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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2006-2010 (ita)
TeX/LaTeX/PDFLaTeX/XeLaTeX support
def configure(conf):
if not conf.env.LATEX:
conf.fatal('The program LaTex is required')
def build(bld):
features = 'tex',
type = 'latex', # pdflatex or xelatex
source = 'document.ltx', # mandatory, the source
outs = 'ps', # 'pdf' or 'ps pdf'
deps = 'crossreferencing.lst', # to give dependencies directly
prompt = 1, # 0 for the batch mode
To configure with a special program use::
$ PDFLATEX=luatex waf configure
import os, re
from waflib import Utils, Task, Errors, Logs
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method
re_bibunit = re.compile(r'\\(?P<type>putbib)\[(?P<file>[^\[\]]*)\]',re.M)
def bibunitscan(self):
Parse the inputs and try to find the *bibunit* dependencies
:return: list of bibunit files
:rtype: list of :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node`
node = self.inputs[0]
nodes = []
if not node: return nodes
code = node.read()
for match in re_bibunit.finditer(code):
path = match.group('file')
if path:
for k in ['', '.bib']:
# add another loop for the tex include paths?
Logs.debug('tex: trying %s%s' % (path, k))
fi = node.parent.find_resource(path + k)
if fi:
# no break, people are crazy
Logs.debug('tex: could not find %s' % path)
Logs.debug("tex: found the following bibunit files: %s" % nodes)
return nodes
exts_deps_tex = ['', '.ltx', '.tex', '.bib', '.pdf', '.png', '.eps', '.ps']
"""List of typical file extensions included in latex files"""
exts_tex = ['.ltx', '.tex']
"""List of typical file extensions that contain latex"""
re_tex = re.compile(r'\\(?P<type>include|bibliography|putbib|includegraphics|input|import|bringin|lstinputlisting)(\[[^\[\]]*\])?{(?P<file>[^{}]*)}',re.M)
"""Regexp for expressions that may include latex files"""
g_bibtex_re = re.compile('bibdata', re.M)
"""Regexp for bibtex files"""
class tex(Task.Task):
Compile a tex/latex file.
.. inheritance-diagram:: waflib.Tools.tex.latex waflib.Tools.tex.xelatex waflib.Tools.tex.pdflatex
bibtex_fun, _ = Task.compile_fun('${BIBTEX} ${BIBTEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}', shell=False)
bibtex_fun.__doc__ = """
Execute the program **bibtex**
makeindex_fun, _ = Task.compile_fun('${MAKEINDEX} ${MAKEINDEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}', shell=False)
makeindex_fun.__doc__ = """
Execute the program **makeindex**
def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw):
Override :py:meth:`waflib.Task.Task.exec_command` to execute the command without buffering (latex may prompt for inputs)
:return: the return code
:rtype: int
bld = self.generator.bld
if not kw.get('cwd', None):
kw['cwd'] = bld.cwd
except AttributeError:
bld.cwd = kw['cwd'] = bld.variant_dir
return Utils.subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kw).wait()
def scan_aux(self, node):
A recursive regex-based scanner that finds included auxiliary files.
nodes = [node]
re_aux = re.compile(r'\\@input{(?P<file>[^{}]*)}', re.M)
def parse_node(node):
code = node.read()
for match in re_aux.finditer(code):
path = match.group('file')
found = node.parent.find_or_declare(path)
if found and found not in nodes:
Logs.debug('tex: found aux node ' + found.abspath())
return nodes
def scan(self):
A recursive regex-based scanner that finds latex dependencies. It uses :py:attr:`waflib.Tools.tex.re_tex`
Depending on your needs you might want:
* to change re_tex::
from waflib.Tools import tex
tex.re_tex = myregex
* or to change the method scan from the latex tasks::
from waflib.Task import classes
classes['latex'].scan = myscanfunction
node = self.inputs[0]
nodes = []
names = []
seen = []
if not node: return (nodes, names)
def parse_node(node):
if node in seen:
code = node.read()
global re_tex
for match in re_tex.finditer(code):
for path in match.group('file').split(','):
if path:
add_name = True
found = None
for k in exts_deps_tex:
Logs.debug('tex: trying %s%s' % (path, k))
found = node.parent.find_resource(path + k)
for tsk in self.generator.tasks:
if not found or found in tsk.outputs:
add_name = False
for ext in exts_tex:
if found.name.endswith(ext):
# no break, people are crazy
if add_name:
for x in nodes:
Logs.debug("tex: found the following : %s and names %s" % (nodes, names))
return (nodes, names)
def check_status(self, msg, retcode):
Check an exit status and raise an error with a particular message
:param msg: message to display if the code is non-zero
:type msg: string
:param retcode: condition
:type retcode: boolean
if retcode != 0:
raise Errors.WafError("%r command exit status %r" % (msg, retcode))
def bibfile(self):
Parse the *.aux* files to find bibfiles to process.
