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using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace FSO.Common.WorldGeometry
public class SimplifiedHeightmap
public float HeightMultiplier = 1 / 40f;
public int Size;
public int Size1;
public ushort[] Map; //10x resolution of ts1 terrain.
public ushort[][] SecondDerivativePyramid;
public SimplifiedHeightmap(int size, ushort[] data)
Size = size;
Size1 = size - 1;
Map = data;
public void BuildSecondDerivative()
//first, build the full res second derivative map
var sd = new ushort[Map.Length];
int i = 0;
//x derivative
for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
ushort lastValue = Map[i++];
ushort firstDerivative = 0;
for (int x = 1; x < Size; x++)
ushort value = Map[i];
ushort newFirstDerivative = (ushort)Math.Abs(value - lastValue);
sd[(i++) - 1] = (ushort)Math.Abs(newFirstDerivative - firstDerivative);
firstDerivative = newFirstDerivative;
lastValue = value;
//y derivative
i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
i = y;
ushort lastValue = Map[i];
i += Size;
ushort firstDerivative = 0;
for (int x = 1; x < Size; x++)
ushort value = Map[i];
ushort newFirstDerivative = (ushort)Math.Abs(value - lastValue);
sd[i-Size] = Math.Max(sd[i-Size], (ushort)Math.Abs(newFirstDerivative - firstDerivative));
i += Size;
firstDerivative = newFirstDerivative;
lastValue = value;
//build mipLevels
var levels = 7; //gen 2x2 through 64x64
SecondDerivativePyramid = new ushort[levels][];
SecondDerivativePyramid[0] = sd;
var curLevel = sd;
for (int mip = 1; mip < levels; mip++)
var size = (int)Math.Sqrt(curLevel.Length);
var mipLevel = new ushort[curLevel.Length / 4];
i = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
var target = (y / 2) * size / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < size; x += 2)
mipLevel[target] = Math.Max(mipLevel[target], Math.Max(curLevel[i++], curLevel[i++]));
SecondDerivativePyramid[mip] = mipLevel;
curLevel = mipLevel;
//second derivitive required to subdivide further.
public short[] HighDetailThresholds =
20, //1x1
16, //2x2: at least one derivative about half as tall as a block
10, //4x4
7, //8x8
4, //16x16
2, //32x32
1, //64x64
List<HeightmapChunk> Chunks;
private Dictionary<Point, int> PointToIndex;
public List<int> Indices;
public List<Vector3> Vertices;
//how the simplification works:
//we generate a "maximum second derivative" map from the heightmap.
//we then create a maximum value image pyramid with the maximum value in the 4 pixels beneath
//when generating the mesh, we fall into quadrants below if the second derivative is above a threshold.
public void GenerateFullTree()
//how the algorithm works:
//build a base structure with quad trees
Chunks = new List<HeightmapChunk>();
var levels = SecondDerivativePyramid.Length;
var chunkSize = 1 << levels;
var cw = Size / chunkSize;
for (int y = 0; y < Size; y += chunkSize)
for (int x = 0; x < Size; x += chunkSize)
var chunk = new HeightmapChunk(new Rectangle(x, y, chunkSize, chunkSize), levels,
(x == 0) ? null : Chunks.Last(),
(y == 0) ? null : Chunks[Chunks.Count - cw]);
var thresholds = HighDetailThresholds;
var toTraverse = new Queue<HeightmapQuadTreeNode>(Chunks);
while (toTraverse.Count > 0)
var node = toTraverse.Dequeue();
var mipLevel = node.MipLevel;
var sd = SecondDerivativePyramid[mipLevel-1];
var mipWidth = Size >> (mipLevel-1);
var pos = (node.Range.X >> (mipLevel - 1)) + (node.Range.Y >> (mipLevel - 1)) * mipWidth;
//check the max second derivative of the 4 potential derivatives.
