using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using FSO.Server.Api.Core.Utils; using FSO.Common.Enum; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors; namespace FSO.Server.Api.Core.Controllers { public static class MemoryCacher { public static MemoryCache Default = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()); public static object GetValue(string key) { MemoryCache memoryCache = Default; return memoryCache.Get(key); } public static bool Add(string key, object value, DateTimeOffset absExpiration) { MemoryCache memoryCache = Default; return memoryCache.Set(key, value, absExpiration) == value; } public static void Delete(string key) { MemoryCache memoryCache = Default; memoryCache.Remove(key); } } [EnableCors] [ApiController] public class LotInfoController : ControllerBase { public static ConcurrentDictionary LotLocationCache = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public static int? IDForLocation(int shardid, uint loc) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; var locToID = LotLocationCache.GetOrAdd(shardid, (ikey) => { using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { return new ShardLocationCache( new ConcurrentDictionary(da.Lots.All(ikey).Select(x => new KeyValuePair(x.location, x.lot_id))) ); } }); if (DateTime.UtcNow - locToID.CreateTime > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)) { ShardLocationCache removed; LotLocationCache.TryRemove(shardid, out removed); } try { return locToID.Dict.GetOrAdd(loc, (ikey) => { using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { return da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardid, ikey).lot_id; } }); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { return null; } } [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardid}/{id}.png")] [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any)] public IActionResult Get(int shardid, uint id) { var dat = (byte[])MemoryCacher.GetValue("lt" + shardid + ":" + id); if (dat != null) { return File(dat, "image/png"); } var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = IDForLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return NotFound(); FileStream stream; try { var ndat = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(api.Config.NFSdir, "Lots/" + lot.Value.ToString("x8") + "/thumb.png")); MemoryCacher.Add("lt" + shardid + ":" + id, ndat, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0))); return File(ndat, "image/png"); } catch (Exception e) { return NotFound(); } } } [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardid}/i{id}.json")] public IActionResult GetJSON(int shardid, uint id) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return NotFound(); var roomies = da.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(lot.lot_id).Where(x => x.is_pending == 0).Select(x => x.avatar_id).ToArray(); var jlot = new JSONLot { admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, category = lot.category, created_date = lot.created_date, description = lot.description, location = lot.location, name =, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, owner_id = lot.owner_id, shard_id = lot.shard_id, skill_mode = lot.skill_mode, roommates = roomies }; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, jlot); } } //New user API calls might replace old once later //get lot information by location [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/lots/{lotId}")] public IActionResult GetByID(int lotId) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.Get(lotId); if (lot == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lot not found")); var roomies = da.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(lot.lot_id).Where(x => x.is_pending == 0).Select(x => x.avatar_id).ToArray(); var lotJson = new JSONLot { admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, category = lot.category, created_date = lot.created_date, description = lot.description, location = lot.location, name =, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, owner_id = lot.owner_id, shard_id = lot.shard_id, skill_mode = lot.skill_mode, roommates = roomies, lot_id = lot.lot_id }; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, lotJson); } } //get the lots by ids [Route("userapi/lots")] public IActionResult GetByIDs([FromQuery(Name = "ids")]string idsString) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; try { int[] ids = Array.ConvertAll(idsString.Split(","), int.Parse); using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lots = da.Lots.GetMultiple(ids); if (lots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lot not found")); List lotJson = new List(); foreach (var lot in lots) { var roomies = da.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(lot.lot_id).Where(x => x.is_pending == 0).Select(x => x.avatar_id).ToArray(); lotJson.Add(new JSONLot { admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, category = lot.category, created_date = lot.created_date, description = lot.description, location = lot.location, name =, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, owner_id = lot.owner_id, shard_id = lot.shard_id, skill_mode = lot.skill_mode, roommates = roomies, lot_id = lot.lot_id }); } var lotsJson = new JSONLots(); lotsJson.lots = lotJson; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, lotsJson); } } catch { return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Error during cast. (invalid_value)")); } } //gets all the lots from one city [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/page/{pageNum}")] public IActionResult GetAll(int shardId, int pageNum, [FromQuery(Name = "lots_on_page")]int perPage) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; if (perPage == 0) { perPage = 100; } if (perPage > 500) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("The max amount of lots per page is 500")); using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { pageNum = pageNum - 1; var lots = da.Lots.AllByPage(shardId, pageNum * perPage, perPage,"lot_id"); var lotCount = lots.Total; var totalPages = (lots.Total - 1) / perPage + 1; var pageLotsJson = new JSONLotsPage(); pageLotsJson.total_lots = lotCount; = pageNum + 1; pageLotsJson.total_pages = (int)totalPages; pageLotsJson.lots_on_page = lots.Count(); if (pageNum < 0 || pageNum >= (int)totalPages) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Page not found")); if (lots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lots not found")); List lotJson = new List(); foreach (var lot in lots) { lotJson.Add(new JSONLotSmall { location = lot.location, name =, description = lot.description, category = lot.category, admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, lot_id = lot.lot_id }); } pageLotsJson.lots = lotJson; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, pageLotsJson); } } //get lot information by location [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/location/{locationId}")] public IActionResult GetByLocation(int shardId, uint locationId) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardId, locationId); if (lot == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lot not found")); var roomies = da.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(lot.lot_id).Where(x => x.is_pending == 0).Select(x => x.avatar_id).ToArray(); var LotJSON = new JSONLot { admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, category = lot.category, created_date = lot.created_date, description = lot.description, location = lot.location, name =, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, owner_id = lot.owner_id, shard_id = lot.shard_id, skill_mode = lot.skill_mode, roommates = roomies, lot_id = lot.lot_id }; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, LotJSON); } } //get lot information By neighbourhood [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/neighborhood/{nhoodId}")] public IActionResult GetByNhood(int shardId, uint nhoodId) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lots = da.Lots.All(shardId).Where(x => x.neighborhood_id == nhoodId); if (lots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("lots not found")); List lotJson = new List(); foreach (var lot in lots) { lotJson.Add(new JSONLotSmall { location = lot.location, name =, description = lot.description, category = lot.category, admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, lot_id = lot.lot_id }); } var lotsJson = new JSONLotsSmall(); lotsJson.lots = lotJson; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, lotsJson); } } //get lot information by name [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/name/{lotName}")] public IActionResult GetByName(int shardId, string lotName) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByName(shardId, lotName); if (lot == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lot not found")); var roomies = da.Roommates.GetLotRoommates(lot.lot_id).Where(x => x.is_pending == 0).Select(x => x.avatar_id).ToArray(); var lotJson = new JSONLot { lot_id = lot.lot_id, admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, category = lot.category, created_date = lot.created_date, description = lot.description, location = lot.location, name =, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, owner_id = lot.owner_id, shard_id = lot.shard_id, skill_mode = lot.skill_mode, roommates = roomies }; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, lotJson); } } //get online lots [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/online")] public IActionResult GetOnline(int shardId, [FromQuery(Name = "compact")]bool compact) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { List lotSmallJson = new List(); var lotsOnlineJson = new JSONLotsOnline(); if (!compact) { var activeLots = da.LotClaims.AllActiveLots(shardId); if (activeLots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lots not found")); var totalAvatars = 0; foreach (var lot in activeLots) { lotSmallJson.Add(new JSONLotSmall { location = lot.location, name =, description = lot.description, category = lot.category, admit_mode = lot.admit_mode, neighborhood_id = lot.neighborhood_id, avatars_in_lot =, lot_id = lot.lot_id }); totalAvatars +=; } lotsOnlineJson.total_lots_online = activeLots.Count(); lotsOnlineJson.total_avatars_in_lots_online = totalAvatars; } else { var activeLots = da.LotClaims.AllLocations(shardId); if (activeLots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lots not found")); var totalAvatars = 0; foreach (var lot in activeLots) { totalAvatars +=; } lotsOnlineJson.total_lots_online = activeLots.Count(); lotsOnlineJson.total_avatars_in_lots_online = totalAvatars; } lotsOnlineJson.lots = lotSmallJson; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, lotsOnlineJson); } } //get Top-100 lots by category [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/top100/category/{lotCategory}")] public IActionResult GetTop100ByCategory(int shardId, LotCategory lotCategory) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lots = da.LotTop100.GetByCategory(shardId, lotCategory).Take(100); if (lots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Top100 lots not found")); List top100Lots = new List(); foreach (var top100Lot in lots) { top100Lots.Add(new JSONTop100Lot { category = top100Lot.category, rank = top100Lot.rank, shard_id = top100Lot.shard_id, lot_location = top100Lot.lot_location, lot_name = top100Lot.lot_name, lot_id = top100Lot.lot_id }); } var top100Json = new JSONTop100Lots(); top100Json.lots = top100Lots; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, top100Json); } } //get Top-100 lots by shard [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardId}/lots/top100/all")] public IActionResult GetTop100ByShard(int shardId) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lots = da.LotTop100.GetAllByShard(shardId); if (lots == null) return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new