From Mark Davies (1990-10-03):
# the 1989/90 year was a trial of an extended "daylight saving" period.
# This trial was deemed successful and the extended period adopted for
# subsequent years (with the addition of a further week at the start).
# source - phone call to Ministry of Internal Affairs Head Office.

# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
# # The Country of New Zealand   (Australia's east island -) Gee they hate that!
# #				   or is Australia the west island of N.Z.
# #	[ courtesy of Geoff Tribble.. Auckland N.Z. ]
# #				[ Nov 1990 ]
# ...
# Rule	NZ      1974    1988	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	NZ	1989	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	NZ      1975    1989	-	Mar	Sun>=1	3:00	0	S
# Rule	NZ	1990	max	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	0	S
# ...
# Zone	NZ			12:00	NZ		NZ%sT	# New Zealand
# Zone	NZ-CHAT			12:45	-		NZ-CHAT # Chatham Island

# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
# The chosen rules use the Davies October 8 values for the start of DST in 1989
# rather than the October 1 value.

# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19);
# Shank & Pottenger report 2:00 for all autumn changes in Australia and NZ.
# Robert Uzgalis writes that the New Zealand Daylight
# Savings Time Order in Council dated 1990-06-18 specifies 2:00 standard
# time on both the first Sunday in October and the third Sunday in March.
# As with Australia, we'll assume the tradition is 2:00s, not 2:00.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) maintains a brief history,
# as does Carol Squires; see tz-link.htm for the full references.
# Use these sources in preference to Shanks & Pottenger.
# For Chatham, IATA SSIM (1991/1999) gives the NZ rules but with
# transitions at 2:45 local standard time; this confirms that Chatham
# is always exactly 45 minutes ahead of Auckland.

# From Colin Sharples (2007-04-30):
# DST will now start on the last Sunday in September, and end on the
# first Sunday in April.  The changes take effect this year, meaning
# that DST will begin on 2007-09-30 2008-04-06.
# http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/wpg_URL/Services-Daylight-Saving-Daylight-saving-to-be-extended

# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-14):
# Chatham Island time was formally standardized on 1957-01-01 by
# New Zealand's Standard Time Amendment Act 1956 (1956-10-26).
# http://www.austlii.edu.au/nz/legis/hist_act/staa19561956n100244.pdf
# According to Google Books snippet view, a speaker in the New Zealand
# parliamentary debates in 1956 said "Clause 78 makes provision for standard
# time in the Chatham Islands.  The time there is 45 minutes in advance of New
# Zealand time.  I understand that is the time they keep locally, anyhow."
# For now, assume this practice goes back to the introduction of standard time
# in New Zealand, as this would make Chatham Islands time almost exactly match
# LMT back when New Zealand was at UT +11:30; also, assume Chatham Islands did
# not observe New Zealand's prewar DST.


# Fiji

# Howse writes (p 153) that in 1879 the British governor of Fiji
# enacted an ordinance standardizing the islands on Antipodean Time
# instead of the American system (which was one day behind).

# From Rives McDow (1998-10-08):
# Fiji will introduce DST effective 0200 local time, 1998-11-01
# until 0300 local time 1999-02-28.  Each year the DST period will
# be from the first Sunday in November until the last Sunday in February.

# From Paul Eggert (2000-01-08):
# IATA SSIM (1999-09) says DST ends 0100 local time.  Go with McDow.

# From the BBC World Service in
# http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/205226.stm (1998-10-31 16:03 UTC):
# The Fijian government says the main reasons for the time change is to
# improve productivity and reduce road accidents.... [T]he move is also
# intended to boost Fiji's ability to attract tourists to witness the dawning
# of the new millennium.

# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/press/2000_09/2000_09_13-05.shtml (2000-09-13)
# reports that Fiji has discontinued DST.

# Kiribati

# From Paul Eggert (1996-01-22):
# Today's _Wall Street Journal_ (page 1) reports that Kiribati
# "declared it the same day [throughout] the country as of Jan. 1, 1995"
# as part of the competition to be first into the 21st century.

# Kwajalein

# In comp.risks 14.87 (26 August 1993), Peter Neumann writes:
# I wonder what happened in Kwajalein, where there was NO Friday,
# 1993-08-20.  Thursday night at midnight Kwajalein switched sides with
# respect to the International Date Line, to rejoin its fellow islands,
# going from 11:59 p.m. Thursday to 12:00 m. Saturday in a blink.

# N Mariana Is, Guam

# Howse writes (p 153) "The Spaniards, on the other hand, reached the
# Philippines and the Ladrones from America," and implies that the Ladrones
# (now called the Marianas) kept American date for quite some time.
# For now, we assume the Ladrones switched at the same time as the Philippines;
# see Asia/Manila.

# US Public Law 106-564 (2000-12-23) made UT +10 the official standard time,
# under the name "Chamorro Standard Time".  There is no official abbreviation,
# but Congressman Robert A. Underwood, author of the bill that became law,
# wrote in a press release (2000-12-27) that he will seek the use of "ChST".

# Micronesia

# Alan Eugene Davis writes (1996-03-16),
# "I am certain, having lived there for the past decade, that 'Truk'
# (now properly known as Chuuk) ... is in the time zone GMT+10."
# Shanks & Pottenger write that Truk switched from UT +10 to +11
# on 1978-10-01; ignore this for now.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
# The Federated States of Micronesia Visitors Board writes in
# The Federated States of Micronesia - Visitor Information (1999-01-26)
# http://www.fsmgov.org/info/clocks.html
# that Truk and Yap are UT +10, and Ponape and Kosrae are +11.
# We don't know when Kosrae switched from +12; assume January 1 for now.

# Midway

# From Charles T O'Connor, KMTH DJ (1956),
# quoted in the KTMH section of the Radio Heritage Collection
# <http://radiodx.com/spdxr/KMTH.htm> (2002-12-31):
# For the past two months we've been on what is known as Daylight
# Saving Time.  This time has put us on air at 5am in the morning,
# your time down there in New Zealand.  Starting September 2, 1956
# we'll again go back to Standard Time.  This'll mean that we'll go to
# air at 6am your time.
# From Paul Eggert (2003-03-23):
# We don't know the date of that quote, but we'll guess they
# started DST on June 3.  Possibly DST was observed other years
# in Midway, but we have no record of it.

# Norfolk

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2015-09-23):
# Norfolk Island will change ... from +1130 to +1100:
# https://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2015L01483/Explanatory%20Statement/Text
# ... at 12.30 am (by legal time in New South Wales) on 4 October 2015.
# http://www.norfolkisland.gov.nf/nia/MediaRelease/Media%20Release%20Norfolk%20Island%20Standard%20Time%20Change.pdf

# From Paul Eggert (2015-09-23):
# Transitions before 2015 are from timeanddate.com, which consulted
# the Norfolk Island Museum and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology's
# Norfolk Island station, and found no record of Norfolk observing DST
# other than in 1974/5.  See:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/time/australia/norfolk-island.html

# Pitcairn

# From Rives McDow (1999-11-08):
# A Proclamation was signed by the Governor of Pitcairn on the 27th March 1998
# with regard to Pitcairn Standard Time.  The Proclamation is as follows.
#	The local time for general purposes in the Islands shall be
#	Co-ordinated Universal time minus 8 hours and shall be known
#	as Pitcairn Standard Time.
# ... I have also seen Pitcairn listed as UTC minus 9 hours in several
# references, and can only assume that this was an error in interpretation
# somehow in light of this proclamation.

# From Rives McDow (1999-11-09):
# The Proclamation regarding Pitcairn time came into effect on 27 April 1998
# ... at midnight.

# From Howie Phelps (1999-11-10), who talked to a Pitcairner via shortwave:
# Betty Christian told me yesterday that their local time is the same as
# Pacific Standard Time. They used to be 1/2 hour different from us here in
# Sacramento but it was changed a couple of years ago.

# (Western) Samoa and American Samoa

# Howse writes (p 153, citing p 10 of the 1883-11-18 New York Herald)
# that in 1879 the King of Samoa decided to change
# "the date in his kingdom from the Antipodean to the American system,
# ordaining - by a masterpiece of diplomatic flattery - that
# the Fourth of July should be celebrated twice in that year."

# Although Shanks & Pottenger says they both switched to UT -11:30
# in 1911, and to -11 in 1950. many earlier sources give -11
# for American Samoa, e.g., the US National Bureau of Standards
# circular "Standard Time Throughout the World", 1932.
# Assume American Samoa switched to -11 in 1911, not 1950,
# and that after 1950 they agreed until (western) Samoa skipped a
# day in 2011.  Assume also that the Samoas follow the US and New
# Zealand's "ST"/"DT" style of daylight-saving abbreviations.

# Tonga

# From Paul Eggert (1996-01-22):
# Today's _Wall Street Journal_ (p 1) reports that "Tonga has been plotting
# to sneak ahead of [New Zealanders] by introducing daylight-saving time."
# Since Kiribati has moved the Date Line it's not clear what Tonga will do.

# Don Mundell writes in the 1997-02-20 Tonga Chronicle
# How Tonga became 'The Land where Time Begins':
# http://www.tongatapu.net.to/tonga/homeland/timebegins.htm
# Until 1941 Tonga maintained a standard time 50 minutes ahead of NZST
# 12 hours and 20 minutes ahead of GMT.  When New Zealand adjusted its
# standard time in 1940s, Tonga had the choice of subtracting from its
# local time to come on the same standard time as New Zealand or of
# advancing its time to maintain the differential of 13 degrees
# (approximately 50 minutes ahead of New Zealand time).
# Because His Majesty King Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV, then Crown Prince
# Tungī, preferred to ensure Tonga's title as the land where time
# begins, the Legislative Assembly approved the latter change.
# But some of the older, more conservative members from the outer
# islands objected. "If at midnight on Dec. 31, we move ahead 40
# minutes, as your Royal Highness wishes, what becomes of the 40
# minutes we have lost?"
# The Crown Prince, presented an unanswerable argument: "Remember that
# on the World Day of Prayer, you would be the first people on Earth
# to say your prayers in the morning."

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say the transition was on 1968-10-01; go with Mundell.

# From Eric Ulevik (1999-05-03):
# Tonga's director of tourism, who is also secretary of the National Millennium
# Committee, has a plan to get Tonga back in front.
# He has proposed a one-off move to tropical daylight saving for Tonga from
# October to March, which has won approval in principle from the Tongan
# Government.

# From Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
# * Tonga will introduce DST in November
# I was given this link by John Letts:
# http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_424000/424764.stm
# I have not been able to find exact dates for the transition in November
# yet. By reading this article it seems like Fiji will be 14 hours ahead
# of UTC as well, but as far as I know Fiji will only be 13 hours ahead
# (12 + 1 hour DST).

# From Arthur David Olson (1999-09-20):
# According to <http://www.tongaonline.com/news/sept1799.html>:
# "Daylight Savings Time will take effect on Oct. 2 through April 15, 2000
# and annually thereafter from the first Saturday in October through the
# third Saturday of April.  Under the system approved by Privy Council on
# Sept. 10, clocks must be turned ahead one hour on the opening day and
# set back an hour on the closing date."
# Alas, no indication of the time of day.

# From Rives McDow (1999-10-06):
# Tonga started its Daylight Saving on Saturday morning October 2nd at 0200am.
# Daylight Saving ends on April 16 at 0300am which is Sunday morning.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-31):
# Back in March I found a notice on the website http://www.tongaonline.com
# that Tonga changed back to standard time one month early, on March 19
# instead of the original reported date April 16. Unfortunately, the article
# is no longer available on the site, and I did not make a copy of the
# text, and I have forgotten to report it here.
# (Original URL was <http://www.tongaonline.com/news/march162000.htm>)

# From Rives McDow (2000-12-01):
# Tonga is observing DST as of 2000-11-04 and will stop on 2001-01-27.

# From Sione Moala-Mafi (2001-09-20) via Rives McDow:
# At 2:00am on the first Sunday of November, the standard time in the Kingdom
# shall be moved forward by one hour to 3:00am.  At 2:00am on the last Sunday
# of January the standard time in the Kingdom shall be moved backward by one
# hour to 1:00am.

# From Pulu ʻAnau (2002-11-05):
# The law was for 3 years, supposedly to get renewed.  It wasn't.

# From Pulu ʻAnau (2016-10-27):
# http://mic.gov.to/news-today/press-releases/6375-daylight-saving-set-to-run-from-6-november-2016-to-15-january-2017
# Cannot find anyone who knows the rules, has seen the duration or has seen
# the cabinet decision, but it appears we are following Fiji's rule set.
# From Tim Parenti (2016-10-26):
# Assume Tonga will observe DST from the first Sunday in November at 02:00
# through the third Sunday in January at 03:00, like Fiji, for now.

# Wake

# From Vernice Anderson, Personal Secretary to Philip Jessup,
# US Ambassador At Large (oral history interview, 1971-02-02):
# Saturday, the 14th [of October, 1950] - ...  The time was all the
# more confusing at that point, because we had crossed the
# International Date Line, thus getting two Sundays.  Furthermore, we
# discovered that Wake Island had two hours of daylight saving time
# making calculation of time in Washington difficult if not almost
# impossible.
# http://www.trumanlibrary.org/wake/meeting.htm

# From Paul Eggert (2003-03-23):
# We have no other report of DST in Wake Island, so omit this info for now.


# The International Date Line

# From Gwillim Law (2000-01-03):
# The International Date Line is not defined by any international standard,
# convention, or treaty.  Mapmakers are free to draw it as they please.
# Reputable mapmakers will simply ensure that every point of land appears on
# the correct side of the IDL, according to the date legally observed there.
# When Kiribati adopted a uniform date in 1995, thereby moving the Phoenix and
# Line Islands to the west side of the IDL (or, if you prefer, moving the IDL
# to the east side of the Phoenix and Line Islands), I suppose that most
# mapmakers redrew the IDL following the boundary of Kiribati.  Even that line
# has a rather arbitrary nature.  The straight-line boundaries between Pacific
# island nations that are shown on many maps are based on an international
# convention, but are not legally binding national borders.... The date is
# governed by the IDL; therefore, even on the high seas, there may be some
# places as late as fourteen hours later than UTC.  And, since the IDL is not
# an international standard, there are some places on the high seas where the
# correct date is ambiguous.

# From Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone> (2005-08-31):
# Before 1920, all ships kept local apparent time on the high seas by setting
# their clocks at night or at the morning sight so that, given the ship's
# speed and direction, it would be 12 o'clock when the Sun crossed the ship's
# meridian (12 o'clock = local apparent noon).  During 1917, at the
# Anglo-French Conference on Time-keeping at Sea, it was recommended that all
# ships, both military and civilian, should adopt hourly standard time zones
# on the high seas.  Whenever a ship was within the territorial waters of any
# nation it would use that nation's standard time.  The captain was permitted
# to change his ship's clocks at a time of his choice following his ship's
# entry into another zone time - he often chose midnight.  These zones were
# adopted by all major fleets between 1920 and 1925 but not by many
# independent merchant ships until World War II.

# From Paul Eggert, using references suggested by Oscar van Vlijmen
# (2005-03-20):
# The American Practical Navigator (2002)
# http://pollux.nss.nima.mil/pubs/pubs_j_apn_sections.html?rid=187
# talks only about the 180-degree meridian with respect to ships in
# international waters; it ignores the international date line.
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-31):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks & Pottenger is the source for
# entries through 1991, and IATA SSIM is the source for entries afterwards.
# Other sources occasionally used include:
#	Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
#	Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated),
#	which I found in the UCLA library.
#	William Willett, The Waste of Daylight, 19th edition
#	<http://cs.ucla.edu/~eggert/The-Waste-of-Daylight-19th.pdf>
#	[PDF] (1914-03)
#	Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94
#	<http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359>.  He writes:
#	"It is requested that corrections and additions to these tables
#	may be sent to Mr. John Milne, Royal Geographical Society,
#	Savile Row, London."  Nowadays please email them to tz@iana.org.
#	Byalokoz EL. New Counting of Time in Russia since July 1, 1919.
#	This Russian-language source was consulted by Vladimir Karpinsky; see
#	http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2014-August/021320.html
#	The full Russian citation is:
#	Бялокоз, Евгений Людвигович. Новый счет времени в течении суток
#	введенный декретом Совета народных комиссаров для всей России с 1-го
#	июля 1919 г. / Изд. 2-е Междуведомственной комиссии. - Петроград:
#	Десятая гос. тип., 1919.
#	http://resolver.gpntb.ru/purl?docushare/dsweb/Get/Resource-2011/Byalokoz__E.L.__Novyy__schet__vremeni__v__techenie__sutok__izd__2(1).pdf
#	Brazil's Divisão Serviço da Hora (DSHO),
#	History of Summer Time
#	<http://pcdsh01.on.br/HISTHV.htm>
#	(1998-09-21, in Portuguese)

# I invented the abbreviations marked '*' in the following table;
# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
# Corrections are welcome!
#                   std dst  2dst
#                   LMT           Local Mean Time
#       -4:00       AST ADT       Atlantic
#       -3:00       WGT WGST      Western Greenland*
#       -1:00       EGT EGST      Eastern Greenland*
#        0:00       GMT BST  BDST Greenwich, British Summer
#        0:00       GMT IST       Greenwich, Irish Summer
#        0:00       WET WEST WEMT Western Europe
#        0:19:32.13 AMT NST       Amsterdam, Netherlands Summer (1835-1937)*
#        0:20       NET NEST      Netherlands (1937-1940)*
#        1:00       BST           British Standard (1968-1971)
#        1:00       CET CEST CEMT Central Europe
#        1:00:14    SET           Swedish (1879-1899)*
#        2:00       EET EEST      Eastern Europe
#        3:00       MSK MSD       Moscow

# From Peter Ilieve (1994-12-04),
# The original six [EU members]: Belgium, France, (West) Germany, Italy,
# Luxembourg, the Netherlands.
# Plus, from 1 Jan 73: Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom.
# Plus, from 1 Jan 81: Greece.
# Plus, from 1 Jan 86: Spain, Portugal.
# Plus, from 1 Jan 95: Austria, Finland, Sweden. (Norway negotiated terms for
# entry but in a referendum on 28 Nov 94 the people voted No by 52.2% to 47.8%
# on a turnout of 88.6%. This was almost the same result as Norway's previous
# referendum in 1972, they are the only country to have said No twice.
# Referendums in the other three countries voted Yes.)
# ...
# Estonia ... uses EU dates but not at 01:00 GMT, they use midnight GMT.
# I don't think they know yet what they will do from 1996 onwards.
# ...
# There shouldn't be any [current members who are not using EU rules].
# A Directive has the force of law, member states are obliged to enact
# national law to implement it. The only contentious issue was the
# different end date for the UK and Ireland, and this was always allowed
# in the Directive.


# Britain (United Kingdom) and Ireland (Eire)

# From Peter Ilieve (1994-07-06):
# On 17 Jan 1994 the Independent, a UK quality newspaper, had a piece about
# historical vistas along the Thames in west London. There was a photo
# and a sketch map showing some of the sightlines involved. One paragraph
# of the text said:
# 'An old stone obelisk marking a forgotten terrestrial meridian stands
# beside the river at Kew. In the 18th century, before time and longitude
# was standardised by the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, scholars observed
# this stone and the movement of stars from Kew Observatory nearby. They
# made their calculations and set the time for the Horse Guards and Parliament,
# but now the stone is obscured by scrubwood and can only be seen by walking
# along the towpath within a few yards of it.'
# I have a one inch to one mile map of London and my estimate of the stone's
# position is 51 degrees 28' 30" N, 0 degrees 18' 45" W. The longitude should
# be within about +-2". The Ordnance Survey grid reference is TQ172761.
# [This yields GMTOFF = -0:01:15 for London LMT in the 18th century.]

# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
# Howse writes that Britain was the first country to use standard time.
# The railways cared most about the inconsistencies of local mean time,
# and it was they who forced a uniform time on the country.
# The original idea was credited to Dr. William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828)
# and was popularized by Abraham Follett Osler (1808-1903).
# The first railway to adopt London time was the Great Western Railway
# in November 1840; other railways followed suit, and by 1847 most
# (though not all) railways used London time.  On 1847-09-22 the
# Railway Clearing House, an industry standards body, recommended that GMT be
# adopted at all stations as soon as the General Post Office permitted it.
# The transition occurred on 12-01 for the L&NW, the Caledonian,
# and presumably other railways; the January 1848 Bradshaw's lists many
# railways as using GMT.  By 1855 the vast majority of public
# clocks in Britain were set to GMT (though some, like the great clock
# on Tom Tower at Christ Church, Oxford, were fitted with two minute hands,
# one for local time and one for GMT).  The last major holdout was the legal
# system, which stubbornly stuck to local time for many years, leading
# to oddities like polls opening at 08:13 and closing at 16:13.
# The legal system finally switched to GMT when the Statutes (Definition
# of Time) Act took effect; it received the Royal Assent on 1880-08-02.
# In the tables below, we condense this complicated story into a single
# transition date for London, namely 1847-12-01.  We don't know as much
# about Dublin, so we use 1880-08-02, the legal transition time.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-19):
# The ancients had no need for daylight saving, as they kept time
# informally or via hours whose length depended on the time of year.
# Daylight saving time in its modern sense was invented by the
# New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson (1867-1946),
# whose day job as a postal clerk led him to value
# after-hours daylight in which to pursue his research.
# In 1895 he presented a paper to the Wellington Philosophical Society
# that proposed a two-hour daylight-saving shift.  See:
# Hudson GV. On seasonal time-adjustment in countries south of lat. 30 deg.
# Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. 1895;28:734
# http://rsnz.natlib.govt.nz/volume/rsnz_28/rsnz_28_00_006110.html
# Although some interest was expressed in New Zealand, his proposal
# did not find its way into law and eventually it was almost forgotten.
# In England, DST was independently reinvented by William Willett (1857-1915),
# a London builder and member of the Royal Astronomical Society
# who circulated a pamphlet "The Waste of Daylight" (1907)
# that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April,
# and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September.
# A bill was drafted in 1909 and introduced in Parliament several times,
# but it met with ridicule and opposition, especially from farming interests.
# Later editions of the pamphlet proposed one-hour summer time, and
# it was eventually adopted as a wartime measure in 1916.
# See: Summer Time Arrives Early, The Times (2000-05-18).
# A monument to Willett was unveiled on 1927-05-21, in an open space in
# a 45-acre wood near Chislehurst, Kent that was purchased by popular
# subscription and open to the public.  On the south face of the monolith,
# designed by G. W. Miller, is the William Willett Memorial Sundial,
# which is permanently set to Summer Time.

# From Winston Churchill (1934-04-28):
# It is one of the paradoxes of history that we should owe the boon of
# summer time, which gives every year to the people of this country
# between 160 and 170 hours more daylight leisure, to a war which
# plunged Europe into darkness for four years, and shook the
# foundations of civilization throughout the world.
#	-- "A Silent Toast to William Willett", Pictorial Weekly;
#	republished in Finest Hour (Spring 2002) 1(114):26
#	http://www.winstonchurchill.org/images/finesthour/Vol.01%20No.114.pdf

# From Paul Eggert (2015-08-08):
# The OED Supplement says that the English originally said "Daylight Saving"
# when they were debating the adoption of DST in 1908; but by 1916 this
# term appears only in quotes taken from DST's opponents, whereas the
# proponents (who eventually won the argument) are quoted as using "Summer".
# The term "Summer Time" was introduced by Herbert Samuel, Home Secretary; see:
# Viscount Samuel. Leisure in a Democracy. Cambridge University Press
# ISBN 978-1-107-49471-8 (1949, reissued 2015), p 8.

# From Arthur David Olson (1989-01-19):
# A source at the British Information Office in New York avers that it's
# known as "British" Summer Time in all parts of the United Kingdom.

# Date: 4 Jan 89 08:57:25 GMT (Wed)
# From: Jonathan Leffler
# [British Summer Time] is fixed annually by Act of Parliament.
# If you can predict what Parliament will do, you should be in
# politics making a fortune, not computing.

# From Chris Carrier (1996-06-14):
# I remember reading in various wartime issues of the London Times the
# acronym BDST for British Double Summer Time.  Look for the published
# time of sunrise and sunset in The Times, when BDST was in effect, and
# if you find a zone reference it will say, "All times B.D.S.T."

# From Joseph S. Myers (1999-09-02):
# ... some military cables (WO 219/4100 - this is a copy from the
# main SHAEF archives held in the US National Archives, SHAEF/5252/8/516)
# agree that the usage is BDST (this appears in a message dated 17 Feb 1945).

# From Joseph S. Myers (2000-10-03):
# On 18th April 1941, Sir Stephen Tallents of the BBC wrote to Sir
# Alexander Maxwell of the Home Office asking whether there was any
# official designation; the reply of the 21st was that there wasn't
# but he couldn't think of anything better than the "Double British
# Summer Time" that the BBC had been using informally.
# http://www.polyomino.org.uk/british-time/bbc-19410418.png
# http://www.polyomino.org.uk/british-time/ho-19410421.png

# From Sir Alexander Maxwell in the above-mentioned letter (1941-04-21):
# [N]o official designation has as far as I know been adopted for the time
# which is to be introduced in May....
# I cannot think of anything better than "Double British Summer Time"
# which could not be said to run counter to any official description.

# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# Howse writes (p 157) 'DBST' too, but 'BDST' seems to have been common
# and follows the more usual convention of putting the location name first,
# so we use 'BDST'.

# Peter Ilieve (1998-04-19) described at length
# the history of summer time legislation in the United Kingdom.
# Since 1998 Joseph S. Myers has been updating
# and extending this list, which can be found in
# http://www.polyomino.org.uk/british-time/

# From Joseph S. Myers (1998-01-06):
# The legal time in the UK outside of summer time is definitely GMT, not UTC;
# see Lord Tanlaw's speech
# http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld199798/ldhansrd/vo970611/text/70611-10.htm#70611-10_head0
# (Lords Hansard 11 June 1997 columns 964 to 976).

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# For lack of other data, follow Shanks & Pottenger for Eire in 1940-1948.
# Given Ilieve and Myers's data, the following claims by Shanks & Pottenger
# are incorrect:
#     * Wales did not switch from GMT to daylight saving time until
#	1921 Apr 3, when they began to conform with the rest of Great Britain.
# Actually, Wales was identical after 1880.
#     * Eire had two transitions on 1916 Oct 1.
# It actually just had one transition.
#     * Northern Ireland used single daylight saving time throughout WW II.
# Actually, it conformed to Britain.
#     * GB-Eire changed standard time to 1 hour ahead of GMT on 1968-02-18.
# Actually, that date saw the usual switch to summer time.
# Standard time was not changed until 1968-10-27 (the clocks didn't change).
# Here is another incorrect claim by Shanks & Pottenger:
#     * Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man did not switch from GMT
#	to daylight saving time until 1921 Apr 3, when they began to
#	conform with Great Britain.
# S.R.&O. 1916, No. 382 and HO 45/10811/312364 (quoted above) say otherwise.
# The following claim by Shanks & Pottenger is possible though doubtful;
# we'll ignore it for now.
#     * Dublin's 1971-10-31 switch was at 02:00, even though London's was 03:00.
# Whitman says Dublin Mean Time was -0:25:21, which is more precise than
# Shanks & Pottenger.
# Perhaps this was Dunsink Observatory Time, as Dunsink Observatory
# (8 km NW of Dublin's center) seemingly was to Dublin as Greenwich was
# to London.  For example:
#   "Timeball on the ballast office is down.  Dunsink time."
#   -- James Joyce, Ulysses

# "Countess Markievicz ... claimed that the [1916] abolition of Dublin Mean Time
# was among various actions undertaken by the 'English' government that
# would 'put the whole country into the SF (Sinn Féin) camp'.  She claimed
# Irish 'public feeling (was) outraged by forcing of English time on us'."
# -- Parsons M. Dublin lost its time zone - and 25 minutes - after 1916 Rising.
# Irish Times 2014-10-27.
# http://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/dublin-lost-its-time-zone-and-25-minutes-after-1916-rising-1.1977411

# From Joseph S. Myers (2005-01-26):
# Irish laws are available online at <http://www.irishstatutebook.ie>.
# These include various relating to legal time, for example:
# ZZA13Y1923.html ZZA12Y1924.html ZZA8Y1925.html ZZSIV20PG1267.html
# ZZSI71Y1947.html ZZSI128Y1948.html ZZSI23Y1949.html ZZSI41Y1950.html
# ZZSI27Y1951.html ZZSI73Y1952.html
# ZZSI11Y1961.html ZZSI232Y1961.html ZZSI182Y1962.html
# ZZSI167Y1963.html ZZSI257Y1964.html ZZSI198Y1967.html
# ZZA23Y1968.html ZZA17Y1971.html
# ZZSI67Y1981.html ZZSI212Y1982.html ZZSI45Y1986.html
# ZZSI264Y1988.html ZZSI52Y1990.html ZZSI371Y1992.html
# ZZSI395Y1994.html ZZSI484Y1997.html ZZSI506Y2001.html
# [These are all relative to the root, e.g., the first is
# <http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/ZZA13Y1923.html>.]
# (These are those I found, but there could be more.  In any case these
# should allow various updates to the comments in the europe file to cover
# the laws applicable in Ireland.)
# (Note that the time in the Republic of Ireland since 1968 has been defined
# in terms of standard time being GMT+1 with a period of winter time when it
# is GMT, rather than standard time being GMT with a period of summer time
# being GMT+1.)

# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-28):
# Clive Feather (<news:859845706.26043.0@office.demon.net>, 1997-03-31)
# reports that Folkestone (Cheriton) Shuttle Terminal uses Concession Time
# (CT), equivalent to French civil time.
# Julian Hill (<news:36118128.5A14@virgin.net>, 1998-09-30) reports that
# trains between Dollands Moor (the freight facility next door)
# and Frethun run in CT.
# My admittedly uninformed guess is that the terminal has two authorities,
# the French concession operators and the British civil authorities,
# and that the time depends on who you're talking to.
# If, say, the British police were called to the station for some reason,
# I would expect the official police report to use GMT/BST and not CET/CEST.
# This is a borderline case, but for now let's stick to GMT/BST.

# From an anonymous contributor (1996-06-02):
# The law governing time in Ireland is under Statutory Instrument SI 395/94,
# which gives force to European Union 7th Council Directive No. 94/21/EC.
# Under this directive, the Minister for Justice in Ireland makes appropriate
# regulations. I spoke this morning with the Secretary of the Department of
# Justice (tel +353 1 678 9711) who confirmed to me that the correct name is
# "Irish Summer Time", abbreviated to "IST".

# Summer Time Act, 1916
Rule	GB-Eire	1916	only	-	May	21	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1917, No. 358
Rule	GB-Eire	1917	only	-	Apr	 8	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1917	only	-	Sep	17	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1918, No. 274
Rule	GB-Eire	1918	only	-	Mar	24	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1918	only	-	Sep	30	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1919, No. 297
Rule	GB-Eire	1919	only	-	Mar	30	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1919	only	-	Sep	29	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1920, No. 458
Rule	GB-Eire	1920	only	-	Mar	28	2:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1920, No. 1844
Rule	GB-Eire	1920	only	-	Oct	25	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1921, No. 363
Rule	GB-Eire	1921	only	-	Apr	 3	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1921	only	-	Oct	 3	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1922, No. 264
Rule	GB-Eire	1922	only	-	Mar	26	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1922	only	-	Oct	 8	2:00s	0	GMT
# The Summer Time Act, 1922
Rule	GB-Eire	1923	only	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1923	1924	-	Sep	Sun>=16	2:00s	0	GMT
Rule	GB-Eire	1924	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1925	1926	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
# The Summer Time Act, 1925
Rule	GB-Eire	1925	1938	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00s	0	GMT
Rule	GB-Eire	1927	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1928	1929	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1930	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1931	1932	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1933	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1934	only	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1935	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1936	1937	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1938	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1939	only	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1939, No. 1379
Rule	GB-Eire	1939	only	-	Nov	Sun>=16	2:00s	0	GMT
# S.R.&O. 1940, No. 172 and No. 1883
Rule	GB-Eire	1940	only	-	Feb	Sun>=23	2:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1941, No. 476
Rule	GB-Eire	1941	only	-	May	Sun>=2	1:00s	2:00	BDST
Rule	GB-Eire	1941	1943	-	Aug	Sun>=9	1:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1942, No. 506
Rule	GB-Eire	1942	1944	-	Apr	Sun>=2	1:00s	2:00	BDST
# S.R.&O. 1944, No. 932
Rule	GB-Eire	1944	only	-	Sep	Sun>=16	1:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1945, No. 312
Rule	GB-Eire	1945	only	-	Apr	Mon>=2	1:00s	2:00	BDST
Rule	GB-Eire	1945	only	-	Jul	Sun>=9	1:00s	1:00	BST
# S.R.&O. 1945, No. 1208
Rule	GB-Eire	1945	1946	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00s	0	GMT
Rule	GB-Eire	1946	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
# The Summer Time Act, 1947
Rule	GB-Eire	1947	only	-	Mar	16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1947	only	-	Apr	13	1:00s	2:00	BDST
Rule	GB-Eire	1947	only	-	Aug	10	1:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1947	only	-	Nov	 2	2:00s	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order, 1948 (S.I. 1948/495)
Rule	GB-Eire	1948	only	-	Mar	14	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1948	only	-	Oct	31	2:00s	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order, 1949 (S.I. 1949/373)
Rule	GB-Eire	1949	only	-	Apr	 3	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1949	only	-	Oct	30	2:00s	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order, 1950 (S.I. 1950/518)
# Summer Time Order, 1951 (S.I. 1951/430)
# Summer Time Order, 1952 (S.I. 1952/451)
Rule	GB-Eire	1950	1952	-	Apr	Sun>=14	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1950	1952	-	Oct	Sun>=21	2:00s	0	GMT
# revert to the rules of the Summer Time Act, 1925
Rule	GB-Eire	1953	only	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1953	1960	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00s	0	GMT
Rule	GB-Eire	1954	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1955	1956	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1957	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1958	1959	-	Apr	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1960	only	-	Apr	Sun>=9	2:00s	1:00	BST
# Summer Time Order, 1961 (S.I. 1961/71)
# Summer Time (1962) Order, 1961 (S.I. 1961/2465)
# Summer Time Order, 1963 (S.I. 1963/81)
Rule	GB-Eire	1961	1963	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1961	1968	-	Oct	Sun>=23	2:00s	0	GMT
# Summer Time (1964) Order, 1963 (S.I. 1963/2101)
# Summer Time Order, 1964 (S.I. 1964/1201)
# Summer Time Order, 1967 (S.I. 1967/1148)
Rule	GB-Eire	1964	1967	-	Mar	Sun>=19	2:00s	1:00	BST
# Summer Time Order, 1968 (S.I. 1968/117)
Rule	GB-Eire	1968	only	-	Feb	18	2:00s	1:00	BST
# The British Standard Time Act, 1968
#	(no summer time)
# The Summer Time Act, 1972
Rule	GB-Eire	1972	1980	-	Mar	Sun>=16	2:00s	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire	1972	1980	-	Oct	Sun>=23	2:00s	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order, 1980 (S.I. 1980/1089)
# Summer Time Order, 1982 (S.I. 1982/1673)
# Summer Time Order, 1986 (S.I. 1986/223)
# Summer Time Order, 1988 (S.I. 1988/931)
Rule	GB-Eire	1981	1995	-	Mar	lastSun	1:00u	1:00	BST
Rule	GB-Eire 1981	1989	-	Oct	Sun>=23	1:00u	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order, 1989 (S.I. 1989/985)
# Summer Time Order, 1992 (S.I. 1992/1729)
# Summer Time Order 1994 (S.I. 1994/2798)
Rule	GB-Eire 1990	1995	-	Oct	Sun>=22	1:00u	0	GMT
# Summer Time Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/2982)
# See EU for rules starting in 1996.
# Use Europe/London for Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man.

Zone	Europe/London	-0:01:15 -	LMT	1847 Dec  1  0:00s
			 0:00	GB-Eire	%s	1968 Oct 27
			 1:00	-	BST	1971 Oct 31  2:00u
			 0:00	GB-Eire	%s	1996
			 0:00	EU	GMT/BST
Link	Europe/London	Europe/Jersey
Link	Europe/London	Europe/Guernsey
Link	Europe/London	Europe/Isle_of_Man

Zone	Europe/Dublin	-0:25:00 -	LMT	1880 Aug  2
			-0:25:21 -	DMT	1916 May 21  2:00
			-0:25:21 1:00	IST	1916 Oct  1  2:00s
			 0:00	GB-Eire	%s	1921 Dec  6 # independence
			 0:00	GB-Eire	GMT/IST	1940 Feb 25  2:00
			 0:00	1:00	IST	1946 Oct  6  2:00
			 0:00	-	GMT	1947 Mar 16  2:00
			 0:00	1:00	IST	1947 Nov  2  2:00
			 0:00	-	GMT	1948 Apr 18  2:00
			 0:00	GB-Eire	GMT/IST	1968 Oct 27
			 1:00	-	IST	1971 Oct 31  2:00u
			 0:00	GB-Eire	GMT/IST	1996
			 0:00	EU	GMT/IST


# Europe

# EU rules are for the European Union, previously known as the EC, EEC,
# Common Market, etc.

Rule	EU	1977	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 1:00u	1:00	S
Rule	EU	1977	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00u	0	-
Rule	EU	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00u	0	-
Rule	EU	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00u	0	-
Rule	EU	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 1:00u	1:00	S
Rule	EU	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 1:00u	0	-
# The most recent directive covers the years starting in 2002.  See:
# Directive 2000/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
# of 19 January 2001 on summer-time arrangements.
# http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32000L0084:EN:NOT

# W-Eur differs from EU only in that W-Eur uses standard time.
Rule	W-Eur	1977	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	W-Eur	1977	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	W-Eur	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	W-Eur	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	W-Eur	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	W-Eur	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 1:00s	0	-

# Older C-Eur rules are for convenience in the tables.
# From 1977 on, C-Eur differs from EU only in that C-Eur uses standard time.
Rule	C-Eur	1916	only	-	Apr	30	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1917	1918	-	Apr	Mon>=15	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1917	1918	-	Sep	Mon>=15	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1940	only	-	Apr	 1	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1943	only	-	Mar	29	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1943	only	-	Oct	 4	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1944	1945	-	Apr	Mon>=1	 2:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1944 Oct 7; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	C-Eur	1944	only	-	Oct	 2	 2:00s	0	-
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2008-07-13):
# I found what is probably a typo of 2:00 which should perhaps be 2:00s
# in the C-Eur rule from tz database version 2008d (this part was
# corrected in version 2008d). The circumstantial evidence is simply the
# tz database itself, as seen below:
# Zone Europe/Paris 0:09:21 - LMT 1891 Mar 15  0:01
#    0:00 France WE%sT 1945 Sep 16  3:00
# Zone Europe/Monaco 0:29:32 - LMT 1891 Mar 15
#    0:00 France WE%sT 1945 Sep 16  3:00
# Zone Europe/Belgrade 1:22:00 - LMT 1884
#    1:00 1:00 CEST 1945 Sep 16  2:00s
# Rule France 1945 only - Sep 16  3:00 0 -
# Rule Belgium 1945 only - Sep 16  2:00s 0 -
# Rule Neth 1945 only - Sep 16 2:00s 0 -
# The rule line to be changed is:
# Rule C-Eur 1945 only - Sep 16  2:00 0 -
# It seems that Paris, Monaco, Rule France, Rule Belgium all agree on
# 2:00 standard time, e.g. 3:00 local time.  However there are no
# countries that use C-Eur rules in September 1945, so the only items
# affected are apparently these fictitious zones that translate acronyms
# CET and MET:
# Zone CET  1:00 C-Eur CE%sT
# Zone MET  1:00 C-Eur ME%sT
# It this is right then the corrected version would look like:
# Rule C-Eur 1945 only - Sep 16  2:00s 0 -
# A small step for mankind though 8-)
Rule	C-Eur	1945	only	-	Sep	16	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1977	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1977	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	C-Eur	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	C-Eur	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-

# E-Eur differs from EU only in that E-Eur switches at midnight local time.
Rule	E-Eur	1977	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	E-Eur	1977	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule	E-Eur	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	E-Eur	1979	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule	E-Eur	1981	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	E-Eur	1996	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 0:00	0	-

# Daylight saving time for Russia and the Soviet Union
# The 1917-1921 decree URLs are from Alexander Belopolsky (2016-08-23).

Rule	Russia	1917	only	-	Jul	 1	23:00	1:00	MST  # Moscow Summer Time
# Decree No. 142 (1917-12-22) http://istmat.info/node/28137
Rule	Russia	1917	only	-	Dec	28	 0:00	0	MMT  # Moscow Mean Time
# Decree No. 497 (1918-05-30) http://istmat.info/node/30001
Rule	Russia	1918	only	-	May	31	22:00	2:00	MDST # Moscow Double Summer Time
Rule	Russia	1918	only	-	Sep	16	 1:00	1:00	MST
# Decree No. 258 (1919-05-29) http://istmat.info/node/37949
Rule	Russia	1919	only	-	May	31	23:00	2:00	MDST
Rule	Russia	1919	only	-	Jul	 1	 0:00u	1:00	MSD
Rule	Russia	1919	only	-	Aug	16	 0:00	0	MSK
# Decree No. 63 (1921-02-03) http://istmat.info/node/45840
Rule	Russia	1921	only	-	Feb	14	23:00	1:00	MSD
# Decree No. 121 (1921-03-07) http://istmat.info/node/45949
Rule	Russia	1921	only	-	Mar	20	23:00	2:00	+05
Rule	Russia	1921	only	-	Sep	 1	 0:00	1:00	MSD
Rule	Russia	1921	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Act No. 925 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1980-10-24):
Rule	Russia	1981	1984	-	Apr	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Russia	1981	1983	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Act No. 967 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1984-09-13), repeated in
# Act No. 227 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1989-03-14):
Rule	Russia	1984	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Russia	1985	2010	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Russia	1996	2010	-	Oct	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-
# As described below, Russia's 2014 change affects Zone data, not Rule data.

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-07):
# Wikipedia and other sources refer to the Act of the Council of
# Ministers of the USSR from 1988-01-04 No. 5 and the Act of the
# Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1989-03-14 No. 227.
# I did not find full texts of these acts.  For the 1989 one we have
# title at http://base.garant.ru/70754136/ :
# "About change in calculation of time on the territories of
# Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR and Estonian SSR, Astrakhan,
# Kaliningrad, Kirov, Kuybyshev, Ulyanovsk and Uralsk oblasts".
# And http://astrozet.net/files/Zones/DOC/RU/1980-925.txt appears to
# contain quotes from both acts: Since last Sunday of March 1988 rules
# of the second time belt are installed in Volgograd and Saratov
# oblasts.  Since last Sunday of March 1989:
# a) Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Estonian SSR, Kaliningrad oblast:
# second time belt rules without extra hour (Moscow-1);
# b) Astrakhan, Kirov, Kuybyshev, Ulyanovsk oblasts: second time belt
# rules (Moscow time)
# c) Uralsk oblast: third time belt rules (Moscow+1).

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-27):
# Unamended version of the act of the
# Government of the Russian Federation No. 23 from 08.01.1992
# http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102014034&rdk=0
# says that every year clocks were to be moved forward on last Sunday
# of March at 2 hours and moved backwards on last Sunday of September
# at 3 hours.  It was amended in 1996 to replace September with October.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-06-14):
# According to Kremlin press service, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
# signed a federal law "On calculation of time" on June 9, 2011.
# According to the law Russia is abolishing daylight saving time.
# Medvedev signed a law "On the Calculation of Time" (in russian):
# http://bmockbe.ru/events/?ID=7583
# Medvedev signed a law on the calculation of the time (in russian):
# http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1413906.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15):
# Take "abolishing daylight saving time" to mean that time is now considered
# to be standard.

# These are for backward compatibility with older versions.

Zone	WET		0:00	EU	WE%sT
Zone	CET		1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT
Zone	MET		1:00	C-Eur	ME%sT
Zone	EET		2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Previous editions of this database used abbreviations like MET DST
# for Central European Summer Time, but this didn't agree with common usage.

# From Markus Kuhn (1996-07-12):
# The official German names ... are
#	Mitteleuropäische Zeit (MEZ)         = UTC+01:00
#	Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit (MESZ)  = UTC+02:00
# as defined in the German Time Act (Gesetz über die Zeitbestimmung (ZeitG),
# 1978-07-25, Bundesgesetzblatt, Jahrgang 1978, Teil I, S. 1110-1111)....
# I wrote ... to the German Federal Physical-Technical Institution
#	Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
#	Laboratorium 4.41 "Zeiteinheit"
#	Postfach 3345
#	D-38023 Braunschweig
#	phone: +49 531 592-0
# ... I received today an answer letter from Dr. Peter Hetzel, head of the PTB
# department for time and frequency transmission.  He explained that the
# PTB translates MEZ and MESZ into English as
#	Central European Time (CET)         = UTC+01:00
#	Central European Summer Time (CEST) = UTC+02:00

# Albania
Rule	Albania	1940	only	-	Jun	16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	3:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1943	only	-	Mar	29	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1943	only	-	Apr	10	3:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1974	only	-	May	 4	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1974	only	-	Oct	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1975	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1975	only	-	Oct	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1976	only	-	May	 2	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1976	only	-	Oct	 3	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1977	only	-	May	 8	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1977	only	-	Oct	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1978	only	-	May	 6	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1979	only	-	May	 5	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1979	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1980	only	-	May	 3	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1980	only	-	Oct	 4	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1981	only	-	Apr	26	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1981	only	-	Sep	27	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1982	only	-	May	 2	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1982	only	-	Oct	 3	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1983	only	-	Apr	18	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Albania	1983	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Albania	1984	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Tirane	1:19:20 -	LMT	1914
			1:00	-	CET	1940 Jun 16
			1:00	Albania	CE%sT	1984 Jul
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Andorra
Zone	Europe/Andorra	0:06:04 -	LMT	1901
			0:00	-	WET	1946 Sep 30
			1:00	-	CET	1985 Mar 31  2:00
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Austria

# Milne says Vienna time was 1:05:21.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): Shanks & Pottenger give 1918-06-16 and
# 1945-11-18, but the Austrian Federal Office of Metrology and
# Surveying (BEV) gives 1918-09-16 and for Vienna gives the "alleged"
# date of 1945-04-12 with no time.  For the 1980-04-06 transition
# Shanks & Pottenger give 02:00, the BEV 00:00.  Go with the BEV,
# and guess 02:00 for 1945-04-12.