var threshold = HighDetailThresholds[mipLevel - 1];
if (sd[pos] >= threshold) //top left
var newNode = node.GetOrAdd(0, true);
if (mipLevel > 1) toTraverse.Enqueue(newNode);
if (sd[pos+1] >= threshold) //top right
var newNode = node.GetOrAdd(1, true);
if (mipLevel > 1) toTraverse.Enqueue(newNode);
if (sd[pos + mipWidth] >= threshold) //bottom left
var newNode = node.GetOrAdd(2, true);
if (mipLevel > 1) toTraverse.Enqueue(newNode);
if (sd[pos + mipWidth + 1] >= threshold) //top right
var newNode = node.GetOrAdd(3, true);
if (mipLevel > 1) toTraverse.Enqueue(newNode);
public void GenerateMesh()
//traverse the chunk tree, generating meshes for each.
PointToIndex = new Dictionary<Point, int>();
Vertices = new List<Vector3>();
Indices = new List<int>();
foreach (var chunk in Chunks)
public int GetVertex(Point pt)
int index;
if (!PointToIndex.TryGetValue(pt, out index))
index = Vertices.Count;
var x = Math.Min(Size1, pt.X);
var y = Math.Min(Size1, pt.Y);
Vertices.Add(new Vector3(pt.X, Map[x + y * Size] * HeightMultiplier, pt.Y));
PointToIndex[pt] = index;
return index;
public void AddTri(int i1, int i2, int i3)
public class HeightmapQuadTreeNode
public bool Reduced;
public int MipLevel;
public int ParentInd = -1; //the
HeightmapQuadTreeNode Parent;
public Rectangle Range;
public HeightmapQuadTreeNode[] Children = new HeightmapQuadTreeNode[]
null, null, null, null //top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right (row order)
public HeightmapQuadTreeNode(HeightmapQuadTreeNode parent, Rectangle range)
Parent = parent;
Range = range;
MipLevel = (parent?.MipLevel ?? 6) - 1;
public HeightmapQuadTreeNode GetOrAdd(int index, bool doSpread)
HeightmapQuadTreeNode result;
if (Children[index] == null)
var rect = Range;
rect.Width /= 2;
rect.Height /= 2;
if ((index % 2) == 1) rect.X += rect.Width;
if (index > 1) rect.Y += rect.Height;
result = new HeightmapQuadTreeNode(this, rect);
result.ParentInd = index;
Children[index] = result;
doSpread = true;
} else {
result = Children[index];
if (doSpread) {
if (Parent != null)
//find adjacent quad to add to.
//for example if we are in index 0 (top left), make sure there is:
// - a subdivision in the top right (1) of the tile to our left,
// - a subdivision in the bottom left (2) of the tile above us,
// - a subdivision in the bottom right (3) of the tile above and left
//index 1 (top right
switch (index)
case 0: //top left
var left = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(3);
var up = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(0);
if (up != null) up.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(3);
case 1: //top right
var right = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(1);
var up = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(0);
if (up != null) up.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(1);
case 2: //bottom left
var left = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(3);
var bottom = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(2);
if (bottom != null) bottom.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(3);
case 3: //bottom right
var right = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(1);
var bottom = result.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(2);
if (bottom != null) bottom.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(1);
return result;
public virtual HeightmapQuadTreeNode FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(int dir)
//dir: up, right, down, left
if (Parent == null) return null;
switch (dir)
case 0: //up
//if we're on the bottom row, finding the quad is easy.
if (ParentInd > 1)
return Parent.GetOrAdd(ParentInd - 2, false);
//on the top row. we need to break out to add a quad above.
var aboveParent = Parent.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(dir);
//our adjacent should be on the above parent's bottom row.
return aboveParent?.GetOrAdd(ParentInd + 2, false);
case 1: //right
//if we're on the left row, finding the quad is easy.
if ((ParentInd % 2) == 0)
return Parent.GetOrAdd(ParentInd + 1, false);
//on the right row. we need to break out to add a quad above.
var rightParent = Parent.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(dir);
//our adjacent should be on the right parent's left row.
