Check if the lang is supported by mongo

If an unsoported lang is setted in the language override the document
will fail on inserting in the database, causing it to be lost.
This commit is contained in:
Las Zenow 2015-04-27 20:54:41 -04:00
parent 804112e459
commit b178df89b0

View file

@ -151,9 +151,7 @@ func updateBook(coll *mgo.Collection, id string, data map[string]interface{}) er
for k, _ := range data {
record.Changes[k] = book[k]
if k == "lang" {
if lang := metadataLang(data); lang != "" {
data["_lang"] = lang
data["_lang"] = metadataLang(data)
@ -220,9 +218,18 @@ func buildQuery(q string) bson.M {
func metadataLang(book map[string]interface{}) string {
text_search_langs := map[string]bool{
"da": true, "nl": true, "en": true, "fi": true, "fr": true, "de": true,
"hu": true, "it": true, "nb": true, "pt": true, "ro": true, "ru": true,
"es": true, "sv": true, "tr": true}
lang, ok := book["lang"].([]string)
if !ok || len(lang) == 0 || len(lang[0]) < 2 {
return ""
return "none"
return strings.ToLower(lang[0][0:2])
lcode := strings.ToLower(lang[0][0:2])
if text_search_langs[lcode] {
return lcode
return "none"