2025-01-27 11:38:16 -08:00

216 lines
7.5 KiB

* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "applib/graphics/gtypes.h"
#include "applib/graphics/framebuffer.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "../test_graphics.h"
#include "../util.h"
typedef struct stat STAT_T;
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 4096
static void print_framebuffer_as_literal(const char* unit_name, const FrameBuffer* framebuffer,
int col, int row, int cols, int rows) {
printf("\n-- %s image --\n", unit_name);
printf(" uint8_t image[] = {\n");
for (int y = row; y < row+rows && y < FrameBuffer_MaxY; ++y) {
for (int x = col; x < col + cols && x < FrameBuffer_MaxX; ++x) {
printf("0x%x", framebuffer->buffer[y*FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW + x]);
printf("\n };\n");
static void fread_pbi_header(FILE* file, GBitmap* bitmap) {
fread(&bitmap->row_size_bytes, sizeof(bitmap->row_size_bytes), 1, file);
fread(&bitmap->info_flags, sizeof(bitmap->info_flags), 1, file);
fread(&bitmap->bounds, sizeof(bitmap->bounds), 1, file);
bitmap->info.format = GBitmapFormat1Bit;
static uint32_t* fread_pbi(FILE* file, GBitmap* bitmap) {
fread_pbi_header(file, bitmap);
size_t image_size = bitmap->row_size_bytes/4 * bitmap->bounds.size.h;
uint32_t* buffer = bitmap->addr = (uint32_t*) malloc(image_size*4);
if (buffer) {
fread(buffer, 4, image_size, file);
return buffer;
return NULL;
static uint32_t* read_pbi(const char* filename, GBitmap* bitmap) {
char res_path[strlen(CLAR_FIXTURE_PATH) + 1 + strlen(GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_PATH) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1];
sprintf(res_path, "%s/%s/%s", CLAR_FIXTURE_PATH, GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_PATH, filename);
FILE* file = fopen(res_path, "r");
if (!file) {
printf("\ncould not open %s for reading\n", res_path);
return NULL;
uint32_t* buffer = fread_pbi(file, bitmap);
return buffer;
static void free_pbi(GBitmap* bitmap) {
if (bitmap->addr) {
static void fwrite_screenshot_from_framebuffer(FILE* file, const FrameBuffer* framebuffer) {
uint16_t row_size_bytes = FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW;
uint16_t info_flags = 1 << 1;
GRect bounds = GRect(0, 0, FrameBuffer_MaxX, FrameBuffer_MaxY);
fwrite(&row_size_bytes, sizeof(row_size_bytes), 1, file);
fwrite(&info_flags, sizeof(info_flags), 1, file);
fwrite(&bounds, sizeof(bounds), 1, file);
fwrite(framebuffer->buffer, sizeof(framebuffer->buffer[0]), FRAMEBUFFER_SIZE_BYTES, file);
static bool write_screenshot_from_framebuffer(const char* filename, const FrameBuffer* framebuffer) {
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!file) {
printf("\ncould not open %s for writing a screenshot\n", filename);
return false;
fwrite_screenshot_from_framebuffer(file, framebuffer);
return true;
static bool framebuffer_eq_image_raw(const FrameBuffer* framebuffer, uint8_t* image, int col,
int row, int cols, int rows) {
const uint8_t *fb = framebuffer->buffer;
for (int y = row; y < row+rows && y < FrameBuffer_MaxY; ++y) {
for (int x = col; x < col+cols && x < FrameBuffer_MaxX; ++x) {
int fb_index = y * FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW + x;
int img_index = (y-row)*FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW + (x-col);
if (fb[fb_index] != image[img_index]) {
printf("\nframebuffer[%d] != image[%d], (0x%x, 0x%x) col=%d row=%d\n",
fb_index, img_index, fb[fb_index], image[img_index], x, y);
return false;
return true;
static bool framebuffer_eq_image(const char* unit_name, const FrameBuffer* framebuffer,
uint8_t* image, int col, int row, int cols, int rows) {
print_framebuffer_as_literal(unit_name, framebuffer, col, row, cols, rows);
return framebuffer_eq_image_raw(framebuffer, image, col, row, cols, rows);
static bool framebuffer_eq(const char* unit_name, const FrameBuffer* framebuffer,
FrameBuffer* other) {
return framebuffer_eq_image(unit_name, framebuffer, other->buffer, 0, 0,
static void convert_to_8bit_image(const uint32_t *in, GBitmap *bmp, uint8_t *out) {
for (int y = 0; y < bmp->bounds.size.h; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < bmp->bounds.size.w; ++x) {
int in_idx = y * (bmp->row_size_bytes/4) + (x / 32);
int bit_idx = x % 32;
bool set = in[in_idx] & (1 << bit_idx);
int out_idx = y * bmp->bounds.size.w + x;
out[out_idx] = (set) ? GColorWhite.argb : GColorBlack.argb;
static bool framebuffer_eq_screenshot_raw(const FrameBuffer* framebuffer, const char* filename) {
GBitmap bitmap;
FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file) {
printf("\nfailed to open %s\n", filename);
return false;
fread_pbi_header(file, &bitmap);
uint32_t buffer[bitmap.row_size_bytes/4 * bitmap.bounds.size.h];
fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file);
uint8_t image[bitmap.bounds.size.w * bitmap.bounds.size.h];
convert_to_8bit_image(buffer, &bitmap, image);
if (!framebuffer_eq_image_raw(framebuffer, image, 0, 0, bitmap.row_size_bytes,
bitmap.bounds.size.h)) { = GBitmapFormat8Bit;
bitmap.row_size_bytes = FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW;
printf("\ndoes not match screenshot %s\n", filename);
bitmap.addr = &image;
bitmap.addr = (void*)&framebuffer->buffer;
return false;
return true;
static bool framebuffer_eq_screenshot(const FrameBuffer* framebuffer, const char* filename) {
char ref_path[strlen(CLAR_FIXTURE_PATH) + 1 + strlen(GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_PATH) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1];
sprintf(ref_path, "%s/%s/%s", CLAR_FIXTURE_PATH, GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_PATH, filename);
STAT_T st;
if (stat(ref_path, &st) != 0 || !framebuffer_eq_screenshot_raw(framebuffer, ref_path)) {
char out_path[strlen(GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_OUT_PATH) + 1 + strlen(filename) + 1];
sprintf(out_path, "%s/%s", GRAPHICS_FIXTURE_OUT_PATH,filename);
write_screenshot_from_framebuffer(out_path, framebuffer);
char cwd[PATH_MAX];
if (!getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX)) {
printf("\nfailed to get working directory\n");
return false;
printf("\ngenerated %s/%s\n", cwd, out_path);
return false;
return true;
static bool framebuffer_is_empty(const char* unit_name, FrameBuffer* framebuffer, GColor color) {
for (int j = 0; j < FrameBuffer_MaxY; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW; i++) {
int fb_index = j*FRAMEBUFFER_BYTES_PER_ROW + i;
if (framebuffer->buffer[fb_index] != color.argb) {
printf("\nframebuffer[%d] is not empty(%d), has 0x%x, col=%d row=%d\n",
fb_index, color.argb, framebuffer->buffer[fb_index], i, j);
return false;
return true;