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package trantor
import (
log ""
const (
statsChanSize = 100
type handler struct {
w http.ResponseWriter
r *http.Request
sess *Session
db database.DB
store storage.Store
template *Template
hostname string
ro bool
t1 time.Time
func (h handler) load(tmpl string, data interface{}) {
var err error
h.t1 = time.Now()
fmt := h.r.FormValue("fmt")
switch fmt {
case "rss":
err = h.template.rss.ExecuteTemplate(h.w, tmpl+".rss", data)
case "opds":
err = h.template.opds.ExecuteTemplate(h.w, tmpl+".opds", data)
case "json":
err = loadJson(h.w, tmpl, data)
err = h.template.html.ExecuteTemplate(h.w, tmpl+".html", data)
if err != nil {
h.template.html.ExecuteTemplate(h.w, "404.html", data)
log.Warn("An error ocurred loading the template ", tmpl, ".", fmt, ": ", err)
type StatsGatherer struct {
db database.DB
store storage.Store
template *Template
instrument instrument.Instrument
hostname string
channel chan statsRequest
ro bool
func InitStats(database database.DB, store storage.Store, hostname string, template *Template, ro bool) *StatsGatherer {
in := instrument.Init()
sg := StatsGatherer{
channel: make(chan statsRequest, statsChanSize),
db: database,
store: store,
instrument: in,
template: template,
hostname: hostname,
ro: ro,
go sg.worker()
return &sg
func (sg StatsGatherer) Gather(function func(handler)) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info("Query ", r.Method, " ", r.RequestURI)
h := handler{
db: sg.db,
template: sg.template,
hostname: sg.hostname,
w: w,
r: r,
sess: GetSession(r, sg.db),
t0 := time.Now()
if h.t1.IsZero() {
h.t1 = time.Now()
} <- statsRequest{r, h.t1.Sub(t0)}
type statsRequest struct {
r *http.Request
duration time.Duration
func (sg StatsGatherer) worker() {
for req := range {
var err error
id := mux.Vars(req.r)["id"]
search := strings.Join(req.r.Form["q"], " ")
fmt := req.r.FormValue("fmt")
pattern := strings.Split(req.r.URL.Path, "/")
section := "/"
if len(pattern) > 1 && pattern[1] != "" {
section = pattern[1]
Section: section,
ID: id,
Search: search,
Fmt: fmt,
Duration: req.duration,
switch section {
case "download":
err = sg.db.IncDownloads(id)
case "book":
err = sg.db.IncViews(id)
case "read":
err = sg.db.IncViews(id)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Problem incrementing visits: ", err)