Rule	Austria	1920	only	-	Apr	 5	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Austria	1920	only	-	Sep	13	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Austria	1946	only	-	Apr	14	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Austria	1946	1948	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Austria	1947	only	-	Apr	 6	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Austria	1948	only	-	Apr	18	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Austria	1980	only	-	Apr	 6	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Austria	1980	only	-	Sep	28	0:00	0	-
Zone	Europe/Vienna	1:05:21 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1920
			1:00	Austria	CE%sT	1940 Apr  1  2:00s
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr  2  2:00s
			1:00	1:00	CEST	1945 Apr 12  2:00s
			1:00	-	CET	1946
			1:00	Austria	CE%sT	1981
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Belarus
# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-07-02):
# http://www.lawbelarus.com/repub/sub30/texf9611.htm
# (Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from
# 1992-03-25 No. 157) ... says clocks were to be moved forward at 2:00
# on last Sunday of March and backward at 3:00 on last Sunday of September
# (the same as previous USSR and contemporary Russian regulations).
# From Yauhen Kharuzhy (2011-09-16):
# By latest Belarus government act Europe/Minsk timezone was changed to
# GMT+3 without DST (was GMT+2 with DST).
# Sources (Russian language):
# http://www.belta.by/ru/all_news/society/V-Belarusi-otmenjaetsja-perexod-na-sezonnoe-vremja_i_572952.html
# http://naviny.by/rubrics/society/2011/09/16/ic_articles_116_175144/
# http://news.tut.by/society/250578.html
# From Alexander Bokovoy (2014-10-09):
# Belarussian government decided against changing to winter time....
# http://eng.belta.by/all_news/society/Belarus-decides-against-adjusting-time-in-Russias-wake_i_76335.html
Zone	Europe/Minsk	1:50:16 -	LMT	1880
			1:50	-	MMT	1924 May  2 # Minsk Mean Time
			2:00	-	EET	1930 Jun 21
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Jun 28
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Jul  3
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1990
			3:00	-	MSK	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			2:00	Russia	EE%sT	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			3:00	-	+03

# Belgium
# From Paul Eggert (1997-07-02):
# Entries from 1918 through 1991 are taken from:
#	Annuaire de L'Observatoire Royal de Belgique,
#	Avenue Circulaire, 3, B-1180 BRUXELLES, CLVIIe année, 1991
#	(Imprimerie HAYEZ, s.p.r.l., Rue Fin, 4, 1080 BRUXELLES, MCMXC),
#	pp 8-9.
# LMT before 1892 was 0:17:30, according to the official journal of Belgium:
#	Moniteur Belge, Samedi 30 Avril 1892, N.121.
# Thanks to Pascal Delmoitie for these references.
# The 1918 rules are listed for completeness; they apply to unoccupied Belgium.
# Assume Brussels switched to WET in 1918 when the armistice took effect.
Rule	Belgium	1918	only	-	Mar	 9	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1918	1919	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1919	only	-	Mar	 1	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1920	only	-	Feb	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1920	only	-	Oct	23	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1921	only	-	Mar	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1921	only	-	Oct	25	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1922	only	-	Mar	25	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1922	1927	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1923	only	-	Apr	21	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1924	only	-	Mar	29	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1925	only	-	Apr	 4	23:00s	1:00	S
# DSH writes that a royal decree of 1926-02-22 specified the Sun following 3rd
# Sat in Apr (except if it's Easter, in which case it's one Sunday earlier),
# to Sun following 1st Sat in Oct, and that a royal decree of 1928-09-15
# changed the transition times to 02:00 GMT.
Rule	Belgium	1926	only	-	Apr	17	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1927	only	-	Apr	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1928	only	-	Apr	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1928	1938	-	Oct	Sun>=2	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1929	only	-	Apr	21	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1930	only	-	Apr	13	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1931	only	-	Apr	19	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1932	only	-	Apr	 3	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1933	only	-	Mar	26	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1934	only	-	Apr	 8	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1935	only	-	Mar	31	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1936	only	-	Apr	19	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1937	only	-	Apr	 4	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1938	only	-	Mar	27	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1939	only	-	Apr	16	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1939	only	-	Nov	19	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1940	only	-	Feb	25	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1944	only	-	Sep	17	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1945	only	-	Sep	16	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Belgium	1946	only	-	May	19	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Belgium	1946	only	-	Oct	 7	 2:00s	0	-
Zone	Europe/Brussels	0:17:30 -	LMT	1880
			0:17:30	-	BMT	1892 May  1 12:00  # Brussels MT
			0:00	-	WET	1914 Nov  8
			1:00	-	CET	1916 May  1  0:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Nov 11 11:00u
			0:00	Belgium	WE%sT	1940 May 20  2:00s
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Sep  3
			1:00	Belgium	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Bosnia and Herzegovina
# See Europe/Belgrade.

# Bulgaria
# From Plamen Simenov via Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
# A document of Government of Bulgaria (No. 94/1997) says:
# EET -> EETDST is in 03:00 Local time in last Sunday of March ...
# EETDST -> EET is in 04:00 Local time in last Sunday of October
Rule	Bulg	1979	only	-	Mar	31	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Bulg	1979	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Bulg	1980	1982	-	Apr	Sat>=1	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Bulg	1980	only	-	Sep	29	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Bulg	1981	only	-	Sep	27	 2:00	0	-
Zone	Europe/Sofia	1:33:16 -	LMT	1880
			1:56:56	-	IMT	1894 Nov 30 # Istanbul MT?
			2:00	-	EET	1942 Nov  2  3:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945
			1:00	-	CET	1945 Apr  2  3:00
			2:00	-	EET	1979 Mar 31 23:00
			2:00	Bulg	EE%sT	1982 Sep 26  3:00
			2:00	C-Eur	EE%sT	1991
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1997
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Croatia
# See Europe/Belgrade.

# Cyprus
# Please see the 'asia' file for Asia/Nicosia.

# Czech Republic
Rule	Czech	1945	only	-	Apr	 8	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Czech	1945	only	-	Nov	18	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Czech	1946	only	-	May	 6	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Czech	1946	1949	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Czech	1947	only	-	Apr	20	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Czech	1948	only	-	Apr	18	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Czech	1949	only	-	Apr	 9	2:00s	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Prague	0:57:44 -	LMT	1850
			0:57:44	-	PMT	1891 Oct    # Prague Mean Time
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Sep 17  2:00s
			1:00	Czech	CE%sT	1979
			1:00	EU	CE%sT
# Use Europe/Prague also for Slovakia.

# Denmark, Faroe Islands, and Greenland

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2005-04-26):
# http://www.hum.aau.dk/~poe/tid/tine/DanskTid.htm says that the law
# [introducing standard time] was in effect from 1894-01-01....
# The page http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A18930008330-REGL
# confirms this, and states that the law was put forth 1893-03-29.
# The EU treaty with effect from 1973:
# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A19722110030-REGL
# This provoked a new law from 1974 to make possible summer time changes
# in subsequent decrees with the law
# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A19740022330-REGL
# It seems however that no decree was set forward until 1980.  I have
# not found any decree, but in another related law, the effecting DST
# changes are stated explicitly to be from 1980-04-06 at 02:00 to
# 1980-09-28 at 02:00.  If this is true, this differs slightly from
# the EU rule in that DST runs to 02:00, not 03:00.  We don't know
# when Denmark began using the EU rule correctly, but we have only
# confirmation of the 1980-time, so I presume it was correct in 1981:
# The law is about the management of the extra hour, concerning
# working hours reported and effect on obligatory-rest rules (which
# was suspended on that night):
# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/C19801120554-REGL

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2005-06-11):
# The Herning Folkeblad (1980-09-26) reported that the night between
# Saturday and Sunday the clock is set back from three to two.

# From Paul Eggert (2005-06-11):
# Hence the "02:00" of the 1980 law refers to standard time, not
# wall-clock time, and so the EU rules were in effect in 1980.

Rule	Denmark	1916	only	-	May	14	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1916	only	-	Sep	30	23:00	0	-
Rule	Denmark	1940	only	-	May	15	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1945	only	-	Aug	15	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Denmark	1946	only	-	May	 1	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1946	only	-	Sep	 1	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Denmark	1947	only	-	May	 4	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1947	only	-	Aug	10	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Denmark	1948	only	-	May	 9	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Denmark	1948	only	-	Aug	 8	 2:00s	0	-
Zone Europe/Copenhagen	 0:50:20 -	LMT	1890
			 0:50:20 -	CMT	1894 Jan  1 # Copenhagen MT
			 1:00	Denmark	CE%sT	1942 Nov  2  2:00s
			 1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr  2  2:00
			 1:00	Denmark	CE%sT	1980
			 1:00	EU	CE%sT
Zone Atlantic/Faroe	-0:27:04 -	LMT	1908 Jan 11 # Tórshavn
			 0:00	-	WET	1981
			 0:00	EU	WE%sT
# From Paul Eggert (2004-10-31):
# During World War II, Germany maintained secret manned weather stations in
# East Greenland and Franz Josef Land, but we don't know their time zones.
# My source for this is Wilhelm Dege's book mentioned under Svalbard.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Greenland joined the EU as part of Denmark, obtained home rule on 1979-05-01,
# and left the EU on 1985-02-01.  It therefore should have been using EU
# rules at least through 1984.  Shanks & Pottenger say Scoresbysund and Godthåb
# used C-Eur rules after 1980, but IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says they use EU
# rules since at least 1991.  Assume EU rules since 1980.

# From Gwillim Law (2001-06-06), citing
# <http://www.statkart.no/efs/efshefter/2001/efs5-2001.pdf> (2001-03-15),
# and with translations corrected by Steffen Thorsen:
# Greenland has four local times, and the relation to UTC
# is according to the following time line:
# The military zone near Thule	UTC-4
# Standard Greenland time	UTC-3
# Scoresbysund			UTC-1
# Danmarkshavn			UTC
# In the military area near Thule and in Danmarkshavn DST will not be
# introduced.

# From Rives McDow (2001-11-01):
# I correspond regularly with the Dansk Polarcenter, and wrote them at
# the time to clarify the situation in Thule.  Unfortunately, I have
# not heard back from them regarding my recent letter.  [But I have
# info from earlier correspondence.]
# According to the center, a very small local time zone around Thule
# Air Base keeps the time according to UTC-4, implementing daylight
# savings using North America rules, changing the time at 02:00 local time....
# The east coast of Greenland north of the community of Scoresbysund
# uses UTC in the same way as in Iceland, year round, with no dst.
# There are just a few stations on this coast, including the
# Danmarkshavn ICAO weather station mentioned in your September 29th
# email.  The other stations are two sledge patrol stations in
# Mestersvig and Daneborg, the air force base at Station Nord, and the
# DPC research station at Zackenberg.
# Scoresbysund and two small villages nearby keep time UTC-1 and use
# the same daylight savings time period as in West Greenland (Godthåb).
# The rest of Greenland, including Godthåb (this area, although it
# includes central Greenland, is known as west Greenland), keeps time
# UTC-3, with daylight savings methods according to European rules.
# It is common procedure to use UTC 0 in the wilderness of East and
# North Greenland, because it is mainly Icelandic aircraft operators
# maintaining traffic in these areas.  However, the official status of
# this area is that it sticks with Godthåb time.  This area might be
# considered a dual time zone in some respects because of this.

# From Rives McDow (2001-11-19):
# I heard back from someone stationed at Thule; the time change took place
# there at 2:00 AM.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# From 1997 on the CIA map shows Danmarkshavn on GMT;
# the 1995 map as like Godthåb.
# For lack of better info, assume they were like Godthåb before 1996.
# startkart.no says Thule does not observe DST, but this is clearly an error,
# so go with Shanks & Pottenger for Thule transitions until this year.
# For 2007 on assume Thule will stay in sync with US DST rules.

# From J William Piggott (2016-02-20):
# "Greenland north of the community of Scoresbysund" is officially named
# "National Park" by Executive Order:
# http://naalakkersuisut.gl/~/media/Nanoq/Files/Attached%20Files/Engelske-tekster/Legislation/Executive%20Order%20National%20Park.rtf
# It is their only National Park.
Rule	Thule	1991	1992	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Thule	1991	1992	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Thule	1993	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Thule	1993	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Thule	2007	max	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Thule	2007	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Danmarkshavn -1:14:40 -	LMT	1916 Jul 28
			-3:00	-	WGT	1980 Apr  6  2:00
			-3:00	EU	WG%sT	1996
			0:00	-	GMT
Zone America/Scoresbysund -1:27:52 -	LMT	1916 Jul 28 # Ittoqqortoormiit
			-2:00	-	CGT	1980 Apr  6  2:00
			-2:00	C-Eur	CG%sT	1981 Mar 29
			-1:00	EU	EG%sT
Zone America/Godthab	-3:26:56 -	LMT	1916 Jul 28 # Nuuk
			-3:00	-	WGT	1980 Apr  6  2:00
			-3:00	EU	WG%sT
Zone America/Thule	-4:35:08 -	LMT	1916 Jul 28 # Pituffik air base
			-4:00	Thule	A%sT

# Estonia
# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).
# From Peter Ilieve (1994-10-15):
# A relative in Tallinn confirms the accuracy of the data for 1989 onwards
# [through 1994] and gives the legal authority for it,
# a regulation of the Government of Estonia, No. 111 of 1989....
# From Peter Ilieve (1996-10-28):
# [IATA SSIM (1992/1996) claims that the Baltic republics switch at 01:00s,
# but a relative confirms that Estonia still switches at 02:00s, writing:]
# "I do not [know] exactly but there are some little different
# (confusing) rules for International Air and Railway Transport Schedules
# conversion in Sunday connected with end of summer time in Estonia....
# A discussion is running about the summer time efficiency and effect on
# human physiology.  It seems that Estonia maybe will not change to
# summer time next spring."

# From Peter Ilieve (1998-11-04), heavily edited:
# The 1998-09-22 Estonian time law
# http://trip.rk.ee/cgi-bin/thw?${BASE}=akt&${OOHTML}=rtd&TA=1998&TO=1&AN=1390
# refers to the Eighth Directive and cites the association agreement between
# the EU and Estonia, ratified by the Estonian law (RT II 1995, 22-27, 120).
# I also asked [my relative] whether they use any standard abbreviation
# for their standard and summer times. He says no, they use "suveaeg"
# (summer time) and "talveaeg" (winter time).

# From The Baltic Times <http://www.baltictimes.com/> (1999-09-09)
# via Steffen Thorsen:
# This year will mark the last time Estonia shifts to summer time,
# a council of the ruling coalition announced Sept. 6....
# But what this could mean for Estonia's chances of joining the European
# Union are still unclear.  In 1994, the EU declared summer time compulsory
# for all member states until 2001.  Brussels has yet to decide what to do
# after that.

# From Mart Oruaas (2000-01-29):
# Regulation No. 301 (1999-10-12) obsoletes previous regulation
# No. 206 (1998-09-22) and thus sticks Estonia to +02:00 GMT for all
# the year round.  The regulation is effective 1999-11-01.

# From Toomas Soome (2002-02-21):
# The Estonian government has changed once again timezone politics.
# Now we are using again EU rules.
# From Urmet Jänes (2002-03-28):
# The legislative reference is Government decree No. 84 on 2002-02-21.

Zone	Europe/Tallinn	1:39:00	-	LMT	1880
			1:39:00	-	TMT	1918 Feb    # Tallinn Mean Time
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1919 Jul
			1:39:00	-	TMT	1921 May
			2:00	-	EET	1940 Aug  6
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Sep 15
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Sep 22
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			2:00	1:00	EEST	1989 Sep 24  2:00s
			2:00	C-Eur	EE%sT	1998 Sep 22
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	1999 Oct 31  4:00
			2:00	-	EET	2002 Feb 21
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Finland

# From Hannu Strang (1994-09-25 06:03:37 UTC):
# Well, here in Helsinki we're just changing from summer time to regular one,
# and it's supposed to change at 4am...

# From Janne Snabb (2010-07-15):
# I noticed that the Finland data is not accurate for years 1981 and 1982.
# During these two first trial years the DST adjustment was made one hour
# earlier than in forthcoming years. Starting 1983 the adjustment was made
# according to the central European standards.
# This is documented in Heikki Oja: Aikakirja 2007, published by The Almanac
# Office of University of Helsinki, ISBN 952-10-3221-9, available online (in
# Finnish) at
# http://almanakka.helsinki.fi/aikakirja/Aikakirja2007kokonaan.pdf
# Page 105 (56 in PDF version) has a handy table of all past daylight savings
# transitions. It is easy enough to interpret without Finnish skills.
# This is also confirmed by Finnish Broadcasting Company's archive at:
# http://www.yle.fi/elavaarkisto/?s=s&g=1&ag=5&t=&a=3401
# The news clip from 1981 says that "the time between 2 and 3 o'clock does not
# exist tonight."

# From Konstantin Hyppönen (2014-06-13):
# [Heikki Oja's book Aikakirja 2013]
# http://almanakka.helsinki.fi/images/aikakirja/Aikakirja2013kokonaan.pdf
# pages 104-105, including a scan from a newspaper published on Apr 2 1942
# say that ... [o]n Apr 2 1942, 24 o'clock (which means Apr 3 1942,
# 00:00), clocks were moved one hour forward. The newspaper
# mentions "on the night from Thursday to Friday"....
# On Oct 4 1942, clocks were moved at 1:00 one hour backwards.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-14):
# Go with Oja over Shanks.

Rule	Finland	1942	only	-	Apr	2	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Finland	1942	only	-	Oct	4	1:00	0	-
Rule	Finland	1981	1982	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Finland	1981	1982	-	Sep	lastSun	3:00	0	-

# Milne says Helsinki (Helsingfors) time was 1:39:49.2 (official document);
# round to nearest.

Zone	Europe/Helsinki	1:39:49 -	LMT	1878 May 31
			1:39:49	-	HMT	1921 May    # Helsinki Mean Time
			2:00	Finland	EE%sT	1983
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Åland Is
Link	Europe/Helsinki	Europe/Mariehamn

# France

# From Ciro Discepolo (2000-12-20):
# Henri Le Corre, Régimes horaires pour le monde entier, Éditions
# Traditionnelles - Paris 2 books, 1993
# Gabriel, Traité de l'heure dans le monde, Guy Trédaniel,
# Paris, 1991
# Françoise Gauquelin, Problèmes de l'heure résolus en astrologie,
# Guy Trédaniel, Paris 1987

# Shank & Pottenger seem to use '24:00' ambiguously; resolve it with Whitman.
Rule	France	1916	only	-	Jun	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1916	1919	-	Oct	Sun>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	France	1917	only	-	Mar	24	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1918	only	-	Mar	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1919	only	-	Mar	 1	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1920	only	-	Feb	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1920	only	-	Oct	23	23:00s	0	-
Rule	France	1921	only	-	Mar	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1921	only	-	Oct	25	23:00s	0	-
Rule	France	1922	only	-	Mar	25	23:00s	1:00	S
# DSH writes that a law of 1923-05-24 specified 3rd Sat in Apr at 23:00 to 1st
# Sat in Oct at 24:00; and that in 1930, because of Easter, the transitions
# were Apr 12 and Oct 5.  Go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	France	1922	1938	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	France	1923	only	-	May	26	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1924	only	-	Mar	29	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1925	only	-	Apr	 4	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1926	only	-	Apr	17	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1927	only	-	Apr	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1928	only	-	Apr	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1929	only	-	Apr	20	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1930	only	-	Apr	12	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1931	only	-	Apr	18	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1932	only	-	Apr	 2	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1933	only	-	Mar	25	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1934	only	-	Apr	 7	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1935	only	-	Mar	30	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1936	only	-	Apr	18	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1937	only	-	Apr	 3	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1938	only	-	Mar	26	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1939	only	-	Apr	15	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	France	1939	only	-	Nov	18	23:00s	0	-
Rule	France	1940	only	-	Feb	25	 2:00	1:00	S
# The French rules for 1941-1944 were not used in Paris, but Shanks & Pottenger
# write that they were used in Monaco and in many French locations.
# Le Corre writes that the upper limit of the free zone was Arnéguy, Orthez,
# Mont-de-Marsan, Bazas, Langon, Lamothe-Montravel, Marœuil, La
# Rochefoucauld, Champagne-Mouton, La Roche-Posay, La Haye-Descartes,
# Loches, Montrichard, Vierzon, Bourges, Moulins, Digoin,
# Paray-le-Monial, Montceau-les-Mines, Chalon-sur-Saône, Arbois,
# Dole, Morez, St-Claude, and Collonges (Haute-Savoie).
Rule	France	1941	only	-	May	 5	 0:00	2:00	M # Midsummer
# Shanks & Pottenger say this transition occurred at Oct 6 1:00,
# but go with Denis Excoffier (1997-12-12),
# who quotes the Ephémérides astronomiques for 1998 from Bureau des Longitudes
# as saying 5/10/41 22hUT.
Rule	France	1941	only	-	Oct	 6	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	France	1942	only	-	Mar	 9	 0:00	2:00	M
Rule	France	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	 3:00	1:00	S
Rule	France	1943	only	-	Mar	29	 2:00	2:00	M
Rule	France	1943	only	-	Oct	 4	 3:00	1:00	S
Rule	France	1944	only	-	Apr	 3	 2:00	2:00	M
Rule	France	1944	only	-	Oct	 8	 1:00	1:00	S
Rule	France	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	 2:00	2:00	M
Rule	France	1945	only	-	Sep	16	 3:00	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger give Mar 28 2:00 and Sep 26 3:00;
# go with Excoffier's 28/3/76 0hUT and 25/9/76 23hUT.
Rule	France	1976	only	-	Mar	28	 1:00	1:00	S
Rule	France	1976	only	-	Sep	26	 1:00	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger give 0:09:20 for Paris Mean Time, and Whitman 0:09:05,
# but Howse quotes the actual French legislation as saying 0:09:21.
# Go with Howse.  Howse writes that the time in France was officially based
# on PMT-0:09:21 until 1978-08-09, when the time base finally switched to UTC.
Zone	Europe/Paris	0:09:21 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15  0:01
			0:09:21	-	PMT	1911 Mar 11  0:01 # Paris MT
# Shanks & Pottenger give 1940 Jun 14 0:00; go with Excoffier and Le Corre.
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1940 Jun 14 23:00
# Le Corre says Paris stuck with occupied-France time after the liberation;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Aug 25
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1945 Sep 16  3:00
			1:00	France	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Germany

# From Markus Kuhn (1998-09-29):
# The German time zone web site by the Physikalisch-Technische
# Bundesanstalt contains DST information back to 1916.
# [See tz-link.htm for the URL.]

# From Jörg Schilling (2002-10-23):
# In 1945, Berlin was switched to Moscow Summer time (GMT+4) by
# http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/BersarinNikolai/
# General [Nikolai] Bersarin.

# From Paul Eggert (2003-03-08):
# http://www.parlament-berlin.de/pds-fraktion.nsf/727459127c8b66ee8525662300459099/defc77cb784f180ac1256c2b0030274b/$FILE/bersarint.pdf
# says that Bersarin issued an order to use Moscow time on May 20.
# However, Moscow did not observe daylight saving in 1945, so
# this was equivalent to UT +03, not +04.

Rule	Germany	1946	only	-	Apr	14	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Germany	1946	only	-	Oct	 7	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Germany	1947	1949	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	-
# http://www.ptb.de/de/org/4/44/441/salt.htm says the following transition
# occurred at 3:00 MEZ, not the 2:00 MEZ given in Shanks & Pottenger.
# Go with the PTB.
Rule	Germany	1947	only	-	Apr	 6	3:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Germany	1947	only	-	May	11	2:00s	2:00	M
Rule	Germany	1947	only	-	Jun	29	3:00	1:00	S
Rule	Germany	1948	only	-	Apr	18	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Germany	1949	only	-	Apr	10	2:00s	1:00	S

Rule SovietZone	1945	only	-	May	24	2:00	2:00	M # Midsummer
Rule SovietZone	1945	only	-	Sep	24	3:00	1:00	S
Rule SovietZone	1945	only	-	Nov	18	2:00s	0	-

Zone	Europe/Berlin	0:53:28 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 May 24  2:00
			1:00 SovietZone	CE%sT	1946
			1:00	Germany	CE%sT	1980
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# From Tobias Conradi (2011-09-12):
# Büsingen <http://www.buesingen.de>, surrounded by the Swiss canton
# Schaffhausen, did not start observing DST in 1980 as the rest of DE
# (West Germany at that time) and DD (East Germany at that time) did.
# DD merged into DE, the area is currently covered by code DE in ISO 3166-1,
# which in turn is covered by the zone Europe/Berlin.
# Source for the time in Büsingen 1980:
# http://www.srf.ch/player/video?id=c012c029-03b7-4c2b-9164-aa5902cd58d3

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-03):
# Büsingen and Zurich have shared clocks since 1970.

Link	Europe/Zurich	Europe/Busingen

# Georgia
# Please see the "asia" file for Asia/Tbilisi.
# Herodotus (Histories, IV.45) says Georgia north of the Phasis (now Rioni)
# is in Europe.  Our reference location Tbilisi is in the Asian part.

# Gibraltar
Zone Europe/Gibraltar	-0:21:24 -	LMT	1880 Aug  2  0:00s
			0:00	GB-Eire	%s	1957 Apr 14  2:00
			1:00	-	CET	1982
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Greece
# Whitman gives 1932 Jul 5 - Nov 1; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Greece	1932	only	-	Jul	 7	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1932	only	-	Sep	 1	0:00	0	-
# Whitman gives 1941 Apr 25 - ?; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Greece	1941	only	-	Apr	 7	0:00	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1942 Feb 2 - ?; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Greece	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	3:00	0	-
Rule	Greece	1943	only	-	Mar	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1943	only	-	Oct	 4	0:00	0	-
# Whitman gives 1944 Oct 3 - Oct 31; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Greece	1952	only	-	Jul	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1952	only	-	Nov	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Greece	1975	only	-	Apr	12	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1975	only	-	Nov	26	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Greece	1976	only	-	Apr	11	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1976	only	-	Oct	10	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Greece	1977	1978	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1977	only	-	Sep	26	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Greece	1978	only	-	Sep	24	4:00	0	-
Rule	Greece	1979	only	-	Apr	 1	9:00	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1979	only	-	Sep	29	2:00	0	-
Rule	Greece	1980	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Greece	1980	only	-	Sep	28	0:00	0	-
Zone	Europe/Athens	1:34:52 -	LMT	1895 Sep 14
			1:34:52	-	AMT	1916 Jul 28  0:01 # Athens MT
			2:00	Greece	EE%sT	1941 Apr 30
			1:00	Greece	CE%sT	1944 Apr  4
			2:00	Greece	EE%sT	1981
			# Shanks & Pottenger say it switched to C-Eur in 1981;
			# go with EU instead, since Greece joined it on Jan 1.
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Hungary
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-15):
# Dates for 1916-1945 are taken from:
# Oross A. Jelen a múlt jövője: a nyári időszámítás Magyarországon 1916-1945.
# National Archives of Hungary (2012-10-29).
# http://mnl.gov.hu/a_het_dokumentuma/a_nyari_idoszamitas_magyarorszagon_19161945.html
# This source does not always give times, which are taken from Shanks
# & Pottenger (which disagree about the dates).
Rule	Hungary	1918	only	-	Apr	 1	 3:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1918	only	-	Sep	16	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1919	only	-	Apr	15	 3:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1919	only	-	Nov	24	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1945	only	-	May	 1	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1945	only	-	Nov	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1946	only	-	Mar	31	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1946	1949	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1947	1949	-	Apr	Sun>=4	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1950	only	-	Apr	17	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1950	only	-	Oct	23	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1954	1955	-	May	23	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1954	1955	-	Oct	 3	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1956	only	-	Jun	Sun>=1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1956	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1957	only	-	Jun	Sun>=1	 1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Hungary	1957	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Hungary	1980	only	-	Apr	 6	 1:00	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Budapest	1:16:20 -	LMT	1890 Oct
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1918
			1:00	Hungary	CE%sT	1941 Apr  8
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945
			1:00	Hungary	CE%sT	1980 Sep 28  2:00s
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Iceland
# From Adam David (1993-11-06):
# The name of the timezone in Iceland for system / mail / news purposes is GMT.
# (1993-12-05):
# This material is paraphrased from the 1988 edition of the University of
# Iceland Almanak.
# From January 1st, 1908 the whole of Iceland was standardised at 1 hour
# behind GMT. Previously, local mean solar time was used in different parts
# of Iceland, the almanak had been based on Reykjavik mean solar time which
# was 1 hour and 28 minutes behind GMT.
# "first day of winter" referred to [below] means the first day of the 26 weeks
# of winter, according to the old icelandic calendar that dates back to the
# time the norsemen first settled Iceland.  The first day of winter is always
# Saturday, but is not dependent on the Julian or Gregorian calendars.
# (1993-12-10):
# I have a reference from the Oxford Icelandic-English dictionary for the
# beginning of winter, which ties it to the ecclesiastical calendar (and thus
# to the julian/gregorian calendar) over the period in question.
#	the winter begins on the Saturday next before St. Luke's day
#	(old style), or on St. Luke's day, if a Saturday.
# St. Luke's day ought to be traceable from ecclesiastical sources. "old style"
# might be a reference to the Julian calendar as opposed to Gregorian, or it
# might mean something else (???).
# From Paul Eggert (2014-11-22):
# The information below is taken from the 1988 Almanak; see
# http://www.almanak.hi.is/klukkan.html
Rule	Iceland	1917	1919	-	Feb	19	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Iceland	1917	only	-	Oct	21	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1918	1919	-	Nov	16	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1921	only	-	Mar	19	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Iceland	1921	only	-	Jun	23	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1939	only	-	Apr	29	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Iceland	1939	only	-	Oct	29	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1940	only	-	Feb	25	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Iceland	1940	1941	-	Nov	Sun>=2	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1941	1942	-	Mar	Sun>=2	 1:00s	1:00	S
# 1943-1946 - first Sunday in March until first Sunday in winter
Rule	Iceland	1943	1946	-	Mar	Sun>=1	 1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Iceland	1942	1948	-	Oct	Sun>=22	 1:00s	0	-
# 1947-1967 - first Sunday in April until first Sunday in winter
Rule	Iceland	1947	1967	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 1:00s	1:00	S
# 1949 and 1967 Oct transitions delayed by 1 week
Rule	Iceland	1949	only	-	Oct	30	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1950	1966	-	Oct	Sun>=22	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	Iceland	1967	only	-	Oct	29	 1:00s	0	-
Zone Atlantic/Reykjavik	-1:28	-	LMT	1908
			-1:00	Iceland	IS%sT	1968 Apr  7  1:00s
			 0:00	-	GMT

# Italy
# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
# Sicily and Sardinia each had their own time zones from 1866 to 1893,
# called Palermo Time (+00:53:28) and Cagliari Time (+00:36:32).
# During World War II, German-controlled Italy used German time.
# But these events all occurred before the 1970 cutoff,
# so record only the time in Rome.
# From Michael Deckers (2016-10-24):
# http://www.ac-ilsestante.it/MERIDIANE/ora_legale quotes a law of 1893-08-10
# ... [translated as] "The preceding dispositions will enter into
# force at the instant at which, according to the time specified in
# the 1st article, the 1st of November 1893 will begin...."
# From Pierpaolo Bernardi (2016-10-20):
# The authoritative source for time in Italy is the national metrological
# institute, which has a summary page of historical DST data at
# http://www.inrim.it/res/tf/ora_legale_i.shtml
# (2016-10-24):
# http://www.renzobaldini.it/le-ore-legali-in-italia/
# has still different data for 1944.  It divides Italy in two, as
# there were effectively two governments at the time, north of Gothic
# Line German controlled territory, official government RSI, and south
# of the Gothic Line, controlled by allied armies.
# From Brian Inglis (2016-10-23):
# Viceregal LEGISLATIVE DECREE. 14 September 1944, no. 219.
# Restoration of Standard Time. (044U0219) (OJ 62 of 30.9.1944) ...
# Given the R. law decreed on 1944-03-29, no. 92, by which standard time is
# advanced to sixty minutes later starting at hour two on 1944-04-02; ...
# Starting at hour three on the date 1944-09-17 standard time will be resumed.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-10-27):
# Go with INRiM for DST rules, except as corrected by Inglis for 1944
# for the Kingdom of Italy.  This is consistent with Renzo Baldini.
# Model Rome's occupation by using using C-Eur rules from 1943-09-10
# to 1944-06-04; although Rome was an open city during this period, it
# was effectively controlled by Germany.
Rule	Italy	1916	only	-	Jun	 3	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1916	1917	-	Sep	30	24:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1917	only	-	Mar	31	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1918	only	-	Mar	 9	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1918	only	-	Oct	 6	24:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1919	only	-	Mar	 1	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1919	only	-	Oct	 4	24:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1920	only	-	Mar	20	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1920	only	-	Sep	18	24:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1940	only	-	Jun	14	24:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1942	only	-	Nov	 2	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1943	only	-	Mar	29	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1943	only	-	Oct	 4	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1944	only	-	Apr	 2	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1944	only	-	Sep	17	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1945	only	-	Sep	15	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1946	only	-	Mar	17	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1946	only	-	Oct	 6	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1947	only	-	Mar	16	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1947	only	-	Oct	 5	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1948	only	-	Feb	29	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1948	only	-	Oct	 3	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1966	1968	-	May	Sun>=22	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1966	only	-	Sep	24	24:00	0	-
Rule	Italy	1967	1969	-	Sep	Sun>=22	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1969	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1970	only	-	May	31	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1970	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1971	1972	-	May	Sun>=22	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1971	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1972	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1973	only	-	Jun	 3	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1973	1974	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1974	only	-	May	26	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1975	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1975	1977	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1976	only	-	May	30	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1977	1979	-	May	Sun>=22	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Italy	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Italy	1979	only	-	Sep	30	 0:00s	0	-
Zone	Europe/Rome	0:49:56 -	LMT	1866 Sep 22
			0:49:56	-	RMT	1893 Oct 31 23:49:56 # Rome Mean
			1:00	Italy	CE%sT	1943 Sep 10
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Jun  4
			1:00	Italy	CE%sT	1980
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

Link	Europe/Rome	Europe/Vatican
Link	Europe/Rome	Europe/San_Marino

# Latvia

# From Liene Kanepe (1998-09-17):

# I asked about this matter Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Astronomy
# of The University of Latvia Dr. paed Mr. Ilgonis Vilks. I also searched the
# correct data in juridical acts and I found some juridical documents about
# changes in the counting of time in Latvia from 1981....
# Act No. 35 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1981-01-22 ...
# according to the Act No. 925 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1980-10-24
# ...: all year round the time of 2nd time zone + 1 hour, in addition turning
# the hands of the clock 1 hour forward on 1 April at 00:00 (GMT 31 March 21:00)
# and 1 hour backward on the 1 October at 00:00 (GMT 30 September 20:00).
# Act No. 592 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1984-09-24 ...
# according to the Act No. 967 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1984-09-13
# ...: all year round the time of 2nd time zone + 1 hour, in addition turning
# the hands of the clock 1 hour forward on the last Sunday of March at 02:00
# (GMT 23:00 on the previous day) and 1 hour backward on the last Sunday of
# September at 03:00 (GMT 23:00 on the previous day).
# Act No. 81 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1989-03-22 ...
# according to the Act No. 227 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1989-03-14
# ...: since the last Sunday of March 1989 in Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR,
# Estonian SSR and Kaliningrad region of Russian Federation all year round the
# time of 2nd time zone (Moscow time minus one hour). On the territory of Latvia
# transition to summer time is performed on the last Sunday of March at 02:00
# (GMT 00:00), turning the hands of the clock 1 hour forward.  The end of
# daylight saving time is performed on the last Sunday of September at 03:00
# (GMT 00:00), turning the hands of the clock 1 hour backward. Exception is
# 1989-03-26, when we must not turn the hands of the clock....
# The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia of
# 1997-01-21 on transition to Summer time ... established the same order of
# daylight savings time settings as in the States of the European Union.

# From Andrei Ivanov (2000-03-06):
# This year Latvia will not switch to Daylight Savings Time (as specified in
# The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Rep. of Latvia of
# 29-Feb-2000 (No. 79) <http://www.lv-laiks.lv/wwwraksti/2000/071072/vd4.htm>,
# in Latvian for subscribers only).

# From RFE/RL Newsline
# http://www.rferl.org/newsline/2001/01/3-CEE/cee-030101.html
# (2001-01-03), noted after a heads-up by Rives McDow:
# The Latvian government on 2 January decided that the country will
# institute daylight-saving time this spring, LETA reported.
# Last February the three Baltic states decided not to turn back their
# clocks one hour in the spring....
# Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvītis noted that Latvia had too few
# daylight hours and thus decided to comply with a draft European
# Commission directive that provides for instituting daylight-saving
# time in EU countries between 2002 and 2006. The Latvian government
# urged Lithuania and Estonia to adopt a similar time policy, but it
# appears that they will not do so....

Rule	Latvia	1989	1996	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Latvia	1989	1996	-	Sep	lastSun	 2:00s	0	-

# Milne 1899 says Riga was 1:36:28 (Polytechnique House time).
# Byalokoz 1919 says Latvia was 1:36:34.
# Go with Byalokoz.

Zone	Europe/Riga	1:36:34	-	LMT	1880
			1:36:34	-	RMT	1918 Apr 15  2:00 # Riga MT
			1:36:34	1:00	LST	1918 Sep 16  3:00 # Latvian ST
			1:36:34	-	RMT	1919 Apr  1  2:00
			1:36:34	1:00	LST	1919 May 22  3:00
			1:36:34	-	RMT	1926 May 11
			2:00	-	EET	1940 Aug  5
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Jul
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Oct 13
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1989 Mar lastSun  2:00s
			2:00	1:00	EEST	1989 Sep lastSun  2:00s
			2:00	Latvia	EE%sT	1997 Jan 21
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	2000 Feb 29
			2:00	-	EET	2001 Jan  2
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Liechtenstein

# From Paul Eggert (2013-09-09):
# Shanks & Pottenger say Vaduz is like Zurich.

# From Alois Treindl (2013-09-18):
# http://www.eliechtensteinensia.li/LIJ/1978/1938-1978/1941.pdf
# ... confirms on p. 6 that Liechtenstein followed Switzerland in 1941 and 1942.
# I ... translate only the last two paragraphs:
#    ... during second world war, in the years 1941 and 1942, Liechtenstein
#    introduced daylight saving time, adapting to Switzerland.  From 1943 on
#    central European time was in force throughout the year.
#    From a report of the duke's government to the high council,
#    regarding the introduction of a time law, of 31 May 1977.

Link Europe/Zurich Europe/Vaduz

# Lithuania

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).

# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
# IATA SSIM (1992/1996) says Lithuania uses W-Eur rules, but since it is
# known to be wrong about Estonia and Latvia, assume it's wrong here too.

# From Marius Gedminas (1998-08-07):
# I would like to inform that in this year Lithuanian time zone
# (Europe/Vilnius) was changed.

# From ELTA No. 972 (2582) (1999-09-29) <http://www.elta.lt/>,
# via Steffen Thorsen:
# Lithuania has shifted back to the second time zone (GMT plus two hours)
# to be valid here starting from October 31,
# as decided by the national government on Wednesday....
# The Lithuanian government also announced plans to consider a
# motion to give up shifting to summer time in spring, as it was
# already done by Estonia.

# From the Fact File, Lithuanian State Department of Tourism
# <http://www.tourism.lt/informa/ff.htm> (2000-03-27):
# Local time is GMT+2 hours ..., no daylight saving.

# From a user via Klaus Marten (2003-02-07):
# As a candidate for membership of the European Union, Lithuania will
# observe Summer Time in 2003, changing its clocks at the times laid
# down in EU Directive 2000/84 of 19.I.01 (i.e. at the same times as its
# neighbour Latvia). The text of the Lithuanian government Order of
# 7.XI.02 to this effect can be found at
# http://www.lrvk.lt/nut/11/n1749.htm

Zone	Europe/Vilnius	1:41:16	-	LMT	1880
			1:24:00	-	WMT	1917        # Warsaw Mean Time
			1:35:36	-	KMT	1919 Oct 10 # Kaunas Mean Time
			1:00	-	CET	1920 Jul 12
			2:00	-	EET	1920 Oct  9
			1:00	-	CET	1940 Aug  3
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Jun 24
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Aug
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			2:00	Russia	EE%sT	1991 Sep 29  2:00s
			2:00	C-Eur	EE%sT	1998
			2:00	-	EET	1998 Mar 29  1:00u
			1:00	EU	CE%sT	1999 Oct 31  1:00u
			2:00	-	EET	2003 Jan  1
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Luxembourg
# Whitman disagrees with most of these dates in minor ways;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Lux	1916	only	-	May	14	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1917	only	-	Apr	28	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1917	only	-	Sep	17	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1918	only	-	Apr	Mon>=15	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1918	only	-	Sep	Mon>=15	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Lux	1919	only	-	Mar	 1	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1919	only	-	Oct	 5	 3:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1920	only	-	Feb	14	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1920	only	-	Oct	24	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1921	only	-	Mar	14	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1921	only	-	Oct	26	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1922	only	-	Mar	25	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1922	only	-	Oct	Sun>=2	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1923	only	-	Apr	21	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1923	only	-	Oct	Sun>=2	 2:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1924	only	-	Mar	29	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1924	1928	-	Oct	Sun>=2	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Lux	1925	only	-	Apr	 5	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1926	only	-	Apr	17	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1927	only	-	Apr	 9	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1928	only	-	Apr	14	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Lux	1929	only	-	Apr	20	23:00	1:00	S
Zone Europe/Luxembourg	0:24:36 -	LMT	1904 Jun
			1:00	Lux	CE%sT	1918 Nov 25
			0:00	Lux	WE%sT	1929 Oct  6  2:00s
			0:00	Belgium	WE%sT	1940 May 14  3:00
			1:00	C-Eur	WE%sT	1944 Sep 18  3:00
			1:00	Belgium	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Macedonia
# See Europe/Belgrade.

# Malta
# From Paul Eggert (2016-10-21):
# Assume 1900-1972 was like Rome, overriding Shanks.
Rule	Malta	1973	only	-	Mar	31	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Malta	1973	only	-	Sep	29	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Malta	1974	only	-	Apr	21	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Malta	1974	only	-	Sep	16	0:00s	0	-
Rule	Malta	1975	1979	-	Apr	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Malta	1975	1980	-	Sep	Sun>=15	2:00	0	-
Rule	Malta	1980	only	-	Mar	31	2:00	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Malta	0:58:04 -	LMT	1893 Nov  2  0:00s # Valletta
			1:00	Italy	CE%sT	1973 Mar 31
			1:00	Malta	CE%sT	1981
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Moldova

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-07):
# the act of the government of the Republic of Moldova Nr. 132 from 1990-05-04
# http://lex.justice.md/viewdoc.php?action=view&view=doc&id=298782&lang=2
# ... says that since 1990-05-06 on the territory of the Moldavian SSR
# time would be calculated as the standard time of the second time belt
# plus one hour of the "summer" time. To implement that clocks would be
# adjusted one hour backwards at 1990-05-06 2:00. After that "summer"
# time would be cancelled last Sunday of September at 3:00 and
# reintroduced last Sunday of March at 2:00.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# A previous version of this database followed Shanks & Pottenger, who write
# that Tiraspol switched to Moscow time on 1992-01-19 at 02:00.
# However, this is most likely an error, as Moldova declared independence
# on 1991-08-27 (the 1992-01-19 date is that of a Russian decree).
# In early 1992 there was large-scale interethnic violence in the area
# and it's possible that some Russophones continued to observe Moscow time.
# But [two people] separately reported via
# Jesper Nørgaard that as of 2001-01-24 Tiraspol was like Chisinau.
# The Tiraspol entry has therefore been removed for now.
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-10-17):
# Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, also known as
# "Pridnestrovie") has abolished seasonal clock change (no transition
# to the Winter Time).
# News (in Russian):
# http://www.kyivpost.ua/russia/news/pridnestrove-otkazalos-ot-perehoda-na-zimnee-vremya-30954.html
# http://www.allmoldova.com/moldova-news/1249064116.html
# The substance of this change (reinstatement of the Tiraspol entry)
# is from a patch from Petr Machata (2011-10-17)
# From Tim Parenti (2011-10-19)
# In addition, being situated at +4651+2938 would give Tiraspol
# a pre-1880 LMT offset of 1:58:32.
# (which agrees with the earlier entry that had been removed)
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-10-26)
# NO need to divide Moldova into two timezones at this point.
# As of today, Transnistria (Pridnestrovie)- Tiraspol reversed its own
# decision to abolish DST this winter.
# Following Moldova and neighboring Ukraine- Transnistria (Pridnestrovie)-
# Tiraspol will go back to winter time on October 30, 2011.
# News from Moldova (in russian):
# http://ru.publika.md/link_317061.html

# From Roman Tudos (2015-07-02):
# http://lex.justice.md/index.php?action=view&view=doc&lang=1&id=355077
# From Paul Eggert (2015-07-01):
# The abovementioned official link to IGO1445-868/2014 states that
# 2014-10-26's fallback transition occurred at 03:00 local time.  Also,
# http://www.trm.md/en/social/la-30-martie-vom-trece-la-ora-de-vara
# says the 2014-03-30 spring-forward transition was at 02:00 local time.
# Guess that since 1997 Moldova has switched one hour before the EU.

Rule	Moldova	1997	max	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Moldova	1997	max	-	Oct	lastSun	 3:00	0	-

Zone	Europe/Chisinau	1:55:20 -	LMT	1880
			1:55	-	CMT	1918 Feb 15 # Chisinau MT
			1:44:24	-	BMT	1931 Jul 24 # Bucharest MT
			2:00	Romania	EE%sT	1940 Aug 15
			2:00	1:00	EEST	1941 Jul 17
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Aug 24
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1990 May  6  2:00
			2:00	Russia	EE%sT	1992
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1997
# See Romania commentary for the guessed 1997 transition to EU rules.
			2:00	Moldova	EE%sT

# Monaco
# Shanks & Pottenger give 0:09:20 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's
# more precise 0:09:21.
Zone	Europe/Monaco	0:29:32 -	LMT	1891 Mar 15
			0:09:21	-	PMT	1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
			0:00	France	WE%sT	1945 Sep 16  3:00
			1:00	France	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Montenegro
# See Europe/Belgrade.

# Netherlands

# Howse writes that the Netherlands' railways used GMT between 1892 and 1940,
# but for other purposes the Netherlands used Amsterdam mean time.

# However, Robert H. van Gent writes (2001-04-01):
# Howse's statement is only correct up to 1909. From 1909-05-01 (00:00:00
# Amsterdam mean time) onwards, the whole of the Netherlands (including
# the Dutch railways) was required by law to observe Amsterdam mean time
# (19 minutes 32.13 seconds ahead of GMT). This had already been the
# common practice (except for the railways) for many decades but it was
# not until 1909 when the Dutch government finally defined this by law.
# On 1937-07-01 this was changed to 20 minutes (exactly) ahead of GMT and
# was generally known as Dutch Time ("Nederlandse Tijd").
# (2001-04-08):
# 1892-05-01 was the date when the Dutch railways were by law required to
# observe GMT while the remainder of the Netherlands adhered to the common
# practice of following Amsterdam mean time.
# (2001-04-09):
# In 1835 the authorities of the province of North Holland requested the
# municipal authorities of the towns and cities in the province to observe
# Amsterdam mean time but I do not know in how many cases this request was
# actually followed.
# From 1852 onwards the Dutch telegraph offices were by law required to
# observe Amsterdam mean time. As the time signals from the observatory of
# Leiden were also distributed by the telegraph system, I assume that most
# places linked up with the telegraph (and railway) system automatically
# adopted Amsterdam mean time.
# Although the early Dutch railway companies initially observed a variety
# of times, most of them had adopted Amsterdam mean time by 1858 but it
# was not until 1866 when they were all required by law to observe
# Amsterdam mean time.