If yes, execute :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.tex.tex.bibtex_fun`
for aux_node in self.aux_nodes:
ct = aux_node.read()
except (OSError, IOError):
Logs.error('Error reading %s: %r' % aux_node.abspath())
if g_bibtex_re.findall(ct):
Logs.warn('calling bibtex')
self.env.env = {}
self.env.env.update({'BIBINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS, 'BSTINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS})
self.env.SRCFILE = aux_node.name[:-4]
self.check_status('error when calling bibtex', self.bibtex_fun())
def bibunits(self):
Parse the *.aux* file to find bibunit files. If there are bibunit files,
execute :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.tex.tex.bibtex_fun`.
bibunits = bibunitscan(self)
except OSError:
Logs.error('error bibunitscan')
if bibunits:
fn = ['bu' + str(i) for i in xrange(1, len(bibunits) + 1)]
if fn:
Logs.warn('calling bibtex on bibunits')
for f in fn:
self.env.env = {'BIBINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS, 'BSTINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS}
self.env.SRCFILE = f
self.check_status('error when calling bibtex', self.bibtex_fun())
def makeindex(self):
Look on the filesystem if there is a *.idx* file to process. If yes, execute
idx_path = self.idx_node.abspath()
except OSError:
Logs.warn('index file %s absent, not calling makeindex' % idx_path)
Logs.warn('calling makeindex')
self.env.SRCFILE = self.idx_node.name
self.env.env = {}
self.check_status('error when calling makeindex %s' % idx_path, self.makeindex_fun())
def bibtopic(self):
Additional .aux files from the bibtopic package
p = self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld()
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(p.abspath(), 'btaux.aux')):
self.aux_nodes += p.ant_glob('*[0-9].aux')
def run(self):
Runs the TeX build process.
It may require multiple passes, depending on the usage of cross-references,
bibliographies, content susceptible of needing such passes.
The appropriate TeX compiler is called until the *.aux* files stop changing.
Makeindex and bibtex are called if necessary.
