2025-01-27 11:38:16 -08:00

1734 lines
60 KiB

import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import pexpect
import zipfile
import datetime
import time
import waflib
from waflib import Node, Logs
from waflib.Build import BuildContext
waf_dir = sys.path[0]
sys.path.append(os.path.join(waf_dir, 'tools'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(waf_dir, 'tools/log_hashing'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(waf_dir, 'sdk/tools/'))
sys.path.append(os.path.join(waf_dir, 'waftools'))
import waftools.asm
import waftools.gitinfo
import waftools.ldscript
import waftools.openocd
import waftools.xcode_pebble
LOGHASH_OUT_PATH = 'src/fw/loghash_dict.json'
def truncate(msg):
if msg is None:
return msg
# Don't truncate exceptions thrown by waf itself
if "Traceback " in msg:
return msg
truncate_length = 600
if len(msg) > truncate_length:
msg = msg[:truncate_length-4] + '...\n' + waflib.Logs.colors.NORMAL
return msg
def get_comma_separated_args(option, opt, value, parser):
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value.split(','))
old_display = waflib.Task.TaskBase.display
def wrap_display(self):
return truncate(old_display(self))
waflib.Task.TaskBase.display = wrap_display
old_format_error = waflib.Task.TaskBase.format_error
def wrap_format_error(self):
return truncate(old_format_error(self))
waflib.Task.TaskBase.format_error = wrap_format_error
def run_arm_gdb(ctx, elf_node, cmd_str="", target_server_port=3333):
from tools.gdb_driver import find_gdb_path
arm_none_eabi_path = find_gdb_path()
if arm_none_eabi_path is None:
ctx.fatal("pebble-gdb not found!")
os.system('{} {} {} --ex="target remote :{}"'.format(
arm_none_eabi_path, elf_node.path_from(ctx.path),
cmd_str, target_server_port)
def options(opt):
opt.load('pebble_arm_gcc', tooldir='waftools')
opt.load('show_configure', tooldir='waftools')
opt.add_option('--board', action='store',
choices=[ 'bb2',
'snowy_bb2', # alias for snowy_dvt, but with #define IS_BIGBOARD
'spalding_bb2', # snowy_bb2 with s4 display
help='Which board we are targeting '
'bb2, snowy_dvt, spalding, silk...')
opt.add_option('--jtag', action='store', default=None, dest='jtag', # default is bb2 (below)
help='Which JTAG programmer we are using '
'(bb2 (default), olimex, ev2, etc)')
opt.add_option('--internal_sdk_build', action='store_true',
help='Build the internal version of the SDK')
opt.add_option('--future_ux', action='store_true',
help='Build future UX features and APIs. Implies --internal_sdk_build.')
opt.add_option('--nosleep', action='store_true',
help='Disable sleep and stop mode (to use JTAG+GDB)')
opt.add_option('--nostop', action='store_true',
help='Disable stop mode (to use JTAG+GDB)')
opt.add_option('--lowpowerdebug', action='store_true',
help='Lowpowerdebug can be toggled from the CLI but is off by default. This just turns it on by default')
opt.add_option('--nowatch', action='store_true',
help='Disable the watchface idle timeout')
opt.add_option('--nowatchdog', action='store_true',
help='Disable automatic reboots when watchdog fires')
opt.add_option('--test_apps', action='store_true',
help='Enables test apps (off by default)')
opt.add_option('--test_apps_list', action='callback', type='string', callback=get_comma_separated_args,
help='Specify AppInstallId\'s of the test apps to be compiled with the firmware')
opt.add_option('--performance_tests', action='store_true',
help='Enables instrumentation + apps for performance testing (off by default)')
opt.add_option('--verbose_logs', action='store_true',
help='Enables verbose logs (off by default)')
opt.add_option('--ui_debug', action='store_true',
help='Enable window dump & layer nudge CLI cmd (off by default)')
opt.add_option('--qemu', action='store_true',
help='Build an image for qemu instead of a real board.')
opt.add_option('--nojs', action='store_true', help='Removes js support from the current build.')
opt.add_option('--sdkshell', action='store_true',
help='Use the sdk shell instead of the normal shell')
opt.add_option('--nolog', action='store_true',
help='Disable PBL_LOG macros to save space')
opt.add_option('--nohash', action='store_true',
help='Disable log hashing and make the logs human readable')
help='Which language to package (isocode)')
opt.add_option('--compile_commands', action='store_true', help='Create a clang compile_commands.json')
opt.add_option('--file', action='store', help='Specify a file to use with the flash_fw command')
help='Selects a tty to use for serial imaging. Must be specified for all image commands')
opt.add_option('--baudrate', action='store', type=int, help='Optional: specifies the baudrate to run the targetted uart at')
opt.add_option('--onlysdk', action='store_true', help="only build the sdk")
opt.add_option('--qemu_host', default='localhost:12345',
help='host:port for the emulator console connection')
opt.add_option('--force-fit-tintin', action='store_true',
help='Force fit for Tintin')
opt.add_option('--no-link', action='store_true',
help='Do not link the final firmware binary. This is used for static analysis')
opt.add_option('--noprompt', action='store_true',
help='Disable the serial console to save space')
opt.add_option('--build_test_apps', action='store_true',
help='Turns on building of test apps')
opt.add_option('--bb_large_spi', action='store_true',
help='Sets a flag to use all 8MB of BigBoard flash')
opt.add_option('--profiler', action='store_true', help='Enable the profiler.')
opt.add_option('--profile_interrupts', action='store_true',
help='Enable profiling of all interrupts.')
opt.add_option('--voice_debug', action='store_true',
help='Enable all voice logging.')
opt.add_option('--voice_codec_tests', action='store_true',
help='Enable voice codec tests. Enables the profiler')
opt.add_option('--battery_debug', action='store_true',
help='Set the PMIC\'s max charging voltage to 4.3V.')
opt.add_option('--no_sandbox', action='store_true',
help='Disable the MPU for 3rd party apps.')
opt.add_option('--malloc_instrumentation', action='store_true',
help='Enables malloc instrumentation')
opt.add_option('--infinite_backlight', action='store_true',
help='Makes the backlight never time-out.')
opt.add_option('--mfg', action='store_true', help='Enable specific MFG-only options in the PRF build')
help='Disables PULSE everywhere, uses legacy logs and prompt')
opt.add_option('--bootloader-test', action='store', default='none',
choices=['none', 'stage1', 'stage2'],
help='Build bootloader test (stage1 or stage2). Implies --mfg.')