# The data entries before 1945 are taken from
# http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~gent0113/wettijd/wettijd.htm

Rule	Neth	1916	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	NST	# Netherlands Summer Time
Rule	Neth	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	AMT	# Amsterdam Mean Time
Rule	Neth	1917	only	-	Apr	16	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1917	only	-	Sep	17	2:00s	0	AMT
Rule	Neth	1918	1921	-	Apr	Mon>=1	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1918	1921	-	Sep	lastMon	2:00s	0	AMT
Rule	Neth	1922	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1922	1936	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00s	0	AMT
Rule	Neth	1923	only	-	Jun	Fri>=1	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1924	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1925	only	-	Jun	Fri>=1	2:00s	1:00	NST
# From 1926 through 1939 DST began 05-15, except that it was delayed by a week
# in years when 05-15 fell in the Pentecost weekend.
Rule	Neth	1926	1931	-	May	15	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1932	only	-	May	22	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1933	1936	-	May	15	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1937	only	-	May	22	2:00s	1:00	NST
Rule	Neth	1937	only	-	Jul	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Neth	1937	1939	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Neth	1938	1939	-	May	15	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Neth	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Neth	1945	only	-	Sep	16	2:00s	0	-
# Amsterdam Mean Time was +00:19:32.13 exactly, but the .13 is omitted
# below because the current format requires GMTOFF to be an integer.
Zone Europe/Amsterdam	0:19:32 -	LMT	1835
			0:19:32	Neth	%s	1937 Jul  1
			0:20	Neth	NE%sT	1940 May 16  0:00 # Dutch Time
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr  2  2:00
			1:00	Neth	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Norway
# http://met.no/met/met_lex/q_u/sommertid.html (2004-01) agrees with Shanks &
# Pottenger.
Rule	Norway	1916	only	-	May	22	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Norway	1916	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	-
Rule	Norway	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Norway	1945	only	-	Oct	 1	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Norway	1959	1964	-	Mar	Sun>=15	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Norway	1959	1965	-	Sep	Sun>=15	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Norway	1965	only	-	Apr	25	2:00s	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Oslo	0:43:00 -	LMT	1895 Jan  1
			1:00	Norway	CE%sT	1940 Aug 10 23:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945 Apr  2  2:00
			1:00	Norway	CE%sT	1980
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Svalbard & Jan Mayen

# From Steffen Thorsen (2001-05-01):
# Although I could not find it explicitly, it seems that Jan Mayen and
# Svalbard have been using the same time as Norway at least since the
# time they were declared as parts of Norway.  Svalbard was declared
# as a part of Norway by law of 1925-07-17 no 11, section 4 and Jan
# Mayen by law of 1930-02-27 no 2, section 2. (From
# <http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19250717-011.html> and
# <http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19300227-002.html>).  The law/regulation
# for normal/standard time in Norway is from 1894-06-29 no 1 (came
# into operation on 1895-01-01) and Svalbard/Jan Mayen seem to be a
# part of this law since 1925/1930. (From
# <http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-18940629-001.html>) I have not been
# able to find if Jan Mayen used a different time zone (e.g. -0100)
# before 1930. Jan Mayen has only been "inhabited" since 1921 by
# Norwegian meteorologists and maybe used the same time as Norway ever
# since 1921.  Svalbard (Arctic/Longyearbyen) has been inhabited since
# before 1895, and therefore probably changed the local time somewhere
# between 1895 and 1925 (inclusive).

# From Paul Eggert (2013-09-04):
# Actually, Jan Mayen was never occupied by Germany during World War II,
# so it must have diverged from Oslo time during the war, as Oslo was
# keeping Berlin time.
# <http://home.no.net/janmayen/history.htm> says that the meteorologists
# burned down their station in 1940 and left the island, but returned in
# 1941 with a small Norwegian garrison and continued operations despite
# frequent air attacks from Germans.  In 1943 the Americans established a
# radiolocating station on the island, called "Atlantic City".  Possibly
# the UT offset changed during the war, but I think it unlikely that
# Jan Mayen used German daylight-saving rules.
# Svalbard is more complicated, as it was raided in August 1941 by an
# Allied party that evacuated the civilian population to England (says
# <http://www.bartleby.com/65/sv/Svalbard.html>).  The Svalbard FAQ
# <http://www.svalbard.com/SvalbardFAQ.html> says that the Germans were
# expelled on 1942-05-14.  However, small parties of Germans did return,
# and according to Wilhelm Dege's book "War North of 80" (1954)
# http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/departments/UP/1-55238/1-55238-110-2.html
# the German armed forces at the Svalbard weather station code-named
# Haudegen did not surrender to the Allies until September 1945.
# All these events predate our cutoff date of 1970, so use Europe/Oslo
# for these regions.
Link	Europe/Oslo	Arctic/Longyearbyen

# Poland

# The 1919 dates and times can be found in Tygodnik Urzędowy nr 1 (1919-03-20),
# <http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/32156> pp 1-2.

Rule	Poland	1918	1919	-	Sep	16	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Poland	1919	only	-	Apr	15	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1944	only	-	Apr	 3	2:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1944 Nov 30; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Poland	1944	only	-	Oct	 4	2:00	0	-
# For 1944-1948 Whitman gives the previous day; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Poland	1945	only	-	Apr	29	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1945	only	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	-
# For 1946 on the source is Kazimierz Borkowski,
# Toruń Center for Astronomy, Dept. of Radio Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus U.,
# http://www.astro.uni.torun.pl/~kb/Artykuly/U-PA/Czas2.htm#tth_tAb1
# Thanks to Przemysław Augustyniak (2005-05-28) for this reference.
# He also gives these further references:
# Mon Pol nr 13, poz 162 (1995) <http://www.abc.com.pl/serwis/mp/1995/0162.htm>
# Druk nr 2180 (2003) <http://www.senat.gov.pl/k5/dok/sejm/053/2180.pdf>
Rule	Poland	1946	only	-	Apr	14	0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1946	only	-	Oct	 7	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Poland	1947	only	-	May	 4	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1947	1949	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00s	0	-
Rule	Poland	1948	only	-	Apr	18	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1949	only	-	Apr	10	2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1957	only	-	Jun	 2	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1957	1958	-	Sep	lastSun	1:00s	0	-
Rule	Poland	1958	only	-	Mar	30	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1959	only	-	May	31	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1959	1961	-	Oct	Sun>=1	1:00s	0	-
Rule	Poland	1960	only	-	Apr	 3	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1961	1964	-	May	lastSun	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Poland	1962	1964	-	Sep	lastSun	1:00s	0	-
Zone	Europe/Warsaw	1:24:00 -	LMT	1880
			1:24:00	-	WMT	1915 Aug  5 # Warsaw Mean Time
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1918 Sep 16  3:00
			2:00	Poland	EE%sT	1922 Jun
			1:00	Poland	CE%sT	1940 Jun 23  2:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Oct
			1:00	Poland	CE%sT	1977
			1:00	W-Eur	CE%sT	1988
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Portugal
# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-11), after a heads-up from Stephen Colebourne:
# According to a Portuguese decree (1911-05-26)
# http://dre.pt/pdf1sdip/1911/05/12500/23132313.pdf
# Lisbon was at -0:36:44.68, but switched to GMT on 1912-01-01 at 00:00.
# Round the old offset to -0:36:45.  This agrees with Willett but disagrees
# with Shanks, who says the transition occurred on 1911-05-24 at 00:00 for
# Europe/Lisbon, Atlantic/Azores, and Atlantic/Madeira.
# From Rui Pedro Salgueiro (1992-11-12):
# Portugal has recently (September, 27) changed timezone
# (from WET to MET or CET) to harmonize with EEC.
# Martin Bruckmann (1996-02-29) reports via Peter Ilieve
# that Portugal is reverting to 0:00 by not moving its clocks this spring.
# The new Prime Minister was fed up with getting up in the dark in the winter.
# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-12):
# IATA SSIM (1991-09) reports several 1991-09 and 1992-09 transitions
# at 02:00u, not 01:00u.  Assume that these are typos.
# IATA SSIM (1991/1992) reports that the Azores were at -1:00.
# IATA SSIM (1993-02) says +0:00; later issues (through 1996-09) say -1:00.
# Guess that the Azores changed to EU rules in 1992 (since that's when Portugal
# harmonized with the EU), and that they stayed +0:00 that winter.
# DSH writes that despite Decree 1,469 (1915), the change to the clocks was not
# done every year, depending on what Spain did, because of railroad schedules.
# Go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1916	only	-	Jun	17	23:00	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1916 Oct 31; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1916	only	-	Nov	 1	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Port	1917	only	-	Feb	28	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1917	1921	-	Oct	14	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1918	only	-	Mar	 1	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1919	only	-	Feb	28	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1920	only	-	Feb	29	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1921	only	-	Feb	28	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1924	only	-	Apr	16	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1924	only	-	Oct	14	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1926	only	-	Apr	17	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1926	1929	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1927	only	-	Apr	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1928	only	-	Apr	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1929	only	-	Apr	20	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1931	only	-	Apr	18	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1931 Oct 8; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1931	1932	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1932	only	-	Apr	 2	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1934	only	-	Apr	 7	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1934 Oct 5; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1934	1938	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger give 1935 Apr 30; go with Whitman.
Rule	Port	1935	only	-	Mar	30	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1936	only	-	Apr	18	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1937 Apr 2; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1937	only	-	Apr	 3	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1938	only	-	Mar	26	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1939	only	-	Apr	15	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1939 Oct 7; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1939	only	-	Nov	18	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1940	only	-	Feb	24	23:00s	1:00	S
# Shanks & Pottenger give 1940 Oct 7; go with Whitman.
Rule	Port	1940	1941	-	Oct	 5	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1941	only	-	Apr	 5	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1942	1945	-	Mar	Sat>=8	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1942	only	-	Apr	25	22:00s	2:00	M # Midsummer
Rule	Port	1942	only	-	Aug	15	22:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1942	1945	-	Oct	Sat>=24	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1943	only	-	Apr	17	22:00s	2:00	M
Rule	Port	1943	1945	-	Aug	Sat>=25	22:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1944	1945	-	Apr	Sat>=21	22:00s	2:00	M
Rule	Port	1946	only	-	Apr	Sat>=1	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1946	only	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1947	1949	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1947	1949	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 2:00s	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger say DST was observed in 1950; go with Whitman.
# Whitman gives Oct lastSun for 1952 on; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Port	1951	1965	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 2:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1951	1965	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 2:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1977	only	-	Mar	27	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1977	only	-	Sep	25	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1978	1979	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1979	1982	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00s	0	-
Rule	Port	1980	only	-	Mar	lastSun	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1981	1982	-	Mar	lastSun	 1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Port	1983	only	-	Mar	lastSun	 2:00s	1:00	S
Zone	Europe/Lisbon	-0:36:45 -	LMT	1884
			-0:36:45 -	LMT	1912 Jan  1 # Lisbon Mean Time
			 0:00	Port	WE%sT	1966 Apr  3  2:00
			 1:00	-	CET	1976 Sep 26  1:00
			 0:00	Port	WE%sT	1983 Sep 25  1:00s
			 0:00	W-Eur	WE%sT	1992 Sep 27  1:00s
			 1:00	EU	CE%sT	1996 Mar 31  1:00u
			 0:00	EU	WE%sT
Zone Atlantic/Azores	-1:42:40 -	LMT	1884        # Ponta Delgada
			-1:54:32 -	HMT	1912 Jan  1 # Horta Mean Time
			-2:00	Port	AZO%sT	1966 Apr  3  2:00  # Azores Time
			-1:00	Port	AZO%sT	1983 Sep 25  1:00s
			-1:00	W-Eur	AZO%sT	1992 Sep 27  1:00s
			 0:00	EU	WE%sT	1993 Mar 28  1:00u
			-1:00	EU	AZO%sT
Zone Atlantic/Madeira	-1:07:36 -	LMT	1884        # Funchal
			-1:07:36 -	FMT	1912 Jan  1 # Funchal Mean Time
			-1:00	Port	MAD%sT	1966 Apr  3  2:00 # Madeira Time
			 0:00	Port	WE%sT	1983 Sep 25  1:00s
			 0:00	EU	WE%sT

# Romania
# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-07):
# Nine O'clock <http://www.nineoclock.ro/POL/1778pol.html>
# (1998-10-23) reports that the switch occurred at
# 04:00 local time in fall 1998.  For lack of better info,
# assume that Romania and Moldova switched to EU rules in 1997,
# the same year as Bulgaria.
Rule	Romania	1932	only	-	May	21	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Romania	1932	1939	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 0:00s	0	-
Rule	Romania	1933	1939	-	Apr	Sun>=2	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Romania	1979	only	-	May	27	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Romania	1979	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Romania	1980	only	-	Apr	 5	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Romania	1980	only	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Romania	1991	1993	-	Mar	lastSun	 0:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Romania	1991	1993	-	Sep	lastSun	 0:00s	0	-
Zone Europe/Bucharest	1:44:24 -	LMT	1891 Oct
			1:44:24	-	BMT	1931 Jul 24 # Bucharest MT
			2:00	Romania	EE%sT	1981 Mar 29  2:00s
			2:00	C-Eur	EE%sT	1991
			2:00	Romania	EE%sT	1994
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1997
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Russia

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-09-15):
# Based on last Russian Government Decree No. 725 on August 31, 2011
# (Government document
# http://www.government.ru/gov/results/16355/print/
# in Russian)
# there are few corrections have to be made for some Russian time zones...
# All updated Russian Time Zones were placed in table and translated to English
# by WorldTimeZone.com at the link below:
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia36.htm

# From Sanjeev Gupta (2011-09-27):
# Scans of [Decree No. 23 of January 8, 1992] are available at:
# http://government.consultant.ru/page.aspx?1223966
# They are in Cyrillic letters (presumably Russian).

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
# Regarding the instant when clocks in time-zone-shifting parts of Russia
# changed in September 2011:
# One source is
# http://government.ru/gov/results/16355/
# which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Decree of August 31,
# 2011 No. 725" and contains no other dates or "effective date" information.
# Another source is
# http://www.rg.ru/2011/09/06/chas-zona-dok.html
# which, according to translate.google.com, begins "Resolution of the
# Government of the Russian Federation on August 31, 2011 N 725" and also
# contains "Date first official publication: September 6, 2011 Posted on:
# in the 'RG' - Federal Issue No. 5573 September 6, 2011" but which
# does not contain any "effective date" information.
# Another source is
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oymyakonsky_District#cite_note-RuTime-7
# which, in note 8, contains "Resolution No. 725 of August 31, 2011...
# Effective as of after 7 days following the day of the official publication"
# but which does not contain any reference to September 6, 2011.
# The Wikipedia article refers to
# http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=LAW;n=118896
# which seems to copy the text of the government.ru page.
# Tobias Conradi combines Wikipedia's
# "as of after 7 days following the day of the official publication"
# with www.rg.ru's "Date of first official publication: September 6, 2011" to
# get September 13, 2011 as the cutover date (unusually, a Tuesday, as Tobias
# Conradi notes).
# None of the sources indicates a time of day for changing clocks.
# Go with 2011-09-13 0:00s.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-07-01):
# According to the Russian news (ITAR-TASS News Agency)
# http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/738562
# the State Duma has approved ... the draft bill on returning to
# winter time standard and return Russia 11 time zones.  The new
# regulations will come into effect on October 26, 2014 at 02:00 ...
# http://asozd2.duma.gov.ru/main.nsf/%28Spravka%29?OpenAgent&RN=431985-6&02
# Here is a link where we put together table (based on approved Bill N
# 431985-6) with proposed 11 Russian time zones and corresponding
# areas/cities/administrative centers in the Russian Federation (in English):
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia65.html
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-07-22):
# Putin signed the Federal Law 431985-6 ... (in Russian)
# http://itar-tass.com/obschestvo/1333711
# http://www.pravo.gov.ru:8080/page.aspx?111660
# http://www.kremlin.ru/acts/46279
# From October 26, 2014 the new Russian time zone map will looks like this:
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia-map-2014-07.html

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Moscow time zone abbreviations after 1919-07-01, and Moscow rules after 1991,
# are from Andrey A. Chernov.  The rest is from Shanks & Pottenger,
# except we follow Chernov's report that 1992 DST transitions were Sat
# 23:00, not Sun 02:00s.
# From Stanislaw A. Kuzikowski (1994-06-29):
# But now it is some months since Novosibirsk is 3 hours ahead of Moscow!
# I do not know why they have decided to make this change;
# as far as I remember it was done exactly during winter->summer switching
# so we (Novosibirsk) simply did not switch.
# From Andrey A. Chernov (1996-10-04):
# 'MSK' and 'MSD' were born and used initially on Moscow computers with
# UNIX-like OSes by several developer groups (e.g. Demos group, Kiae group)....
# The next step was the UUCP network, the Relcom predecessor
# (used mainly for mail), and MSK/MSD was actively used there.
# From Chris Carrier (1996-10-30):
# According to a friend of mine who rode the Trans-Siberian Railroad from
# Moscow to Irkutsk in 1995, public air and rail transport in Russia ...
# still follows Moscow time, no matter where in Russia it is located.
# For Grozny, Chechnya, we have the following story from
# John Daniszewski, "Scavengers in the Rubble", Los Angeles Times (2001-02-07):
# News - often false - is spread by word of mouth.  A rumor that it was
# time to move the clocks back put this whole city out of sync with
# the rest of Russia for two weeks - even soldiers stationed here began
# enforcing curfew at the wrong time.
# From Gwillim Law (2001-06-05):
# There's considerable evidence that Sakhalin Island used to be in
# UTC+11, and has changed to UTC+10, in this decade.  I start with the
# SSIM, which listed Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in zone RU10 along with Magadan
# until February 1997, and then in RU9 with Khabarovsk and Vladivostok
# since September 1997....  Although the Kuril Islands are
# administratively part of Sakhalin oblast', they appear to have
# remained on UTC+11 along with Magadan.

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06):
# The comments detailing the coverage of each Russian zone are meant to assist
# with maintenance only and represent our best guesses as to which regions
# are covered by each zone.  They are not meant to be taken as an authoritative
# listing.  The region codes listed come from
# http://en.wikipedia.org/w/?title=Federal_subjects_of_Russia&oldid=611810498
# and are used for convenience only; no guarantees are made regarding their
# future stability.  ISO 3166-2:RU codes are also listed for first-level
# divisions where available.


# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Europe/Kaliningrad covers...
# 39	RU-KGD	Kaliningrad Oblast

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-07):
# http://www.rgo.ru/ru/kaliningradskoe-oblastnoe-otdelenie/ob-otdelenii/publikacii/kak-nam-zhilos-bez-letnego-vremeni
# confirms that the 1989 change to Moscow-1 was implemented.
# (The article, though, is misattributed to 1990 while saying that
# summer->winter transition would be done on the 24 of September. But
# 1990-09-24 was Monday, while 1989-09-24 was Sunday as expected.)
# ...
# http://www.kaliningradka.ru/site_pc/cherez/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=40091
# says that Kaliningrad switched to Moscow-1 on 1989-03-26, avoided
# at the last moment switch to Moscow-1 on 1991-03-31, switched to
# Moscow on 1991-11-03, switched to Moscow-1 on 1992-01-19.

Zone Europe/Kaliningrad	 1:22:00 -	LMT	1893 Apr
			 1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945
			 2:00	Poland	CE%sT	1946
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			 2:00	Russia	EE%sT	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 2:00	-	EET

# From Paul Eggert (2016-02-21), per Tim Parenti (2014-07-03) and
# Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Europe/Moscow covers...
# 01	RU-AD	Adygea, Republic of
# 05	RU-DA	Dagestan, Republic of
# 06	RU-IN	Ingushetia, Republic of
# 07	RU-KB	Kabardino-Balkar Republic
# 08	RU-KL	Kalmykia, Republic of
# 09	RU-KC	Karachay-Cherkess Republic
# 10	RU-KR	Karelia, Republic of
# 11	RU-KO	Komi Republic
# 12	RU-ME	Mari El Republic
# 13	RU-MO	Mordovia, Republic of
# 15	RU-SE	North Ossetia-Alania, Republic of
# 16	RU-TA	Tatarstan, Republic of
# 20	RU-CE	Chechen Republic
# 21	RU-CU	Chuvash Republic
# 23	RU-KDA	Krasnodar Krai
# 26	RU-STA	Stavropol Krai
# 29	RU-ARK	Arkhangelsk Oblast
# 31	RU-BEL	Belgorod Oblast
# 32	RU-BRY	Bryansk Oblast
# 33	RU-VLA	Vladimir Oblast
# 35	RU-VLG	Vologda Oblast
# 36	RU-VOR	Voronezh Oblast
# 37	RU-IVA	Ivanovo Oblast
# 40	RU-KLU	Kaluga Oblast
# 44	RU-KOS	Kostroma Oblast
# 46	RU-KRS	Kursk Oblast
# 47	RU-LEN	Leningrad Oblast
# 48	RU-LIP	Lipetsk Oblast
# 50	RU-MOS	Moscow Oblast
# 51	RU-MUR	Murmansk Oblast
# 52	RU-NIZ	Nizhny Novgorod Oblast
# 53	RU-NGR	Novgorod Oblast
# 57	RU-ORL	Oryol Oblast
# 58	RU-PNZ	Penza Oblast
# 60	RU-PSK	Pskov Oblast
# 61	RU-ROS	Rostov Oblast
# 62	RU-RYA	Ryazan Oblast
# 67	RU-SMO	Smolensk Oblast
# 68	RU-TAM	Tambov Oblast
# 69	RU-TVE	Tver Oblast
# 71	RU-TUL	Tula Oblast
# 76	RU-YAR	Yaroslavl Oblast
# 77	RU-MOW	Moscow
# 78	RU-SPE	Saint Petersburg
# 83	RU-NEN	Nenets Autonomous Okrug

# From Paul Eggert (2016-08-23):
# The Soviets switched to UT-based time in 1919.  Decree No. 59
# (1919-02-08) http://istmat.info/node/35567 established UT-based time
# zones, and Decree No. 147 (1919-03-29) http://istmat.info/node/35854
# specified a transition date of 1919-07-01, apparently at 00:00 UT.
# No doubt only the Soviet-controlled regions switched on that date;
# later transitions to UT-based time in other parts of Russia are
# taken from what appear to be guesses by Shanks.
# (Thanks to Alexander Belopolsky for pointers to the decrees.)

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-07):
# 11. Regions-violators, 1981-1982.
# Wikipedia refers to
# http://maps.monetonos.ru/maps/raznoe/Old_Maps/Old_Maps/Articles/022/3_1981.html
# http://besp.narod.ru/nauka_1981_3.htm
# The second link provides two articles scanned from the Nauka i Zhizn
# magazine No. 3, 1981 and a scan of the short article attributed to
# the Trud newspaper from February 1982.  The first link provides the
# same Nauka i Zhizn articles converted to the text form (but misses
# time belt changes map).
# The second Nauka i Zhizn article says that in addition to
# introduction of summer time on 1981-04-01 there are some time belt
# border changes on 1981-10-01, mostly affecting Nenets Autonomous
# Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Yakutia, Magadan Oblast and Chukotka
# according to the provided map (colored one).  In addition to that
# "time violators" (regions which were not using rules of the time
# belts in which they were located) would not be moving off the DST on
# 1981-10-01 to restore the decree time usage.  (Komi ASSR was
# supposed to repeat that move in October 1982 to account for the 2
# hour difference.)  Map depicting "time violators" before 1981-10-01
# is also provided.
# The article from Trud says that 1981-10-01 changes caused problems
# and some territories would be moved to pre-1981-10-01 time by not
# moving to summer time on 1982-04-01.  Namely: Dagestan,
# Kabardino-Balkar, Kalmyk, Komi, Mari, Mordovian, North Ossetian,
# Tatar, Chechen-Ingush and Chuvash ASSR, Krasnodar and Stavropol
# krais, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Gorky, Ivanovo,
# Kostroma, Lipetsk, Penza, Rostov, Ryazan, Tambov, Tyumen and
# Yaroslavl oblasts, Nenets and Evenk autonomous okrugs, Khatangsky
# district of Taymyr Autonomous Okrug.  As a result Evenk Autonomous
# Okrug and Khatangsky district of Taymyr Autonomous Okrug would end
# up on Moscow+4, Tyumen Oblast on Moscow+2 and the rest on Moscow
# time.
# http://astrozet.net/files/Zones/DOC/RU/1980-925.txt
# attributes the 1982 changes to the Act of the Council of Ministers
# of the USSR No. 126 from 18.02.1982.  1980-925.txt also adds
# Udmurtia to the list of affected territories and lists Khatangsky
# district separately from Taymyr Autonomous Okrug.  Probably erroneously.
# The affected territories are currently listed under Europe/Moscow,
# Asia/Yekaterinburg and Asia/Krasnoyarsk.
# 12. Udmurtia
# The fact that Udmurtia is depicted as a violator in the Nauka i
# Zhizn article hints at Izhevsk being on different time from
# Kuybyshev before 1981-10-01. Udmurtia is not mentioned in the 1989 act.
# http://astrozet.net/files/Zones/DOC/RU/1980-925.txt
# implies Udmurtia was on Moscow time after 1982-04-01.
# Wikipedia implies Udmurtia being on Moscow+1 until 1991.
# ...
# All Russian zones are supposed to have by default a -1 change at
# 1991-03-31 2:00 (cancellation of the decree time in the USSR) and a +1
# change at 1992-01-19 2:00 (restoration of the decree time in Russia).
# There were some exceptions, though.
# Wikipedia says newspapers listed Astrakhan, Saratov, Kirov, Volgograd,
# Izhevsk, Grozny, Kazan and Samara as such exceptions for the 1992
# change. (Different newspapers providing different lists. And some
# lists found in the internet are quite wild.)
# And apparently some exceptions were reverted in the last moment.
# http://www.kaliningradka.ru/site_pc/cherez/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=40091
# says that Kaliningrad decided not to be an exception 2 days before the
# 1991-03-31 switch and one person at
# http://izhevsk.ru/forum_light_message/50/682597-m8369040.html
# says he remembers that Samara opted out of the 1992-01-19 exception
# 2 days before the switch.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Given the above, we appear to be missing some Zone entries for the
# chaotic early 1980s in Russia.  It's not clear what these entries
# should be.  For now, sweep this under the rug and just document the
# time in Moscow.

# From Vladimir Karpinsky (2014-07-08):
# LMT in Moscow (before Jul 3, 1916) is 2:30:17, that was defined by Moscow
# Observatory (coordinates: 55 deg. 45'29.70", 37 deg. 34'05.30")....
# LMT in Moscow since Jul 3, 1916 is 2:31:01 as a result of new standard.
# (The info is from the book by Byalokoz ... p. 18.)
# The time in St. Petersburg as capital of Russia was defined by
# Pulkov observatory, near St. Petersburg.  In 1916 LMT Moscow
# was synchronized with LMT St. Petersburg (+30 minutes), (Pulkov observatory
# coordinates: 59 deg. 46'18.70", 30 deg. 19'40.70") so 30 deg. 19'40.70" >
# 2h01m18.7s = 2:01:19.  LMT Moscow = LMT St.Petersburg + 30m 2:01:19 + 0:30 =
# 2:31:19 ...
# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-08):
# Milne does not list Moscow, but suggests that its time might be listed in
# Résumés mensuels et annuels des observations météorologiques (1895).
# Presumably this is OCLC 85825704, a journal published with parallel text in
# Russian and French.  This source has not been located; go with Karpinsky.

Zone Europe/Moscow	 2:30:17 -	LMT	1880
			 2:30:17 -	MMT	1916 Jul  3 # Moscow Mean Time
			 2:31:19 Russia	%s	1919 Jul  1  0:00u
			 3:00	Russia	%s	1921 Oct
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1922 Oct
			 2:00	-	EET	1930 Jun 21
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 2:00	Russia	EE%sT	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	MSK	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	MSK

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Europe/Simferopol covers...
# **	****	Crimea, Republic of
# **	****	Sevastopol

Zone Europe/Simferopol	 2:16:24 -	LMT	1880
			 2:16	-	SMT	1924 May  2 # Simferopol Mean T
			 2:00	-	EET	1930 Jun 21
			 3:00	-	MSK	1941 Nov
			 1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Apr 13
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1990
			 3:00	-	MSK	1990 Jul  1  2:00
			 2:00	-	EET	1992
# Central Crimea used Moscow time 1994/1997.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# The _Economist_ (1994-05-28, p 45) reports that central Crimea switched
# from Kiev to Moscow time sometime after the January 1994 elections.
# Shanks (1999) says "date of change uncertain", but implies that it happened
# sometime between the 1994 DST switches.  Shanks & Pottenger simply say
# 1994-09-25 03:00, but that can't be right.  For now, guess it
# changed in May.
			 2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1994 May
# From IATA SSIM (1994/1997), which also says that Kerch is still like Kiev.
			 3:00	E-Eur	MSK/MSD	1996 Mar 31  0:00s
			 3:00	1:00	MSD	1996 Oct 27  3:00s
# IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Crimea switched to EET/EEST.
# Assume it happened in March by not changing the clocks.
			 3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1997
			 3:00	-	MSK	1997 Mar lastSun  1:00u
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-03-17):
# time change at 2:00 (2am) on March 30, 2014
# http://vz.ru/news/2014/3/17/677464.html
# From Paul Eggert (2014-03-30):
# Simferopol and Sevastopol reportedly changed their central town clocks
# late the previous day, but this appears to have been ceremonial
# and the discrepancies are small enough to not worry about.
			 2:00	EU	EE%sT	2014 Mar 30  2:00
			 4:00	-	MSK	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	MSK

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Europe/Astrakhan covers:
# 30	RU-AST	Astrakhan Oblast
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-01-12):
# On February 10, 2016 Astrakhan Oblast got approval by the Federation
# Council to change its time zone to UTC+4 (from current UTC+3 Moscow time)....
# This Federal Law shall enter into force on 27 March 2016 at 02:00.
# From Matt Johnson (2016-03-09):
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201602150056

Zone Europe/Astrakhan	 3:12:12 -	LMT	1924 May
			 3:00	-	+03	1930 Jun 21
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	1992 Mar 29  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03	2016 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Europe/Volgograd covers:
# 34	RU-VGG	Volgograd Oblast
# 64	RU-SAR	Saratov Oblast
# The 1988 transition is from USSR act No. 5 (1988-01-04).

Zone Europe/Volgograd	 2:57:40 -	LMT	1920 Jan  3
			 3:00	-	+03	1930 Jun 21
			 4:00	-	+04	1961 Nov 11
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1988 Mar 27  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	1992 Mar 29  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Europe/Kirov covers:
# 43	RU-KIR	Kirov Oblast
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).
Zone Europe/Kirov	 3:18:48 -	LMT	1919 Jul  1  0:00u
			 3:00	-	+03	1930 Jun 21
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	1992 Mar 29  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Europe/Samara covers...
# 18	RU-UD	Udmurt Republic
# 63	RU-SAM	Samara Oblast

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Byalokoz 1919 says Samara was 3:20:20.
# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).

Zone Europe/Samara	 3:20:20 -	LMT	1919 Jul  1  0:00u
			 3:00	-	+03	1930 Jun 21
			 4:00	-	+04	1935 Jan 27
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 2:00	Russia	+02/+03	1991 Sep 29  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03	1991 Oct 20  3:00
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	2010 Mar 28  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Europe/Ulyanovsk covers:
# 73	RU-ULY	Ulyanovsk Oblast

# The 1989 transition is from USSR act No. 227 (1989-03-14).

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-02-17):
# Ulyanovsk ... on their way to change time zones by March 27, 2016 at 2am.
# Ulyanovsk Oblast ... from MSK to MSK+1 (UTC+3 to UTC+4) ...
# 920582-6 ... 02/17/2016 The State Duma passed the bill in the first reading.
# From Matt Johnson (2016-03-09):
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201603090051

Zone Europe/Ulyanovsk	 3:13:36 -	LMT	1919 Jul  1  0:00u
			 3:00	-	+03	1930 Jun 21
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1989 Mar 26  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 2:00	Russia	+02/+03	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 3:00	Russia	+03/+04	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 3:00	-	+03	2016 Mar 27  2:00s
			 4:00	-	+04

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Asia/Yekaterinburg covers...
# 02	RU-BA	Bashkortostan, Republic of
# 90	RU-PER	Perm Krai
# 45	RU-KGN	Kurgan Oblast
# 56	RU-ORE	Orenburg Oblast
# 66	RU-SVE	Sverdlovsk Oblast
# 72	RU-TYU	Tyumen Oblast
# 74	RU-CHE	Chelyabinsk Oblast
# 86	RU-KHM	Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
# 89	RU-YAN	Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
# Note: Effective 2005-12-01, (59) Perm Oblast and (81) Komi-Permyak
# Autonomous Okrug merged to form (90, RU-PER) Perm Krai.

# Milne says Yekaterinburg was 4:02:32.9; round to nearest.
# Byalokoz 1919 says its provincial time was based on Perm, at 3:45:05.
# Assume it switched on 1916-07-03, the time of the new standard.
# The 1919 and 1930 transitions are from Shanks.

Zone Asia/Yekaterinburg	 4:02:33 -	LMT	1916 Jul  3
			 3:45:05 -	PMT	1919 Jul 15  4:00
			 4:00	-	+04	1930 Jun 21
			 5:00	Russia	+05/+06	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 4:00	Russia	+04/+05	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 5:00	Russia	+05/+06	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 6:00	-	+06	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 5:00	-	+05

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Asia/Omsk covers...
# 55	RU-OMS	Omsk Oblast

# Byalokoz 1919 says Omsk was 4:53:30.

Zone Asia/Omsk		 4:53:30 -	LMT	1919 Nov 14
			 5:00	-	+05	1930 Jun 21
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 5:00	Russia	+05/+06	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 6:00	-	+06

# From Paul Eggert (2016-02-22):
# Asia/Barnaul covers:
# 04	RU-AL	Altai Republic
# 22	RU-ALT	Altai Krai

# Data before 1991 are from Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-07):
# Letter of Bank of Russia from 1995-05-25
# http://www.bestpravo.ru/rossijskoje/lj-akty/y3a.htm
# suggests that Altai Republic transitioned to Moscow+3 on
# 1995-05-28.
# http://regnum.ru/news/society/1957270.html
# has some historical data for Altai Krai:
# before 1957: west part on UTC+6, east on UTC+7
# after 1957: UTC+7
# since 1995: UTC+6
# http://barnaul.rusplt.ru/index/pochemu_altajskij_kraj_okazalsja_v_neprivychnom_chasovom_pojase-17648.html
# confirms that and provides more details including 1995-05-28 transition date.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-02-17):
# Altai Krai and Altai Republic on their way to change time zones
# by March 27, 2016 at 2am....
# Altai Republic / Gorno-Altaysk MSK+3 to MSK+4 (UTC+6 to UTC+7) ...
# Altai Krai / Barnaul MSK+3 to MSK+4 (UTC+6 to UTC+7)
# From Matt Johnson (2016-03-09):
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201603090043
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201603090038

Zone Asia/Barnaul	 5:35:00 -	LMT	1919 Dec 10
			 6:00	-	+06	1930 Jun 21
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1995 May 28
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 6:00	-	+06	2016 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Asia/Novosibirsk covers:
# 54	RU-NVS	Novosibirsk Oblast

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-05-30):
# http://asozd2.duma.gov.ru/main.nsf/(Spravka)?OpenAgent&RN=1085784-6
# moves Novosibirsk oblast from UTC+6 to UTC+7.
# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-07-04):
# The law was signed yesterday and published today on
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201607040064

Zone Asia/Novosibirsk	 5:31:40 -	LMT	1919 Dec 14  6:00
			 6:00	-	+06	1930 Jun 21
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1993 May 23 # say Shanks & P.
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 6:00	-	+06	2016 Jul 24  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07

# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# Asia/Tomsk covers:
# 70	RU-TOM	Tomsk Oblast

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-24):
# Byalokoz listed Tomsk at 5:39:51.

# From Stanislaw A. Kuzikowski (1994-06-29):
# Tomsk is still 4 hours ahead of Moscow.

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-03-19):
# http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102075743
# (fifth time belt being UTC+5+1(decree time)
# / UTC+5+1(decree time)+1(summer time)) ...
# Note that time belts (numbered from 2 (Moscow) to 12 according to their
# GMT/UTC offset and having too many exceptions like regions formally
# belonging to one belt but using time from another) were replaced
# with time zones in 2011 with different numbering (there was a
# 2-hour gap between second and third zones in 2011-2014).

# From Stepan Golosunov (2016-04-12):
# http://asozd2.duma.gov.ru/main.nsf/(SpravkaNew)?OpenAgent&RN=1006865-6
# This bill was approved in the first reading today.  It moves Tomsk oblast
# from UTC+6 to UTC+7 and is supposed to come into effect on 2016-05-29 at
# 2:00.  The bill needs to be approved in the second and the third readings by
# the State Duma, approved by the Federation Council, signed by the President
# and published to become a law.  Minor changes in the text are to be expected
# before the second reading (references need to be updated to account for the
# recent changes).
# Judging by the ultra-short one-day amendments period, recent similar laws,
# the State Duma schedule and the Federation Council schedule
# http://www.duma.gov.ru/legislative/planning/day-shedule/por_vesna_2016/
# http://council.gov.ru/activity/meetings/schedule/63303
# I speculate that the final text of the bill will be proposed tomorrow, the
# bill will be approved in the second and the third readings on Friday,
# approved by the Federation Council on 2016-04-20, signed by the President and
# published as a law around 2016-04-26.

# From Matt Johnson (2016-04-26):
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201604260048

Zone	Asia/Tomsk	 5:39:51 -	LMT	1919 Dec 22
			 6:00	-	+06	1930 Jun 21
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	2002 May  1  3:00
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 6:00	-	+06	2016 May 29  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Asia/Novokuznetsk covers...
# 42	RU-KEM	Kemerovo Oblast

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-10-13):
# Kemerovo oblast' (Kemerovo region) in Russia will change current time zone on
# March 28, 2010:
# from current Russia Zone 6 - Krasnoyarsk Time Zone (KRA) UTC +0700
# to Russia Zone 5 - Novosibirsk Time Zone (NOV) UTC +0600
# This is according to Government of Russia decree No. 740, on September
# 14, 2009 "Application in the territory of the Kemerovo region the Fifth
# time zone." ("Russia Zone 5" or old "USSR Zone 5" is GMT +0600)
# Russian Government web site (Russian language)
# http://www.government.ru/content/governmentactivity/rfgovernmentdecisions/archive/2009/09/14/991633.htm
# or Russian-English translation by WorldTimeZone.com with reference
# map to local region and new Russia Time Zone map after March 28, 2010
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_russia03.html
# Thus, when Russia will switch to DST on the night of March 28, 2010
# Kemerovo region (Kemerovo oblast') will not change the clock.

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-02), per Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-07-02):
# The Kemerovo region will remain at UTC+7 through the 2014-10-26 change, thus
# realigning itself with KRAT.

Zone Asia/Novokuznetsk	 5:48:48 -	LMT	1924 May  1
			 6:00	-	+06	1930 Jun 21
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	2010 Mar 28  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Asia/Krasnoyarsk covers...
# 17	RU-TY	Tuva Republic
# 19	RU-KK	Khakassia, Republic of
# 24	RU-KYA	Krasnoyarsk Krai
# Note: Effective 2007-01-01, (88) Evenk Autonomous Okrug and (84) Taymyr
# Autonomous Okrug were merged into (24, RU-KYA) Krasnoyarsk Krai.

# Byalokoz 1919 says Krasnoyarsk was 6:11:26.

Zone Asia/Krasnoyarsk	 6:11:26 -	LMT	1920 Jan  6
			 6:00	-	+06	1930 Jun 21
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 6:00	Russia	+06/+07	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 8:00	-	+08	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 7:00	-	+07

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Asia/Irkutsk covers...
# 03	RU-BU	Buryatia, Republic of
# 38	RU-IRK	Irkutsk Oblast
# Note: Effective 2008-01-01, (85) Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug was
# merged into (38, RU-IRK) Irkutsk Oblast.

# Milne 1899 says Irkutsk was 6:57:15.
# Byalokoz 1919 says Irkutsk was 6:57:05.
# Go with Byalokoz.

Zone Asia/Irkutsk	 6:57:05 -	LMT	1880
			 6:57:05 -	IMT	1920 Jan 25 # Irkutsk Mean Time
			 7:00	-	+07	1930 Jun 21
			 8:00	Russia	+08/+09	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 7:00	Russia	+07/+08	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 8:00	Russia	+08/+09	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			 9:00	-	+09	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 8:00	-	+08

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06):
# Asia/Chita covers...
# 92	RU-ZAB	Zabaykalsky Krai
# Note: Effective 2008-03-01, (75) Chita Oblast and (80) Agin-Buryat
# Autonomous Okrug merged to form (92, RU-ZAB) Zabaykalsky Krai.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-01-02):
# [The] time zone in the Trans-Baikal Territory (Zabaykalsky Krai) -
# Asia/Chita [is changing] from UTC+8 to UTC+9.  Effective date will
# be March 27, 2016 at 2:00am....
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201512300107

Zone Asia/Chita	 7:33:52 -	LMT	1919 Dec 15
			 8:00	-	+08	1930 Jun 21
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 8:00	Russia	+08/+09	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 8:00	-	+08	2016 Mar 27  2:00
			 9:00	-	+09

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
# Asia/Yakutsk covers...
# 28	RU-AMU	Amur Oblast
# ...and parts of (14, RU-SA) Sakha (Yakutia) Republic:
# 14-02	****	Aldansky District
# 14-04	****	Amginsky District
# 14-05	****	Anabarsky District
# 14-06	****	Bulunsky District
# 14-07	****	Verkhnevilyuysky District
# 14-10	****	Vilyuysky District
# 14-11	****	Gorny District
# 14-12	****	Zhigansky District
# 14-13	****	Kobyaysky District
# 14-14	****	Lensky District
# 14-15	****	Megino-Kangalassky District
# 14-16	****	Mirninsky District
# 14-18	****	Namsky District
# 14-19	****	Neryungrinsky District
# 14-21	****	Nyurbinsky District
# 14-23	****	Olenyoksky District
# 14-24	****	Olyokminsky District
# 14-26	****	Suntarsky District
# 14-27	****	Tattinsky District
# 14-29	****	Ust-Aldansky District
# 14-32	****	Khangalassky District
# 14-33	****	Churapchinsky District
# 14-34	****	Eveno-Bytantaysky National District

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Our commentary seems to have lost mention of (14-19) Neryungrinsky District.
# Since the surrounding districts of Sakha are all YAKT, assume this is, too.
# Also assume its history has been the same as the rest of Asia/Yakutsk.

# Byalokoz 1919 says Yakutsk was 8:38:58.

Zone Asia/Yakutsk	 8:38:58 -	LMT	1919 Dec 15
			 8:00	-	+08	1930 Jun 21
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 8:00	Russia	+08/+09	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 9:00	-	+09

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
# Asia/Vladivostok covers...
# 25	RU-PRI	Primorsky Krai
# 27	RU-KHA	Khabarovsk Krai
# 79	RU-YEV	Jewish Autonomous Oblast
# ...and parts of (14, RU-SA) Sakha (Yakutia) Republic:
# 14-09	****	Verkhoyansky District
# 14-31	****	Ust-Yansky District

# Milne 1899 says Vladivostok was 8:47:33.5.
# Byalokoz 1919 says Vladivostok was 8:47:31.
# Go with Byalokoz.

Zone Asia/Vladivostok	 8:47:31 -	LMT	1922 Nov 15
			 9:00	-	+09	1930 Jun 21
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Asia/Khandyga covers parts of (14, RU-SA) Sakha (Yakutia) Republic:
# 14-28	****	Tomponsky District
# 14-30	****	Ust-Maysky District

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
# Tomponskij and Ust'-Majskij switched from Vladivostok time to Yakutsk time
# in 2011.

# From Paul Eggert (2012-11-25):
# Shanks and Pottenger (2003) has Khandyga on Yakutsk time.
# Make a wild guess that it switched to Vladivostok time in 2004.
# This transition is no doubt wrong, but we have no better info.

Zone Asia/Khandyga	 9:02:13 -	LMT	1919 Dec 15
			 8:00	-	+08	1930 Jun 21
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			 8:00	Russia	+08/+09	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	2004
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11	2011 Sep 13  0:00s # Decree 725?
			10:00	-	+10	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			 9:00	-	+09

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Asia/Sakhalin covers...
# 65	RU-SAK	Sakhalin Oblast
# ...with the exception of:
# 65-11	****	Severo-Kurilsky District (North Kuril Islands)

# From Matt Johnson (2016-02-22):
# Asia/Sakhalin is moving (in entirety) from UTC+10 to UTC+11 ...
# (2016-03-09):
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201603090044

# The Zone name should be Asia/Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
Zone Asia/Sakhalin	 9:30:48 -	LMT	1905 Aug 23
			 9:00	-	+09	1945 Aug 25
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1991 Mar 31  2:00s # Sakhalin T
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1997 Mar lastSun  2:00s
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10	2016 Mar 27  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2009-11-29):
# Asia/Magadan covers...
# 49	RU-MAG	Magadan Oblast

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06), per Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-07-02):
# Magadan Oblast is moving from UTC+12 to UTC+10 on 2014-10-26; however,
# several districts of Sakha Republic as well as Severo-Kurilsky District of
# the Sakhalin Oblast (also known as the North Kuril Islands), represented
# until now by Asia/Magadan, will instead move to UTC+11.  These regions will
# need their own zone.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-03-27):
# ... draft bill 948300-6 to change its time zone from UTC+10 to UTC+11 ...
# will take ... effect ... on April 24, 2016 at 2 o'clock
# From Matt Johnson (2016-04-05):
# ... signed by the President today ...
# http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001201604050038

Zone Asia/Magadan	10:03:12 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			10:00	-	+10	1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			12:00	-	+12	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10	2016 Apr 24  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06):
# Asia/Srednekolymsk covers parts of (14, RU-SA) Sakha (Yakutia) Republic:
# 14-01	****	Abyysky District
# 14-03	****	Allaikhovsky District
# 14-08	****	Verkhnekolymsky District
# 14-17	****	Momsky District
# 14-20	****	Nizhnekolymsky District
# 14-25	****	Srednekolymsky District
# ...and parts of (65, RU-SAK) Sakhalin Oblast:
# 65-11	****	Severo-Kurilsky District (North Kuril Islands)

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-02):
# Oymyakonsky District of Sakha Republic (represented by Ust-Nera), along with
# most of Sakhalin Oblast (represented by Sakhalin) will be moving to UTC+10 on
# 2014-10-26 to stay aligned with VLAT/SAKT; however, Severo-Kurilsky District
# of the Sakhalin Oblast (also known as the North Kuril Islands, represented by
# Severo-Kurilsk) will remain on UTC+11.

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06):
# Assume North Kuril Islands have history like Magadan before 2011-03-27.
# There is a decent chance this is wrong, in which case a new zone
# Asia/Severo-Kurilsk would become necessary.
# Srednekolymsk and Zyryanka are the most populous places amongst these
# districts, but have very similar populations.  In fact, Wikipedia currently
# lists them both as having 3528 people, exactly 1668 males and 1860 females
# each!  (Yikes!)
# http://en.wikipedia.org/w/?title=Srednekolymsky_District&oldid=603435276
# http://en.wikipedia.org/w/?title=Verkhnekolymsky_District&oldid=594378493
# Assume this is a mistake, albeit an amusing one.
# Looking at censuses, the populations of the two municipalities seem to have
# fluctuated recently.  Zyryanka was more populous than Srednekolymsk in the
# 1989 and 2002 censuses, but Srednekolymsk was more populous in the most
# recent (2010) census, 3525 to 3170.  (See pages 195 and 197 of
# http://www.gks.ru/free_doc/new_site/perepis2010/croc/Documents/Vol1/pub-01-05.pdf
# in Russian.)  In addition, Srednekolymsk appears to be a much older
# settlement and the population of Zyryanka seems to be declining.
# Go with Srednekolymsk.

Zone Asia/Srednekolymsk	10:14:52 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			10:00	-	+10	1930 Jun 21
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			12:00	-	+12	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			11:00	-	+11

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Asia/Ust-Nera covers parts of (14, RU-SA) Sakha (Yakutia) Republic:
# 14-22	****	Oymyakonsky District

# From Arthur David Olson (2012-05-09):
# Ojmyakonskij [and the Kuril Islands] switched from
# Magadan time to Vladivostok time in 2011.
# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-06), per Alexander Krivenyshev (2014-07-02):
# It's unlikely that any of the Kuril Islands were involved in such a switch,
# as the South and Middle Kurils have been on UTC+11 (SAKT) with the rest of
# Sakhalin Oblast since at least 2011-09, and the North Kurils have been on
# UTC+12 since at least then, too.