JSONLotError("Lots not found")); List top100Lots = new List(); foreach (var top100Lot in lots) { top100Lots.Add(new JSONTop100Lot { category = top100Lot.category, rank = top100Lot.rank, shard_id = top100Lot.shard_id, lot_location = top100Lot.lot_location, lot_name = top100Lot.lot_name, lot_id = top100Lot.lot_id }); } var top100Json = new JSONTop100Lots(); top100Json.lots = top100Lots; return ApiResponse.Json(HttpStatusCode.OK, top100Json); } } //moderation only functions, such as downloading lot state [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardid}/{id}.fsov")] public IActionResult GetFSOV(int shardid, uint id) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; api.DemandModerator(Request); using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return NotFound(); FileStream stream; try { var path = Path.Combine(api.Config.NFSdir, "Lots/" + lot.lot_id.ToString("x8") + "/state_" + lot.ring_backup_num.ToString() + ".fsov"); stream = System.IO.File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); return File(stream, "application/octet-stream"); } catch (Exception e) { return NotFound(); } } } [HttpGet] [Route("userapi/city/{shardid}/{id}.fsof")] [ResponseCache(Duration = 60 * 60, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any)] public IActionResult GetFSOF(int shardid, uint id) { var dat = (byte[])MemoryCacher.GetValue("lf" + shardid + ":" + id); if (dat != null) { return File(dat, "application/octet-stream"); } var api = Api.INSTANCE; using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = IDForLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return NotFound(); FileStream stream; try { var path = Path.Combine(api.Config.NFSdir, "Lots/" + lot.Value.ToString("x8") + "/thumb.fsof"); var ndat = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path); MemoryCacher.Add("lf" + shardid + ":" + id, ndat, DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0))); return File(ndat, "application/octet-stream"); } catch (Exception e) { return NotFound(); } } } [HttpPost] [Route("userapi/city/{shardid}/uploadfacade/{id}")] public IActionResult UploadFacade(int shardid, uint id, List files) { var api = Api.INSTANCE; api.DemandModerator(Request); if (files == null) return NotFound(); byte[] data = null; foreach (var file in files) { var filename = file.FileName.Trim('\"'); using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { file.CopyTo(memoryStream); data = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } if (data == null) return NotFound(); using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return NotFound(); FileStream stream; try { var path = Path.Combine(api.Config.NFSdir, "Lots/" + lot.lot_id.ToString("x8") + "/thumb.fsof"); stream = System.IO.File.Open(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); return Ok(); } catch (Exception e) { return NotFound(); } } /* var api = Api.INSTANCE; api.DemandModerator(Request); if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); var provider = new MultipartMemoryStreamProvider(); var files = Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider).Result; byte[] data = null; foreach (var file in provider.Contents) { var filename = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('\"'); data = file.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result; } if (data == null) return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); using (var da = api.DAFactory.Get()) { var lot = da.Lots.GetByLocation(shardid, id); if (lot == null) return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); FileStream stream; try { var path = Path.Combine(api.Config.NFSdir, "Lots/" + lot.lot_id.ToString("x8") + "/thumb.fsof"); stream = System.IO.File.Open(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); response.Content = new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8, "text/plain"); return response; } catch (Exception e) { return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } } */ } } public class ShardLocationCache { public ConcurrentDictionary Dict = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public DateTime CreateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; public ShardLocationCache(ConcurrentDictionary dict) { Dict = dict; } } public class JSONLotError { public string error; public JSONLotError(string errorString) { error = errorString; } } public class JSONLotsSmall { public List lots { get; set; } } public class JSONLots { public List lots { get; set; } } public class JSONLotsPage { public int page { get; set; } public int total_pages { get; set; } public int total_lots { get; set; } public int lots_on_page { get; set; } public List lots { get; set; } } public class JSONLotsOnline { public int total_lots_online { get; set; } public int total_avatars_in_lots_online { get; set; } public List lots { get; set; } } public class JSONLotSmall { public int lot_id { get; set; } public uint location { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } public LotCategory category { get; set; } public uint admit_mode { get; set; } public uint neighborhood_id { get; set; } public int avatars_in_lot { get; set; } } public class JSONLot { public int lot_id { get; set; } public int shard_id { get; set; } public uint? owner_id { get; set; } public uint[] roommates { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string description { get; set; } public uint location { get; set; } public uint neighborhood_id { get; set; } public uint created_date { get; set; } public LotCategory category { get; set; } public byte skill_mode { get; set; } public byte admit_mode { get; set; } } public class JSONTop100Lots { public List lots { get; set; } } public class JSONTop100Lot { public LotCategory category { get; set; } public byte rank { get; set; } public int shard_id { get; set; } public string lot_name { get; set; } public uint? lot_location { get; set; } public int? lot_id { get; set; } } }