opt.add_option('--reboot_on_bt_crash', action='store_true', help='Forces a BT '
'chip crash to immediately force a system reboot instead of just cycling airplane mode. '
'This makes it easier for us to actually get crash info')
def handle_configure_options(conf):
if conf.options.noprompt:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'DISABLE_PROMPT')
conf.env.DISABLE_PROMPT = True
if conf.options.beta or conf.options.release:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'RELEASE')
if conf.options.malloc_instrumentation:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'MALLOC_INSTRUMENTATION')
print "Enabling malloc instrumentation"
if conf.options.qemu:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'TARGET_QEMU')
if conf.options.test_apps_list:
conf.options.test_apps = True
conf.env.test_apps_list = conf.options.test_apps_list
print "Enabling test apps: " + str(conf.options.test_apps_list)
if conf.options.build_test_apps or conf.options.test_apps:
conf.env.BUILD_TEST_APPS = True
if conf.options.performance_tests:
if conf.options.voice_debug:
conf.env.VOICE_DEBUG = True
if conf.options.voice_codec_tests:
conf.env.VOICE_CODEC_TESTS = True
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'VOICE_CODEC_TESTS')
conf.options.profiler = True
if conf.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F4':
if conf.options.lowpowerdebug and not conf.options.nosleep:
Logs.warn('On snowy --lowpowerdebug can only be used with --nosleep. Forcing --nosleep on!\n'
'See PBL-10174.')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_NOSLEEP')
if 'bb' in conf.options.board:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'IS_BIGBOARD')
if conf.options.nosleep:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_NOSLEEP')
print "Sleep/stop mode disabled"
if conf.options.nostop:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_NOSTOP')
print "Stop mode disabled"
if conf.options.lowpowerdebug:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'LOW_POWER_DEBUG')
print "Sleep and Stop mode debugging enabled"
if conf.options.nowatch:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NO_WATCH_TIMEOUT')
print "Watch watchdog disabled"
if conf.options.nowatchdog:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'NO_WATCHDOG')
conf.env.NO_WATCHDOG = True
print "Watchdog reboot disabled"
if conf.options.reboot_on_bt_crash:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'REBOOT_ON_BT_CRASH=1')
print "BT now crash will trigger an MCU reboot"
if conf.options.test_apps:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'ENABLE_TEST_APPS')
print "Im in ur firmware, bloatin ur binz! (Test apps enabled)"
if conf.options.performance_tests:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PERFORMANCE_TESTS')
conf.options.profiler = True
print "Instrumentation and apps for performance measurement enabled (enables profiler)"
if conf.options.verbose_logs:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'VERBOSE_LOGGING')
print "Verbose logging enabled"
if conf.options.ui_debug:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'UI_DEBUG')
if conf.options.no_sandbox or conf.options.qemu:
print "Sandbox disabled"
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'APP_SANDBOX')
if conf.options.bb_large_spi:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'LARGE_SPI_FLASH')
print "Enabling 8MB BigBoard flash"
if not conf.options.nolog:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_LOG_ENABLED')
if not conf.options.nohash:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_LOGS_HASHED')
if conf.options.profile_interrupts:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PROFILE_INTERRUPTS')
if not conf.options.profiler:
# Can't profile interrupts without the profiler enabled
print "Enabling profiler"
conf.options.profiler = True
if conf.options.profiler:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PROFILER')
if not conf.options.nostop:
print "Enable --nostop for accurate profiling."
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_NOSTOP')
if conf.options.voice_debug:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'VOICE_DEBUG')
if conf.options.battery_debug:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BATTERY_DEBUG')
print "Enabling higher battery charge voltage."
if conf.options.future_ux and not conf.is_tintin():
print "Future UX features enabled."
conf.env.FUTURE_UX = True
conf.env.INTERNAL_SDK_BUILD = bool(conf.options.internal_sdk_build)
print "Internal SDK enabled"
if conf.options.force_fit_tintin:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'TINTIN_FORCE_FIT')
print "Functionality is secondary to usability"
if (conf.is_snowy_compatible() and not conf.options.no_lto) or conf.options.lto:
conf.options.lto = True
print "Turning on LTO."
if conf.options.no_link:
conf.env.NO_LINK = True
print "Not linking firmware"
if conf.options.infinite_backlight and 'bb' in conf.options.board:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'INFINITE_BACKLIGHT')
print "Enabling infinite backlight."
if conf.options.bootloader_test in ['stage1', 'stage2']:
print "Forcing MFG on for bootloader test build."
conf.options.mfg = True
if conf.options.bootloader_test == 'stage1':
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE1=1')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE2=0')
elif conf.options.bootloader_test == 'stage2':
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE1=0')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE2=1')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE1=0')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'BOOTLOADER_TEST_STAGE2=0')
if not conf.options.mfg and not conf.options.no_pulse_everywhere:
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PULSE_EVERYWHERE=1')
def _create_cm0_env(conf):
prev_env = conf.env
prev_variant = conf.variant
# Create a new Cortex M0 environment that's used to build for the DA14681:
# Copy the defines fron the stock env into our m0 env
conf.env.append_unique('DEFINES', prev_env.DEFINES)
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Configuring ARM cortex-m0 environment')
conf.env.append_unique('DEFINES', 'ARCH_NO_NATIVE_LONG_DIVIDE')
CPU_FLAGS = ['-mcpu=cortex-m0', '-mthumb']
'-fvar-tracking-assignments', # Track variable locations better
'-fmessage-length=0', '-fsigned-char',
if not conf.options.no_debug:
'-gdwarf-4', # More detailed debug info
C_FLAGS = ['-std=c11', '-ffunction-sections',
'-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Werror', '-Wpointer-arith',
'-Wno-unused-parameter', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers',
conf.find_program('arm-none-eabi-gcc', var='CC', mandatory=True)
conf.env.AS = conf.env.CC
for tool in ['ar', 'objcopy']:
conf.find_program('arm-none-eabi-' + tool, var=tool.upper(),
conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', CPU_FLAGS + OPT_FLAGS + C_FLAGS)
ASFLAGS = ['-x', 'assembler-with-cpp']
conf.env.append_unique('ASFLAGS', ASFLAGS + CPU_FLAGS + OPT_FLAGS)
conf.load('gcc gas objcopy ldscript')
conf.variant = prev_variant
conf.env = prev_env
def configure(conf):
if not conf.options.board:
conf.fatal('No board selected! '
'You must pass a --board argument when configuring.')