Zone Asia/Ust-Nera	 9:32:54 -	LMT	1919 Dec 15
			 8:00	-	+08	1930 Jun 21
			 9:00	Russia	+09/+10	1981 Apr  1
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			10:00	Russia	+10/+11	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			12:00	-	+12	2011 Sep 13  0:00s # Decree 725?
			11:00	-	+11	2014 Oct 26  2:00s
			10:00	-	+10

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03), per Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25):
# Asia/Kamchatka covers...
# 91	RU-KAM	Kamchatka Krai
# Note: Effective 2007-07-01, (41) Kamchatka Oblast and (82) Koryak
# Autonomous Okrug merged to form (91, RU-KAM) Kamchatka Krai.

# The Zone name should be Asia/Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski or perhaps
# Asia/Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, but these are too long.
Zone Asia/Kamchatka	10:34:36 -	LMT	1922 Nov 10
			11:00	-	+11	1930 Jun 21
			12:00	Russia	+12/+13	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			12:00	Russia	+12/+13	2010 Mar 28  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			12:00	-	+12

# From Tim Parenti (2014-07-03):
# Asia/Anadyr covers...
# 87	RU-CHU	Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Zone Asia/Anadyr	11:49:56 -	LMT	1924 May  2
			12:00	-	+12	1930 Jun 21
			13:00	Russia	+13/+14	1982 Apr  1  0:00s
			12:00	Russia	+12/+13	1991 Mar 31  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	1992 Jan 19  2:00s
			12:00	Russia	+12/+13	2010 Mar 28  2:00s
			11:00	Russia	+11/+12	2011 Mar 27  2:00s
			12:00	-	+12

# San Marino
# See Europe/Rome.

# Serbia
Zone	Europe/Belgrade	1:22:00	-	LMT	1884
			1:00	-	CET	1941 Apr 18 23:00
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1945
			1:00	-	CET	1945 May  8  2:00s
			1:00	1:00	CEST	1945 Sep 16  2:00s
# Metod Koželj reports that the legal date of
# transition to EU rules was 1982-11-27, for all of Yugoslavia at the time.
# Shanks & Pottenger don't give as much detail, so go with Koželj.
			1:00	-	CET	1982 Nov 27
			1:00	EU	CE%sT
Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Ljubljana	# Slovenia
Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Podgorica	# Montenegro
Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Sarajevo	# Bosnia and Herzegovina
Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Skopje	# Macedonia
Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Zagreb	# Croatia

# Slovakia
Link Europe/Prague Europe/Bratislava

# Slovenia
# See Europe/Belgrade.

# Spain
# For 1917-1919 Whitman gives Apr Sat>=1 - Oct Sat>=1;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1917	only	-	May	 5	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1917	1919	-	Oct	 6	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Spain	1918	only	-	Apr	15	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1919	only	-	Apr	 5	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1921 Feb 28 - Oct 14; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1924	only	-	Apr	16	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1924 Oct 14; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1924	only	-	Oct	 4	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Spain	1926	only	-	Apr	17	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman says no DST in 1929; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1926	1929	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Spain	1927	only	-	Apr	 9	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1928	only	-	Apr	14	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1929	only	-	Apr	20	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman gives 1937 Jun 16, 1938 Apr 16, 1940 Apr 13;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1937	only	-	May	22	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1937	1939	-	Oct	Sat>=1	23:00s	0	-
Rule	Spain	1938	only	-	Mar	22	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1939	only	-	Apr	15	23:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1940	only	-	Mar	16	23:00s	1:00	S
# Whitman says no DST 1942-1945; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Spain	1942	only	-	May	 2	22:00s	2:00	M # Midsummer
Rule	Spain	1942	only	-	Sep	 1	22:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1943	1946	-	Apr	Sat>=13	22:00s	2:00	M
Rule	Spain	1943	only	-	Oct	 3	22:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1944	only	-	Oct	10	22:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1945	only	-	Sep	30	 1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1946	only	-	Sep	30	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Spain	1949	only	-	Apr	30	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1949	only	-	Sep	30	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Spain	1974	1975	-	Apr	Sat>=13	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1974	1975	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Spain	1976	only	-	Mar	27	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1976	1977	-	Sep	lastSun	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Spain	1977	1978	-	Apr	 2	23:00	1:00	S
Rule	Spain	1978	only	-	Oct	 1	 1:00	0	-
# The following rules are copied from Morocco from 1967 through 1978.
Rule SpainAfrica 1967	only	-	Jun	 3	12:00	1:00	S
Rule SpainAfrica 1967	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule SpainAfrica 1974	only	-	Jun	24	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule SpainAfrica 1974	only	-	Sep	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule SpainAfrica 1976	1977	-	May	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule SpainAfrica 1976	only	-	Aug	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule SpainAfrica 1977	only	-	Sep	28	 0:00	0	-
Rule SpainAfrica 1978	only	-	Jun	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule SpainAfrica 1978	only	-	Aug	 4	 0:00	0	-
Zone	Europe/Madrid	-0:14:44 -	LMT	1901 Jan  1  0:00s
			 0:00	Spain	WE%sT	1946 Sep 30
			 1:00	Spain	CE%sT	1979
			 1:00	EU	CE%sT
Zone	Africa/Ceuta	-0:21:16 -	LMT	1901
			 0:00	-	WET	1918 May  6 23:00
			 0:00	1:00	WEST	1918 Oct  7 23:00
			 0:00	-	WET	1924
			 0:00	Spain	WE%sT	1929
			 0:00 SpainAfrica WE%sT	1984 Mar 16
			 1:00	-	CET	1986
			 1:00	EU	CE%sT
Zone	Atlantic/Canary	-1:01:36 -	LMT	1922 Mar # Las Palmas de Gran C.
			-1:00	-	CANT	1946 Sep 30  1:00 # Canaries T
			 0:00	-	WET	1980 Apr  6  0:00s
			 0:00	1:00	WEST	1980 Sep 28  1:00u
			 0:00	EU	WE%sT
# IATA SSIM (1996-09) says the Canaries switch at 2:00u, not 1:00u.
# Ignore this for now, as the Canaries are part of the EU.

# Sweden

# From Ivan Nilsson (2001-04-13), superseding Shanks & Pottenger:
# The law "Svensk författningssamling 1878, no 14" about standard time in 1879:
# From the beginning of 1879 (that is 01-01 00:00) the time for all
# places in the country is "the mean solar time for the meridian at
# three degrees, or twelve minutes of time, to the west of the
# meridian of the Observatory of Stockholm".  The law is dated 1878-05-31.
# The observatory at that time had the meridian 18 degrees 03' 30"
# eastern longitude = 01:12:14 in time.  Less 12 minutes gives the
# national standard time as 01:00:14 ahead of GMT....
# About the beginning of CET in Sweden. The lawtext ("Svensk
# författningssamling 1899, no 44") states, that "from the beginning
# of 1900... ... the same as the mean solar time for the meridian at
# the distance of one hour of time from the meridian of the English
# observatory at Greenwich, or at 12 minutes 14 seconds to the west
# from the meridian of the Observatory of Stockholm". The law is dated
# 1899-06-16.  In short: At 1900-01-01 00:00:00 the new standard time
# in Sweden is 01:00:00 ahead of GMT.
# 1916: The lawtext ("Svensk författningssamling 1916, no 124") states
# that "1916-05-15 is considered to begin one hour earlier". It is
# pretty obvious that at 05-14 23:00 the clocks are set to 05-15 00:00....
# Further the law says, that "1916-09-30 is considered to end one hour later".
# The laws regulating [DST] are available on the site of the Swedish
# Parliament beginning with 1985 - the laws regulating 1980/1984 are
# not available on the site (to my knowledge they are only available
# in Swedish): <http://www.riksdagen.se/english/work/sfst.asp> (type
# "sommartid" without the quotes in the field "Fritext" and then click
# the Sök-button).
# (2001-05-13):
# I have now found a newspaper stating that at 1916-10-01 01:00
# summertime the church-clocks etc were set back one hour to show
# 1916-10-01 00:00 standard time.  The article also reports that some
# people thought the switch to standard time would take place already
# at 1916-10-01 00:00 summer time, but they had to wait for another
# hour before the event took place.
# Source: The newspaper "Dagens Nyheter", 1916-10-01, page 7 upper left.

Zone Europe/Stockholm	1:12:12 -	LMT	1879 Jan  1
			1:00:14	-	SET	1900 Jan  1 # Swedish Time
			1:00	-	CET	1916 May 14 23:00
			1:00	1:00	CEST	1916 Oct  1  1:00
			1:00	-	CET	1980
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Switzerland
# From Howse:
# By the end of the 18th century clocks and watches became commonplace
# and their performance improved enormously.  Communities began to keep
# mean time in preference to apparent time - Geneva from 1780 ....
# From Whitman (who writes "Midnight?"):
# Rule	Swiss	1940	only	-	Nov	 2	0:00	1:00	S
# Rule	Swiss	1940	only	-	Dec	31	0:00	0	-
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
# Rule	Swiss	1941	1942	-	May	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
# Rule	Swiss	1941	1942	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-

# From Alois Treindl (2008-12-17):
# I have researched the DST usage in Switzerland during the 1940ies.
# As I wrote in an earlier message, I suspected the current tzdata values
# to be wrong. This is now verified.
# I have found copies of the original ruling by the Swiss Federal
# government, in 'Eidgenössische Gesetzessammlung 1941 and 1942' (Swiss
# federal law collection)...
# DST began on Monday 5 May 1941, 1:00 am by shifting the clocks to 2:00 am
# DST ended on Monday 6 Oct 1941, 2:00 am by shifting the clocks to 1:00 am.
# DST began on Monday, 4 May 1942 at 01:00 am
# DST ended on Monday, 5 Oct 1942 at 02:00 am
# There was no DST in 1940, I have checked the law collection carefully.
# It is also indicated by the fact that the 1942 entry in the law
# collection points back to 1941 as a reference, but no reference to any
# other years are made.
# Newspaper articles I have read in the archives on 6 May 1941 reported
# about the introduction of DST (Sommerzeit in German) during the previous
# night as an absolute novelty, because this was the first time that such
# a thing had happened in Switzerland.
# I have also checked 1916, because one book source (Gabriel, Traité de
# l'heure dans le monde) claims that Switzerland had DST in 1916. This is
# false, no official document could be found. Probably Gabriel got misled
# by references to Germany, which introduced DST in 1916 for the first time.
# The tzdata rules for Switzerland must be changed to:
# Rule  Swiss   1941    1942    -       May     Mon>=1  1:00    1:00    S
# Rule  Swiss   1941    1942    -       Oct     Mon>=1  2:00    0       -
# The 1940 rules must be deleted.
# One further detail for Switzerland, which is probably out of scope for
# most users of tzdata: The [Europe/Zurich zone] ...
# describes all of Switzerland correctly, with the exception of
# the Canton de Genève (Geneva, Genf). Between 1848 and 1894 Geneva did not
# follow Bern Mean Time but kept its own local mean time.
# To represent this, an extra zone would be needed.
# From Alois Treindl (2013-09-11):
# The Federal regulations say
# http://www.admin.ch/opc/de/classified-compilation/20071096/index.html
# ... the meridian for Bern mean time ... is 7 degrees 26' 22.50".
# Expressed in time, it is 0h29m45.5s.

# From Pierre-Yves Berger (2013-09-11):
# the "Circulaire du conseil fédéral" (December 11 1893)
# http://www.amtsdruckschriften.bar.admin.ch/viewOrigDoc.do?id=10071353
# clearly states that the [1894-06-01] change should be done at midnight
# but if no one is present after 11 at night, could be postponed until one
# hour before the beginning of service.

# From Paul Eggert (2013-09-11):
# Round BMT to the nearest even second, 0:29:46.
# We can find no reliable source for Shanks's assertion that all of Switzerland
# except Geneva switched to Bern Mean Time at 00:00 on 1848-09-12.  This book:
#	Jakob Messerli. Gleichmässig, pünktlich, schnell. Zeiteinteilung und
#	Zeitgebrauch in der Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert. Chronos, Zurich 1995,
#	ISBN 3-905311-68-2, OCLC 717570797.
# suggests that the transition was more gradual, and that the Swiss did not
# agree about civil time during the transition.  The timekeeping it gives the
# most detail for is postal and telegraph time: here, federal legislation (the
# "Bundesgesetz über die Erstellung von elektrischen Telegraphen") passed on
# 1851-11-23, and an official implementation notice was published 1853-07-16
# (Bundesblatt 1853, Bd. II, S. 859).  On p 72 Messerli writes that in
# practice since July 1853 Bernese time was used in "all postal and telegraph
# offices in Switzerland from Geneva to St. Gallen and Basel to Chiasso"
# (Google translation).  For now, model this transition as occurring on
# 1853-07-16, though it probably occurred at some other date in Zurich, and
# legal civil time probably changed at still some other transition date.

Rule	Swiss	1941	1942	-	May	Mon>=1	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Swiss	1941	1942	-	Oct	Mon>=1	2:00	0	-
Zone	Europe/Zurich	0:34:08 -	LMT	1853 Jul 16 # See above comment.
			0:29:46	-	BMT	1894 Jun    # Bern Mean Time
			1:00	Swiss	CE%sT	1981
			1:00	EU	CE%sT

# Turkey

# From Kıvanç Yazan (2016-09-25):
# 1) For 1986-2006, DST started at 01:00 local and ended at 02:00 local, with
#    no exceptions.
# 2) 1994's lastSun was overridden with Mar 20 ...
# Here are official papers:
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/19032.pdf  - page 2 for 1986
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/19400.pdf  - page 4 for 1987
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/19752.pdf  - page 15 for 1988
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/20102.pdf  - page 6 for 1989
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/20464.pdf  - page 1 for 1990 - 1992
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/21531.pdf  - page 15 for 1993 - 1995
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/21879.pdf  - page 1 for overriding 1994
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/22588.pdf  - page 1 for 1996, 1997
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/23286.pdf  - page 10 for 1998 - 2000
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2001/03/20010324.htm#2  - for 2001
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2002/03/20020316.htm#2  - for 2002-2006
# From Paul Eggert (2016-09-25):
# Prefer the above sources to Shanks & Pottenger for time stamps after 1985.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-03-09):
# Starting 2007 though, it seems that they are adopting EU's 1:00 UTC
# start/end time, according to the following page (2007-03-07):
# http://www.ntvmsnbc.com/news/402029.asp
# The official document is located here - it is in Turkish...:
# http://rega.basbakanlik.gov.tr/eskiler/2007/03/20070307-7.htm
# I was able to locate the following seemingly official document
# (on a non-government server though) describing dates between 2002 and 2006:
# http://www.alomaliye.com/bkk_2002_3769.htm

# From Gökdeniz Karadağ (2011-03-10):
# According to the articles linked below, Turkey will change into summer
# time zone (GMT+3) on March 28, 2011 at 3:00 a.m. instead of March 27.
# This change is due to a nationwide exam on 27th.
# http://www.worldbulletin.net/?aType=haber&ArticleID=70872
# Turkish:
# http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/ekonomi/17230464.asp?gid=373

# From Faruk Pasin (2014-02-14):
# The DST for Turkey has been changed for this year because of the
# Turkish Local election....
# http://www.sabah.com.tr/Ekonomi/2014/02/12/yaz-saatinde-onemli-degisiklik
# ... so Turkey will move clocks forward one hour on March 31 at 3:00 a.m.
# From Randal L. Schwartz (2014-04-15):
# Having landed on a flight from the states to Istanbul (via AMS) on March 31,
# I can tell you that NOBODY (even the airlines) respected this timezone DST
# change delay.  Maybe the word just didn't get out in time.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-15):
# The press reported massive confusion, as election officials obeyed the rule
# change but cell phones (and airline baggage systems) did not.  See:
# Kostidis M. Eventful elections in Turkey. Balkan News Agency
# http://www.balkaneu.com/eventful-elections-turkey/ 2014-03-30.
# I guess the best we can do is document the official time.

# From Fatih (2015-09-29):
# It's officially announced now by the Ministry of Energy.
# Turkey delays winter time to 8th of November 04:00
# http://www.aa.com.tr/tr/turkiye/yaz-saati-uygulamasi-8-kasimda-sona-erecek/362217
# From BBC News (2015-10-25):
# Confused Turks are asking "what's the time?" after automatic clocks defied a
# government decision ... "For the next two weeks #Turkey is on EEST... Erdogan
# Engineered Standard Time," said Twitter user @aysekarahasan.
# http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34631326

# From Burak AYDIN (2016-09-08):
# Turkey will stay in Daylight Saving Time even in winter....
# http://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2016/09/20160908-2.pdf
# From Paul Eggert (2016-09-07):
# The change is permanent, so this is the new standard time in Turkey.
# It takes effect today, which is not much notice.

Rule	Turkey	1916	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1920	only	-	Mar	28	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1920	only	-	Oct	25	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1921	only	-	Apr	 3	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1921	only	-	Oct	 3	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1922	only	-	Mar	26	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1922	only	-	Oct	 8	0:00	0	-
# Whitman gives 1923 Apr 28 - Sep 16 and no DST in 1924-1925;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Turkey	1924	only	-	May	13	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1924	1925	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1925	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1940	only	-	Jun	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1940	only	-	Oct	 5	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1940	only	-	Dec	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1941	only	-	Sep	21	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1942	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	S
# Whitman omits the next two transition and gives 1945 Oct 1;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Turkey	1942	only	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1945	only	-	Apr	 2	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1945	only	-	Oct	 8	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1946	only	-	Jun	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1946	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1947	1948	-	Apr	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1947	1950	-	Oct	Sun>=2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1949	only	-	Apr	10	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1950	only	-	Apr	19	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1951	only	-	Apr	22	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1951	only	-	Oct	 8	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1962	only	-	Jul	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1962	only	-	Oct	 8	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1964	only	-	May	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1964	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1970	1972	-	May	Sun>=2	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1970	1972	-	Oct	Sun>=2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1973	only	-	Jun	 3	1:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1973	only	-	Nov	 4	3:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1974	only	-	Mar	31	2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1974	only	-	Nov	 3	5:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1975	only	-	Mar	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1975	1976	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1976	only	-	Jun	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1977	1978	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1977	only	-	Oct	16	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1979	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=1	3:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1979	1982	-	Oct	Mon>=11	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1981	1982	-	Mar	lastSun	3:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1983	only	-	Jul	31	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1983	only	-	Oct	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1985	only	-	Apr	20	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1985	only	-	Sep	28	0:00	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1986	1993	-	Mar	lastSun	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1986	1995	-	Sep	lastSun	1:00s	0	-
Rule	Turkey	1994	only	-	Mar	20	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1995	2006	-	Mar	lastSun	1:00s	1:00	S
Rule	Turkey	1996	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	1:00s	0	-
Zone	Europe/Istanbul	1:55:52 -	LMT	1880
			1:56:56	-	IMT	1910 Oct # Istanbul Mean Time?
			2:00	Turkey	EE%sT	1978 Oct 15
			3:00	Turkey	+03/+04	1985 Apr 20
			2:00	Turkey	EE%sT	2007
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	2011 Mar 27  1:00u
			2:00	-	EET	2011 Mar 28  1:00u
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	2014 Mar 30  1:00u
			2:00	-	EET	2014 Mar 31  1:00u
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	2015 Oct 25  1:00u
			2:00	1:00	EEST	2015 Nov  8  1:00u
			2:00	EU	EE%sT	2016 Sep  7
			3:00	-	+03
Link	Europe/Istanbul	Asia/Istanbul	# Istanbul is in both continents.

# Ukraine
# From Igor Karpov, who works for the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice,
# via Garrett Wollman (2003-01-27):
# BTW, I've found the official document on this matter. It's government
# regulations No. 509, May 13, 1996. In my poor translation it says:
# "Time in Ukraine is set to second timezone (Kiev time). Each last Sunday
# of March at 3am the time is changing to 4am and each last Sunday of
# October the time at 4am is changing to 3am"

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-09-20):
# On September 20, 2011 the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada agreed to
# abolish the transfer clock to winter time.
# Bill No. 8330 of MP from the Party of Regions Oleg Nadoshi got
# approval from 266 deputies.
# Ukraine abolishes transfer back to the winter time (in Russian)
# http://news.mail.ru/politics/6861560/
# The Ukrainians will no longer change the clock (in Russian)
# http://www.segodnya.ua/news/14290482.html
# Deputies cancelled the winter time (in Russian)
# http://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2011/09/20/6600616/
# From Philip Pizzey (2011-10-18):
# Today my Ukrainian colleagues have informed me that the
# Ukrainian parliament have decided that they will go to winter
# time this year after all.
# From Udo Schwedt (2011-10-18):
# As far as I understand, the recent change to the Ukrainian time zone
# (Europe/Kiev) to introduce permanent daylight saving time (similar
# to Russia) was reverted today:
# http://portal.rada.gov.ua/rada/control/en/publish/article/info_left?art_id=287324&cat_id=105995
# Also reported by Alexander Bokovoy (2011-10-18) who also noted:
# The law documents themselves are at
# http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb_n/webproc4_1?id=&pf3511=41484

# From Vladimir in Moscow via Alois Treindl re Kiev time 1991/2 (2014-02-28):
# First in Ukraine they changed Time zone from UTC+3 to UTC+2 with DST:
#       03 25 1990 02:00 -03.00 1       Time Zone 3 with DST
#       07 01 1990 02:00 -02.00 1       Time Zone 2 with DST
# * Ukrainian Government's Resolution of 18.06.1990, No. 134.
# http://search.ligazakon.ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/T001500.html
# They did not end DST in September, 1990 (according to the law,
# "summer time" was still in action):
#       09 30 1990 03:00 -02.00 1       Time Zone 2 with DST
# * Ukrainian Government's Resolution of 21.09.1990, No. 272.
# http://search.ligazakon.ua/l_doc2.nsf/link1/KP900272.html
# Again no change in March, 1991 ("summer time" in action):
#       03 31 1991 02:00 -02.00 1       Time Zone 2 with DST
# DST ended in September 1991 ("summer time" ended):
#       09 29 1991 03:00 -02.00 0       Time Zone 2, no DST
# * Ukrainian Government's Resolution of 25.09.1991, No. 225.
# http://www.uazakon.com/documents/date_21/pg_iwgdoc.htm
# This is an answer.
# Since 1992 they had normal DST procedure:
#       03 29 1992 02:00 -02.00 1       DST started
#       09 27 1992 03:00 -02.00 0       DST ended
# * Ukrainian Government's Resolution of 20.03.1992, No. 139.
# http://www.uazakon.com/documents/date_8u/pg_grcasa.htm

# Most of Ukraine since 1970 has been like Kiev.
# "Kyiv" is the transliteration of the Ukrainian name, but
# "Kiev" is more common in English.
Zone Europe/Kiev	2:02:04 -	LMT	1880
			2:02:04	-	KMT	1924 May  2 # Kiev Mean Time
			2:00	-	EET	1930 Jun 21
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Sep 20
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1943 Nov  6
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1990 Jul  1  2:00
			2:00	1:00	EEST	1991 Sep 29  3:00
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1995
			2:00	EU	EE%sT
# Ruthenia used CET 1990/1991.
# "Uzhhorod" is the transliteration of the Rusyn/Ukrainian pronunciation, but
# "Uzhgorod" is more common in English.
Zone Europe/Uzhgorod	1:29:12 -	LMT	1890 Oct
			1:00	-	CET	1940
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1944 Oct
			1:00	1:00	CEST	1944 Oct 26
			1:00	-	CET	1945 Jun 29
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1990
			3:00	-	MSK	1990 Jul  1  2:00
			1:00	-	CET	1991 Mar 31  3:00
			2:00	-	EET	1992
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1995
			2:00	EU	EE%sT
# Zaporozh'ye and eastern Lugansk oblasts observed DST 1990/1991.
# "Zaporizhia" is the transliteration of the Ukrainian name, but
# "Zaporozh'ye" is more common in English.  Use the common English
# spelling, except omit the apostrophe as it is not allowed in
# portable Posix file names.
Zone Europe/Zaporozhye	2:20:40 -	LMT	1880
			2:20	-	CUT	1924 May  2 # Central Ukraine T
			2:00	-	EET	1930 Jun 21
			3:00	-	MSK	1941 Aug 25
			1:00	C-Eur	CE%sT	1943 Oct 25
			3:00	Russia	MSK/MSD	1991 Mar 31  2:00
			2:00	E-Eur	EE%sT	1995
			2:00	EU	EE%sT

# Vatican City
# See Europe/Rome.


# One source shows that Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, and Greece observe DST from
# the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in September in 1986.
# The source shows Romania changing a day later than everybody else.
# According to Bernard Sieloff's source, Poland is in the MET time zone but
# uses the WE DST rules.  The Western USSR uses EET+1 and ME DST rules.
# Bernard Sieloff's source claims Romania switches on the same day, but at
# 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST).  It also claims that Turkey
# switches on the same day, but switches on at 01:00 standard time
# and off at 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST)

# ...
# Date: Wed, 28 Jan 87 16:56:27 -0100
# From: Tom Hofmann
# ...
# ...the European time rules are...standardized since 1981, when
# most European countries started DST.  Before that year, only
# a few countries (UK, France, Italy) had DST, each according
# to own national rules.  In 1981, however, DST started on
# 'Apr firstSun', and not on 'Mar lastSun' as in the following
# years...
# But also since 1981 there are some more national exceptions
# than listed in 'europe': Switzerland, for example, joined DST
# one year later, Denmark ended DST on 'Oct 1' instead of 'Sep
# lastSun' in 1981 - I don't know how they handle now.
# Finally, DST ist always from 'Apr 1' to 'Oct 1' in the
# Soviet Union (as far as I know).
# Tom Hofmann, Scientific Computer Center, CIBA-GEIGY AG,
# 4002 Basle, Switzerland
# ...

# ...
# Date: Wed, 4 Feb 87 22:35:22 +0100
# From: Dik T. Winter
# ...
# The information from Tom Hofmann is (as far as I know) not entirely correct.
# After a request from chongo at amdahl I tried to retrieve all information
# about DST in Europe.  I was able to find all from about 1969.
# ...standardization on DST in Europe started in about 1977 with switches on
# first Sunday in April and last Sunday in September...
# In 1981 UK joined Europe insofar that
# the starting day for both shifted to last Sunday in March.  And from 1982
# the whole of Europe used DST, with switch dates April 1 and October 1 in
# the Sov[i]et Union.  In 1985 the SU reverted to standard Europe[a]n switch
# dates...
# It should also be remembered that time-zones are not constants; e.g.
# Portugal switched in 1976 from MET (or CET) to WET with DST...
# Note also that though there were rules for switch dates not
# all countries abided to these dates, and many individual deviations
# occurred, though not since 1982 I believe.  Another note: it is always
# assumed that DST is 1 hour ahead of normal time, this need not be the
# case; at least in the Netherlands there have been times when DST was 2 hours
# in advance of normal time.
# ...
# dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland
# ...

# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# ...
# Greece: Last Sunday in April to last Sunday in September (iffy on dates).
# Since 1978.  Change at midnight.
# ...
# Monaco: has same DST as France.
# ...
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# These entries are mostly present for historical reasons, so that
# people in areas not otherwise covered by the tz files could "zic -l"
# to a time zone that was right for their area.  These days, the
# tz files cover almost all the inhabited world, and the only practical
# need now for the entries that are not on UTC are for ships at sea
# that cannot use POSIX TZ settings.

# Starting with POSIX 1003.1-2001, the entries below are all
# unnecessary as settings for the TZ environment variable.  E.g.,
# instead of TZ='Etc/GMT+4' one can use the POSIX setting TZ='<-04>+4'.
# Do not use a POSIX TZ setting like TZ='GMT+4', which is four hours
# behind GMT but uses the completely misleading abbreviation "GMT".

Zone	Etc/GMT		0	-	GMT
Zone	Etc/UTC		0	-	UTC
Zone	Etc/UCT		0	-	UCT

# The following link uses older naming conventions,
# but it belongs here, not in the file 'backward',
# as functions like gmtime load the "GMT" file to handle leap seconds properly.
# We want this to work even on installations that omit the other older names.
Link	Etc/GMT				GMT

Link	Etc/UTC				Etc/Universal
Link	Etc/UTC				Etc/Zulu

Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/Greenwich
Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT-0
Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT+0
Link	Etc/GMT				Etc/GMT0

# Be consistent with POSIX TZ settings in the Zone names,
# even though this is the opposite of what many people expect.
# POSIX has positive signs west of Greenwich, but many people expect
# positive signs east of Greenwich.  For example, TZ='Etc/GMT+4' uses
# the abbreviation "-04" and corresponds to 4 hours behind UT
# (i.e. west of Greenwich) even though many people would expect it to
# mean 4 hours ahead of UT (i.e. east of Greenwich).

# Earlier incarnations of this package were not POSIX-compliant,
# and had lines such as
#		Zone	GMT-12		-12	-	GMT-1200
# We did not want things to change quietly if someone accustomed to the old
# way does a
#		zic -l GMT-12
# so we moved the names into the Etc subdirectory.
# Also, the time zone abbreviations are now compatible with %z.

Zone	Etc/GMT-14	14	-	+14
Zone	Etc/GMT-13	13	-	+13
Zone	Etc/GMT-12	12	-	+12
Zone	Etc/GMT-11	11	-	+11
Zone	Etc/GMT-10	10	-	+10
Zone	Etc/GMT-9	9	-	+09
Zone	Etc/GMT-8	8	-	+08
Zone	Etc/GMT-7	7	-	+07
Zone	Etc/GMT-6	6	-	+06
Zone	Etc/GMT-5	5	-	+05
Zone	Etc/GMT-4	4	-	+04
Zone	Etc/GMT-3	3	-	+03
Zone	Etc/GMT-2	2	-	+02
Zone	Etc/GMT-1	1	-	+01
Zone	Etc/GMT+1	-1	-	-01
Zone	Etc/GMT+2	-2	-	-02
Zone	Etc/GMT+3	-3	-	-03
Zone	Etc/GMT+4	-4	-	-04
Zone	Etc/GMT+5	-5	-	-05
Zone	Etc/GMT+6	-6	-	-06
Zone	Etc/GMT+7	-7	-	-07
Zone	Etc/GMT+8	-8	-	-08
Zone	Etc/GMT+9	-9	-	-09
Zone	Etc/GMT+10	-10	-	-10
Zone	Etc/GMT+11	-11	-	-11
Zone	Etc/GMT+12	-12	-	-12
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# also includes Central America and the Caribbean

# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-22):
# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).


# United States

# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-31):
# Howse writes (pp 121-125) that time zones were invented by
# Professor Charles Ferdinand Dowd (1825-1904),
# Principal of Temple Grove Ladies' Seminary (Saratoga Springs, NY).
# His pamphlet "A System of National Time for Railroads" (1870)
# was the result of his proposals at the Convention of Railroad Trunk Lines
# in New York City (1869-10).  His 1870 proposal was based on Washington, DC,
# but in 1872-05 he moved the proposed origin to Greenwich.

# From Paul Eggert (2016-09-21):
# Dowd's proposal left many details unresolved, such as where to draw
# lines between time zones.  The key individual who made time zones
# work in the US was William Frederick Allen - railway engineer,
# managing editor of the Travelers' Guide, and secretary of the
# General Time Convention, a railway standardization group.  Allen
# spent months in dialogs with scientific and railway leaders,
# developed a workable plan to institute time zones, and presented it
# to the General Time Convention on 1883-04-11, saying that his plan
# meant "local time would be practically abolished" - a plus for
# railway scheduling.  By the next convention on 1883-10-11 nearly all
# railroads had agreed and it took effect on 1883-11-18 at 12:00.
# That Sunday was called the "day of two noons", as the eastern parts
# of the new zones observed noon twice.  Allen witnessed the
# transition in New York City, writing:
#   I heard the bells of St. Paul's strike on the old time.  Four
#   minutes later, obedient to the electrical signal from the Naval
#   Observatory ... the time-ball made its rapid descent, the chimes
#   of old Trinity rang twelve measured strokes, and local time was
#   abandoned, probably forever.
# Most of the US soon followed suit.  See:
# Bartky IR. The adoption of standard time. Technol Cult 1989 Jan;30(1):25-56.
# http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3105430

# From Paul Eggert (2005-04-16):
# That 1883 transition occurred at 12:00 new time, not at 12:00 old time.
# See p 46 of David Prerau, Seize the daylight, Thunder's Mouth Press (2005).

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# A good source for time zone historical data in the US is
# Thomas G. Shanks, The American Atlas (5th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1991).
# Make sure you have the errata sheet; the book is somewhat useless without it.
# It is the source for most of the pre-1991 US entries below.

# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
# Daylight Saving Time was first suggested as a joke by Benjamin Franklin
# in his whimsical essay "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost
# of Light" published in the Journal de Paris (1784-04-26).
# Not everyone is happy with the results:
#	I don't really care how time is reckoned so long as there is some
#	agreement about it, but I object to being told that I am saving
#	daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind.
#	I even object to the implication that I am wasting something
#	valuable if I stay in bed after the sun has risen.  As an admirer
#	of moonlight I resent the bossy insistence of those who want to
#	reduce my time for enjoying it.  At the back of the Daylight Saving
#	scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager
#	to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make
#	them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves.
#	 -- Robertson Davies, The diary of Samuel Marchbanks,
#	   Clarke, Irwin (1947), XIX, Sunday
# For more about the first ten years of DST in the United States, see
# Robert Garland, Ten years of daylight saving from the Pittsburgh standpoint
# (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1927).
# http://www.clpgh.org/exhibit/dst.html
# Shanks says that DST was called "War Time" in the US in 1918 and 1919.
# However, DST was imposed by the Standard Time Act of 1918, which
# was the first nationwide legal time standard, and apparently
# time was just called "Standard Time" or "Daylight Saving Time".

# From Arthur David Olson:
# US Daylight Saving Time ended on the last Sunday of *October* in 1974.
# See, for example, the front page of the Saturday, 1974-10-26
# and Sunday, 1974-10-27 editions of the Washington Post.

# From Arthur David Olson:
# Before the Uniform Time Act of 1966 took effect in 1967, observance of
# Daylight Saving Time in the US was by local option, except during wartime.

# From Arthur David Olson (2000-09-25):
# Last night I heard part of a rebroadcast of a 1945 Arch Oboler radio drama.
# In the introduction, Oboler spoke of "Eastern Peace Time."
# An AltaVista search turned up:
# http://rowayton.org/rhs/hstaug45.html
# "When the time is announced over the radio now, it is 'Eastern Peace
# Time' instead of the old familiar 'Eastern War Time.'  Peace is wonderful."
# (August 1945) by way of confirmation.

# From Joseph Gallant citing
# George H. Douglas, _The Early Days of Radio Broadcasting_ (1987):
# At 7 P.M. (Eastern War Time) [on 1945-08-14], the networks were set
# to switch to London for Attlee's address, but the American people
# never got to hear his speech live. According to one press account,
# CBS' Bob Trout was first to announce the word of Japan's surrender,
# but a few seconds later, NBC, ABC and Mutual also flashed the word
# of surrender, all of whom interrupting the bells of Big Ben in
# London which were to precede Mr. Attlee's speech.

# From Paul Eggert (2003-02-09): It was Robert St John, not Bob Trout.  From
# Myrna Oliver's obituary of St John on page B16 of today's Los Angeles Times:
# ... a war-weary U.S. clung to radios, awaiting word of Japan's surrender.
# Any announcement from Asia would reach St. John's New York newsroom on a
# wire service teletype machine, which had prescribed signals for major news.
# Associated Press, for example, would ring five bells before spewing out
# typed copy of an important story, and 10 bells for news "of transcendental
# importance."
# On Aug. 14, stalling while talking steadily into the NBC networks' open
# microphone, St. John heard five bells and waited only to hear a sixth bell,
# before announcing confidently: "Ladies and gentlemen, World War II is over.
# The Japanese have agreed to our surrender terms."
# He had scored a 20-second scoop on other broadcasters.

# From Arthur David Olson (2005-08-22):
# Paul has been careful to use the "US" rules only in those locations
# that are part of the United States; this reflects the real scope of
# U.S. government action.  So even though the "US" rules have changed
# in the latest release, other countries won't be affected.

Rule	US	1918	1919	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	1918	1919	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	US	1942	only	-	Feb	9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	US	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	US	1945	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	US	1967	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	US	1967	1973	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	1974	only	-	Jan	6	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	1975	only	-	Feb	23	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	1976	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	1987	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	2007	max	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	2007	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S

# From Arthur David Olson, 2005-12-19
# We generate the files specified below to guard against old files with
# obsolete information being left in the time zone binary directory.
# We limit the list to names that have appeared in previous versions of
# this time zone package.
# We do these as separate Zones rather than as Links to avoid problems if
# a particular place changes whether it observes DST.
# We put these specifications here in the northamerica file both to
# increase the chances that they'll actually get compiled and to
# avoid the need to duplicate the US rules in another file.

Zone	EST		 -5:00	-	EST
Zone	MST		 -7:00	-	MST
Zone	HST		-10:00	-	HST
Zone	EST5EDT		 -5:00	US	E%sT
Zone	CST6CDT		 -6:00	US	C%sT
Zone	MST7MDT		 -7:00	US	M%sT
Zone	PST8PDT		 -8:00	US	P%sT

# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# ...Alaska (and Hawaii) had the timezone names changed in 1967.
#    old			 new
#    Pacific Standard Time(PST)  -same-
#    Yukon Standard Time(YST)    -same-
#    Central Alaska S.T. (CAT)   Alaska-Hawaii St[an]dard Time (AHST)
#    Nome Standard Time (NT)     Bering Standard Time (BST)
# ...Alaska's timezone lines were redrawn in 1983 to give only 2 tz.
#    The YST zone now covers nearly all of the state, AHST just part
#    of the Aleutian islands.   No DST.

# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
# The tables below use 'NST', not 'NT', for Nome Standard Time.
# I invented 'CAWT' for Central Alaska War Time.

# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
# USA  EASTERN       4 H  BEHIND UTC    APR 3 - OCT 30
# USA  CENTRAL       5 H  BEHIND UTC    APR 3 - OCT 30
# USA  MOUNTAIN      6 H  BEHIND UTC    APR 3 - OCT 30
# USA  PACIFIC       7 H  BEHIND UTC    APR 3 - OCT 30
# USA    "           9 H  BEHIND UTC    APR 3 - OCT 30

# From Arthur David Olson (1989-01-21):
# The above dates are for 1988.
# Note the "AKST" and "AKDT" abbreviations, the claim that there's
# no DST in Samoa, and the claim that there is DST in Alaska and the
# Aleutians.

# From Arthur David Olson (1988-02-13):
# Legal standard time zone names, from United States Code (1982 Edition and
# Supplement III), Title 15, Chapter 6, Section 260 and forward.  First, names
# up to 1967-04-01 (when most provisions of the Uniform Time Act of 1966
# took effect), as explained in sections 263 and 261:
#	(none)
#	United States standard eastern time
#	United States standard mountain time
#	United States standard central time
#	United States standard Pacific time
#	(none)
#	United States standard Alaska time
#	(none)
# Next, names from 1967-04-01 until 1983-11-30 (the date for
# public law 98-181):
#	Atlantic standard time
#	eastern standard time
#	central standard time
#	mountain standard time
#	Pacific standard time
#	Yukon standard time
#	Alaska-Hawaii standard time
#	Bering standard time
# And after 1983-11-30:
#	Atlantic standard time
#	eastern standard time
#	central standard time
#	mountain standard time
#	Pacific standard time
#	Alaska standard time
#	Hawaii-Aleutian standard time
#	Samoa standard time
# The law doesn't give abbreviations.
# From Paul Eggert (2000-01-08), following a heads-up from Rives McDow:
# Public law 106-564 (2000-12-23) introduced ... "Chamorro Standard Time"
# for time in Guam and the Northern Marianas.  See the file "australasia".
# From Paul Eggert (2015-04-17):
# HST and HDT are standardized abbreviations for Hawaii-Aleutian
# standard and daylight times.  See section 9.47 (p 234) of the
# U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual (2008)
# http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2008/pdf/GPO-STYLEMANUAL-2008.pdf

# From Arthur David Olson, 2005-08-09
# The following was signed into law on 2005-08-08.
# H.R. 6, Energy Policy Act of 2005, SEC. 110. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS.
#   (a) Amendment.--Section 3(a) of the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15
#   U.S.C. 260a(a)) is amended--
#     (1) by striking "first Sunday of April" and inserting "second
#     Sunday of March"; and
#     (2) by striking "last Sunday of October" and inserting "first
#     Sunday of November'.
#   (b) Effective Date.--Subsection (a) shall take effect 1 year after the
#   date of enactment of this Act or March 1, 2007, whichever is later.
#   (c) Report to Congress.--Not later than 9 months after the effective
#   date stated in subsection (b), the Secretary shall report to Congress
#   on the impact of this section on energy consumption in the United
#   States.
#   (d) Right to Revert.--Congress retains the right to revert the
#   Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedules once the
#   Department study is complete.

# US eastern time, represented by New York

# Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, most of Florida,
# Georgia, southeast Indiana (Dearborn and Ohio counties), eastern Kentucky
# (except America/Kentucky/Louisville below), Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
# New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
# Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, eastern Tennessee,
# Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia

# From Dave Cantor (2004-11-02):
# Early this summer I had the occasion to visit the Mount Washington
# Observatory weather station atop (of course!) Mount Washington [, NH]....
# One of the staff members said that the station was on Eastern Standard Time
# and didn't change their clocks for Daylight Saving ... so that their
# reports will always have times which are 5 hours behind UTC.

# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-26):
# According to today's Huntsville Times
# http://www.al.com/news/huntsvilletimes/index.ssf?/base/news/1125047783228320.xml&coll=1
# a few towns on Alabama's "eastern border with Georgia, such as Phenix City
# in Russell County, Lanett in Chambers County and some towns in Lee County,
# set their watches and clocks on Eastern time."  It quotes H.H. "Bubba"
# Roberts, city administrator in Phenix City. as saying "We are in the Central
# time zone, but we do go by the Eastern time zone because so many people work
# in Columbus."

# From Paul Eggert (2014-09-06):
# Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 44, 4 (1884-02-08), 208
# says that New York City Hall time was 3 minutes 58.4 seconds fast of
# Eastern time (i.e., -4:56:01.6) just before the 1883 switch.  Round to the
# nearest second.

Rule	NYC	1920	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NYC	1920	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	NYC	1921	1966	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NYC	1921	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	NYC	1955	1966	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/New_York	-4:56:02 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:03:58
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1920
			-5:00	NYC	E%sT	1942
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1946
			-5:00	NYC	E%sT	1967
			-5:00	US	E%sT

# US central time, represented by Chicago

# Alabama, Arkansas, Florida panhandle (Bay, Calhoun, Escambia,
# Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and
# Washington counties), Illinois, western Indiana
# (Gibson, Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter, Posey, Spencer,
# Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties), Iowa, most of Kansas, western
# Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, eastern
# Nebraska, eastern North Dakota, Oklahoma, eastern South Dakota,
# western Tennessee, most of Texas, Wisconsin

# From Larry M. Smith (2006-04-26) re Wisconsin:
# http://www.legis.state.wi.us/statutes/Stat0175.pdf ...
# is currently enforced at the 01:00 time of change.  Because the local
# "bar time" in the state corresponds to 02:00, a number of citations
# are issued for the "sale of class 'B' alcohol after prohibited
# hours" within the deviated hour of this change every year....
# From Douglas R. Bomberg (2007-03-12):
# Wisconsin has enacted (nearly eleventh-hour) legislation to get WI
# Statue 175 closer in synch with the US Congress' intent....
# http://www.legis.state.wi.us/2007/data/acts/07Act3.pdf

# From an email administrator of the City of Fort Pierre, SD (2015-12-21):
# Fort Pierre is technically located in the Mountain time zone as is
# the rest of Stanley County.  Most of Stanley County and Fort Pierre
# uses the Central time zone due to doing most of their business in
# Pierre so it simplifies schedules.  I have lived in Stanley County
# all my life and it has been that way since I can remember.  (43 years!)
# From Paul Eggert (2015-12-25):
# Assume this practice predates 1970, so Fort Pierre can use America/Chicago.

Rule	Chicago	1920	only	-	Jun	13	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Chicago	1920	1921	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Chicago	1921	only	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Chicago	1922	1966	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Chicago	1922	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Chicago	1955	1966	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Chicago	-5:50:36 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:09:24
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1920
			-6:00	Chicago	C%sT	1936 Mar  1  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1936 Nov 15  2:00
			-6:00	Chicago	C%sT	1942
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00	Chicago	C%sT	1967
			-6:00	US	C%sT
# Oliver County, ND switched from mountain to central time on 1992-10-25.
Zone America/North_Dakota/Center -6:45:12 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:14:48
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1992 Oct 25  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT
# Morton County, ND, switched from mountain to central time on
# 2003-10-26, except for the area around Mandan which was already central time.
# See <http://dmses.dot.gov/docimages/p63/135818.pdf>.
# Officially this switch also included part of Sioux County, and
# Jones, Mellette, and Todd Counties in South Dakota;
# but in practice these other counties were already observing central time.
# See <http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-IMPACT/2003/October/Day-28/i27056.htm>.
Zone America/North_Dakota/New_Salem -6:45:39 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:14:21
			-7:00	US	M%sT	2003 Oct 26  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT

# From Josh Findley (2011-01-21):
# ...it appears that Mercer County, North Dakota, changed from the
# mountain time zone to the central time zone at the last transition from
# daylight-saving to standard time (on Nov. 7, 2010):
# http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2010-09-29/html/2010-24376.htm
# http://www.bismarcktribune.com/news/local/article_1eb1b588-c758-11df-b472-001cc4c03286.html

# From Andy Lipscomb (2011-01-24):
# ...according to the Census Bureau, the largest city is Beulah (although
# it's commonly referred to as Beulah-Hazen, with Hazen being the next
# largest city in Mercer County).  Google Maps places Beulah's city hall
# at 47 degrees 15' 51" N, 101 degrees 46' 40" W, which yields an offset
# of 6h47'07".