env = self.env
if not env['PROMPT_LATEX']:
env.append_value('LATEXFLAGS', '-interaction=batchmode')
env.append_value('PDFLATEXFLAGS', '-interaction=batchmode')
env.append_value('XELATEXFLAGS', '-interaction=batchmode')
fun = self.texfun
node = self.inputs[0]
srcfile = node.abspath()
texinputs = self.env.TEXINPUTS or ''
self.TEXINPUTS = node.parent.get_bld().abspath() + os.pathsep + node.parent.get_src().abspath() + os.pathsep + texinputs + os.pathsep
# important, set the cwd for everybody
self.cwd = self.inputs[0].parent.get_bld().abspath()
Logs.warn('first pass on %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
self.env.env = {}
self.env.env.update({'TEXINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS})
self.env.SRCFILE = srcfile
self.check_status('error when calling latex', fun())
self.aux_nodes = self.scan_aux(node.change_ext('.aux'))
self.idx_node = node.change_ext('.idx')
hash = ''
for i in range(10):
# prevent against infinite loops - one never knows
# watch the contents of file.aux and stop if file.aux does not change anymore
prev_hash = hash
hashes = [Utils.h_file(x.abspath()) for x in self.aux_nodes]
hash = Utils.h_list(hashes)
except (OSError, IOError):
Logs.error('could not read aux.h')
if hash and hash == prev_hash:
# run the command
Logs.warn('calling %s' % self.__class__.__name__)
self.env.env = {}
self.env.env.update({'TEXINPUTS': self.TEXINPUTS})
self.env.SRCFILE = srcfile
self.check_status('error when calling %s' % self.__class__.__name__, fun())
class latex(tex):
texfun, vars = Task.compile_fun('${LATEX} ${LATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}', shell=False)
class pdflatex(tex):
texfun, vars = Task.compile_fun('${PDFLATEX} ${PDFLATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}', shell=False)
class xelatex(tex):
texfun, vars = Task.compile_fun('${XELATEX} ${XELATEXFLAGS} ${SRCFILE}', shell=False)
class dvips(Task.Task):
run_str = '${DVIPS} ${DVIPSFLAGS} ${SRC} -o ${TGT}'
color = 'BLUE'
after = ['latex', 'pdflatex', 'xelatex']
class dvipdf(Task.Task):
run_str = '${DVIPDF} ${DVIPDFFLAGS} ${SRC} ${TGT}'
color = 'BLUE'
after = ['latex', 'pdflatex', 'xelatex']
class pdf2ps(Task.Task):
run_str = '${PDF2PS} ${PDF2PSFLAGS} ${SRC} ${TGT}'
color = 'BLUE'
after = ['latex', 'pdflatex', 'xelatex']
def apply_tex(self):
Create :py:class:`waflib.Tools.tex.tex` objects, and dvips/dvipdf/pdf2ps tasks if necessary (outs='ps', etc).
if not getattr(self, 'type', None) in ['latex', 'pdflatex', 'xelatex']:
self.type = 'pdflatex'
tree = self.bld
outs = Utils.to_list(getattr(self, 'outs', []))
# prompt for incomplete files (else the batchmode is used)
self.env['PROMPT_LATEX'] = getattr(self, 'prompt', 1)
deps_lst = []
if getattr(self, 'deps', None):
deps = self.to_list(self.deps)
for filename in deps:
n = self.path.find_resource(filename)
if not n:
self.bld.fatal('Could not find %r for %r' % (filename, self))
if not n in deps_lst:
for node in self.to_nodes(self.source):
if self.type == 'latex':
task = self.create_task('latex', node, node.change_ext('.dvi'))
elif self.type == 'pdflatex':
task = self.create_task('pdflatex', node, node.change_ext('.pdf'))
elif self.type == 'xelatex':
task = self.create_task('xelatex', node, node.change_ext('.pdf'))
task.env = self.env
# add the manual dependencies
if deps_lst:
lst = tree.node_deps[task.uid()]
for n in deps_lst:
if not n in lst:
except KeyError:
tree.node_deps[task.uid()] = deps_lst
v = dict(os.environ)
p = node.parent.abspath() + os.pathsep + self.path.abspath() + os.pathsep + self.path.get_bld().abspath() + os.pathsep + v.get('TEXINPUTS', '') + os.pathsep
v['TEXINPUTS'] = p
if self.type == 'latex':
if 'ps' in outs:
tsk = self.create_task('dvips', task.outputs, node.change_ext('.ps'))
tsk.env.env = dict(v)
if 'pdf' in outs:
tsk = self.create_task('dvipdf', task.outputs, node.change_ext('.pdf'))
tsk.env.env = dict(v)
elif self.type == 'pdflatex':
if 'ps' in outs:
self.create_task('pdf2ps', task.outputs, node.change_ext('.ps'))
self.source = []
def configure(self):
Try to find the programs tex, latex and others. Do not raise any error if they
are not found.
v = self.env
for p in 'tex latex pdflatex xelatex bibtex dvips dvipdf ps2pdf makeindex pdf2ps'.split():
self.find_program(p, var=p.upper())
except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
v['DVIPSFLAGS'] = '-Ppdf'