# Has to be 'waftools.gettext' as unadorned 'gettext' will find the gettext
# module in the standard library.
conf.env.QEMU = conf.options.qemu
conf.env.NOJS = conf.options.nojs
# The BT controller is the only thing different between robert_es and robert_evt, so just
# retend robert_es is robert_evt. We'll be removing robert_es fairly soon anyways.
bt_board = None
if conf.options.board == 'robert_es':
bt_board = 'robert_es'
conf.options.board = 'robert_evt'
if conf.options.jtag:
conf.env.JTAG = conf.options.jtag
elif conf.options.board in ('snowy_bb2', 'spalding_bb2'):
conf.env.JTAG = 'jtag_ftdi'
elif conf.options.board in ('cutts_bb', 'robert_bb', 'robert_bb2', 'robert_evt',
'silk_evt', 'silk_bb', 'silk_bb2', 'silk'):
conf.env.JTAG = 'swd_ftdi'
# default to bb2
conf.env.JTAG = 'bb2'
# Cutts and Robert access flash through the ITCM bus (except in QEMU)
if (conf.is_cutts() or conf.is_robert()) and not conf.env.QEMU:
conf.env.FLASH_ITCM = True
conf.env.FLASH_ITCM = False
# Set platform used for building the SDK
if conf.is_tintin():
conf.env.PLATFORM_NAME = 'aplite'
conf.env.MIN_SDK_VERSION = 2
elif conf.is_spalding():
conf.env.PLATFORM_NAME = 'chalk'
conf.env.MIN_SDK_VERSION = 3
elif conf.is_snowy_compatible():
conf.env.PLATFORM_NAME = 'basalt'
conf.env.MIN_SDK_VERSION = 2
elif conf.is_silk():
conf.env.PLATFORM_NAME = 'diorite'
conf.env.MIN_SDK_VERSION = 2
elif conf.is_cutts() or conf.is_robert():
conf.env.PLATFORM_NAME = 'emery'
conf.env.MIN_SDK_VERSION = 3
conf.fatal('No platform specified for {}!'.format(conf.options.board))
# Save this for later
conf.env.BOARD = conf.options.board
if conf.is_tintin():
conf.env.MICRO_FAMILY = 'STM32F2'
elif conf.is_snowy_compatible() or conf.is_silk():
conf.env.MICRO_FAMILY = 'STM32F4'
elif conf.is_cutts() or conf.is_robert():
conf.env.MICRO_FAMILY = 'STM32F7'
conf.fatal('No micro family specified for {}!'.format(conf.options.board))
if conf.options.mfg:
# Note that for the most part PRF and MFG firmwares are the same, so for MFG PRF builds
# both MANUFACTURING_FW and RECOVERY_FW will be defined.
conf.env.IS_MFG = True
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['MANUFACTURING_FW'])
conf.find_program('node nodejs', var='NODE',
errmsg="Unable to locate the Node command. "
"Please check your Node installation and try again.")
# Save a baseline environment that we'll use for unit tests
# Detach so operations against conf.env don't affect unit_test_env
unit_test_env = conf.env.derive()
# Save a baseline environment that we'll use for ARM environments
base_env = conf.env
# robert_es is the exact same as robert_evt, except for the BT chip, so gets converted to
# robert_evt above, but we need to handle it as robert_es here.
if bt_board is None:
bt_board = conf.get_board()
# Select BT controller based on configuration:
if conf.env.QEMU:
conf.env.bt_controller = 'qemu'
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['BT_CONTROLLER_QEMU'])
elif conf.is_tintin() or conf.is_snowy() or conf.is_spalding():
conf.env.bt_controller = 'cc2564x'
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['BT_CONTROLLER_CC2564X'])
elif bt_board in ('silk_bb2', 'silk', 'robert_bb2', 'robert_evt'):
conf.env.bt_controller = 'da14681-01'
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['BT_CONTROLLER_DA14681'])
conf.env.bt_controller = 'da14681-00'
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['BT_CONTROLLER_DA14681'])
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Configuring arm_firmware environment')
conf.setenv('', base_env)
conf.load('pebble_arm_gcc', tooldir='waftools')
conf.setenv('arm_prf_mode', env=conf.env)
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', ['RECOVERY_FW'])
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Configuring unit test environment')
conf.setenv('local', unit_test_env)
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
libclang_path = subprocess.check_output(['llvm-config', '--libdir']).strip()
conf.env.append_value('INCLUDES', [os.path.join(libclang_path, 'clang/3.2/include/'),])
# The waf clang tool likes to use llvm-ar as it's ar tool, but that doesn't work on our build
# servers. Fall back to boring old ar. This will populate the 'AR' env variable so future
# searches for what value to put into env['AR'] will find this one.
conf.load('pebble_test', tooldir='waftools')
conf.env.CLAR_DIR = conf.path.make_node('tools/clar/').abspath()
conf.env.CFLAGS = [ '-std=c11',
'-ffunction-sections' ]
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'CLAR_FIXTURE_PATH="' +
conf.path.make_node('tests/fixtures/').abspath() + '"')
conf.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'PBL_LOG_ENABLED')
if conf.options.compile_commands:
conf.load('clang_compilation_database', tooldir='waftools')
if not os.path.lexists('compile_commands.json'):
filename = 'compile_commands.json'
source = conf.path.get_bld().make_node(filename)
os.symlink(source.path_from(conf.path), filename)
prev_env = conf.env
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Configuring 32 bit host environment')
# Copy 'local' to serve as the basis for '32bit':
env_32bit = conf.env.derive().detach()
env_32bit.append_value('CFLAGS', '-m32')
env_32bit.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-m32')
env_32bit.LINK_CC = 'gcc'
conf.all_envs['32bit'] = env_32bit
# Note: this will modify the 'local' conf when targeting emscripten:
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Configuring stored apps environment')
conf.setenv('stored_apps', base_env)