Zone America/North_Dakota/Beulah -6:47:07 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:12:53
			-7:00	US	M%sT	2010 Nov  7  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT

# US mountain time, represented by Denver
# Colorado, far western Kansas, Montana, western
# Nebraska, Nevada border (Jackpot, Owyhee, and Mountain City),
# New Mexico, southwestern North Dakota,
# western South Dakota, far western Texas (El Paso County, Hudspeth County,
# and Pine Springs and Nickel Creek in Culberson County), Utah, Wyoming
Rule	Denver	1920	1921	-	Mar	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Denver	1920	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Denver	1921	only	-	May	22	2:00	0	S
Rule	Denver	1965	1966	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Denver	1965	1966	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Denver	-6:59:56 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:00:04
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1920
			-7:00	Denver	M%sT	1942
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1946
			-7:00	Denver	M%sT	1967
			-7:00	US	M%sT

# US Pacific time, represented by Los Angeles
# California, northern Idaho (Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater,
# Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone counties, Idaho county
# north of the Salmon River, and the towns of Burgdorf and Warren),
# Nevada (except West Wendover), Oregon (except the northern 3/4 of
# Malheur county), and Washington

# From Paul Eggert (2016-08-20):
# In early February 1948, in response to California's electricity shortage,
# PG&E changed power frequency from 60 to 59.5 Hz during daylight hours,
# causing electric clocks to lose six minutes per day.  (This did not change
# legal time, and is not part of the data here.)  See:
# Ross SA. An energy crisis from the past: Northern California in 1948.
# Working Paper No. 8, Institute of Governmental Studies, UC Berkeley,
# 1973-11.  http://escholarship.org/uc/item/8x22k30c
# In another measure to save electricity, DST was instituted from 1948-03-14
# at 02:01 to 1949-01-16 at 02:00, with the governor having the option to move
# the fallback transition earlier.  See pages 3-4 of:
# http://clerk.assembly.ca.gov/sites/clerk.assembly.ca.gov/files/archive/Statutes/1948/48Vol1_Chapters.pdf
# In response:
#   Governor Warren received a torrent of objecting mail, and it is not too much
#   to speculate that the objections to Daylight Saving Time were one important
#   factor in the defeat of the Dewey-Warren Presidential ticket in California.
#     -- Ross, p 25
# On December 8 the governor exercised the option, setting the date to January 1
# (LA Times 1948-12-09).  The transition time was 02:00 (LA Times 1949-01-01).
# Despite the controversy, in 1949 California voters approved Proposition 12,
# which established DST from April's last Sunday at 01:00 until September's
# last Sunday at 02:00. This was amended by 1962's Proposition 6, which changed
# the fall-back date to October's last Sunday. See:
# http://repository.uchastings.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1501&context=ca_ballot_props
# http://repository.uchastings.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1636&context=ca_ballot_props
Rule	CA	1948	only	-	Mar	14	2:01	1:00	D
Rule	CA	1949	only	-	Jan	 1	2:00	0	S
Rule	CA	1950	1966	-	Apr	lastSun	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	CA	1950	1961	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	CA	1962	1966	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Los_Angeles -7:52:58 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:07:02
			-8:00	US	P%sT	1946
			-8:00	CA	P%sT	1967
			-8:00	US	P%sT

# Alaska
# AK%sT is the modern abbreviation for -9:00 per USNO.
# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-30):
# Howse writes that Alaska switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar,
# and from east-of-GMT to west-of-GMT days, when the US bought it from Russia.
# This was on 1867-10-18, a Friday; the previous day was 1867-10-06 Julian,
# also a Friday.  Include only the time zone part of this transition,
# ignoring the switch from Julian to Gregorian, since we can't represent
# the Julian calendar.
# As far as we know, none of the exact locations mentioned below were
# permanently inhabited in 1867 by anyone using either calendar.
# (Yakutat was colonized by the Russians in 1799, but the settlement
# was destroyed in 1805 by a Yakutat-kon war party.)  However, there
# were nearby inhabitants in some cases and for our purposes perhaps
# it's best to simply use the official transition.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-07-18):
# One opinion of the early-1980s turmoil in Alaska over time zones and
# daylight saving time appeared as graffiti on a Juneau airport wall:
# "Welcome to Juneau.  Please turn your watch back to the 19th century."
# See: Turner W. Alaska's four time zones now two. NY Times 1983-11-01.
# http://www.nytimes.com/1983/11/01/us/alaska-s-four-time-zones-now-two.html
# Steve Ferguson (2011-01-31) referred to the following source:
# Norris F. Keeping time in Alaska: national directives, local response.
# Alaska History 2001;16(1-2).
# http://alaskahistoricalsociety.org/discover-alaska/glimpses-of-the-past/keeping-time-in-alaska/

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-02-01):
# Here's database-relevant material from the 2001 "Alaska History" article:
# On September 20 [1979]...DOT...officials decreed that on April 27,
# 1980, Juneau and other nearby communities would move to Yukon Time.
# Sitka, Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan, however, would remain on
# Pacific Time.
# ...on September 22, 1980, DOT Secretary Neil E. Goldschmidt rescinded the
# Department's September 1979 decision. Juneau and other communities in
# northern Southeast reverted to Pacific Time on October 26.
# On October 28 [1983]...the Metlakatla Indian Community Council voted
# unanimously to keep the reservation on Pacific Time.
# According to DOT official Joanne Petrie, Indian reservations are not
# bound to follow time zones imposed by neighboring jurisdictions.
# (The last is consistent with how the database now handles the Navajo
# Nation.)

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-02-09):
# I just spoke by phone with a staff member at the Metlakatla Indian
# Community office (using contact information available at
# http://www.commerce.state.ak.us/dca/commdb/CIS.cfm?Comm_Boro_name=Metlakatla
# It's shortly after 1:00 here on the east coast of the United States;
# the staffer said it was shortly after 10:00 there. When I asked whether
# that meant they were on Pacific time, they said no - they were on their
# own time. I asked about daylight saving; they said it wasn't used. I
# did not inquire about practices in the past.

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-08-17):
# For lack of better information, assume that Metlakatla's
# abandonment of use of daylight saving resulted from the 1983 vote.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-11-09):
# It seems Metlakatla did go off PST on Sunday, November 1, changing
# their time to AKST and are going to follow Alaska's DST, switching
# between AKST and AKDT from now on....
# http://www.krbd.org/2015/10/30/annette-island-times-they-are-a-changing/

Zone America/Juneau	 15:02:19 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			 -8:57:41 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1980 Apr 27  2:00
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1980 Oct 26  2:00
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Sitka	 14:58:47 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			 -9:01:13 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Metlakatla	 15:13:42 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			 -8:46:18 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			 -8:00	-	PST	1942
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1946
			 -8:00	-	PST	1969
			 -8:00	US	P%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			 -8:00	-	PST	2015 Nov  1  2:00
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Yakutat	 14:41:05 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			 -9:18:55 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			 -9:00	-	YST	1942
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1946
			 -9:00	-	YST	1969
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Anchorage	 14:00:24 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			 -9:59:36 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			-10:00	-	CAT	1942
			-10:00	US	CAT/CAWT 1945 Aug 14 23:00u
			-10:00	US	CAT/CAPT 1946 # Peace
			-10:00	-	CAT	1967 Apr
			-10:00	-	AHST	1969
			-10:00	US	AH%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Nome	 12:58:21 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			-11:01:38 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			-11:00	-	NST	1942
			-11:00	US	N%sT	1946
			-11:00	-	NST	1967 Apr
			-11:00	-	BST	1969
			-11:00	US	B%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			 -9:00	US	Y%sT	1983 Nov 30
			 -9:00	US	AK%sT
Zone America/Adak	 12:13:21 -	LMT	1867 Oct 18
			-11:46:38 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20 12:00
			-11:00	-	NST	1942
			-11:00	US	N%sT	1946
			-11:00	-	NST	1967 Apr
			-11:00	-	BST	1969
			-11:00	US	B%sT	1983 Oct 30  2:00
			-10:00	US	AH%sT	1983 Nov 30
			-10:00	US	H%sT
# The following switches don't quite make our 1970 cutoff.
# Shanks writes that part of southwest Alaska (e.g. Aniak)
# switched from -11:00 to -10:00 on 1968-09-22 at 02:00,
# and another part (e.g. Akiak) made the same switch five weeks later.
# From David Flater (2004-11-09):
# In e-mail, 2004-11-02, Ray Hudson, historian/liaison to the Unalaska
# Historic Preservation Commission, provided this information, which
# suggests that Unalaska deviated from statutory time from early 1967
# possibly until 1983:
#  Minutes of the Unalaska City Council Meeting, January 10, 1967:
#  "Except for St. Paul and Akutan, Unalaska is the only important
#  location not on Alaska Standard Time.  The following resolution was
#  made by William Robinson and seconded by Henry Swanson: Be it
#  resolved that the City of Unalaska hereby goes to Alaska Standard
#  Time as of midnight Friday, January 13, 1967 (1 A.M. Saturday,
#  January 14, Alaska Standard Time.)  This resolution was passed with
#  three votes for and one against."

# Hawaii

# From Arthur David Olson (2010-12-09):
# "Hawaiian Time" by Robert C. Schmitt and Doak C. Cox appears on pages 207-225
# of volume 26 of The Hawaiian Journal of History (1992). As of 2010-12-09,
# the article is available at
# http://evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/239/2/JL26215.pdf
# and indicates that standard time was adopted effective noon, January
# 13, 1896 (page 218), that in "1933, the Legislature decreed daylight
# saving for the period between the last Sunday of each April and the
# last Sunday of each September, but less than a month later repealed the
# act," (page 220), that year-round daylight saving time was in effect
# from 1942-02-09 to 1945-09-30 (page 221, with no time of day given for
# when clocks changed) and that clocks were changed by 30 minutes
# effective the second Sunday of June, 1947 (page 219, with no time of
# day given for when clocks changed). A footnote for the 1933 changes
# cites Session Laws of Hawaii 1933, "Act. 90 (approved 26 Apr. 1933)
# and Act 163 (approved 21 May 1933)."

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-01-19):
# The following is from "Laws of the Territory of Hawaii Passed by the
# Seventeenth Legislature: Regular Session 1933," available (as of
# 2011-01-19) at American University's Pence Law Library. Page 85: "Act
# 90...At 2 o'clock ante meridian of the last Sunday in April of each
# year, the standard time of this Territory shall be advanced one
# hour...This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved this 26th
# day of April, A. D. 1933. LAWRENCE M JUDD, Governor of the Territory of
# Hawaii." Page 172: "Act 163...Act 90 of the Session Laws of 1933 is
# hereby repealed...This Act shall take effect upon its approval, upon
# which date the standard time of this Territory shall be restored to
# that existing immediately prior to the taking effect of said Act 90.
# Approved this 21st day of May, A. D. 1933. LAWRENCE M. JUDD, Governor
# of the Territory of Hawaii."
# Note that 1933-05-21 was a Sunday.
# We're left to guess the time of day when Act 163 was approved; guess noon.

Zone Pacific/Honolulu	-10:31:26 -	LMT	1896 Jan 13 12:00
			-10:30	-	HST	1933 Apr 30  2:00
			-10:30	1:00	HDT	1933 May 21 12:00
			-10:30	-	HST	1942 Feb  9  2:00
			-10:30	1:00	HDT	1945 Sep 30  2:00
			-10:30	-	HST	1947 Jun  8  2:00
			-10:00	-	HST
Link Pacific/Honolulu Pacific/Johnston

# Now we turn to US areas that have diverged from the consensus since 1970.

# Arizona mostly uses MST.

# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-20):
# The information in the rest of this paragraph is derived from the
# Daylight Saving Time web page
# <http://www.dlapr.lib.az.us/links/daylight.htm> (2002-01-23)
# maintained by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
# Between 1944-01-01 and 1944-04-01 the State of Arizona used standard
# time, but by federal law railroads, airlines, bus lines, military
# personnel, and some engaged in interstate commerce continued to
# observe war (i.e., daylight saving) time.  The 1944-03-17 Phoenix
# Gazette says that was the date the law changed, and that 04-01 was
# the date the state's clocks would change.  In 1945 the State of
# Arizona used standard time all year, again with exceptions only as
# mandated by federal law.  Arizona observed DST in 1967, but Arizona
# Laws 1968, ch. 183 (effective 1968-03-21) repealed DST.
# Shanks says the 1944 experiment came to an end on 1944-03-17.
# Go with the Arizona State Library instead.

Zone America/Phoenix	-7:28:18 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 11:31:42
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1944 Jan  1  0:01
			-7:00	-	MST	1944 Apr  1  0:01
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1944 Oct  1  0:01
			-7:00	-	MST	1967
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1968 Mar 21
			-7:00	-	MST
# From Arthur David Olson (1988-02-13):
# A writer from the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.,
# notes in private correspondence dated 1987-12-28 that "Presently, only the
# Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, due to its
# large size and location in three states."  (The "only" means that other
# tribal nations don't use DST.)
# From Paul Eggert (2013-08-26):
# See America/Denver for a zone appropriate for the Navajo Nation.

# Southern Idaho (Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Blaine,
# Boise, Bonneville, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark,
# Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome,
# Lemhi, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power,
# Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington counties, and the southern
# quarter of Idaho county) and eastern Oregon (most of Malheur County)
# switched four weeks late in 1974.
Zone America/Boise	-7:44:49 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:15:11
			-8:00	US	P%sT	1923 May 13  2:00
			-7:00	US	M%sT	1974
			-7:00	-	MST	1974 Feb  3  2:00
			-7:00	US	M%sT

# Indiana
# For a map of Indiana's time zone regions, see:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Indiana
# From Paul Eggert (2007-08-17):
# Since 1970, most of Indiana has been like America/Indiana/Indianapolis,
# with the following exceptions:
# - Gibson, Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter, Posey, Spencer,
#   Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties have been like America/Chicago.
# - Dearborn and Ohio counties have been like America/New_York.
# - Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties have been like
#   America/Kentucky/Louisville.
# - Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Knox, Martin, Perry, Pike, Pulaski, Starke,
#   and Switzerland counties have their own time zone histories as noted below.
# Shanks partitioned Indiana into 345 regions, each with its own time history,
# and wrote "Even newspaper reports present contradictory information."
# Those Hoosiers!  Such a flighty and changeable people!
# Fortunately, most of the complexity occurred before our cutoff date of 1970.
# Other than Indianapolis, the Indiana place names are so nondescript
# that they would be ambiguous if we left them at the 'America' level.
# So we reluctantly put them all in a subdirectory 'America/Indiana'.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-06-26):
# https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2006/01/20/06-563/standard-time-zone-boundary-in-the-state-of-indiana
# says "DOT is relocating the time zone boundary in Indiana to move Starke,
# Pulaski, Knox, Daviess, Martin, Pike, Dubois, and Perry Counties from the
# Eastern Time Zone to the Central Time Zone.... The effective date of
# this rule is 2 a.m. EST Sunday, April 2, 2006, which is the
# changeover date from standard time to Daylight Saving Time."
# Strictly speaking, this meant the affected counties changed their
# clocks twice that night, but this obviously was in error.  The intent
# was that 01:59:59 EST be followed by 02:00:00 CDT.

# From Gwillim Law (2007-02-10):
# The Associated Press has been reporting that Pulaski County, Indiana is
# going to switch from Central to Eastern Time on March 11, 2007....
# http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070207/LOCAL190108/702070524/0/LOCAL

Rule Indianapolis 1941	only	-	Jun	22	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Indianapolis 1941	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Indianapolis 1946	1954	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Zone America/Indiana/Indianapolis -5:44:38 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:15:22
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1920
			-6:00 Indianapolis C%sT	1942
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00 Indianapolis C%sT	1955 Apr 24  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1957 Sep 29  2:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1958 Apr 27  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1971
			-5:00	-	EST	2006
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Eastern Crawford County, Indiana, left its clocks alone in 1974,
# as well as from 1976 through 2005.
Rule	Marengo	1951	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Marengo	1951	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Marengo	1954	1960	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Marengo	1954	1960	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Marengo -5:45:23 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:14:37
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1951
			-6:00	Marengo	C%sT	1961 Apr 30  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1974 Jan  6  2:00
			-6:00	1:00	CDT	1974 Oct 27  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1976
			-5:00	-	EST	2006
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Daviess, Dubois, Knox, and Martin Counties, Indiana,
# switched from eastern to central time in April 2006, then switched back
# in November 2007.
Rule Vincennes	1946	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Vincennes	1946	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Vincennes	1953	1954	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Vincennes	1953	1959	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Vincennes	1955	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule Vincennes	1956	1963	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Vincennes	1960	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Vincennes	1961	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Vincennes	1962	1963	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Vincennes -5:50:07 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:09:53
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00 Vincennes	C%sT	1964 Apr 26  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1971
			-5:00	-	EST	2006 Apr  2  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	2007 Nov  4  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Perry County, Indiana, switched from eastern to central time in April 2006.
Rule Perry	1946	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Perry	1946	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Perry	1953	1954	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Perry	1953	1959	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Perry	1955	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule Perry	1956	1963	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Perry	1960	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Perry	1961	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Perry	1962	1963	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Tell_City -5:47:03 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:12:57
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00 Perry	C%sT	1964 Apr 26  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1971
			-5:00	-	EST	2006 Apr  2  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT
# Pike County, Indiana moved from central to eastern time in 1977,
# then switched back in 2006, then switched back again in 2007.
Rule	Pike	1955	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Pike	1955	1960	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Pike	1956	1964	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Pike	1961	1964	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Petersburg -5:49:07 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:10:53
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1955
			-6:00	Pike	C%sT	1965 Apr 25  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1966 Oct 30  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1977 Oct 30  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2006 Apr  2  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	2007 Nov  4  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Starke County, Indiana moved from central to eastern time in 1991,
# then switched back in 2006.
# From Arthur David Olson (1991-10-28):
# An article on page A3 of the Sunday, 1991-10-27 Washington Post
# notes that Starke County switched from Central time to Eastern time as of
# 1991-10-27.
Rule	Starke	1947	1961	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Starke	1947	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Starke	1955	1956	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Starke	1957	1958	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Starke	1959	1961	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Knox -5:46:30 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:13:30
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1947
			-6:00	Starke	C%sT	1962 Apr 29  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1963 Oct 27  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1991 Oct 27  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2006 Apr  2  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT
# Pulaski County, Indiana, switched from eastern to central time in
# April 2006 and then switched back in March 2007.
Rule	Pulaski	1946	1960	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Pulaski	1946	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Pulaski	1955	1956	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Pulaski	1957	1960	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Indiana/Winamac -5:46:25 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:13:35
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00	Pulaski	C%sT	1961 Apr 30  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1971
			-5:00	-	EST	2006 Apr  2  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	2007 Mar 11  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Switzerland County, Indiana, did not observe DST from 1973 through 2005.
Zone America/Indiana/Vevay -5:40:16 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:19:44
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1954 Apr 25  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1969
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1973
			-5:00	-	EST	2006
			-5:00	US	E%sT

# Part of Kentucky left its clocks alone in 1974.
# This also includes Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Indiana.
Rule Louisville	1921	only	-	May	1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Louisville	1921	only	-	Sep	1	2:00	0	S
Rule Louisville	1941	1961	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Louisville	1941	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Louisville	1946	only	-	Jun	2	2:00	0	S
Rule Louisville	1950	1955	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Louisville	1956	1960	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Kentucky/Louisville -5:43:02 -	LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:16:58
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1921
			-6:00 Louisville C%sT	1942
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00 Louisville C%sT	1961 Jul 23  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1968
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1974 Jan  6  2:00
			-6:00	1:00	CDT	1974 Oct 27  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Wayne County, Kentucky
# From Lake Cumberland LIFE
# http://www.lake-cumberland.com/life/archive/news990129time.shtml
# (1999-01-29) via WKYM-101.7:
# Clinton County has joined Wayne County in asking the DoT to change from
# the Central to the Eastern time zone....  The Wayne County government made
# the same request in December.  And while Russell County officials have not
# taken action, the majority of respondents to a poll conducted there in
# August indicated they would like to change to "fast time" also.
# The three Lake Cumberland counties are the farthest east of any U.S.
# location in the Central time zone.
# From Rich Wales (2000-08-29):
# After prolonged debate, and despite continuing deep differences of opinion,
# Wayne County (central Kentucky) is switching from Central (-0600) to Eastern
# (-0500) time.  They won't "fall back" this year.  See Sara Shipley,
# The difference an hour makes, Nando Times (2000-08-29 15:33 -0400).
# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-16):
# The final rule was published in the
# Federal Register 65, 160 (2000-08-17), pp 50154-50158.
# http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=2000_register&docid=fr17au00-22
Zone America/Kentucky/Monticello -5:39:24 - LMT	1883 Nov 18 12:20:36
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00	-	CST	1968
			-6:00	US	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT

# From Rives McDow (2000-08-30):
# Here ... are all the changes in the US since 1985.
# Kearny County, KS (put all of county on central;
#	previously split between MST and CST) ... 1990-10
# Starke County, IN (from CST to EST) ... 1991-10
# Oliver County, ND (from MST to CST) ... 1992-10
# West Wendover, NV (from PST TO MST) ... 1999-10
# Wayne County, KY (from CST to EST) ... 2000-10
# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-17):
# We don't know where the line used to be within Kearny County, KS,
# so omit that change for now.
# See America/Indiana/Knox for the Starke County, IN change.
# See America/North_Dakota/Center for the Oliver County, ND change.
# West Wendover, NV officially switched from Pacific to mountain time on
# 1999-10-31.  See the
# Federal Register 64, 203 (1999-10-21), pp 56705-56707.
# http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=1999_register&docid=fr21oc99-15
# However, the Federal Register says that West Wendover already operated
# on mountain time, and the rule merely made this official;
# hence a separate tz entry is not needed.

# Michigan
# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# Michigan didn't observe DST from 1968 to 1973.
# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-31):
# Shanks writes that Michigan started using standard time on 1885-09-18,
# but Howse writes (pp 124-125, referring to Popular Astronomy, 1901-01)
# that Detroit kept
#	local time until 1900 when the City Council decreed that clocks should
#	be put back twenty-eight minutes to Central Standard Time.  Half the
#	city obeyed, half refused.  After considerable debate, the decision
#	was rescinded and the city reverted to Sun time.  A derisive offer to
#	erect a sundial in front of the city hall was referred to the
#	Committee on Sewers.  Then, in 1905, Central time was adopted
#	by city vote.
# This story is too entertaining to be false, so go with Howse over Shanks.
# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
# Garland (1927) writes "Cleveland and Detroit advanced their clocks
# one hour in 1914."  This change is not in Shanks.  We have no more
# info, so omit this for now.
# Most of Michigan observed DST from 1973 on, but was a bit late in 1975.
Rule	Detroit	1948	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Detroit	1948	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Detroit	1967	only	-	Jun	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Detroit	1967	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Detroit	-5:32:11 -	LMT	1905
			-6:00	-	CST	1915 May 15  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1942
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1946
			-5:00	Detroit	E%sT	1973
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1975
			-5:00	-	EST	1975 Apr 27  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT
# Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron, and Menominee Counties, Michigan,
# switched from EST to CST/CDT in 1973.
Rule Menominee	1946	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Menominee	1946	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule Menominee	1966	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule Menominee	1966	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Menominee	-5:50:27 -	LMT	1885 Sep 18 12:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1946
			-6:00 Menominee	C%sT	1969 Apr 27  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1973 Apr 29  2:00
			-6:00	US	C%sT

# Navassa
# administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
# claimed by US under the provisions of the 1856 Guano Islands Act
# also claimed by Haiti
# occupied 1857/1900 by the Navassa Phosphate Co
# US lighthouse 1917/1996-09
# currently uninhabited
# see Mark Fineman, "An Isle Rich in Guano and Discord",
# _Los Angeles Times_ (1998-11-10), A1, A10; it cites
# Jimmy Skaggs, _The Great Guano Rush_ (1994).


# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-31):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# Other sources occasionally used include:
#	Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
#	Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated),
#	which I found in the UCLA library.
#	William Willett, The Waste of Daylight, 19th edition
#	<http://cs.ucla.edu/~eggert/The-Waste-of-Daylight-19th.pdf>
#	[PDF] (1914-03)
#	Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94
#	<http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359>.
# See the 'europe' file for Greenland.

# Canada

# From Alain LaBonté (1994-11-14):
# I post here the time zone abbreviations standardized in Canada
# for both English and French in the CAN/CSA-Z234.4-89 standard....
#	UTC	Standard time	Daylight saving time
#	offset	French	English	French	English
#	-2:30	-	-	HAT	NDT
#	-3	-	-	HAA	ADT
#	-3:30	HNT	NST	-	-
#	-9	HNY	YST	-	-
#	HN: Heure Normale	ST: Standard Time
#	HA: Heure Avancée	DT: Daylight saving Time
#	A: de l'Atlantique	Atlantic
#	C: du Centre		Central
#	E: de l'Est		Eastern
#	M:			Mountain
#	N:			Newfoundland
#	P: du Pacifique		Pacific
#	R: des Rocheuses
#	T: de Terre-Neuve
#	Y: du Yukon		Yukon
# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-22):
# Alas, this sort of thing must be handled by localization software.

# Unless otherwise specified, the data entries for Canada are all from Shanks
# & Pottenger.

# From Chris Walton (2006-04-01, 2006-04-25, 2006-06-26, 2007-01-31,
# 2007-03-01):
# The British Columbia government announced yesterday that it will
# adjust daylight savings next year to align with changes in the
# U.S. and the rest of Canada....
# http://www2.news.gov.bc.ca/news_releases_2005-2009/2006AG0014-000330.htm
# ...
# Nova Scotia
# Daylight saving time will be extended by four weeks starting in 2007....
# http://www.gov.ns.ca/just/regulations/rg2/2006/ma1206.pdf
# [For New Brunswick] the new legislation dictates that the time change is to
# be done at 02:00 instead of 00:01.
# http://www.gnb.ca/0062/acts/BBA-2006/Chap-19.pdf
# ...
# Manitoba has traditionally changed the clock every fall at 03:00.
# As of 2006, the transition is to take place one hour earlier at 02:00.
# http://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/ccsm/o030e.php
# ...
# [Alberta, Ontario, Quebec] will follow US rules.
# http://www.qp.gov.ab.ca/documents/spring/CH03_06.CFM
# http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/DBLaws/Source/Regs/English/2006/R06111_e.htm
# http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=5&file=2006C39A.PDF
# ...
# P.E.I. will follow US rules....
# http://www.assembly.pe.ca/bills/pdf_chapter/62/3/chapter-41.pdf
# ...
# Province of Newfoundland and Labrador....
# http://www.hoa.gov.nl.ca/hoa/bills/Bill0634.htm
# ...
# Yukon
# http://www.gov.yk.ca/legislation/regs/oic2006_127.pdf
# ...
# N.W.T. will follow US rules.  Whoever maintains the government web site
# does not seem to believe in bookmarks.  To see the news release, click the
# following link and search for "Daylight Savings Time Change".  Press the
# "Daylight Savings Time Change" link; it will fire off a popup using
# JavaScript.
# http://www.exec.gov.nt.ca/currentnews/currentPR.asp?mode=archive
# ...
# Nunavut
# An amendment to the Interpretation Act was registered on February 19/2007....
# http://action.attavik.ca/home/justice-gn/attach/2007/gaz02part2.pdf

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-18):
# H. David Matthews and Mary Vincent's map
# "It's about TIME", _Canadian Geographic_ (September-October 1998)
# http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/Magazine/SO98/alacarte.asp
# contains detailed boundaries for regions observing nonstandard
# time and daylight saving time arrangements in Canada circa 1998.
# National Research Council Canada maintains info about time zones and DST.
# http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/services/time/time_zones.html
# http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/services/time/faq/index.html#Q5
# Its unofficial information is often taken from Matthews and Vincent.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-06-27):
# For now, assume all of DST-observing Canada will fall into line with the
# new US DST rules,

# From Chris Walton (2011-12-01)
# In the first of Tammy Hardwick's articles
# http://www.ilovecreston.com/?p=articles&t=spec&ar=260
# she quotes the Friday November 1/1918 edition of the Creston Review.
# The quote includes these two statements:
# 'Sunday the CPR went back to the old system of time...'
# '... The daylight saving scheme was dropped all over Canada at the same time,'
# These statements refer to a transition from daylight time to standard time
# that occurred nationally on Sunday October 27/1918.  This transition was
# also documented in the Saturday October 26/1918 edition of the Toronto Star.

# In light of that evidence, we alter the date from the earlier believed
# Oct 31, to Oct 27, 1918 (and Sunday is a more likely transition day
# than Thursday) in all Canadian rulesets.

Rule	Canada	1918	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Canada	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Canada	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Canada	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	Canada	1945	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	S
Rule	Canada	1974	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Canada	1974	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Canada	1987	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Canada	2007	max	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Canada	2007	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S

# Newfoundland and Labrador

# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Labrador should use NST/NDT,
# but the only part of Labrador that follows the rules is the
# southeast corner, including Port Hope Simpson and Mary's Harbour,
# but excluding, say, Black Tickle.

Rule	StJohns	1917	only	-	Apr	 8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1917	only	-	Sep	17	2:00	0	S
# Whitman gives 1919 Apr 5 and 1920 Apr 5; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	StJohns	1919	only	-	May	 5	23:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1919	only	-	Aug	12	23:00	0	S
# For 1931-1935 Whitman gives Apr same date; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	StJohns	1920	1935	-	May	Sun>=1	23:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1920	1935	-	Oct	lastSun	23:00	0	S
# For 1936-1941 Whitman gives May Sun>=8 and Oct Sun>=1; go with Shanks &
# Pottenger.
Rule	StJohns	1936	1941	-	May	Mon>=9	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1936	1941	-	Oct	Mon>=2	0:00	0	S
# Whitman gives the following transitions:
# 1942 03-01/12-31, 1943 05-30/09-05, 1944 07-10/09-02, 1945 01-01/10-07
# but go with Shanks & Pottenger and assume they used Canadian rules.
# For 1946-9 Whitman gives May 5,4,9,1 - Oct 1,5,3,2, and for 1950 he gives
# Apr 30 - Sep 24; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	StJohns	1946	1950	-	May	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1946	1950	-	Oct	Sun>=2	2:00	0	S
Rule	StJohns	1951	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1951	1959	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	StJohns	1960	1986	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# INMS (2000-09-12) says that, since 1988 at least, Newfoundland switches
# at 00:01 local time.  For now, assume it started in 1987.

# From Michael Pelley (2011-09-12):
# We received today, Monday, September 12, 2011, notification that the
# changes to the Newfoundland Standard Time Act have been proclaimed.
# The change in the Act stipulates that the change from Daylight Savings
# Time to Standard Time and from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time
# now occurs at 2:00AM.
# ...
# http://www.assembly.nl.ca/legislation/sr/annualstatutes/2011/1106.chp.htm
# ...
# MICHAEL PELLEY  |  Manager of Enterprise Architecture - Solution Delivery
# Office of the Chief Information Officer
# Executive Council
# Government of Newfoundland & Labrador

Rule	StJohns	1987	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:01	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	1987	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	0:01	0	S
Rule	StJohns	1988	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:01	2:00	DD
Rule	StJohns	1989	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:01	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	2007	2011	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:01	1:00	D
Rule	StJohns	2007	2010	-	Nov	Sun>=1	0:01	0	S
# St John's has an apostrophe, but Posix file names can't have apostrophes.
Zone America/St_Johns	-3:30:52 -	LMT	1884
			-3:30:52 StJohns N%sT	1918
			-3:30:52 Canada	N%sT	1919
			-3:30:52 StJohns N%sT	1935 Mar 30
			-3:30	StJohns	N%sT	1942 May 11
			-3:30	Canada	N%sT	1946
			-3:30	StJohns	N%sT	2011 Nov
			-3:30	Canada	N%sT

# most of east Labrador

# The name 'Happy Valley-Goose Bay' is too long; use 'Goose Bay'.
Zone America/Goose_Bay	-4:01:40 -	LMT	1884 # Happy Valley-Goose Bay
			-3:30:52 -	NST	1918
			-3:30:52 Canada N%sT	1919
			-3:30:52 -	NST	1935 Mar 30
			-3:30	-	NST	1936
			-3:30	StJohns	N%sT	1942 May 11
			-3:30	Canada	N%sT	1946
			-3:30	StJohns	N%sT	1966 Mar 15  2:00
			-4:00	StJohns	A%sT	2011 Nov
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT

# west Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward I

# From Brian Inglis (2015-07-20):
# From the historical weather station records available at:
# https://weatherspark.com/history/28351/1971/Sydney-Nova-Scotia-Canada
# Sydney shares the same time history as Glace Bay, so was
# likely to be the same across the island....
# Sydney, as the capital and most populous location, or Cape Breton, would
# have been better names for the zone had we known this in 1996.

# From Paul Eggert (2015-07-20):
# Shanks & Pottenger write that since 1970 most of this region has been like
# Halifax.  Many locales did not observe peacetime DST until 1972;
# the Cape Breton area, represented by Glace Bay, is the largest we know of
# (Glace Bay was perhaps not the best name choice but no point changing now).
# Shanks & Pottenger also write that Liverpool, NS was the only town
# in Canada to observe DST in 1971 but not 1970; for now we'll assume
# this is a typo.

Rule	Halifax	1916	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1916	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1920	only	-	May	 9	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1920	only	-	Aug	29	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1921	only	-	May	 6	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1921	1922	-	Sep	 5	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1922	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1923	1925	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1923	only	-	Sep	 4	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1924	only	-	Sep	15	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1925	only	-	Sep	28	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1926	only	-	May	16	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1926	only	-	Sep	13	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1927	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1927	only	-	Sep	26	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1928	1931	-	May	Sun>=8	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1928	only	-	Sep	 9	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1929	only	-	Sep	 3	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1930	only	-	Sep	15	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1931	1932	-	Sep	Mon>=24	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1932	only	-	May	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1933	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1933	only	-	Oct	 2	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1934	only	-	May	20	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1934	only	-	Sep	16	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1935	only	-	Jun	 2	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1935	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1936	only	-	Jun	 1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1936	only	-	Sep	14	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1937	1938	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1937	1941	-	Sep	Mon>=24	0:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1939	only	-	May	28	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1940	1941	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1946	1949	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1946	1949	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1951	1954	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1951	1954	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1956	1959	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1956	1959	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Halifax	1962	1973	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Halifax	1962	1973	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Halifax	-4:14:24 -	LMT	1902 Jun 15
			-4:00	Halifax	A%sT	1918
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1919
			-4:00	Halifax	A%sT	1942 Feb  9  2:00s
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1946
			-4:00	Halifax	A%sT	1974
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT
Zone America/Glace_Bay	-3:59:48 -	LMT	1902 Jun 15
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1953
			-4:00	Halifax	A%sT	1954
			-4:00	-	AST	1972
			-4:00	Halifax	A%sT	1974
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT

# New Brunswick

# From Paul Eggert (2007-01-31):
# The Time Definition Act <http://www.gnb.ca/0062/PDF-acts/t-06.pdf>
# says they changed at 00:01 through 2006, and
# <http://www.canlii.org/nb/laws/sta/t-6/20030127/whole.html> makes it
# clear that this was the case since at least 1993.
# For now, assume it started in 1993.

Rule	Moncton	1933	1935	-	Jun	Sun>=8	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1933	1935	-	Sep	Sun>=8	1:00	0	S
Rule	Moncton	1936	1938	-	Jun	Sun>=1	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1936	1938	-	Sep	Sun>=1	1:00	0	S
Rule	Moncton	1939	only	-	May	27	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1939	1941	-	Sep	Sat>=21	1:00	0	S
Rule	Moncton	1940	only	-	May	19	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1941	only	-	May	 4	1:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1946	1972	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1946	1956	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Moncton	1957	1972	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Moncton	1993	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:01	1:00	D
Rule	Moncton	1993	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	0:01	0	S
Zone America/Moncton	-4:19:08 -	LMT	1883 Dec  9
			-5:00	-	EST	1902 Jun 15
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1933
			-4:00	Moncton	A%sT	1942
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1946
			-4:00	Moncton	A%sT	1973
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1993
			-4:00	Moncton	A%sT	2007
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT

# Quebec

# From Paul Eggert (2015-03-24):
# See America/Toronto for most of Quebec, including Montreal.
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) also write that Quebec east of the -63
# meridian is supposed to observe AST, but residents as far east as
# Natashquan use EST/EDT, and residents east of Natashquan use AST.
# The Quebec department of justice writes in
# "The situation in Minganie and Basse-Côte-Nord"
# http://www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/english/publications/generale/temps-minganie-a.htm
# that the coastal strip from just east of Natashquan to Blanc-Sablon
# observes Atlantic standard time all year round.
# http://www.assnat.qc.ca/Media/Process.aspx?MediaId=ANQ.Vigie.Bll.DocumentGenerique_8845en
# says this common practice was codified into law as of 2007.
# For lack of better info, guess this practice began around 1970, contra to
# Shanks & Pottenger who have this region observing AST/ADT.

Zone America/Blanc-Sablon -3:48:28 -	LMT	1884
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1970
			-4:00	-	AST

# Ontario

# From Paul Eggert (2006-07-09):
# Shanks & Pottenger write that since 1970 most of Ontario has been like
# Toronto.
# Thunder Bay skipped DST in 1973.
# Many smaller locales did not observe peacetime DST until 1974;
# Nipigon (EST) and Rainy River (CST) are the largest that we know of.
# Far west Ontario is like Winnipeg; far east Quebec is like Halifax.

# From Mark Brader (2003-07-26):
# [According to the Toronto Star] Orillia, Ontario, adopted DST
# effective Saturday, 1912-06-22, 22:00; the article mentions that
# Port Arthur (now part of Thunder Bay, Ontario) as well as Moose Jaw
# have already done so.  In Orillia DST was to run until Saturday,
# 1912-08-31 (no time mentioned), but it was met with considerable
# hostility from certain segments of the public, and was revoked after
# only two weeks - I copied it as Saturday, 1912-07-07, 22:00, but
# presumably that should be -07-06.  (1912-06-19, -07-12; also letters
# earlier in June).
# Kenora, Ontario, was to abandon DST on 1914-06-01 (-05-21).

# From Paul Eggert (1997-10-17):
# Mark Brader writes that an article in the 1997-10-14 Toronto Star
# says that Atikokan, Ontario currently does not observe DST,
# but will vote on 11-10 whether to use EST/EDT.
# He also writes that the Ontario Time Act (1990, Chapter T.9)
# http://www.gov.on.ca/MBS/english/publications/statregs/conttext.html
# says that Ontario east of 90W uses EST/EDT, and west of 90W uses CST/CDT.
# Officially Atikokan is therefore on CST/CDT, and most likely this report
# concerns a non-official time observed as a matter of local practice.
# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Atikokan, Pickle Lake, and
# New Osnaburgh observe CST all year, that Big Trout Lake observes
# CST/CDT, and that Upsala and Shebandowan observe EST/EDT, all in
# violation of the official Ontario rules.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-07-09):
# Chris Walton (2006-07-06) mentioned an article by Stephanie MacLellan in the
# 2005-07-21 Chronicle-Journal, which said:
#	The clocks in Atikokan stay set on standard time year-round.
#	This means they spend about half the time on central time and
#	the other half on eastern time.
#	For the most part, the system works, Mayor Dennis Brown said.
#	"The majority of businesses in Atikokan deal more with Eastern
#	Canada, but there are some that deal with Western Canada," he
#	said.  "I don't see any changes happening here."
# Walton also writes "Supposedly Pickle Lake and Mishkeegogamang
# [New Osnaburgh] follow the same practice."

# From Garry McKinnon (2006-07-14) via Chris Walton:
# I chatted with a member of my board who has an outstanding memory
# and a long history in Atikokan (and in the telecom industry) and he
# can say for certain that Atikokan has been practicing the current
# time keeping since 1952, at least.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-07-17):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that Atikokan has agreed with Rainy River
# ever since standard time was introduced, but the information from
# McKinnon sounds more authoritative.  For now, assume that Atikokan
# switched to EST immediately after WWII era daylight saving time
# ended.  This matches the old (less-populous) America/Coral_Harbour
# entry since our cutoff date of 1970, so we can move
# America/Coral_Harbour to the 'backward' file.

# From Mark Brader (2010-03-06):
# Currently the database has:
# # Ontario
# # From Paul Eggert (2006-07-09):
# # Shanks & Pottenger write that since 1970 most of Ontario has been like
# # Toronto.
# # Thunder Bay skipped DST in 1973.
# # Many smaller locales did not observe peacetime DST until 1974;
# # Nipigon (EST) and Rainy River (CST) are the largest that we know of.
# In the (Toronto) Globe and Mail for Saturday, 1955-09-24, in the bottom
# right corner of page 1, it says that Toronto will return to standard
# time at 2 am Sunday morning (which agrees with the database), and that:
#     The one-hour setback will go into effect throughout most of Ontario,
#     except in areas like Windsor which remains on standard time all year.
# Windsor is, of course, a lot larger than Nipigon.
# I only came across this incidentally.  I don't know if Windsor began
# observing DST when Detroit did, or in 1974, or on some other date.
# By the way, the article continues by noting that:
#     Some cities in the United States have pushed the deadline back
#     three weeks and will change over from daylight saving in October.

# From Arthur David Olson (2010-07-17):
# "Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada" appeared in
# The Journal of The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada,
# volume 26, number 2 (February 1932) and, as of 2010-07-17,
# was available at
# http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1932JRASC..26...49S
# It includes the text below (starting on page 57):
#   A list of the places in Canada using daylight saving time would
# require yearly revision. From information kindly furnished by
# the provincial governments and by the postmasters in many cities
# and towns, it is found that the following places used daylight sav-
# ing in 1930. The information for the province of Quebec is definite,
# for the other provinces only approximate:
#	Province	Daylight saving time used
# Prince Edward Island	Not used.
# Nova Scotia		In Halifax only.
# New Brunswick		In St. John only.
# Quebec		In the following places:
#			Montreal	Lachine
#			Quebec		Mont-Royal
#			Lévis		Iberville
#			St. Lambert	Cap de la Madelèine
#			Verdun		Loretteville
#			Westmount	Richmond
#			Outremont	St. Jérôme
#			Longueuil	Greenfield Park
#			Arvida		Waterloo
#			Chambly-Canton	Beaulieu
#			Melbourne	La Tuque
#			St. Théophile	Buckingham
# Ontario		Used generally in the cities and towns along
#			the southerly part of the province. Not
#			used in the northwesterly part.
# Manitoba		Not used.
# Saskatchewan		In Regina only.
# Alberta		Not used.
# British Columbia	Not used.
#   With some exceptions, the use of daylight saving may be said to be limited
# to those cities and towns lying between Quebec city and Windsor, Ont.

Rule	Toronto	1919	only	-	Mar	30	23:30	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1919	only	-	Oct	26	0:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1920	only	-	May	 2	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1920	only	-	Sep	26	0:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1921	only	-	May	15	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1921	only	-	Sep	15	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1922	1923	-	May	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
# Shanks & Pottenger say 1923-09-19; assume it's a typo and that "-16"
# was meant.
Rule	Toronto	1922	1926	-	Sep	Sun>=15	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1924	1927	-	May	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# The 1927-to-1939 rules can be expressed more simply as
# Rule	Toronto	1927	1937	-	Sep	Sun>=25	2:00	0	S
# Rule	Toronto	1928	1937	-	Apr	Sun>=25	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	Toronto	1938	1940	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
# Rule	Toronto	1938	1939	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
# The rules below avoid use of Sun>=25
# (which pre-2004 versions of zic cannot handle).
Rule	Toronto	1927	1932	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1928	1931	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1932	only	-	May	1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1933	1940	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1933	only	-	Oct	1	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1934	1939	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1945	1946	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1946	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1947	1949	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1947	1948	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1949	only	-	Nov	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1950	1973	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Toronto	1950	only	-	Nov	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Toronto	1951	1956	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
# Shanks & Pottenger say Toronto ended DST a week early in 1971,
# namely on 1971-10-24, but Mark Brader wrote (2003-05-31) that this
# is wrong, and that he had confirmed it by checking the 1971-10-30
# Toronto Star, which said that DST was ending 1971-10-31 as usual.
Rule	Toronto	1957	1973	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S

# From Paul Eggert (2003-07-27):
# Willett (1914-03) writes (p. 17) "In the Cities of Fort William, and
# Port Arthur, Ontario, the principle of the Bill has been in
# operation for the past three years, and in the City of Moose Jaw,
# Saskatchewan, for one year."

# From David Bryan via Tory Tronrud, Director/Curator,
# Thunder Bay Museum (2003-11-12):
# There is some suggestion, however, that, by-law or not, daylight
# savings time was being practiced in Fort William and Port Arthur
# before 1909.... [I]n 1910, the line between the Eastern and Central
# Time Zones was permanently moved about two hundred miles west to
# include the Thunder Bay area....  When Canada adopted daylight
# savings time in 1916, Fort William and Port Arthur, having done so
# already, did not change their clocks....  During the Second World
# War,... [t]he cities agreed to implement DST during the summer
# months for the remainder of the war years.

Zone America/Toronto	-5:17:32 -	LMT	1895
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT	1919
			-5:00	Toronto	E%sT	1942 Feb  9  2:00s
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT	1946
			-5:00	Toronto	E%sT	1974
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT
Zone America/Thunder_Bay -5:57:00 -	LMT	1895
			-6:00	-	CST	1910
			-5:00	-	EST	1942
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT	1970
			-5:00	Toronto	E%sT	1973
			-5:00	-	EST	1974
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT
Zone America/Nipigon	-5:53:04 -	LMT	1895
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT	1940 Sep 29
			-5:00	1:00	EDT	1942 Feb  9  2:00s
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT
Zone America/Rainy_River -6:18:16 -	LMT	1895
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	1940 Sep 29
			-6:00	1:00	CDT	1942 Feb  9  2:00s
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT
Zone America/Atikokan	-6:06:28 -	LMT	1895
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	1940 Sep 29
			-6:00	1:00	CDT	1942 Feb  9  2:00s
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	1945 Sep 30  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST

# Manitoba

# From Rob Douglas (2006-04-06):
# the old Manitoba Time Act - as amended by Bill 2, assented to
# March 27, 1987 ... said ...
# "between two o'clock Central Standard Time in the morning of
# the first Sunday of April of each year and two o'clock Central
# Standard Time in the morning of the last Sunday of October next
# following, one hour in advance of Central Standard Time."...
# I believe that the English legislation [of the old time act] had
# been assented to (March 22, 1967)....
# Also, as far as I can tell, there was no order-in-council varying
# the time of Daylight Saving Time for 2005 and so the provisions of
# the 1987 version would apply - the changeover was at 2:00 Central
# Standard Time (i.e. not until 3:00 Central Daylight Time).

# From Paul Eggert (2006-04-10):
# Shanks & Pottenger say Manitoba switched at 02:00 (not 02:00s)
# starting 1966.  Since 02:00s is clearly correct for 1967 on, assume
# it was also 02:00s in 1966.

Rule	Winn	1916	only	-	Apr	23	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1916	only	-	Sep	17	0:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1918	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1937	only	-	May	16	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1937	only	-	Sep	26	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Winn	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	Winn	1945	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1946	only	-	May	12	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1946	only	-	Oct	13	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1947	1949	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1947	1949	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1950	only	-	May	 1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1950	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1951	1960	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1951	1958	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1959	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1960	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1963	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1963	only	-	Sep	22	2:00	0	S
Rule	Winn	1966	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Winn	1966	2005	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00s	0	S
Rule	Winn	1987	2005	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00s	1:00	D
Zone America/Winnipeg	-6:28:36 -	LMT	1887 Jul 16
			-6:00	Winn	C%sT	2006
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT

# Saskatchewan

# From Mark Brader (2003-07-26):
# The first actual adoption of DST in Canada was at the municipal
# level.  As the [Toronto] Star put it (1912-06-07), "While people
# elsewhere have long been talking of legislation to save daylight,
# the city of Moose Jaw [Saskatchewan] has acted on its own hook."
# DST in Moose Jaw began on Saturday, 1912-06-01 (no time mentioned:
# presumably late evening, as below), and would run until "the end of
# the summer".  The discrepancy between municipal time and railroad
# time was noted.

# From Paul Eggert (2003-07-27):
# Willett (1914-03) notes that DST "has been in operation ... in the
# City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, for one year."

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that since 1970 this region has mostly been as Regina.
# Some western towns (e.g. Swift Current) switched from MST/MDT to CST in 1972.
# Other western towns (e.g. Lloydminster) are like Edmonton.
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Denare Beach and Creighton
# are like Winnipeg, in violation of Saskatchewan law.

