{{template "header.html" .S}} <div class="row"> <h4>Review your submission:</h4> <ul> <li>Check if the book is already in the library, please remove the books that are already in the library in a better or similar edition/quality. You can click on the title or the authors to search for similar books in the library.</li> <li>Edit if needed the title, authors, publisher, ...</li> <li>Take into account that your submission might be waiting to process, reload this page in few minutes to see it already processed</li> </ul> <p>Thank you for your submission.</p> </div> {{$role := .S.Role}} {{$submissionID := .SubmissionID}} {{range .Submissions}} <div class="row"> <p> <b>{{.Filename}}</b> {{if not .Book}} <span class="badge bg-danger"> {{else if .Book.Active}} <span class="badge bg-success"> {{else}} <span class="badge bg-warning"> {{end}} {{.Status}}</span> </p> </div> {{$comment := .Comment}} {{with .Book}} {{if .}} <div class="card mb-3"> <div class="row g-0"> <div class="col-md-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center"> <a href="/book/{{.ID}}" title="{{.Description}}"> {{if .Cover}}<img class="rounded" src="/cover/{{.ID}}/small/{{.Title}}.jpg" alt="{{.Title}}" />{{end}} </a> </div> <div class="col-md-11"> <div class="card-body"> <p class="card-title"> <a href="/search/?q=title:{{.Title}}"><strong>{{.Title}}</strong></a> </p> <div class="card-text row"> <p class="col-md-8"> {{if .Authors}}<strong>Authors:</strong> {{range $i, $author := .Authors}} {{if $i}}&{{end}} <a href="/search/?q=author:{{$author}}">{{$author}}</a> {{end}} <br />{{end}} {{if .Publisher}}<strong>Publisher:</strong> <a href="/search/?q=publisher:{{.Publisher}}">{{.Publisher}}</a><br />{{end}} {{if .Tags}}<strong>Tags:</strong> {{range $i, $tag := .Tags}} {{if $i}},{{end}} <a href="/search/?q=tag:{{$tag}}">{{$tag}}</a> {{end}} <br />{{end}} {{if .Isbn}}<strong>ISBN:</strong> {{.Isbn}}<br />{{end}} {{if .Date}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{.Date}}<br />{{end}} {{if .Lang}}<strong>Lang:</strong> <a href="/search/?q=lang:{{.Lang}}">{{.Lang}}</a> <br />{{end}} </p> <div class="col-md-4"> {{if and .ID (not .Active)}} <div class="btn-group d-flex justify-content-end"> {{if eq $role "admin" "moderator"}} <a href="/store/{{.ID}}/" class="btn btn-success"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/img/bootstrap-icons.svg#check"/> </svg> save </a> {{end}} <a href="/submission/{{$submissionID}}/edit/{{.ID}}" class="btn btn-primary"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/img/bootstrap-icons.svg#pencil"/> </svg> edit </a> <a href="/submission/{{$submissionID}}/delete/{{.ID}}/" class="btn btn-danger"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/img/bootstrap-icons.svg#trash"/> </svg> delete </a> </div> {{end}} <div class="btn-group d-flex justify-content-end"> <a href="{{download_url .}}" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/img/bootstrap-icons.svg#file-earmark-arrow-down"/> </svg> download </a> <a href="/read/{{.ID}}" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm"> <svg class="bi" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor"> <use xlink:href="/img/bootstrap-icons.svg#eyeglasses"/> </svg> read it! </a> </div> </div> </div> <p>{{.Description}}</p> {{if not .Active}} <form method="POST" action="/submission/{{$submissionID}}/comment/{{.ID}}"> <textarea class="form-control" id="comment" rows="2" name="comment" placeholder="Comments about this book submission. Is it a better version than an existing one in the library?">{{$comment}}</textarea> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update comment</button> </form> {{end}} </div> </div> </div> </div> {{end}} {{end}} {{end}} {{template "footer.html" .S}}