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synced 2025-03-28 05:47:46 +00:00
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212 lines
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# Add tools directory to path
import sys
import json, re, os, waflib, sys, string, subprocess, tempfile
import pbpack
import polib
from collections import OrderedDict
from resources.resource_map.resource_generator_font import FontResourceGenerator
def make_lang(ctx):
lang_code = waflib.Options.options.lang
lang_path = os.path.join(ctx.path.abspath(), lang_code)
pot_path = os.path.abspath('build/src/fw/tintin.pot');
if not os.path.exists(pot_path):
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', 'Error: could not find tintin.pot. Please run ./waf build first')
po_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'tintin.po')
msginit_cmd = ['msginit', '-l', lang_code, '--no-translator', '-i', pot_path]
if not os.path.exists(lang_path):
# create folders and init po file from template
with open(os.path.join(lang_path, "lang_map.json"), "w") as f:
f.write(FILE_LANG_MAP.substitute({'lang': lang_code}))
if not os.path.exists(po_path):
msginit_cmd += ['-o', po_path]
# Save the existing po file header
po_file_header_entry = polib.pofile(po_path).metadata_as_entry()
po_file_header = str(po_file_header_entry)
# Empty the po file and write back the header
with open(po_path, 'w') as po_file:
# Generate the new po file and merge it with the existing file
new_po_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
msginit_cmd += ['-o', new_po_file.name]
subprocess.call(['msgmerge', '--lang=' + lang_code, '--update', po_path, new_po_file.name])
def pack_all_langs(ctx):
language_codes = os.walk(ctx.path.abspath()).next()[1]
for language_code in language_codes:
pack_lang_code(ctx, language_code)
def pack_lang(ctx):
lang_code = waflib.Options.options.lang
pack_lang_code(ctx, lang_code)
def pack_lang_code(ctx, lang_code):
lang_path = os.path.join(ctx.path.abspath(), lang_code)
build_path = os.path.join(ctx.path.get_bld().abspath(), lang_code)
resource_path = os.path.join(lang_path, 'lang_map.json')
resource_map = json.loads(open(resource_path, mode='r').read());
resource_data = OrderedDict()
if not os.path.exists(build_path):
# Handle the "strings" object. Has the attributes "lang", "name", and "file".
# We need to write the first entry into our pbpack for the .mo file
strings = resource_map['strings']
name = strings['name']
if strings['file'] == "":
# No .mo file?
resource_data[name] = b''
po_path = os.path.join(lang_path, strings['file'])
# Check that the file contains no untranslated strings
if subprocess.check_output(['msgattrib', '--untranslated', po_path]) != '':
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', 'Warning: This PO file contains untranslated strings!')
mo_path = os.path.join(build_path, strings['file'] + '.' + name + '.mo')
os.system('msgfmt -c -v -o {} {}'.format(mo_path, po_path))
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Created mo at {}'.format(mo_path))
with open(mo_path, 'r') as f:
resource_data[name] = f.read()
ui_codepoints_path = os.path.join(build_path, 'codepoints.json')
os.system('python {} {} --output={}'.format('tools/generate_codepoint_requirements.py', po_path, ui_codepoints_path))
# Generate a resource for each entry in the "fonts" list.
for entry in resource_map['fonts']:
name = entry['name']
if 'alias' in entry:
# Aliased resource
# Handle aliases here by copying the data and adding it to the pbpack multiple times,
# as the pbpack will handle the deduplication.
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Aliasing {} to {}'.format(entry['alias'], name))
resource_data[name] = resource_data[entry['alias']]
elif entry['file'] == '':
# Empty resource, just write an empty resource to the pbpack
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Building empty resource {}'.format(name))
resource_data[name] = b''
# Finally, a real font resource! Generate it using the same tools as our normal
# resource build.
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Building font resource {}'.format(name))
# Make the lang_map.json look more like the usual resource_map.json file format
entry['type'] = 'font'
# Normally definitions_from_dict returns a list to handle entries that define multiple
# resources, but we only ever expect to get one definition per entry here.
d = FontResourceGenerator.definitions_from_dict(ctx, entry, '')[0]
if d.character_list is None:
# By default, we only include codepoints needed for the UI, but it can be overridden
d.character_list = ui_codepoints_path
d.character_list = os.path.join(lang_path, d.character_list)
# Now build the font data
font_path = os.path.join(lang_path, entry['file'])
font_data = FontResourceGenerator.build_font_data(font_path, d)
resource_data[name] = font_data
# Now write all the resource data to a pbpack
lp = pbpack.ResourcePack(False)
for r in resource_data.values():
language_pack = os.path.join(build_path, lang_code + '.pbl')
with open(language_pack, 'wb+') as lp_file:
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Created language pack at {}'.format(language_pack))
FILE_LANG_MAP = string.Template("""
"strings": {
"lang": "${lang}",
"name": "STRINGS",
"file": "tintin.po"
"fonts": [{
"name": "GOTHIC_14_EXTENDED",
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"name": "GOTHIC_18_EXTENDED",
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"name": "GOTHIC_24_EXTENDED",
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"name": "GOTHIC_28_EXTENDED",
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
}, {
"file": ""
"images": []
# vim:filetype=python