277 lines
7.3 KiB
277 lines
7.3 KiB
package main
import (
const (
COVER_PATH = "cover/"
RESIZE = "/usr/bin/convert -resize 300 -quality 60 "
RESIZE_THUMB = "/usr/bin/convert -resize 60 -quality 60 "
func storePath(name string) string {
path := "new/" + name
_, err := os.Stat(path)
for i := 0; err == nil; i++ {
path = "new/" + strconv.Itoa(i) + "_" + name
_, err = os.Stat(path)
return path
func storeFiles(r *http.Request) ([]string, error) {
filesForm := r.MultipartForm.File["epub"]
paths := make([]string, 0, len(filesForm))
for _, f := range filesForm {
file, err := f.Open()
if err != nil {
return paths, err
defer file.Close()
path := storePath(f.Filename)
fw, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return paths, err
defer fw.Close()
const size = 1024
var n int = size
buff := make([]byte, size)
for n == size {
n, err = file.Read(buff)
paths = append(paths, path)
return paths, nil
func cleanStr(str string) string {
str = strings.Replace(str, "'", "'", -1)
exp, _ := regexp.Compile("[ ,]*$")
str = exp.ReplaceAllString(str, "")
return str
func storeImg(img []byte, title, extension string) (string, string) {
name := title
folder := COVER_PATH + name[:1] + "/"
os.Mkdir(folder, os.ModePerm)
imgPath := folder + name + extension
_, err := os.Stat(imgPath)
for i := 0; err == nil; i++ {
name = title + "_" + strconv.Itoa(i)
imgPath = folder + name + extension
_, err = os.Stat(imgPath)
/* store img on disk */
file, _ := os.Create(imgPath)
defer file.Close()
/* resize img */
resize := append(strings.Split(RESIZE, " "), imgPath, imgPath)
cmd := exec.Command(resize[0], resize[1:]...)
imgPathSmall := folder + name + "_small" + extension
resize = append(strings.Split(RESIZE_THUMB, " "), imgPath, imgPathSmall)
cmd = exec.Command(resize[0], resize[1:]...)
return "/" + imgPath, "/" + imgPathSmall
func getCover(e *epub.Epub, title string) (string, string) {
/* Try first common names */
img := e.Data("cover.jpg")
if len(img) != 0 {
return storeImg(img, title, ".jpg")
img = e.Data("cover.jpeg")
if len(img) != 0 {
return storeImg(img, title, ".jpg")
img = e.Data("cover1.jpg")
if len(img) != 0 {
return storeImg(img, title, ".jpg")
img = e.Data("cover1.jpeg")
if len(img) != 0 {
return storeImg(img, title, ".jpg")
/* search for img on the text */
exp, _ := regexp.Compile("<img.*src=[\"']([^\"']*(\\.[^\\.\"']*))[\"']")
it := e.Iterator(epub.EITERATOR_SPINE)
defer it.Close()
var err error = nil
txt := it.Curr()
for err == nil {
res := exp.FindStringSubmatch(txt)
if res != nil {
urlPart := strings.Split(it.CurrUrl(), "/")
url := strings.Join(urlPart[:len(urlPart)-1], "/")
if res[1][:3] == "../" {
res[1] = res[1][3:]
url = strings.Join(urlPart[:len(urlPart)-2], "/")
res[1] = strings.Replace(res[1], "%20", " ", -1)
res[1] = strings.Replace(res[1], "%27", "'", -1)
res[1] = strings.Replace(res[1], "%28", "(", -1)
res[1] = strings.Replace(res[1], "%29", ")", -1)
if url == "" {
url = res[1]
} else {
url = url + "/" + res[1]
img := e.Data(url)
if len(img) != 0 {
return storeImg(img, title, res[2])
txt, err = it.Next()
return "", ""
func parseAuthr(creator []string) []string {
exp1, _ := regexp.Compile("^(.*\\( *([^\\)]*) *\\))*$")
exp2, _ := regexp.Compile("^[^:]*: *(.*)$")
var res []string //TODO: can be predicted the lenght
for _, s := range creator {
auth := exp1.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if auth != nil {
res = append(res, cleanStr(strings.Join(auth[2:], ", ")))
} else {
auth := exp2.FindStringSubmatch(s)
if auth != nil {
res = append(res, cleanStr(auth[1]))
} else {
res = append(res, cleanStr(s))
return res
func parseDescription(description []string) string {
str := cleanStr(strings.Join(description, ", "))
exp, _ := regexp.Compile("<[^>]*>")
str = exp.ReplaceAllString(str, "")
str = strings.Replace(str, "&", "&", -1)
str = strings.Replace(str, "<", "<", -1)
str = strings.Replace(str, ">", ">", -1)
str = strings.Replace(str, "\\n", "\n", -1)
return str
func parseSubject(subject []string) []string {
var res []string
for _, s := range subject {
res = append(res, strings.Split(s, " / ")...)
return res
func parseDate(date []string) string {
if len(date) == 0 {
return ""
return strings.Replace(date[0], "Unspecified: ", "", -1)
func keywords(b map[string]interface{}) (k []string) {
title, _ := b["title"].(string)
k = strings.Split(title, " ")
author, _ := b["author"].([]string)
for _, a := range author {
k = append(k, strings.Split(a, " ")...)
publisher, _ := b["publisher"].(string)
k = append(k, strings.Split(publisher, " ")...)
subject, _ := b["subject"].([]string)
k = append(k, subject...)
func parseFile(coll *mgo.Collection, path string) (string, error) {
book := map[string]interface{}{}
e, err := epub.Open(path, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer e.Close()
title := cleanStr(strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_TITLE), ", "))
book["title"] = title
book["author"] = parseAuthr(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_CREATOR))
book["contributor"] = cleanStr(strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_CONTRIB), ", "))
book["publisher"] = cleanStr(strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_PUBLISHER), ", "))
book["description"] = parseDescription(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_DESCRIPTION))
book["subject"] = parseSubject(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_SUBJECT))
book["date"] = parseDate(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_DATE))
book["lang"] = e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_LANG)
book["type"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_TYPE), ", ")
book["format"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_FORMAT), ", ")
book["source"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_SOURCE), ", ")
book["relation"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_RELATION), ", ")
book["coverage"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_COVERAGE), ", ")
book["rights"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_RIGHTS), ", ")
book["meta"] = strings.Join(e.Metadata(epub.EPUB_META), ", ")
book["path"] = path
cover, coverSmall := getCover(e, title)
book["cover"] = cover
book["coversmall"] = coverSmall
book["keywords"] = keywords(book)
return title, nil
type uploadData struct {
S Status
func uploadHandler(coll *mgo.Collection) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method == "POST" {
sess := GetSession(r)
paths, err := storeFiles(r)
if err != nil {
sess.Notify("Problem uploading!", "Some files were not stored. Try again or contact us if it keeps happening", "error")
uploaded := ""
for _, path := range paths {
title, err := parseFile(coll, path)
if err != nil {
sess.Notify("Problem uploading!", "The file '"+path[len("new/"):]+"' is not a well formed epub", "error")
} else {
uploaded = uploaded + " '" + title + "'"
if uploaded != "" {
sess.Notify("Upload successful!", "Added the books:"+uploaded+". Thank you for your contribution", "success")
var data uploadData
data.S = GetStatus(w, r)
data.S.Upload = true
loadTemplate(w, "upload", data)