# From W. Jones (1992-11-06):
# The. . .below is based on information I got from our law library, the
# provincial archives, and the provincial Community Services department.
# A precise history would require digging through newspaper archives, and
# since you didn't say what you wanted, I didn't bother.
# Saskatchewan is split by a time zone meridian (105W) and over the years
# the boundary became pretty ragged as communities near it reevaluated
# their affiliations in one direction or the other.  In 1965 a provincial
# referendum favoured legislating common time practices.
# On 15 April 1966 the Time Act (c. T-14, Revised Statutes of
# Saskatchewan 1978) was proclaimed, and established that the eastern
# part of Saskatchewan would use CST year round, that districts in
# northwest Saskatchewan would by default follow CST but could opt to
# follow Mountain Time rules (thus 1 hour difference in the winter and
# zero in the summer), and that districts in southwest Saskatchewan would
# by default follow MT but could opt to follow CST.
# It took a few years for the dust to settle (I know one story of a town
# on one time zone having its school in another, such that a mom had to
# serve her family lunch in two shifts), but presently it seems that only
# a few towns on the border with Alberta (e.g. Lloydminster) follow MT
# rules any more; all other districts appear to have used CST year round
# since sometime in the 1960s.

# From Chris Walton (2006-06-26):
# The Saskatchewan time act which was last updated in 1996 is about 30 pages
# long and rather painful to read.
# http://www.qp.gov.sk.ca/documents/English/Statutes/Statutes/T14.pdf

Rule	Regina	1918	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1930	1934	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1930	1934	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1937	1941	-	Apr	Sun>=8	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1937	only	-	Oct	Sun>=8	0:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1938	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1939	1941	-	Oct	Sun>=8	0:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Regina	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	Regina	1945	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1946	only	-	Apr	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1946	only	-	Oct	Sun>=8	2:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1947	1957	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1947	1957	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Regina	1959	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Regina	1959	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Swift	1957	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Swift	1957	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Swift	1959	1961	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Swift	1959	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Swift	1960	1961	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Regina	-6:58:36 -	LMT	1905 Sep
			-7:00	Regina	M%sT	1960 Apr lastSun  2:00
			-6:00	-	CST
Zone America/Swift_Current -7:11:20 -	LMT	1905 Sep
			-7:00	Canada	M%sT	1946 Apr lastSun  2:00
			-7:00	Regina	M%sT	1950
			-7:00	Swift	M%sT	1972 Apr lastSun  2:00
			-6:00	-	CST

# Alberta

Rule	Edm	1918	1919	-	Apr	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1919	only	-	May	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1920	1923	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1920	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1921	1923	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Edm	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	Edm	1945	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1947	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1947	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1967	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1967	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1969	only	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1969	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Edm	1972	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Edm	1972	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Edmonton	-7:33:52 -	LMT	1906 Sep
			-7:00	Edm	M%sT	1987
			-7:00	Canada	M%sT

# British Columbia

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger write that since 1970 most of this region has
# been like Vancouver.
# Dawson Creek uses MST.  Much of east BC is like Edmonton.
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Creston is like Dawson Creek.

# It seems though that (re: Creston) is not entirely correct:

# From Chris Walton (2011-12-01):
# There are two areas within the Canadian province of British Columbia
# that do not currently observe daylight saving:
# a) The Creston Valley (includes the town of Creston and surrounding area)
# b) The eastern half of the Peace River Regional District
# (includes the cities of Dawson Creek and Fort St. John)

# Earlier this year I stumbled across a detailed article about the time
# keeping history of Creston; it was written by Tammy Hardwick who is the
# manager of the Creston & District Museum. The article was written in May 2009.
# http://www.ilovecreston.com/?p=articles&t=spec&ar=260
# According to the article, Creston has not changed its clocks since June 1918.
# i.e. Creston has been stuck on UTC-7 for 93 years.
# Dawson Creek, on the other hand, changed its clocks as recently as April 1972.

# Unfortunately the exact date for the time change in June 1918 remains
# unknown and will be difficult to ascertain.  I e-mailed Tammy a few months
# ago to ask if Sunday June 2 was a reasonable guess.  She said it was just
# as plausible as any other date (in June).  She also said that after writing
# the article she had discovered another time change in 1916; this is the
# subject of another article which she wrote in October 2010.
# http://www.creston.museum.bc.ca/index.php?module=comments&uop=view_comment&cm+id=56

# Here is a summary of the three clock change events in Creston's history:
# 1. 1884 or 1885: adoption of Mountain Standard Time (GMT-7)
# Exact date unknown
# 2. Oct 1916: switch to Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
# Exact date in October unknown; Sunday October 1 is a reasonable guess.
# 3. June 1918: switch to Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-7)
# Exact date in June unknown; Sunday June 2 is a reasonable guess.
# note 1:
# On Oct 27/1918 when daylight saving ended in the rest of Canada,
# Creston did not change its clocks.
# note 2:
# During WWII when the Federal Government legislated a mandatory clock change,
# Creston did not oblige.
# note 3:
# There is no guarantee that Creston will remain on Mountain Standard Time
# (UTC-7) forever.
# The subject was debated at least once this year by the town Council.
# http://www.bclocalnews.com/kootenay_rockies/crestonvalleyadvance/news/116760809.html

# During a period WWII, summer time (Daylight saying) was mandatory in Canada.
# In Creston, that was handled by shifting the area to PST (-8:00) then applying
# summer time to cause the offset to be -7:00, the same as it had been before
# the change.  It can be argued that the timezone abbreviation during this
# period should be PDT rather than MST, but that doesn't seem important enough
# (to anyone) to further complicate the rules.

# The transition dates (and times) are guesses.

# From Matt Johnson (2015-09-21):
# Fort Nelson, BC, Canada will cancel DST this year.  So while previously they
# were aligned with America/Vancouver, they're now aligned with
# America/Dawson_Creek.
# http://www.northernrockies.ca/EN/meta/news/archives/2015/northern-rockies-time-change.html
# From Tim Parenti (2015-09-23):
# This requires a new zone for the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality,
# America/Fort_Nelson.  The resolution of 2014-12-08 was reached following a
# 2014-11-15 poll with nearly 75% support.  Effectively, the municipality has
# been on MST (-0700) like Dawson Creek since it advanced its clocks on
# 2015-03-08.
# From Paul Eggert (2015-09-23):
# Shanks says Fort Nelson did not observe DST in 1946, unlike Vancouver.

Rule	Vanc	1918	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Vanc	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	Vanc	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Vanc	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	Vanc	1945	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	S
Rule	Vanc	1946	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Vanc	1946	only	-	Oct	13	2:00	0	S
Rule	Vanc	1947	1961	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Vanc	1962	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Vancouver	-8:12:28 -	LMT	1884
			-8:00	Vanc	P%sT	1987
			-8:00	Canada	P%sT
Zone America/Dawson_Creek -8:00:56 -	LMT	1884
			-8:00	Canada	P%sT	1947
			-8:00	Vanc	P%sT	1972 Aug 30  2:00
			-7:00	-	MST
Zone America/Fort_Nelson	-8:10:47 -	LMT	1884
			-8:00	Vanc	P%sT	1946
			-8:00	-	PST	1947
			-8:00	Vanc	P%sT	1987
			-8:00	Canada	P%sT	2015 Mar  8  2:00
			-7:00	-	MST
Zone America/Creston	-7:46:04 -	LMT	1884
			-7:00	-	MST	1916 Oct 1
			-8:00	-	PST	1918 Jun 2
			-7:00	-	MST

# Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Dawson switched to PST in 1973.  Inuvik switched to MST in 1979.
# Mathew Englander (1996-10-07) gives the following refs:
#	* 1967. Paragraph 28(34)(g) of the Interpretation Act, S.C. 1967-68,
#	c. 7 defines Yukon standard time as UTC-9....
#	see Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, s. 35(1).
#	[http://canlii.ca/t/7vhg]
#	* C.O. 1973/214 switched Yukon to PST on 1973-10-28 00:00.
#	* O.I.C. 1980/02 established DST.
#	* O.I.C. 1987/056 changed DST to Apr firstSun 2:00 to Oct lastSun 2:00.

# From Brian Inglis (2015-04-14):
# I tried to trace the history of Yukon time and found the following
# regulations, giving the reference title and URL if found, regulation name,
# and relevant quote if available.  Each regulation specifically revokes its
# predecessor.  The final reference is to the current Interpretation Act
# authorizing and resulting from these regulatory changes.
# Only recent regulations were retrievable via Yukon government site search or
# index, and only some via Canadian legal sources.  Other sources used include
# articles titled "Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada" from JRASC via ADS
# Abstracts, cited by ADO for 1932 ..., and updated versions from 1958 and
# 1970 quoted below; each article includes current extracts from provincial
# and territorial ST and DST regulations at the end, summaries and details of
# standard times and daylight saving time at many locations across Canada,
# with time zone maps, tables and calculations for Canadian Sunrise, Sunset,
# and LMST; they also cover many countries and global locations, with a chart
# and table showing current Universal Time offsets, and may be useful as
# another source of information for 1970 and earlier.
# * Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada; Smith, C.C.; JRASC, Vol. 26,
#   pp.49-77; February 1932; SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
#   http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1932JRASC..26...49S from p.75:
#   Yukon Interpretation Ordinance
#   Yukon standard time is the local mean time at the one hundred and
#   thirty-fifth meridian.
# * Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada; Smith, C.C.; Thomson, Malcolm M.;
#   JRASC, Vol. 52, pp.193-223; October 1958; SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System
#   (ADS) http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1958JRASC..52..193S from pp.220-1:
#   Yukon Interpretation Ordinance, 1955, Chap. 16.
#     (1) Subject to this section, standard time shall be reckoned as nine
#     hours behind Greenwich Time and called Yukon Standard Time.
#     (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Commissioner may make regulations
#     varying the manner of reckoning standard time.
# * Yukon Territory Commissioner's Order 1966-20 Interpretation Ordinance
#   http://? - no online source found
# * Standard Time and Time Zones in Canada; Thomson, Malcolm M.; JRASC,
#   Vol. 64, pp.129-162; June 1970; SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
#   http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1970JRASC..64..129T from p.156: Yukon
#   Territory Commissioner's Order 1967-59 Interpretation Ordinance ...
#     1. Commissioner's Order 1966-20 dated at Whitehorse in the Yukon
#     Territory on 27th January, 1966, is hereby revoked.
#     2. Yukon (East) Standard Time as defined by section 36 of the
#     Interpretation Ordinance from and after mid-night on the 28th day of May,
#     1967 shall be reckoned in the same manner as Pacific Standard Time, that
#     is to say, eight hours behind Greenwich Time in the area of the Yukon
#     Territory lying east of the 138th degree longitude west.
#     3. In the remainder of the Territory, lying west of the 138th degree
#     longitude west, Yukon (West) Standard Time shall be reckoned as nine
#     hours behind Greenwich Time.
# * Yukon Standard Time defined as Pacific Standard Time, YCO 1973/214
#   http://www.canlii.org/en/yk/laws/regu/yco-1973-214/latest/yco-1973-214.html
#   C.O. 1973/214 INTERPRETATION ACT ...
#     1. Effective October 28, 1973 Commissioner's Order 1967/59 is hereby
#     revoked.
#     2. Yukon Standard Time as defined by section 36 of the Interpretation
#     Act from and after midnight on the twenty-eighth day of October, 1973
#     shall be reckoned in the same manner as Pacific Standard Time, that is
#     to say eight hours behind Greenwich Time.
#   http://? - no online source found
# * Yukon Daylight Saving Time, YOIC 1987/56
#   http://www.canlii.org/en/yk/laws/regu/yoic-1987-56/latest/yoic-1987-56.html
#   O.I.C. 1987/056 INTERPRETATION ACT ...
#   In every year between
#     (a) two o'clock in the morning in the first Sunday in April, and
#     (b) two o'clock in the morning in the last Sunday in October,
#   Standard Time shall be reckoned as seven hours behind Greenwich Time and
#   called Yukon Daylight Saving Time.
#   ...
#   Dated ... 9th day of March, A.D., 1987.
# * Yukon Daylight Saving Time 2006, YOIC 2006/127
#   http://www.canlii.org/en/yk/laws/regu/yoic-2006-127/latest/yoic-2006-127.html
#   O.I.C. 2006/127 INTERPRETATION ACT ...
#     1. In Yukon each year the time for general purposes shall be 7 hours
#     behind Greenwich mean time during the period commencing at two o'clock
#     in the forenoon on the second Sunday of March and ending at two o'clock
#     in the forenoon on the first Sunday of November and shall be called
#     Yukon Daylight Saving Time.
#     2. Order-in-Council 1987/56 is revoked.
#     3. This order comes into force January 1, 2007.
# * Interpretation Act, RSY 2002, c 125
# http://www.canlii.org/en/yk/laws/stat/rsy-2002-c-125/latest/rsy-2002-c-125.html

# From Rives McDow (1999-09-04):
# Nunavut ... moved ... to incorporate the whole territory into one time zone.
# Nunavut moves to single time zone Oct. 31
# http://www.nunatsiaq.com/nunavut/nvt90903_13.html
# From Antoine Leca (1999-09-06):
# We then need to create a new timezone for the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut
# to differentiate it from the Yellowknife region.

# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-20):
# Basic Facts: The New Territory
# http://www.nunavut.com/basicfacts/english/basicfacts_1territory.html
# (1999) reports that Pangnirtung operates on eastern time,
# and that Coral Harbour does not observe DST.  We don't know when
# Pangnirtung switched to eastern time; we'll guess 1995.

# From Rives McDow (1999-11-08):
# On October 31, when the rest of Nunavut went to Central time,
# Pangnirtung wobbled.  Here is the result of their wobble:
# The following businesses and organizations in Pangnirtung use Central Time:
#	First Air, Power Corp, Nunavut Construction, Health Center, RCMP,
#	Eastern Arctic National Parks, A & D Specialist
# The following businesses and organizations in Pangnirtung use Eastern Time:
#	Hamlet office, All other businesses, Both schools, Airport operator
# This has made for an interesting situation there, which warranted the news.
# No one there that I spoke with seems concerned, or has plans to
# change the local methods of keeping time, as it evidently does not
# really interfere with any activities or make things difficult locally.
# They plan to celebrate New Year's turn-over twice, one hour apart,
# so it appears that the situation will last at least that long.
# The Nunavut Intergovernmental Affairs hopes that they will "come to
# their senses", but the locals evidently don't see any problem with
# the current state of affairs.

# From Michaela Rodrigue, writing in the
# Nunatsiaq News (1999-11-19):
# http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/nunavut991130/nvt91119_17.html
# Clyde River, Pangnirtung and Sanikiluaq now operate with two time zones,
# central - or Nunavut time - for government offices, and eastern time
# for municipal offices and schools....  Igloolik [was similar but then]
# made the switch to central time on Saturday, Nov. 6.

# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
# Matthews and Vincent (1998) say the following, but we lack histories
# for these potential new Zones.
# The Canadian Forces station at Alert uses Eastern Time while the
# handful of residents at the Eureka weather station [in the Central
# zone] skip daylight savings.  Baffin Island, which is crossed by the
# Central, Eastern and Atlantic Time zones only uses Eastern Time.
# Gjoa Haven, Taloyoak and Pelly Bay all use Mountain instead of
# Central Time and Southampton Island [in the Central zone] is not
# required to use daylight savings.

# From <http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/nunavut001130/nvt21110_02.html>
# Nunavut now has two time zones (2000-11-10):
# The Nunavut government would allow its employees in Kugluktuk and
# Cambridge Bay to operate on central time year-round, putting them
# one hour behind the rest of Nunavut for six months during the winter.
# At the end of October the two communities had rebelled against
# Nunavut's unified time zone, refusing to shift to eastern time with
# the rest of the territory for the winter.  Cambridge Bay remained on
# central time, while Kugluktuk, even farther west, reverted to
# mountain time, which they had used before the advent of Nunavut's
# unified time zone in 1999.
# From Rives McDow (2001-01-20), quoting the Nunavut government:
# The preceding decision came into effect at midnight, Saturday Nov 4, 2000.

# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
# Let's just keep track of the official times for now.

# From Rives McDow (2001-03-07):
# The premier of Nunavut has issued a ministerial statement advising
# that effective 2001-04-01, the territory of Nunavut will revert
# back to three time zones (mountain, central, and eastern).  Of the
# cities in Nunavut, Coral Harbor is the only one that I know of that
# has said it will not observe dst, staying on EST year round.  I'm
# checking for more info, and will get back to you if I come up with
# more.
# [Also see <http://www.nunatsiaq.com/nunavut/nvt10309_06.html> (2001-03-09).]

# From Gwillim Law (2005-05-21):
# According to ...
# http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/Magazine/SO98/geomap.asp
# (from a 1998 Canadian Geographic article), the de facto and de jure time
# for Southampton Island (at the north end of Hudson Bay) is UTC-5 all year
# round.  Using Google, it's easy to find other websites that confirm this.
# I wasn't able to find how far back this time regimen goes, but since it
# predates the creation of Nunavut, it probably goes back many years....
# The Inuktitut name of Coral Harbour is Sallit, but it's rarely used.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-17):
# For lack of better information, assume that Southampton Island observed
# daylight saving only during wartime.  Gwillim Law's email also
# mentioned maps now maintained by National Research Council Canada;
# see above for an up-to-date link.

# From Chris Walton (2007-03-01):
# ... the community of Resolute (located on Cornwallis Island in
# Nunavut) moved from Central Time to Eastern Time last November.
# Basically the community did not change its clocks at the end of
# daylight saving....
# http://www.nnsl.com/frames/newspapers/2006-11/nov13_06none.html

# From Chris Walton (2011-03-21):
# Back in 2007 I initiated the creation of a new "zone file" for Resolute
# Bay. Resolute Bay is a small community located about 900km north of
# the Arctic Circle. The zone file was required because Resolute Bay had
# decided to use UTC-5 instead of UTC-6 for the winter of 2006-2007.
# According to new information which I received last week, Resolute Bay
# went back to using UTC-6 in the winter of 2007-2008...
# On March 11/2007 most of Canada went onto daylight saving. On March
# 14/2007 I phoned the Resolute Bay hamlet office to do a "time check." I
# talked to somebody that was both knowledgeable and helpful. I was able
# to confirm that Resolute Bay was still operating on UTC-5. It was
# explained to me that Resolute Bay had been on the Eastern Time zone
# (EST) in the winter, and was now back on the Central Time zone (CDT).
# i.e. the time zone had changed twice in the last year but the clocks
# had not moved. The residents had to know which time zone they were in
# so they could follow the correct TV schedule...
# On Nov 02/2008 most of Canada went onto standard time. On Nov 03/2008 I
# phoned the Resolute Bay hamlet office...[D]ue to the challenging nature
# of the phone call, I decided to seek out an alternate source of
# information. I found an e-mail address for somebody by the name of
# Stephanie Adams whose job was listed as "Inns North Support Officer for
# Arctic Co-operatives." I was under the impression that Stephanie lived
# and worked in Resolute Bay...
# On March 14/2011 I phoned the hamlet office again. I was told that
# Resolute Bay had been using Central Standard Time over the winter of
# 2010-2011 and that the clocks had therefore been moved one hour ahead
# on March 13/2011. The person I talked to was aware that Resolute Bay
# had previously experimented with Eastern Standard Time but he could not
# tell me when the practice had stopped.
# On March 17/2011 I searched the Web to find an e-mail address of
# somebody that might be able to tell me exactly when Resolute Bay went
# off Eastern Standard Time. I stumbled on the name "Aziz Kheraj." Aziz
# used to be the mayor of Resolute Bay and he apparently owns half the
# businesses including "South Camp Inn." This website has some info on
# Aziz:
# http://www.uphere.ca/node/493
# I sent Aziz an e-mail asking when Resolute Bay had stopped using
# Eastern Standard Time.
# Aziz responded quickly with this: "hi, The time was not changed for the
# 1 year only, the following year, the community went back to the old way
# of "spring ahead-fall behind" currently we are zulu plus 5 hrs and in
# the winter Zulu plus 6 hrs"
# This of course conflicted with everything I had ascertained in November 2008.
# I sent Aziz a copy of my 2008 e-mail exchange with Stephanie. Aziz
# responded with this: "Hi, Stephanie lives in Winnipeg. I live here, You
# may want to check with the weather office in Resolute Bay or do a
# search on the weather through Env. Canada. web site"
# If I had realized the Stephanie did not live in Resolute Bay I would
# never have contacted her.  I now believe that all the information I
# obtained in November 2008 should be ignored...
# I apologize for reporting incorrect information in 2008.

Rule	NT_YK	1918	only	-	Apr	14	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NT_YK	1918	only	-	Oct	27	2:00	0	S
Rule	NT_YK	1919	only	-	May	25	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NT_YK	1919	only	-	Nov	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	NT_YK	1942	only	-	Feb	 9	2:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	NT_YK	1945	only	-	Aug	14	23:00u	1:00	P # Peace
Rule	NT_YK	1945	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	S
Rule	NT_YK	1965	only	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	2:00	DD
Rule	NT_YK	1965	only	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	NT_YK	1980	1986	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	NT_YK	1980	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	NT_YK	1987	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
# aka Panniqtuuq
Zone America/Pangnirtung 0	-	-00	1921 # trading post est.
			-4:00	NT_YK	A%sT	1995 Apr Sun>=1  2:00
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT	1999 Oct 31  2:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT
# formerly Frobisher Bay
Zone America/Iqaluit	0	-	-00	1942 Aug # Frobisher Bay est.
			-5:00	NT_YK	E%sT	1999 Oct 31  2:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	Canada	E%sT
# aka Qausuittuq
Zone America/Resolute	0	-	-00	1947 Aug 31 # Resolute founded
			-6:00	NT_YK	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2001 Apr  1  3:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	2006 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2007 Mar 11  3:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT
# aka Kangiqiniq
Zone America/Rankin_Inlet 0	-	-00	1957 # Rankin Inlet founded
			-6:00	NT_YK	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2001 Apr  1  3:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT
# aka Iqaluktuuttiaq
Zone America/Cambridge_Bay 0	-	-00	1920 # trading post est.?
			-7:00	NT_YK	M%sT	1999 Oct 31  2:00
			-6:00	Canada	C%sT	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST	2000 Nov  5  0:00
			-6:00	-	CST	2001 Apr  1  3:00
			-7:00	Canada	M%sT
Zone America/Yellowknife 0	-	-00	1935 # Yellowknife founded?
			-7:00	NT_YK	M%sT	1980
			-7:00	Canada	M%sT
Zone America/Inuvik	0	-	-00	1953 # Inuvik founded
			-8:00	NT_YK	P%sT	1979 Apr lastSun  2:00
			-7:00	NT_YK	M%sT	1980
			-7:00	Canada	M%sT
Zone America/Whitehorse	-9:00:12 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20
			-9:00	NT_YK	Y%sT	1967 May 28  0:00
			-8:00	NT_YK	P%sT	1980
			-8:00	Canada	P%sT
Zone America/Dawson	-9:17:40 -	LMT	1900 Aug 20
			-9:00	NT_YK	Y%sT	1973 Oct 28  0:00
			-8:00	NT_YK	P%sT	1980
			-8:00	Canada	P%sT


# Mexico

# From Paul Eggert (2014-12-07):
# The Investigation and Analysis Service of the
# Mexican Library of Congress (MLoC) has published a
# history of Mexican local time (in Spanish)
# http://www.diputados.gob.mx/bibliot/publica/inveyana/polisoc/horver/index.htm
# Here are the discrepancies between Shanks & Pottenger (S&P) and the MLoC.
# (In all cases we go with the MLoC.)
# S&P report that Baja was at -8:00 in 1922/1923.
# S&P say the 1930 transition in Baja was 1930-11-16.
# S&P report no DST during summer 1931.
# S&P report a transition at 1932-03-30 23:00, not 1932-04-01.

# From Gwillim Law (2001-02-20):
# There are some other discrepancies between the Decrees page and the
# tz database.  I think they can best be explained by supposing that
# the researchers who prepared the Decrees page failed to find some of
# the relevant documents.

# From Alan Perry (1996-02-15):
# A guy from our Mexico subsidiary finally found the Presidential Decree
# outlining the timezone changes in Mexico.
# ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
# I finally got my hands on the Official Presidential Decree that sets up the
# rules for the DST changes. The rules are:
# 1. The country is divided in 3 timezones:
#    - Baja California Norte (the Mexico/BajaNorte TZ)
#    - Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa and Sonora (the Mexico/BajaSur TZ)
#    - The rest of the country (the Mexico/General TZ)
# 2. From the first Sunday in April at 2:00 AM to the last Sunday in October
#    at 2:00 AM, the times in each zone are as follows:
#    BajaNorte: GMT+7
#    BajaSur:   GMT+6
#    General:   GMT+5
# 3. The rest of the year, the times are as follows:
#    BajaNorte: GMT+8
#    BajaSur:   GMT+7
#    General:   GMT+6
# The Decree was published in Mexico's Official Newspaper on January 4th.
# -------------- End Forwarded Message --------------
# From Paul Eggert (1996-06-12):
# For an English translation of the decree, see
# "Diario Oficial: Time Zone Changeover" (1996-01-04).
# http://mexico-travel.com/extra/timezone_eng.html

# From Rives McDow (1998-10-08):
# The State of Quintana Roo has reverted back to central STD and DST times
# (i.e. UTC -0600 and -0500 as of 1998-08-02).

# From Rives McDow (2000-01-10):
# Effective April 4, 1999 at 2:00 AM local time, Sonora changed to the time
# zone 5 hours from the International Date Line, and will not observe daylight
# savings time so as to stay on the same time zone as the southern part of
# Arizona year round.

# From Jesper Nørgaard, translating
# <http://www.reforma.com/nacional/articulo/064327/> (2001-01-17):
# In Oaxaca, the 55.000 teachers from the Section 22 of the National
# Syndicate of Education Workers, refuse to apply daylight saving each
# year, so that the more than 10,000 schools work at normal hour the
# whole year.

# From Gwillim Law (2001-01-19):
# <http://www.reforma.com/negocios_y_dinero/articulo/064481/> ... says
# (translated):...
# January 17, 2000 - The Energy Secretary, Ernesto Martens, announced
# that Summer Time will be reduced from seven to five months, starting
# this year....
# http://www.publico.com.mx/scripts/texto3.asp?action=pagina&pag=21&pos=p&secc=naci&date=01/17/2001
# [translated], says "summer time will ... take effect on the first Sunday
# in May, and end on the last Sunday of September.

# From Arthur David Olson (2001-01-25):
# The 2001-01-24 traditional Washington Post contained the page one
# story "Timely Issue Divides Mexicans."...
# http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37383-2001Jan23.html
# ... Mexico City Mayor López Obrador "...is threatening to keep
# Mexico City and its 20 million residents on a different time than
# the rest of the country..." In particular, López Obrador would abolish
# observation of Daylight Saving Time.

# Official statute published by the Energy Department
# http://www.conae.gob.mx/ahorro/decretohorver2001.html#decre
# (2001-02-01) shows Baja and Chihauhua as still using US DST rules,
# and Sonora with no DST.  This was reported by Jesper Nørgaard (2001-02-03).

# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-03):
# http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/20010303/t000018766.html
# James F. Smith writes in today's LA Times
# * Sonora will continue to observe standard time.
# * Last week Mexico City's mayor Andrés Manuel López Obrador decreed that
#   the Federal District will not adopt DST.
# * 4 of 16 district leaders announced they'll ignore the decree.
# * The decree does not affect federal-controlled facilities including
#   the airport, banks, hospitals, and schools.
# For now we'll assume that the Federal District will bow to federal rules.

# From Jesper Nørgaard (2001-04-01):
# I found some references to the Mexican application of daylight
# saving, which modifies what I had already sent you, stating earlier
# that a number of northern Mexican states would go on daylight
# saving. The modification reverts this to only cover Baja California
# (Norte), while all other states (except Sonora, who has no daylight
# saving all year) will follow the original decree of president
# Vicente Fox, starting daylight saving May 6, 2001 and ending
# September 30, 2001.
# References: "Diario de Monterrey" <http://www.diariodemonterrey.com/index.asp>
# Palabra <http://palabra.infosel.com/010331/primera/ppri3101.pdf> (2001-03-31)

# From Reuters (2001-09-04):
# Mexico's Supreme Court on Tuesday declared that daylight savings was
# unconstitutional in Mexico City, creating the possibility the
# capital will be in a different time zone from the rest of the nation
# next year....  The Supreme Court's ruling takes effect at 2:00
# a.m. (0800 GMT) on Sept. 30, when Mexico is scheduled to revert to
# standard time. "This is so residents of the Federal District are not
# subject to unexpected time changes," a statement from the court said.

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2002-03-12):
# ... consulting my local grocery store(!) and my coworkers, they all insisted
# that a new decision had been made to reinstate US style DST in Mexico....
# http://www.conae.gob.mx/ahorro/horaver2001_m1_2002.html (2002-02-20)
# confirms this.  Sonora as usual is the only state where DST is not applied.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2009-12-28):
# Steffen Thorsen wrote:
# > Mexico's House of Representatives has approved a proposal for northern
# > Mexico's border cities to share the same daylight saving schedule as
# > the United States.
# Now this has passed both the Congress and the Senate, so starting from
# 2010, some border regions will be the same:
# http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/dec/28/clocks-will-match-both-sides-border/
# http://www.elmananarey.com/diario/noticia/nacional/noticias/empatan_horario_de_frontera_con_eu/621939
# (Spanish)
# Could not find the new law text, but the proposed law text changes are here:
# http://gaceta.diputados.gob.mx/Gaceta/61/2009/dic/20091210-V.pdf
# (Gaceta Parlamentaria)
# There is also a list of the votes here:
# http://gaceta.diputados.gob.mx/Gaceta/61/2009/dic/V2-101209.html
# Our page:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/north-mexico-dst-change.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2010-01-20):
# The page
# http://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5127480&fecha=06/01/2010
# includes this text:
# En los municipios fronterizos de Tijuana y Mexicali en Baja California;
# Juárez y Ojinaga en Chihuahua; Acuña y Piedras Negras en Coahuila;
# Anáhuac en Nuevo León; y Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa y Matamoros en
# Tamaulipas, la aplicación de este horario estacional surtirá efecto
# desde las dos horas del segundo domingo de marzo y concluirá a las dos
# horas del primer domingo de noviembre.
# En los municipios fronterizos que se encuentren ubicados en la franja
# fronteriza norte en el territorio comprendido entre la línea
# internacional y la línea paralela ubicada a una distancia de veinte
# kilómetros, así como la Ciudad de Ensenada, Baja California, hacia el
# interior del país, la aplicación de este horario estacional surtirá
# efecto desde las dos horas del segundo domingo de marzo y concluirá a
# las dos horas del primer domingo de noviembre.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2014-12-08), translated by Gwillim Law:
# The Mexican state of Quintana Roo will likely change to EST in 2015.
# http://www.unioncancun.mx/articulo/2014/12/04/medio-ambiente/congreso-aprueba-una-hora-mas-de-sol-en-qroo
# "With this change, the time conflict that has existed between the municipios
# of Quintana Roo and the municipio of Felipe Carrillo Puerto may come to an
# end. The latter declared itself in rebellion 15 years ago when a time change
# was initiated in Mexico, and since then it has refused to change its time
# zone along with the rest of the country."
# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-01-14), translated by Gwillim Law:
# http://sipse.com/novedades/confirman-aplicacion-de-nueva-zona-horaria-para-quintana-roo-132331.html
# "...the new time zone will come into effect at two o'clock on the first Sunday
# of February, when we will have to advance the clock one hour from its current
# time..."
# Also, the new zone will not use DST.
# From Carlos Raúl Perasso (2015-02-02):
# The decree that modifies the Mexican Hour System Law has finally
# been published at the Diario Oficial de la Federación
# http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5380123&fecha=31/01/2015
# It establishes 5 zones for Mexico:
# 1- Zona Centro (Central Zone): Corresponds to longitude 90 W,
#    includes most of Mexico, excluding what's mentioned below.
# 2- Zona Pacífico (Pacific Zone): Longitude 105 W, includes the
#    states of Baja California Sur; Chihuahua; Nayarit (excluding Bahía
#    de Banderas which lies in Central Zone); Sinaloa and Sonora.
# 3- Zona Noroeste (Northwest Zone): Longitude 120 W, includes the
#    state of Baja California.
# 4- Zona Sureste (Southeast Zone): Longitude 75 W, includes the state
#    of Quintana Roo.
# 5- The islands, reefs and keys shall take their timezone from the
#    longitude they are located at.

Rule	Mexico	1939	only	-	Feb	5	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	1939	only	-	Jun	25	0:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	1940	only	-	Dec	9	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	1941	only	-	Apr	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	1943	only	-	Dec	16	0:00	1:00	W # War
Rule	Mexico	1944	only	-	May	1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	1950	only	-	Feb	12	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	1950	only	-	Jul	30	0:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	1996	2000	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	1996	2000	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	2001	only	-	May	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	2001	only	-	Sep	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Mexico	2002	max	-	Apr	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Mexico	2002	max	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
# Quintana Roo; represented by Cancún
Zone America/Cancun	-5:47:04 -	LMT	1922 Jan  1  0:12:56
			-6:00	-	CST	1981 Dec 23
			-5:00	Mexico	E%sT	1998 Aug  2  2:00
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT	2015 Feb  1  2:00
			-5:00	-	EST
# Campeche, Yucatán; represented by Mérida
Zone America/Merida	-5:58:28 -	LMT	1922 Jan  1  0:01:32
			-6:00	-	CST	1981 Dec 23
			-5:00	-	EST	1982 Dec  2
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT
# Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas (near US border)
# This includes the following municipalities:
#   in Coahuila: Ocampo, Acuña, Zaragoza, Jiménez, Piedras Negras, Nava,
#     Guerrero, Hidalgo.
#   in Nuevo León: Anáhuac, Los Aldama.
#   in Tamaulipas: Nuevo Laredo, Guerrero, Mier, Miguel Alemán, Camargo,
#     Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Reynosa, Río Bravo, Valle Hermoso, Matamoros.
# See: Inicia mañana Horario de Verano en zona fronteriza, El Universal,
# 2016-03-12
# http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/articulo/estados/2016/03/12/inicia-manana-horario-de-verano-en-zona-fronteriza
Zone America/Matamoros	-6:40:00 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:20:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1988
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1989
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT	2010
			-6:00	US	C%sT
# Durango; Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas (away from US border)
Zone America/Monterrey	-6:41:16 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:18:44
			-6:00	-	CST	1988
			-6:00	US	C%sT	1989
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT
# Central Mexico
Zone America/Mexico_City -6:36:36 -	LMT	1922 Jan  1  0:23:24
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT	2001 Sep 30  2:00
			-6:00	-	CST	2002 Feb 20
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT
# Chihuahua (near US border)
# This includes the municipalities of Janos, Ascensión, Juárez, Guadalupe,
# Práxedis G Guerrero, Coyame del Sotol, Ojinaga, and Manuel Benavides.
# (See the 2016-03-12 El Universal source mentioned above.)
Zone America/Ojinaga	-6:57:40 -	LMT	1922 Jan  1  0:02:20
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	-	CST	1996
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT	1998
			-6:00	-	CST	1998 Apr Sun>=1  3:00
			-7:00	Mexico	M%sT	2010
			-7:00	US	M%sT
# Chihuahua (away from US border)
Zone America/Chihuahua	-7:04:20 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:55:40
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	-	CST	1996
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT	1998
			-6:00	-	CST	1998 Apr Sun>=1  3:00
			-7:00	Mexico	M%sT
# Sonora
Zone America/Hermosillo	-7:23:52 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:36:08
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	-	CST	1942 Apr 24
			-7:00	-	MST	1949 Jan 14
			-8:00	-	PST	1970
			-7:00	Mexico	M%sT	1999
			-7:00	-	MST

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-04-21):
# According to news, Bahía de Banderas (Mexican state of Nayarit)
# changed time zone UTC-7 to new time zone UTC-6 on April 4, 2010 (to
# share the same time zone as nearby city Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco).
# (Spanish)
# Bahía de Banderas homologa su horario al del centro del
# país, a partir de este domingo
# http://www.nayarit.gob.mx/notes.asp?id=20748
# Bahía de Banderas homologa su horario con el del Centro del
# País
# http://www.bahiadebanderas.gob.mx/principal/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=261:bahia-de-banderas-homologa-su-horario-con-el-del-centro-del-pais&catid=42:comunicacion-social&Itemid=50
# (English)
# Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas: One Time Zone
# http://virtualvallarta.com/puertovallarta/puertovallarta/localnews/2009-12-03-Puerto-Vallarta-and-Bahia-de-Banderas-One-Time-Zone.shtml
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_mexico08.html
# "Mexico's Senate approved the amendments to the Mexican Schedule System that
# will allow Bahía de Banderas and Puerto Vallarta to share the same time
# zone ..."
# Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa

# From Arthur David Olson (2010-05-01):
# Use "Bahia_Banderas" to keep the name to fourteen characters.

# Mazatlán
Zone America/Mazatlan	-7:05:40 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:54:20
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	-	CST	1942 Apr 24
			-7:00	-	MST	1949 Jan 14
			-8:00	-	PST	1970
			-7:00	Mexico	M%sT

# Bahía de Banderas
Zone America/Bahia_Banderas	-7:01:00 -	LMT	1921 Dec 31 23:59:00
			-7:00	-	MST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1930 Nov 15
			-7:00	-	MST	1931 May  1 23:00
			-6:00	-	CST	1931 Oct
			-7:00	-	MST	1932 Apr  1
			-6:00	-	CST	1942 Apr 24
			-7:00	-	MST	1949 Jan 14
			-8:00	-	PST	1970
			-7:00	Mexico	M%sT	2010 Apr  4  2:00
			-6:00	Mexico	C%sT

# Baja California
Zone America/Tijuana	-7:48:04 -	LMT	1922 Jan  1  0:11:56
			-7:00	-	MST	1924
			-8:00	-	PST	1927 Jun 10 23:00
			-7:00	-	MST	1930 Nov 15
			-8:00	-	PST	1931 Apr  1
			-8:00	1:00	PDT	1931 Sep 30
			-8:00	-	PST	1942 Apr 24
			-8:00	1:00	PWT	1945 Aug 14 23:00u
			-8:00	1:00	PPT	1945 Nov 12 # Peace
			-8:00	-	PST	1948 Apr  5
			-8:00	1:00	PDT	1949 Jan 14
			-8:00	-	PST	1954
			-8:00	CA	P%sT	1961
			-8:00	-	PST	1976
			-8:00	US	P%sT	1996
			-8:00	Mexico	P%sT	2001
			-8:00	US	P%sT	2002 Feb 20
			-8:00	Mexico	P%sT	2010
			-8:00	US	P%sT
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Formerly there was an America/Ensenada zone, which differed from
# America/Tijuana only in that it did not observe DST from 1976
# through 1995.  This was as per Shanks (1999).  But Shanks & Pottenger say
# Ensenada did not observe DST from 1948 through 1975.  Guy Harris reports
# that the 1987 OAG says "Only Ensenada, Mexicali, San Felipe and
# Tijuana observe DST," which agrees with Shanks & Pottenger but implies that
# DST-observance was a town-by-town matter back then.  This concerns
# data after 1970 so most likely there should be at least one Zone
# other than America/Tijuana for Baja, but it's not clear yet what its
# name or contents should be.
# From Paul Eggert (2015-10-08):
# Formerly there was an America/Santa_Isabel zone, but this appears to
# have come from a misreading of
# http://dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5127480&fecha=06/01/2010
# It has been moved to the 'backward' file.
# Revillagigedo Is
# no information


# Anguilla
# Antigua and Barbuda
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Bahamas
# For 1899 Milne gives -5:09:29.5; round that.
# From Sue Williams (2006-12-07):
# The Bahamas announced about a month ago that they plan to change their DST
# rules to sync with the U.S. starting in 2007....
# http://www.jonesbahamas.com/?c=45&a=10412

Rule	Bahamas	1964	1975	-	Oct	lastSun	2:00	0	S
Rule	Bahamas	1964	1975	-	Apr	lastSun	2:00	1:00	D
Zone	America/Nassau	-5:09:30 -	LMT	1912 Mar 2
			-5:00	Bahamas	E%sT	1976
			-5:00	US	E%sT

# Barbados

# For 1899 Milne gives -3:58:29.2; round that.

Rule	Barb	1977	only	-	Jun	12	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Barb	1977	1978	-	Oct	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Rule	Barb	1978	1980	-	Apr	Sun>=15	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Barb	1979	only	-	Sep	30	2:00	0	S
Rule	Barb	1980	only	-	Sep	25	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Barbados	-3:58:29 -	LMT	1924 # Bridgetown
			-3:58:29 -	BMT	1932 # Bridgetown Mean Time
			-4:00	Barb	A%sT

# Belize
# Whitman entirely disagrees with Shanks; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Belize	1918	1942	-	Oct	Sun>=2	0:00	0:30	HD
Rule	Belize	1919	1943	-	Feb	Sun>=9	0:00	0	S
Rule	Belize	1973	only	-	Dec	 5	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Belize	1974	only	-	Feb	 9	0:00	0	S
Rule	Belize	1982	only	-	Dec	18	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Belize	1983	only	-	Feb	12	0:00	0	S
Zone	America/Belize	-5:52:48 -	LMT	1912 Apr
			-6:00	Belize	C%sT

# Bermuda

# For 1899 Milne gives -4:19:18.3 as the meridian of the clock tower,
# Bermuda dockyard, Ireland I; round that.

# From Dan Jones, reporting in The Royal Gazette (2006-06-26):

# Next year, however, clocks in the US will go forward on the second Sunday
# in March, until the first Sunday in November.  And, after the Time Zone
# (Seasonal Variation) Bill 2006 was passed in the House of Assembly on
# Friday, the same thing will happen in Bermuda.
# http://www.theroyalgazette.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060529/NEWS/105290135

Zone Atlantic/Bermuda	-4:19:18 -	LMT	1930 Jan  1  2:00 # Hamilton
			-4:00	-	AST	1974 Apr 28  2:00
			-4:00	Canada	A%sT	1976
			-4:00	US	A%sT

# Cayman Is
# See America/Panama.

# Costa Rica

# Milne gives -5:36:13.3 as San José mean time; round to nearest.

Rule	CR	1979	1980	-	Feb	lastSun	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	CR	1979	1980	-	Jun	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	CR	1991	1992	-	Jan	Sat>=15	0:00	1:00	D
# IATA SSIM (1991-09) says the following was at 1:00;
# go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	CR	1991	only	-	Jul	 1	0:00	0	S
Rule	CR	1992	only	-	Mar	15	0:00	0	S
# There are too many San Josés elsewhere, so we'll use 'Costa Rica'.
Zone America/Costa_Rica	-5:36:13 -	LMT	1890        # San José
			-5:36:13 -	SJMT	1921 Jan 15 # San José Mean Time
			-6:00	CR	C%sT
# Coco
# no information; probably like America/Costa_Rica

# Cuba

# From Paul Eggert (2013-02-21):
# Milne gives -5:28:50.45 for the observatory at Havana, -5:29:23.57
# for the port, and -5:30 for meteorological observations.
# For now, stick with Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Arthur David Olson (1999-03-29):
# The 1999-03-28 exhibition baseball game held in Havana, Cuba, between
# the Cuban National Team and the Baltimore Orioles was carried live on
# the Orioles Radio Network, including affiliate WTOP in Washington, DC.
# During the game, play-by-play announcer Jim Hunter noted that
# "We'll be losing two hours of sleep...Cuba switched to Daylight Saving
# Time today."  (The "two hour" remark referred to losing one hour of
# sleep on 1999-03-28 - when the announcers were in Cuba as it switched
# to DST - and one more hour on 1999-04-04 - when the announcers will have
# returned to Baltimore, which switches on that date.)

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-11-11):
# DST start in Cuba in 2004 ... does not follow the same rules as the
# years before.  The correct date should be Sunday 2004-03-28 00:00 ...
# https://web.archive.org/web/20040402060750/http://www.granma.cu/espanol/2004/marzo/sab27/reloj.html

# From Evert van der Veer via Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-28):
# Cuba is not going back to standard time this year.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2004/septiembre/juev30/41medid-i.html
# says that it's due to a problem at the Antonio Guiteras
# thermoelectric plant, and says "This October there will be no return
# to normal hours (after daylight saving time)".
# For now, let's assume that it's a temporary measure.

# From Carlos A. Carnero Delgado (2005-11-12):
# This year (just like in 2004-2005) there's no change in time zone
# adjustment in Cuba.  We will stay in daylight saving time:
# http://www.granma.cu/espanol/2005/noviembre/mier9/horario.html

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-10-21):
# An article in GRANMA INTERNACIONAL claims that Cuba will end
# the 3 years of permanent DST next weekend, see
# http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2006/octubre/lun16/43horario.html
# "On Saturday night, October 28 going into Sunday, October 29, at 01:00,
# watches should be set back one hour - going back to 00:00 hours - returning
# to the normal schedule....

# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-02):
# <http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/english/news/art89.html>, dated yesterday,
# says Cuban clocks will advance at midnight on March 10.
# For lack of better information, assume Cuba will use US rules,
# except that it switches at midnight standard time as usual.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-10-25):
# Carlos Alberto Fonseca Arauz informed me that Cuba will end DST one week
# earlier - on the last Sunday of October, just like in 2006.
# He supplied these references:
# http://www.prensalatina.com.mx/article.asp?ID=%7B4CC32C1B-A9F7-42FB-8A07-8631AFC923AF%7D&language=ES
# http://actualidad.terra.es/sociedad/articulo/cuba_llama_ahorrar_energia_cambio_1957044.htm
# From Alex Krivenyshev (2007-10-25):
# Here is also article from Granma (Cuba):
# Regirá el Horario Normal desde el próximo domingo 28 de octubre
# http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2007/10/24/nacional/artic07.html
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_cuba03.html

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-09):
# I'm in Maryland which is now observing United States Eastern Daylight
# Time. At 9:44 local time I used RealPlayer to listen to
# http://media.enet.cu/radioreloj
# a Cuban information station, and heard
# the time announced as "ocho cuarenta y cuatro" ("eight forty-four"),
# indicating that Cuba is still on standard time.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-03-12):
# It seems that Cuba will start DST on Sunday, 2007-03-16...
# It was announced yesterday, according to this source (in Spanish):
# http://www.nnc.cubaweb.cu/marzo-2008/cien-1-11-3-08.htm
# Some more background information is posted here:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-starts-dst-march-16.html
# The article also says that Cuba has been observing DST since 1963,
# while Shanks (and tzdata) has 1965 as the first date (except in the
# 1940's). Many other web pages in Cuba also claim that it has been
# observed since 1963, but with the exception of 1970 - an exception
# which is not present in tzdata/Shanks. So there is a chance we need to
# change some historic records as well.
# One example:
# http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/noticias/mar07/11mar/hor.htm

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2008-03-13):
# The Cuban time change has just been confirmed on the most authoritative
# web site, the Granma.  Please check out
# http://www.granma.cubaweb.cu/2008/03/13/nacional/artic10.html
# Basically as expected after Steffen Thorsen's information, the change
# will take place midnight between Saturday and Sunday.