# Confirm that requirements-*.txt and requirements-osx-brew.txt have been satisfied.
import tool_check
# Warn user not to use Cutts BB build with a Robert screen
if conf.options.board == 'cutts_bb':
Logs.warn('NOTE: Do not use this build with a C2/Robert display '
'(6V6 rail will damage the display)')
def _run_remote_suite(ctx, suite):
# PEBBLESDK_TEST_ROOT must be defined in order to initiate integration tests
pebblesdk_test_root = os.environ['PEBBLESDK_TEST_ROOT']
except KeyError:
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', 'Error: environment variable $PEBBLESDK_TEST_ROOT must be defined')
# Check if firmware has been built
# Assume we're looking for a "normal" PBZ, as recovery PBZs aren't supported by integration tests
fw_bin_path = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().abspath()
fw_bin_exists = os.path.isfile(fw_bin_path)
if not fw_bin_exists:
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', ('Error: BIN not found at expected location {}, '
'have you run `waf build` yet?'.format(fw_bin_path)))
# Check if firmware has been bundled
version_string, version_ts, _ = _get_version_info(ctx)
fw_type = 'qemu' if ctx.env.QEMU else 'normal'
fw_pbz_path = ctx.get_pbz_node(fw_type, ctx.env.BOARD, version_string).abspath()
fw_pbz_exists = os.path.isfile(fw_pbz_path)
if not fw_pbz_exists:
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', ('Warning: PBZ not found at expected location {}, '
'running `waf bundle`...').format(fw_pbz_path))
# Run power tests using
remote_runner_path = os.path.join(pebblesdk_test_root, '')
if not os.path.isfile(remote_runner_path):
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', ('Error: not found in {}. '
'Are you sure that PEBBLESDK_TEST_ROOT is defined correctly?'
return[remote_runner_path, '--pbz', fw_pbz_path, '[%s]' % suite])
class power_test(BuildContext):
cmd = 'power_test'
def execute_build(ctx):
_run_remote_suite(ctx, 'power')
class integration_test(BuildContext):
cmd = 'integration_test'
def execute_build(ctx):
_run_remote_suite(ctx, 'tintin_3x')
def stop_build_timer(ctx):
t = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - ctx.pbl_build_start_time
node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('build_time')
with open(node.abspath(), 'w') as fout:
def build(bld):
# Start this timer here to include the time to generate tasks.
bld.pbl_build_start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
if bld.variant in ('test', 'test_rocky_emx', 'applib'):
bld.load('file_name_c_define', tooldir='waftools')
if bld.cmd == 'install':
raise Exception("install isn't a supported command. Did you mean flash?")
if bld.variant == 'pdc2png':
if bld.variant == 'tools':
if bld.variant in ('', 'applib', 'prf'):
# Dependency for SDK
if bld.variant == '':
# sdk generation
if bld.variant == 'applib':
if bld.options.onlysdk:
# stop here, sdk generation is done
# Do not enable stationary mode in PRF or release firmware
if (bld.variant != 'prf' and not bld.env.QEMU and bld.env.NORMAL_SHELL != 'sdk'):
bld.env.append_value('DEFINES', 'STATIONARY_MODE')
if bld.variant == 'prf':
elif bld.variant == 'test':
if bld.env.APPLIB_TARGET == 'emscripten':
bld.fatal('Did you mean ./waf test_rocky_emx ?')
elif bld.variant == 'test_rocky_emx':
if bld.env.APPLIB_TARGET != 'emscripten':
bld.fatal('Make sure to ./waf configure with --target=emscripten')
if bld.variant == '':
# Generate resources. Leave this until the end so we collect all the env['DYNAMIC_RESOURCES']
# values that the other build steps added.
# if we're not linking the firmware don't run these
if not bld.env.NO_LINK:
if 'PBL_LOGS_HASHED' in bld.env.DEFINES:
class build_prf(BuildContext):
"""executes the recovery firmware build"""
cmd = 'build_prf'
variant = 'prf'
class build_applib(BuildContext):
cmd = 'build_applib'
variant = 'applib'
def merge_loghash_dicts(bld):
loghash_dict = bld.path.get_bld().make_node(LOGHASH_OUT_PATH)
import log_hashing.newlogging
log_hashing.newlogging.merge_loghash_dict_json_files(loghash_dict, bld.LOGHASH_DICTS)
class SizeFirmware(BuildContext):
cmd = 'size_fw'
fun = 'size_fw'
def size_fw(ctx):
"""prints size information of the firmware"""
fw_elf = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().change_ext('.elf')
if fw_elf is None:
ctx.fatal('No fw ELF found for size')
fw_bin = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node()
if fw_bin is None:
ctx.fatal('No fw BIN found for size')
import binutils
text, data, bss = binutils.size(fw_elf.abspath())
total = text + data
output = ('{:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} {:>7} filename\n'
'{:7} {:7} {:7} {:7} {:7x} tintin_fw.elf'.
format('text', 'data', 'bss', 'dec', 'hex', text, data, bss, total, total))
Logs.pprint('YELLOW', '\n' + output)
space_left = _check_firmware_image_size(ctx, fw_bin.path_from(ctx.path))
except FirmwareTooLargeException as e:
if ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F2' and ctx.env.QEMU:
# Let us off with a warning for now
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'FW: ' + space_left)
class SizeResources(BuildContext):
cmd = 'size_resources'
fun = 'size_resources'
def size_resources(ctx):
"""prints size information of resources"""
if ctx.variant == 'prf':
pbpack_path = ctx.path.get_bld().find_node('system_resources.pbpack')
if pbpack_path is None:
ctx.fatal('No resource pbpack found')
if ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F4':
max_size = 512 * 1024
elif ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F7':
max_size = 1024 * 1024
max_size = 256 * 1024
pbpack_actual_size = os.path.getsize(pbpack_path.path_from(ctx.path))
bytes_free = max_size - pbpack_actual_size
from waflib import Logs
Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Resources: %d/%d (%d free)\n' % (pbpack_actual_size, max_size, bytes_free))
if pbpack_actual_size > max_size:
ctx.fatal('Resources are too large for target board %d > %d'
% (pbpack_actual_size, max_size))
def size(ctx):
from waflib import Options
Options.commands = ['size_fw', 'size_resources'] + Options.commands
class size_prf(BuildContext):
"""checks the size of PRF"""
cmd = 'size_prf'
variant = 'prf'
class test(BuildContext):
"""builds and runs the tests"""
cmd = 'test'
variant = 'test'
class test_rocky_emx(BuildContext):
"""builds and runs the tests"""
cmd = 'test_rocky_emx'
variant = 'test_rocky_emx'
def docs(ctx):
"""builds the documentation out to build/doxygen"""
ctx.exec_command('doxygen Doxyfile', stdout=None, stderr=None)
class DocsSdk(BuildContext):
"""builds the sdk documentation out to build/sdk/<platformname>/doxygen_sdk"""
cmd = 'docs_sdk'
fun = 'docs_sdk'
def docs_sdk(ctx):
pebble_sdk = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('sdk')
supported_platforms = pebble_sdk.listdir()
for platform in supported_platforms:
doxyfile = pebble_sdk.find_node(platform).find_node('')
if doxyfile:
ctx.exec_command('doxygen {}'.format(doxyfile.path_from(ctx.path)),
stdout=None, stderr=None)
def docs_all(ctx):
"""builds the documentation with all dependency graphs out to build/doxygen"""
ctx.exec_command('doxygen Doxyfile-all-graphs', stdout=None, stderr=None)
# Bundle commands
def _get_version_info(ctx):
