2025-01-27 11:38:16 -08:00

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* Copyright 2024 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "services/common/comm_session/session_transport.h"
// Usage hints:
// ------------
// Typically, you'll want to do something like:
// 1. Connect a fake transport for the system CommSession:
// Transport *transport = fake_transport_create(TransportDestinationSystem, NULL, NULL);
// fake_transport_set_connected(transport, true /* connected */);
// 2. Simulate receiving some data by calling your module's endpoint handler:
// put_bytes_protocol_msg_callback(comm_session_get_system_session(), msg, sizeof(msg));
// 3. Process the outbound data that has been queued up by your endpoint implementation:
// fake_comm_session_process_send_next();
// 4. Assert the sent data is what you expect:
// const uint8_t expected_payload[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
// fake_transport_assert_sent(transport, 0, endpoint_id,
// expected_payload, sizeof(expected_payload));
// Session related functions
ResponsivenessGrantedHandler fake_comm_session_get_last_responsiveness_granted_handler(void);
int fake_comm_session_open_call_count(void);
int fake_comm_session_close_call_count(void);
void fake_comm_session_process_send_next(void);
uint32_t fake_comm_session_get_responsiveness_max_period(void);
uint32_t fake_comm_session_is_latency_reduced(void);
// Transport mock
//! Pointer to function handling data that is sent out by the session
typedef void (*FakeTransportSentCallback)(uint16_t endpoint_id,
const uint8_t* data, unsigned int data_length);
//! Creates a mock transport
//! @param destination The destination type this transport is connected to. See comments with the
//! TransportDestination struct for more info.
//! @param app_uuid The UUID of the app that this transport is connected to.
//! Pass NULL if this information is not known or irrelevant.
//! @param sent_cb The callback that needs to be called whenever data is sent out using this mock
//! transport. Note that data will only be sent out when fake_comm_session_process_send_next() is
//! called. It's recommended to leave this NULL and use fake_transport_assert_sent instead.
Transport *fake_transport_create(TransportDestination destination,
const Uuid *app_uuid,
FakeTransportSentCallback sent_cb);
//! Simulating (dis)connecting the transport.
//! @return When connected, returns the opened CommSession. Returns NULL when disconnected.
CommSession *fake_transport_set_connected(Transport *transport, bool connected);
//! Asserts the data of sent packets.
//! @note This function can only be used when fake_transport_set_sent_cb is not used. They are
//! mutually exclusive.
//! @param index Packet index. Zero-based, newest packet first, oldest last.
void fake_transport_assert_sent(Transport *transport, uint16_t index, uint16_t endpoint_id,
const uint8_t data[], size_t length);
//! Asserts no data has been sent out.
void fake_transport_assert_nothing_sent(Transport *transport);
//! Assigns a new callback that needs to be called whenever data is sent out using this mock
//! transport. Note that data will only be sent out when fake_comm_session_process_send_next() is
//! called. It's recommended to use fake_transport_assert_sent, because it results in tests that
//! are much easier to read.
void fake_transport_set_sent_cb(Transport *transport, FakeTransportSentCallback sent_cb);
//! Destroys the mock transport
void fake_transport_destroy(Transport *transport);
// Transport helper functions
//! Writes data into the fake send buffer, skipping Pebble Protocol
//! @return false if there's insufficient space.
bool fake_comm_session_send_buffer_write_raw_by_transport(Transport *transport,
const uint8_t *data, size_t length);
// Fake life cycle
void fake_comm_session_init(void);
void fake_comm_session_cleanup(void);