# From Arthur David Olson (2008-03-12):
# Assume Sun>=15 (third Sunday) going forward.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2009-03-04)
# According to the Radio Reloj - Cuba will start Daylight Saving Time on
# midnight between Saturday, March 07, 2009 and Sunday, March 08, 2009-
# not on midnight March 14 / March 15 as previously thought.
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_cuba05.html
# (in Spanish)

# From Arthur David Olson (2009-03-09)
# I listened over the Internet to
# http://media.enet.cu/readioreloj
# this morning; when it was 10:05 a. m. here in Bethesda, Maryland the
# the time was announced as "diez cinco" - the same time as here, indicating
# that has indeed switched to DST. Assume second Sunday from 2009 forward.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-03-08):
# Granma announced that Cuba is going to start DST on 2011-03-20 00:00:00
# this year. Nothing about the end date known so far (if that has
# changed at all).
# Source:
# http://granma.co.cu/2011/03/08/nacional/artic01.html
# Our info:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-starts-dst-2011.html
# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-10-30)
# Cuba will end DST two weeks later this year. Instead of going back
# tonight, it has been delayed to 2011-11-13 at 01:00.
# One source (Spanish)
# http://www.radioangulo.cu/noticias/cuba/17105-cuba-restablecera-el-horario-del-meridiano-de-greenwich.html
# Our page:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-time-changes-2011.html
# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-03-01)
# According to Radio Reloj, Cuba will start DST on Midnight between March
# 31 and April 1.
# Radio Reloj has the following info (Spanish):
# http://www.radioreloj.cu/index.php/noticias-radio-reloj/71-miscelaneas/7529-cuba-aplicara-el-horario-de-verano-desde-el-1-de-abril
# Our info on it:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/cuba-starts-dst-2012.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-11-03):
# Radio Reloj and many other sources report that Cuba is changing back
# to standard time on 2012-11-04:
# http://www.radioreloj.cu/index.php/noticias-radio-reloj/36-nacionales/9961-regira-horario-normal-en-cuba-desde-el-domingo-cuatro-de-noviembre
# From Paul Eggert (2012-11-03):
# For now, assume the future rule is first Sunday in November.

Rule	Cuba	1928	only	-	Jun	10	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1928	only	-	Oct	10	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1940	1942	-	Jun	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1940	1942	-	Sep	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1945	1946	-	Jun	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1945	1946	-	Sep	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1965	only	-	Jun	1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1965	only	-	Sep	30	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1966	only	-	May	29	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1966	only	-	Oct	2	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1967	only	-	Apr	8	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1967	1968	-	Sep	Sun>=8	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1968	only	-	Apr	14	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1969	1977	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1969	1971	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1972	1974	-	Oct	8	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1975	1977	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1978	only	-	May	7	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1978	1990	-	Oct	Sun>=8	0:00	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1979	1980	-	Mar	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1981	1985	-	May	Sun>=5	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1986	1989	-	Mar	Sun>=14	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1990	1997	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1991	1995	-	Oct	Sun>=8	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1996	only	-	Oct	 6	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1997	only	-	Oct	12	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	1998	1999	-	Mar	lastSun	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	1998	2003	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	2000	2003	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2004	only	-	Mar	lastSun	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2006	2010	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	2007	only	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2008	only	-	Mar	Sun>=15	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2009	2010	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2011	only	-	Mar	Sun>=15	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2011	only	-	Nov	13	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	2012	only	-	Apr	1	0:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Cuba	2012	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	0:00s	0	S
Rule	Cuba	2013	max	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:00s	1:00	D

Zone	America/Havana	-5:29:28 -	LMT	1890
			-5:29:36 -	HMT	1925 Jul 19 12:00 # Havana MT
			-5:00	Cuba	C%sT

# Dominica
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Dominican Republic

# From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-30):
# Enrique Morales reported to me that the Dominican Republic has changed the
# time zone to Eastern Standard Time as of Sunday 29 at 2 am....
# http://www.listin.com.do/antes/261000/republica/princi.html

# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
# That URL (2000-10-26, in Spanish) says they planned to use US-style DST.

# From Rives McDow (2000-12-01):
# Dominican Republic changed its mind and presidential decree on Tuesday,
# November 28, 2000, with a new decree.  On Sunday, December 3 at 1:00 AM the
# Dominican Republic will be reverting to 8 hours from the International Date
# Line, and will not be using DST in the foreseeable future.  The reason they
# decided to use DST was to be in synch with Puerto Rico, who was also going
# to implement DST.  When Puerto Rico didn't implement DST, the president
# decided to revert.

Rule	DR	1966	only	-	Oct	30	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	DR	1967	only	-	Feb	28	0:00	0	S
Rule	DR	1969	1973	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0:30	HD
Rule	DR	1970	only	-	Feb	21	0:00	0	S
Rule	DR	1971	only	-	Jan	20	0:00	0	S
Rule	DR	1972	1974	-	Jan	21	0:00	0	S
Zone America/Santo_Domingo -4:39:36 -	LMT	1890
			-4:40	-	SDMT	1933 Apr  1 12:00 # S. Dom. MT
			-5:00	DR	E%sT	1974 Oct 27
			-4:00	-	AST	2000 Oct 29  2:00
			-5:00	US	E%sT	2000 Dec  3  1:00
			-4:00	-	AST

# El Salvador

Rule	Salv	1987	1988	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Salv	1987	1988	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	S
# There are too many San Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/El_Salvador
# instead of America/San_Salvador.
Zone America/El_Salvador -5:56:48 -	LMT	1921 # San Salvador
			-6:00	Salv	C%sT

# Grenada
# Guadeloupe
# St Barthélemy
# St Martin (French part)
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Guatemala
# From Gwillim Law (2006-04-22), after a heads-up from Oscar van Vlijmen:
# Diario Co Latino, at
# <http://www.diariocolatino.com/internacionales/detalles.asp?NewsID=8079>,
# says in an article dated 2006-04-19 that the Guatemalan government had
# decided on that date to advance official time by 60 minutes, to lessen the
# impact of the elevated cost of oil....  Daylight saving time will last from
# 2006-04-29 24:00 (Guatemalan standard time) to 2006-09-30 (time unspecified).
# From Paul Eggert (2006-06-22):
# The Ministry of Energy and Mines, press release CP-15/2006
# (2006-04-19), says DST ends at 24:00.  See
# http://www.sieca.org.gt/Sitio_publico/Energeticos/Doc/Medidas/Cambio_Horario_Nac_190406.pdf

Rule	Guat	1973	only	-	Nov	25	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Guat	1974	only	-	Feb	24	0:00	0	S
Rule	Guat	1983	only	-	May	21	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Guat	1983	only	-	Sep	22	0:00	0	S
Rule	Guat	1991	only	-	Mar	23	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Guat	1991	only	-	Sep	 7	0:00	0	S
Rule	Guat	2006	only	-	Apr	30	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Guat	2006	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	S
Zone America/Guatemala	-6:02:04 -	LMT	1918 Oct 5
			-6:00	Guat	C%sT

# Haiti
# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-15):
# Risto O. Nykänen wrote me that Haiti is now on DST.
# I searched for confirmation, and I found a press release
# on the Web page of the Haitian Consulate in Chicago (2005-03-31),
# <http://www.haitianconsulate.org/time.doc>.  Translated from French, it says:
#  "The Prime Minister's Communication Office notifies the public in general
#   and the press in particular that, following a decision of the Interior
#   Ministry and the Territorial Collectivities [I suppose that means the
#   provinces], Haiti will move to Eastern Daylight Time in the night from next
#   Saturday the 2nd to Sunday the 3rd.
#  "Consequently, the Prime Minister's Communication Office wishes to inform
#   the population that the country's clocks will be set forward one hour
#   starting at midnight.  This provision will hold until the last Saturday in
#   October 2005.
#  "Port-au-Prince, March 31, 2005"
# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-04-04):
# I have been informed by users that Haiti observes DST this year like
# last year, so the current "only" rule for 2005 might be changed to a
# "max" rule or to last until 2006. (Who knows if they will observe DST
# next year or if they will extend their DST like US/Canada next year).
# I have found this article about it (in French):
# http://www.haitipressnetwork.com/news.cfm?articleID=7612
# The reason seems to be an energy crisis.

# From Stephen Colebourne (2007-02-22):
# Some IATA info: Haiti won't be having DST in 2007.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2012-03-11):
# According to several news sources, Haiti will observe DST this year,
# apparently using the same start and end date as USA/Canada.
# So this means they have already changed their time.
# http://www.alterpresse.org/spip.php?article12510
# http://radiovision2000haiti.net/home/?p=13253
# From Arthur David Olson (2012-03-11):
# The alterpresse.org source seems to show a US-style leap from 2:00 a.m. to
# 3:00 a.m. rather than the traditional Haitian jump at midnight.
# Assume a US-style fall back as well.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-03-10):
# It appears that Haiti is observing DST this year as well, same rules
# as US/Canada.  They did it last year as well, and it looks like they
# are going to observe DST every year now...
# http://radiovision2000haiti.net/public/haiti-avis-changement-dheure-dimanche/
# http://www.canalplushaiti.net/?p=6714

# From Steffen Thorsen (2016-03-12):
# Jean Antoine, editor of www.haiti-reference.com informed us that Haiti
# are not going on DST this year.  Several other resources confirm this: ...
# http://www.radiotelevisioncaraibes.com/presse/heure_d_t_pas_de_changement_d_heure_pr_vu_pour_cet_ann_e.html
# http://www.vantbefinfo.com/changement-dheure-pas-pour-haiti/
# http://news.anmwe.com/haiti-lheure-nationale-ne-sera-ni-avancee-ni-reculee-cette-annee/

Rule	Haiti	1983	only	-	May	8	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Haiti	1984	1987	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Haiti	1983	1987	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	S
# Shanks & Pottenger say AT is 2:00, but IATA SSIM (1991/1997) says 1:00s.
# Go with IATA.
Rule	Haiti	1988	1997	-	Apr	Sun>=1	1:00s	1:00	D
Rule	Haiti	1988	1997	-	Oct	lastSun	1:00s	0	S
Rule	Haiti	2005	2006	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Haiti	2005	2006	-	Oct	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Haiti	2012	2015	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Haiti	2012	2015	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S
Zone America/Port-au-Prince -4:49:20 -	LMT	1890
			-4:49	-	PPMT	1917 Jan 24 12:00 # P-a-P MT
			-5:00	Haiti	E%sT

# Honduras
# Shanks & Pottenger say 1921 Jan 1; go with Whitman's more precise Apr 1.

# From Paul Eggert (2006-05-05):
# worldtimezone.com reports a 2006-05-02 Spanish-language AP article
# saying Honduras will start using DST midnight Saturday, effective 4
# months until September.  La Tribuna reported today
# <http://www.latribuna.hn/99299.html> that Manuel Zelaya, the president
# of Honduras, refused to back down on this.

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-08-08):
# It seems that Honduras has returned from DST to standard time this Monday at
# 00:00 hours (prolonging Sunday to 25 hours duration).
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_honduras04.html

# From Paul Eggert (2006-08-08):
# Also see Diario El Heraldo, The country returns to standard time (2006-08-08).
# http://www.elheraldo.hn/nota.php?nid=54941&sec=12
# It mentions executive decree 18-2006.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2006-08-17):
# Honduras will observe DST from 2007 to 2009, exact dates are not
# published, I have located this authoritative source:
# http://www.presidencia.gob.hn/noticia.aspx?nId=47

# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-03-30):
# http://www.laprensahn.com/pais_nota.php?id04962=7386
# So it seems that Honduras will not enter DST this year....

Rule	Hond	1987	1988	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Hond	1987	1988	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	0	S
Rule	Hond	2006	only	-	May	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Hond	2006	only	-	Aug	Mon>=1	0:00	0	S
Zone America/Tegucigalpa -5:48:52 -	LMT	1921 Apr
			-6:00	Hond	C%sT
# Great Swan I ceded by US to Honduras in 1972

# Jamaica
# Shanks & Pottenger give -5:07:12, but Milne records -5:07:10.41 from an
# unspecified official document, and says "This time is used throughout the
# island".  Go with Milne.  Round to the nearest second as required by zic.
# Shanks & Pottenger give April 28 for the 1974 spring-forward transition, but
# Lance Neita writes that Prime Minister Michael Manley decreed it January 5.
# Assume Neita meant Jan 6 02:00, the same as the US.  Neita also writes that
# Manley's supporters associated this act with Manley's nickname "Joshua"
# (recall that in the Bible the sun stood still at Joshua's request),
# and with the Rod of Correction which Manley said he had received from
# Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia.  See:
# Neita L. The politician in all of us. Jamaica Observer 2014-09-20
# http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/columns/The-politician-in-all-of-us_17573647
Zone	America/Jamaica	-5:07:11 -	LMT	1890        # Kingston
			-5:07:11 -	KMT	1912 Feb    # Kingston Mean Time
			-5:00	-	EST	1974
			-5:00	US	E%sT	1984
			-5:00	-	EST

# Martinique
Zone America/Martinique	-4:04:20 -      LMT	1890        # Fort-de-France
			-4:04:20 -	FFMT	1911 May    # Fort-de-France MT
			-4:00	-	AST	1980 Apr  6
			-4:00	1:00	ADT	1980 Sep 28
			-4:00	-	AST

# Montserrat
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Nicaragua
# This uses Shanks & Pottenger for times before 2005.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-04-12):
# I've got reports from 8 different people that Nicaragua just started
# DST on Sunday 2005-04-10, in order to save energy because of
# expensive petroleum.  The exact end date for DST is not yet
# announced, only "September" but some sites also say "mid-September".
# Some background information is available on the President's official site:
# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/Presidencia/Files_index/Secretaria/Notas%20de%20Prensa/Presidente/2005/ABRIL/Gobierno-de-nicaragua-adelanta-hora-oficial-06abril.htm
# The Decree, no 23-2005 is available here:
# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/buscador_gaceta/BD/DECRETOS/2005/Decreto%2023-2005%20Se%20adelanta%20en%20una%20hora%20en%20todo%20el%20territorio%20nacional%20apartir%20de%20las%2024horas%20del%2009%20de%20Abril.pdf
# From Paul Eggert (2005-05-01):
# The decree doesn't say anything about daylight saving, but for now let's
# assume that it is daylight saving....
# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-21):
# The Associated Press story on the time change, which can be found at
# http://www.lapalmainteractivo.com/guias/content/gen/ap/America_Latina/AMC_GEN_NICARAGUA_HORA.html
# and elsewhere, says (fifth paragraph, translated from Spanish): "The last
# time that a change of clocks was applied to save energy was in the year 2000
# during the Arnoldo Alemán administration."...
# The northamerica file says that Nicaragua has been on UTC-6 continuously
# since December 1998.  I wasn't able to find any details of Nicaraguan time
# changes in 2000.  Perhaps a note could be added to the northamerica file, to
# the effect that we have indirect evidence that DST was observed in 2000.
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2005-11-02):
# Nicaragua left DST the 2005-10-02 at 00:00 (local time).
# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/presidencia/files_index/secretaria/comunicados/2005/septiembre/26septiembre-cambio-hora.htm
# (2005-09-26)
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-05-05):
# http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/2006/05/01/nacionales/18410
# (my informal translation)
# By order of the president of the republic, Enrique Bolaños, Nicaragua
# advanced by sixty minutes their official time, yesterday at 2 in the
# morning, and will stay that way until 30th of September.
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-09-30):
# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/buscador_gaceta/BD/DECRETOS/2006/D-063-2006P-PRN-Cambio-Hora.pdf
# My informal translation runs:
# The natural sun time is restored in all the national territory, in that the
# time is returned one hour at 01:00 am of October 1 of 2006.
Rule	Nic	1979	1980	-	Mar	Sun>=16	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Nic	1979	1980	-	Jun	Mon>=23	0:00	0	S
Rule	Nic	2005	only	-	Apr	10	0:00	1:00	D
Rule	Nic	2005	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	0	S
Rule	Nic	2006	only	-	Apr	30	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	Nic	2006	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	1:00	0	S
Zone	America/Managua	-5:45:08 -	LMT	1890
			-5:45:12 -	MMT	1934 Jun 23 # Managua Mean Time?
			-6:00	-	CST	1973 May
			-5:00	-	EST	1975 Feb 16
			-6:00	Nic	C%sT	1992 Jan  1  4:00
			-5:00	-	EST	1992 Sep 24
			-6:00	-	CST	1993
			-5:00	-	EST	1997
			-6:00	Nic	C%sT

# Panama
Zone	America/Panama	-5:18:08 -	LMT	1890
			-5:19:36 -	CMT	1908 Apr 22 # Colón Mean Time
			-5:00	-	EST
Link America/Panama America/Cayman

# Puerto Rico
# There are too many San Juans elsewhere, so we'll use 'Puerto_Rico'.
Zone America/Puerto_Rico -4:24:25 -	LMT	1899 Mar 28 12:00 # San Juan
			-4:00	-	AST	1942 May  3
			-4:00	US	A%sT	1946
			-4:00	-	AST

# St Kitts-Nevis
# St Lucia
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# St Pierre and Miquelon
# There are too many St Pierres elsewhere, so we'll use 'Miquelon'.
Zone America/Miquelon	-3:44:40 -	LMT	1911 May 15 # St Pierre
			-4:00	-	AST	1980 May
			-3:00	-	PMST	1987 # Pierre & Miquelon Time
			-3:00	Canada	PM%sT

# St Vincent and the Grenadines
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Turks and Caicos
# From Chris Dunn in
# http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=415007
# (2007-03-15): In the Turks & Caicos Islands (America/Grand_Turk) the
# daylight saving dates for time changes have been adjusted to match
# the recent U.S. change of dates.
# From Brian Inglis (2007-04-28):
# http://www.turksandcaicos.tc/calendar/index.htm [2007-04-26]
# there is an entry for Nov 4 "Daylight Savings Time Ends 2007" and three
# rows before that there is an out of date entry for Oct:
# "Eastern Standard Times Begins 2007
# Clocks are set back one hour at 2:00 a.m. local Daylight Saving Time"
# indicating that the normal ET rules are followed.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-19):
# The 2014-08-13 Cabinet meeting decided to stay on UT -04 year-round.  See:
# http://tcweeklynews.com/daylight-savings-time-to-be-maintained-p5353-127.htm
# Model this as a switch from EST/EDT to AST ...
# From Chris Walton (2014-11-04):
# ... the TCI government appears to have delayed the switch to
# "permanent daylight saving time" by one year....
# http://tcweeklynews.com/time-change-to-go-ahead-this-november-p5437-127.htm
Zone America/Grand_Turk	-4:44:32 -	LMT	1890
			-5:07:11 -	KMT	1912 Feb # Kingston Mean Time
			-5:00	-	EST	1979
			-5:00	US	E%sT	2015 Nov Sun>=1 2:00
			-4:00	-	AST

# British Virgin Is
# Virgin Is
# See America/Port_of_Spain.

# Local Variables:
# coding: utf-8
# End:
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
# tz@iana.org for general use in the future).  For more, please see
# the file CONTRIBUTING in the tz distribution.

# From Paul Eggert (2014-10-31):
# Unless otherwise specified, the source for data through 1990 is:
# Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition),
# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003).
# Unfortunately this book contains many errors and cites no sources.
# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
# published semiannually.  Law sent in several helpful summaries
# of the IATA's data after 1990.  Except where otherwise noted,
# IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
# For data circa 1899, a common source is:
# Milne J. Civil time. Geogr J. 1899 Feb;13(2):173-94.
# http://www.jstor.org/stable/1774359
# Earlier editions of these tables used the North American style (e.g. ARST and
# ARDT for Argentine Standard and Daylight Time), but the following quote
# suggests that it's better to use European style (e.g. ART and ARST).
#	I suggest the use of _Summer time_ instead of the more cumbersome
#	_daylight-saving time_.  _Summer time_ seems to be in general use
#	in Europe and South America.
#	-- E O Cutler, _New York Times_ (1937-02-14), quoted in
#	H L Mencken, _The American Language: Supplement I_ (1960), p 466
# Earlier editions of these tables also used the North American style
# for time zones in Brazil, but this was incorrect, as Brazilians say
# "summer time".  Reinaldo Goulart, a São Paulo businessman active in
# the railroad sector, writes (1999-07-06):
#	The subject of time zones is currently a matter of discussion/debate in
#	Brazil.  Let's say that "the Brasília time" is considered the
#	"official time" because Brasília is the capital city.
#	The other three time zones are called "Brasília time "minus one" or
#	"plus one" or "plus two".  As far as I know there is no such
#	name/designation as "Eastern Time" or "Central Time".
# So I invented the following (English-language) abbreviations for now.
# Corrections are welcome!
#		std	dst
#	-2:00	FNT	FNST	Fernando de Noronha
#	-3:00	BRT	BRST	Brasília
#	-4:00	AMT	AMST	Amazon
#	-5:00	ACT	ACST	Acre



# Argentina

# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
# Argentina: first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April since 1976.
# Double Summer time from 1969 to 1974.  Switches at midnight.

# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1988-01-19):
# ARGENTINA           3 H BEHIND   UTC

# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
# I am sending modifications to the Argentine time zone table...
# AR was chosen because they are the ISO letters that represent Argentina.

Rule	Arg	1930	only	-	Dec	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1931	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1931	only	-	Oct	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1932	1940	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1932	1939	-	Nov	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1940	only	-	Jul	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1941	only	-	Jun	15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1941	only	-	Oct	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1943	only	-	Aug	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1943	only	-	Oct	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1946	only	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1946	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1963	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1963	only	-	Dec	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1964	1966	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1964	1966	-	Oct	15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1967	only	-	Apr	 2	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1967	1968	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1968	1969	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1974	only	-	Jan	23	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	1974	only	-	May	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1988	only	-	Dec	 1	0:00	1:00	S
# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
# These corrections were contributed by InterSoft Argentina S.A.,
# obtaining the data from the:
# Talleres de Hidrografía Naval Argentina
# (Argentine Naval Hydrography Institute)
Rule	Arg	1989	1993	-	Mar	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	1989	1992	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
# From this moment on, the law that mandated the daylight saving
# time corrections was derogated and no more modifications
# to the time zones (for daylight saving) are now made.
# From Rives McDow (2000-01-10):
# On October 3, 1999, 0:00 local, Argentina implemented daylight savings time,
# which did not result in the switch of a time zone, as they stayed 9 hours
# from the International Date Line.
Rule	Arg	1999	only	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
# From Paul Eggert (2007-12-28):
# DST was set to expire on March 5, not March 3, but since it was converted
# to standard time on March 3 it's more convenient for us to pretend that
# it ended on March 3.
Rule	Arg	2000	only	-	Mar	3	0:00	0	-
# From Peter Gradelski via Steffen Thorsen (2000-03-01):
# We just checked with our São Paulo office and they say the government of
# Argentina decided not to become one of the countries that go on or off DST.
# So Buenos Aires should be -3 hours from GMT at all times.
# From Fabián L. Arce Jofré (2000-04-04):
# The law that claimed DST for Argentina was derogated by President Fernando
# de la Rúa on March 2, 2000, because it would make people spend more energy
# in the winter time, rather than less.  The change took effect on March 3.
# From Mariano Absatz (2001-06-06):
# one of the major newspapers here in Argentina said that the 1999
# Timezone Law (which never was effectively applied) will (would?) be
# in effect.... The article is at
# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-06/e-01701.htm
# ... The Law itself is "Ley No. 25155", sanctioned on 1999-08-25, enacted
# 1999-09-17, and published 1999-09-21.  The official publication is at:
# http://www.boletin.jus.gov.ar/BON/Primera/1999/09-Septiembre/21/PDF/BO21-09-99LEG.PDF
# Regretfully, you have to subscribe (and pay) for the on-line version....
# (2001-06-12):
# the timezone for Argentina will not change next Sunday.
# Apparently it will do so on Sunday 24th....
# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-12/s-03501.htm
# (2001-06-25):
# Last Friday (yes, the last working day before the date of the change), the
# Senate annulled the 1999 law that introduced the changes later postponed.
# http://www.clarin.com.ar/diario/2001-06-22/s-03601.htm
# It remains the vote of the Deputies..., but it will be the same....
# This kind of things had always been done this way in Argentina.
# We are still -03:00 all year round in all of the country.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-12-21):
# A user (Leonardo Chaim) reported that Argentina will adopt DST....
# all of the country (all Zone-entries) are affected.  News reports like
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/opinion/nota.asp?nota_id=973037 indicate
# that Argentina will use DST next year as well, from October to
# March, although exact rules are not given.
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2007-12-26)
# The last hurdle of Argentina DST is over, the proposal was approved in
# the lower chamber too (Diputados) with a vote 192 for and 2 against.
# By the way thanks to Mariano Absatz and Daniel Mario Vega for the link to
# the original scanned proposal, where the dates and the zero hours are
# clear and unambiguous...This is the article about final approval:
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=973996
# From Paul Eggert (2007-12-22):
# For dates after mid-2008, the following rules are my guesses and
# are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2008-09-05):
# As per message from Carlos Alberto Fonseca Arauz (Nicaragua),
# Argentina will start DST on Sunday October 19, 2008.
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina03.html
# http://www.impulsobaires.com.ar/nota.php?id=57832 (in spanish)

# From Juan Manuel Docile in https://bugs.gentoo.org/240339 (2008-10-07)
# via Rodrigo Severo:
# Argentinian law No. 25.155 is no longer valid.
# http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/60000-64999/60036/norma.htm
# The new one is law No. 26.350
# http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/135000-139999/136191/norma.htm
# So there is no summer time in Argentina for now.

# From Mariano Absatz (2008-10-20):
# Decree 1693/2008 applies Law 26.350 for the summer 2008/2009 establishing DST
# in Argentina from 2008-10-19 until 2009-03-15.
# http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=16102008&pi=3&pf=4&s=0&sec=01

# Decree 1705/2008 excepting 12 Provinces from applying DST in the summer
# 2008/2009: Catamarca, La Rioja, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, La
# Pampa, Neuquén, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego
# http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=17102008&pi=1&pf=1&s=0&sec=01
# Press release 235 dated Saturday October 18th, from the Government of the
# Province of Jujuy saying it will not apply DST either (even when it was not
# included in Decree 1705/2008).
# http://www.jujuy.gov.ar/index2/partes_prensa/18_10_08/235-181008.doc

# From fullinet (2009-10-18):
# As announced in
# http://www.argentina.gob.ar/argentina/portal/paginas.dhtml?pagina=356
# (an official .gob.ar) under title: "Sin Cambio de Hora"
# (English: "No hour change").
# "Por el momento, el Gobierno Nacional resolvió no modificar la hora
# oficial, decisión que estaba en estudio para su implementación el
# domingo 18 de octubre. Desde el Ministerio de Planificación se anunció
# que la Argentina hoy, en estas condiciones meteorológicas, no necesita
# la modificación del huso horario, ya que 2009 nos encuentra con
# crecimiento en la producción y distribución energética."

Rule	Arg	2007	only	-	Dec	30	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Arg	2008	2009	-	Mar	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Arg	2008	only	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S

# From Mariano Absatz (2004-05-21):
# Today it was officially published that the Province of Mendoza is changing
# its timezone this winter... starting tomorrow night....
# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040521-27158-normas.pdf
# From Paul Eggert (2004-05-24):
# It's Law No. 7,210.  This change is due to a public power emergency, so for
# now we'll assume it's for this year only.
# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-09):
# Hora de verano para la República Argentina
# http://buenasiembra.com.ar/esoterismo/astrologia/hora-de-verano-de-la-republica-argentina-27.html
# says that standard time in Argentina from 1894-10-31
# to 1920-05-01 was -4:16:48.25.  Go with this more-precise value
# over Shanks & Pottenger.
# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-05):
# These media articles from a major newspaper mostly cover the current state:
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/27/de_604825.asp
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/28/de_605203.asp
# The following eight (8) provinces pulled clocks back to UTC-04:00 at
# midnight Monday May 31st. (that is, the night between 05/31 and 06/01).
# Apparently, all nine provinces would go back to UTC-03:00 at the same
# time in October 17th.
# Catamarca, Chubut, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz,
# Tierra del Fuego, Tucumán.
# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-14):
# ... this weekend, the Province of Tucumán decided it'd go back to UTC-03:00
# yesterday midnight (that is, at 24:00 Saturday 12th), since the people's
# annoyance with the change is much higher than the power savings obtained....
# From Gwillim Law (2004-06-14):
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/06/10/de_609078.asp ...
#     "The time change in Tierra del Fuego was a conflicted decision from
#   the start.  The government had decreed that the measure would take
#   effect on June 1, but a normative error forced the new time to begin
#   three days earlier, from a Saturday to a Sunday....
# Our understanding was that the change was originally scheduled to take place
# on June 1 at 00:00 in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (and some other
# provinces).  Sunday was May 30, only two days earlier.  So the article
# contains a contradiction.  I would give more credence to the Saturday/Sunday
# date than the "three days earlier" phrase, and conclude that Tierra del
# Fuego set its clocks back at 2004-05-30 00:00.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-05):
# The previous law 7210 which changed the province of Mendoza's time zone
# back in May have been modified slightly in a new law 7277, which set the
# new end date to 2004-09-26 (original date was 2004-10-17).
# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040924-27244-normas.pdf
# From Mariano Absatz (2004-10-05):
# San Juan changed from UTC-03:00 to UTC-04:00 at midnight between
# Sunday, May 30th and Monday, May 31st.  It changed back to UTC-03:00
# at midnight between Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th....
# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000329.html
# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000426.html
# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000441.html

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-01-17):
# Here are articles that Argentina Province San Luis is planning to end DST
# as earlier as upcoming Monday January 21, 2008 or February 2008:
# Provincia argentina retrasa reloj y marca diferencia con resto del país
# (Argentine Province delayed clock and mark difference with the rest of the
# country)
# http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200801171849_EFE_ET4373&idtel
# Es inminente que en San Luis atrasen una hora los relojes
# (It is imminent in San Luis clocks one hour delay)
# http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/253414/Economia/Es-inminente-que-en-San-Luis-atrasen-una-hora-los-relojes.html
# http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_argentina02.html

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2008-01-18):
# The page of the San Luis provincial government
# http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=0&id=22812
# confirms what Alex Krivenyshev has earlier sent to the tz
# emailing list about that San Luis plans to return to standard
# time much earlier than the rest of the country. It also
# confirms that upon request the provinces San Juan and Mendoza
# refused to follow San Luis in this change.
# The change is supposed to take place Monday the 21st at 0:00
# hours. As far as I understand it if this goes ahead, we need
# a new timezone for San Luis (although there are also documented
# independent changes in the southamerica file of San Luis in
# 1990 and 1991 which has not been confirmed).

# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2008-01-25):
# Unfortunately the below page has become defunct, about the San Luis
# time change. Perhaps because it now is part of a group of pages "Most
# important pages of 2008."
# You can use
# http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=8141&id=22834
# instead it seems. Or use "Buscador" from the main page of the San Luis
# government, and fill in "huso" and click OK, and you will get 3 pages
# from which the first one is identical to the above.

# From Mariano Absatz (2008-01-28):
# I can confirm that the Province of San Luis (and so far only that
# province) decided to go back to UTC-3 effective midnight Jan 20th 2008
# (that is, Monday 21st at 0:00 is the time the clocks were delayed back
# 1 hour), and they intend to keep UTC-3 as their timezone all year round
# (that is, unless they change their mind any minute now).
# So we'll have to add yet another city to 'southamerica' (I think San
# Luis city is the mos populated city in the Province, so it'd be
# America/Argentina/San_Luis... of course I can't remember if San Luis's
# history of particular changes goes along with Mendoza or San Juan :-(
# (I only remember not being able to collect hard facts about San Luis
# back in 2004, when these provinces changed to UTC-4 for a few days, I
# mailed them personally and never got an answer).

# From Paul Eggert (2014-08-12):
# Unless otherwise specified, data entries are from Shanks & Pottenger through
# 1992, from the IATA otherwise.  As noted below, Shanks & Pottenger say that
# America/Cordoba split into 6 subregions during 1991/1992, one of which
# was America/San_Luis, but we haven't verified this yet so for now we'll
# keep America/Cordoba a single region rather than splitting it into the
# other 5 subregions.

# From Mariano Absatz (2009-03-13):
# Yesterday (with our usual 2-day notice) the Province of San Luis
# decided that next Sunday instead of "staying" @utc-03:00 they will go
# to utc-04:00 until the second Saturday in October...
# The press release is at
# http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/SL/Paginas/NoticiaDetalle.asp?TemaId=1&InfoPrensaId=3102
# (I couldn't find the decree, but www.sanluis.gov.ar
# is the official page for the Province Government.)
# There's also a note in only one of the major national papers ...
# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1107912
# The press release says [quick and dirty translation]:
# ... announced that next Sunday, at 00:00, Puntanos (the San Luis
# inhabitants) will have to turn back one hour their clocks
# Since then, San Luis will establish its own Province timezone. Thus,
# during 2009, this timezone change will run from 00:00 the third Sunday
# in March until 24:00 of the second Saturday in October.

# From Mariano Absatz (2009-10-16):
# ...the Province of San Luis is a case in itself.
# The Law at
# http://www.diputadossanluis.gov.ar/diputadosasp/paginas/verNorma.asp?NormaID=276
# is ambiguous because establishes a calendar from the 2nd Sunday in
# October at 0:00 thru the 2nd Saturday in March at 24:00 and the
# complement of that starting on the 2nd Sunday of March at 0:00 and
# ending on the 2nd Saturday of March at 24:00.
# This clearly breaks every time the 1st of March or October is a Sunday.
# IMHO, the "spirit of the Law" is to make the changes at 0:00 on the 2nd
# Sunday of October and March.
# The problem is that the changes in the rest of the Provinces that did
# change in 2007/2008, were made according to the Federal Law and Decrees
# that did so on the 3rd Sunday of October and March.
# In fact, San Luis actually switched from UTC-4 to UTC-3 last Sunday
# (October 11th) at 0:00.
# So I guess a new set of rules, besides "Arg", must be made and the last
# America/Argentina/San_Luis entries should change to use these...
# I'm enclosing a patch that does what I say... regretfully, the San Luis
# timezone must be called "WART/WARST" even when most of the time (like,
# right now) WARST == ART... that is, since last Sunday, all the country
# is using UTC-3, but in my patch, San Luis calls it "WARST" and the rest
# of the country calls it "ART".
# ...

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-04-09):
# According to news reports from El Diario de la República Province San
# Luis, Argentina (standard time UTC-04) will keep Daylight Saving Time
# after April 11, 2010 - will continue to have same time as rest of
# Argentina (UTC-3) (no DST).
# Confirmaron la prórroga del huso horario de verano (Spanish)
# http://www.eldiariodelarepublica.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=29383&Itemid=9
# or (some English translation):
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina08.html

# From Mariano Absatz (2010-04-12):
# yes...I can confirm this...and given that San Luis keeps calling
# UTC-03:00 "summer time", we should't just let San Luis go back to "Arg"
# rules...San Luis is still using "Western ARgentina Time" and it got
# stuck on Summer daylight savings time even though the summer is over.

# From Paul Eggert (2013-09-05):
# Perhaps San Luis operates on the legal fiction that it is at -04
# with perpetual summer time, but ordinary usage typically seems to
# just say it's at -03; see, for example,
# http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hora_oficial_argentina
# We've documented similar situations as being plain changes to
# standard time, so let's do that here too.  This does not change UTC
# offsets, only tm_isdst and the time zone abbreviations.  One minor
# plus is that this silences a zic complaint that there's no POSIX TZ
# setting for time stamps past 2038.

# From Paul Eggert (2013-02-21):
# Milne says Córdoba time was -4:16:48.2.  Round to the nearest second.

# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF),
Zone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May    # Córdoba Mean Time
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT
# Córdoba (CB), Santa Fe (SF), Entre Ríos (ER), Corrientes (CN), Misiones (MN),
# Chaco (CC), Formosa (FM), Santiago del Estero (SE)
# Shanks & Pottenger also make the following claims, which we haven't verified:
# - Formosa switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-07.
# - Misiones switched to -3:00 on 1990-12-29.
# - Chaco switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-04.
# - Santiago del Estero switched to -4:00 on 1991-04-01,
#   then to -3:00 on 1991-04-26.
Zone America/Argentina/Cordoba -4:16:48 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  3
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT
# Salta (SA), La Pampa (LP), Neuquén (NQ), Rio Negro (RN)
Zone America/Argentina/Salta -4:21:40 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  3
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# Tucumán (TM)
Zone America/Argentina/Tucuman -4:20:52 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  3
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jun 13
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT
# La Rioja (LR)
Zone America/Argentina/La_Rioja -4:27:24 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  1
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 May  7
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jun 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# San Juan (SJ)
Zone America/Argentina/San_Juan -4:34:04 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  1
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 May  7
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 May 31
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jul 25
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# Jujuy (JY)
Zone America/Argentina/Jujuy -4:21:12 -	LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1990 Mar  4
			-4:00	-	WART	1990 Oct 28
			-4:00	1:00	WARST	1991 Mar 17
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct  6
			-3:00	1:00	ARST	1992
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# Catamarca (CT), Chubut (CH)
Zone America/Argentina/Catamarca -4:23:08 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1991 Mar  3
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jun 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# Mendoza (MZ)
Zone America/Argentina/Mendoza -4:35:16 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1990 Mar  4
			-4:00	-	WART	1990 Oct 15
			-4:00	1:00	WARST	1991 Mar  1
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Oct 15
			-4:00	1:00	WARST	1992 Mar  1
			-4:00	-	WART	1992 Oct 18
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 May 23
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Sep 26
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# San Luis (SL)

Rule	SanLuis	2008	2009	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:00	0	-
Rule	SanLuis	2007	2008	-	Oct	Sun>=8	0:00	1:00	S

Zone America/Argentina/San_Luis -4:25:24 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1990
			-3:00	1:00	ARST	1990 Mar 14
			-4:00	-	WART	1990 Oct 15
			-4:00	1:00	WARST	1991 Mar  1
			-4:00	-	WART	1991 Jun  1
			-3:00	-	ART	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	1:00	WARST	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 May 31
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jul 25
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Jan 21
			-4:00	SanLuis	WAR%sT	2009 Oct 11
			-3:00	-	ART
# Santa Cruz (SC)
Zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May    # Córdoba Mean Time
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 Jun  1
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jun 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART
# Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur (TF)
Zone America/Argentina/Ushuaia -4:33:12 - LMT	1894 Oct 31
			-4:16:48 -	CMT	1920 May    # Córdoba Mean Time
			-4:00	-	ART	1930 Dec
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1999 Oct  3
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	2000 Mar  3
			-3:00	-	ART	2004 May 30
			-4:00	-	WART	2004 Jun 20
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	2008 Oct 18
			-3:00	-	ART

# Aruba
Link America/Curacao America/Aruba

# Bolivia
Zone	America/La_Paz	-4:32:36 -	LMT	1890
			-4:32:36 -	CMT	1931 Oct 15 # Calamarca MT
			-4:32:36 1:00	BOST	1932 Mar 21 # Bolivia ST
			-4:00	-	BOT	# Bolivia Time

# Brazil

# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
# The mayor of Rio recently attempted to change the time zone rules
# just in his city, in order to leave more summer time for the tourist trade.
# The rule change lasted only part of the day;
# the federal government refused to follow the city's rules, and business
# was in a chaos, so the mayor backed down that afternoon.

# From IATA SSIM (1996-02):
# _Only_ the following states in BR1 observe DST: Rio Grande do Sul (RS),
# Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ),
# Espírito Santo (ES), Minas Gerais (MG), Bahia (BA), Goiás (GO),
# Distrito Federal (DF), Tocantins (TO), Sergipe [SE] and Alagoas [AL].
# [The last three states are new to this issue of the IATA SSIM.]

# From Gwillim Law (1996-10-07):
# Geography, history (Tocantins was part of Goiás until 1989), and other
# sources of time zone information lead me to believe that AL, SE, and TO were
# always in BR1, and so the only change was whether or not they observed DST....
# The earliest issue of the SSIM I have is 2/91.  Each issue from then until
# 9/95 says that DST is observed only in the ten states I quoted from 9/95,
# along with Mato Grosso (MT) and Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), which are in BR2
# (UTC-4)....  The other two time zones given for Brazil are BR3, which is
# UTC-5, no DST, and applies only in the state of Acre (AC); and BR4, which is
# UTC-2, and applies to Fernando de Noronha (formerly FN, but I believe it's
# become part of the state of Pernambuco).  The boundary between BR1 and BR2
# has never been clearly stated.  They've simply been called East and West.
# However, some conclusions can be drawn from another IATA manual: the Airline
# Coding Directory, which lists close to 400 airports in Brazil.  For each
# airport it gives a time zone which is coded to the SSIM.  From that
# information, I'm led to conclude that the states of Amapá (AP), Ceará (CE),
# Maranhão (MA), Paraíba (PR), Pernambuco (PE), Piauí (PI), and Rio Grande do
# Norte (RN), and the eastern part of Pará (PA) are all in BR1 without DST.

# From Marcos Tadeu (1998-09-27):
# Brazilian official page <http://pcdsh01.on.br/verao1.html>

# From Jesper Nørgaard (2000-11-03):
# [For an official list of which regions in Brazil use which time zones, see:]
# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbr.htm
# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbrhv.htm

# From Celso Doria via David Madeo (2002-10-09):
# The reason for the delay this year has to do with elections in Brazil.
# Unlike in the United States, elections in Brazil are 100% computerized and
# the results are known almost immediately.  Yesterday, it was the first
# round of the elections when 115 million Brazilians voted for President,
# Governor, Senators, Federal Deputies, and State Deputies.  Nobody is
# counting (or re-counting) votes anymore and we know there will be a second
# round for the Presidency and also for some Governors.  The 2nd round will
# take place on October 27th.
# The reason why the DST will only begin November 3rd is that the thousands
# of electoral machines used cannot have their time changed, and since the
# Constitution says the elections must begin at 8:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM,
# the Government decided to postpone DST, instead of changing the Constitution
# (maybe, for the next elections, it will be possible to change the clock)...

# From Rodrigo Severo (2004-10-04):
# It's just the biannual change made necessary by the much hyped, supposedly
# modern Brazilian eletronic voting machines which, apparently, can't deal
# with a time change between the first and the second rounds of the elections.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2007-09-20):
# Brazil will start DST on 2007-10-14 00:00 and end on 2008-02-17 00:00:
# http://www.mme.gov.br/site/news/detail.do;jsessionid=BBA06811AFCAAC28F0285210913513DA?newsId=13975

# From Paul Schulze (2008-06-24):
# ...by law number 11.662 of April 24, 2008 (published in the "Diario
# Oficial da União"...) in Brazil there are changes in the timezones,
# effective today (00:00am at June 24, 2008) as follows:
# a) The timezone UTC+5 is extinguished, with all the Acre state and the
# part of the Amazonas state that had this timezone now being put to the
# timezone UTC+4
# b) The whole Pará state now is put at timezone UTC+3, instead of just
# part of it, as was before.
# This change follows a proposal of senator Tiao Viana of Acre state, that
# proposed it due to concerns about open television channels displaying
# programs inappropriate to youths in the states that had the timezone
# UTC+5 too early in the night. In the occasion, some more corrections
# were proposed, trying to unify the timezones of any given state. This
# change modifies timezone rules defined in decree 2.784 of 18 June,
# 1913.

# From Rodrigo Severo (2008-06-24):
# Just correcting the URL:
# https://www.in.gov.br/imprensa/visualiza/index.jsp?jornal=do&secao=1&pagina=1&data=25/04/2008
# As a result of the above Decree I believe the America/Rio_Branco
# timezone shall be modified from UTC-5 to UTC-4 and a new timezone shall
# be created to represent the...west side of the Pará State. I
# suggest this new timezone be called Santarem as the most
# important/populated city in the affected area.
# This new timezone would be the same as the Rio_Branco timezone up to
# the 2008/06/24 change which would be to UTC-3 instead of UTC-4.

# From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-06-24):
# This is a quick reference page for New and Old Brazil Time Zones map.
# http://www.worldtimezone.com/brazil-time-new-old.php
# - 4 time zones replaced by 3 time zones - eliminating time zone UTC-05
# (state Acre and the part of the Amazonas will be UTC/GMT-04) - western
# part of Par state is moving to one timezone UTC-03 (from UTC-04).

# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-10):
# The official decrees referenced below are mostly taken from
# Decretos sobre o Horário de Verão no Brasil.
# http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2008-08-29):
# As announced by the government and many newspapers in Brazil late
# yesterday, Brazil will start DST on 2008-10-19 (need to change rule) and
# it will end on 2009-02-15 (current rule for Brazil is fine). Based on
# past years experience with the elections, there was a good chance that
# the start was postponed to November, but it did not happen this year.
# It has not yet been posted to http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html
# An official page about it:
# http://www.mme.gov.br/site/news/detail.do?newsId=16722
# Note that this link does not always work directly, but must be accessed
# by going to
# http://www.mme.gov.br/first
# One example link that works directly:
# http://jornale.com.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13530&Itemid=54
# (Portuguese)
# We have a written a short article about it as well:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/brazil-dst-2008-2009.html
# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-10-04):
# State Bahia will return to Daylight savings time this year after 8 years off.
# The announcement was made by Governor Jaques Wagner in an interview to a
# television station in Salvador.

# In Portuguese:
# http://g1.globo.com/bahia/noticia/2011/10/governador-jaques-wagner-confirma-horario-de-verao-na-bahia.html
# http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/noticias/0,,OI5390887-EI8139,00-Bahia+volta+a+ter+horario+de+verao+apos+oito+anos.html

# From Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues (2011-10-07):
# There is news in the media, however there is still no decree about it.
# I just send a e-mail to Zulmira Brandao at http://pcdsh01.on.br/ the
# official agency about time in Brazil, and she confirmed that the old rule is
# still in force.

# From Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues (2011-10-14)
# It's official, the President signed a decree that includes Bahia in summer
# time.
#	 [ and in a second message (same day): ]
# I found the decree.
# DECRETO No. 7.584, DE 13 DE OUTUBRO DE 2011
# Link :
# http://www.in.gov.br/visualiza/index.jsp?data=13/10/2011&jornal=1000&pagina=6&totalArquivos=6

# From Kelley Cook (2012-10-16):
# The governor of state of Bahia in Brazil announced on Thursday that
# due to public pressure, he is reversing the DST policy they implemented
# last year and will not be going to Summer Time on October 21st....
# http://www.correio24horas.com.br/r/artigo/apos-pressoes-wagner-suspende-horario-de-verao-na-bahia

# From Rodrigo Severo (2012-10-16):
# Tocantins state will have DST.
# http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/noticias/0,,OI6232536-EI306.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-09-20):
# Tocantins in Brazil is very likely not to observe DST from October....
# http://conexaoto.com.br/2013/09/18/ministerio-confirma-que-tocantins-esta-fora-do-horario-de-verao-em-2013-mas-falta-publicacao-de-decreto
# We will keep this article updated when this is confirmed:
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/brazil-starts-dst-2013.html

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-10-17):
# http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/acre-amazonas-change-time-zone.html
# Senator Jorge Viana announced that Acre will change time zone on November 10.
# He did not specify the time of the change, nor if western parts of Amazonas
# will change as well.
# From Paul Eggert (2013-10-17):
# For now, assume western Amazonas will change as well.

