using FSO.Common.Serialization; using FSO.Server.Protocol.Gluon.Model; using Mina.Core.Buffer; namespace FSO.Server.Protocol.Gluon.Packets { /// /// A signal sent from the city server to notify a lot that an avatar's roommate status on that lot has changed. /// May wish to change this to be more generic for further avatar related changes in future. /// public class NotifyLotRoommateChange : AbstractGluonPacket { public uint AvatarId; public uint ReplaceId; public int LotId; public ChangeType Change; public override void Deserialize(IoBuffer input, ISerializationContext context) { AvatarId = input.GetUInt32(); ReplaceId = input.GetUInt32(); LotId = input.GetInt32(); Change = input.GetEnum(); } public override GluonPacketType GetPacketType() { return GluonPacketType.NotifyLotRoommateChange; } public override void Serialize(IoBuffer output, ISerializationContext context) { output.PutUInt32(AvatarId); output.PutUInt32(ReplaceId); output.PutInt32(LotId); output.PutEnum(Change); } } }