# FIXME: it's probably a better idea to lift board + version info from the .bin file... this can get out of sync!
git_revision = waftools.gitinfo.get_git_revision(ctx)
if git_revision['TAG'] != '?':
version_string = git_revision['TAG']
version_ts = int(git_revision['TIMESTAMP'])
version_commit = git_revision['COMMIT']
version_string = 'dev'
version_ts = 0
version_commit = ''
return version_string, version_ts, version_commit
def _make_bundle(ctx, fw_bin_path, fw_type='normal', board=None, resource_path=None, write=True):
import mkbundle
if board is None:
board = ctx.env.BOARD
b = mkbundle.PebbleBundle()
version_string, version_ts, version_commit = _get_version_info(ctx)
out_file = ctx.get_pbz_node(fw_type, ctx.env.BOARD, version_string).path_from(ctx.path)
_check_firmware_image_size(ctx, fw_bin_path)
b.add_firmware(fw_bin_path, fw_type, version_ts, version_commit, board, version_string)
except FirmwareTooLargeException as e:
except mkbundle.MissingFileException as e:
ctx.fatal('Error: Missing file ' + e.filename + ', have you run ./waf build yet?')
if resource_path is not None:
b.add_resources(resource_path, version_ts)
if 'RELEASE' not in ctx.env.DEFINES and 'PBL_LOGS_HASHED' in ctx.env.DEFINES:
loghash_dict = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(LOGHASH_OUT_PATH).abspath()
# Add a LICENSE.txt file
# make sure ctx.capability is available
ctx.recurse('platform', mandatory=False)
if ctx.capability('HAS_JAVASCRIPT'):
js_tooling = ctx.path.get_bld().find_node('src/fw/vendor/jerryscript/js_tooling/js_tooling.js')
if js_tooling is not None:
b.add_jstooling(js_tooling.path_from(ctx.path), ctx.capability('JAVASCRIPT_BYTECODE_VERSION'))
if fw_type == 'normal':
layouts_node = ctx.path.get_bld().find_node('resources/')
if layouts_node is not None:
if write:
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing bundle to: %s' % out_file)
return b
class BundleCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'bundle'
fun = 'bundle'
def bundle(ctx):
"""bundles a firmware"""
if ctx.env.QEMU:
_make_bundle(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().path_from(ctx.path),
def _generate_release_notes(ctx):
def _write_tag_to_release_notes(task):
output = task.outputs[0].abspath()
tag = task.generator.version_tag
with open(output, 'w') as f:
task.dep_vars = tag
git_revision = waftools.gitinfo.get_git_revision(ctx)
version = "{}.{}".format(git_revision['MAJOR_VERSION'], git_revision['MINOR_VERSION'])
version_hotfix = "{}.{}".format(version, git_revision['PATCH_VERSION'])
summary_node = ctx.path.find_node('release-notes').find_node('summary-{}.txt'.format(version_hotfix))
if summary_node is None:
summary_node = ctx.path.find_node('release-notes').find_node('summary-{}.txt'.format(version))
if summary_node is not None:
ctx(rule='cp ${SRC} ${TGT}',
class bundle_prf(BuildContext):
"""bundles a recovery firmware"""
cmd = 'bundle_prf'
variant = 'prf'
def execute_build(ctx):
_make_bundle(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().path_from(ctx.path), fw_type='recovery')
def _bundle_resourceless_fw(ctx, fw_path, fw_type):
# We need to create a dummy pbpack and bundle it in. Some FW images don't use
# resources, but the firmware will refuse to upgrade to a firmware if a resource
# file isn't sent over, regardless of it's validity.
import tempfile
# We need to actually write some content in here or else the phone app won't think the
# resources are valid, and put_bytes will refuse to update to any firmware image if it doesn't
# come with a corresponding resource pack. No one will ever read these though so who cares
# what the content is.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as dummy_pbpack:
pbpack_path =
_make_bundle(ctx, fw_path, fw_type=fw_type, resource_path=pbpack_path)
class bundle_recovery(BuildContext):
"""bundles a recovery firmware as normal firmware"""
cmd = 'bundle_recovery'
variant = 'prf'
def execute_build(ctx):
_bundle_resourceless_fw(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().path_from(ctx.path),
class BundleQEMUCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'bundle_qemu'
fun = 'bundle_qemu'
def bundle_qemu(ctx):
"""bundle QEMU images together into a "fake" PBZ"""
b = _make_bundle(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().path_from(ctx.path),
write=False, board='qemu_{}'.format(ctx.env.BOARD))
version_string, _, _ = _get_version_info(ctx)
qemu_pbz = ctx.get_pbz_node('qemu', ctx.env.BOARD, version_string)
out_file = qemu_pbz.path_from(ctx.path)
with zipfile.ZipFile(out_file, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as pbz_file:
pbz_file.writestr('manifest.json', json.dumps(b.bundle_manifest))
files = [ctx.get_tintin_fw_node(),
if 'PBL_LOGS_HASHED' in ctx.env.DEFINES:
for fitem in files:
if isinstance(fitem, Node.Node):
fnode = fitem
fnode = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(fitem)
img_path = fnode.path_from(ctx.path)
pbz_file.write(img_path, os.path.basename(img_path))
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing bundle to: %s' % out_file)
class QemuImageMicroCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'qemu_image_micro'
fun = 'qemu_image_micro'
class QemuImageMicroPrfCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'qemu_image_prf_micro'
fun = 'qemu_image_prf_micro'
class QemuImageSpiCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'qemu_image_spi'
fun = 'qemu_image_spi'
class MfgImageSpiCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'mfg_image_spi'
fun = 'mfg_image_spi'
def qemu_image_micro(ctx):
fw_hex = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().change_ext('.hex')
_create_qemu_image_micro(ctx, fw_hex.path_from(ctx.path))
def qemu_image_prf_micro(ctx):
fw_hex = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node_prf().change_ext('.hex')