# Decree 20,466 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV20466.htm> (1931-10-01)
# Decree 21,896 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV21896.htm> (1932-01-10)
Rule	Brazil	1931	only	-	Oct	 3	11:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1932	1933	-	Apr	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	1932	only	-	Oct	 3	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 23,195 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV23195.htm> (1933-10-10)
# revoked DST.
# Decree 27,496 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV27496.htm> (1949-11-24)
# Decree 27,998 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV27998.htm> (1950-04-13)
Rule	Brazil	1949	1952	-	Dec	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1950	only	-	Apr	16	 1:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	1951	1952	-	Apr	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 32,308 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV32308.htm> (1953-02-24)
Rule	Brazil	1953	only	-	Mar	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 34,724 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV34724.htm> (1953-11-30)
# revoked DST.
# Decree 52,700 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV52700.htm> (1963-10-18)
# established DST from 1963-10-23 00:00 to 1964-02-29 00:00
# in SP, RJ, GB, MG, ES, due to the prolongation of the drought.
# Decree 53,071 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV53071.htm> (1963-12-03)
# extended the above decree to all of the national territory on 12-09.
Rule	Brazil	1963	only	-	Dec	 9	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 53,604 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV53604.htm> (1964-02-25)
# extended summer time by one day to 1964-03-01 00:00 (start of school).
Rule	Brazil	1964	only	-	Mar	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 55,639 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV55639.htm> (1965-01-27)
Rule	Brazil	1965	only	-	Jan	31	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1965	only	-	Mar	31	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 57,303 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV57303.htm> (1965-11-22)
Rule	Brazil	1965	only	-	Dec	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 57,843 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV57843.htm> (1966-02-18)
Rule	Brazil	1966	1968	-	Mar	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	1966	1967	-	Nov	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 63,429 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV63429.htm> (1968-10-15)
# revoked DST.
# Decree 91,698 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV91698.htm> (1985-09-27)
Rule	Brazil	1985	only	-	Nov	 2	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 92,310 (1986-01-21)
# Decree 92,463 (1986-03-13)
Rule	Brazil	1986	only	-	Mar	15	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 93,316 (1986-10-01)
Rule	Brazil	1986	only	-	Oct	25	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1987	only	-	Feb	14	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 94,922 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV94922.htm> (1987-09-22)
Rule	Brazil	1987	only	-	Oct	25	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1988	only	-	Feb	 7	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 96,676 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV96676.htm> (1988-09-12)
# except for the states of AC, AM, PA, RR, RO, and AP (then a territory)
Rule	Brazil	1988	only	-	Oct	16	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1989	only	-	Jan	29	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 98,077 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV98077.htm> (1989-08-21)
# with the same exceptions
Rule	Brazil	1989	only	-	Oct	15	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1990	only	-	Feb	11	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 99,530 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV99530.htm> (1990-09-17)
# adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, GO, MS, DF.
# Decree 99,629 (1990-10-19) adds BA, MT.
Rule	Brazil	1990	only	-	Oct	21	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1991	only	-	Feb	17	 0:00	0	-
# Unnumbered decree <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1991.htm> (1991-09-25)
# adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, BA, GO, MT, MS, DF.
Rule	Brazil	1991	only	-	Oct	20	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1992	only	-	Feb	 9	 0:00	0	-
# Unnumbered decree <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1992.htm> (1992-10-16)
# adopted by same states.
Rule	Brazil	1992	only	-	Oct	25	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1993	only	-	Jan	31	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 942 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV942.htm> (1993-09-28)
# adopted by same states, plus AM.
# Decree 1,252 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1252.htm> (1994-09-22;
# web page corrected 2004-01-07) adopted by same states, minus AM.
# Decree 1,636 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1636.htm> (1995-09-14)
# adopted by same states, plus MT and TO.
# Decree 1,674 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1674.htm> (1995-10-13)
# adds AL, SE.
Rule	Brazil	1993	1995	-	Oct	Sun>=11	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1994	1995	-	Feb	Sun>=15	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	1996	only	-	Feb	11	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 2,000 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV2000.htm> (1996-09-04)
# adopted by same states, minus AL, SE.
Rule	Brazil	1996	only	-	Oct	 6	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1997	only	-	Feb	16	 0:00	0	-
# From Daniel C. Sobral (1998-02-12):
# In 1997, the DS began on October 6. The stated reason was that
# because international television networks ignored Brazil's policy on DS,
# they bought the wrong times on satellite for coverage of Pope's visit.
# This year, the ending date of DS was postponed to March 1
# to help dealing with the shortages of electric power.
# Decree 2,317 (1997-09-04), adopted by same states.
Rule	Brazil	1997	only	-	Oct	 6	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 2,495 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV2495.JPG>
# (1998-02-10)
Rule	Brazil	1998	only	-	Mar	 1	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 2,780 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/Hv98.jpg> (1998-09-11)
# adopted by the same states as before.
Rule	Brazil	1998	only	-	Oct	11	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	1999	only	-	Feb	21	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 3,150 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3150.gif>
# (1999-08-23) adopted by same states.
# Decree 3,188 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV99.gif> (1999-09-30)
# adds SE, AL, PB, PE, RN, CE, PI, MA and RR.
Rule	Brazil	1999	only	-	Oct	 3	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	2000	only	-	Feb	27	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 3,592 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/DEC3592.htm> (2000-09-06)
# adopted by the same states as before.
# Decree 3,630 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/Dec3630.jpg> (2000-10-13)
# repeals DST in PE and RR, effective 2000-10-15 00:00.
# Decree 3,632 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/Dec3632.jpg> (2000-10-17)
# repeals DST in SE, AL, PB, RN, CE, PI and MA, effective 2000-10-22 00:00.
# Decree 3,916 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3916.gif>
# (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
Rule	Brazil	2000	2001	-	Oct	Sun>=8	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	2001	2006	-	Feb	Sun>=15	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
# 4,399 <http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2002/D4399.htm>
Rule	Brazil	2002	only	-	Nov	 3	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 4,844 (2003-09-24; corrected 2003-09-26) repeals DST in BA, MT, TO.
# 4,844 <http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2003/D4844.htm>
Rule	Brazil	2003	only	-	Oct	19	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 5,223 (2004-10-01) reestablishes DST in MT.
# 5,223 <http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2004/Decreto/D5223.htm>
Rule	Brazil	2004	only	-	Nov	 2	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 5,539 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV5539.gif> (2005-09-19),
# adopted by the same states as before.
Rule	Brazil	2005	only	-	Oct	16	 0:00	1:00	S
# Decree 5,920 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV5920.gif> (2006-10-03),
# adopted by the same states as before.
Rule	Brazil	2006	only	-	Nov	 5	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	2007	only	-	Feb	25	 0:00	0	-
# Decree 6,212 <http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV6212.gif> (2007-09-26),
# adopted by the same states as before.
Rule	Brazil	2007	only	-	Oct	Sun>=8	 0:00	1:00	S
# From Frederico A. C. Neves (2008-09-10):
# According to this decree
# http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2008/Decreto/D6558.htm
# [t]he DST period in Brazil now on will be from the 3rd Oct Sunday to the
# 3rd Feb Sunday. There is an exception on the return date when this is
# the Carnival Sunday then the return date will be the next Sunday...
Rule	Brazil	2008	max	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Brazil	2008	2011	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2012	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2013	2014	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2015	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2016	2022	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2023	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2024	2025	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2026	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2027	2033	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2034	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2035	2036	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-
Rule	Brazil	2037	only	-	Feb	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-
# From Arthur David Olson (2008-09-29):
# The next is wrong in some years but is better than nothing.
Rule	Brazil	2038	max	-	Feb	Sun>=15	0:00	0	-

# The latest ruleset listed above says that the following states observe DST:
# DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP.

# Fernando de Noronha (administratively part of PE)
Zone America/Noronha	-2:09:40 -	LMT	1914
			-2:00	Brazil	FN%sT	1990 Sep 17
			-2:00	-	FNT	1999 Sep 30
			-2:00	Brazil	FN%sT	2000 Oct 15
			-2:00	-	FNT	2001 Sep 13
			-2:00	Brazil	FN%sT	2002 Oct  1
			-2:00	-	FNT
# Other Atlantic islands have no permanent settlement.
# These include Trindade and Martim Vaz (administratively part of ES),
# Rocas Atoll (RN), and the St Peter and St Paul Archipelago (PE).
# Fernando de Noronha was a separate territory from 1942-09-02 to 1989-01-01;
# it also included the Penedos.
# Amapá (AP), east Pará (PA)
# East Pará includes Belém, Marabá, Serra Norte, and São Félix do Xingu.
# The division between east and west Pará is the river Xingu.
# In the north a very small part from the river Javary (now Jari I guess,
# the border with Amapá) to the Amazon, then to the Xingu.
Zone America/Belem	-3:13:56 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-3:00	-	BRT
# west Pará (PA)
# West Pará includes Altamira, Óbidos, Prainha, Oriximiná, and Santarém.
Zone America/Santarem	-3:38:48 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-4:00	-	AMT	2008 Jun 24  0:00
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Maranhão (MA), Piauí (PI), Ceará (CE), Rio Grande do Norte (RN),
# Paraíba (PB)
Zone America/Fortaleza	-2:34:00 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1990 Sep 17
			-3:00	-	BRT	1999 Sep 30
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2000 Oct 22
			-3:00	-	BRT	2001 Sep 13
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2002 Oct  1
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Pernambuco (PE) (except Atlantic islands)
Zone America/Recife	-2:19:36 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1990 Sep 17
			-3:00	-	BRT	1999 Sep 30
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2000 Oct 15
			-3:00	-	BRT	2001 Sep 13
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2002 Oct  1
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Tocantins (TO)
Zone America/Araguaina	-3:12:48 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1990 Sep 17
			-3:00	-	BRT	1995 Sep 14
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2003 Sep 24
			-3:00	-	BRT	2012 Oct 21
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2013 Sep
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Alagoas (AL), Sergipe (SE)
Zone America/Maceio	-2:22:52 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1990 Sep 17
			-3:00	-	BRT	1995 Oct 13
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1996 Sep  4
			-3:00	-	BRT	1999 Sep 30
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2000 Oct 22
			-3:00	-	BRT	2001 Sep 13
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2002 Oct  1
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Bahia (BA)
# There are too many Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/Bahia instead
# of America/Salvador.
Zone America/Bahia	-2:34:04 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2003 Sep 24
			-3:00	-	BRT	2011 Oct 16
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	2012 Oct 21
			-3:00	-	BRT
# Goiás (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Minas Gerais (MG),
# Espírito Santo (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), São Paulo (SP), Paraná (PR),
# Santa Catarina (SC), Rio Grande do Sul (RS)
Zone America/Sao_Paulo	-3:06:28 -	LMT	1914
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT	1963 Oct 23  0:00
			-3:00	1:00	BRST	1964
			-3:00	Brazil	BR%sT
# Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)
Zone America/Campo_Grande -3:38:28 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT
# Mato Grosso (MT)
Zone America/Cuiaba	-3:44:20 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	2003 Sep 24
			-4:00	-	AMT	2004 Oct  1
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT
# Rondônia (RO)
Zone America/Porto_Velho -4:15:36 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-4:00	-	AMT
# Roraima (RR)
Zone America/Boa_Vista	-4:02:40 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-4:00	-	AMT	1999 Sep 30
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	2000 Oct 15
			-4:00	-	AMT
# east Amazonas (AM): Boca do Acre, Jutaí, Manaus, Floriano Peixoto
# The great circle line from Tabatinga to Porto Acre divides
# east from west Amazonas.
Zone America/Manaus	-4:00:04 -	LMT	1914
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-4:00	-	AMT	1993 Sep 28
			-4:00	Brazil	AM%sT	1994 Sep 22
			-4:00	-	AMT
# west Amazonas (AM): Atalaia do Norte, Boca do Maoco, Benjamin Constant,
#	Eirunepé, Envira, Ipixuna
Zone America/Eirunepe	-4:39:28 -	LMT	1914
			-5:00	Brazil	AC%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-5:00	-	ACT	1993 Sep 28
			-5:00	Brazil	AC%sT	1994 Sep 22
			-5:00	-	ACT	2008 Jun 24  0:00
			-4:00	-	AMT	2013 Nov 10
			-5:00	-	ACT
# Acre (AC)
Zone America/Rio_Branco	-4:31:12 -	LMT	1914
			-5:00	Brazil	AC%sT	1988 Sep 12
			-5:00	-	ACT	2008 Jun 24  0:00
			-4:00	-	AMT	2013 Nov 10
			-5:00	-	ACT

# Chile

# From Paul Eggert (2015-04-03):
# Shanks & Pottenger says America/Santiago introduced standard time in
# 1890 and rounds its UTC offset to 70W40; guess that in practice this
# was the same offset as in 1916-1919.  It also says Pacific/Easter
# standardized on 109W22 in 1890; assume this didn't change the clocks.
# Dates for America/Santiago from 1910 to 2004 are primarily from
# the following source, cited by Oscar van Vlijmen (2006-10-08):
# [1] Chile Law
# http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/chile.html
# This contains a copy of a this official table:
# Cambios en la hora oficial de Chile desde 1900 (retrieved 2008-03-30)
# http://web.archive.org/web/20080330200901/http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm
# [1] needs several corrections, though.
# The first set of corrections is from:
# [2] History of the Official Time of Chile
# http://www.horaoficial.cl/ing/horaof_ing.html (retrieved 2012-03-06).  See:
# http://web.archive.org/web/20120306042032/http://www.horaoficial.cl/ing/horaof_ing.html
# This is an English translation of:
# Historia de la hora oficial de Chile (retrieved 2012-10-24).  See:
# http://web.archive.org/web/20121024234627/http://www.horaoficial.cl/horaof.htm
# A fancier Spanish version (requiring mouse-clicking) is at:
# http://www.horaoficial.cl/historia_hora.html
# Conflicts between [1] and [2] were resolved as follows:
#  - [1] says the 1910 transition was Jan 1, [2] says Jan 10 and cites
#    Boletín No. 1, Aviso No. 1 (1910).  Go with [2].
#  - [1] says SMT was -4:42:45, [2] says Chile's official time from
#    1916 to 1919 was -4:42:46.3, the meridian of Chile's National
#    Astronomical Observatory (OAN), then located in what is now
#    Quinta Normal in Santiago.  Go with [2], rounding it to -4:42:46.
#  - [1] says the 1918 transition was Sep 1, [2] says Sep 10 and cites
#    Boletín No. 22, Aviso No. 129/1918 (1918-08-23).  Go with [2].
#  - [1] does not give times for transitions; assume they occur
#    at midnight mainland time, the current common practice.  However,
#    go with [2]'s specification of 23:00 for the 1947-05-21 transition.
# Another correction to [1] is from Jesper Nørgaard Welen, who
# wrote (2006-10-08), "I think that there are some obvious mistakes in
# the suggested link from Oscar van Vlijmen,... for instance entry 66
# says that GMT-4 ended 1990-09-12 while entry 67 only begins GMT-3 at
# 1990-09-15 (they should have been 1990-09-15 and 1990-09-16
# respectively), but anyhow it clears up some doubts too."
# Data for Pacific/Easter from 1910 through 1967 come from Shanks &
# Pottenger.  After that, for lack of better info assume
# Pacific/Easter is always two hours behind America/Santiago;
# this is known to work for DST transitions starting in 2008 and
# may well be true for earlier transitions.

# From Eduardo Krell (1995-10-19):
# The law says to switch to DST at midnight [24:00] on the second SATURDAY
# of October....  The law is the same for March and October.
# (1998-09-29):
# Because of the drought this year, the government decided to go into
# DST earlier (saturday 9/26 at 24:00). This is a one-time change only ...
# (unless there's another dry season next year, I guess).

# From Julio I. Pacheco Troncoso (1999-03-18):
# Because of the same drought, the government decided to end DST later,
# on April 3, (one-time change).

# From Germán Poo-Caamaño (2008-03-03):
# Due to drought, Chile extends Daylight Time in three weeks.  This
# is one-time change (Saturday 3/29 at 24:00 for America/Santiago
# and Saturday 3/29 at 22:00 for Pacific/Easter)
# The Supreme Decree is located at
# http://www.shoa.cl/servicios/supremo316.pdf
# From José Miguel Garrido (2008-03-05):
# http://www.shoa.cl/noticias/2008/04hora/hora.htm

# From Angel Chiang (2010-03-04):
# Subject: DST in Chile exceptionally extended to 3 April due to earthquake
# http://www.gobiernodechile.cl/viewNoticia.aspx?idArticulo=30098
# From Arthur David Olson (2010-03-06):
# Angel Chiang's message confirmed by Julio Pacheco; Julio provided a patch.

# From Glenn Eychaner (2011-03-28):
# http://diario.elmercurio.com/2011/03/28/_portada/_portada/noticias/7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E.htm?id=3D{7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E}
# In English:
# Chile's clocks will go back an hour this year on the 7th of May instead
# of this Saturday. They will go forward again the 3rd Saturday in
# August, not in October as they have since 1968.

# From Mauricio Parada (2012-02-22), translated by Glenn Eychaner (2012-02-23):
# As stated in the website of the Chilean Energy Ministry
# http://www.minenergia.cl/ministerio/noticias/generales/gobierno-anuncia-fechas-de-cambio-de.html
# The Chilean Government has decided to postpone the entrance into winter time
# (to leave DST) from March 11 2012 to April 28th 2012....
# Quote from the website communication:
# 6. For the year 2012, the dates of entry into winter time will be as follows:
# a. Saturday April 28, 2012, clocks should go back 60 minutes; that is, at
# 23:59:59, instead of passing to 0:00, the time should be adjusted to be 23:00
# of the same day.
# b. Saturday, September 1, 2012, clocks should go forward 60 minutes; that is,
# at 23:59:59, instead of passing to 0:00, the time should be adjusted to be
# 01:00 on September 2.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-02-15):
# According to several news sources, Chile has extended DST this year,
# they will end DST later and start DST earlier than planned.  They
# hope to save energy.  The new end date is 2013-04-28 00:00 and new
# start date is 2013-09-08 00:00....
# http://www.gob.cl/informa/2013/02/15/gobierno-anuncia-fechas-de-cambio-de-hora-para-el-ano-2013.htm

# From José Miguel Garrido (2014-02-19):
# Today appeared in the Diario Oficial a decree amending the time change
# dates to 2014.
# DST End: last Saturday of April 2014 (Sun 27 Apr 2014 03:00 UTC)
# DST Start: first Saturday of September 2014 (Sun 07 Sep 2014 04:00 UTC)
# http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl//media/2014/02/19/do-20140219.pdf

# From Eduardo Romero Urra (2015-03-03):
# Today has been published officially that Chile will use the DST time
# permanently until March 25 of 2017
# http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/media/2015/03/03/1-large.jpg
# From Paul Eggert (2015-03-03):
# For now, assume that the extension will persist indefinitely.

# From Juan Correa (2016-03-18):
# The decree regarding DST has been published in today's Official Gazette:
# http://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/versiones-anteriores/do/20160318/
# http://www.leychile.cl/Navegar?idNorma=1088502
# It does consider the second Saturday of May and August as the dates
# for the transition; and it lists DST dates until 2019, but I think
# this scheme will stick.
# From Paul Eggert (2016-03-18):
# For now, assume the pattern holds for the indefinite future.
# The decree says transitions occur at 24:00; in practice this appears
# to mean 24:00 mainland time, not 24:00 local time, so that Easter
# Island is always two hours behind the mainland.

Rule	Chile	1927	1931	-	Sep	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1928	1932	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Chile	1968	only	-	Nov	 3	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1969	only	-	Mar	30	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1969	only	-	Nov	23	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1970	only	-	Mar	29	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1971	only	-	Mar	14	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1970	1972	-	Oct	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1972	1986	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1973	only	-	Sep	30	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1974	1987	-	Oct	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1987	only	-	Apr	12	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1988	1990	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1988	1989	-	Oct	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1990	only	-	Sep	16	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1991	1996	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1991	1997	-	Oct	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1997	only	-	Mar	30	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1998	only	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1998	only	-	Sep	27	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	1999	only	-	Apr	 4	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	1999	2010	-	Oct	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	2000	2007	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
# N.B.: the end of March 29 in Chile is March 30 in Universal time,
# which is used below in specifying the transition.
Rule	Chile	2008	only	-	Mar	30	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2009	only	-	Mar	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2010	only	-	Apr	Sun>=1	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2011	only	-	May	Sun>=2	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2011	only	-	Aug	Sun>=16	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	2012	2014	-	Apr	Sun>=23	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2012	2014	-	Sep	Sun>=2	4:00u	1:00	S
Rule	Chile	2016	max	-	May	Sun>=9	3:00u	0	-
Rule	Chile	2016	max	-	Aug	Sun>=9	4:00u	1:00	S
# IATA SSIM anomalies: (1992-02) says 1992-03-14;
# (1996-09) says 1998-03-08.  Ignore these.
Zone America/Santiago	-4:42:46 -	LMT	1890
			-4:42:46 -	SMT	1910 Jan 10 # Santiago Mean Time
			-5:00	-	CLT	1916 Jul  1 # Chile Time
			-4:42:46 -	SMT	1918 Sep 10
			-4:00	-	CLT	1919 Jul  1
			-4:42:46 -	SMT	1927 Sep  1
			-5:00	Chile	CL%sT	1932 Sep  1
			-4:00	-	CLT	1942 Jun  1
			-5:00	-	CLT	1942 Aug  1
			-4:00	-	CLT	1946 Jul 15
			-4:00	1:00	CLST	1946 Sep  1 # central Chile
			-4:00	-	CLT	1947 Apr  1
			-5:00	-	CLT	1947 May 21 23:00
			-4:00	Chile	CL%sT
Zone Pacific/Easter	-7:17:28 -	LMT	1890
			-7:17:28 -	EMT	1932 Sep    # Easter Mean Time
			-7:00	Chile	EAS%sT	1982 Mar 14 3:00u # Easter Time
			-6:00	Chile	EAS%sT
# Salas y Gómez Island is uninhabited.
# Other Chilean locations, including Juan Fernández Is, Desventuradas Is,
# and Antarctic bases, are like America/Santiago.

# Antarctic base using South American rules
# (See the file 'antarctica' for more.)
# Palmer, Anvers Island, since 1965 (moved 2 miles in 1968)
# From Ethan Dicks (1996-10-06):
# It keeps the same time as Punta Arenas, Chile, because, just like us
# and the South Pole, that's the other end of their supply line....
# I verified with someone who was there that since 1980,
# Palmer has followed Chile.  Prior to that, before the Falklands War,
# Palmer used to be supplied from Argentina.
Zone Antarctica/Palmer	0	-	-00	1965
			-4:00	Arg	AR%sT	1969 Oct  5
			-3:00	Arg	AR%sT	1982 May
			-4:00	Chile	CL%sT

# Colombia

# Milne gives 4:56:16.4 for Bogotá time in 1899; round to nearest.  He writes,
# "A variation of fifteen minutes in the public clocks of Bogota is not rare."

Rule	CO	1992	only	-	May	 3	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	CO	1993	only	-	Apr	 4	0:00	0	-
Zone	America/Bogota	-4:56:16 -	LMT	1884 Mar 13
			-4:56:16 -	BMT	1914 Nov 23 # Bogotá Mean Time
			-5:00	CO	CO%sT	# Colombia Time
# Malpelo, Providencia, San Andres
# no information; probably like America/Bogota

# Curaçao

# Milne gives 4:35:46.9 for Curaçao mean time; round to nearest.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that The Bottom and Philipsburg have been at
# -4:00 since standard time was introduced on 1912-03-02; and that
# Kralendijk and Rincon used Kralendijk Mean Time (-4:33:08) from
# 1912-02-02 to 1965-01-01.  The former is dubious, since S&P also say
# Saba Island has been like Curaçao.
# This all predates our 1970 cutoff, though.
# By July 2007 Curaçao and St Maarten are planned to become
# associated states within the Netherlands, much like Aruba;
# Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius would become directly part of the
# Netherlands as Kingdom Islands.  This won't affect their time zones
# though, as far as we know.
Zone	America/Curacao	-4:35:47 -	LMT	1912 Feb 12 # Willemstad
			-4:30	-	ANT	1965 # Netherlands Antilles Time
			-4:00	-	AST

# From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15):
# use links for places with new iso3166 codes.
# The name "Lower Prince's Quarter" is both longer than fourteen characters
# and contains an apostrophe; use "Lower_Princes" below.

Link	America/Curacao	America/Lower_Princes	# Sint Maarten
Link	America/Curacao	America/Kralendijk	# Caribbean Netherlands

# Ecuador
# Milne says the Central and South American Telegraph Company used -5:24:15.
# From Paul Eggert (2007-03-04):
# Apparently Ecuador had a failed experiment with DST in 1992.
# <http://midena.gov.ec/content/view/1261/208/> (2007-02-27) and
# <http://www.hoy.com.ec/NoticiaNue.asp?row_id=249856> (2006-11-06) both
# talk about "hora Sixto".  Leave this alone for now, as we have no data.
Zone America/Guayaquil	-5:19:20 -	LMT	1890
			-5:14:00 -	QMT	1931 # Quito Mean Time
			-5:00	-	ECT	# Ecuador Time
Zone Pacific/Galapagos	-5:58:24 -	LMT	1931 # Puerto Baquerizo Moreno
			-5:00	-	ECT	1986
			-6:00	-	GALT	# Galápagos Time

# Falklands

# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Between 1990 and 2000 inclusive, Shanks & Pottenger and the IATA agree except
# the IATA gives 1996-09-08.  Go with Shanks & Pottenger.

# From Falkland Islands Government Office, London (2001-01-22)
# via Jesper Nørgaard:
# ... the clocks revert back to Local Mean Time at 2 am on Sunday 15
# April 2001 and advance one hour to summer time at 2 am on Sunday 2
# September.  It is anticipated that the clocks will revert back at 2
# am on Sunday 21 April 2002 and advance to summer time at 2 am on
# Sunday 1 September.

# From Rives McDow (2001-02-13):
# I have communicated several times with people there, and the last
# time I had communications that was helpful was in 1998.  Here is
# what was said then:
# "The general rule was that Stanley used daylight saving and the Camp
# did not. However for various reasons many people in the Camp have
# started to use daylight saving (known locally as 'Stanley Time')
# There is no rule as to who uses daylight saving - it is a matter of
# personal choice and so it is impossible to draw a map showing who
# uses it and who does not. Any list would be out of date as soon as
# it was produced. This year daylight saving ended on April 18/19th
# and started again on September 12/13th.  I do not know what the rule
# is, but can find out if you like.  We do not change at the same time
# as UK or Chile."
# I did have in my notes that the rule was "Second Saturday in Sep at
# 0:00 until third Saturday in Apr at 0:00".  I think that this does
# not agree in some cases with Shanks; is this true?
# Also, there is no mention in the list that some areas in the
# Falklands do not use DST.  I have found in my communications there
# that these areas are on the western half of East Falkland and all of
# West Falkland.  Stanley is the only place that consistently observes
# DST.  Again, as in other places in the world, the farmers don't like
# it.  West Falkland is almost entirely sheep farmers.
# I know one lady there that keeps a list of which farm keeps DST and
# which doesn't each year.  She runs a shop in Stanley, and says that
# the list changes each year.  She uses it to communicate to her
# customers, catching them when they are home for lunch or dinner.

# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05):
# For now, we'll just record the time in Stanley, since we have no
# better info.

# From Steffen Thorsen (2011-04-01):
# The Falkland Islands will not turn back clocks this winter, but stay on
# daylight saving time.
# One source:
# http://www.falklandnews.com/public/story.cfm?get=5914&source=3
# We have gotten this confirmed by a clerk of the legislative assembly:
# Normally the clocks revert to Local Mean Time (UTC/GMT -4 hours) on the
# third Sunday of April at 0200hrs and advance to Summer Time (UTC/GMT -3
# hours) on the first Sunday of September at 0200hrs.
# IMPORTANT NOTE: During 2011, on a trial basis, the Falkland Islands
# will not revert to local mean time, but clocks will remain on Summer
# time (UTC/GMT - 3 hours) throughout the whole of 2011.  Any long term
# change to local time following the trial period will be notified.
# From Andrew Newman (2012-02-24)
# A letter from Justin McPhee, Chief Executive,
# Cable & Wireless Falkland Islands (dated 2012-02-22)
# states...
#   The current Atlantic/Stanley entry under South America expects the
#   clocks to go back to standard Falklands Time (FKT) on the 15th April.
#   The database entry states that in 2011 Stanley was staying on fixed
#   summer time on a trial basis only.  FIG need to contact IANA and/or
#   the maintainers of the database to inform them we're adopting
#   the same policy this year and suggest recommendations for future years.
# For now we will assume permanent summer time for the Falklands
# until advised differently (to apply for 2012 and beyond, after the 2011
# experiment was apparently successful.)
Rule	Falk	1937	1938	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1938	1942	-	Mar	Sun>=19	0:00	0	-
Rule	Falk	1939	only	-	Oct	1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1940	1942	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1943	only	-	Jan	1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Falk	1983	only	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1984	1985	-	Apr	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Falk	1984	only	-	Sep	16	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1985	2000	-	Sep	Sun>=9	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Falk	1986	2000	-	Apr	Sun>=16	0:00	0	-
Rule	Falk	2001	2010	-	Apr	Sun>=15	2:00	0	-
Rule	Falk	2001	2010	-	Sep	Sun>=1	2:00	1:00	S
Zone Atlantic/Stanley	-3:51:24 -	LMT	1890
			-3:51:24 -	SMT	1912 Mar 12 # Stanley Mean Time
			-4:00	Falk	FK%sT	1983 May    # Falkland Is Time
			-3:00	Falk	FK%sT	1985 Sep 15
			-4:00	Falk	FK%sT	2010 Sep  5  2:00
			-3:00	-	FKST

# French Guiana
Zone America/Cayenne	-3:29:20 -	LMT	1911 Jul
			-4:00	-	GFT	1967 Oct # French Guiana Time
			-3:00	-	GFT

# Guyana
Zone	America/Guyana	-3:52:40 -	LMT	1915 Mar    # Georgetown
			-3:45	-	GBGT	1966 May 26 # Br Guiana Time
			-3:45	-	GYT	1975 Jul 31 # Guyana Time
			-3:00	-	GYT	1991
# IATA SSIM (1996-06) says -4:00.  Assume a 1991 switch.
			-4:00	-	GYT

# Paraguay
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger say that spring transitions are 01:00 -> 02:00,
# and autumn transitions are 00:00 -> 23:00.  Go with pre-1999
# editions of Shanks, and with the IATA, who say transitions occur at 00:00.
# From Waldemar Villamayor-Venialbo (2013-09-20):
# No time of the day is established for the adjustment, so people normally
# adjust their clocks at 0 hour of the given dates.
Rule	Para	1975	1988	-	Oct	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1975	1978	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	1979	1991	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	1989	only	-	Oct	22	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1990	only	-	Oct	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1991	only	-	Oct	 6	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1992	only	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	1992	only	-	Oct	 5	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1993	only	-	Mar	31	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	1993	1995	-	Oct	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	1994	1995	-	Feb	lastSun	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	1996	only	-	Mar	 1	0:00	0	-
# IATA SSIM (2000-02) says 1999-10-10; ignore this for now.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-02):
# I have three independent reports that Paraguay changed to DST this Sunday
# (10-01).
# Translated by Gwillim Law (2001-02-27) from
# Noticias, a daily paper in Asunción, Paraguay (2000-10-01):
# http://www.diarionoticias.com.py/011000/nacional/naciona1.htm
# Starting at 0:00 today, the clock will be set forward 60 minutes, in
# fulfillment of Decree No. 7,273 of the Executive Power....  The time change
# system has been operating for several years.  Formerly there was a separate
# decree each year; the new law has the same effect, but permanently.  Every
# year, the time will change on the first Sunday of October; likewise, the
# clock will be set back on the first Sunday of March.
Rule	Para	1996	2001	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
# IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Mar 1; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Para	1997	only	-	Feb	lastSun	0:00	0	-
# Shanks & Pottenger say 1999-02-28; IATA SSIM (1999-02) says 1999-02-27, but
# (1999-09) reports no date; go with above sources and Gerd Knops (2001-02-27).
Rule	Para	1998	2001	-	Mar	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
# From Rives McDow (2002-02-28):
# A decree was issued in Paraguay (No. 16350) on 2002-02-26 that changed the
# dst method to be from the first Sunday in September to the first Sunday in
# April.
Rule	Para	2002	2004	-	Apr	Sun>=1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Para	2002	2003	-	Sep	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2005-01-02):
# There are several sources that claim that Paraguay made
# a timezone rule change in autumn 2004.
# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-01-05):
# Decree 1,867 (2004-03-05)
# From Carlos Raúl Perasso via Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-10-13)
# http://www.presidencia.gov.py/decretos/D1867.pdf
Rule	Para	2004	2009	-	Oct	Sun>=15	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	2005	2009	-	Mar	Sun>=8	0:00	0	-
# From Carlos Raúl Perasso (2010-02-18):
# By decree number 3958 issued yesterday
# http://www.presidencia.gov.py/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/decreto3958.pdf
# Paraguay changes its DST schedule, postponing the March rule to April and
# modifying the October date. The decree reads:
# ...
# Art. 1. It is hereby established that from the second Sunday of the month of
# April of this year (2010), the official time is to be set back 60 minutes,
# and that on the first Sunday of the month of October, it is to be set
# forward 60 minutes, in all the territory of the Paraguayan Republic.
# ...
Rule	Para	2010	max	-	Oct	Sun>=1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Para	2010	2012	-	Apr	Sun>=8	0:00	0	-
# From Steffen Thorsen (2013-03-07):
# Paraguay will end DST on 2013-03-24 00:00....
# http://www.ande.gov.py/interna.php?id=1075
# From Carlos Raúl Perasso (2013-03-15):
# The change in Paraguay is now final.  Decree number 10780
# http://www.presidencia.gov.py/uploads/pdf/presidencia-3b86ff4b691c79d4f5927ca964922ec74772ce857c02ca054a52a37b49afc7fb.pdf
# From Carlos Raúl Perasso (2014-02-28):
# Decree 1264 can be found at:
# http://www.presidencia.gov.py/archivos/documentos/DECRETO1264_ey9r8zai.pdf
Rule	Para	2013	max	-	Mar	Sun>=22	0:00	0	-

Zone America/Asuncion	-3:50:40 -	LMT	1890
			-3:50:40 -	AMT	1931 Oct 10 # Asunción Mean Time
			-4:00	-	PYT	1972 Oct    # Paraguay Time
			-3:00	-	PYT	1974 Apr
			-4:00	Para	PY%sT

# Peru
# From Evelyn C. Leeper via Mark Brader (2003-10-26)
# <news:xrGmb.39935$gA1.13896113@news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net>:
# When we were in Peru in 1985-1986, they apparently switched over
# sometime between December 29 and January 3 while we were on the Amazon.
# From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22):
# Shanks & Pottenger don't have this transition.  Assume 1986 was like 1987.

Rule	Peru	1938	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Peru	1938	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Peru	1938	1939	-	Sep	lastSun	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Peru	1939	1940	-	Mar	Sun>=24	0:00	0	-
Rule	Peru	1986	1987	-	Jan	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Peru	1986	1987	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Rule	Peru	1990	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Peru	1990	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
# IATA is ambiguous for 1993/1995; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Peru	1994	only	-	Jan	 1	0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Peru	1994	only	-	Apr	 1	0:00	0	-
Zone	America/Lima	-5:08:12 -	LMT	1890
			-5:08:36 -	LMT	1908 Jul 28 # Lima Mean Time?
			-5:00	Peru	PE%sT	# Peru Time

# South Georgia
Zone Atlantic/South_Georgia -2:26:08 -	LMT	1890 # Grytviken
			-2:00	-	GST	# South Georgia Time

# South Sandwich Is
# uninhabited; scientific personnel have wintered

# Suriname
Zone America/Paramaribo	-3:40:40 -	LMT	1911
			-3:40:52 -	PMT	1935     # Paramaribo Mean Time
			-3:40:36 -	PMT	1945 Oct    # The capital moved?
			-3:30	-	NEGT	1975 Nov 20 # Dutch Guiana Time
			-3:30	-	SRT	1984 Oct    # Suriname Time
			-3:00	-	SRT

# Trinidad and Tobago
Zone America/Port_of_Spain -4:06:04 -	LMT	1912 Mar 2
			-4:00	-	AST

# These all agree with Trinidad and Tobago since 1970.
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Anguilla
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Antigua
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Dominica
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Grenada
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Guadeloupe
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Marigot	# St Martin (French part)
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Montserrat
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Barthelemy # St Barthélemy
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Kitts	# St Kitts & Nevis
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Lucia
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Thomas	# Virgin Islands (US)
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/St_Vincent
Link America/Port_of_Spain America/Tortola	# Virgin Islands (UK)

# Uruguay
# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
# Uruguay wins the prize for the strangest peacetime manipulation of the rules.
# From Shanks & Pottenger:
# Whitman gives 1923 Oct 1; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Uruguay	1923	only	-	Oct	 2	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1924	1926	-	Apr	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1924	1925	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1933	1935	-	Oct	lastSun	 0:00	0:30	HS
# Shanks & Pottenger give 1935 Apr 1 0:00 & 1936 Mar 30 0:00; go with Whitman.
Rule	Uruguay	1934	1936	-	Mar	Sat>=25	23:30s	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1936	only	-	Nov	 1	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1937	1941	-	Mar	lastSun	 0:00	0	-
# Whitman gives 1937 Oct 3; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Uruguay	1937	1940	-	Oct	lastSun	 0:00	0:30	HS
# Whitman gives 1941 Oct 24 - 1942 Mar 27, 1942 Dec 14 - 1943 Apr 13,
# and 1943 Apr 13 "to present time"; go with Shanks & Pottenger.
Rule	Uruguay	1941	only	-	Aug	 1	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1942	only	-	Jan	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1942	only	-	Dec	14	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1943	only	-	Mar	14	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1959	only	-	May	24	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1959	only	-	Nov	15	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1960	only	-	Jan	17	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1960	only	-	Mar	 6	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1965	1967	-	Apr	Sun>=1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1965	only	-	Sep	26	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1966	1967	-	Oct	31	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1968	1970	-	May	27	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1968	1970	-	Dec	 2	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1972	only	-	Apr	24	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1972	only	-	Aug	15	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1974	only	-	Mar	10	 0:00	0:30	HS
Rule	Uruguay	1974	only	-	Dec	22	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1976	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1977	only	-	Dec	 4	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1978	only	-	Apr	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1979	only	-	Oct	 1	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1980	only	-	May	 1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1987	only	-	Dec	14	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1988	only	-	Mar	14	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1988	only	-	Dec	11	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1989	only	-	Mar	12	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1989	only	-	Oct	29	 0:00	1:00	S
# Shanks & Pottenger say no DST was observed in 1990/1 and 1991/2,
# and that 1992/3's DST was from 10-25 to 03-01.  Go with IATA.
Rule	Uruguay	1990	1992	-	Mar	Sun>=1	 0:00	0	-
Rule	Uruguay	1990	1991	-	Oct	Sun>=21	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1992	only	-	Oct	18	 0:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	1993	only	-	Feb	28	 0:00	0	-
# From Eduardo Cota (2004-09-20):
# The Uruguayan government has decreed a change in the local time....
# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/decretos/2004091502.htm
Rule	Uruguay	2004	only	-	Sep	19	 0:00	1:00	S
# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-03-11):
# Uruguay's DST was scheduled to end on Sunday, 2005-03-13, but in order to
# save energy ... it was postponed two weeks....
# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2005/03/2005031005.htm
Rule	Uruguay	2005	only	-	Mar	27	 2:00	0	-
# From Eduardo Cota (2005-09-27):
# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/decretos/2005/09/CM%20119_09%2009%202005_00001.PDF
# This means that from 2005-10-09 at 02:00 local time, until 2006-03-12 at
# 02:00 local time, official time in Uruguay will be at GMT -2.
Rule	Uruguay	2005	only	-	Oct	 9	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	2006	only	-	Mar	12	 2:00	0	-
# From Jesper Nørgaard Welen (2006-09-06):
# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_web/decretos/2006/09/CM%20210_08%2006%202006_00001.PDF
# From Steffen Thorsen (2015-06-30):
# ... it looks like they will not be using DST the coming summer:
# http://www.elobservador.com.uy/gobierno-resolvio-que-no-habra-cambio-horario-verano-n656787
# http://www.republica.com.uy/este-ano-no-se-modificara-el-huso-horario-en-uruguay/523760/
# From Paul Eggert (2015-06-30):
# Apparently restaurateurs complained that DST caused people to go to the beach
# instead of out to dinner.
# From Pablo Camargo (2015-07-13):
# http://archivo.presidencia.gub.uy/sci/decretos/2015/06/cons_min_201.pdf
# [dated 2015-06-29; repeals Decree 311/006 dated 2006-09-04]
Rule	Uruguay	2006	2014	-	Oct	Sun>=1	 2:00	1:00	S
Rule	Uruguay	2007	2015	-	Mar	Sun>=8	 2:00	0	-
Zone America/Montevideo	-3:44:44 -	LMT	1898 Jun 28
			-3:44:44 -	MMT	1920 May  1 # Montevideo MT
			-3:30	Uruguay	UY%sT	1942 Dec 14 # Uruguay Time
			-3:00	Uruguay	UY%sT

# Venezuela
# From Paul Eggert (2015-07-28):
# For the 1965 transition see Gaceta Oficial No. 27.619 (1964-12-15), p 205.533
# http://www.pgr.gob.ve/dmdocuments/1964/27619.pdf
# From John Stainforth (2007-11-28):
# ... the change for Venezuela originally expected for 2007-12-31 has
# been brought forward to 2007-12-09.  The official announcement was
# published today in the "Gaceta Oficial de la República Bolivariana
# de Venezuela, número 38.819" (official document for all laws or
# resolution publication)
# http://www.globovision.com/news.php?nid=72208

# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2016-04-15):
# https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/204758-venezuela-modificar-huso-horario-sequia-elnino
# From Paul Eggert (2016-04-15):
# Clocks advance 30 minutes on 2016-05-01 at 02:30....
# "'Venezuela's new time-zone: hours without light, hours without water,
# hours of presidential broadcasts, hours of lines,' quipped comedian
# Jean Mary Curró ...". See: Cawthorne A, Kai D. Venezuela scraps
# half-hour time difference set by Chavez. Reuters 2016-04-15 14:50 -0400
# http://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-timezone-idUSKCN0XC2BE
# From Matt Johnson (2016-04-20):
# ... published in the official Gazette [2016-04-18], here:
# http://historico.tsj.gob.ve/gaceta_ext/abril/1842016/E-1842016-4551.pdf

Zone	America/Caracas	-4:27:44 -	LMT	1890
			-4:27:40 -	CMT	1912 Feb 12 # Caracas Mean Time?
			-4:30	-	VET	1965 Jan  1  0:00 # Venezuela T.
			-4:00	-	VET	2007 Dec  9  3:00
			-4:30	-	VET	2016 May  1  2:30
			-4:00	-	VET
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# This file provides links between current names for time zones
# and their old names.  Many names changed in late 1993.

Link	Africa/Nairobi		Africa/Asmera
Link	Africa/Abidjan		Africa/Timbuktu
Link	America/Argentina/Catamarca	America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia
Link	America/Adak		America/Atka
Link	America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires	America/Buenos_Aires
Link	America/Argentina/Catamarca	America/Catamarca
Link	America/Atikokan	America/Coral_Harbour
Link	America/Argentina/Cordoba	America/Cordoba
Link	America/Tijuana		America/Ensenada
Link	America/Indiana/Indianapolis	America/Fort_Wayne
Link	America/Indiana/Indianapolis	America/Indianapolis
Link	America/Argentina/Jujuy	America/Jujuy
Link	America/Indiana/Knox	America/Knox_IN
Link	America/Kentucky/Louisville	America/Louisville
Link	America/Argentina/Mendoza	America/Mendoza
Link	America/Toronto		America/Montreal
Link	America/Rio_Branco	America/Porto_Acre
Link	America/Argentina/Cordoba	America/Rosario
Link	America/Tijuana		America/Santa_Isabel
Link	America/Denver		America/Shiprock
Link	America/Port_of_Spain	America/Virgin
Link	Pacific/Auckland	Antarctica/South_Pole
Link	Asia/Ashgabat		Asia/Ashkhabad
Link	Asia/Kolkata		Asia/Calcutta
Link	Asia/Shanghai		Asia/Chongqing
Link	Asia/Shanghai		Asia/Chungking
Link	Asia/Dhaka		Asia/Dacca
Link	Asia/Shanghai		Asia/Harbin
Link	Asia/Urumqi		Asia/Kashgar
Link	Asia/Kathmandu		Asia/Katmandu
Link	Asia/Macau		Asia/Macao
Link	Asia/Yangon		Asia/Rangoon
Link	Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh	Asia/Saigon
Link	Asia/Jerusalem		Asia/Tel_Aviv
Link	Asia/Thimphu		Asia/Thimbu
Link	Asia/Makassar		Asia/Ujung_Pandang
Link	Asia/Ulaanbaatar	Asia/Ulan_Bator
Link	Atlantic/Faroe		Atlantic/Faeroe
Link	Europe/Oslo		Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
Link	Australia/Sydney	Australia/ACT
Link	Australia/Sydney	Australia/Canberra
Link	Australia/Lord_Howe	Australia/LHI
Link	Australia/Sydney	Australia/NSW
Link	Australia/Darwin	Australia/North
Link	Australia/Brisbane	Australia/Queensland
Link	Australia/Adelaide	Australia/South
Link	Australia/Hobart	Australia/Tasmania
Link	Australia/Melbourne	Australia/Victoria
Link	Australia/Perth		Australia/West
Link	Australia/Broken_Hill	Australia/Yancowinna
Link	America/Rio_Branco	Brazil/Acre
Link	America/Noronha		Brazil/DeNoronha
Link	America/Sao_Paulo	Brazil/East
Link	America/Manaus		Brazil/West
Link	America/Halifax		Canada/Atlantic
Link	America/Winnipeg	Canada/Central
Link	America/Regina		Canada/East-Saskatchewan
Link	America/Toronto		Canada/Eastern
Link	America/Edmonton	Canada/Mountain
Link	America/St_Johns	Canada/Newfoundland
Link	America/Vancouver	Canada/Pacific
Link	America/Regina		Canada/Saskatchewan
Link	America/Whitehorse	Canada/Yukon
Link	America/Santiago	Chile/Continental
Link	Pacific/Easter		Chile/EasterIsland
Link	America/Havana		Cuba
Link	Africa/Cairo		Egypt
Link	Europe/Dublin		Eire
Link	Europe/London		Europe/Belfast
Link	Europe/Chisinau		Europe/Tiraspol
Link	Europe/London		GB
Link	Europe/London		GB-Eire
Link	Etc/GMT			GMT+0
Link	Etc/GMT			GMT-0
Link	Etc/GMT			GMT0
Link	Etc/GMT			Greenwich
Link	Asia/Hong_Kong		Hongkong
Link	Atlantic/Reykjavik	Iceland
Link	Asia/Tehran		Iran
Link	Asia/Jerusalem		Israel
Link	America/Jamaica		Jamaica
Link	Asia/Tokyo		Japan
Link	Pacific/Kwajalein	Kwajalein
Link	Africa/Tripoli		Libya
Link	America/Tijuana		Mexico/BajaNorte
Link	America/Mazatlan	Mexico/BajaSur
Link	America/Mexico_City	Mexico/General
Link	Pacific/Auckland	NZ
Link	Pacific/Chatham		NZ-CHAT
Link	America/Denver		Navajo
Link	Asia/Shanghai		PRC
Link	Pacific/Pohnpei		Pacific/Ponape
Link	Pacific/Pago_Pago	Pacific/Samoa
Link	Pacific/Chuuk		Pacific/Truk
Link	Pacific/Chuuk		Pacific/Yap
Link	Europe/Warsaw		Poland
Link	Europe/Lisbon		Portugal
Link	Asia/Taipei		ROC
Link	Asia/Seoul		ROK
Link	Asia/Singapore		Singapore
Link	Europe/Istanbul		Turkey
Link	Etc/UCT			UCT
Link	America/Anchorage	US/Alaska
Link	America/Adak		US/Aleutian
Link	America/Phoenix		US/Arizona
Link	America/Chicago		US/Central
Link	America/Indiana/Indianapolis	US/East-Indiana
Link	America/New_York	US/Eastern
Link	Pacific/Honolulu	US/Hawaii
Link	America/Indiana/Knox	US/Indiana-Starke
Link	America/Detroit		US/Michigan
Link	America/Denver		US/Mountain
Link	America/Los_Angeles	US/Pacific
Link	Pacific/Pago_Pago	US/Samoa
Link	Etc/UTC			UTC
Link	Etc/UTC			Universal
Link	Europe/Moscow		W-SU
Link	Etc/UTC			Zulu