""" format of tree is dict { tree_id: tree_id_text context: context text? first_story_block action_results: [act_res1, act_res2, act_res3...] } where each action_result's format is: dict{ action: action_text result: result_text action_results: [act_res1, act_res2, act_res3...] } """ import csv import json import os def data_to_forest(filename): trees = [] rows = [] with open(filename, newline="") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: rows.append(row) for i in range(1, len(rows[0])): tree = {} tree["tree_id"] = rows[0][i] tree["context"] = rows[1][i] tree["first_story_block"] = rows[2][i] tree["action_results"] = [] current_action_results = tree["action_results"] row_ind = 3 while row_ind < len(rows): action_result = {} action_result["action"] = rows[row_ind][i] if row_ind + 1 < len(rows): action_result["result"] = rows[row_ind + 1][i] else: action_result["result"] = None action_result["action_results"] = [] current_action_results.append(action_result) current_action_results = action_result["action_results"] row_ind += 2 trees.append(tree) return trees def build_action_samples_helper(context, story_block, action_results, path, tree_id): samples = [] for i, action_result in enumerate(action_results): new_path = path[:] new_path.append(i) if ( len(action_result["action_results"]) is 0 and action_result["result"] is not None ): row = [ tree_id, "".join(str(x) for x in new_path), context, story_block, action_result["action"], action_result["result"], ] samples.append(row) else: sub_result = build_action_samples_helper( context, action_result["result"], action_result["action_results"], new_path, tree_id, ) samples += sub_result return samples def make_write_actions_batch(forest, filename): # Traverse to the bottom levels of each tree with open(filename, mode="w", newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer( file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) writer.writerow( [ "tree_id", "path", "context", "story_block_1", "previous_action", "story_block_2", ] ) for tree in forest: first_story_block = tree["first_story_block"] samples = build_action_samples_helper( tree["context"], first_story_block, tree["action_results"], [], tree["tree_id"], ) for sample in samples: writer.writerow(sample) def build_result_samples_helper( context, story_block, parent_action_result, path, tree_id ): samples = [] action_results = parent_action_result["action_results"] for i, action_result in enumerate(action_results): new_path = path[:] new_path.append(i) if action_result["result"] is None: row = [ tree_id, "".join(str(x) for x in new_path), context, story_block, parent_action_result["action"], parent_action_result["result"], action_result["action"], ] samples.append(row) else: sub_result = build_result_samples_helper( context, parent_action_result["result"], action_result, new_path, tree_id, ) samples += sub_result return samples def make_write_results_batch(forest, filename): with open(filename, mode="w", newline="") as file: writer = csv.writer( file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL ) writer.writerow( [ "tree_id", "path", "context", "story_block_1", "previous_action_1", "story_block_2", "previous_action_2", ] ) for tree in forest: first_story_block = tree["first_story_block"] samples = [] for i, action_result in enumerate(tree["action_results"]): path = [i] samples += build_result_samples_helper( tree["context"], first_story_block, action_result, path, tree["tree_id"], ) for sample in samples: writer.writerow(sample) def save_tree(tree, filename): with open(filename, "w") as fp: json.dump(tree, fp) def save_forest(forest, forest_name): if not os.path.exists("./" + forest_name): os.mkdir("./" + forest_name) for tree in forest: save_tree(tree, "./" + forest_name + "/" + tree["tree_id"] + ".json") def load_tree(filename): with open(filename, "r") as fp: tree = json.load(fp) return tree def load_forest(forest_name): files = os.listdir("./" + forest_name) forest = [] for file in files: forest.append(load_tree("./" + forest_name + "/" + file)) return forest def csv_to_dict(file): update_dict = {} field_names = [] with open(file, newline="") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if len(update_dict) is 0: for item in row: update_dict[item] = [] field_names.append(item) else: for i, item in enumerate(row): update_dict[field_names[i]].append(item) return update_dict def update_forest_with_results(forest_name, update_file): update_dict = csv_to_dict(update_file) tree_dict = {} tree_filenames = os.listdir("./" + forest_name) for file_name in tree_filenames: tree = load_tree("./" + forest_name + "/" + file_name) tree_dict[tree["tree_id"]] = tree for i in range(len(update_dict["Input.tree_id"])): tree = tree_dict[update_dict["Input.tree_id"][i]] current_action_results = tree for choice in update_dict["Input.path"][i]: choice_num = int(choice) current_action_results = current_action_results["action_results"][ choice_num ] current_action_results["result"] = update_dict["Answer.result"][i] return tree_dict.values() def update_forest_with_actions(forest_name, update_file): update_dict = csv_to_dict(update_file) tree_dict = {} tree_filenames = os.listdir("./" + forest_name) for file_name in tree_filenames: tree = load_tree("./" + forest_name + "/" + file_name) tree_dict[tree["tree_id"]] = tree for i in range(len(update_dict["Input.tree_id"])): tree = tree_dict[update_dict["Input.tree_id"][i]] current_action_results = tree for choice in update_dict["Input.path"][i]: choice_num = int(choice) current_action_results = current_action_results["action_results"][ choice_num ] current_action_results["action_results"].append( { "action": update_dict["Answer.action_1"][i], "result": None, "action_results": [], } ) current_action_results["action_results"].append( { "action": update_dict["Answer.action_2"][i], "result": None, "action_results": [], } ) return tree_dict.values() old_forest_name = "seed_forest_1.8" new_forest_name = "seed_forest_1.9" update_type = "results" update_file = "mech_turk_" + update_type + "5.csv" if update_type is "results": new_forest = update_forest_with_results(old_forest_name, update_file) save_forest(new_forest, new_forest_name) make_write_actions_batch(new_forest, "actions_batch6.csv") else: new_forest = update_forest_with_actions(old_forest_name, update_file) save_forest(new_forest, new_forest_name) make_write_results_batch(new_forest, "results_batch5.csv") print("Done")