return rightParent?.GetOrAdd(ParentInd - 1, false);
case 2: //down
//if we're on the top row, finding the quad is easy.
if (ParentInd < 2)
return Parent.GetOrAdd(ParentInd + 2, false);
//on the right row. we need to break out to add a quad above.
var belowParent = Parent.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(dir);
//our adjacent should be on the below parent's top row.
return belowParent?.GetOrAdd(ParentInd - 2, false);
case 3: //left
//if we're on the right row, finding the quad is easy.
if ((ParentInd % 2) == 1)
return Parent.GetOrAdd(ParentInd - 1, false);
//on the left row. we need to break out to add a quad above.
var leftParent = Parent.FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(dir);
//our adjacent should be on the left parent's right row.
return leftParent?.GetOrAdd(ParentInd + 1, false);
return null;
public void Triangulate(SimplifiedHeightmap parent)
var cTriangulated = 0;
foreach (var child in Children)
if (child != null)
if (cTriangulated == 0)
//no children means we are a leaf. triangulate, cause nobody else is doing it for me.
var lt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location);
var rt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width, 0));
var rb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + Range.Size);
var lb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(0, Range.Height));
parent.AddTri(lt, rt, rb);
parent.AddTri(lt, rb, lb);
else if (cTriangulated < 4)
//complex: we have children, but we also need to make our own geometry.
var ctr = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width/2, Range.Height/2));
var lt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location);
var rt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width, 0));
var rb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + Range.Size);
var lb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(0, Range.Height));
if (Children[0] == null) //from top left
if (Children[1] == null) //top right
//triangle lt to rt: \/
parent.AddTri(lt, rt, ctr);
//triangle lt to mt: \|
var mt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width / 2, 0));
parent.AddTri(lt, mt, ctr);
if (Children[2] == null) //bottom left
//triangle lt to lb: \
// /
parent.AddTri(lt, ctr, lb);
//triangle lt to lm: _\
var lm = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(0, Range.Height / 2));
parent.AddTri(lt, ctr, lm);
if (Children[1] == null) //top right but no top left
//triangle mt to rt: |/
var mt = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width / 2, 0));
parent.AddTri(mt, rt, ctr);
if (Children[2] == null) //bottom left but no top left
//triangle lm to lb: _
// /
var lm = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(0, Range.Height / 2));
parent.AddTri(lm, ctr, lb);
if (Children[3] == null) //from bottom right
if (Children[1] == null) //top right
//triangle rt to rb: /
// \
parent.AddTri(rt, rb, ctr);
//triangle rm to rb: _
// \
var rm = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width, Range.Height / 2));
parent.AddTri(rm, rb, ctr);
if (Children[2] == null) //bottom left
//triangle lb to rb: /\
parent.AddTri(lb, ctr, rb);
//triangle mb to rb: |\
var mb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width / 2, Range.Height));
parent.AddTri(mb, ctr, rb);
if (Children[1] == null) //top right, no bottom right
//triangle rt to rm: /_
var rm = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width, Range.Height / 2));
parent.AddTri(rt, rm, ctr);
if (Children[2] == null) //bottom left, no bottom right
//triangle mb to lb: /|
var mb = parent.GetVertex(Range.Location + new Point(Range.Width / 2, Range.Height));
parent.AddTri(mb, lb, ctr);
public class HeightmapChunk : HeightmapQuadTreeNode
public HeightmapChunk[] Adjacent = new HeightmapChunk[]
null, null, null, null //up, right, down, left
public HeightmapChunk(Rectangle range, int mipLevel, HeightmapChunk left, HeightmapChunk top) : base(null, range)
Adjacent[3] = left;
Adjacent[0] = top;
if (left != null) left.Adjacent[1] = this;
if (top != null) top.Adjacent[2] = this;
MipLevel = mipLevel;
public override HeightmapQuadTreeNode FindOrCreateQuadInDirection(int dir)
return Adjacent[dir];