using FSO.Server.Common.Config; using Octokit; using Octokit.Internal; using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace FSO.Server.Api.Core.Services { public class GithubUpdateUploader : IUpdateUploader { private GithubConfig Config; private static string Description = "This is an automated client release produced by the master FreeSO server. " + "These releases match up with a branch on GitHub, but with some addon content such as a custom catalog and splash. " + "It can be downloaded and installed directly, but it is better to do so through the game's launcher/updater. \n\n" + "The incremental update is applied by simply extracting the zip over the previous version of the game " + "(though the updater still affords extra validation here)"; public GithubUpdateUploader(GithubConfig config) { Config = config; } public async Task UploadFile(string destPath, string fileName, string groupName) { destPath = Path.GetFileName(destPath); var credentials = new InMemoryCredentialStore(new Credentials(Config.AccessToken)); var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(Config.AppName), credentials); Release release; try { release = await client.Repository.Release.Get(Config.User, Config.Repository, groupName); } catch (Exception) { release = null; } if (release == null) { var newRel = new NewRelease(groupName); newRel.Body = Description; release = await client.Repository.Release.Create(Config.User, Config.Repository, newRel); } using (var file = File.Open(fileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { try { var asset = await client.Repository.Release.UploadAsset(release, new ReleaseAssetUpload(destPath, "application/zip", file, null)); return asset.BrowserDownloadUrl; } catch (Exception e) { //last time i tried, it mysteriously failed here but the file was uploaded :thinking: Console.WriteLine($"!! Upload request for {destPath} failed, check it actually succeeded !! \n" + e.ToString()); return $"{Config.User}/{Config.Repository}/releases/download/{groupName}/{destPath}"; } } } } }