213 lines
5.8 KiB
213 lines
5.8 KiB
package trantor
import (
log "github.com/cihub/seelog"
const (
booksFrontPage = 6
daysNewsIndexpage = 15
cacheMaxAge = 1800
epubFile = "book.epub"
type statusData struct {
S Status
func aboutHandler(h handler) {
var data statusData
data.S = GetStatus(h)
data.S.Title = "About -- " + data.S.Title
data.S.About = true
h.template.load(h, "about", data)
func helpHandler(h handler) {
var data statusData
data.S = GetStatus(h)
data.S.Title = "Help -- " + data.S.Title
data.S.Help = true
h.template.load(h, "help", data)
func logoutHandler(h handler) {
h.sess.Notify("Log out!", "Bye bye "+h.sess.User, "success")
h.sess.Save(h.w, h.r)
log.Info("User ", h.sess.User, " log out")
http.Redirect(h.w, h.r, "/", http.StatusFound)
type bookData struct {
S Status
Book database.Book
Description []string
func bookHandler(h handler) {
id := mux.Vars(h.r)["id"]
var data bookData
data.S = GetStatus(h)
book, err := h.db.GetBookID(id)
if err != nil {
data.Book = book
author := ""
if len(book.Authors) > 0 {
author = " by " + book.Authors[0]
data.S.Title = book.Title + author + " -- " + data.S.Title
data.Description = strings.Split(data.Book.Description, "\n")
h.template.load(h, "book", data)
func downloadHandler(h handler) {
id := mux.Vars(h.r)["id"]
book, err := h.db.GetBookID(id)
if err != nil {
f, err := h.store.Get(book.ID, epubFile)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
headers := h.w.Header()
headers["Content-Type"] = []string{"application/epub+zip"}
headers["Content-Disposition"] = []string{"attachment; filename=\"" + book.Title + ".epub\""}
io.Copy(h.w, f)
type indexData struct {
S Status
Books []database.Book
VisitedBooks []database.Book
DownloadedBooks []database.Book
Count int
Tags []string
News []newsEntry
func indexHandler(h handler) {
var data indexData
data.Tags, _ = h.db.GetTags()
data.S = GetStatus(h)
data.S.Home = true
data.Books, data.Count, _ = h.db.GetBooks("", booksFrontPage, 0)
data.VisitedBooks, _ = h.db.GetVisitedBooks()
data.DownloadedBooks, _ = h.db.GetDownloadedBooks()
data.News = getNews(1, daysNewsIndexpage, h.db)
h.template.load(h, "index", data)
func notFound(h handler) {
var data statusData
data.S = GetStatus(h)
data.S.Title = "Not found --" + data.S.Title
h.template.load(h, "404", data)
func UpdateLogger(loggerConfig string) error {
logger, err := log.LoggerFromConfigAsFile(loggerConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
return log.ReplaceLogger(logger)
func InitRouter(db database.DB, sg *StatsGatherer, assetsPath string) {
const idPattern = "[0-9a-zA-Z\\-\\_]{16}"
r := mux.NewRouter()
var notFoundHandler http.HandlerFunc
notFoundHandler = sg.Gather(notFound)
r.NotFoundHandler = notFoundHandler
r.HandleFunc("/", sg.Gather(indexHandler))
for _, file := range []string{"robots.txt", "description.json", "opensearch.xml", "key.asc"} {
path := path.Join(assetsPath, file)
serveFunc := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.ServeFile(w, r, path)
r.HandleFunc("/"+file, serveFunc)
for _, folder := range []string{"img", "css", "js"} {
r.HandleFunc("/"+folder+"/{"+folder+"}", fileServer(path.Join(assetsPath, folder), "/"+folder+"/"))
r.HandleFunc("/book/{id:"+idPattern+"}", sg.Gather(bookHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/search/", sg.Gather(searchHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/upload/", sg.Gather(uploadHandler)).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/upload/", sg.Gather(uploadPostHandler)).Methods("POST")
r.HandleFunc("/read/{id:"+idPattern+"}", sg.Gather(readStartHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/read/{id:"+idPattern+"}/{file:.*}", sg.Gather(readHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/content/{id:"+idPattern+"}/{file:.*}", sg.Gather(contentHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/about/", sg.Gather(aboutHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/help/", sg.Gather(helpHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/download/{id:"+idPattern+"}/{epub:.*}", sg.Gather(downloadHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/cover/{id:"+idPattern+"}/{size}/{img:.*}", sg.Gather(coverHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/login/", sg.Gather(loginHandler)).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/login/", sg.Gather(loginPostHandler)).Methods("POST")
r.HandleFunc("/create_user/", sg.Gather(createUserHandler)).Methods("POST")
r.HandleFunc("/logout/", sg.Gather(logoutHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/dashboard/", sg.Gather(dashboardHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/settings/", sg.Gather(settingsHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/new/", sg.Gather(newHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/save/{id:"+idPattern+"}", sg.Gather(saveHandler)).Methods("POST")
r.HandleFunc("/edit/{id:"+idPattern+"}", sg.Gather(editHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/store/{ids:(?:"+idPattern+"/)+}", sg.Gather(storeHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/delete/{ids:(?:"+idPattern+"/)+}", sg.Gather(deleteHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/news/", sg.Gather(newsHandler))
r.HandleFunc("/news/edit", sg.Gather(editNewsHandler)).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc("/news/edit", sg.Gather(postNewsHandler)).Methods("POST")
http.Handle("/", r)
func fileServer(servePath string, prefix string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// FIXME: is there a cleaner way without handler?
h := http.FileServer(http.Dir(servePath))
handler := http.StripPrefix(prefix, h)
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
addCacheControlHeader(w, false)
handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func addCacheControlHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, private bool) {
// FIXME: cache of download and cover don't depends on user login
if private {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("max-age=%d, private", cacheMaxAge))
} else {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("max-age=%d, public", cacheMaxAge))