_create_qemu_image_micro(ctx, fw_hex.path_from(ctx.path))
def _create_qemu_image_micro(ctx, path_to_firmware_hex):
"""creates the micro-flash image for qemu"""
from intelhex import IntelHex
if not ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX:
ctx.fatal('Board "{}" does not have a bootloader binary available'
micro_flash_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('qemu_micro_flash.bin')
micro_flash_path = micro_flash_node.path_from(ctx.path)
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing micro flash image to {}'.format(micro_flash_path))
img = IntelHex(ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX)
img.merge(IntelHex(path_to_firmware_hex), overlap='replace')
# Write firwmare image and pad up to next 512 byte multiple. This is because QEMU
# assumes all block devices are multiples of 512 byte sectors
img.padding = 0xff
flash_end = ((img.maxaddr() + 511) // 512) * 512
img.tobinfile(micro_flash_path, start=0x08000000, end=flash_end-1)
def _create_spi_flash_image(ctx, name):
spi_flash_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node(name)
spi_flash_path = spi_flash_node.path_from(ctx.path)
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing SPI flash image to {}'.format(spi_flash_path))
return spi_flash_path
def qemu_image_spi(ctx):
"""creates a SPI flash image for qemu"""
if ctx.env.BOARD.startswith('silk'):
resources_begin = 0x100000
image_size = 0x800000
elif ctx.env.BOARD.startswith('robert') or ctx.env.BOARD.startswith('cutts'):
resources_begin = 0x200000
image_size = 0x1000000
elif ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F4':
resources_begin = 0x380000
image_size = 0x1000000
resources_begin = 0x280000
image_size = 0x400000
spi_flash_path = _create_spi_flash_image(ctx, 'qemu_spi_flash.bin')
with open(spi_flash_path, 'wb') as qemu_spi_img_file:
# Pad the first section before system resources with FF's'
qemu_spi_img_file.write("\xff" * resources_begin)
# Write system resources:
pbpack = ctx.get_pbpack_node()
res_img = open(pbpack.path_from(ctx.path), 'rb').read()
# Pad with 0xFF up to image size
tail_padding_size = image_size - resources_begin - len(res_img)
qemu_spi_img_file.write("\xff" * tail_padding_size)
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as null:
qemu_spi_cooker_node = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('qemu_spi_cooker')
qemu_spi_cooker_path = qemu_spi_cooker_node.path_from(ctx.path)
subprocess.check_call([qemu_spi_cooker_path, spi_flash_path], stdout=null)
def mfg_image_spi(ctx):
"""Creates a SPI flash image of PRF for MFG pre-burn. Includes a
FirmwareDescription struct"""
import insert_firmware_descr
if ctx.env.BOARD.startswith('silk'):
prf_begin = 0x200000
image_size = 0x800000
ctx.fatal("MFG Image not suppored for board: {}".format(ctx.env.BOARD))
spi_flash_path = _create_spi_flash_image(ctx, 'mfg_prf_image.bin')
mfg_spi_img_file = open(spi_flash_path, 'wb')
# Pad the first section before PRF storage
mfg_spi_img_file.write("\xff" * prf_begin)
prf_path = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node_prf().path_from(ctx.path)
prf_image = insert_firmware_descr.insert_firmware_description_struct(prf_path)
# Pad with 0xff up to image size
tail_padding_size = image_size - prf_begin - len(prf_image)
mfg_spi_img_file.write("\xff" * tail_padding_size)
def show_ttys(ctx):
"""Displays all available ftdi ports connected to computer"""
os.system("python ./tools/log_hashing/ ftdi:///?")
class ConsoleCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'console'
fun = 'console'
def console(ctx):
"""Starts miniterm with the serial console."""
# miniterm is not made to be used as a python module, so just shell out:
tty = ctx.options.tty or _get_dbgserial_tty()
if _is_pulse_everywhere(ctx):
os.system("python ./tools/ -t %s" % tty)
baudrate = ctx.options.baudrate or 230400
os.system("python ./tools/log_hashing/ %s %d" % (tty, baudrate))
class ConsoleCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'console_prf'
fun = 'console_prf'
def console_prf(ctx):
os.putenv("PBL_CONSOLE_DICT_PATH", "build/prf/src/fw/loghash_dict.json")
class BleConsoleCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'ble_console'
fun = 'ble_console'
def ble_console(ctx):
def _get_ble_tty():
import pebble_tty
tty = pebble_tty.find_ble_tty()
if tty is None:
return None
waflib.Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'No --tty argument specified, auto-selecting: %s' % tty)
return tty
"""Starts miniterm with the serial console for the BLE chip."""
ctx.recurse('platform', mandatory=False)
# FIXME: We have the ability to progam PIDs into the new round of Big Boards. TTY
# path discovery should be able to use that (PBL-31111). For now, just make a best
# guess at what the path should be
if ctx.is_silk() or ctx.is_robert():
tty_path = _get_ble_tty()
# if the bt_controller was chosen explicitly, assume we are using an eval board, which
# happens to match the path for cutts
elif ctx.uses_dialog_bluetooth():
tty_path = "ftdi://ftdi:2232:1/1"
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Note: This platform does not have a BLE UART')
tty_path = _get_dbgserial_tty()
tty = ctx.options.tty or tty_path
baudrate = ctx.options.baudrate or 230400
os.system("python ./tools/log_hashing/ %s %d" % (tty, baudrate))
class BleConsolePrfCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'ble_console_prf'
fun = 'ble_console_prf'
def ble_console_prf(ctx):
os.putenv("PBL_CONSOLE_DICT_PATH", "build/prf/src/fw/loghash_dict.json")
def accessory_console(ctx):
def _get_accessory_tty():
import pebble_tty
tty = pebble_tty.find_accessory_tty()
if tty is None:
return None
waflib.Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'No --tty argument specified, auto-selecting: %s' % tty)
return tty
"""Starts miniterm with the accessory connector console."""
# miniterm is not made to be used as a python module, so just shell out:
tty = ctx.options.tty or _get_accessory_tty()
baudrate = ctx.options.baudrate or 115200
os.system("python ./tools/log_hashing/ %s %d" % (tty, baudrate))
def qemu(ctx):
# Make sure the micro-flash image is up to date. By default, we don't rebuild the
# SPI flash image in case you want to continue with the stored apps, etc. you had before.
from waflib import Options
Options.commands = ['qemu_image_micro', 'qemu_launch'] + Options.commands
def qemu_prf(ctx):
# Make sure the micro-flash image is up to date. By default, we don't rebuild the
# SPI flash image in case you want to continue with the stored apps, etc. you had before.
from waflib import Options
Options.commands = ['qemu_image_prf_micro', 'qemu_launch'] + Options.commands
class QemuLaunchCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'qemu_launch'
fun = 'qemu_launch'
def qemu_launch(ctx):
"""Starts up the emulator (qemu) """
ctx.recurse('platform', mandatory=False)
qemu_machine = ctx.get_qemu_machine()
if not qemu_machine or qemu_machine == 'unknown':
raise Exception("Board type '{}' not supported by QEMU".format(ctx.env.BOARD))
qemu_micro_flash = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('qemu_micro_flash.bin')
qemu_spi_flash = ctx.path.get_bld().make_node('qemu_spi_flash.bin')
qemu_spi_type = ctx.get_qemu_extflash_device_type()
if not qemu_spi_type:
raise Exception("External flash type for '{}' not specified".format(ctx.env.BOARD))
machine_dep_args = ['-machine', qemu_machine,
'-cpu', ctx.get_qemu_cpu(),
'-pflash', qemu_micro_flash.path_from(ctx.path),
qemu_spi_type, qemu_spi_flash.path_from(ctx.path)]
if ctx.has_touch():
cmd_line = (
"qemu-system-arm -rtc base=localtime "
"-monitor stdio "
"-s "
"-serial file:uart1.log "
"-serial tcp::12344,server,nowait " # Used for bluetooth data
"-serial tcp::12345,server,nowait " # Used for console
) + ' '.join(machine_dep_args)
class QEMUConsoleCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'qemu_console'
fun = 'qemu_console'
def qemu_console(ctx):
"""Starts miniterm configured to talk to the emulator (qemu)"""
# miniterm is not made to be used as a python module, so just shell out:
host_port = ctx.options.qemu_host or 'localhost:12345'
# A hacky way to pass an argument
if _is_pulse_everywhere(ctx):
os.system("python ./tools/ -t %s" % ('socket://%s' % (host_port)))
os.system("python ./tools/log_hashing/ %s" % ('socket://%s' % (host_port)))
class QemuGdb(BuildContext):
"""Starts up a gdb instance to talk to the emulator """
cmd = 'qemu_gdb'
fun = 'qemu_gdb'
def qemu_gdb(ctx):
# First, startup the gdb proxy
cmd_line = "python ./tools/qemu/ --port=1233 --target=localhost:1234"
proc = pexpect.spawn(cmd_line, logfile=sys.stdout)
proc.expect(["Connected to target", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout=10)
fw_elf = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().change_ext('.elf')
run_arm_gdb(ctx, fw_elf, target_server_port=1233)
class QemuGdbBoot(BuildContext):
""" Starts up a gdb instance to talk to the emulator's boot ROM """
cmd = 'qemu_gdb_boot'
fun = 'qemu_gdb_boot'
def qemu_gdb_boot(ctx):
boot_elf = ctx.get_tintin_boot_node().change_ext('.elf')
run_arm_gdb(ctx, boot_elf, target_server_port=1234)
class debug(BuildContext):
""" Alias for gdb """
cmd = 'debug'
def execute_build(ctx):
class Gdb(BuildContext):
""" Starts GDB and openocd (if not already running) and attaches GDB to
openocd's GDB server. If openocd is already running, it will be used.
cmd = 'gdb'
fun = 'gdb'
def gdb(ctx, fw_elf=None, cfg_file='openocd.cfg', is_ble=False):
if fw_elf is None:
fw_elf = ctx.get_tintin_fw_node().change_ext('.elf')
with waftools.openocd.daemon(ctx, cfg_file,
use_swd=(is_ble or 'swd' in ctx.env.JTAG)):
run_arm_gdb(ctx, fw_elf, cmd_str='--init-command=".gdbinit"')
class gdb_prf(BuildContext):
"""same as `gdb`, but loading the PRF elf instead"""
cmd = 'gdb_prf'
def execute_build(ctx):
gdb(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node_prf().change_ext('.elf'))
def openocd(ctx):
""" Starts openocd and leaves it running. It will reset the board to
increase the chances of attaching succesfully. """
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset', shutdown=False)
# Image commands
def _get_dbgserial_tty():
import pebble_tty
tty = pebble_tty.find_dbgserial_tty()
if tty is None:
return None
waflib.Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'No --tty argument specified, auto-selecting: %s' % tty)
return tty
class ble_send_hci(BuildContext):
"""Puts MCU in HCI bypass mode. Sends specified HCI Command and returns result. i.e:
./waf send_hci 0x01 0x03 0x0C 0x00
cmd = 'ble_send_hci'
fun = 'ble_send_hci'
def ble_send_hci(ctx):
import prompt
import pebble_tty
from serial_port_wrapper import SerialPortWrapper
import struct
from time import sleep
from waflib import Options
def _dump_hex_array(prefix, hex_array):
print prefix + " [",
for i in range(0, len(hex_array)):
print "0x%02x " % hex_array[i],
print "]"
hci_bytes = [int(i, 16) for i in Options.commands]
_dump_hex_array("Sent HCI CMD:", hci_bytes)
device_tty = pebble_tty.find_dbgserial_tty()
serial = SerialPortWrapper(device_tty)
prompt.issue_command(serial, "bt test hcipass")
serial.write_fast(struct.pack('B'*len(hci_bytes), *hci_bytes))
response =
response = struct.unpack('%dB' % len(response), response)
serial.write(struct.pack('B', 0x04)) # issue ctrl-d
_dump_hex_array(" Got HCI EVT:", response)
# note: random bytes get dropped on subsequent usb ops if you forget to close!
# WAF/optparse does not have native support for adding sub-command options
# or variable length options. Reset the options list to prevent innocuous
# messaging about unrecognized commands
Options.commands = []
return None
class ImageResources(BuildContext):
"""flashes resources"""
cmd = 'image_resources'
fun = 'image_resources'
def _is_pulse_everywhere(ctx):
return "PULSE_EVERYWHERE=1" in ctx.env["DEFINES"]
def _get_pulse_flash_tool(ctx):
if _is_pulse_everywhere(ctx):
return "pulse_flash_imaging"
return "pulse_legacy_flash_imaging"
def image_resources(ctx):
tty = ctx.options.tty or _get_dbgserial_tty()
if tty is None:
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', 'Error: --tty not specified')
tool_name = _get_pulse_flash_tool(ctx)
pbpack_path = ctx.get_pbpack_node().abspath()
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing pbpack "%s" to tty %s' % (pbpack_path, tty))
ret = os.system("python ./tools/ -t %s -p resources %s" % (tool_name, tty, pbpack_path))
if ret != 0:
ctx.fatal('Imaging failed')
class ImageRecovery(BuildContext):
"""flashes recovery firmware"""
cmd = 'image_recovery'
fun = 'image_recovery'
def image_recovery(ctx):
tty = ctx.options.tty or _get_dbgserial_tty()
if tty is None:
waflib.Logs.pprint('RED', 'Error: --tty not specified')
tool_name = _get_pulse_flash_tool(ctx)
recovery_bin_path = ctx.options.file or ctx.get_tintin_fw_node_prf().path_from(ctx.path)
waflib.Logs.pprint('CYAN', 'Writing recovery bin "%s" to tty %s' % (recovery_bin_path, tty))
ret = os.system("python ./tools/ -t %s -p firmware %s" % (tool_name, tty, recovery_bin_path))
if ret != 0:
ctx.fatal('Imaging failed')
# Flash commands
class FirmwareTooLargeException(Exception):
def _check_firmware_image_size(ctx, path):
BYTES_PER_K = 1024
firmware_size = os.path.getsize(path)
# Determine flash and bootloader size so we can calculate the max firmware size
if ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F2':
# 512k of flash and 16k bootloader
max_firmware_size = (512 - 16) * BYTES_PER_K
elif ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F4':
if ctx.env.BOARD.startswith('silk') and ctx.variant == 'prf':
# silk PRF is limited to 512k to save on SPI flash space
max_firmware_size = 512 * BYTES_PER_K
elif ctx.env.BOARD in ('snowy_evt', 'snowy_evt2', 'spalding_evt'):
# 1024k of flash and 64k bootloader
max_firmware_size = (1024 - 64) * BYTES_PER_K
# 1024k of flash and 16k bootloader
max_firmware_size = (1024 - 16) * BYTES_PER_K
elif ctx.env.MICRO_FAMILY == 'STM32F7':
if ctx.variant == 'prf' and not ctx.env.IS_MFG:
# Robert PRF is limited to 512k to save on SPI flash space
max_firmware_size = 512 * BYTES_PER_K
# 2048k of flash and 32k bootloader
max_firmware_size = (2048 - 32) * BYTES_PER_K
ctx.fatal('Cannot check firmware size against unknown micro family "{}"'
if firmware_size > max_firmware_size:
raise FirmwareTooLargeException('Firmware is too large! Size is 0x%x should be less than 0x%x' \
% (firmware_size, max_firmware_size))
return ('%d / %d bytes used (%d free)' %
(firmware_size, max_firmware_size, (max_firmware_size - firmware_size)))
class FlashCommand(BuildContext):
"""alias for flash_everything"""
cmd = 'flash'
fun = 'flash'
def flash(ctx):
flash_everything(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node())
class FlashPrfCommand(BuildContext):
"""flashes recovery firmware as normal firmware"""
cmd = 'flash_prf'
fun = 'flash_prf'
def flash_prf(ctx):
flash_everything(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node_prf())
class FlashBootCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'flash_boot'
fun = 'flash_boot'
def flash_boot(ctx):
"""flashes a bootloader"""
if not ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX:
ctx.fatal("Target does not have a bootloader binary available")
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset halt; ' +
'flash write_image erase ' + ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX + '; '
class FlashFirmware(BuildContext):
"""flashes a firmware"""
cmd = 'flash_fw'
def execute_build(ctx):
flash_fw(ctx, ctx.get_tintin_fw_node())
def flash_fw(ctx, fw_bin):
_check_firmware_image_size(ctx, fw_bin.path_from(ctx.path))
hex_path = fw_bin.change_ext('.hex').path_from(ctx.path)
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset halt; ' +
'flash write_image erase {}; '.format(hex_path) +
def flash_everything(ctx, fw_bin):
"""flashes a bootloader and firmware"""
if ctx.env.QEMU:
ctx.fatal("I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you do that.\n"
"QEMU firmwares do not work on physical hardware.\n"
"Configure without --qemu and rebuild before trying again.")
_check_firmware_image_size(ctx, fw_bin.path_from(ctx.path))
if not ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX:
ctx.fatal("Target does not have a bootloader binary available")
hex_path = fw_bin.change_ext('.hex').path_from(ctx.path)
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset halt; '
'flash write_image erase ' + ctx.env.BOOTLOADER_HEX + ';\n'
'flash write_image erase ' + hex_path + '; '
expect=["wrote", "wrote", "shutdown"],
def force_flash(ctx):
"""forces a connected device into a flashing state"""
(is_newer_than_0_7_0, _) = waftools.openocd.get_flavor(ctx)
reset_config = waftools.openocd._get_reset_conf(ctx, is_newer_than_0_7_0, True)
reset_cmd = "reset_config %s; " % reset_config
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, reset_cmd + 'init; reset halt;', ignore_fail=True)
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, reset_cmd + 'init; stm32x unlock 0;', ignore_fail=True)
def reset(ctx):
"""resets a connected device"""
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset;', expect=["found"])
def bork(ctx):
"""resets and wipes a connected a device"""
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; reset halt;', ignore_fail=True)
waftools.openocd.run_command(ctx, 'init; flash erase_sector 0 0 1;', ignore_fail=True)
def make_lang(ctx):
"""generate translation files and update existing ones"""
class PackLangCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'pack_lang'
fun = 'pack_lang'
def pack_lang(ctx):
"""generates pbpack for langs"""
class PackAllLangsCommand(BuildContext):
cmd = 'pack_all_langs'
fun = 'pack_all_langs'
def pack_all_langs(ctx):
"""generates pbpack for all langs"""
# Tool build commands
class build_pdc2png(BuildContext):
"""executes the pdc2png build"""
cmd = 'build_pdc2png'
variant = 'pdc2png'
class build_tools(BuildContext):
"""build all tools in tools/ dir"""
cmd = 'build_tools'
variant = 'tools'
# vim:filetype=python